Separating and emphasizing punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence. Methodological development in the Russian language (9th grade) on the topic: Separating and emphasizing punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence (9th grade)

What punctuation marks help convey a variety of semantic relationships between simple sentences within complex ones? In which sentences do punctuation marks separate, and in which do they separate parts of a compound?

  1. A gusty wind blew. The trees rustled.
    A gusty wind blew and the trees rustled.
  2. The excursion was a success. Tourists explored the sights with interest.
    The excursion was a success: tourists viewed the sights with interest.
  3. The brother handed over the letter. He didn't wait for an answer.
    The brother, when he handed over the letter, did not wait for an answer.

Punctuation marks in a complex sentence are needed in order to convey in writing the features of semantic relationships between parts complex sentence, features of its structure and intonation.

In complex and non-conjunctive complex sentences they separate simple sentences, performing separation function, and in complex complexes allocate dependent part ( subordinate clause), performing excretory function.

53. Review the table. Prepare an oral report on this topic. Support your answer with examples.

Punctuation marks in complex sentences

54. Read it. Write down the sentences in this order: 1) with dividing punctuation marks, 2) with emphasizing punctuation marks.

1. Grandfather turned out to be right: a thunderstorm came in the evening. (K. Paustovsky.)

2. Dersu and I did not wait for the Cossacks to saddle their horses, and went forward. (V. Arsenyev.)

3. The sun burned like yesterday, the air was still and dull. (A. Chekhov.)

4. The forest will be filled with rustling and ringing in the morning, but in the meantime it was floating over the village dark sky with bright needle stars. (V. Astafiev.)

5. The rays of the sun brightly poured gold over the tops of the pine trees, then went out one after another; the last ray remained for a long time. (I. Goncharov.)

Author's punctuation in complex sentences, this is the placement of punctuation marks that are not provided for by the rules, but are acceptable if the author uses them to convey any additional meaning. Writer in literary text solves his visual problems with the help of copyright signs. Such signs most often include the dash and semicolon in complex sentences.

So, K. Paustovsky puts a dash in the sentence Fishing in snags was very tempting - large and lazy fish were hiding there, although it was necessary to put a colon.

55. Dictation. Read the text. What types of sentences did the writer use to create a picture of nature and express his attitude towards it? Record the text from dictation. Draw diagrams of complex sentences. Underline homogeneous members.

Night is ahead. Lonely birches turn dimly white, and the silver scattering of spring stars moves high, high. It smells fresh and drunken of thawed earth, young grass, buds and some other inexplicably pleasant, cheerful smell of free wind, space and cool darkness. You breathe in the key cold of the night until you cry and feel how your shoulders turn, a nervous shiver runs down your back.

It is glorious to live on earth, even for the sake of a single breath!

(N. Nikonov.)

Intonation of a complex sentence (§ 10)

Lesson objectives: 1) introduce students to the purpose of punctuation marks in a complex sentence, the use of punctuation marks in different functions (separation, highlighting) between parts of a complex sentence, a list of punctuation marks used in complex sentences different types, features of intonation of simple and complex sentences, graphic ways of indicating them; 2) teach how to differentiate the use of punctuation marks in different functions between parts of a complex sentence, draw up diagrams of complex sentences, be able to correctly read the indicated complex sentences intonationally, correctly construct complex sentences from the indicated simple ones intonationally, draw up graphic intonation diagrams of complex sentences.

I. Repeating the spelling of vowels in personal endings of verbs.

Text is projected from task: copy it down, insert the missing vowels in the personal endings of verbs. Give reasons for the use of commas.


The troika is rushing, the troika is jumping...t,

Dust swirls from under the hooves,

The bell is crying loudly...t,

A bright ringing sound is heard,

Then in the distance it’s clear... it’s clear,

Then he groans muffledly.

Like a goblin second to a witch

And the with her,

Or mermaid tarator..t

In a grove of sonorous reeds.

(P. A. Vyazemsky)

II. Learning new material.

1. Students research the material on p. 30, § 9, and answer questions.

What punctuation marks help convey a variety of semantic relationships between simple sentences within complex ones?

