Widespread swelling throughout the body. Swelling of the body: causes and treatment. Self-help can also help

Edema is an excessive amount of fluid in the body. Most often you can find swelling of the legs, eyes, i.e., individual parts of the body. Swelling can be general (whole body) and localized (only the forearms, for example). Edema of the entire body occurs much less frequently, and this indicates the presence of a serious pathology. So, why does swelling occur and how to get rid of it?


It should be understood that the disease is initial stage will not lead to swelling of the whole body. This complication occurs in serious pathologies and advanced forms of various systemic diseases.

  • heart diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • allergy;
  • arterial pressure;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • extensive burns;
  • infections;
  • preeclampsia, eclampsia;
  • some inflammatory diseases

Depending on the etiology, the pathogenesis of edema may differ. Cardiac pathologies account for almost 90% of all others in terms of the frequency of occurrence of symptoms such as body edema. These are chronic heart failure, infective endocarditis, etc.

In heart disease, swelling begins in the legs, left and Right side they swell equally. They first appear on the feet and legs, and then rise higher. Anasarca, ascites, hydrothorax, and hydropericarditis occur. The patient has noticeable shortness of breath and acrocyanosis.

Kidney diseases are statistically on par with heart pathologies. These include: nephritis, chronic and acute renal failure, malignant kidney tumors, and the development of diabetic nephropathy.

When the kidneys fail to cope with their function, edema begins to appear. First, they can be detected in the morning under the eyes; if nothing is done, the swelling will spread throughout the body.

As a result of liver cirrhosis, fluid may be retained in the body, which sweats into the abdominal cavity, thereby causing ascites. The skin becomes yellow and a venous network appears on the abdomen (this is called the “head of the jellyfish”). Soon your legs and lower back may swell. There may be a low amount of protein (albumin) in the blood.

Angioedema is the body's reaction to an irritating factor, an allergen. Quincke's edema is a generalized edema. As a result of the action of the allergen, histamine and serotonin are produced in the body. in this case, the pathogenesis will be as follows: the permeability of the capillary walls increases.

The swelling develops extremely quickly, the lips, entire face and neck swell. Emergency help is required, minutes count, and if you do not help in time, swelling can block access to the airways, which will lead to respiratory arrest.

Swelling can develop as a result of allergy tests; in the place where the test was done, a reaction from redness to swelling of the forearm is possible.

Swelling can appear as a result of increased blood pressure and a decrease in the amount of protein (albumin) in the blood.

Thrombophlebitis is one of the causes of edema. The bloodstream must move, and for this reason, when a vessel is blocked, fluid seeps through the walls and accumulates in the tissues. When you press on the swelling, the skin will be red, over the place where there is thrombosis, it will be inflamed and painful.

Extensive burns and some serious infections can cause swelling of the body. They cause a reaction throughout the body, the permeability of the vascular walls increases, and fluid enters the intercellular space.

Preeclampsia and eclampsia are severe gestosis in pregnant women. This toxicosis manifests itself on later pregnancy. Swelling can spread throughout the body in just a couple of hours. Fluid accumulates on the back, lower back, abdomen, external genitalia, and legs. These diseases are characterized by the appearance of seizures. Why they occur is not entirely clear, but the condition is very dangerous. Treatment should be carried out exclusively in a hospital, under constant medical supervision.

In addition, the following diseases can lead to edema in pregnant women: chronic glomerulonephritis, cardiovascular failure.

In some diseases, swelling of the airways may occur. Pulmonary edema is also an emergency. The patient develops foamy red sputum. When providing first aid, it is necessary to use defoamers. Swelling of the upper respiratory tract occurs during an allergic reaction.

This pathology also occurs in children.

There are several serious infectious and inflammatory diseases that lead to swelling of the entire body and threaten the baby’s life. These are pathologies of newborns: bacterial sepsis and congenital viral infections(rubella, neonatal herpes, cytomegalovirus infection).

Intrauterine infection of the fetus occurs and the child is already born with a serious illness. There are cases when a woman does not bear a child and a miscarriage occurs.

All therapeutic measures are aimed at combating infection, normal work respiratory tract, of cardio-vascular system, and in general a speedy recovery for the baby.


Looking at a person who has swelling of the body, it is clear that parts of the body are swollen, as if increased in size. The skin ceases to be elastic; if you press the skin with your finger and release it, a depression (pit) will remain on it.

