Drinking garlic peel is beneficial. About the infusion of garlic peels. Infusion on water

Scientists have known for a long time that the maximum amount of useful substances is contained not in the pulp, but in the peel of plants. Thus, garlic peels, which most housewives mercilessly throw away, were previously used not only for preparing medicinal tinctures, but also for rejuvenation.

Garlic peel - beneficial properties and contraindications

Garlic is one of the most amazing and unique plants, whose healing properties have been known to people since ancient times. If today most of us use hot white “cloves” for cooking, then in the Middle Ages in Europe they used it to treat cholera and plague, and in Rus', garlic was used to prepare an antidote for snake bites, poisoning and was used to treat infectious diseases. Moreover, traditional healers never threw away the husks of garlic, since they knew that they contained no less useful substances than the vegetable itself.

Garlic peel contains one of the most beneficial substances for the human body - a natural antioxidant, bioflavonoid quercetinin. This biologically active substance, which belongs to the group of vitamins P, is widely known today for its rejuvenating effect. A sufficient amount of antioxidants in the body guarantees rapid cell renewal, protects tissues from the effects of toxic substances and enhances the body’s regenerative abilities.

In addition to quercetinin, garlic peel contains a large amount of pectins, which help cleanse the blood and cells of excess cholesterol, heavy metal salts and radioactive substances.

Decoctions and tinctures of garlic peel have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, cleansing and regeneration-accelerating properties.

They can be used for:
— rejuvenation of the body;
— cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
— strengthening blood vessels and removing “cholesterol” plaques;
— treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
— treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs;
- prevention of myocardial infarction, angina, stroke and so on;
— strengthening the immune system;
- improving metabolism.


Decoctions and tinctures of garlic peel should not be used to treat pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years of age, and patients suffering from diabetes and other severe metabolic disorders. You should also refrain from using garlic peel for people with hypotension and patients with exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Garlic peel in folk medicine

To prepare medicinal tinctures and decoctions, you need white husks from hard and dry garlic heads.

1. Garlic peel drink– used for rejuvenation. To prepare the drink, pour 1 handful of dry husks into 1 glass of hot, but not boiling, water (to do this, you need to boil the water and let it stand for 2-4 minutes). The drink is infused for 6-8 hours, then filtered and drunk. You need to drink 2-4 glasses of this tincture a day. To achieve the effect of rejuvenation and healing of the body, it is recommended to drink garlic peel tincture according to the following scheme: for men - from the 10th to the 20th of any month, and for women - from the 20th to the 30th. You need to take garlic tincture regularly, and repeat the course of treatment after 1-2 months.

Video recipe for the occasion:

2. Garlic peel decoction– finely chopped garlic peel – 3 tablespoons, pour 1 liter of water, boil in a water bath for 10-15 minutes, cool, filter and use for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and bladder and for cleansing the body and removing toxins from it, salts of heavy metals and slags. Take a decoction of garlic peel, 1 tsp, 3 times a day for a month. After the course of treatment, take a break for 10 days and repeat the dose 1-2 more times.

3. Garlic powder– it is used as a very effective remedy for diarrhea and intestinal diseases. Clean and dried garlic peels are finely ground, preferably in a coffee grinder, then the powder is stored in a dry place and used as needed. This powder can be added little by little to food to strengthen the immune system and stabilize metabolism. And for the treatment of stool disorders, garlic powder is used in a dose of 1 tsp - 1 time for an adult. You can dissolve the powder in 1 cup of water or swallow it dry with water. The product is very effective and helps with any intestinal diseases. It should not be used to prevent diseases - it can cause severe constipation.

The healthy vegetable is known to residents all over the planet. But not everyone knows that its husk can be beneficial. The healing properties of dry garlic skin can cure and protect against many pathologies.

Garlic is a perennial plant belonging to the lily family, genus Allium. The height of the greenery reaches up to 70 cm. The growth of grass depends on the variety, soil and climatic conditions. A garlic bulb consists of cloves. Their number also depends on numerous factors. Maximum quantity – 50 pieces. Individual denticles are covered with a membranous thin membrane. All cloves are tightly connected by the upper, denser skin.

Description of the plant:

  • stem erect;
  • the leaves are long, flat, pointed upward;
  • the upper part of the stem twists into a ring, but does not break;
  • umbrella-shaped inflorescence.

The flowers create a ball of small particles in the form of bulbs, garlic cloves, which can be used as seeds.

The birthplace of vegetables is Central Asia. Gradually, the crop began to be grown everywhere. China ranks first.

Garlic is a perennial plant belonging to the lily family, genus Alliums.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of garlic peels

The peel of vegetables has numerous healing abilities, so it is used not as a component for cooking, but as a means of treatment. Useful actions:

  • antifungal;
  • anthelmintic;
  • antimicrobial.

Phytoncides act as antibiotics. They do not allow bacteria to develop in the gastrointestinal tract. The simplest microbes, getting into the tissue components of the cloves, disintegrate.

Another effect of the husk is the removal of sputum, improving the condition of the respiratory system. The mucous membrane of the throat heals and is restored.

The activity of the heart muscle is stimulated and the coronary vessels dilate.

Treatment options:

  • relief of genitourinary inflammation;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • anticancer agent.

Gallery: garlic peel (25 photos)

The healing properties of garlic (video)

Active ingredients of garlic

Lily culture contains several active elements.

Used for medical purposes quercetin. It is considered a type of vitamin P. In terms of concentration, it is second only to buckwheat.

The next substance is pectin. The microelement enhances the effect of quercetin. Pectin has excellent cleansing properties and inhibits the development of pathological tumors.

Another substance used in pharmaceuticals is allicin. There is enough essential oil in the tissues of the cloves to inhibit the growth of bacteria. It is easy to identify the essential oil when cutting the garlic. Few people are unfamiliar with the smell. It lasts for a long time, not only on the table, but also after consumption remains in a person’s breath. The smell is explained by the content of essential oil - diallyl disulfide. In addition to the main component, the skin of vegetables contains the following substances:

  • Vitamins A, B, C, D;
  • Acids: silicic, sulfuric, phosphoric;
  • Substances containing minerals: nitrogen, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium;
  • Fats;
  • Carbohydrates;
  • Alliglycoside.

Lily culture contains several active elements

Traditional medicine recipes with garlic peel to treat 100 diseases

Traditional medicine suggests creating various healing compounds from the husk:

  • tincture;
  • baked mixtures;
  • fried on a lard base;
  • porridge;
  • lemon infusion;
  • dry composition.

The husk has positive results against a large number of diseases - more than 100. It is used as a prevention of severe pathologies and illnesses.

Dry shell is used to relieve tinnitus

There are the most popular recipes:

Homeopathy in Chinese

According to legend, the recipe was found during excavations on clay tablets. The recipe is 5 thousand years old. The product, created according to the recipe, heals, cleanses and rejuvenates. Prepare 4 handfuls of husks, which are poured with 1 liter of boiling water. The entire resulting mixture is divided into 4 parts and drunk per day. The course involves a 10-day intake. There is a 2-month break between sessions.

Infusion on water

The product will help with heart and kidney diseases. Take for a month. Recipe: pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dry shells and leave for 6 hours. Strain and drink 2 times a day.

To tone up and improve general condition

The drug is made from one handful of husks, infused in a liter of boiling water for 8 hours. Drink the infusion for 10 days.

Tinnitus Relief

You will need one large head of lily vegetables. The dry shell is mixed with the crushed peel of one small lemon. You can twist both components through a meat grinder. The resulting porridge is poured with cold boiling water. The volume of the mixture is 500-600 ml. The container with the future medicine is kept in the refrigerator, tightly closed with a lid. Therapy lasts 3 months.

