To flourish is a perfect or imperfect form of the verb. What are perfective and imperfective verbs?

View this is a morphological category of a verb, which indicates the relationship of the action denoted by the verb to the internal limit of this action: decide decide.

All verbs in any form have value of the form, therefore, this category is universal. The category of aspect is binary: it consists of verbs of two types: perfect (answer the question what to do?) and imperfect (answer the question what to do?).

View this is a specific category of Russian and other Slavic languages, one of the complex categories of grammar, which is studied by a special section of grammar aspectology. The private meanings of both types of verbs are varied: the meaning of completeness (to say), the meaning of a one-time action (to shout), the meaning of an indefinite duration of action (to shout), etc.

All these particular meanings can be reduced to more general ones: action without indicating its internal limit (verbs are not perfect form) and action indicating its internal limit (perfect verbs).

Perfective and imperfective verbs differ not only in categorical meaning, but also in inflection and grammatical compatibility. Imperfect verbs in the indicative mood they have the ability to form all tense forms (do did I do I'll do it), they have a full set of tense forms of participles. For perfective verbs there is no present tense form in the indicative mood (do did I'll do it) and present participles. Perfect Verbs never combined with verbs denoting any phase of action (start, finish, continue, etc.), and with words and phrases like for a long time, for hours, daily, etc.

The majority of verbs in the Russian language are opposed to each other in appearance: they form species pairs. Two verbs that are identical in their lexical meaning, but differ in the grammatical meaning of the perfective and imperfective form, are combined species pair: write write, do do.

The most common method of speciation is suffixal.

Imperfective verbs are formed from perfective verbs using suffixes: -willow-, -yva-(glue glue, ask question), -va-, -a-(-i) (give give, sing sing, decide decide, save save).

Perfective verbs are formed from imperfective verbs using the suffixes -nu- and -anu-: (push push, prick prick, sprinkle sprinkle), prefixes for-, on-, from-, s-, pro-, o-, you-, on-, once-, etc.(take notes take notes, write write, bake bake, make do, read read, weaken weaken, heal cure, build build, etc.).

But most often, consoles not only change grammatical meaning type, but also give the verb a new lexical meaning; such verbs do not form species pair: read reread, reprimand, read out, etc.

The verbs that make up the aspectual pair can differ only in the place of stress:cut cut, pour pour.

In some cases, members of a species pair can be expressed by verbs with different bases: take take, look for find, talk say.

Not all verbs in the Russian language can form aspectual pairs. The differences between the verbs that make up the aspectual pair should be reduced only to the difference in indicating the internal limit

Verbs that have only perfective or imperfective meanings are called single-species. Most often these are verbs with bright in an expressed way verb action: to be, to exist, to appear ( imperfect species), say, shout, wake up, sleep (perfect form)

Bi-aspect verbs They express perfective and imperfective meanings through the same form. These verbs occupy a special place in the aspectual system of the Russian language. Please note that it is important not to confuse two-aspect verbs with verbs that have aspect pairs.

Two-aspect verbs include: verbs with suffixes -ova(t), -irova(t): address, organize, confiscate, etc.; some verbs with suffixes -a(t), -e(t), -i(t): run, promise, crown, promise, grant, wound, etc.

Most often, the duality of verbs manifests itself in the forms of the past tense and infinitive, but sometimes the forms of the present and future tense are not distinguished (execution, wife). The meaning of one or another type is revealed in the context. For example: The guns are firing from the pier, they are ordering the ship to land (what are they doing?) (A. Pushkin); Would you like me to order (what will I do?) bring the rug? (N. Gogol).

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Good afternoon, dear student! Today we will look at types of verbs. Very often my students wonder why there are so many different verbs in the Russian language, how to determine their tense, and why some verbs are used with prefixes and some without. To understand all these issues, let's look at perfect and imperfect verbs.

You will find the form of imperfective verbs in the dictionary, the verb in in this case denotes an action, and from this form perfective verbs are formed. It should be noted that there are quite a lot of these methods, here are some of them:

With help consoles, compare:

Imperfect species Perfect view
Read To read Read Has red
Write To write Has written
Prepare Has cooked
Buy To buy Buy Has bought

Please note that we have an exception word that is formed in perfect form without a prefix - this is the verb “Buy”. In its imperfect form, this verb is used with the prefix -po.

