Drawing on the theme let's protect animals together. Wall newspaper for World Animal Day. World Animal Day

Artist from Armenia Arabo Sargsyan dedicated a series of unique illustrations to protest against the anthropocentric model of the world and the utilitarian attitude of people towards the world around them. The author’s works touch on all areas of human use of animals: production of meat, fur and leather, experiments, entertainment using animals and birds, hunting, bullfighting, circuses, zoos, fighting, racing.

Dutch government . There are currently about 160 fur farms in the kingdom, where more than 6 million minks are killed annually for their fur. However, a total ban will come into force only in 2024.

On July 23, the world celebrates World Whale and Dolphin Day. This date was established in 1986, when the International Whaling Commission, after 200 years of merciless extermination, introduced a ban on whale fishing and trade in whale meat. The embargo is still in effect today.

In a special material for International Circus Day.

September 15, 2015 in the Netherlands. Holland joins the list of nine European countries that have now abandoned this cruel tradition. Bolivia, Paraguay and Mexico did the same.

Tamara Kozaeva


The roots of this wonderful holiday go back to 1931. international day animal protection began to be celebrated in Italy. It was a way of drawing attention to the dire plight of endangered species. At that time, a congress of supporters of the conservation movement was taking place in Florence. Since then, on October 4, everyone in the world has been honored. animals.

This date was not chosen by chance. This is the day of remembrance of Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals.

He died in 1226, October 4. That is why the congress settled on this date. And so it appeared World Animal Day. The history and features of the holiday are known all over the world today. A wide variety of events dedicated to this date are held in more than 60 countries.

Our group also held a lesson on the topic “Take care of animals".

We held a photo competition "children and animals»

And by the day animal protection organized an exhibition of children's drawings "our favorite animals»

Publications on the topic:

On October 4, our group held a thematic lesson “Take care of animals”, where the children got acquainted with the diversity of the animal world:

Leisure dedicated to World Animal Day in middle and senior groups Leisure dedicated to World Animal Day. Goal: to develop a caring attitude towards animals, responsibility, and mercy. Tasks:.

Goal: To introduce children to the rules of communication with animals, to tell about animals from the “Red Book”. Objectives: Educational: - teach.

The administration of the Nizhneilimsk region announced a competition of children's drawings dedicated to World Children's Day. I told the children about the history.

Prepared by category I teacher E. A. Pereverzova. Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the diversity of the animal world. Cultivate awareness.

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to World Water Day “Save water” for children of senior preschool age Scenario of the holiday dedicated to World Water Day “Save Water” for children of senior preschool age. Music sounds, c.

I Just like you and me, cats smile. Do you see? The cat lies there, silent, and if you pet it, it will purr! And, closing its eyes and mouth, it will sing a “smile” to us.

It was decided to celebrate World Animal Day or International Animal Day in Florence (Italy) in 1931, at the international congress of supporters of the movement for the protection of nature held there.
The date of World Animal Protection Day was not chosen by chance. October 4 is the day of remembrance of Francis of Assisi (died October 4, 1226), one of the most revered saints in the Catholic Church. Francis of Assisi is considered by Catholics to be the patron saint of animals, which is why the congress participants decided on this day. Our planet is inhabited by a huge number of animals and birds. Some live only in warm countries, others prefer cold and temperate climates, and some are distributed throughout the world.
 Every hour, 3 species of animals disappear irrevocably from the face of the Earth.
 Every day, more than 70 species of fauna and flora disappear irrevocably from the face of the Earth.
 Over the past 25 years, the Earth's biological diversity has decreased by more than a third.
(material taken from Wikipedia)
A very large number of animals are exterminated by humans. V. Bianchi wrote: “What is a shot from an amateur hunter? This is a “moment, stop!” A miracle - a creature flew out, jumped out, struck the imagination. It must be stopped, embraced, examined, understood! The shot thunders, the bird falls, but the moment does not stopped, and there is no satisfaction. Because in your hands you no longer have the miracle of life, but a dead and flabby body." The cruelty of people turns, first of all, against themselves, said Bianchi, hearing stories from friends about inhumane treatment of “our smaller brothers.” She corrupts. And from cruelty to an animal to cruelty to a person is one step. No material gain can justify cruelty."
So let's become a little kinder on this day towards the defenseless inhabitants of our planet.