How to make garlic tea (video)

Flu and cough

A solution for inhalation is made from the husk. Take a frying pan, fill it with a layer of husks and heat it up. Then inhalation is carried out. The procedure lasts 7-10 minutes. You should know that the session will be accompanied by sneezing and tears. Only one session can be performed per day. Treatment is 7 days.

Strengthening the heart muscle

The husk is ground and filled with a small amount of water. Approximate proportions: 3 g garlic shells/50 ml water. The mixture is kept in a water bath and taken warm.

Cleansing blood vessels

Take 3 garlic peels and 3 tablespoons of water. Keep it steamed for 15 minutes. Then the mixture is cooled and drunk. A new mixture is prepared for the next session. You can repeat up to three times a day. Treatment lasts 50 days.

Names and instructions for use of garlic-based medicines

  • Allohol. The drug is based on a dry extract. Along with garlic, the medicine contains nettle extract, animal bile, and activated carbon.
  • Alisat. A biologically active supplement is used to prevent abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Helps as a therapeutic complex against heart attack, atherosclerosis, and frequent colds.
  • Garlic Tabs. The product can replace fresh vegetables if they are unavailable. In addition to garlic, it contains other useful microelements of vegetable crops, therefore it is an active dietary supplement that helps with high cholesterol and blood pressure. It has the ability to remove worms, other dangerous microbes and viruses from the body.
  • Liquid extract. The drug in capsules becomes an active remedy against atherosclerosis.
  • Garlic tincture. Prescribed for gastric atony. There is a delay in the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension. All processes of development of purulent neoplasms are slowed down under the influence of the tincture.

A solution for inhalation is made from the husk

Side effects and contraindications of drugs containing garlic

The husk is used very often, it is easy to get and easy to prepare. Therefore, before treatment, you should check your body for possible side effects. A strong active substance can cause negative results. The main contraindications of garlic casings:

  • lactation period;
  • bearing a child;
  • exacerbation of stomach pathologies;
  • hypotension.

Garlic peels are strictly contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. People with diabetes should approach prescriptions with caution. For them, treatment with husks can only be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. Hot and warm drinks are strictly prohibited. There are also restrictions on the dosage of medications.

The husk is used very often, it is easy to get and easy to cook

Applications of garlic peels in other areas

The shell of vegetables helps in areas with a polluted environment. Poor ecology negatively affects the human body, especially those with a weak immune system. Products with crushed husks remove toxins and remove heavy metal salts.

The dry shell of garlic is used in home cosmetology. It is used to make products for treating hair and skin diseases.

  • Mask to strengthen hair structure created from olive oil (1-2 drops), honey (2 spoons), garlic (3 cloves), husks (2 spoons). All components are ground through a meat grinder and rubbed into dry hair. The paste is kept on the head for about half an hour, then the usual rinsing with shampoo is carried out. You will need a detergent with a strong aromatic effect, since the smell from the hair will be strong, but the healing effect will also be bright.
  • Husks are used to protect plants from pests. They cover the soil around the roots, mucus and moisture will remain inside, dangerous insects will not expose the plants to the dangers of infection, the special smell will become a barrier, the raw material itself will become a fertilizer.
  • Easter eggs. The husk gives a beautiful marbled tint. The recipe for this action: mix onion and garlic peels. The eggs are soaked in water and rolled in the prepared mixture. The eggs are placed in stockings and then in boiling water. After steaming for 2 minutes, add brilliant green (5 ml) to the water. The eggs are kept on the fire for another 7 minutes, then washed under cold running water and dried.

How to grow garlic (video)

High-quality material has beneficial properties. Garlic is grown in garden plots, then carefully dried and the husks are collected in separate packages. Vegetables collected from your own gardens will guarantee the absence of nitrates and other hazardous substances.


Benefits of garlic scales

Medicinal properties of quercetin

What are the benefits of garlic pectin?

  • stabilization of metabolism;


Traditional medicine recipes

For colds and flu

Water infusion

Chinese homeopathy

Diarrhea powder

For lovely ladies

Cosmetic benefits

Application of garlic peel


  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • hypotension.

Medicine prescriptions

Medicine for flu and cough

General health

Noise in ears

Water infusion

Chinese homeopathy

  • for men - 10-20 numbers.

  • 146 kcal;
  • 6.4 g protein;
  • 0.5 g fat;
  • 36.2 g carbohydrates;
  • 4.1 g fiber;
  • 400 mg potassium;
  • 41 mg calcium;
  • 153 mg phosphorus;
  • 1.7 mg iron;
  • 25 mg magnesium.

Composition and value of garlic

Garlic peel and its secrets

  • lungs;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin diseases.
  • regeneration of body cells;
  • improving carbohydrate metabolism.

What's special about it

It is better to eat garlic in the evening

Healthy recipes from garlic peels

Garlic - elixir of health

Recipes for using garlic peels

Pickled garlic

  • Boil for 5 minutes.

Medicinal tincture

General health

Homemade antibiotic - composition

Skin diseases

For ringing in the ears

  • Strain.

For cleaning vessels

Vessel cleaning mixture

Liqueur recipe:

  • Leave to infuse for 5 days.

For rejuvenation

Silky and beautiful hair

Preparing hair oil

  • Rub into scalp.


  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy;
  • children (up to 12 years old);
  • breast-feeding.

Fruit peels, as well as onion and garlic peels, are a new word in healthy eating. Scientists have proven that the maximum useful substances are contained not in the cloves, but in the scales covering them.

Knowledgeable people use garlic peels for rejuvenation purposes. Avicenna, the famous Persian doctor, called all parts of this vegetable crop “a cure for old age.” The luminary of medicine of our time, Robert Atkins, in turn, considered drugs with husks to be the best antihistamines that can cure various forms of allergies.

Another valuable property of this product - the ability to inhibit the synthesis of carcinogenic organic compounds nitrosamines - was revealed by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania.

What other secrets does garlic peel hide?

The benefits of garlic covering scalesThe healing properties of quercetin

The most valuable component is the bioflavonoid quercetin. Under a microscope, its cubic crystals are clearly visible. The hot vegetable owes its rejuvenating effect to the high content of this biologically active substance.

Quercetin belongs to a small group of vitamins P (it also includes rutin and hesperidin), which promote cell renewal, enhance the regenerative capabilities of tissues and protect the human body from the effects of toxins.

What are the benefits of garlic pectin?

Another important component is pectin. Its high concentration in a decoction of garlic peels makes it possible to use this folk remedy to reduce the level of so-called bad blood cholesterol and remove radioactive substances and heavy metal salts from the body.

The beneficial properties of pectin inherited from the husk also include:

  • reducing the risks of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases;
  • stabilization of metabolism;
  • activation of endogenous microorganisms that synthesize vitamins;
  • beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tincture and decoction of garlic peels are successfully used as an anesthetic.

This medicinal drink is also suitable for increasing immunity during seasonal epidemics of viral and bacterial infections.

The antifungal effect of aqueous extract of garlic peel is used in the treatment of dandruff and such unpleasant intractable ailments as cryptococcosis and candidiasis.


  • Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under 12 years of age are advised to refrain from treatment with decoctions and tinctures of garlic peel.
  • Patients suffering from diabetes and hypotension should use such drugs with caution and under medical supervision.
  • These drugs are contraindicated during periods of exacerbation of gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers and other diseases of the digestive system.

Even if you do not experience serious health problems, the dose of the healing infusion should not exceed 4 glasses per day.

Medicinal drinks made from garlic peels should not be consumed hot or even warm; Pre-cooling to room temperature is mandatory.

It is safest to use garlic grown in your own garden for medicinal purposes. It is recommended to prepare white (inner) rather than colored (covering) films of the cloves.

Traditional medicine recipes

For medicinal purposes, shiny, clean, integumentary scales not damaged by pests are used. The raw materials are dried, then crushed to a powder state and sifted through a sieve. To prevent moisture from entering, it is better to store the drug in a glass container with a tightly screwed lid.