The location of the swelling will depend on the disease. In cardiovascular patients, edema is located on the legs (lower leg, ankle). If this is a bedridden patient, then the swelling covers the lower back and sacrum. Sometimes, such diseases lead to the development of ascites, i.e. there will be swelling of the anterior abdominal wall.

Kidney diseases leave swelling first on the face, then the ankle, lower leg, knee, abdomen, genitals, sacrum, lower back.

Quincke's edema spreads to the entire face and neck; internal organs also swell, such as the tongue, larynx, and the airways become blocked.


The first step is to find out the causes of edema. The location of edema, instrumental and laboratory tests will help diagnose the disease.

Treatment of the underlying disease must be prescribed first. Treatment will depend on the pathology. For allergies, for example, antihistamines and hormones are prescribed; it is necessary to act quickly so that the airways are not blocked. When there are inflammatory processes - anti-inflammatory ones.

If the swelling is severe and extensive, diuretics are prescribed to get rid of it. In cases where there is no strong need, you can wait to prescribe diuretics, since they remove salts and water from the body. When water is quickly removed from the body, blood viscosity increases, which consequently threatens the formation of blood clots.

Along with diuretics, you can prescribe antiplatelet agents (help reduce the adhesion of blood cells) and potassium supplements.

In the treatment of edema important place takes up food. It is impossible to get rid of edema without changing your diet. Appointed special diet, which includes diuretic products, reducing the amount of salt and fluid. Alcoholic drinks should be completely avoided for a while.


The main prevention is timely treatment of diseases (causes of edema). Swelling does not appear overnight; it is a consequence of an advanced disease. Of course, you need to avoid injuries, allergens, etc. If a person has allergies, you need to try to eliminate contact with the allergen. If no one is nearby and help is not provided in time, swelling of the airways may occur.

To avoid congestion in the vascular bed, it is worth remembering physical activity. Even if your job requires you to spend a lot of time at your desk, you should take breaks and move as much as possible. Stagnant processes do not appear in a healthy body.

Bad habits negatively affect the condition of the body. Overweight people should watch their diet; they should try to eat more vegetables and less flour products.

You can get rid of edema, but nothing goes away without a trace for the body. Therefore, it is better to prevent such a condition than to deal with the consequences later.

Many people are familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as swelling of the legs. Most often, the problem quickly disappears on its own; you just need to rest your feet for a few hours. It is much worse when swelling occurs regularly, accompanied by pain, discoloration skin and other alarming symptoms. This may be a sign of one of the diseases that we will talk about.

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Heart failure

Edema caused by heart failure has the following features:

  • swelling forms on the shins of both legs;
  • they do not cause pain, but become painful when pressed;
  • the skin in the swollen areas is bluish in color and cold to the touch;
  • swelling is motionless;
  • fluid accumulates in the evening or morning (after sleep).

Patients with heart failure often complain that their legs are numb and cold. When lying down for a long time, the face, arms and lower back may swell. In addition to edema, the pathology is manifested by arrhythmia, periodic chest pain and shortness of breath that occurs at the slightest exertion.

Heart failure is very dangerous. Ignoring its symptoms and refusing treatment can lead to the most dire consequences. If you notice swelling of your legs, accompanied by the listed signs, you should urgently consult a doctor.

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Rheumatism and rheumatic carditis

Rheumatism is a disease of a non-infectious nature, manifested by inflammation of the joints, as well as various parts of the heart (myocarditis, endocarditis and pericarditis). The disease is usually accompanied by symmetrical swelling of the legs, painless when pressed. The fluid accumulates gradually, swelling increases in the evening, and disappears completely or partially overnight.

With rheumatic carditis, fever, shortness of breath (even at rest), discomfort in the heart area (appears when lying on the left side), and heart rhythm disturbances are also observed.

The development of rheumatism and rheumatic carditis most often occurs against the background of streptococcal infection, which primarily affects the respiratory tract. Such diseases require serious treatment, so the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor. It is important to note that the first signs of these diseases are often blurred and can easily be confused with ordinary fatigue or the consequences of stress. Ignoring these symptoms is very dangerous, because if left untreated, the disease can become chronic.

