Homemade machine for cinder blocks with your own hands. A machine for making cinder blocks with your own hands - drawings. Handmade production of block building materials

Construction materials occupy a separate niche on the market. The variety allows you to choose a material that matches the conditions and type of construction. The price varies depending on the quality of the product; you can’t always get a quality product for good money. Production building materials independently will allow you to significantly save your budget.

Cinder block is used in the construction of walls, partitions, fences and garages. You can make cinder blocks yourself, it is important to create the exact shape. The production machine is sold in various types and parameters, on which production volumes depend.

Equipment for the production of cinder block

Producing cinder blocks using special equipment will not be difficult. The casting process on a machine for the production of cinder blocks occurs as follows:

  1. A working mixture is prepared, consisting of cement, water and fillers. The latter must be passed through a sieve, removing large ingredients. Water should not completely fill the solution; the filler stays dry on the floor. The consistency is chosen independently, depending on the type of production.
  2. The mixture is loaded into the mold, compacted with packing or a special cinder block press. During the process, it is necessary to monitor the amount of the mixture; when compacted, it contracts.
  3. After which, the prepared block is removed from the mold.

The drying process occurs naturally, after 24 hours it is possible to move ready material to the warehouse. Use in construction is available within a week after production, complete hardening occurs within a month. Special additives speed up the hardening process, maximum humidity and direct Sun rays allowing the cinder block to harden faster.

The main advantage of cinder block production is big choice modifications of machines and equipment.

There are many designs, equipment, and machines for the production of cinder blocks. It is possible to make a machine yourself using the following elements:

  • prepared cinder block matrix for molding the solution;
  • necessary materials and tools;
  • ventilated room with a leveled floor.

There are many varieties of machine designs available for DIY manufacturing, the drawings of which are available on the Internet. It is important to calculate the required production volumes before manufacturing; for your own needs, it is enough to produce simple equipment.

A small volume is produced by a hand-made matrix. The material can be any available - from hardwood to sheet metal. This process requires manual compaction of the material. Cinder block machines have a modification with a vibration motor, which will significantly save labor costs during production and speed up the process. The included electric motor with a vibration design for a few seconds allows you to fill the volume into the molds, adding filler in time.

In order to make a product not only for your own needs, you will need a full-fledged cinder block machine. The design will require the following tools in your arsenal:

  • angle grinder;
  • welding machine;
  • marking tool.

According to the drawings, the structure is welded and processed with a grinder. The machine device for making cinder blocks may contain a vibration motor attached at the bottom. For convenience, the control panel and clamping mechanism are displayed.

Machine form

The prepared mixture is poured into the mold. A self-made cinder block machine requires a correctly marked form when pouring; the open cavity of the finished product consists of 30% of the area. Mold materials:

  • metal corner;
  • steel sheet 5 mm;
  • pipes with a diameter of 8 cm.

The mold frame is prepared from sheet metal, markings are made in accordance with the double size of the part. Pipes are installed on the hanging plates to fill the technological voids of the blocks, and the edges of the machine are closed. The role of the plates is in the form of a limiter, which acts during operation of the vibration device. The lid is made to fit a mold with holes, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the pipes themselves. Handles installed with different sides serve to raise and lower the mechanism.

The simplest design of a cinder block machine

The easiest option for the manufacture of equipment and the production of building materials is a collapsible frame without additional elements. The drawings of a homemade machine for making simple cinder blocks do not contain a lot of information; every novice mechanic can figure it out.

A primitive design will require a soft solution, which is poured into the formwork. Suitable for technological voids glass bottles required diameter. After several hours, the formwork is dismantled and the solution dries in the open space. A DIY cinder block machine can be made from hardwood or sheet steel before filling inner part The molds are greased with oil.

Making a more complex machine

For making more complex design you will need a machine base. The mobility of the machine is a significant advantage; therefore, a frame is made from a 4 mm profile that is connected to the wheels. A pipe is welded at the top of the rack, which serves as a lifting mechanism. A machine for producing cinder blocks with your own hands will require an electric motor to which the shaft is connected.

