Adjusting the boiler gas valve. Boiler gas valve - operating principle and settings. The water doesn't heat up

From the beginning heating season the owner of a private house must switch the heating boiler to operating mode. The operation is not the most difficult, since all instructions for setting up the unit are necessarily indicated in the technical documents. In our article we will tell you what to pay attention to when setting up the equipment and how to make the boiler work with maximum efficiency.

Selection of gas equipment - main criteria

With settings gas boiler you need to decide before purchasing it. We recommend starting with the power of the equipment. The features of your home matter a lot. The main condition for the normal and uninterrupted operation of such a unit is the presence of a centralized gas supply. Naturally, you can try to use imported gas cylinders, however, this will significantly increase costs. In some cases, it is even cheaper to purchase electrical equipment for heating a building than to purchase gas cylinders.

Heating boilers are single-circuit and double-circuit. In the first case, we recommend purchasing an additional boiler indirect heating. Only then can the unit be used to heat sanitary water. The best option is considered to be the purchase of a double-circuit boiler, which has all the necessary functions for heating the building and water. His key feature consists in transferring the priority of operating mode control to hot water supply. In other words, after opening the hot water supply system, the heat supply to the main circuit, which also includes the heating system, stops.

There are some features of choosing a floor-standing and wall-mounted boiler. Wall-mounted equipment has less power, so it is not enough to heat rooms with a total area of ​​over 300 square meters. IN in this case you will either need to purchase another boiler or install a gas boiler floor type. In stores you can purchase floor-standing units of any power.

Safe operation of the boiler - calculation of its power

The power of the heating boiler is key factor, which affects the level of heating of the premises, as well as the durability of the equipment and the safety of its operation. First of all, it is necessary to determine the heat loss through the ceiling, walls and windows. Part of the thermal energy is lost through the ventilation system, which should also be kept in mind. It is very difficult to perform such calculations with maximum accuracy on your own; you cannot do without the help of specialists.

However, there is a technique that allows you to approximately calculate the required power indicators. If the construction of the building was carried out in accordance with all safety and energy saving requirements, then about 100 W of heating equipment power is required to heat one square meter. Accordingly, it is necessary to buy a new gas boiler based on this ratio.

To select a boiler, consider the features of your building. After all, the power will depend on many factors, be it the thickness of the walls and ceilings, the presence of plastic or wooden windows, as well as their insulation. The difference between the outside temperature and the indoor temperature is great importance. So, if the temperature inside changes insignificantly, then outside the amplitude reaches enormous values. Even in winter, sharp transitions from plus 10 to minus 20 degrees are possible.

Give preference to modern units. And the reason is not only the quality of such equipment, but also the availability additional functions, for example, LCD displays. In this case, setting up a heating boiler will not be difficult, since the monitor shows the main operating parameters of the device - fan speed, actual and set water temperature, and much more.

One of the most common power-related problems with equipment is clocking. This phenomenon occurs when the unit you choose has too much power. In this case, there are only two options - either purchase a new gas boiler, or try to configure it yourself. The first option is preferable, but the second is also used very often.

Boiler clocking is a situation where the boiler turns on on its own too often. This occurs due to too strong an increase in the temperature of the coolant.

Timing is fraught with serious consequences. Inadvertent switching on of the equipment causes excessive gas consumption, in addition, excessive wear of the equipment is observed. However, solving the problem is very simple - adjust the gas supply to the burner to the minimum level. Check the gas supply level regularly and, if necessary, adjust the gas boiler again.

Each boiler comes with its own instructions, which detail how to do this. Usually there are special screws on the gas valve that are responsible for the intensity of the fuel supply. On modern models All settings can be made directly from the LCD display, making it even easier and faster.

Regulating the temperature in rooms - setting guide

Setting up a gas boiler allows you to set the optimal temperature regime indoors. The only condition is the presence of a thermostat, the task of which is to regulate the burner power. The thermostat is connected to a temperature sensor located in the room. You first need to set the required temperature value that is comfortable for you. After this, you can enjoy the warmth by reading books or watching your favorite films.

There are some limitations when using thermostats. For example, this device allows you to set the temperature in only one room. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to install a thermostatic valve in the supply pipe in front of each heating radiator. Due to the narrowing or expansion of the working substance located inside the valve, the area changes cross section pipes. Such valves react to the slightest temperature measurement; even an increase in the number of people in the room can lead to a narrowing of the working fluid.

Failure of thermostats can cause simultaneous shutdown of all heating radiators. This will lead to the cessation of coolant circulation in the heating equipment circuit. It is necessary to pre-install a jumper tube or bypass to avoid such problems.

Automatic space heating system - trust, but verify

Modern gas boilers are equipped with a function for automatically selecting the operating mode depending on the presence of people in the rooms. This allows you to maintain the temperature at a certain level even during a long absence of the owners. This setting can only be used if the system is periodically monitored by neighbors or relatives. This is due to the fact that in the event of unforeseen problems, for example, an emergency shutdown, the entire heating system of the building will fail.

As practice shows, there can be quite a few reasons for turning off the boiler:

  • reduction of network voltage;
  • power outage;
  • reduction in the cross-section of the chimney due to ice formed there;
  • reducing gas pressure;
  • burner extinction as a result of strong wind entering the combustion chamber.

Therefore, regular monitoring is necessary. Otherwise, the system may fail, which will lead to huge financial costs. Naturally, neighbors will need to be explained how to properly adjust or configure a gas boiler in a given situation. Then you can count on nothing happening in the house during your absence.

For heating and hot water supply of apartments and small private houses with one bathroom, double-circuit gas boilers are usually used.

IN big houses with several sanitary premises for heating, single-circuit gas boilers with a storage boiler for preparing hot water are more often used. This system provides more comfortable use hot water in the house.

In an apartment in a new building with apartment heating A Protherm Gepard 23 MTV double-circuit gas boiler was installed. Next, let's look at setting the boiler power using this apartment as an example.

Gas boilers of the Protherm Gepard series are almost a complete analogue (a simpler version) of the Protherm Panther boilers. This article describes in detail the adjustment and power settings of gas boilers Protherm Gepard and Protherm Panther.

It should be noted that the company that produces Protherm series boilers at its other plant produces gas boilers of the famous Vaillant brand. Vaillant gas boilers are in a higher price category due to the use of more quality materials for the manufacture of heat exchangers. But in design, other parts used, and service menu settings, Vaillant brand gas boilers are very similar to Protherm boilers.

The principles of adjustment and power settings described in this article Suitable for many other gas boilers brands and manufacturers.

Internal structure of the double-circuit gas boiler Protherm Gepard 23 MTV and Panther 25.30 KTV (Panther)

Reasons for clocking (pulse operation) of the boiler in heating mode

The operating manual states that the useful thermal power of the Protherm Gepard 23 MTV boiler is regulated within the range from a maximum of 23.3 kW. to minimum 8.5 kW. The factory setting for power in heating mode is set to 15 kW.