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Venous insufficiency

Pathologies associated with venous insufficiency are varied. Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the legs are manifested by constant swelling and pain. The skin over the swelling becomes red and hot, the swelling feels dense to the touch and cannot be pierced by fingers. Patients note heat in the lower extremities (the feet “burn”). Diseases of this kind are very dangerous and require urgent treatment. Delay is fraught with very serious (and even fatal) complications.

Varicose veins are a very common problem, affecting about a third of women over 30 years of age and more than half of women of retirement age. The first signs are a feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs, as well as the gradual development of swelling in the calves and ankles, intensifying in the evening and disappearing after a night's rest. If the disease is not treated, the veins in the legs become noticeable. They resemble crimped, gnarled cords with raised knots. In severe cases, the skin on the ankles becomes brown tint, hemorrhages and trophic ulcers appear.

Venous insufficiency of the lower extremities is a dangerous condition. It is treated over a long period of time by taking medications and wearing compression garments, and in some cases, by surgery.

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Kidney pathologies

Impaired kidney function leads to stagnation of fluid in the body. Leg swelling associated with these disorders is usually located on the top of the feet. They are symmetrical and soft to the touch. Unlike edema caused by cardiovascular pathologies, renal edema more often appears in the morning. Patients suffering from kidney failure often experience rapid swelling of the lower legs, caused by excessive fluid intake.

Diagnostic signs indicating the presence of kidney problems are also swelling under the eyes, changes in the daily amount, color and smell of urine, nagging pain in the lumbar region.

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Thyroid dysfunction

Swelling of both legs in the ankle area may indicate insufficient production of thyroid hormones. The swelling looks like pads; when pressed with your fingers, deep pits remain on them. If the pathology progresses, myxedema may develop, a condition manifested by the accumulation of fluid in all tissues of the body. The skin of such patients seems puffy and lifeless, its surface becomes rough, peels, and acquires a yellowish tint.

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Allergic swelling of the legs may develop in response to taking certain medicines, insect bites or eating certain types of foods. The lesion looks like a dense, uniform swelling that does not leave marks when pressed. The surface of the skin turns red, becomes covered with a small reddish rash and is very itchy. The patient complains of pain in the affected limb, which occurs with the slightest strain or prolonged stay in one position.

To solve the problem, it is urgent to stop contact with the allergen and take an antihistamine.

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When a leg is broken, swelling of the tissues located next to the damaged area of ​​the bone occurs within a short time. The skin over the damaged area becomes bluish, and increasing pain occurs. The limb may become fixed in an unnatural position.

With a bruise, swelling also develops, which prevents normal movement of the leg. The hematoma appears after a few days, and the pain, sharp at first, gradually subsides.

If there is a suspicion of a leg injury, you cannot wait. To avoid serious problems, you must immediately go to an emergency room or hospital and undergo an x-ray to determine the nature of the damage.

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Liver diseases

With severe liver damage (cirrhosis, malignant neoplasms), a condition called portal hypertension develops. It is associated with the cessation of albumin production, the deficiency of which leads to metabolic disorders and stagnation of blood in the systemic circulation. As a result, dense swelling of the legs occurs in the ankle area. Other signs portal hypertension are changes in skin tone (yellowing), redness of the palms of the hands, accumulation of fluid in the anterior abdominal wall (ascites), difficulty breathing. Men develop gynecomastia (enlarged breasts).

If metabolic processes are disrupted, the body may suffer from a deficiency of fluid, which forms dehydration, or, on the contrary, its excessive retention in the tissues, which is manifested by hidden or pronounced edema.

Swelling is formed due to various reasons, and this is not always excessive consumption of water or salt. Disorders of protein and carbohydrate metabolism, endocrine disorders with changes in the balance of hormones, infectious and somatic pathologies, allergic reactions and inflammatory processes can provoke swelling of different localization and severity.

Swelling can occur in any part of the body where there are soft fabrics capable of accumulating liquid. In this case, water accumulates in body cavities, in the intercellular space or inside cells. The mechanism of edema formation is different, as are the reasons that lead to swelling of the body or certain areas of it.
Origin may be:

  • physiological, associated with changes in external environmental conditions or restructuring of metabolic processes, as, for example, during pregnancy: the growth of the uterus leads to compression of the inferior vena cava, which makes it difficult for blood to return to the heart through the veins, congestion forms in the lower extremities with swelling;
  • pathological, arising due to various disruptions in metabolic processes, which leads to fluid retention in certain areas, disrupting the functionality and structure of tissues and organs.