In which sentences do punctuation marks separate, and in which do they separate parts of a compound?

2. Ninth-graders come to the conclusion that punctuation marks in a complex sentence are needed in order to convey in writing the features of semantic relationships between the parts of a complex sentence, the features of its structure and intonation.

In complex and non-union complex sentences, they separate simple sentences, performing a separating function, and in complex sentences, they highlight the dependent part (subordinate clause), performing an excretory function.

III. Training exercises.

1. In ex. 54 on p. 31 sentences are written in the following order: a) with dividing punctuation marks; b) with special punctuation marks.

2. In ex. 53 the table is examined, students confirm the answer with examples from the dictation in exercise. 55, compose complex sentences, make an oral report on the topic “Punctuation marks in complex sentences

IV. Material for observations on p. 32, § 10.

Students compare simple and complex sentences by intonation, then read expressively an excerpt from a poem by N. M. Rubtsov on p. 32, then observe how the complex sentence is pronounced in accordance with the signs indicating pause, rise () and fall of tone ().

Ninth graders answer the questions:

With what intonation is each part of a complex sentence pronounced?

Does each of these parts have the intonation of the end of a sentence, or is this intonation inherent only in the end of the entire complex sentence?

In what cases does intonation act as a grammatical means of connecting simple sentences into complex ones independently, and in what cases does it act simultaneously with a conjunction?

Students conclude: the intonation of a complex sentence has three main elements: first a rise in voice, then a pause and a gradual decrease in voice towards the end of the sentence. Intonation, together with or without conjunctions, connects individual simple sentences into a single whole, which is why it is a means of communication in a complex sentence.

The theoretical material on p. is read aloud. 33.

V. Consolidate the material and check your understanding of the topic.

1. Students do exercise. 56 (compose complex sentences from given simple ones with the help of the necessary conjunction and without it).

Recommendations for the teacher: It is necessary to pay attention to the intonation with which students will pronounce each part of a complex sentence. One student reads complex sentences expressively, others observe the intonation with which he pronounces each part of a complex sentence, monitor the rise and fall of his voice, and evaluate his ability to pronounce complex sentences.

2. In ex. 57 students read complex sentences, the teacher pays attention to the pronunciation of each part of the complex sentence: first raising the voice, then a pause and gradually lowering the voice towards the end of the sentence. Next, ninth-graders draw up diagrams of complex sentences, graphically showing the features of intonation.

VI. Summing up the lesson. We find out how the students understood the material, ask them to draw a conclusion about the functions of punctuation marks in complex sentences, about the features of intonation of a complex sentence.

VII. Homework:

a) learn theoretical material on p. 30-31, § 9, and p. 33, § 10;

b) the first group of students performs exercise. 58;

c) the second group (more prepared) performs the exercise. 59;

d) repeat theoretical material on topic 4 Complex sentence (§ 7-10), prepare for the test.

Lesson 13. Test lesson on the topic “Complex sentence”

Each task is completed on a separate piece of paper and is turned in immediately. The work is checked by a consulting group.

Test assignments

1. List the functions of punctuation marks in complex sentences (Option I).

2. Name the main types of complex sentences, list the main elements of intonation of a complex sentence (Option II).

3. Test diagnostic work.

Record the text from dictation. In complex sentences, emphasize the grammatical basics, determine the type of complex sentence, graphically characterize the intonation of complex sentences, indicate the function of punctuation marks.

I arrived in Opukhliki by night train and swam across the lake at random. In the village on the other side, everyone was asleep; not a light was visible.

There was autumn silence. The full moon, like an overripe Antonov apple, hung over the gray oat field.

I climbed the ladder to put the oars in the attic. From here, at the end of the oat field, obscured by bushes, I saw a light. He trembled mysteriously, beckoning to him, and I went to him.

A narrow path wound through an unmown swamp. Large bells stood out against the dark background of grass, as if they were glowing. An owl silently appeared from the bushes and flew next to the face on its silent velvet wings. It was cold, and it became eerie from the dampness and this silent flight of the mysterious night bird. A horse neighed very close by, clumsily kicking its tangled legs and began to approach the man. And the fear immediately went away, as if I had met a good friend.