The total area of ​​the apartment heated by the boiler is 60 m 2. To heat the apartment, heating devices (radiators) with a total maximum thermal power of 4 are installed kW.

How to determine the maximum thermal power of a heating circuit in a house or apartment

How to determine the maximum thermal power heating circuit? On the websites of radiator manufacturers and sellers we find the thermal power of each radiator installed in the house. In manufacturers' catalogs, the heat transfer of radiators is presented in 2 modes: 1) 90/70/20 degrees and 2) 75/65/20. You need to look at the heat transfer according to the “75-65/20” parameter. The sum of the powers of all radiators connected to the boiler will be equal to the maximum thermal power of the heating circuit. For the apartment from our example, this value turned out to be 4 kW.

The installers installed the boiler and put it into operation, “forgetting” to carry out the commissioning work. The boiler was started to work with the factory setting of maximum power in heating mode 15 kW.

Obviously, a heating system with a maximum power of only 4 kW., will not be able to accept what is produced by the boiler thermal energy power 15 kW. The power of the boiler burner is controlled automatically within certain limits. But there is a huge difference in the power of the boiler and heating devices leads to the fact that the boiler automation is not able to bring the boiler power in line with the needs of the heating system without additional settings.

The large difference between the power of a gas boiler and the power of heating devices, among other disadvantages, leads to cyclical operation of the boiler.

By the way, about other disadvantages of an overly powerful boiler. The service instructions for the Protherm Gepard 23 MTV boiler indicate its efficiency in heating mode: 93.2% at maximum thermal power (23.3 kW.) and 79.4% when operating at minimum power (8.5 kW.) Imagine how the efficiency will further decrease if this boiler has to work with a heating system with a power of 4 kW. Please note that a double-circuit boiler operates in heating mode most of the time throughout the year, with minimal power. At least 1/4 of the gas spent on heating will literally fly uselessly down the chimney. This will be the price to pay for installing overly powerful heating and hot water equipment in the house.

Tips on the topic “How to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler” can be found if you read this article to the end.

Excessive cyclicality, impulsiveness of work or, as people say, “clocking the boiler” manifests itself in the fact that the boiler burner, after being turned on, quickly turns off when the set temperature is reached in the straight pipe at the outlet of the boiler. But the radiators remain not heated to this set temperature - the water heated in the boiler simply does not have time to reach the heating devices. That is, the boiler produces more thermal energy per unit time than a less powerful heating circuit is capable of receiving. Therefore, the temperature of the water leaving the boiler rises quickly and it turns off earlier, without having time to heat the radiators.

After a short time, the circulation pump supplies the heat exchanger with the remaining cool water from the heating system return pipe and the burner turns on again. Then everything repeats again.

A high-power heating system has an increased pipe diameter and radiator volume, which means less hydraulic resistance. IN large systems the water does not flow exactly the same, it flows faster, with a higher flow rate (liters per second). During the rapid passage through the boiler heat exchanger, each liter of water only manages to heat up by 15-20 degrees o C. And in order to heat this liter to a given temperature, the water in the heating system must pass through the heat exchanger several times.

For heating systems low power the pipes are thinner, the radiators are smaller, the hydraulic resistance is higher and the water flows slower. If you heat slowly flowing water with the same power, then the water entering the heat exchanger immediately, at one time, will heat up by 40-60 degrees o C, immediately to the maximum temperature, and the boiler will turn off. And the water remaining in the system, which has not reached the boiler, will remain cold until the next clock cycle. This is what happens in the boiler if its power is not adapted to the heating system.

The size of the flame (burner power) in the boiler is controlled electronically by complex algorithm, where the time from the start of the burner, the temperature value, the rate of temperature change in the heating circuit, and the temperature difference in the forward and return pipes are taken into account. I don’t know all the intricacies of the regulation algorithm, but automation, without additional service settings, does not provide normal work boiler at a power below the minimum, which is indicated in the technical specifications.

In a properly configured heating system, the temperature difference in the forward and return pipes should be no more than 20 o C.

Clocking reduces the service life of the boiler and increases gas consumption

Any person, even without being a mechanic or electrician, knows that the most difficult operating mode for equipment is the moment of startup, turning on mechanical and electrical equipment. During the start-up period, the greatest wear is observed, and failures most often occur. An increase in the number of starts as a result of cyclicity most of all eats up the service life of very expensive parts of the boiler - gas and three-way valves, circulation pump, exhaust gas fan.

To ignite at the moment of starting, the maximum amount of gas is supplied to the burner. Part of the gas, before the flame appears, literally flies into the pipe. Constantly “re-igniting” the burner further increases gas consumption and reduces the efficiency of the boiler.

Some cyclical operation of a gas boiler is provided for by its normal operating mode. For example, regulating the temperature in a room without a thermostat or using a two-position thermostat occurs by periodically turning the boiler burner on and off.

The task of regulating boiler power is to eliminate excessive cycling - clocking caused by a lack of adaptation of the boiler settings to the heating system.

To eliminate boiler clocking, it is necessary to equalize the power of the boiler and the heating circuit

You can do this in two ways:

  1. Reduce the boiler burner power to a level at which the automation can ensure normal operation of the boiler with the connected heating system.
  2. Increase the maximum power of the heating circuit by installing additional radiators or replacing existing ones with more powerful ones.

You can use both methods at once. Reduce the difference between the power of the boiler and the heating circuit by replacing and installing more powerful radiators. And then, compensate for the remaining difference by adjusting the boiler power.

The second method is more expensive, but sometimes you have to choose it. The fact is that, in order to save money, builders often install radiators in the house without a reserve of thermal power. As a result, in order to maintain the required temperature in the premises, in frosty conditions it is necessary to supply heating water to the radiators at a maximum temperature of more than 75 o C. At this temperature, decomposition (combustion) of organic dust particles occurs on the radiators and appears in the rooms. bad smell. In addition, high coolant temperatures shorten the service life polymer pipes and other parts of the heating system made of plastic and rubber.

Sometimes, the power of radiators is simply not enough to maintain the required thermal conditions even at the maximum heating water temperature. Before adjusting the boiler power, I recommend determining the need, and, if necessary, increasing the power of the radiators by 30 - 100%, at least in the coldest rooms.

Above - standard temperature conditions for radiator operation in systems with plastic pipes. Below are the maximum radiator temperatures for comfortable, soft heat. To switch from standard mode to soft heat, the power (size) of the radiator must be increased by approximately 2 times.

The main advantage low temperature heating is the possibility of using modern technologies. It's about about condensing boilers, solar collectors and heat pumps. They require that the heating water temperature in the system be low.