For colds and flu

When the first signs of a cold or flu appear, do not rush to the pharmacy for Fervex. Try the following procedure. Before going to bed, add a layer of dried onion and garlic peels to a dry, hot frying pan (no need to use oil) and inhale the resulting smoke for a while. Sneezing and tears from the eyes are a sign of cleansing the body of germs.

The duration of the course of such antibacterial cleansing of the body is no more than 1 week.

Water infusion

For serious ailments, such as impaired functioning of the kidneys and heart, a water infusion of garlic peels is consumed for a month. Then you need to take a break for 10 days, after which the course is repeated.

Prepare a healing drink as follows: 1 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed husks and leave covered for 6-8 hours. Drink 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

Chinese homeopathy

For the purpose of healing, cleansing and rejuvenating the body, a homeopathic remedy is used by healers of ancient China. They say that the recipe for the drug was found in the Middle Kingdom on clay tablets that are 5 thousand years old. The recipe is still relevant today.

In the evening, 4 handfuls of garlic flakes are poured into 1 liter of hot, but not boiling, water. You can drink this infusion the next morning, 4 glasses a day.

  • men need to drink it regularly for 10 days from the 10th to the 20th of any month;
  • for the fair sex - from the 20th to the 30th.

Break between courses: 1-2 months.

Diarrhea powder

Garlic peel powder is an effective remedy for diarrhea. To prepare it, dry raw materials are ground in a blender or coffee grinder.

To relieve stomach upset, 1 tsp. The powder is washed down with water.

Attention: with prolonged use, the product may cause constipation.

An additional advantage of this treatment will be getting rid of helminths.

For lovely ladies

In case of menstrual irregularities, pour 3 tbsp. l. crushed husks 1 liter of water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat.

The decoction should be drunk chilled, 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals, but no more than 2 times a day.

Read, this is interesting: Medicinal properties and contraindications of fir cones.

Cosmetic benefits

Proper use of garlic peel will help transform the body not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

To speed up hair growth, use the following recipe: a small head of garlic plus honey and olive oil. Grind 3 cloves in a blender with 2 tsp. dry husks, add 2 tsp. honey and a couple of drops of olive oil. Apply the mask to the hair roots and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo. It is recommended to use this cosmetic product 1-2 times a week.

The peel will also help get rid of acne and various rashes on the face. 1.5 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Leave for 8 hours. The infusion is used to wipe the affected areas of the skin.

This recipe can be adapted for rinsing hair against dandruff or preparing antifungal foot baths.

Garlic peel infusion is used to treat open wounds and rubbed into sore joints.

Ancient people believed that garlic added strength and courage and protected against disease. They attributed to him the power and strength to ward off demons and witches; he was in every home.

Even though we don't believe much in folk superstitions, one thing remains certain: garlic is one of the most effective medicinal plants known to mankind.

Garlic and husk - superfoods for health and beauty

It has long been known that those who do not skimp on it in their daily diet are healthier, live longer, and tincture of garlic peel prolongs youth.

Allicin or unusual qualities of garlic

Garlic is a perennial plant that consists of a bulb (head) containing many cloves. A stem grows from the clove, at the end of which an inflorescence is formed, hidden in a sheath. It consists of small lilac flowers.

Garlic came to us from Central Asia, from where it came to the Middle East, and then to Europe. Today it is grown throughout the world as a medicinal plant and spice.

100 grams of garlic contains:

  • 146 kcal;
  • 6.4 g protein;
  • 0.5 g fat;
  • 36.2 g carbohydrates;
  • 4.1 g fiber;
  • 400 mg potassium;
  • 41 mg calcium;
  • 153 mg phosphorus;
  • 1.7 mg iron;
  • 25 mg magnesium.

Composition and value of garlic

All parts of the magical plant are useful in garlic (stems, flowers, leaves, bulbs, roots and garlic shoots), it is no coincidence that it is popularly called the disease of a hundred ailments.

Avicenna also called garlic “a medicine for old age.” And the American nutritionist, Robert Atkins, considered herbal preparations containing garlic peel to be the best remedies for allergies.

Garlic contains phytosterols, flavonoids, pectins, volatile bactericidal compounds, sulfur compounds, and among them the odorless alliline, which then breaks down into bactericidal compounds known as allicin under the influence of the enzyme allinase. Garlic contains about 10 g/kg allicin. Garlic peels contain provitamin A (deficiency in the cloves), traces of B vitamins and vitamin C.

Allicin was isolated by chemist Chester J. Cavalito in 1966 as a substance that gives garlic its odor and acts as an antibacterial agent.

Allicin in garlic is a natural antibiotic

Research has shown that garlic peels and the garlic cloves themselves can sometimes be more potent than penicillin and tetracycline. The healing properties of garlic are associated with the presence of sulfur compounds in its composition, which, when crushing the cloves, gives off a pungent odor.

Another valuable property of garlic peel was determined by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania: inhibition of the synthesis of carcinogenic organic compounds, compounds (allyl disulfic) can prevent diseases such as cancer.

In the human body, allicin acts as a medicinal substance that dissolves bronchial mucus.

The husks are harvested after harvesting during the cleaning process. Store dry

Garlic and all its components can be called a complete natural antibiotic, recommended for sinusitis, sore throat, etc.

Garlic peel and its secrets

It is impossible to accurately name the years when our distant ancestors began to use the beneficial properties of the pulp and garlic peel as medicines to treat many diseases. They even treated such terrible diseases as plague and cholera. In the Middle Ages, garlic was considered a panacea for all diseases.

Garlic has been found to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Garlic peels are used in the treatment of:

  • lungs;
  • upper respiratory tract infections;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • used as an analgesic, antimicrobial, antifungal, antisclerotic, antiallergic agent;
  • skin diseases.

The bioflavonoid quercetin is a natural antioxidant contained in garlic peels, one of the most beneficial substances for human life. The substance, thanks to its unique anti-aging effects, is known all over the world.

The presence of antioxidants in the body promotes organ regeneration at the cellular level, protects body tissues from the effects of toxic substances.

Benefits of husks for various purposes

Garlic peel is used for:

  • maintaining the performance of the heart muscle, protecting and preventing stroke, heart attack, angina pectoris, etc.;
  • regeneration of body cells;
  • removal of radionuclides, toxins, waste, elimination of “cholesterol” plaques;
  • weakening the effect of carcinogenic substances formed during the preparation of grilled meat and shish kebab;
  • promoting the death of colon, breast, lung, prostate and leukemia cancer cells;
  • lowering blood sugar levels, dilating blood vessels;
  • increasing cell sensitivity to insulin;
  • improving carbohydrate metabolism.

What's special about it

Quercetin gives it those special properties and is the most valuable type of vitamin P, without which the human body cannot function normally.

Only one other food product contains such an amount of quercetin - buckwheat.

Garlic pectin is a valuable healing and gelling substance

Pectin is a substance that is found in large quantities only in garlic peels. Pectin helps fight cancer and enhances the beneficial properties of garlic. These two components are especially valuable and important for human health. Therefore, we must appreciate the wonderful properties of garlic peels and should not neglect such a valuable natural material.

Where and when should you use garlic peels?

People living in environmentally disadvantaged areas, as well as those who want to cleanse the body of toxins, bad cholesterol and rejuvenate it, will especially benefit from tinctures, decoctions of garlic peel and eating garlic pulp.

After a month of using decoctions and tinctures, your well-being significantly improves, you feel an extraordinary increase in strength, vigor and a surge of energy.

Providing a cleansing effect, garlic peel simultaneously strengthens the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic, and prevents the development of diseases caused by poor lifestyle and nutrition.

It helps stabilize weight and normalizes metabolism in the body. This property is especially valued by beautiful women and helps them overcome many inhibitions and feel more confident.