Edema itself is not a disease, it is a pathological symptom (a sign of disease) indicating the presence of water-salt imbalance. They can be local, appearing in a specific part of the body, organ or cavity, in the area of ​​a limb, face, neck or genitals. At the same time, other areas of the body do not suffer from fluid retention and function normally.

Systemic edema is characterized by a relatively uniform distribution of fluid throughout the body, in the intercellular space and body cavities, in severe cases affecting the intracellular sector.

Edema - what is it, what types are there?

Based on what factors act as the cause of edema and the mechanisms of development of the pathological process, several special types pathologies that have specific external manifestations.

Inflammatory- formed in the area of ​​tissue damage and exposure to inflammatory mediators, microbial or viral activity, and other causes. Typically, such edema affects soft tissues and organs and is formed as a result of the active influence of inflammatory mediators on vascular permeability.

Allergic- in many respects the mechanism of development is similar to the previous type, but swelling has slightly different causes and is formed as a result of the action of allergy mediators on the tissue - histamine, bradykinin and some others. Due to their influence, the lumen of the capillaries changes, vascular permeability sharply increases, the liquid part of the blood rushes from the vessels into the tissues, quickly forming edema, especially in loose, hydrophilic tissues.

Toxic species- are similar in their formation mechanisms to inflammatory and allergic ones, but the role of factors leading to increased vascular permeability are poisonous, toxic compounds, which often also reduce blood viscosity. Such swelling is dangerous because it can affect large areas, including general damage to the body.

Swelling due to fasting are associated with a deficiency of proteins that act as a kind of “magnets” for water molecules, preventing them from leaving the vessels. If there are much more proteins in the tissues than inside the vessels, they attract water molecules to themselves, trapping them in the tissues. A certain amount of plasma proteins forms oncotic pressure, which is higher inside the vessels than in the intercellular space. With the loss of protein due to fasting (or with serious kidney damage, when more than 1 g/l of protein is lost in the urine), a change in the oncotic pressure of the plasma relative to the intercellular space occurs. The liquid rushes into the tissue. The expression “to swell from hunger” is associated with this process.

Lymphogenic, arising due to impaired circulation of lymph in the capillaries, its collection from parts of the body and delivery to the venous network, from which edema is localized in regions rich in lymphatic capillaries and venous plexuses - venous plexuses, also known as cava-caval anastomoses, inter- and intrasystemic anastomoses veins (limbs, chest cavity).

Neurogenic are associated with disruption of the functioning of nerve fibers or sensory endings, due to which vascular tone and their permeability to fluid are poorly controlled due to expansion or spasm at the right time. Such edema usually develops in the affected parts of the body, innervated by the damaged trunk or, in the case of brain centers (for example, with a stroke), by the projection of the affected area.

Swelling of the body: causes

Often, both subtle and quite pronounced swelling of the body occurs, the causes of which may be associated with pathologies of internal organs, somatic or infectious diseases, poisoning or trauma.


It is assumed that the development is based on an endocrine factor, a change in the balance of hormones, especially the estrogen series. The assumption is based on their more frequent formation in young and middle-aged women. Such swelling occurs against the backdrop of hot weather and stress; fluid accumulates in those parts of the body that are most susceptible to the influence of gravity: in a standing position, these are the lower limbs and partially the upper, in a lying position - the lower part of the body.


Associated with a violation of the pumping function of the heart muscle (myocardium), which is not capable of pumping the volume of blood that is necessary for full blood flow in the arteries and veins. Edema in in this case associated with stagnation of blood in the area of ​​venous vessels, especially those distant from the heart and having a small diameter, are formed in the evening, after an active day or sports activities, are expressed in the area of ​​​​the hands and feet, and spread in an ascending manner. In heart failure, swelling is severe, can reach the groin and abdomen, shoulders and spread throughout the body; when resting in an upright position, it decreases or is distributed in the body cavities, along the back, chest.


The causes of body edema are hidden in the disruption of the mechanisms of filtration and reabsorption of water and salts, as well as the loss of proteins by the kidneys in the presence of inflammatory processes. Kidney function may suffer when their blood supply is disrupted and renal tissue hypoxia, which leads to the release of factors (biologically active substances) that increase pressure and promote the removal of fluid from the vessels into the tissue. Such swelling is typical in the morning, spreading from top to bottom - from the face and neck to the extremities.