When replacing radiators, it is necessary to take into account that the expansion tank built into the boiler is designed for a volume of water in the heating system of no more than 50 liters for a Gepard boiler, and 70 liters for a Panther. If the amount of water as a result of installing new radiators turns out to be greater, then it is necessary to install an external expansion tank.

The external expansion tank is connected to the return line of the heating system closer to the boiler. In this case, it is better to disable the built-in expansion tank.

Buy radiators in your city

Heating radiators

How to regulate the burner power of a gas boiler

The useful thermal output of a gas boiler can be reduced by reducing the gas supply to the burner. They do this by changing the gas valve settings.

Honeywell gas valve for Protherm Gepard (Panther) boiler - operating diagram.
EVS1— safety electric valve; EVS2— electric drive of the control valve; Vm— a stepper motor controls gas flow through a control valve.

IN modern boilers"Protherm Gepard" and "Protherm Panther" basic settings gas valve from Honeywell changed using a stepper motor. The stepper motor is controlled from the boiler control panel through the service menu.

It should be noted that the manufacturer in some versions of gas boilers Protherm Gepard (Panther), Vaillant, instead of a Honeywell gas valve, installs gas valve SIT 845 Sigma. The maximum and minimum burner power settings for this valve are made by rotating the adjusting screws located on the valve body. Read about the features of adjusting the SIT gas valve below, on page 2.

The electromechanical devices of the boiler (electric valves, stepper and conventional electric motors, sensors) are controlled by a microprocessor of the electronic control board in accordance with the programmed program. The boiler operating program settings can be changed on the control panel using two menus - a public user menu and a hidden service menu.

Access to the service menu of the Protherm Gepard boiler

The Protherm Gepard boiler is controlled from the control panel through a publicly accessible user menu. How the owner can operate the boiler is described in the operating manual.

On the control panel you can call up another, hidden menu - a service menu intended for specialists. The service menu becomes available on the display screen after entering the code.

Press and hold the mode button (1) for about 7 seconds; the display will change - a number will appear 0 . — Using buttons + or (2), enter code, number 35 . — Confirm entering the code by pressing the mode button (1). After this, the display will show the first line of the menu in the form of symbols alternating on the screen: d. 0.

— Using buttons + or d.**.

- Press the "mode" button to move from the menu bar number designation " d.**» to the parameter value (the “=” symbol and the parameter value are alternately displayed on the display). — Change the values ​​of the displayed parameters using the + or — buttons (3) on the boiler panel. — 3 seconds after the change, the new values ​​are automatically confirmed. To return the display to its original state, press the “mode” button for 3 seconds. After 15 minutes of inactivity, the display returns to operating mode on its own.

Access to the service menu of the Protherm Panther boiler (Panther)

The control panel of the Protherm Panther boiler has some differences from the Protherm Gepard boiler. The boiler control panel has a hidden service menu, which becomes accessible when the code is entered.

To access the service menu of the Protherm Panther boiler, you must: Press and hold the mode button (1) for about 7 seconds; The display appearance will change. - By using buttons on the left + or (2), enter the access code into the service menu - number 35 in the left half of the display. — Confirm entering the code by pressing the mode button (1).

After this, the display will show the 1st line of the menu in the form of symbols d.00 with the menu line number in the left half of the display, and the numeric value of the line parameter in the right half of the display. - By using buttons on the left + or (2), enter the number with the required menu bar number: d.**.

To change the value of an option in the menu bar:— Change the values ​​of the displayed line parameters using buttons on the right + or (3) on the boiler panel. — 3 seconds after the change, the new values ​​are automatically confirmed. To return the display to its original state, press the “mode” button for 3 seconds. After 15 minutes of inactivity, the display returns to operating mode on its own.

The service menu commands and the procedure for setting the power of the Protherm Panther boiler are similar to those given for the Protherm Gepard boiler.

Description of some service menu commands

Line d.00— maximum heating output (net power) of the boiler in heating mode, kW. The range of possible parameter values ​​is from =9 to =23, factory setting = 15 (for Protherm Gepard).

Line d.01— run-on time of the circulation pump in heating mode, min., select a value between 2 and 60 min. Factory setting =5

Line d.02— Time delay after operation in heating mode for anti-cycling, min. Protects against frequent switching on and off of the burner in heating mode (this function is not applicable in DHW mode). Choose a value between 2 and 60 min. Factory setting = 20 minutes. This delay (called anti-cycling time) prevents a rapid restart in heating mode after the burner has stopped due to the set temperature or the room thermostat TA. It depends on the coolant temperature setting: - at 80 °C, it is set to 1 minute and is not adjustable. - at 20 °C, it can be adjusted from 1 to 60 minutes using the parameter d.02 in the service menu. At intermediate temperatures, between 20 °C and 80 °C, the delay value changes proportionally in the range from 1 min. up to set in d.02 parameter.

Dependence of anti-cycling time on the parameter value setting in the line d.02 and heating temperatures

Line d.18— operating mode of the circulation pump; Operating mode options: = 0 - with burner: the pump operates together with the burner. =1 - continuous; with RT thermostat: the pump is activated by the command of the room thermostat. =2 - constantly in winter: the pump runs all the time while the boiler is in WINTER mode. Factory setting =1.

Line d.19— speed of the circulation pump; Operating mode options: =0 - burner is running; speed in heating mode is selected automatically, maximum - in DHW mode, minimum - if the burner is turned off = 1 - min. speed in heating mode, max. – in DHW mode =2 – automatically selected in heating mode, max. – in DHW mode =3 — max. speed in heating and hot water mode. Factory setting =2. Each time the burner is started in heating mode, the pump is switched on at a limited speed for at least 30 seconds. If the temperature difference between supply and return reaches 20 OK, the pump switches to maximum speed before turning off the burner (even if the temperature difference has decreased). The same cycle occurs at the next ignition.

Line d.35— shows the position of the 3-way valve, heating/DHW (read only); =99 - hot water =0 - heating =40 - middle position

Line d.36— shows on the display the hot water consumption measured by the flow sensor, l/min. when dispensing hot water (read only)

Line d.40- shows on the display the temperature of the water leaving the boiler in the direct pipeline of the heating system, o C. (only for reading)

Line d.41- shows on the display the temperature of the water at the inlet to the boiler, in the return pipe of the heating system, o C. (only for reading)

Line d.44 — Ionization current control. This parameter informs that the ionization current is in the optimal range. The displayed value does not represent the actual current value! Range of values: 0 – 10. In the range: =0 – 4 – ionization current is sufficient – ​​flame is present; =4 – 8 – ionization current is slightly below a sufficient level – there is a possibility of flame loss; =8 – 10 – ionization current does not correspond to a sufficient level – there is no flame.

Line d.52— setting the minimum power of the boiler burner by shifting the minimum position of the Honeywell gas valve stepper motor. The range of possible parameter values ​​is from =0 to =99. The lower the parameter value, the weaker the intensity of gas combustion.