The equipment produces cinder blocks by filling and closing a mold with a prepared solution. After filling, the electric motor starts, which compacts the mixture; after hardening, the machine is ready for use for the production of the next workpiece.

Do-it-yourself vibration machine for the production of cinder blocks

The quality of the finished product and the fast production process will never interfere with the farm. Therefore, it is possible to add an electric motor to the design of a primitive device. It’s easy to assemble a machine for making cinder blocks with your own hands, you just need to follow technical instructions. The design contains hand press, a vibrator and a homemade matrix. The work is made easier using a lever system.

The production of the machine takes place using the same tools, an electric motor is added low power up to 1 kW. During production it is taken into account main element– shape, the quality of the future product depends on its size and correct geometry. The sequence of manufacturing a vibrating machine:

  1. The wall of the mold is cut out of sheet metal using a grinder. If the matrix is ​​used in the production of several cinder blocks at the same time, it is important to provide partitions.
  2. The pipe is divided into parts, with a height of slightly less bricks, the holes are welded. Fastening is done on plates, which are best made removable. This design can be used in the production of a monolith.
  3. The electric motor mounting bolts are welded to the outer wall of the device, and a metal apron is mounted on top of the mold.
  4. The press is made in the form of a plate, made of thick metal; holes are drilled with slightly larger diameter pipes to ensure a tight fit to the matrix along the plane.
  5. An eccentric is manufactured for the electric motor, which can be provided independently. A bolt is welded onto the plane, along with a nut, which makes it possible to regulate vibrations.
  6. Connecting the handle to the press, thoroughly cleaning the device, painting.

Do-it-yourself machines are distinguished by their productivity, but are indispensable in the household. Production volume during construction necessary construction sufficient, allows you to avoid financial losses on the purchase of new equipment.

Cinder block is one of the most popular materials for the construction of walls of one-story buildings. It is distinguished by its low cost and the possibility of producing it independently at home.

Cinder block - wall stone

This building material is intended for low-rise construction. There is an opinion that if you include “high” grade cement in the mix, then you can make a solid foundation for a bathhouse or house from homemade blocks. However foundation blocks must withstand huge loads, so blocks should be purchased at the factory, and not made independently.

Cinder blocks are:

  • hollow;
  • full-bodied.

Due to sufficient strength characteristics, solid cinder blocks are used for cladding and construction. load-bearing walls, as well as partitions. At the same time, hollow products have good heat and sound insulation. Due to voids, raw materials are significantly saved, which means the cost of production is much lower.

Cinder blocks are also used as additional insulation when constructing frames.

How to mix a solution to create a cinder block?

The name of the building material “cinder block” speaks for itself. This means that the main component of the solution will be the slag obtained in the blast furnace, which should be sifted through a special sifter (sieve).

We will need:

  • 7 parts of the main filler (slag will serve as this);
  • 2 shares of gravel having fractions of 5-15 mm;
  • one and a half parts of cement (it is best to take grade M 400, 500);
  • about 3 parts water.

In addition to slag, other components can act as the main element: clay, expanded clay, sand, gravel, crushed stone, gypsum and many others. It should be noted that if you choose blast furnace slag as a filler, then other additives must not be used. If you want to get a colored cinder block, then you can add chalk or red bricks reduced to fine crumbs into the solution (they should be crushed).

In addition, during the production of cinder blocks, make sure that the solution does not spread.

Component nameQty
Density, kg/m3Water absorption,%Mrz, cycles not lessCompressive strength, kg/cm2
Cement, kg
Sand, kg (m3)
Crushed stone, kg (m3)
Water, l (depending on the moisture content of the components)
900 (0,52)
900 (0,52)
2350 4 200 410
Cement, kg
Screenings, kg (m3)
Sand, kg (m3)
Water, l
920 (0,54)
1150 (0,7)
2160 4,5 200 400
Cement, kg
Sand, kg (m3)
Water, l
1550 (0,9)
2200 5,3 200 436

Tip for obtaining durable blocks: you need to add a plasticizer to the solution (you can buy it at any hardware store). Then you will receive not only durable, but also frost-resistant and waterproof blocks.