Causes of edema from a physiological point of view

From a physiological point of view, swelling- this is the retention of excess fluid inside the vessels, in the space between the cells and, in severe cases, inside them due to an imbalance of sodium, proteins, water, as well as disorders in the regulatory link (hormone release, vascular tone, problems nervous system). For edema to occur, a combination of certain conditions and the influence of both external and internal factors is necessary.

Often the causes of edema of the whole body lie in a violation of the pressure inside the vessels, tissues and cells - in a change in the hydrodynamic gradient. At normal conditions Blood pressure in arteries and capillaries is higher than in tissues, but in veins it is lower than in tissue fluid, which allows blood to flow and supply all cells with oxygen and nutrients. If the pressure in the area of ​​the arteries is high (for example, with hypertension), it also increases in the vessels of the capillary network, “squeezing out” excess fluid into the tissue, and the veins do not have time to return it all back, due to the fact that the pressure in the area of ​​the tissues themselves increases , and water returns poorly to the veins. This happens when a large volume of liquid is administered orally or intravenously, when general swelling of the body forms.

The cause of edema of the entire body may be a violation of the permeability of cell membranes (both in the area of ​​blood vessels and tissues and organs). The membranes become permeable, allowing water, salts, and small molecules to pass through where they were supposed to be retained. Increase membrane permeability:

  • mediators of inflammation and allergy (especially histamine),
  • some toxins entering the body,
  • under-oxidized metabolic products,
  • enzymes of infectious agents (microbes or viruses) that damage the membranes of cells and blood vessels, creating “holes” in them.

Edema of this type is characteristic of poisoning, diabetes mellitus, gestosis in pregnant women, for infectious diseases. The leg or arm, face, neck and other areas swell.
Disorders of osmotic or oncotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is created by certain concentrations of salts in the area of ​​cells, intercellular space and blood vessels. The liquid, according to the law of osmosis, rushes to where there is more salt to dilute the concentration. Typically, such swelling is associated with poor nutrition, intake of salty foods and large volumes of liquid. Edema of the entire body may occur when the amount of protein in the plasma and tissues changes. Proteins have the ability to retain water, and it moves from tissues to blood vessels because a lot of protein is dissolved in the plasma. During fasting or loss of protein by the kidneys, burns or other problems, the concentration of protein in the plasma decreases, but in the tissues there remains the same amount or becomes larger, and water rushes into the tissues.

Disruption of the lymphatic system is another factor in the development of edema. The lymphatic network densely entwines all tissues and organs, collecting excess fluid in capillaries and carrying it into the common duct, which flows into the bloodstream near the heart. If the capillaries are inflamed, compressed by scars, injured or affected by tumor metastases, the fluid through them cannot fully flow into the vessels and stagnates in the tissues. This is usually local swelling in the extremities or body cavities.

If the body swells, the reasons may also be a violation of the resistance of tissues that lose collagen and elastin fibers; they have a highly loose structure and reduced activity of enzyme systems that maintain the elasticity and turgor of tissues. This happens against the background of systemic infectious and autoimmune pathologies, severe inflammatory processes, and general toxicosis.

Particularly dangerous against the background of any mechanisms of edema are damage to vital organs, especially cerebral or pulmonary edema, allergic edema of the larynx, which threaten a person’s death without timely assistance.

If swelling of the body is detected: what to do

Any swelling that is visually quite pronounced requires consultation with a doctor. They are often the body’s first signals about serious abnormalities associated with metabolic processes. It is especially dangerous if swelling forms on the face and neck, spreads to the eyes, fingers, and on the legs; swelling interferes with wearing shoes and moving.

If edema is present, it is important to immediately review your diet and drinking regime, consume less salt, drink only clean still water, since sweet carbonated drinks, coffee, tea increase swelling. If the swelling does not go away within a day, or the whole body swells, the reasons for this condition should be determined by a doctor. First of all, an examination is carried out and the degree of fluid retention is determined: this parameter can be approximately calculated if the patient knows how much he usually weighs and how his weight has changed with the development of edema.