With the help of different suffixes:

So, if we want to say that an action happens regularly, we need an imperfective verb. If the action occurred 1 time at some point or day/hour, etc. and we know about its result, then we are dealing with a perfect verb. Such verbs answer the question " what to do?"

If we are talking about repeated actions, then we not only use imperfective verbs that answer the question " what to do?", but we also use different Additional information in the person of adverbs, which precisely show this repetition. For example,

Anastasia can't cook ( what to do?), she cooks rarely. Anastasiya cannot cook, she cooks rare.

I bought (what did?) Nice dress, it's for me goes very well! (the result is visible) I bought a new dress, it suits me much.

To correctly determine the aspect of a verb, you can remember some adverbs that will help you correctly decide whether a particular verb belongs to a certain aspect:

Imperfect species
What are they doing? When? How often?

  1. Nikita watches the film Every morning/evening/day, regularly, often, rarely, sometimes, usually.
  2. Vitaly buys newspapers
  3. We are playing volleyball
Perfect view
What did they do? When?
  1. Nikita watched the movie "Titanic" Yesterday, in the evening, in the morning, today, once, on Friday, 2 days ago, already, not yet.
  2. Vitaly bought the newspaper "Izvestia"
  3. We played volleyball very well
From these examples it is clear that adverb words can greatly facilitate the definition of one or another type of verb, the main thing is to learn the questions and remember these words. To practice, correct the given sentences by giving the verbs the correct verbs. The sentences are misspelled:

I finished my porridge and went for a walk.
The students were delayed at the university, but still mastered the material.
She took a very long time to redo the report.
Tanya cried a lot and did not calm down.
The children laughed a lot and the teacher decided to play with them some more.

Remember, please, that imperfective verbs have 3 forms: past, present and future:

Perfective verbs have only 2 tense forms: past and future

Watched and will watch (What did they do and what will they do?)

The past tense form changes according to numbers:

ran ( singular) and ran ( plural) He ran and they ran.

Verbs different types, with the exception of certain special cases, are formed as follows:

1) Imperfective verbs are formed from perfective verbs using suffixes:

-and I-):save - saved A t, step - step A uh, captivatecaptivity I t;

-va-; give - yes va yea, put on shoes va ty, put on - clothes va t;

-yva-, -iva-:see - look yva thaw, thaw - thaw willow t.

Note. When forming imperfective verbs using a suffix -A- (-I-) in the roots of some of them alternations of sounds are observed:

a) vowels: proposal O live - sentence A go, zap e roar - zap And army, dear O whine - ass s shut up, close - deputy s roll;

b) consonants: answer T it - answer h oh, about st it - about sch come on, get up V it - stood up ow yat.

In individual verbs species forms are characterized by more complex differences in fundamentals, for example: squeeze - squeeze, squeeze - squeeze and so on.

When forming verbs using suffixes -yva, -willow- usually alternate radically O With A: nonsense O oppression - nonsense A nods, smiles O years - rask A barks and so on.

Only some verbs do not have this alternation: opoz O rit – oppress O squeal, squeal O rit-prishp O roar, choke O kick - stale O sing, uzak O Uzak thread O nivat, overdue O read - overdue O read and some etc.

2) Verbs of the perfect form, usually with a connotation of instantaneity and one-time occurrence, are formed from verbs of the imperfect form by means of a suffix -Well-: jump – jump Well t; swing - swing Well t.

Note. Before the suffix -Well- Some verbs lack the last consonants of the root: move - move, splash - splash, throw - throw, whisper - whisper, drown - drown.

3) Perfective verbs can be formed from imperfective verbs using prefixes: do - With do, write - on write, go blind - O go blind, turn gray - By to grow gray, to build - By build and so on.

Most often, prefixes form perfective verbs with a new lexical meaning: write - V write, re write, With write, under write, above write and so on.

Only in small quantity cases, prefixes do not add any other meaning to verbs other than the meaning of the perfect form, thus forming the forms of one verb (perfect and imperfect forms): write - on write; doWith do and so on.

4) In some cases, pairs of perfective and imperfective verbs are formed from different roots: speak(imperfect) – say(perfect); catch(imperfect)– catch(perfect); take(imperfect) -take(perfect).

5) There are verbs that are used in the same forms both in the meaning of the imperfect and in the meaning of the perfect form. Such verbs are called bi-aspect. These include the words: execute, marry, exploit, mobilize, militarize, telegraph and some etc. Compare: I've already used my vacation(owl species).– When I used this device, I noticed its design(non-Soviet species).