When you are going to set up the process of creating cinder blocks yourself, you should understand that there is no universal solution recipe. Each master selects his own unique formula through trial and error. If you are a beginner, you can use the standard one.

Prices for plasticizer for concrete

plasticizer for concrete

Cinder block production methods

There are two ways to obtain such blocks on your site.

  1. Using formwork, that is, a form made of lumber or steel sheets.
  2. Based on the operation of a special machine.

Video - Making cinder blocks by hand

Video - Cinder block walking mobile machine

Video - Machine for making cinder blocks

Tools and materials for block production:

  • molds (wood or metal), or vibrating machine;

    2,3,4 – pallet blanks. 5,6,7 – frame of the matrix from below (corner 25x25). 8 – bar for fastening hollow cores. 9 – emptiness. 10 – upper void plug. 11 – lower void plug

  • concrete mixer;
  • leveling spatula;
  • shovel for pouring mortar;
  • solution.

Prices for cement-sand mixture

cement-sand mixture

Instructions for making your own mold

The design of the form has the following form: bottom and side walls. Between a pair of transverse boards or sheets of metal, you should fasten the crossbars at the required distance for you. Maintain a step that corresponds to the size of the required cinder block.

Since it will be difficult to remove the finished product from the mold, the design of the container should be collapsible. For production efficiency, make formwork designed to produce 4-6 cinder blocks.

To make a mold to create cinder blocks you will need:

  • iron sheets 3 mm thick;
  • 5 mm iron strips (several pieces);
  • cylinders, 4 cm in diameter;
  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • chalk for marking.

Welding machine prices

welding machine

Stages of manufacturing a single split metal mold

Step 1. We mark the sheet according to the size of the blocks: we will need two longitudinal sides and two transverse ones. We cut out our plates with a grinder.

The width of the longitudinal plate is 210 mm, the length is 450 mm, the transverse plate is 210 by 220 mm.

Step 2. Wings 3.5 cm high should be welded to the bottom of the cinder block mold so that the mold does not move, and a handle to quickly release the poured solution from the mold.

Step 3. Notches are made along the contour of the transverse and longitudinal walls in order to hook the mold onto the longitudinally installed walls.

Step 4. Let's assemble our form.

Step 5. To create voids in the cinder block, we make hanging cylinders. They must be welded to a plate 3-4 mm thick, which should seem to penetrate the cylinders closer to the top. We make notches on the end walls of our container to hook them.

Video - Do-it-yourself mold for cinder blocks

Production of cinder blocks using a split mold

Forms have any dimensions. Standard sizes structures are 90x190x188 mm; in private construction, other sizes can be used, for example, 40x20x20 cm. In order to save material, it is better to use forms with cells of 4-6 blocks and cylinders (squares) to create cavities.

Metal homemade uniform(detachable) has the following form.

Let's consider step by step process production of cinder blocks.

Step 1. Mix the solution in a concrete mixer.

Step 2. Pour the mixture into our mold with a shovel. In this case the mixture is thick. You can also use a liquid solution.

Step 3. Be sure to ensure that the solution fills the container evenly. To do this, compact the filled solution. We control the filling of the form to the brim. Align upper layer using a spatula.

Step 4. If the solution is dry, then you should use a special lid, the holes in which will block the bayonets in the mold. This device will help compact our cinder block. This type of lid is not used for liquid solutions.

Step 5. We move our block to an open area with the goal further storage. After 30-40 minutes, remove the bottom, sides and top cover. To better remove the cinder block, we use a regular hammer to hit the top of the wall and a longitudinal strip with cylinders.

Step 6. It will take us at least a day to dry completely.

Production of cinder blocks using a vibrator machine

Step 1. We mix our solution, taking into account the proportions. Special attention should be given the right amount water, because the cinder blocks should not spread when you remove them from the mold.