Acting as a rejuvenating agent, garlic peel removes from the body those wastes and toxins that contribute to premature aging of the skin and aging of the entire body.

Also, when exposed to valuable substances found in garlic peels, free radicals, which contribute to malignant tumors, are completely eliminated from the body.

Husk tinctures are also useful during periods of exacerbation of diseases associated with inflammatory processes, influenza, ARVI and many others. They act as preventatives. Decoctions help stabilize the patient’s condition, boost immunity, and speed up recovery.

Garlic for sniffing for ARVI and colds

Garlic is used to strengthen the immune system. This affects the activity of T cells and macrophages, key elements of the immune system.

Garlic extract has been found to stimulate macrophages to produce more agents that kill microorganisms and tumor cells.

For people who have low immunity, it is recommended to consume two cloves of garlic per day. A clove of garlic can be added to salads and other dishes; it also effectively strengthens the immune system.

  • Medical journals show that eating garlic has great effects on the cardiovascular system.
  • It regulates high blood pressure by acting as a systolic agent. In China and Japan, it is recognized as a treatment for hypertension and strengthens the heart muscle.
  • American scientists have confirmed the fact that garlic and its peel are an excellent remedy against flatulence.

It is better to eat garlic in the evening

Healthy recipes from garlic peels

Natural dieters and herbalists have used garlic and its husks to treat a variety of ailments. In Mediterranean countries, where large amounts of garlic are added to food, people get sick less.

Garlic itself and preparations based on it work as antibiotics against pathogenic microorganisms, especially against streptococci (Streptococcus) and staphylococcus (Staphylococcus), which is confirmed by numerous studies. The effect of using garlic and its peel is sometimes even better than many synthetic antibiotics.

Preparing a mixture of garlic and lemon for atherosclerosis

All recipes for tinctures made from garlic peels have healing effects on the body; they are intended to treat various ailments. You just need to prepare the medicine correctly.

In Russia, garlic is called "Russian penicillin" and is used to combat flu epidemics, colds, coughs and intestinal disorders.

In many countries it is officially recognized and used as an antibacterial agent.

Research has shown that garlic is very effective in fighting viral infections and helps eliminate them. This happens due to volatile sulfur compounds and essential oils. During flu and colds, crushed garlic clove in a cup of warm milk warms, increases sweating, facilitates expectoration, clears the respiratory tract, and reduces fever.

Garlic is an excellent addition not only to meat, but also to many other fatty foods that are difficult to digest.

Garlic - elixir of health

It has a delicate, mild taste, supplies the body with useful substances and is an excellent addition to sandwiches, salads and cheeses. Garlic, pickled along with several layers of husk (the last 2-3 tender layers), retains its excellent properties as a natural antibiotic and probiotic bacteria - natural “stimulants” that suppress the development of many diseases. The lactic acid bacteria contained in the marinade act as a natural preservative and have a positive effect on health.

Garlic (Allium sativum L.) has been used medicinally to treat many diseases, including its active ingredient allicin, which has antibiotic-like effects. Research shows the high antimicrobial activity of garlic, inhibiting the growth of fungi and bacteria. It has antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antisclerotic, antiallergic and anticancer properties.

Supports the immune and respiratory systems, strengthens the body's natural defenses and improves overall fitness.

Garlic tincture in oil and alcohol

It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. It has a beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism and increases cell sensitivity to insulin. But the main property of tinctures made from garlic peel and pulp is its effect on the content of the intestinal microbial balance. Thanks to its characteristics, it eliminates damage to the bacterial flora in the intestines after antibiotic treatment. Probiotic bacteria perform many different functions, not only protecting us from infections, but also helping digestion and stimulating the immune system.

The large intestine is the largest breeding ground for bacteria in our body, and at the same time, a kind of “generator” of health and well-being.

The lifestyle we lead: poor nutrition, stress, drug abuse, has an extremely negative effect on the microflora of the stomach. Imbalance of intestinal microflora has a negative impact on the condition of the whole organism. Probiotics and their treatment in this case are simply irreplaceable and very effective in restoring the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotic bacteria stimulate the secretion of mucus, which is a natural “seal” of the intestines and produces substances that create a protective layer on the surface of the intestines.

Recipes for using garlic peels

Pickled garlic

  • Ten heads of garlic, peeled, leaving the last 2-3 layers of peel. Divide into cloves.
  • Peel, wash and cut the horseradish root into pieces. Scald the jars with boiling water.
  • Place 2 pieces of horseradish, 5-6 black peppercorns, 2 allspice peas, ½ bay leaf and ¼ teaspoon of mustard seeds in the bottom of each jar.
  • Place the garlic in a jar, put a rosette of dill on top, and fill with brine.
  • In one liter of boiling water, add 1 teaspoon of chopped white garlic peel, 1 tbsp. a spoon with a small heap of rock salt (not iodized).
  • Boil for 5 minutes.
  • Pour hot brine over garlic and twist tightly. Place the jars of garlic in a dark place at room temperature for marinating (2-3 weeks). After the fermentation process has stopped, when the water in the jars becomes clear, close the jars again.

Garlic marinated with peels has even greater value

Garlic marinated in this way retains most of the valuable minerals and other beneficial substances found in the garlic peel and garlic pulp. It is not recommended to sterilize the contents of jars, since high temperatures deprive the contents of jars of many valuable components.

Medicinal tincture

Add 500 ml of vodka to 100 g of clean, washed and dried garlic peels. Place the container in a warm, dark place and leave for 10 days, shaking occasionally. Strain the mixture and store it in the refrigerator or cellar.

Add 10-20 drops of tincture to 50 ml of warm boiled water. Use to lower blood pressure and regulate blood cholesterol levels. The tincture also works as an antiatherogenic agent and helps with rheumatic pain. After a month of treatment, take a thirty-day break.

General health

  • Pour a handful of chopped garlic peels into a glass of hot (90 degrees) water.
  • Leave for 8 hours with the lid closed.
  • Strain. Consume chilled in an amount of 200 ml per day, after meals for 10 days.
  • If necessary, repeat the course after two months.

An improvement in the condition and a surge of vigor appears after 7 days of using the tincture.

Blood pressure? Use garlic!

  • Grind 100 g of garlic along with the husk and add 500 ml of vodka.
  • Store in a warm and dark place, shake occasionally.
  • After 10 days, strain and refrigerate.
  • Add 10-20 drops to 50 ml of boiled cold water and consume 2 times a day.
  • After treatment, take a 4-5 week break.
  • In a cast iron frying pan, completely clean, without grease, “fry” the washed and dried garlic peels.
  • When the husk turns dark brown and begins to smoke, turn the burner to minimum, cover your head with a blanket and begin inhalation (no more than 7 minutes).
  • The smoke that will be released has life-giving properties.
  • Tearing and sneezing are normal.
  • Inhalation should be carried out for 7 days, no more than once a day.

Homemade antibiotic - composition

Skin diseases

They are different, ranging from acne to severe psoriasis. Garlic peel is one of the folk remedies for fighting skin diseases.

  • Grind clean and dry white husks to flour.
  • Pour 1 teaspoon of the resulting powder into 500 ml of boiling water.
  • Boil for 15 minutes on low heat.
  • Cover with a lid and let steep for 12 hours. Then strain. Add to water when taking baths.
  • Take a therapeutic bath once a week.
  • Store the broth in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.

This decoction has a beneficial effect on strengthening hair follicles, improves hair growth, reduces joint pain (rub into painful joints in the morning and evening), wipe with a swab dipped in the decoction to remove acne on the face.

Decoction baths help cope with fungal nail diseases and relieve fatigue from overworked feet.