I decided to display International Animal Day in the form of a poster. I made a map of the world in pastels and then placed animals and humans on it.

There are countless examples of how animals are thoughtlessly killed for fun and trophies. Here are some of them.

The whooping crane is the rarest species of the true crane family.
Leaving Africa in April
To the shores of the father's land,
They flew in a long triangle,
Drowning in the sky, cranes.

Stretching out silver wings
Across the wide firmament,
The leader led to the valley of plenty
Its small people.

But when it flashed under the wings
Lake, transparent through and through,
Black gaping barrel
It rose up from the bushes towards us.

A ray of fire struck the bird's heart,
A quick flame flared up and went out,
And a piece of wondrous greatness
It fell on us from above.

Two wings, like two huge griefs,
Embraced the cold wave
And, echoing the sorrowful sob,
The cranes rushed into the heights.

Only where the stars move,
To atone for one's own evil
Nature returned to them again
What death took with it:

Proud spirit, high aspiration,
An unyielding will to fight -
Everything from the previous generation
Youth passes on to you.

And the leader in a metal shirt
Sank slowly to the bottom,
And the dawn formed over him
Golden glow spot.


Almost touching the treetops, a small red plane circles over the swamps and forests of Canada's Wood Buffalo National Park. Pilot Jim Brady leans into the controls for the next turn, while his two passengers, Tom Steen of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Lee Craig-Moore of the Canadian Department of Conservation, lean against the windows, trying to see the white spots below. For a small international team, these white spots mean birds one and a half meters tall, which are dancing somewhere down there, jumping funny on long legs, and flapping their powerful wings, attracting the attention of females. And then, raising their beaks to the sky, they fill with cries the reserve, which has become a summer haven for a flock of the rarest cranes on earth. For the last pack.

By 1940, when a massive hurricane killed an entire flock in Louisiana, only about two dozen whooping cranes remained in the world.
Thanks in large part to its striking beauty, the whooping crane, the rarest of the world's 15 crane species, has become a global symbol of endangered species. But once upon a time, numerous flocks of these birds inhabited the entire North American continent. But from the middle of the 19th century, their number began to decline rapidly: crowds of Europeans arriving on the continent in search of a better life barbarously hunted cranes and drained the swamps - their habitat. As a result, in 1940, when an entire flock died in Louisiana due to a strong hurricane, only about two dozen whooping cranes remained in the world.

Why do they kill the squirrel? Belek is a baby harp seal and is destroyed only for its valuable fur.
Black beady eyes.
And in them is a silent plea:
"People! I want to live!
Leave me alive!”
But no one sees
This silent plea.
It's been decided a long time ago
Don't let him live.
He is only to blame for
That his fur coat is valuable.
What in this world do they all
The price has been determined.
Forgive us, dear animal,
Because our world is cruel.
For the fact that it’s so little, white squirrel,
In this world you lived.
Black beady eyes
They ask them to save their lives
Let the squirrel live so long,
How long does he want to live?
(Author unknown!)

1. Tell orally what animals mean to you. Do you have any favorite animals? Write which ones.

I believe that animals are very important for every person. Domestic animals help a person: they give him food (cows, geese, ducks, chickens, pigs), clothes (sheep), protect him (dogs), help him move long distances (horses, camels), help him carry heavy loads (elephants), entertain and make them happy (cats, dogs, parrots, etc.).