To find out the correct consistency of the mixture, do a small test. Squeeze the solution in your hand: if it connects in it and does not spread when it falls to the ground, it is a good and correct solution.

Step 2. We fill our form with a solution, with a slide.

Step 3 . We turn on the machine for 2-4 seconds, after which the loaded composition will be compacted. We level the mixture with our hands so that the iron pins (cylinders) are visible.

Step 4. If there is not enough mixture in the form, it needs to be replenished, insert the clamp and turn on the vibrator again. The completion of formation is indicated by the settling of the clamp on the stops.

Step 5 . Our vibration form should be turned on again for 6-10 s.

Step 6 . Close the top with a lid with holes for the cylinders. And we do another tamping by raising and lowering the lid 4-5 times.

Step 7 . Then, without turning off the machine, the uniform is removed - just take the machine to you.

Using a vibrating machine, you can produce up to 500 cinder blocks per shift.

Step 8 . We dry the blocks for 5-10 days. Complete hardening of the resulting building materials will take place after a month, while the humidity should be high and the air warm.

Step 9. After a day, the blocks can be moved to storage locations (they will not be broken), but they can only be placed together after a week. And if you do add a plasticizer to the solution, then after 6-8 hours they can be moved and stored.

Of course, purchase a vibrating machine for single production It’s not worth it, but special attention should be paid to compaction when creating cinder blocks (the quality of the product depends on this process). In this case, you can use a regular vibratory grinder, on which you just need to place our mold with the mixture.

Video - Production of cinder blocks using a vibrator machine

Features of storing cinder blocks

The resulting products are stored in pyramidal stacks, one hundred pieces at a time.

At the same time, they are stacked at small intervals. All you have to do is dry the material for a couple of months, then you can start building a bathhouse, an extension or a shed.

What are the features of cinder block production?

When producing cinder blocks, special attention should be paid to drying. For example, any dent or unevenness will ruin the building material. Another requirement for material quality is geometry. A large number of irregularities and defects is a prerequisite for increased costs for finishing the constructed walls. Therefore, in order for the product to turn out smooth, you should fill the mold or vibrating mold to the brim. Do not skimp on pouring the solution in heaps, because the vibration will shake out your mixture.

For better plasticity, when mixing the solution, do not forget to add plasticizer at the rate of 5 g per block. This will save the product from possible cracks, increase strength and frost resistance. For construction small bathhouse You can mix the solution by hand, but a concrete mixer will help speed up the process. You just need to buy or borrow a small unit with a capacity of 02-0.5 cubic meters. m.

Video - Homemade concrete mixer

Before preparing the mixture, the slag is moistened 5-6 hours before. This will allow better binding of cement grains and filler fractions. Please note that if you are filling wooden or metal molds Without the possibility of vibrating, the mixture should be liquid.

Pros and cons of using cinder blocks

The advantages of cinder block include:

  • possibility of production at summer cottage or in a private home;
  • drying of the material can take place in an autoclave ( industrial production), and on outdoors(for self-production);
  • a building made of cinder blocks has minimal heat loss;
  • the material is inexpensive;
  • construction of the building is carried out quickly, taking into account big sizes blocks;
  • when mixing the solution, you can, by changing the proportions, give it certain qualities;
  • You can produce cinder blocks of any size.

Disadvantages of cinder block:

  • low frost resistance, but with the use of a special additive they can be increased;
  • there are doubts about environmental friendliness, especially for products made from blast furnace slag;
  • As for the liquid absorption characteristics, the material has strong moisture absorption and requires special protective coatings;
  • fragility (this material is clearly not suitable for the construction of high-rise buildings).