For ringing in the ears

  • Take one large head of garlic. Wash it thoroughly along with the husk.
  • Wipe dry or leave to dry. Grind it up.
  • Take one large lemon, wash it and grind it in a blender or meat grinder.
  • Pour boiled water (600 ml) all together.
  • Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for 4 days.
  • Strain.
  • Use 50 ml in the morning, before breakfast. Period - 3 months. Repeating the course of treatment is possible only after 30-35 days.

For cleaning vessels

  • Pour three tablespoons of garlic peel into 1 liter of cold boiled water.
  • Place the prepared mixture in a steam bath and steam for 15 minutes (without bringing the mixture to a boil).
  • Let the mixture sit for 3 hours.
  • Strain through cheesecloth folded in four layers.
  • Use the cooled decoction in an amount of 100 ml 3 times a day, after meals.

Vessel cleaning mixture

Duration of treatment - 1 month, break - 3 months. Then the course of treatment with garlic peel can be repeated.

Recipe for rejuvenation from Tibetan monks

A tincture for rejuvenating the body was developed by Tibetan monks in the 4th-5th centuries BC. A course of rejuvenation with garlic is carried out once a year, and then a break of five years.

In 1971, UNESCO delegates visiting Tibet found clay tablets on which the recipe was written in the ruins of the monastery. It was translated and thus came to Europe.

Liqueur recipe:

  • Chop 35 grams of garlic with one layer of peel. Place in a dark glass container.
  • Add 200 ml of medical alcohol.
  • Leave to infuse for 5 days.
  • Use the tincture in the morning, before meals. Start with 1 drop, at lunch - 2 drops, in the evening - 3 drops.
  • Every day, add one drop to each dose, bringing up to 25 drops per dose in the morning, afternoon, and evening.
  • Consume until the end of the pour. You can add drops to milk.

For rejuvenation

Everyone wants to prolong their youth, maintain elastic and toned skin without wrinkles. Garlic peel is a remedy that helps delay the approach of old age and the appearance of wrinkles, because it contains many minerals and active substances that nourish and moisturize skin cells.

  1. Pour 35 g of white garlic peel into 500 ml of warm water, bring to a boil and let it brew for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Leave to brew for 8 hours.
  3. Strain. Cool. Men take 200 ml of the drink four times a day from the 10th to the 20th of each month. Women from the 20th to the 30th. Break - 2 months.

Silky and beautiful hair

Everyone wants to be attractive and have silky, thick, shiny hair. Garlic will help get rid of split ends, dandruff and strengthen hair follicles, heal the scalp and accelerate hair growth.

Preparing hair oil

  • Take a medium head of garlic and remove the outer white skin.
  • Peel three cloves of garlic, add 2 tablespoons of chopped husks and 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • If your hair is brittle and dry, add 2 drops of olive oil.
  • Rub into scalp.
  • Leave for 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly with shampoo.
  • It is recommended to perform the procedure 1-2 times a week.


By uncontrollably using garlic peels and self-medicating, you can not only improve your body’s health, but also cause significant harm to it. There are a number of indications for which the use of garlic peel is strictly prohibited, these are:

  • hypotension;
  • pregnancy;
  • children (up to 12 years old);
  • breast-feeding.

Choose only high-quality, healthy garlic

For treatment, you need to choose only high-quality raw materials. The presence of nitrates and nitrites, as well as other chemical compounds, can be checked in specialized laboratories.

But the best and highest quality raw materials are those grown at your own dacha, without the use of compounds harmful to health that are present in fertilizers.

You should consume garlic and self-prepared preparations from its components only after you have consulted with your doctor. In rare cases, garlic can lead to allergies, migraines, etc.

Fruit peels, including onion and garlic peels, are important elements in traditional medicine recipes. Scientists have long proven that the main benefit lies precisely in the skin of vegetables and fruits, and not in the pulp, which is usually eaten.

At the University of Pennsylvania, researchers discovered another important value in this product - the ability to inhibit the synthesis of nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic organic compounds.

Health benefits of garlic peels

What are the benefits of quercetin?
Quercetin is a substance from the category of bioflavonoids, thanks to which garlic has anti-aging properties. Its highest concentration is found in the husk, in this it is second only to buckwheat. This substance helps the body fight harmful toxins and improves tissue regeneration. Quercetin is usually classified as a vitamin P; it has all the same properties as the others belonging to this group.

Benefits of Garlic Pectin
Pectin is contained in decoctions of garlic peels, and in fairly high concentrations. Based on the husk, traditional medicine recipes are used to remove “bad” cholesterol, heavy metal salts, and radioactive substances.

In addition, pectin from garlic peels has a whole list of beneficial properties:

  • Stabilizes metabolic processes.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes.
  • Activates the synthesis of vitamins.
  • Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies.

Decoctions and infusions of garlic peels are successfully used as pain relief. They are recommended to be drunk by people with reduced immunity, especially during periods of influenza epidemics and for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections.

An extract from garlic peel has an antifungal effect and is quite effective in rinsing hair for those suffering from dandruff. It is also indicated for use in the treatment of candidiasis and cryptococcosis.


Despite the environmental friendliness of the folk remedy and its 100% naturalness, the use of garlic peel, like any effective medicinal product, has a number of possible contraindications.

  1. The use of the medicine by hypertensive, hypotensive and people who suffer from diabetes requires extreme caution and full compliance with the instructions. In any case, it is better to consult a doctor.
  2. An absolute contraindication for garlic peel decoction is diseases of the digestive tract: colitis, gastritis, ulcers and others.
  3. Children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women should refrain from using this medicine.

Absolutely all categories of people who have decided to strengthen the immune system with decoctions and infusions of garlic peels should also adhere to precautionary measures.

  1. For medicinal remedies, it is better to use peels from garlic grown with your own hands in order to get maximum benefit from them rather than possible harm.
  2. For cooking, you need to use the thin white husk, and not the clove peel.
  3. Decoctions should be drunk slightly chilled or at room temperature. They taste better.
  4. You should not drink garlic peel tinctures in excessively large quantities. It is better when the volume is no more than a liter per day.

Traditional recipes with garlic peels

The husk for medicinal recipes should be white, shiny, and not damaged by insects. It should be dried, very finely chopped and sifted. Prepared raw materials should be stored in glass containers with a tight-fitting lid. The storage place should be dark and dry.

For flu and colds
Everyone has long been accustomed to relieving the first manifestations of a cold with drugs containing pracetamol and caffeine. They do not have a therapeutic effect, but only relieve unpleasant symptoms. You should not run to the nearest pharmacy to get them at the first manifestation of a cold. After all, you can try a much more effective remedy based on garlic and onion peels. You need to take a tablespoon of chopped husk and pour it into a hot frying pan. Through your nose you need to inhale the fumes generated when they are heated. The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 25 minutes. Several procedures will be required.

Tincture on water
You need to take a handful of husks (crushed) and steam them in 200 ml of boiling water for 10 hours, after covering them with a lid. Take 100 ml at a time, 2 times a day. This tincture is effective in treating diseases related to the kidneys and cardiovascular diseases. It should be taken for at least 30 days. Once the therapeutic effect is achieved, pause for a week, then extend the course to consolidate the result.

Homeopathy from China
No one doubts that ancient Chinese healers are experts in traditional medicine. There are too many effective and efficient recipes for treating many diseases that come from China.

A potion with a rejuvenating effect to cleanse the human body was created several thousand years ago. To prepare such a healing potion you need to take:

  • Garlic peel - 100 g
  • Boiling water - 1000 ml

Pour boiling water over the husks in the evening and cover with a lid. Drink 200 ml of the drink throughout the day. You cannot use the decoction on the second day. Only use in the morning, after preparing in the evening.

Women should drink it for 10 days, starting on the twentieth day of each month.

The stronger sex is advised to use this decoction from the tenth day of each month for 10 days.

The course must be repeated with a break of 30 or 60 days.