Line d.53— setting the maximum power of the boiler burner by shifting the maximum position of the Honeywell gas valve stepper motor. The range of possible parameter values ​​is from =0 to =-99 (negative values ​​with a minus sign). The lower the parameter value, the weaker the intensity of gas combustion.

Line d.62- lowering the heating temperature at night. Setting range 0 - 30 o C. If you connect a timer or even a manual switch to the boiler, you can switch the boiler into two modes: day or night. In night mode, the heating temperature setting is reduced by the amount set in d.62. Those. During the day, the temperature of the heating water and the temperature in the house are higher, and at night lower. You can set it the other way around.

Line d.67 — Displays the time between boiler starts. This parameter displays the cooling time in minutes before the boiler is turned on again. The countdown of minutes begins at the moment the boiler turns off due to exceeding the maximum set operating temperature of the heating water on the boiler control panel and the room regulator is permanently closed. This parameter is important for the anti-cycling function of the boiler, when the cooling time until the next switch-on is calculated based on the set boiler heating water temperature and the set anti-cycling time interval in line d.02.

Line d.70 — Setting the position of the three-way valve. In this mode, it is possible to set the position of the three-way valve, regardless of the heating requirements for a particular circuit. Three-way valve position: =0 - valve is controlled based on standard requirements from the control system; =1 - three-way valve is set to the middle position to empty the boiler (both heating and domestic hot water); =2 - the three-way valve is set to the heating position of the extract air.

Line d.71— Setting the maximum temperature in the heating system. Select a value from =45 to =80 °C. Factory setting =75 °C.

Line d.88 — Water hammer protection in cold water distribution (for KTV and KOV boilers). The ability to change the parameter eliminates the reaction to water hammer, which in some cases occurs in cold water pipelines. For example, at closing automatic valve in the flush cistern of the toilet (or washing machine, or dishwasher) a pressure surge (water hammer) may occur in the water supply pipes. The consequence of this may be a false response of the flow sensor (turbine) tap water, which will lead to short-term unwanted activation of the DHW mode of the boiler. Factory setting =0 - activation of the ignition process for heating tap water at a flow rate of 1.5 l/min. Changing the parameter to value =1 - activation of the ignition process for heating tap water at a flow rate of 3.7 l/min. In this case, the flow duration should be at least 2 seconds.

Line d.90 — Identification of the connected room sensor. Using this parameter, it is possible to verify that the room regulator is correctly connected, or that the communication between the room regulator and the boiler is working properly. Attention: this description Applies only to controllers that support eBus communication. If a conventional regulator with a switching relay was connected, this function cannot be used. Display: =0 - the regulator is not connected or does not communicate with the boiler; =1 - the regulator is connected and there is communication between it and the boiler.

Line d.96— Setting the boiler to the parameters set at the factory. If the settings lead to incorrect operation or failures, it is possible to restore the boiler to factory settings. Setting: =0 - replacement with factory settings will not be performed; =1 - a return to factory settings will be made Note: when entering the setting of this parameter, the display always shows parameter “0”

How to eliminate boiler clocking in heating mode

Adjusting the maximum heating power of a Gepard or Panther boiler through the service menu

At the first stage in the service menu, as described above, we find the line d.0, press the “mode” button and look at the value of the boiler power parameter on the display, kW. In our example, the factory setting =15 was visible. It is necessary to set a new boiler power value equal to the power of the heating devices connected to the boiler. This setting will only work in heating mode.

If the power of the heating system corresponds to the operating range of boiler power

The maximum power of the heating system in the house may fall within the operating power range of the boiler specified in the instructions. For example, the total maximum power of radiators in a house is 11 kW. The operating power range of the Protherm Gepard 23 MTV boiler is within 8.5 - 23.3 kW.

In the service menu, as described above, find line d.0, press the “mode” button and look at the value of the boiler power parameter on the display, kW. For example, the factory setting =15 will be visible. Using the “-” button we set the new boiler power value = 11.

I recommend trying to set the boiler power to 20 - 30% less power heating circuit, for example d.00 =9 kW. This power should be enough to compensate for heat losses at home, since the power of radiators is usually chosen with some reserve.

Increasing the anticycling time

At the second stage, increase the anticycling time in the line d.02 service menu.

Factory setting d.02 = 20 minutes. According to the graph (see above) we determine that, for the heating water temperature specified on the display, 70 o C, restarting the burner is possible after 4 - 5 minutes, not earlier.

In line d.02 we set a new value for the anticycling time, for our example the maximum possible = 60 minutes. Line d.67 displays the time in minutes until the boiler is turned on again. Breaks in burner operation became approximately 10 minutes long. Twice as much as with the factory setting, which is still too often.

Increasing the anti-cycling time results in the burner turning on later, at a lower heating water temperature. The heat flow from the boiler to the heating circuit is reduced.

Thus, selecting the settings of the boiler power and anti-cycling time through the service menu, ensure that the cycle time between turning on the boiler burner is at least 15 minutes. That is, the boiler should be turned on no more than four times within one hour.

I note that not all brands of gas boilers have the ability to adjust the anti-cycling time. In this case, you only have to select the boiler power settings.

On some brands of gas boilers, the rotation speed (performance) of the circulation pump is set manually using a switch on the pump. To reduce the boiler clock, it is recommended to increase the pump speed.

Setting up a Gepard or Panther gas boiler for power below the minimum

At the third stage setup is in progress minimum boiler power, by an amount lower than specified in the instructions.

Such adjustment is not necessary in all cases, but only when the first and second stages do not bring the required result. As in our case, when at the first stage we use the “-” button to set a new boiler power value = 9 (the minimum possible setting corresponds to 8.5 kW.). The newly set maximum boiler heating power (8.5 kW) is still very different from the power of heating devices (4 kW).

It should be noted that adjusting the boiler power using the method described below is also useful in other cases, since it allows, through an experiment, to adjust the heating power of the boiler in accordance with the actual power of the heating circuit. The actual power is usually less than the calculated one.

Before carrying out work for setting the minimum burner power, necessary:

  • Fully open thermostatic and other valves on radiators and set the room thermostat to maximum temperature. Thermostat, control warm floors, set to the maximum permissible temperature so as not to overheat the floors.
  • In the custom menu of the boiler, set the maximum operating temperature, which is set by the owners in the coldest weather, adding another +5 °C. Usually it is not less than 65 °C. If the owners do not remember it, or on the new boiler in the menu they set the factory setting for the maximum temperature of 75 °C. The boiler burner will have to switch off automatically at a temperature of 5 °C more, i.e. at 80 °C.
  • Cool the heating circuit to a heating water temperature below 30 °C.

Next, start the burner in heating mode, select the line in the service menu d.52, press the “mode” button and see on the display the value of the gas valve stepper motor position parameter in the factory minimum power mode.