There are tests and samples that determine the degree of hydrophilicity (swelling) of tissues. Thus, a blister test will help determine how saturated the tissues are with liquid, and identifying a dimple on the lower leg and its disappearance will indicate the presence of hidden edema.

When visiting a doctor, the patient must be told about all the medications that were taken, as they can cause swelling and fluid retention in the tissues. It is necessary to indicate whether there are problems with the kidneys and heart, how often edema occurs and what causes it.

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Diseases and pathological conditions accompanied by edema

Edema occurs for a variety of reasons, and most often they indicate some kind of problem in the human body.

Swelling is determined quite simply; swelling under the eyes or on the body is especially noticeable after prolonged contact with tight clothing, such as elastic bands of panties or socks, but it can also be determined using another method. For example, pressing the body with a finger for 30 seconds on the shin, where the bone is close to the surface of the skin, leaves a hole there that, even with minor swelling, does not go away for a very long time. Physically, the cause of edema is the intense accumulation of lymphatic fluid in tissue crevices, which leads to their enlargement and tissue swelling. Also, the cause of edema may be difficult removal of lymph or blood, which causes mechanical, cachectic, hydremic, neuropathic and congestive edema. Only a qualified specialist can correctly determine the cause of swelling and diagnose the disease. We will only introduce you to the main reasons for this trouble.

In women, swelling can often occur during menstrual cycle(PMS) and pregnancy is a temporary phenomenon caused by the characteristics of the female body.

Another one common reason- excessive consumption of salty foods - salt retains water in the body and fluid accumulates in the tissues.

Taking medications and alcohol. Edema can occur with frequent use of aspirin, vasoconstrictors and estrogens, as well as with frequent use alcoholic drinks.

  • very often the causes of edema can be diseased kidneys (renal failure or infection), as evidenced by swollen legs, when the back of the leg is mainly affected. At the same time, these swellings are accompanied by pain and itching in the areas of swelling, body temperature rises, dark circles appear under the eyes, and the color of urine changes, and its quantity also decreases.

    When a person suffers from acute respiratory diseases, swelling appears, which can also be the cause of kidney disease, which occurs as complications from infections. The person experiences shortness of breath, wheezing in the lungs, and an increased pulse rate. At the same time, the legs swell after being in tight shoes. Such phenomena may also indicate heart failure. Such swelling spreads from bottom to top and can intensify in the evening.

    When hormonal imbalances occur, especially with thyroid disease, swelling appears that spreads to the lower parts of the lower leg. The tongue may also swell, causing chilliness, drowsiness and a tendency to constipation.

    Legs swell especially often for reasons varicose veins veins, as well as improper metabolism, with stagnation of lymph. These phenomena are mainly observed in women who are prone to obesity.

    The cause of swelling of the feet can be uncomfortable shoes, high heels or, conversely, flat soles, so it is better to wear low-heeled shoes and the shoes should be spacious and the toes should be in a natural position.

    Swelling often develops as a result of allergies, which can be caused by insect bites or by inhaling pollen and other allergens that cause very severe swelling of the larynx, which can lead to suffocation. Such diseases require immediate medical attention.

    Accompanied by severe edema systemic disease amyloidosis, which causes multiple disorders of protein metabolism, a protein substance, amyloid, is deposited in the body.

    Anaerobic infection is an inflammatory process accompanied by purulent processes, which also causes local severe swelling, which can spread to the entire body. Such symptoms require hospitalization. This also includes felon and sepsis

    In addition, swelling is observed when

    • heart defects,
    • cardiomyopathy,
    • myocarditis,
    • pericarditis
    • nephropathy in pregnant women,
    • systemic lupus erythematosus,
    • diabetic glomerulosclerosis,
    • cancer,
    • liver cirrhosis,
    • dermatitis,
    • keratitis,
    • conjunctivitis,
    • hives,
    • eczema,
    • barley
    • gout,
    • arthritis,
    • frostbite,
    • bruise, fracture,
    • poisoning (amidopyrine, potassium permanganate, chlorine, ethylene glycol),
    • elephantiasis
    and other diseases that must be identified by doctors in order to carry out correct and timely treatment of the organs that cause edema.

    Diagnosis of edema is carried out using Doppler ultrasound and duplex angioscanning. These methods are quite accurate in determining the state of the venous system. With the help of these studies, acute and chronic damage to the veins can be detected, and with ultrasound scanning, the cause of edema can be judged.