For women's health
Women's health is the key to her attractiveness and well-being. If you have problems with the menstrual cycle, in addition to anxiety, a woman usually experiences physical discomfort. Delayed menstruation may be accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back, loss of vitality, and so on.

To regulate the menstrual cycle and normalize hormonal levels, you need to use a decoction of garlic peels. It is prepared in this way: pour a heaping tablespoon of raw material into 1 liter of water and boil for about 10 minutes. Cool the decoction and consume 100 ml in the morning and evening half an hour before meals.

Important! Before using this decoction in order to normalize the menstrual cycle, you should make sure that there is no pregnancy.

Application in cosmetology

The vitamin composition of decoctions based on garlic peel allows it to be used effectively not only internally, but also for external use.

Miracle hair mask recipe
To improve the condition of your hair, make it stronger and accelerate growth, garlic peels can be used as follows: before washing your hair, apply a mask, which should be applied for 40 minutes, rubbing into the roots. You need to put a warming cap made of cling film on your head and wrap it with a scarf on top.

You will need 4 medium cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. garlic peels, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Pass the garlic through a press or use a blender, add honey, husks and oil. Mix everything thoroughly until it has a homogeneous consistency. Heat on a steam bath until warm. The mask should be rubbed into the roots along the partings.

Facial cleansing mask
This mask is especially suitable for those who have oily and very problematic facial skin, where rashes often occur - purulent pimples. In addition to being a cosmetic defect, they are often painful and can cause more serious skin diseases.

You need to take:

  • 300 g garlic peels
  • 500 ml boiling water

After crushing the raw materials, pour boiling water over them and simmer for about 10 minutes over low heat. Remove from heat, cover and leave for about eight hours. Use a warm tincture to wipe the inflammation and areas of skin next to them using a clean cotton pad.

The same infusion can be used to gargle for sore throats and tonsillitis, and also to rinse the nose with sinusitis. It has high antibacterial properties. But a pre-prepared infusion of garlic peels in alcohol or vodka can be used to rub joints in the treatment of arthritis. Foot baths made from such decoctions will help get rid of fungi.

benefits and harms of onion peels

Video: the unique healing properties of garlic peels

Everyone knows that garlic is the most beneficial vegetable for human health. However, almost no one realizes that its husk can be used for medicinal purposes. And this excellent medicine is simply thrown into the trash!

Garlic is a herbaceous perennial plant belonging to the genus Onion, the Amaryllidaceae family. The root of this plant is white and fibrous. The bulb is complex, the fruit consists of bulbous children. Their number reaches 50 pieces. The husk covering the fruit is of great interest as a healing agent. The leaves of the plant are narrow, long, lanceolate-elongated. They can be drooping or erect. The peduncle of the vegetable reaches a height of 150 cm. The inflorescence is a spherical umbrella, which consists of lilac small stars - flowers. The fruit is a capsule.

The homeland of the vegetable is Central Asia. Today it is cultivated in different countries as a food and medicinal crop. China ranks 1st in growing this plant.

Garlic peel: medicinal properties

For medicine, quercetin, which is part of the husk, is of considerable interest. It belongs to bioflavonoids. It is quercetin that provides the husk with medicinal properties, since it is a type of vitamin P, which is very important for the body. Garlic is second only to buckwheat in terms of quercetin concentration. This substance imparts cleansing properties to the husk, which are incredibly valuable for maintaining human health.

The healing properties of garlic peels do not end there. The second useful component in the composition is considered to be pectin, which is not found in the pulp. It is present in huge concentrations in the husk. This substance enhances even more cleansing properties, and also helps in the fight against various tumors.

Because of these two components, garlic peels should be used for medicinal purposes.

Application of garlic peel

Garlic peel, the beneficial properties of which are described in the article above, is prescribed to people who live in places with poor ecology. It is necessary for removing toxins, heavy metal salts, radioactive compounds and free radicals from the body. In addition, the husk is used to get rid of cholesterol, strengthen the heart, for many gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes and neoplasms of all kinds. Preparations from it have a rejuvenating effect on the body, which significantly improves overall well-being, appearance, and gives energy and vigor. The antifungal, immunomodulatory and analgesic properties of the product are also valuable.

Treatment with garlic peel is very effective during seasonal outbreaks of ARVI and influenza. If a person is already sick, the product will improve his condition and also speed up recovery due to its immunostrengthening and antiviral properties.

What else is garlic peel useful for? The effective cleansing effect of the product is good for blood vessels and makes it possible to restore healthy blood flow, while getting rid of cholesterol plaques. In addition, it helps prevent the development of heart attack, atherosclerosis, thrombosis and stroke. Therefore, medicines made from it are especially recommended to maintain the health of older people.

Inflammations of the genitourinary system and intestines can be eliminated completely with the help of the husk - this is incredibly valuable when various medications cannot cope with the disease.

It is also worth noting that, by improving metabolic processes in the body, garlic peel has found application in getting rid of exhaustion or obesity. This property is especially valued by nutritionists, as it helps to cope with the main problems of their clients.

Garlic peel in folk medicine extends its beneficial properties not only to this. Its anti-aging properties are explained by its ability to remove and bind waste and toxins, which are considered to be the causes of premature aging. If you consume the husk, the condition of your nails, hair and skin improves, and your complexion returns.

Thanks to the powerful cleansing and immunomodulatory properties, the anti-cancer effect of the husk is manifested. Free radicals, which are the main cause of malignant tumors, are completely eliminated from the body under the influence of drugs prepared on the basis of this product.


Garlic peel is used very actively in folk medicine. But still, it also has contraindications. If you do not pay attention to them, you can cause serious harm to your health. Garlic peels should not be used when the following diseases and conditions are present:

  • breastfeeding period;
  • pregnancy;
  • moment of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • hypotension.

Diabetes is always treated with husk after consultation with a doctor, since the medicine is strong and its exact dosage is needed. In addition, you need to take into account that in the absence of contraindications, the volume of the medicine per day should not be more than 1 liter. It is worth remembering that this medicine can only be drunk cold. Warm or hot drinks are strictly prohibited.

Medicine prescriptions

Garlic peel is used very actively in folk medicine. To undergo treatment, you need to properly prepare medicine from it. There are a lot of recipes for these remedies, and all of them are needed to solve all kinds of human health problems.

Medicine for blood vessels and heart

Garlic peel is actively used in folk medicine to strengthen the heart and cleanse blood vessels. To do this, you need to chop the well-washed husks and add 3 tablespoons to a liter of water. Then the mixture is boiled in a water bath, avoiding boiling, for 15 minutes. After 3 hours of infusion, the drug is filtered. The cold decoction is drunk three times a day, half a glass after meals. The duration of such therapy is 30 days. The course can be repeated after 50 days. It is recommended to undergo a maximum of 3 courses of such treatment throughout the year.

Medicine for flu and cough

Garlic peel is also used in folk medicine for inhalation. To do this, heat the husks in an ungreased cast iron frying pan. After it begins to slowly smoke, you can inhale. This smoke has healing properties. Inhalation should not last more than 7 minutes. Sneezing and watery eyes are normal during the procedure. The procedure can be performed only 1 time per day. Treatment takes 7 days.

General health

To prepare this preparation, you need to pour 1 handful of husks with a glass of boiling water and leave under the lid for 8 hours. After filtering, the finished composition is used one glass per day for 10 days. Repeating this course is possible only once every two months. Changes in well-being will begin to appear after a week of such therapy.

Noise in ears

To get the medicine, you need to take the peel from a large head of garlic, then chop it, mix it with the peel of a large lemon, twisted in a meat grinder. Then the resulting mass is placed in a glass jar and 600 ml of boiled cold water is poured. Next, closing the container with a lid, leave the medicine for infusion in the refrigerator for 4 days. Then the composition is filtered out and consumed 50 ml on an empty stomach. The duration of such treatment is 90 days. A break between courses of at least a month is required.