By removing the front cover of the boiler, we visually observe the size of the flame in the burner. In our example, the factory setting was displayed on the display, the number = 72, and the flame height in the burner was quite high.

Use the “-” button to set a new parameter value in the line d.52, for example =20. 3 seconds after the change, when the new value is automatically confirmed, we observe a significant decrease in the flame height in the burner. This indicates that the useful power of the boiler with the specified setting will be greatly reduced.

Next, observe on the display the increase in temperature in the direct heating pipeline at the outlet of the boiler. Typically, the temperature increase stops when it reaches some value less than the set value, for example 52 °C. The boiler is running, but the temperature does not increase (or changes very, very slowly). This means that a power balance has been achieved between the boiler and the heating system at this established water temperature. At this moment, we increase the parameter in line d.52 of the service menu, set a new value = 30 - the temperature begins to rise again and stops again, for example at 63 °C. Again we add the parameter value in line d.52 =35 and so select the parameter until the temperature stops at a value slightly higher than the maximum, for example 77 °C. In this way, a balance is achieved between the power of the boiler and the heating circuit at maximum operating temperature. The boiler power will be set to the minimum level required to operate with the connected heating circuit. In this case, the cyclic operation of the boiler will be minimal.

If the radiators do not warm up well in height, the temperature difference in the forward and return pipes at a maximum temperature is more than 15-20°, then increase the response pressure of the bypass valve. Read below on how to adjust the bypass valve. The water temperature in the forward and return pipelines can be seen on the display if you enter the service menu, lines d.40 and d.41.

In case of adjusting the bypass valve, the gas valve setting in line d.52 must be repeated.

In our example, the burner heated the water to a maximum temperature of 77 o C at the minimum value of the parameter in the line d.52, equal to =28 (factory setting was =72). With a lower parameter value, the burner could not heat the water to the specified temperature. And at a higher value, the burner heated the water to 80 o C and the boiler automatic switched off the combustion.

It should be noted that the method described above for adjusting the gas valve, which allows you to balance the boiler power with the power of the heating circuit through an experiment, is not included in the recommendations of the boiler manufacturer. This is the idea of ​​the author of the article, successfully implemented when setting up autonomous heating systems with gas boilers.

Factory calibrated gas valve

Honeywell gas valve. 1 — fitting for measuring the gas pressure at the outlet to the burner; 2 — fitting for measuring inlet pressure.

The boiler manufacturer specifies Calibrate the minimum power on the gas valve as follows:

In line d.00 of the service menu, set parameter =9, which limits the boiler power to the minimum level specified in the instructions. Turn on the boiler in heating mode.

A pressure gauge tube is connected to the upper fitting at the gas valve outlet. Before connecting, it is necessary to unscrew the locking screw on the fitting 1-2 turns.

Call line d.52 service menu. And changing with buttons + And string parameter value d.52, set the gas valve outlet to the minimum pressure specified in the boiler operating manual. For example, for a Gepard 23 MTV boiler, the minimum pressure in front of the burner is 1.5 mbar or 15.5

This setting will ensure the boiler operates with the minimum power specified by the manufacturer - 8.5 kW. The boiler manufacturer's service instructions do not answer the obvious question of what to do if the power of the heating circuit connected to the boiler is less.

In our example, after setting up and installing in the line d.52 parameter =28, measuring the pressure at the outlet of the gas valve in front of the burner showed a value of 4 mm.water column

Readers in the comments ask the question: “Isn’t such a significant decrease in gas pressure on the burner dangerous for the boiler?” Boilers have many different defenses, but there is no protection against low gas pressure on the burner. From this we conclude that low pressure in itself is not dangerous for the boiler. It is important to ensure stable ignition and stable combustion of gas, since the boilers have appropriate protection.

A home mechanic can roughly assess whether the gas valve settings correspond to the factory settings without resorting to measuring the gas pressure on the valve.

To do this, set parameter =9 in line d.00 of the menu and turn on the boiler in the minimum heating power mode. Record gas meter readings. After 15 minutes (1/4 hour), the meter readings are recorded again and the gas consumption during this time is determined. For example, we determined the gas consumption from the meter to be 0.289 m 3 /15 min. Multiply this value by 4 and get gas consumption per 1 hour in minimum power mode 1.156 m 3 /hour. Compare the obtained value with the data from the factory instructions. For example, standard flow rate gas in minimum power mode for the Cheetah 23 boiler MTV is 1.15 m 3 /hour. Gas consumption according to the meter readings approximately corresponds to the factory norm. We conclude that setting the gas valve in minimum power mode meets the requirements of the factory instructions. If not, then the gas consumption is adjusted by changing the parameter in line d.52.

Similarly, based on gas consumption, you can evaluate the setting of the gas valve at maximum power by switching the boiler to DHW mode.

Power 23.3 kW. corresponds maximum pressure at valve outlet 85 mm.water column

U-shaped pressure gauge

A simple pressure gauge for measuring a gas valve can be made from a clear plastic tube, filled with water and bent into a U shape. One end of the tube is placed over the valve fitting and the other is left open. A ruler is used to measure the difference in water levels in the branches of the tube. The measured distance will be equal to the pressure in millimeters of water column -

A tube with an internal diameter of 8 can be tightly pulled onto the gas valve fitting. mm. For a tube of a different diameter you will have to select an adapter.

At the end of the measurements, do not forget to carefully tighten the screw on the measuring fitting and check its tightness.

Page 2- continuation. Start - on page 1

Read: Either cold or hot water comes from the boiler

Setting up, adjusting the SIT gas valve

Gas valve SIT

Gas valve SIT. 1 - gas pressure measuring fitting at the valve outlet, in front of the burner; 2 - adjusting nut for maximum gas flow; 3 - adjusting screw minimum flow gas; 4 - cover of the adjusting device; 5 - gas pressure measuring fitting at the valve inlet in the gas network.

Manufacturers of double-circuit gas boilers of many brands install a gas valve on the boilers Italian company SIT. The maximum and minimum power settings of the boiler burner are made by rotating the adjusting screws located on the valve body.

The boiler manufacturer Protherm Gepard (Panther) installs the SIT 845 Sigma gas valve on some versions of the boilers instead of the Honeywell gas valve. Such a gas valve is also located in gas boilers Vaillant series.

In the service menu of Protherm boilers with a SIT valve, lines d.52 and d.53 are missing.

How to regulate the minimum and maximum gas pressure at the outlet of the gas valve, see below in the video. The setup principle does not change.

The normal dynamic gas pressure at the inlet of the gas valve should be in the range of 1.3 - 2.5 kPa (13 - 25 mbar or 132 - 255 mm. water Art.). If during measurement the dynamic pressure value falls outside the specified limits, then you must contact the gas service.