    In addition, they conduct a study of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and liver. Particular attention is paid to examining the presence of pathologies in the lymphatic and venous systems, which play a leading role in the edematous syndrome. To get rid of swelling, you must first eliminate the cause that causes it, for example, free your feet from tight shoes or your body from tight clothes, while your legs will relax and your skin will breathe freely.

    As we have already found out, the causes of edema are diseases of various organs of our body, but nevertheless, to reduce edema, one should limit the consumption of salt and liquid, and also constantly check the daily volume of urine in relation to the amount of fluid consumed in order to trace the cause of the origin of edema.

    For edema, you should take diuretics, but only as prescribed by a doctor, due to the fact that many diuretics have the property of removing potassium from the body, and since potassium plays a big role in the functioning of the heart, this can disrupt its function. For those suffering from this disease, a diet for edema helps well.

    It should be noted that it is necessary to treat any edema by eliminating the causes that give rise to these phenomena, i.e. treat all organs that cause edema in the body.

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  • Swelling in the morning of the upper and especially lower eyelids on the face, in the evening it is difficult to fasten boots, and shoes, perfectly dressed in the morning, begin to unbearably squeeze the legs, deep imprints from the elastic of the socks appear on the skin...

    Edema can be caused by many diseases. How often do we have to deal with such phenomena! But these symptoms are not always safe, because these are the first signs of edema syndrome. Edema, especially obvious, is always a manifestation of some kind of disease internal organ or vessels. They will not go away on their own, and if you do not pay attention to them, serious health problems may arise later.

    So where to start? First you need to find out the reason why your legs and/or face began to swell. There are many diseases and conditions that are accompanied by edema, so differential diagnosis should be carried out by a specialist - a doctor.

    Main diseases accompanied by edema

    1. Varicose veins of the lower extremities.
    2. Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.).
    3. Heart diseases ( ischemic disease heart defects, cardiomyopathies, etc.).
    4. Liver diseases (cirrhosis).
    5. Allergy.
    6. Diseases of the endocrine system.
    7. Disorders of lymph outflow, so-called elephantiasis.

    Varicose veins

    One of the reasons for swelling of the legs is varicose disease of the lower extremities. Varicose disease of the lower extremities is one of the main reasons why the legs swell. Most common in women. Normally, veins participate in blood circulation, their walls have a certain “strength” - tone, due to which blood returns back to the heart against hydrostatic pressure, to the height of human growth. Valves inside the veins also prevent blood from flowing downwards. With varicose veins, the veins have slightly weaker walls, and under some conditions (for example, long work standing, pregnancy, etc.) cannot withstand pressure and expand, taking on the appearance of “bags”, knots, cords. The return of blood decreases, it stagnates in the veins, and its liquid part escapes into the tissue - swelling occurs. The longer a person spends on his feet, the worse the swelling. They occur mainly on the legs and are accompanied by heaviness and pain in the legs (or one leg). Swelling increases in the evening, goes away or decreases overnight. If varicose veins have existed for some time, the color and moisture of the skin changes, spots may appear, and hair may fall out. Dilated veins are not always visible through the skin. There is damage to deep veins that are not visible.

    Varicose veins are dangerous due to the inflammation of a vein with the formation of a blood clot inside it. Blood clots can break off from the vein wall and be carried by the bloodstream into the lungs - there they clog the vessel and a pulmonary infarction results. It is better to prevent this and get treatment (or surgery) from an angiosurgeon (vascular surgeon) in a timely manner.

    Edema due to kidney disease

    Of all kidney diseases, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis are the most common.

    Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of the kidney tissue caused by pathogenic bacteria or fungi. It is usually manifested by fever, lower back pain and pain when urinating (dysuria).

    Glomerulonephritis is a more serious disease that leads to renal failure. It also causes lower back pain, malaise, and weakness. There is no dysuria, but a lot of protein and red blood cells (red urine) are found in the urine, and blood pressure rises.

    Swelling with kidney disease is possible even on the hands. Swelling with kidney disease can first appear on the face, especially the eyelids, and then on the ankles, legs and even higher: the arms, stomach. Moreover, they appear in the morning, and by the end of the day they intensify on the legs. The skin is unchanged, warm, maybe a little pale. Their occurrence is associated with difficulty in excreting salts and water by diseased kidneys (excess water remains in the body), as well as protein loss through the kidneys (protein normally retains water in the bloodstream and prevents it from leaking through the vascular wall into the tissue). Quite often, edema is the first symptom of kidney disease, since both pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis can flow latently for several years.