Water infusion

For various serious ailments, including dysfunction of the heart and kidneys, drink a water infusion of the husk for a month. Then you need to take a break for 10 days, and then repeat the course.

The healing drink is prepared in this way: pour a spoonful of crushed husks into a glass of hot water and leave under the lid for 6 hours. Take half a glass twice a day.

Chinese homeopathy

For healing, rejuvenation and cleansing of the body, a homeopathic remedy is used by doctors of ancient China. It is believed that the recipe for the drug was found on clay tablets in the Middle Kingdom. Moreover, the age of the tablets themselves is 5000 years. The recipe is still relevant today.

4 handfuls of garlic flakes are poured with a liter of boiling water in the evening. This infusion can be consumed the next morning and drunk four glasses a day. This should be done this way:

  • for representatives of the fairer sex for ten days - on the 20th-30th of the month;
  • for men - 10-20 numbers.

Break between courses: 2 months.

For husk treatment to be beneficial, you need to use only high-quality raw materials. The ideal option is garlic from your own garden plot, since in this case you can be 100% sure that nitrates and other compounds that are present in fertilizers will not enter the body along with the husk.

Garlic is not only a wonderful seasoning, but also a natural healer. Since ancient times, people have used all its parts, especially the husk, to get rid of diseases.

Composition and medicinal properties of garlic peel

A head of garlic contains 0.1-0.36% volatile oil. These compounds are almost entirely responsible for the pharmacological properties of the plant. The biological compound allicin is found in the husk. It was discovered in 1940, and has antimicrobial effects, destroys viruses, fungi, and infections. Allicin provides garlic parts with a non-trivial aroma.

Official medicine is interested in such a component of garlic peel as quercetin. It belongs to bioflavonoids and one of the types of vitamin P. The concentration of a large amount of quercetin contains powerful properties to cleanse the body. It reduces the risk of heart attacks, eliminates allergies and inflammation.

Garlic peel also contains pectin, which fights various types of tumor growths. Garlic is recommended for people living in areas with environmental problems. Treatment with the plant eliminates the following types of substances from the body:

  • toxins;
  • free radicals;
  • heavy metal salts;
  • radioactive compounds.

Garlic has been found in every medical book for the last thousands of years. The name of the plant translates as “sowing”. The use of garlic peel eliminates many problems:

  • lowers cholesterol concentration;
  • strengthens the vascular and circulatory system;
  • eliminates neoplasms and tumors;
  • cures stomach and intestinal problems;
  • fights diabetes;
  • promotes vigor and a surge of strength.
  • has antifungal and antiviral properties.

Treatment with garlic peel is especially effective during outbreaks of ARVI viruses. The patient will feel much better and recover faster.

It will also cleanse blood vessels and eliminate cholesterol plaques. All this will reduce the possibility of heart attack and stroke. The medicine has a beneficial effect on the well-being of elderly people.

Inflammatory processes of the intestines and urinary system can be completely cured by garlic peel.

Radicals that cause cancer are removed from the body using garlic peel products.

There are more than 20 million people worldwide who are diagnosed with anemia due to an unhealthy diet, fat intake and protein deficiency. Most people know that a deficiency of iron in the bloodstream is a cause of disease. But in fact, she becomes deficient in the hemoglobin of blood cells, which affects her ability to deliver oxygen to the cells and flush out carbon dioxide.

Symptoms include fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness and fainting, rapid heartbeat, pale complexion, excessive periods and difficulty concentrating. Consuming garlic in any form increases the absorption of iron into the blood and fights the disease.

Healing properties of husks (video)

Preparation of medicinal raw materials

To prepare medicinal raw materials, you need to dig up the entire plant after ripening and put it in a sunny and dry place. There is no need to wash the garlic; you can place it on shelves in the garage for 0.5 months. Ready garlic should have crispy leaves. Once this happens, they are cut, cleaned of dirt and stored indoors.

Garlic peel in folk medicine for 100 diseases

Alcohol tincture

Take vodka and alcohol at a concentration of 70% and pour the crushed husks: 1 part alcohol and 5 parts husks. The tincture is kept for a week and strained. Store it in a dark room.


You need to make it by pouring 2 tbsp. l. garlic peels, 2 glasses of heated water. The drug must be prepared using a water bath for 20 minutes. Next, the infusion needs to be filtered and placed in a dark room for 1/2 day. It is used both internally and also as lotions.


To prepare the decoction, the finished dry husk is thrown into water: 1 part husk and 10 parts water. The decoction is prepared on the stove and, after boiling, is left to cool for 20 minutes. The finished drug is used both externally on the affected area and internally.


It is prepared from an infusion of husks, boiling over a fire until half the volume has evaporated. Everything is cooled and stored in a dark, cold room. The drug is taken orally in portions.


The husks are thoroughly crushed in a mortar. The crushed powder is mixed with fatty baby cream: 1 part cream and 2 parts husk.

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Take 2 tbsp. l. dry husks, fill with heated water. Filter the broth and let it brew. Take half a glass twice a day. After a month, stop taking it. Reception is held 5 times a year.

Recipe for colds

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed husks;
  • 40 drops of husk alcohol tincture.

Take 20 drops of this product 2 times a day for a whole week.

Strengthening the immune system

We will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dry rose hips;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of dry garlic peel;
  • some pine needles;
  • 1 tsp. crushed licorice root.

Husks, licorice, needles are poured into 2 liters of water and boiled on the stove for 15 minutes. Place crushed rose hips into the prepared mixture. After this, boil for a few more minutes. Place the prepared drug in a thermos and leave for a day. Then it is sent to a container and brought to a boil. Then let the mixture cool. Take chilled, a few tablespoons every 24 hours.

For hair loss

An infusion of garlic peel is used to improve the quality of hair; against hair loss, rub it into the roots and leave for an hour. Then everything is thoroughly washed with water and shampoo. The procedure is carried out 2 times a month.

For luxurious hair

We will need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. husks;
  • 1 tbsp. l. birch leaves.

The leaves and husks are placed in a container and filled with 1.5 glasses of water. Boil everything for 15 minutes over low heat. The finished drug must be filtered and cooled. Next, it is rubbed into the scalp and kept for several hours. Then wash everything off with shampoo. The procedure is repeated several times a month.

How to prepare garlic tincture (video)

Garlic peel in agriculture

The trend of garlic consumption is increasing, and the industry is producing more and more waste such as peels and stems. It has sufficient nutritional value. Polyphenolic compounds are sources of antioxidants. This means that adding hulls to broiler feed can have a significant impact on improving the quality of chicken meat.

Garlic peels are used as a component of compost. A tincture of it is used to treat sick plants to prevent the appearance of garden pests. To do this, soak 150 grams of dry garlic residue in a bucket of water for a day. Then therapeutic spraying is carried out.

The use of garlic peel in cosmetology

  • Allicin and sulfur compounds will help make your hair beautiful and healthy. Garlic peel effectively eliminates the problem of hair loss. Selenium and sulfur will make thin hair thicker.
  • Garlic peel helps in getting rid of acne. Unsightly spots on the skin will be eliminated by antioxidants, they kill bacteria and infections. It can cure psoriasis flare-ups
  • Garlic broth will be useful as a foot bath with an antifungal effect.
  • Garlic has the ability to kill yeast, so it is not added to the dough. Using this property, you can treat vaginal infections accompanied by itching and irritation.

Allicin, an organic compound present in garlic, effectively stops skin cell damage caused by bacteria and free radicals.

Pharmaceutical preparations and dietary supplements based on garlic

Allylsate is an alcohol extract based on garlic. It is used for high blood pressure, intestinal problems and atherosclerosis.

Dried garlic is part of allohol, which is used for constipation, problems with the liver and gall bladder. Companies also offer garlic tablets as an allicin-based dietary supplement. People successfully take Alisat dietary supplement to restore immunity during influenza epidemics.