In order to eliminate boiler cycling in heating mode, reduce the minimum gas pressure at the valve outlet. To do this, rotate the adjusting adjustment counterclockwise. screw.

Cycling in DHW mode is eliminated by reducing the maximum pressure. To do this, rotate the adjusting adjustment counterclockwise. nut.

Setting up and adjusting the power of a gas boiler when operating on antifreeze

Traditional antifreezes based on ethylene glycol or propylene glycol have a higher viscosity compared to water. As a result, the movement of coolant through the boiler heat exchanger slows down. In addition, antifreezes have a lower heat capacity. All this leads to the fact that the antifreeze in the boiler heat exchanger, which is designed for water, at maximum power instantly heats up to the boiling point and boils. Boiling of antifreeze, as a result of local overheating in the heat exchanger, manifests itself in the form of loud noise, roaring and gurgling.

A gas boiler, when operating on antifreeze, can only operate at a reduced power, lower than that specified in the boiler instructions for water.

To slightly increase the power of a boiler running on antifreeze, it is recommended to dilute the antifreeze with water and also increase the pressure of the circulation pump.

For example, the manufacturer of antifreeze “DIXIS TOP” for heating systems with wall-mounted gas boilers recommends diluting the contents of the original packaging with water in a ratio of 1:1. As a result of dilution of antifreeze, the temperature at which crystallization begins will increase from -30 °C to minus 10 °C.

If the crystallization temperature of diluted antifreeze is not satisfactory, then select another antifreeze.

In any case, to prevent overheating of the heat exchanger, in the settings of the service menu and gas valve it is necessary to limit the boiler power in heating mode(in lines d.00 and d.52 of the service menu), and also set the maximum coolant temperature no higher than +70 °C (in line d.71 of the service menu). It is also recommended to increase the response pressure of the bypass valve on the boiler (how? - read below).

The boiler manufacturer usually gives its recommendations on the choice of antifreeze in the operating instructions. So, for Protherm gas boilers, the instructions say: “It is not recommended to use non-freezing liquids in heating systems with Protherm equipment installed. The use of non-freezing liquids entails a decrease in the efficiency of heat transfer, more high temperatures on the surface on the walls of the heat exchanger and its rapid wear, increased corrosion effect and viscosity, corrosion of gaskets and fittings, both in the boiler itself and in heating system. A boiler malfunction associated with the use of non-freezing liquids will result in a warranty denial.”

Setting, adjusting the bypass valve

In boilers, the forward and return heating pipelines are connected to each other through a bypass valve - bypass, pos. 1.

At a certain pressure difference in the forward and return pipelines, the valve opens and part of the water flows from the direct pipeline to the return pipeline. As a result, the difference in water pressure in the forward and return pipelines cannot exceed the value specified by the valve setting. The operation of the valve helps to avoid water hammer when the circulation pump is turned on. In addition, the valve setting limits the maximum speed of movement (flow) of water in the heating circuit.

The valve response pressure is determined by the position of the adjusting screw, position 1 in the figure. The screw can be rotated 10 turns from one extreme position to the other. Factory setting - the screw is set to the middle position, rotating 5 turns counterclockwise from the extreme right position. The valve opens at a pressure difference of 0.25 b ar.

If the heating radiators are heated unevenly in height - the top is hot and the bottom is cold (the difference is more than 15-20 o C), then it is necessary to increase the speed of water movement in the heating system. To do this, turn the bypass valve adjusting screw clockwise. The valve response pressure increases to 0.35 b ar.

If noise is heard in the radiators or control valves during operation of the circulation pump, then the speed of water in the heating circuit should be reduced. To do this, rotate the screw counterclockwise. The valve response pressure is reduced to 0.17 b ar.

The difference in pressure values ​​that are displayed on the boiler display during operation of the circulation pump and immediately after it stops should not be more than 0.2-0.4 bar. If it is more, then you need to drain the water from the boiler, unscrew it and check the cleanliness of the bypass valve.

Three way valve for gas boiler

Three-way valve for a gas boiler in heating mode. In DHW mode, the rod with the valve moves upward.

To empty the boiler, the stem with the valve is set to the middle position through the service menu (menu line d.70).

Maintenance of gas boiler Protherm Gepard (Panther)

The boiler manufacturer prescribes scheduled maintenance of the equipment annually, before the start of the heating season.

In the Russian Federation, there are “Rules for the use of gas in terms of ensuring safety during the use and maintenance of intra-house and intra-apartment equipment when provided public services on gas supply”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 410 of May 14, 2013.

In accordance with current rules, in order to ensure the safety of gas-using equipment, household consumers must enter into a maintenance agreement with a specialized organization.

In December 2016, the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses was supplemented with Article 9.23, which provides for punishment in the form of a fine of up to 30 thousand rubles for individuals, for violating the rules for ensuring the safe use and maintenance of indoor and outdoor gas equipment.

Fines are provided for:

  • avoidance of concluding a mandatory contract for the maintenance and repair of gas equipment in homes;
  • refusal to admit a representative of the organization to perform maintenance;
  • avoidance of concluding an agreement on the performance of work on diagnosing gas equipment;
  • avoidance of replacing gas equipment;
  • actions that led to an accident or an immediate threat of harm to human life and health;
  • untimely or poor-quality performance of work on maintenance and repair of in-house or in-apartment gas equipment.

I do not advise home craftsmen to carry out work on the gas path of the boiler.

A home handyman can do some if necessary simple work which are recommended to be performed when maintenance boiler

Check serviceability and correct operation:

DHW (hot water) flow sensor. Open line d.36 service menu, which displays the readings of this sensor. Open the hot water tap and, filling a vessel of a known capacity with water, note the time of its filling. Check that the flow rate sensor is measuring correctly l/min. Then check that the boiler burner is turned on to heat up the hot water supply at a flow rate of 1.5 l/min.

Ionization electrode for flame control system. Open line d.44 service menu, which displays the ionization quality parameter. When burning gas in a burner, ionization is considered good if the quality parameter is less than 300 units, and mediocre if the parameter value is in the range of 300 - 1000 units. If the parameter is more than 1000 units and/or the readings fluctuate greatly, then the operation of the flame control system is unsatisfactory and requires urgent repairs, for example, cleaning the electrode. The ionization electrode is located on the right side of the burner.

Correct connection of the boiler to the electrical network. The Protherm Gepard (Panther) boiler must be connected to the electrical network through a plug socket with a grounding contact, which eliminates a “zero-phase” connection error. The mains power phase must be connected to the phase wire of the boiler. To avoid confusion, identify and color-code the phase contacts on the plug and socket. The boiler must not be connected to plug socket without grounding conductor. Failure to comply with these rules may impair the operation of the ionization flame control electrode.