  1. Blocks made with the addition of cement have the highest strength. The next place is occupied by lime blocks.
  2. If small granules are replaced with part of the sifted sand, the strength of the products will increase slightly.
  3. A combination of cement and lime (or clay) in a 3:1 ratio will allow you to save money, which will not affect the quality at all.
  4. Before you start pouring the solution, the molds should be cleaned and wiped. This will prevent the resulting blocks from sticking to the bottom and walls. For such wiping, diesel fuel, used oil or similar products are used.
  5. The density of the solution is a direct indicator of the rate of hardening. The thicker it is, the faster block will be able to freeze. The main quality characteristics of cinder blocks depend not only on the production technology, but also on the choice of solution. Below are various types of mixtures, the use of which demonstrates certain characteristics required of the material.

Video – Cinder block. Instructions for a beginner

The availability of materials and the ease of production of mounting blocks from slag concrete allow you to make them yourself. Cinder blocks can be made by hand, or you can make them for this purpose homemade machine, which will significantly speed up the production process. Before creating a working drawing of the machine, you need to decide for what purpose it will be used. For the construction of small structures and outbuildings 1-2 molds will be enough, which will be required for the manufacture of mounting blocks. If it takes much large quantity cinder block per 1 working cycle, then you need to think about manufacturing more powerful and productive equipment (for example, for 4-6 or more molds per cycle).

How to make molds for making blocks

As well as its physical characteristics make this material attractive for the construction of various architectural structures. Purchase finished equipment its production is quite troublesome and costly, but making a machine with your own hands is quite possible. First, you need to create a drawing of the forms taking into account the dimensions of the cinder block – 390×188×190 mm. Then you need to decide on the number of blocks to be made.

Here it should be taken into account that if the cinder block will be produced on a vibrating table, then the forms must be made single, since otherwise it will be quite difficult to install them on the table for shaking. You can make a double container with a gap of 5 mm between identical sections, where the separation plate will be installed. It is necessary to take a steel sheet of the same thickness (from which we will make the forms). The process of making them is quite simple:

  • we mark the metal sheet;
  • cut out the right size details;
  • Using welding, we connect the steel flaps together;
  • in the middle we weld a plate and cone-shaped cylinders that will act as void formers.

Foreman's advice: welding sheets together requires spot tack welding outside so that the metal does not lead, and there is a solid and smooth surface inside.

After manufacturing the structure, you will need to make a metal pallet, which then needs to be welded with the mold, and then you need to retreat 50 mm from its edge, and 200-300 mm along the long side (excess mortar will be located here after it is loaded). The height of the side should also be 50 mm so that the solution does not spill out when loading.

Design features of the machine

As we have already said, you can cook it using a machine. Most simple design can be made as follows:

  • as the base of the vibrating table we will use two channels of the same size, to each of which we need to weld two metal pipes. They will serve as table supports;
  • It is necessary to weld springs over the free ends of the pipes, which will provide the proper level of vibration for shaking the working composition in the molds. Old motorcycle springs are perfect for this purpose. They will also act as shock absorbers;
  • The vibrating table top can be made of thick-walled steel. The rectangular sheet must be welded to the vertically located springs of the supports. Then on the canvas strictly according to the seats of the electric motor (you can use a motor for this purpose grinding machine or from a household “washing machine”) you need to weld the bolts and secure it tightly. To ensure vibration, an eccentric must be installed on the engine output shaft (you can use a nut with an offset center or weld a bolt).

You can check the functionality of the equipment by connecting the electric motor to the network. If the machine starts to vibrate, you can start making cinder blocks.

Foreman's advice: To facilitate the production process, you can make a machine design with a lifting frame that is capable of lifting the mold, after which the finished product remains on the floor. The frame itself has wheels for easy movement of equipment.

We also note that for small private production, machines with a lifting part are suitable, which will speed up the manufacturing process several times.


Cinder block is one of the most popular building materials. Manufactured using the vibrocompression method from concrete mortar. A wide variety of buildings are erected from cinder blocks - from sheds and garages to residential buildings.

Are you planning to build something out of cinder blocks? Make them yourself! There is nothing complicated in the production technology of these concrete blocks. You need to thoroughly understand the operating procedure, find out the basic requirements and follow the recipe.