Note. From verbs with suffix -ova- Paired imperfective verbs can be formed by adding a suffix -yva-, but only when the emphasis falls on A in the suffix - ova -: arrests A t – to arrest, bargain A t – to trade; therefore from verbs such as R A give, p A to tow. h e to work, such formations are impossible.

Form "use" (from use) wrong in literary speech not accepted; verb use used in the meaning of both perfective and imperfective forms.

From verbs with suffix - ova - having a prefix You - (transferring the stress to itself), paired verbs with a suffix -yva- are formed if, when this prefix is ​​dropped, the emphasis is transferred to A in the suffix -ova-: uproot Eve t (cramp Eve t) – uproot, extort ovate(bargain ova t) – bargain; But nurture (pestle ova t) – suffixed form -yva- not formed.

6) Some verbs do not have paired verbs of another type. So, there are no imperfective verbs with verbs rush, rush, say, need and etc.; on the contrary, there are no perfective verbs with verbs prevail, be present, limp, pace and etc.

Exercise 250. Next to the perfective verb, write an imperfective verb, forming it using suffixes:

-and I-: 1) neglect - neglect, harness, captivate, settle, bloom, rake; 2) take - collect; shake, start, stretch; 3) send – send; snatch, call, wait, create; 4) move – move; touch, pull, splash, throw, whisper, drown; 5) shut up - shut up; unlock, relax, fall asleep; 6) to conduct – to see off; block, respond, absorb, return, invite, notify, prepare; 7) burn out – burn out; boil;

-va-; forget - forget; put on, develop, overcome, stand up, confess, teach;

-yva-, -iva-:split - split; weed out, repent, order, demarcate, earn, stir, look in, block.

251. Match the prefixless imperfective verb with a paired perfective verb (i.e., with the same lexical meaning) from the data in the exercise.

1) Boil the soup - boil, finish, digest, boil; 2) build a house - rebuild, complete, build, build; 3) sing a song - sing, finish singing, sing, sing; 4) wash your hands - wash, wash, wash, wash; 5) draw a portrait - finish drawing, draw, redraw, sketch.

252. Write by inserting the missing letters; highlight the verbs and indicate their type.

Wow, it's hot!.. We collected mushrooms before noon.

They came out of the forest - just towards

A blue ribbon, twisted...wait, long...oh,

Meadow river: they jumped off in a crowd,

And the empty brown heads above the river... oh,

What porcini mushrooms are there in a forest clearing!

The river resounded with laughter and howling:

Here a fight is not a fight, a game is not a game...

And the sun bathes them in half-hot heat.

Home, kids! It's time for lunch.

We're back. Everyone has a basket full,

And how many pa...Kazov! Got caught with a scythe

We caught a hedgehog and got a little lost...

And did you see the wolf... oh, what a scary one!

The hedgehog is offered flies and boogers,

I gave him my root milk -

Doesn't drink! retreated...

(N.A. Nekrasov.)

253. Write by inserting the missing letters; indicate what type of verbs are taken when describing and calm narration and what type - when depicting the rapid development of events.

I was driving home from hunting in the evening alone on a racing boat. It was still eight miles to the house; my kind trotting mare ran briskly along the dusty road..., snoring occasionally and moving her ears; the tired dog, as if tied, was... one step behind the rear wheels. The storm was coming. Ahead, a huge purple cloud slowly rose from behind the forest; Long gray clouds were rushing above me and towards me; the willows moved and babbled anxiously. The stuffy heat was suddenly replaced by damp cold; the shadows quickly grew thicker. I hit the horse with the reins and went down into the ravine; crossed a dry stream, all overgrown with wicker, climbed the mountain and drove into the forest. The road lay ahead between thick hazel bushes, already filled with darkness; I moved forward with difficulty. The droshky jumped over the solid roots of hundred-year-old oaks and lindens, constantly crossing deep longitudinal ruts - traces of cart wheels; my horse began to stumble. A strong wind suddenly began to hum in the heights, the trees began to rage, large drops of rain began to knock, splashed on the leaves, lightning flashed, and a thunderstorm broke out. The rain poured down in streams. I walked at a pace and was soon forced to stop.

(I. S. Turgenev.)

254 . Write down, indicating the type of verbs in which letters are missing.