Membrane expansion tank back wall gas boiler

Expansion tank(built into the boiler and external, if any). The water pressure in the heating system in the heated state should be 0.5 greater than the pressure in the cold state Bar. , no more. The pressure gauge readings on the display are recorded during the period when the circulation pump is not working. If the pressure difference is greater, then it is necessary to check the serviceability or adjust the air pressure in the expansion tank. Check if there is enough volume expansion tank for a given volume of water in the heating system.

Read more: " Setting the pressure in a heating system with a membrane expansion tank«

Check the dynamic gas pressure at the inlet of the gas valve. For the measurement method and permissible pressure range, see above, in the settings of the SIT gas valve. The gas pressure in the gas network to which the boiler is connected may change over time for various reasons. For example, as a result of connecting new consumers to the gas network, as well as during severe frosts due to high gas consumption, the pressure in the network may drop unacceptably. For this reason, the boiler stops or its power decreases. If the pressure value is outside the permissible range, then it is necessary to require the gas service to correct the deficiencies.

Check for natural traction in the ventilation duct annually. The room in which the gas boiler is installed must have a separate duct natural ventilation.

Preventative cleaning of the chimney and channel The air supply to the boiler and the room ventilation duct are done every five years.

Gas boiler cleaning

Clean regularly brushing, vacuuming surfaces in the combustion chamber - gas burner and primary heat exchanger.

To clean the primary heat exchanger, it is better to remove it from the boiler:

  1. Switch off and empty the boiler.
  2. Open the front lining of the combustion chamber.
  3. Fold out the electronics unit and protect it from water.
  4. Remove the clamps on the supply and return pipes (1).
  5. Disconnect the upper supply and return pipes (2).
  6. Pull the heat exchanger (3) forward.
  7. Clean the heat exchanger fins from combustion products using a stiff brush and vacuum cleaner.
  8. Reinstall the heat exchanger.
  9. Connect the flow and return pipes (2).
  10. Attach the brackets to the flow and return pipes (1).
  11. Close the combustion chamber with a lid and replace the electronics unit.

The surface of the gas burner is cleaned from combustion products on site, without removing from the boiler. For cleaning use a stiff brush and a vacuum cleaner.

To remove the fan you only need to unscrew one screw

Remove the fan from the boiler every 3-5 years, clean the impeller and other surfaces from dirt, lubricate the bearings with a few drops of oil. Don't wait until the noise from the fan becomes unbearable. Pay attention to the condition of the gasket between the fan and the chimney.

Circulation pump

The automatic air vent cap should be opened by turning it two turns.

During long periods of inactivity of the boiler, the rotor of the circulation pump sometimes “sours” due to deposits, and the pump cannot start when the boiler is turned on. Before turning on the boiler after a long period of inactivity, loosen and remove the rotor plug screw and use a screwdriver to turn the shaft. The location of the pump rotor on the housing is closed with a plug yellow color. If the shaft creates a lot of resistance when turning, it is necessary to dismantle the pump motor and clean it of dirt.

Gas boiler does not heat hot water

Water flow sensor for gas boiler Protherm Gepard (Panther)

The DHW water flow (flow) sensor is a rotating turbine with blades, the rotation speed of which depends on the intensity of the water flow. From operating experience of Protherm Gepard (Panther) gas boilers, it is known that a common cause of failure of the DHW heating function in these boilers is turbine stoppage due to foreign particles entering it. Although the turbine is protected from clogging by a mesh filter, it does not always cope with its task.

If, when you open the hot water tap, the boiler burner does not ignite and water flows from the tap cold water, then check the serviceability of the DHW flow sensor. It is necessary to call line d.36 of the service menu, which displays the flow sensor readings. If, when the hot water tap is open, the flow readings in line d.36 are equal or close to zero, then we conclude that the flow sensor is not working.

The location of the water flow sensor is indicated by the green arrow in the figure above.

The water flow sensor is removed by pulling the fixing steel bracket to the left. After removing the bracket, you need to pull the sensor towards you and pull it out of the socket. Before removing the sensor, it is necessary to drain the water from the DHW circuit of the boiler, as described above.

To avoid failures in the operation of the flow sensor, it is recommended to supply water to the boiler through an additional tap water filter installed in front of the boiler.

Cleaning the secondary DHW heat exchanger from scale

It is known that when water is heated in the DHW heat exchanger, hardness salts are deposited.

Depending on the degree of hardness of tap water, the amount of water used and its heating temperature, The heat exchanger must be cleaned of scale periodically, every 1 - 5 years.

Read: Cleaning the heat exchanger of a gas boiler or geyser from scale.

Read more:

How to reduce the high gas consumption of a boiler for heating a house

Gas equipment is ubiquitous in apartments and country houses. You independently regulate the equipment by installing comfortable temperature in room. This way you are not dependent on utility companies and can save fuel at your own discretion. But for operation to be truly economical, correct settings of the gas boiler are important.

How to set up a boiler yourself

Why do you need proper adjustment of equipment:

  • To save resources.
  • To make the room comfortable, use hot water.
  • To extend the life of the equipment.

You need to start with the right choice boiler, its power. Consider the features of the room: the number and area of ​​windows, doors, quality of insulation, wall materials. The minimum calculation is based on heat losses per unit time. You will learn more about this in the article “”.

Gas boilers are divided into single-circuit and double-circuit. The latter perform heating on the heating and hot water supply (DHW) circuit. Single-circuit units provide heating only. Therefore, to obtain hot water, indirect heating boilers are installed.

Depending on the type of placement, equipment can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. Units placed on the floor have greater power. Therefore, they are used for large areas (from 300 m²). Installation is carried out only in separate rooms(boiler houses). These are models Baxi (""), Buderus (""), "", "".

Attachments ("Lux", "", "", ) fit perfectly into small apartments in the kitchen. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the nuances of the location. From correct selection parameters depend on the comfort of residents, as well as the durability of the boiler.

Power setting

The heating power depends on the modulation of the gas burner. If you have chosen a device with electronically controlled, then he turns on the thermostat, which is connected to the room thermometer. The adjustment occurs automatically: the thermometer measures the temperature in the room. As soon as it drops below a comfortable level, he gives a command to start the burner or increase the flame power.

In normal mode, the thermometer monitors the temperature in only one room. But if you install valves in front of each radiator, control will be in all rooms.

You can adjust the burner manually by operating the gas valve. This is true for atmospheric boilers with an open combustion chamber. Thus, in the Protherm “Cheetah” and “Protherm Bear” models, the valve is controlled by an electric motor. To change the settings, you need to go to the service menu. Most often, this is done by a specialist, and the user follows the steps specified in the instructions.

But we will still tell you how to call up the hidden menu for adjustments.

Before going into the menu and making settings, do this:

  • Unscrew the taps on the batteries.
  • Set the room thermostat to maximum values.
  • In the user settings, set the maximum temperature that you use in severe frosts. The burner always turns off when the readings reach 5°C above the set values. For example, at +75 degrees, a shutdown will occur when it reaches 80 degrees.
  • Cool the coolant to 30°C.