Dry garlic bulb powder is used in capsules that also have antimicrobial properties. The capsules also contain concentrated garlic oil, which is used for respiratory diseases and heart treatment.

Each drug comes with instructions; follow the dosage.

Properties of garlic tea (video)

About the side effects of garlic peels

Garlic peel is actively used in folk medicine, but it also has its contraindications. The folk remedy should not be used:

  • children under 12 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • acute gastrointestinal diseases;
  • low pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease.

Even in the absence of contraindications, the dosage cannot be increased. The amount of decoction drunk during the day should not exceed 1 liter. The infusion should not be drunk hot or warm, only taken cold.

Garlic is a familiar plant that has an amazing range of healing properties. All its parts, even the husk, are actively used in folk medicine and help many people. Before treatment, be sure to consult a specialist and find out the contraindications.

The benefits of garlic have been known for a long time. This healthy vegetable is popular and widely used in nutrition, preservation and treatment. But not everyone knows that, along with cloves, garlic peels are also useful. Our ancestors infused this component to prepare rubs and infusions and actively used it for healing. Garlic peel infusion is a biologically active component that has a healing effect on the body.

Benefits of garlic peels

Garlic peelings include useful components - quercetin and garlic pectin. Quercetin has anti-aging properties. Quercetin is believed to have anti-allergic properties and may reduce signs of allergic reactions. It belongs to the group of vitamins P, due to which rejuvenation and cell regeneration occur. In addition, the substance protects tissues from the negative effects of toxins. Garlic pectins help cleanse the blood from the effects of radioactive substances and cholesterol. Treatment with garlic peel has been known for a long time, but is little used at present.

A decoction of garlic peels has a positive effect on the body, helping to cope with inflammatory processes, relieve pain and accelerate the healing of tissues and cells. The infusion is used for:

  • rejuvenating effect;
  • cleansing the body of stagnant feces and toxic components;
  • removing cholesterol deposits and giving blood vessels elasticity and strength;
  • restoration of the cardiovascular system;
  • relieving inflammation in the digestive organs;
  • kidney and bladder treatment;
  • acceleration and normalization of the body's metabolic reactions;
  • strengthening the immune system.

Cases of using infusion of garlic peelings

When living in areas with poor ecology or working in hazardous industries, an infusion is used to remove toxins and radioactive compounds.

The use of solutions improves appearance, gives the skin a healthy tone, gives a feeling of vigor and fills with energy. The use of tincture for seasonal epidemiological exacerbations is very effective.

The drug is actively used:

  • to strengthen the heart muscle;
  • for diabetes;
  • for diseases of the digestive system;
  • for tumors and formations of various etiologies;
  • for pain relief;
  • to restore blood flow;
  • for the prevention of vascular diseases;
  • to maintain the vitality of older people;
  • for obesity and overweight;
  • to improve the quality of hair, nails, skin.

How to properly place leeches at home

Contraindications to the use of garlic tincture

The use of tinctures, decoctions and powder from garlic shells has a healing effect on the body and helps normalize health. There is a list of contraindications for using the solution:

  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • breastfeeding time;
  • children under twelve years of age;
  • periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the digestive system in the acute period;
  • low blood pressure.

If you ignore these contraindications, you can significantly harm your health. Consultation with a doctor is necessary, even if there are no contraindications or obvious symptoms of the disease. The doctor will recommend the optimal dose of the drug and decide on the advisability of using the drug. It must be remembered that the solution should only be taken when it has cooled! Drinking a warm or hot drink made from garlic peels is strictly not recommended.

In alternative medicine, garlic flakes are used in the following ways:

  • tincture is a special drink that helps rejuvenate the body and rid it of toxins and poisons;
  • decoction - a strained and cooled drink is recommended for oral administration for diseases of the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems;
  • powder - crushed garlic shells are used for disorders of the digestive system, destabilization of the body's metabolic processes, to increase immunity;
  • natural garlic peel – serves as a prevention of the first symptoms of colds, used for inhalation.

There are many recipes based on garlic peels as the main ingredient. It is very important to prepare the solution correctly, because different dosages of the component are used to treat different diseases.

The beneficial properties of garlic peel have been sufficiently studied:

  • remedy for the heart and blood vessels, cleansing the body - thoroughly washed and dried husks are simmered in a water bath at a rate of three to one (husks and water, respectively), taken three times a day before meals, cold, one hundred grams;
  • remedy for colds and coughs - inhalation is recommended for several minutes, intense sneezing occurs, mucus is discharged from the nose, the treatment course lasts seven days, inhalation is carried out once a day;
  • drink to increase body tone - garlic seedlings are poured with slightly cooled boiling water and kept covered for seven to eight hours, taken two hundred to two hundred and fifty milliliters for ten days;
  • remedy for tinnitus - twist the peel and lemon, pour half a liter of cold water, leave for up to four days in a cold place, take three tablespoons for three months.

About cleansing the stomach at home

It should not be forgotten that to prepare the solution it is necessary to use only a high-quality product grown in an environmentally friendly place, without the use of chemical fertilizers. Garlic peels produce a medicinal product that is applicable to the treatment of a large number of diseases.

Garlic peel as a medicine

A thrifty housewife knows that garlic peel has a wide range of effects on the body. With the help of scales you can get rid of diseases and improve your health. The benefits of using infusions, decoctions and drinks from garlic peel have been known for a long time, and alternative medicine offers the drug for the treatment of a number of diseases. For the best effect, it is preferable to use white garlic flakes, since it is there, according to experts, that beneficial substances are concentrated in greater quantities than blue garlic.

Garlic flakes are a quick help for an upset stomach. If you take the crushed husk for diarrhea, the effect will come very quickly. If a similar problem occurs on the road or on a hike, and there is no medicine, chew garlic peels and the diarrhea will stop. It is worth noting that this remedy is not suitable for cleansing the body, as it causes very severe constipation.

If the kidneys or heart are not functioning properly, an infusion of garlic flakes has a positive effect on the function of these organs. When taking the tincture for a month, a lasting result is noted, which can be consolidated with a repeat course. The main thing is to pause for about seven to ten days between treatment sessions. Garlic shells have an effective property at the first manifestations of colds. If you put the ingredients in a hot frying pan and inhale the smoke for a minute or two, your health will improve and you can prevent the development of the disease or the deterioration of your condition.

Garlic peel as a cosmetic product

About cascade fasting according to Lavrova

For women, such a drink will give youthful skin and a healthy complexion. It is noted that those who take the drug improve the quality of hair, nail plates and eyelashes. To make your hair thick, beautiful and shiny, you can use a hair mask based on garlic peel. After a course of such masks, you can forget about split ends and dandruff. Skin diseases cause a lot of trouble. Everyone wants to have beautiful skin without acne and blackheads. To treat unpleasant skin manifestations, it is recommended to use a decoction that contains:

  • garlic shells;
  • water.

In a coffee grinder, grind the garlic peelings to a powdery form. Pour boiling water over the product and let it brew for half an hour.

Leave overnight until completely cooled and then add to water while taking a bath. In a month, the skin will become healthy and free of irritation and acne.

How to prepare garlic peels correctly

It is not easy to specifically prepare garlic peels. You just need to select a container where the garlic shells will be placed after using the cloves. Only white varieties of flakes should be collected. In order for the medicine to be effective, the plant is harvested and grown in an environmentally friendly place, without the use of pesticides or growth stimulants.

The cloves should be fresh, healthy, without visible damage. The garlic heads are washed, dried, and then the garlic husks are collected and stored. The product must be clean and dry, as wet shells will smear and will be impossible to accept. Garlic peel has enormous medicinal potential, which can only be used after consulting a doctor. In the absence of contraindications, the product can help with a large number of diseases, prolong youth, and maintain vigor and strength.