1) A breath of living force touched the mother’s heart, waking him up. 2) There is nothing that does not concern honest people. 3) The words easily emerged from the depths of her heart and formed into a song. 4) Drawing images dear to her, she put all the power, all the abundance of love into her words. 5) Egor threw his head back, closed his eyes and froze. 6) Everything strangely froze in gloomy stillness. 7) Nikolai finished speaking, took off his glasses, wiped them, looked at the glasses in the light and began to wipe them again. 8) The man walked slowly, leaning firmly on a stick. 9) For three days, Nilovna’s heart trembled, freezing every time she remembered that some scary strangers would come to the house. 10) Mother carefully collected the pieces of the torn drafts of the proclamations and burned them.

And imperfect.

Imperfective verbs denote an action that is not limited by an internal limit.

Imperfective verbs can have the following private meanings:

1. Specific process meaning. Indicates a single action in its process implementation by the subject.

  • Sleeping or reading.

The specific process meaning has the following shades:

A). underlined duration (lexical indicators like for a long time, all night long, whole month):

  • - Here we are from this hill, so we’ll swim, we'll sail all day...
  • (V. Ya. Shishkov)
  • You're too you talk for a long time about it.

b). attempt to perform an action:

  • And he runs...

V). unsuccessful attempts to achieve the desired result:

  • He convinced and convinced, but he never convinced.

G). incompleteness of action:

  • They were building something here.

2. Unlimited-long-lasting value.

  • The Earth revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth.

3. Potentially constant value.

  • He speaks German.

Grammatical features of imperfective verbs

1. B have forms of all three tenses (present, past and future):

  • write - I am writing, I wrote, I will write
  • read - read, read, will read

2. Imperfect verbs form: work - I will work, you will work, you will work, you will work, you will work, you will work.

3. present tense (can form past participles): read - read yushch (real, present time), read I eat (passive, present tense), read lice (real, past tense), read nn y (passive, past tense).

4. Form: read - read I, talk - talk I, tell - telling I , work - work I, build - build I worry, worry - wave I s .

Verbs imperfect form indicate long-term or repeated actions, without indicating their completion. IN indefinite form they answer the question what to do?. For example: think, read, speak, write, paint, improve. These verbs have it all three forms of time: past, present and future are complex. Verbs perfect form point to completeness of action, its result, the end of an action or its beginning. They answer the question in a vague manner what to do?. For example: conceive, read, talk, write, paint, improve. These verbs only have two forms of time: past and future simple.

View - permanent grammatical feature verb. Verbs are of two types, depending on how the action specified by the verb occurs in time. To establish the type of a verb, it is often enough to ask a question to the infinitive: what to do? - imperfect species, what to do? - perfect.

Imperfect verbs

They denote an action that is incomplete, long-term, regular or repeated over time, that is, an action in progress, for example, speaking, thinking, dreaming, transferring, re-reading. To check, you can use adverbs that will make it easier to determine the type of verb (what do they do? when? how often?): every morning (day or evening), rarely, sometimes, usually, often, regularly. Imperfective verbs have three tense forms:

  1. the present - speaks, dreams, endures;
  2. the future is complex - will speak, will dream, will endure;
  3. past - spoke, dreamed, endured.

Perfect Verbs

They denote a completed, limited or one-time action; they indicate the result, end or beginning of an action, therefore they cannot be used with verbs continue, start and the like. For example, send, jump, knock, run, catch, sing, speak. With the help of some adverbs, you can verify the correct definition of the type of verb (what did they do? when?): yesterday, today, in the morning, once, already, not yet, three days ago. Due to their meaning, these verbs form only two tense forms:

  1. the future is simple - he will send, jump, sing;
  2. past - sent, jumped, sang.

If a verb of one type corresponds to a verb of another type with the same lexical meaning, aspectual pairs are obtained: write out (sov.) – write out (nonsov.); offend (sov.) – offend (nesov.); triple (sov.) – triple (nesov.). Most of these verbs have the same root, but there are exceptions: take (sov.) - take (nesov.); find (sov.) – search (nesov.); put (sov.) – put (nesov.). In addition, there are two-type verbs that combine the characteristics of two types at the same time; their type can only be established in context: execute, wound, marry, order promise, organize, examine, arrest, attack,use, automate, influence. There are single-aspect verbs that do not have an aspect pair: what to do? hit, find yourself; what to do? want, possess, fly.