For Protherm Gepard:

  • Hold down the Mode key on the panel. Once the display shows “0”, set the value to 35 by pressing “+” and “−”.
  • Press Mode to confirm.
  • As soon as d lights up on the screen. 0, enter the line number in the menu. Do this using “+” and “−” d.(number). To set the maximum burner power, select d.53, the minimum - d.52.
  • Use Mode to move to parameter selection. Change it "+" "−".
  • The installation receives automatic confirmation.
  • Return to the original menu - hold Mode.

While adjusting using the panel, monitor the flame change and temperature rise.

For "Proterm Panther" the actions are different:

  • Press Mode for about 7 seconds.
  • Using keys 2 (see the picture above), enter code 35.
  • Confirm your entry.
  • Once d.00 appears on the left side of the screen, use the 2 buttons to enter the number.

  • Change parameter from right side screen using keys 3.
  • After confirmation, press mode to exit the menu.

For Electrolux Quantum models:

  • Unplug the device for a few seconds.
  • After turning on the controller, hold the red button for 15 seconds.
  • As soon as P01 lights up on the display, press the red key until P07 appears.

  • If number 1 flashes after P07, then 38°C–85°C is maintained. If the light is 4 - 60°C–85°C, 7 - 38°C–60°C.
  • Use the “+” “−” knob to adjust the desired value.
  • Turn off the boiler for a few seconds. Now it will automatically support the specified parameters.

How to program equipment Viessmann, look at the video:

For Eurosit 630:

All the steps described above are used to configure the device in heating mode. Many users encounter a problem when in DHW mode from a tap water is coming unstable temperature. To fix this, use our recommendations.

Changes in hot water temperature

To regulate the water supply to comfortable levels, you need to reduce the burner power.

  • Open the mixer to switch the boiler to DHW mode.
  • Set the temperature to 55°C.
  • Go to the service menu as described above (for “Proterm”).
  • Select option d.53.
  • Click Mode.
  • After this, the maximum power will appear in the line. For example, let's take indicator 17.

If you experiment and immediately select the minimum value - 90, then the temperature of the water from the tap will not be comfortable. We set it to 80 and get an increase in water temperature. Increase the values ​​little by little until you are satisfied with the DHW supply. In our case, the water reached +50 degrees, and the setting was 80. This despite the fact that the factory setting was 17. That’s the difference.

SIT valve adjustment

The automation of some units provides for the presence of a SIT type gas valve. It is found in the Vaillant and Proterm models. The adjustment is made by rotating the bolts on the valve. To change power, you need to change pressure. Values ​​of 1.3–2.5 kPa are considered normal.

To reduce pressure, turn the bolts counterclockwise. To reduce the pressure in DHW mode, you need to rotate the adjustment nut. More details are shown in the video:

Bypass valve

If the radiators in the room warm up unevenly, increase the coolant circulation rate. To do this, turn the bypass screw clockwise.

If, when you turn on the heating, the liquid in the radiators makes a noise, then reduce the speed of the coolant by rotating the screw reverse side. To set up and measure, use a pressure gauge or digital differential pressure gauge. It will indicate the nominal pressure, which should not exceed 0.2–0.4 Bar.

Startup problems

During the startup and operation of Bosch, Ariston, Ferroli, and Oasis gas equipment, problems may arise.

Boiler clocking

If the power of the equipment is incorrectly selected, excessive cycling occurs. This means that the device’s burner often turns on and off, and the radiators do not have time to warm up. Firstly, this leads to rapid wear of components and parts of equipment. Secondly, a large amount of fuel is used.

To eliminate the phenomenon and reduce cyclicity, two methods are used:

  • Reduce burner flame.
  • They increase the heating power by including additional radiators in the circuit.

We described above how to complete the first point. Sometimes you have to install additional batteries, although this is a rather expensive method.

Igniter does not work

If attempts to ignite at Immergas, Korea Star are unsuccessful, inspect the igniter. It could get clogged. The problem can be resolved by cleaning the part. You can wipe it with a dry cloth or use a solvent.

If earlier the boiler adjustment was simple - turn the valve on the burner and increase or decrease the gas pressure, then modern automation does everything itself. But there are also problems with it that require adjustment of the automation. Let's look at how a modern gas boiler functions.

Description and functions of a gas boiler

A simple heater consists of a heat exchanger chamber, a gas burner and ventilation. The operation of all these systems is controlled by automation.

The safety device for gas boilers has a multi-stage protection system:

  1. When igniting, you need not only to turn the gas supply handle, but also to hold it for some time until the solenoid valve (6) is activated. This prevents the device from accidentally leaking gas.
  2. The backdraft sensor (8) reacts to the flow of fire from the burner into the room. This can happen due to sudden gusts of wind, a clogged chimney, or malfunctioning burners. Thanks to this controller, the gas supply is automatically turned off when backdraft occurs and people cannot be poisoned by carbon monoxide.
  3. The temperature sensor (7) protects the boiler from overheating, turning on the gas as needed. Thanks to it, the temperature in the heating system is maintained at the level specified by the user.

Control systems in gas boilers can be autonomous or energy-dependent. The latter require connection to the electrical network.

Gas boiler adjustment

If the automation begins to work incorrectly, or there are malfunctions in its functioning, then you need to find the reason and either adjust the control system or replace the faulty elements.

IMPORTANT! Do not ignore malfunctions, even if they occur only occasionally. This could cost you and your loved ones your life.

Let's look at the most popular problems that you can fix yourself:

  • “The boiler heated wonderfully in the fall, but in the winter the house was cold.” This is, in fact, not a breakdown, but just a need to regulate the heating temperature. There is a thermostat in the body of any gas boiler. It may look like a rotating handle with a scale, buttons with a temperature screen, or a scale with a slider on it. It is enough to set a higher heating value, and your home will immediately become warmer.
  • “When igniting, the solenoid valve does not work, no matter how much you press on the handle.” The most common failure requiring valve replacement.
  • “The boiler burns normally, but after a while there is a bang and everything shuts down.” As a rule, here we are dealing with automatic activation. But what is the reason for the “pop” will have to be clarified. It is best to invite specialists.

IMPORTANT! Do not glue or jam a faulty EM valve! It is responsible for the gas supply, and if it is fixed, the rest of the automation will be useless. When the burner goes out or reverse thrust, You risk simply suffocating.


In conclusion, it should be recalled that all gas equipment- a source of increased danger. You should not unwind anything in the boiler control system yourself or interfere with the operation of controllers, burners and sensors. Gas is invisible and undetectable, and its leak is much more difficult to detect than faulty wiring or leaking water pipes. If it is necessary to install, replace, repair or adjust a gas boiler, it is better to invite specialists.