The dimensions of the cinder block are standardized - 188 x 190 x 390 mm. Each block has holes. Usually there are 3 of them. For the manufacture of building elements, a mixture of cement of a grade not lower than M400, blast furnace slag and coarse sand is used. Additional fillers and plasticizers are often added.

You can make blocks either manually using molds or using equipment with a vibrocompression function.

On average, one bag of cement is enough to make 36 blocks. The savings are obvious.

The cinder block must have the correct geometry. Even small irregularities will lead to deterioration in the quality of the masonry. To get even blocks, the molds need to be filled not just to the brim, but with a slight mound, because... During vibration, the concrete will shake slightly and settle.

Prices for different types of building blocks

Building blocks

How to prepare the solution?

There is no universal solution composition for making cinder blocks - each craftsman has his own unique recipe. In general, you need to focus on the characteristics of the slag composition.

ComponentsVolume, l, per blockCompressive strength of the dried block, kg/cm2Frost resistance finished block, cyclesThermal conductivity coefficient of the finished cinder block
Slag up to 8 mm10 30-40 30 0.35-0,4
Sand up to 3 mm1,8

There is a standard “factory” recipe, you can use it as a guide. The proportions are as follows:

  • slag – 7 parts;
  • sand – 2 parts;
  • cement - 1.5 parts;
  • water – 1.5-3 parts. More about the definition required quantity water will be discussed later.

Helpful advice! Previously, standard dimensions of slag concrete blocks were given. However, for private buildings it is more convenient to use products with dimensions of 400x200x200 mm.

In addition to slag, the composition of such blocks can include ash, sawdust, gypsum, broken bricks, coal combustion products, gravel and other similar materials.

Pay special attention to determining the required volume of water. It must be added so much so that the products do not spread after formation.

You can do a simple test. Drop a handful of solution onto the ground or other surface. If it crumbled, but when squeezed back with your hands, it came back together into a single mass - the consistency is optimal.

Making cinder blocks by hand

If the planned construction is not too large-scale, the blocks can be made without a brick press.

Making a mold

We assemble a mold measuring 40x20x20 cm. If you wish, you can adjust the dimensions at your discretion. To make the mold we use metal sheets or wooden boards.

The design is extremely simple: bottom and side walls. We fasten the walls taking into account the selected width and length of the block. The height of the edges of the form must also correspond to the planned height of the building elements.

Helpful advice! You can make molds with cells to make 4-6 blocks at a time - very convenient. You just need to increase the length and width of the outer edges and install partitions between them.

Prepare empty glass bottles. You will use them to create voids in the blocks.

Filling the blocks

Pour the solution evenly into the mold to the brim.

Place the bottles with the neck up in the poured mixture. We level the surface of the fill, removing excess mortar.

We wait about 5 hours and take out the bottles. We leave the cinder blocks in the molds for a day, after which we carefully remove them and lay them out in stacks on a horizontal surface.

We leave the blocks to dry for a month. Only after the specified time can the material be used for construction.

Helpful advice! Cover the blocks while drying plastic film. It will protect the products from cracking during the heat and prevent them from getting wet in case of rain.

Making cinder blocks on a machine

The machine allows you to significantly increase work productivity. The equipment has a fairly simple design.

Assembling the machine

The main element of a homemade vibratory compacting machine is a mold (matrix) for slag concrete mortar. By its design, this form is metal box With internal elements in the form of voids. The void stoppers can also be removable.

Set for work includes the following materials and tools:

First step. We make a mold according to the size of the future blocks. Cut from sheet steel side faces matrices. We will make a form for 2 blocks at once. To do this, we cut out the inner central partition from steel and fix it in the box.

Second step. We determine the height of the elements to decorate the voids.

Important! In accordance with the technology, the height of the voids should be such that the bottom wall has a thickness of 3 cm.

Third step. We cut 6 pieces of pipe along the length of the limiting cylinders to form voids.