Wild animals are also important to people. They help maintain balance in nature so that living conditions are favorable for all inhabitants of the Earth. For example, when rabbits were brought to Australia, they began to multiply very quickly, since there were no wolves there and no one regulated the number of rabbits. The rabbits began to eat all the vegetation and almost turned the entire continent into a desert.

I like wild animals because they are beautiful and interesting to watch. I enjoy going to the zoo and looking at representatives of all species of animals without exception.

Cats, dogs, bears, cheetahs, wolf, horse, hedgehog.

2. Number the examples of the negative impact of humans on the animal world, expressed by these signs.

Use these signs to explain why many species of wild animals are becoming rare.

  1. Active deforestation is underway and animals are losing their usual habitats.
  2. Industrial enterprises pollute the environment with emissions and wastewater, and animals suffocate from dirty air and dirty water.
  3. Poachers hunt rare and valuable animals in order to sell their skins, tusks, horns or meat. This reduces the number of animals of a given species and can even lead to its extinction.
  4. Fish in rivers, lakes and seas is caught using prohibited methods and without taking into account the spawning period (the period when fish spawn). This leads to a reduction in fish in reservoirs and the inability to restore the population.
  5. Catching insects for no reason can also lead to the decline and extinction of a species. While catching butterflies, for example, their wings or legs may break. In this case, even the animal released back into the wild does not survive.
  6. A person very often makes a lot of noise: listening to music on vacation, working with tools, or simply talking loudly. Animals are afraid of loud unusual sounds and run away. If a loud sound is heard for several days or months (construction, production), then the animals leave this place and look for another “apartment”. This cannot always be done without loss.

3. Seryozha and Nadya’s mother asks if you know the animals listed in the Red Book of Russia. Cut out the pictures from the Appendix and place them in the appropriate boxes. Test yourself using the textbook. After checking, paste the pictures.

4. Our sociable Parrot has many friends among birds. He offers you a riddle drawing. What is the name of this amazing bird? Where she lives? Why is it interesting? If you don’t know, look for the answer in additional literature and the Internet.

The Mandarin duck or Chinese duck is a small wood duck that can be found in the Far East of our country. True, by the end of September, mandarin ducks leave the territory of Russia and go to China, Japan and Korea for the winter.

The weight of this duck does not exceed 400 - 700 grams. Mandarin ducks are excellent swimmers and can take off from the water almost vertically. From food, Chinese ducks prefer fish eggs, worms, seeds of aquatic plants and shellfish.

Hunting mandarin ducks is prohibited, as they are listed in the Red Book. But now many parks and zoos breed mandarin ducks in their nurseries, because these beautiful bright birds are always popular with visitors.

Write the name of the bird and color the picture.

5. Write down the rules that are “encrypted” by these symbols. (Give brief statements.)

You must not come close to bird nests or touch the chicks or the nest itself!

During a walk, dogs should not be allowed to approach bird nests and destroy them! Keep your dog on a leash while walking!

Do not catch and take home healthy chicks and cubs of other animals!

6. Using additional literature and the Internet, prepare a report about one of the animal species included in the Red Book of Russia. Use the outline of a story about a rare plant or animal that you made in 2nd grade. Write down the basic information for your message point by point. Indicate the source(s) of information.

Giant shrew

The giant shrew is an animal from the shrew family. This animal lives only in the Far East, northeastern China and the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. This animal lives nowhere else in the world. In appearance, the giant shrew resembles a mouse, but it has a more elongated muzzle with a long nose, similar to a proboscis. The body length of this animal is only 10 centimeters, and its weight is only 14 - 15 grams.

Unfortunately, deforestation currently underway in the Far East has led to a sharp decline in the number of giant shrews. The fact is that these animals prefer to dig minks in wooded areas with coniferous and broad-leaved forests, not swampy and quite humid. Deforestation changes their habitat and makes it uninhabitable for new generations of shrews.

Find out what animals other guys have prepared messages about. Listen and evaluate their performances.

7. Come up with and draw a “Take care of animals!” poster on a separate sheet of paper.