    Edema due to heart disease

    Arterial hypertension and coronary disease (angina) are the scourge of our time. Their prevalence is enormous. And then there are heart defects, cardiomyopathies... Any disease that damages the heart muscle (myocardium) causes a decrease in the contractility of the heart, weakens it and, after some time, contributes to the appearance of heart failure. Those. A situation arises in which it becomes difficult for the heart to pump the entire volume of blood and part of it remains, so to speak, on the periphery (usually in the lower extremities). Its liquid part seeps into the tissue - swelling appears. Usually, in heart failure, renal function is also impaired (reversibly), they do not excrete excess liquid and salt, which increases swelling.

    Swelling in heart failure increases over several days and weeks, the skin is usually pale, cool, sometimes with a bluish edema. They are accompanied by symptoms such as weakness, palpitations during exercise, shortness of breath, changes in blood pressure, and there may be pain and interruptions in the functioning of the heart (uneven pulse).

    Edema in liver diseases

    Liver diseases are characterized by swelling of the abdomen. Liver diseases themselves (hepatitis, hepatosis) do not lead to the appearance of edema. Edema appears at the stage of complications if the disease progresses to. With cirrhosis, water is also retained in the body; in addition, the suffering liver does not produce enough protein, the so-called oncotic pressure of the blood drops, and fluid is not retained in the bloodstream.

    The feet, legs, thighs, and abdomen may swell (especially typical!). They are accompanied by yellowness of the skin and eyes, bruises on the skin, weakness, heaviness in the right side, weight loss, and sometimes a significant enlargement of the liver.

    Allergic edema

    They have a rather characteristic picture and are usually accompanied by redness of the skin, itching and often a rash. In this case, the skin on the face and neck swells; in severe cases, the swelling of the skin spreads to the entire body. Hoarseness, nasal congestion, and lacrimation are also possible. These symptoms occur after contact with an allergen: a certain food product (citrus fruits, fish, etc.), medicine, aerosols, etc.

    Endocrine diseases

    Dense swelling of myxedema manifests itself in hypothyroidism. First of all, this is a pathology of the thyroid gland with insufficiency of its function - hypothyroidism. He can be of different origins: autoimmune, post-operative, as a result of iodine deficiency in food, etc., but regardless of the cause, the thyroid gland produces little hormones. One of the manifestations of hypothyroidism is dense swelling - myxedema. Myxedema is most noticeable on the face, but it spreads to the entire body. In addition to swelling, there are other symptoms: slowness, drowsiness, memory loss, chilliness, decreased heart rate, decreased body temperature, etc. Thyroid can be either increased or decreased.


    It is also the cause of edema. In principle, they can appear on any part of the body (face, mammary gland, arm), but most often on the lower extremities (or on one leg). In addition to veins and arteries, the human body has lymphatic vessels; in particular, they carry out the exchange and outflow of fluid from tissues. If this outflow is disrupted, the lymph gradually stagnates more and more, the affected part of the body increases significantly in volume, its contours become deformed, and mobility becomes difficult. The swelling is persistent and does not go away after rest. An early characteristic symptom of lymphostasis is the inability to fold the skin over the affected area when the swelling is still small.


    The conditions listed here are far from full list those diseases that can cause edema. It is important to remember that edema is just a symptom of the ill health of one or another organ, and there is no single recipe for curing them. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart, thyroid gland, blood vessels are treated differently, and even therapy for the same disease in two different people may vary.

    Therefore, if you suddenly have swelling, do not rely on the advice of “experienced” people - go to the clinic, laboratory and take a simple set of tests:

    • general blood analysis,
    • general urine analysis,
    • : total protein, urea, creatinine, ALAT, ASAT, bilirubin, blood sugar, cholesterol;
    • Ultrasound of internal organs.

    Contact a specialist, he will figure it out and prescribe the correct treatment. And remember: self-administration medicines may be dangerous. For example, improper use of diuretics for a long time (incorrect dosages, intervals between doses, course duration) sometimes leads to irreversible loss of kidney function. Don't risk your health, contact specialists!