The light was now not visible, but blows were clearly heard. The path ran steeply around a young pine forest, there was a smell of heated resin, and I saw a fire almost nearby. A tongue of flame flared up and snatched out of the darkness an ordinary harvester and a man bowed down by the fire. I recognized the tractor driver Vasily.

(N.I. Novikov)

Test tasks

Option I

1. Find complex sentences.

a) He not only planted a tree, but also built a house and raised a son.

b) The morning was sultry, it smelled of mignonette.

c) Here, as legend says, there was a dense forest.

d) The winter was snowy, and strong floods were expected.

Answer: b, d.

2. Indicate in which examples the function of the punctuation mark is dividing.

a) I don’t know what attracts me to this young man.

b) The forest, mountains merged, everything was shrouded in thick fog.

c) The full water subsided, and it flowed in a narrow stream.

d) We went out into the clearing where the oak tree grew in the evening.

Answer: b, c.


a) The driver whistled and the horses galloped. (Simultaneity of events.)

b) The sun has set, but it is still light in the forest. (Contrast.)

c) The oars fell together into the waves, and the longboat rushed forward. (Subsequence.)

d) We talked for a long time and were silent for a long time, or she played the piano for me. (Mutually exclusive.)

Option II

1 . Provide complex sentences.

a) Leaves fly off the apple trees and whisper dryly with the grass.

b) Dust rushed like a whirlwind along the road, and the month became completely foggy.

c) Having completed the entire route successfully, the tourists returned home.

d) It was dark and I saw no trees, no water, no people.

Answer: b, d.

2. Indicate in which examples the punctuation mark is emphatic.

a) My father wished me a good journey, and my daughter accompanied me to the cart.

b) Everyone was silent to hear the rustling of flowers.

c) The day was gray and calm, the light air smelled of the sea.

d) He remembered the day when he was leaving.

Answer: b, d.

3. Find an error in determining the relationships between parts of a complex sentence.

a) I lay as if forgotten, but sleep did not close my eyes. (Contrast.)

This methodological development is another option for working with the rules of punctuation of the Russian language. The development of this lesson is aimed at familiarizing students with the purpose of punctuation marks in a complex sentence, the list of punctuation marks used in complex sentences of different types, the intonation features of simple and complex sentences and the use of punctuation marks in different functions (separation, highlighting) between parts of a complex sentence.



St. Petersburg State Budgetary

professional educational institution

"Industrial and Technological College"

Methodological development classes

"Dividing and excretory marks punctuation between parts of a complex sentence"

discipline "Russian language"


Bukarova Yu. A., teacher

Saint Petersburg


Lesson topic: “Separating and emphasizing punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence.”

The Russian language has many rules and many exceptions to the rules, which is why our language is one of the most difficult to learn. But, as a rule, “coping” with the spelling and orthoepic norms is not difficult for most native speakers, which cannot be said about the punctuation norm. Also in primary school It’s worth explaining to students that they shouldn’t rely on the teacher’s pauses while writing a dictation; they shouldn’t put extra commas just to decorate their writing, and when reading books you can come across an unusual placement of punctuation marks - the author’s. Unfortunately, it often happens that by the ninth, or even eleventh grade, students cope perfectly with spelling rules, but do not know the rules of Russian punctuation at all.

This methodological development is another option for working with the rules of punctuation of the Russian language. The development of this lesson is aimed at familiarizing students with the purpose of punctuation marks in a complex sentence, the list of punctuation marks used in complex sentences of different types, the intonation features of simple and complex sentences and the use of punctuation marks in different functions (separation, highlighting) between parts of a complex sentence.

During the lesson, it is expected to compile notes and tables.

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the dividing and emphasizing function of punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence.


1) Educational:

Introduce the list of punctuation marks for a complex sentence;

Introduce the peculiarities of intonation of a complex sentence;

2) Developmental:

To teach how to differentiate the use of punctuation marks in different functions between parts of a complex sentence;

3) Educational:

Promote the development of aesthetic taste and speech culture;

Promote the development of interest in learning the Russian language;

Enrich lexicon students.