Fourth step. We give the pipes a conical shape. To do this, we cut each piece of pipe longitudinally to the middle, compress it with a vice and connect it using welding machine. each cone on both edges.

Fifth step. We connect the stops in a row along the long edge of the cinder block. Along the edges of the row we add a 3-centimeter thick plate with holes for fastening with eyes.

Sixth step. We make a cut in the middle of each such compartment. We weld lugs on the back side of the form. They will allow temporary fastening of elements to create voids. Very convenient solution– it will be possible to remove the cylinders and make monolithic blocks.

Compact cinder block machine (press on top)

Seventh step. On the outside of one of the transverse walls we weld 4 bolts for the mounting holes of the vibration motor.

Eighth step. Using welding, we attach an apron on the loading side and blades along the edges.

Ninth step. We prepare all structural elements for painting - we clean them and thoroughly polish them.

Tenth step. We do the press. It will look like a plate with holes repeating the location of the holes in the block.

Important! The diameter of the holes on the plate should exceed the same parameter for the recesses in the block by approximately 0.5 cm.

We make the plate of this size and fix it in such a way that it can go deep into the box at the place where the limiters are installed by 5-7 cm.

Finally, all that remains is to weld the handles to the press and cover the structure primer mixture and mount the vibration motor.

An ordinary vibration motor can be converted into a suitable vibration motor. Electrical engine. To do this, it is necessary to weld eccentrics onto the engine shafts. We won’t bother too much - we’ll just weld the bolts so that their axes coincide. To regulate the frequency and strength of vibration, screw nuts onto the welded bolts.

Prices for machines for cinder blocks

Cinder block machine

Making blocks

Recommendations for preparing the solution are given above. You can use the standard recipe or modify it at your discretion. The main thing is to obtain optimal viscosity. It can be determined “by eye” - the lump of mixture should hold its shape steadily.

Before loading the mixture, lubricate the contact metal surfaces with oil. Thanks to this, the solution will not stick to the iron.

Laying it down ready mixture into the matrix and begin pressing.

Place the filled forms on a vibrating plate and let it compact the solution for 5-15 seconds. After the specified time, add more solution to the mold, because previously loaded will inevitably settle.

We repeat the process, only this time we do not turn off the vibrating plate until the clamp reaches the limiters. We remove the mold until the machine stops.

We give the blocks 1-3 days for initial drying, carefully remove them from the blocks, lay them out on a flat horizontal surface and cover them with plastic wrap. The material can be used for its intended purpose no earlier than after a month.

Good luck!

Video - Making cinder blocks with your own hands

Cinder block is a popular building material that is widely used due to its low cost and good operational characteristics. will last 50 years or more. Equipment intended for the production of this building material is not subject to certification, so many are manufactured.

What is needed to produce blocks, making molds

In order to make a cinder block with your own hands, you need to purchase in large quantities all the components of the mixture, which necessarily includes cement and fillers, as well as various additives, improving the quality of building materials.

For production you will need a concrete mixer, a vibrating sieve and a vibrating machine. Particular attention should be paid to the molds for making blocks.

You will need as many forms as you plan to make blocks per day. Molds can be made from wood or metal. For void formers, pipes of the required diameter are taken. You can also make rectangular void formers, but you need to take into account that the voidness of the block should not exceed 40%.

Foreman's advice: the usual dimensions of the blocks are 390x190x188 mm, but if you make the blocks with your own hands, you can make shapes of arbitrary sizes.

You can also make machines for producing cinder blocks with your own hands. Detailed drawings will help with this.

If you have a lot of time, you can make blocks without using a machine, just using molds. To do this, you need to pour the solution into it by a third, then tap its walls with a hammer along the entire perimeter so that the mixture settles. Then you need to pour the mixture again and repeat the action. Can be used as void formers plastic bottles filled with water. They need to be inserted at the same distance from each other. In this case, it will take 2-4 days to dry, after which the block can be removed and a new one prepared.

Using quality cement and strict adherence to production technology, blocks made by hand are no less high quality than those produced at the enterprise.