Type: lesson of learning new material.

Equipment: Russian language. 9th grade: textbook for general education organizations / L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deykina, O.M. Alexandrova - Enlightenment, 2014-2017.(textbook), task cards, media projector.

Working methods: teacher's word, conversation, visual method.

During the classes:

  1. Org. Moment (1 min.).

Greeting students.

  1. Examination homework (6 min.).

What was the homework assignment?

Ex. No. 51.

(Conduct a frontal survey of students on their knowledge of spelling and punctuation, definition grammatical basis in sentences. The correct answer to the exercise question is that the predicative parts of complex sentences are interconnected participial phrases, participial phrases and unions).

  1. Updating the material(3 min.).

Before you start studying new topic, let's remember what a complex sentence (SP) is?

(A sentence consisting of two or more grammatical stems).

What types of joint ventures do you know?

(Compounds and complex subordinates).

What means of communication do you know?

(Union and non-Union).

What can serve as a means of communication of union proposals?

(Conjunctions, allied words and intonation).

What can serve as a means of communication non-union proposals?

(Intonation only).

Today in the lesson we will continue to study a complex sentence, get acquainted with the dividing and emphasizing function of punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence, and consider the intonation of a complex sentence.

4. Information block 1(10 min.).

(A punctuation joke is projected on the board. The joke is not finished):

One “punctuation” anecdote tells of a traveler who, in a moment of danger, promised to “put up a golden statue holding a pike.” But when the danger had passed, he did not want to fork out money for a gold statue, and he gave an order that greatly reduced his expenses...

Think about how, with the help of a comma, a person was able to significantly reduce his expenses?

(Using a comma break).

(Second part of the joke):

“Put up a statue holding a golden pike.”So, without breaking his promise with a single word, he greatly reduced his expenses by moving the comma.

Besides this anecdote, you are probably familiar with ambiguous phrases...

(On the interactive whiteboard):

“Execution cannot be pardoned”

“I’m removing the damage”

“Mom is leaving in the morning, meet me”

How will the placement of commas affect the meaning of these statements?
- Let's look at the slide again and think about whether the intonation changes with different placement of the comma in these sentences?

(Read aloud)

What are the features of changes in intonation?

So, are you all convinced thatPunctuation marks in a complex sentence are needed in order to convey in writing the features of semantic relationships between the parts of a complex sentence, the features of its structure and intonation.

In complex and non-union complex sentences, they separate simple sentences, performing a separating function, and in complex sentences, they highlight the dependent part (subordinate clause), performing an excretory function.

- Punctuation marks in complex sentences can perform dividing and emphasizing functions.

(Drawing up a table in a notebook):

  1. Practical block 1 (8 min.)

In excerpts from Andersen's fairy tales, find and name punctuation marks that perform an emphasizing/dividing function.

(Tasks for oral work on cards. Two options)

Card No. 1

On the roof of the outermost house in one small town there was a stork’s nest. A mother was sitting in it with four chicks, who were sticking their small black beaks out of the nest - they had not yet had time to turn red. Not far from the nest, on the very ridge of the roof, stood the dad himself, stretched out and one leg tucked under him; he tucked his leg so as not to stand idle on the clock. You would have thought it was carved from wood, it was so motionless.

This is important, so important! - he thought. - There is a sentry at my wife’s nest! Who knows that I am her husband? They may think that I am here on guard duty. That’s important!” And he continued to stand on one leg. (H. H. Andersen “Storks”)

Card No. 2

Bolotnitsa was at home; The brewery was visited that day by guests: the devil and his great-grandmother, a poisonous old woman. She is never idle, even when visiting, she takes some kind of needlework with her: she either sews shoes from leather, putting on which makes a person restless, or embroiders gossip, or, finally, knits thoughtless words that fall from people’s tongues - all in harm and destruction to people! Yes, damn great-grandmother is a master of sewing, embroidering and knitting! She saw Inge, adjusted her glasses, looked at her again and said: “Yes, she has the makings! I ask you to give it to me in memory of today's visit! It will make an excellent statue for my great-grandson’s front room!”(G. H. Andersen “The Girl Who Stepped on Bread”)

  1. Information block 2(5 minutes.)

(Independent work with theoretical material textbook)

What is it for?

In what texts does it appear?

Let's look at a few slides with sentences that contain the author's punctuation marks?

6. Practice block 2(8 min.)

(Slides are projected on the board. We are looking for the author’s punctuation marks. We orally analyze what meaning the author conveyed with this or that sign, what is special about such a sign in a sentence. We consolidate the main topic of the lesson - we find emphasizing and dividing punctuation marks.)

Slide No. 1

How many times - he and I - along paths ringing from the drought, or without paths at all, along ridges, at midday... in continuity of conversation and walking - for hours - for years - everything up, everything up. (Tsvetaeva)

Slide No. 2

Mother didn't cry. (Bitter)

Slide No. 3

Memory, don't worry! Grow together with me! Believe
And assure me that I am one with you. (B. Pasternak)

There are 10 punctuation marks in the Russian language. (no need to describe them)
1. Remember the use of punctuation marks:
a) what punctuation marks are used at the end of sentences?
b) what punctuation mark<<живет>>inside a sentence?

1. What punctuation marks can be placed at the border of parts of a non-union complex sentence? 2. In what complex sentences are there semantic connections between

parts are expressed more clearly - in the union or non-union? 3. Do the exercise. Find among the sentences given while preserving the author's punctuation one in which the placement of punctuation marks does not correspond to modern rules. 1. I began to read, study - I was also tired of science... 2. I hesitated - I am not a fan of sentimental walks on the sea... 3. I understood him: the poor old man, for the first time in his life, perhaps, abandoned the work of the service for my own needs, speaking in paper language... 4. A few moments later I raise them and see: my Karagöz is flying, waving his tail, free as the wind... (M.Yu. Lermontov).

Fill in all missing punctuation marks

Unfortunately, I can’t say exactly when I first learned about the rules of punctuation for introductory words. I think I always knew that this was one of the most difficult sections of punctuation, but I really didn’t even suspect that it was so difficult. Remembering that commas are placed on both sides of introductory words did not seem very difficult, but by the way it turned out that there are a number of features that in turn need to be specially remembered. Firstly, it turned out that the list of introductory words is surprisingly huge and there are entire groups of introductory words. First of all, it was necessary to remember these groups and then learn to classify the actual introductory words. It is during the classification process that the first and most importantly unpleasant errors occur. Many tend to either remember not all the words, but only the easiest ones, or, on the contrary, greatly increase these lists for themselves. Secondly, to my amazement, it turned out that there are words that can be either introductory or not. In the text of the textbook, I found many clarifications and, most importantly, special notes that I had not paid attention to before. To master this section of the rule, by the way, I simply composed a series of sentences in which I used the words indicated in the reference books, for example, “finally,” “actually,” “means.” It was a very fun job and therefore useful. Even now I don’t remember all of Rosenthal’s examples, but I remember my own very well, mostly the funny ones. Thirdly, no less than 20 words were listed in small print that were not introductory, among which, in turn, I found 15 that I always isolated in writing. Armed with sheets of paper, I naturally rewrote these words in large print in the amount of 10 copies and hung them on the most visited points of the apartment, in particular on the mirrors. Now, even when looking at myself in the mirror, I will repeat the rules of the Russian language. Not once, but probably five times a day, I was forced to look through my notes and finally memorized both the text of the rules and the introductory words themselves.
Thus, I can now be considered a true expert in the field of introductory words. On the one hand, this is pleasant, but on the other, it has become much more difficult for me. After all, in our newspapers we often come across illiterate articles, which are certainly interesting to read, but certainly unpleasant. It really seems to many journalists that the rules of the Russian language are established only for passing exams upon admission to the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, so after admission they stop repeating them, which ultimately leads to the appearance of articles that, in my opinion, violate the rights of every educated person in the country.
