Projects of small baths with an attic. Bathhouse with an attic: choosing projects for construction with your own hands. Prices for profiled timber

What owner of a country plot has not dreamed of building his own bathhouse, where you can have fun with family and friends, relax and gain strength after hard working days.

Layout of a bathhouse with an attic 5x5 meters

The average citizen of our country, who does not own a huge piece of land, has the standard: a dressing room and a steam room. However, after some time, opportunities and means may appear to modernize the original one. It is natural that to build new bathhouse and demolishing the old one is very inappropriate. What to do? The wisest option is to build an attic.

A bathhouse with an attic is a very functional solution that allows you to place both the bathhouse itself and auxiliary rooms in a small area. The construction of such a bathhouse will be less expensive than the construction of a two-story steam room, and such a structure will look no worse. Most often in the attic there is a recreation room in which you can put billiards, karaoke and other things.

Project of a bathhouse with an attic built from timber


The nuances of constructing baths with a built-on attic

If the presence of an attic in the bathhouse was planned at the stage of creating the plan and drawing of the building, this will allow the construction to be carried out more correctly. In such cases, a frame system is used. The frame consists of horizontal and vertical beams that will serve as the ceiling and walls in the future structure.

Basically, the bathhouse is used both in the warm season and in winter. Particular attention must be paid to ensuring that it is comfortable to stay in the attic in the summer. It is best to choose slate as a roofing material.

Original project of a bathhouse with an attic 4x4

The angle of inclination of the roof frame system is also important. A roof with slope angles from 30 to 60 degrees is considered optimal.

If the angle is made larger than the specified values, the usable space in the attic will be significantly reduced. If funds allow, it is best to provide broken roof, with a multi-layer roof structure ( interior lining, steam and waterproofing, insulation, roofing material).

It will be much more difficult to build on the attic when the bathhouse was built before. In such cases, it is necessary to decide on the location of the stairs.

If the building plan does not allow it to be placed inside, you can move it outside the bathhouse, or construct compact staircase screw type.

Typically, such baths are built from timber, but installation can be done by combining several building materials. There are bathhouses made of both brick and frame type, covered with siding material.

Protecting the superstructure from moisture

As already noted, Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the issue of protecting the attic from moisture. It is recommended to install the ceiling between floors as follows: first, a vapor barrier film is laid, then insulation, and finally flooring. To achieve greater protection, it is necessary to treat the attic with an antiseptic. In cases where the roof is made of metal tiles, protection against condensation in the form of a film should be provided underneath it.

Bathhouse projects with an attic

Projects and drawings of bathhouses with a built-on room, created in our time, include the most modern and advanced technologies, allowing you to create a very functional structure and at the same time save a lot.
, as we are used to seeing it, is a dressing room and a steam room.

Project wooden bath with an attic measuring 6 by 6 meters

However, modern solutions make it possible to achieve more from the bathhouse, combining in it both a place for water procedures and a room where you can relax and have fun. One of these solutions is the attic. There are a huge number of bathhouse projects with a built-on attic. You can choose a project suitable for a plot of any size. Let's look at the most popular standard sizes for baths with an attic, drawings of which can be easily found on the Internet.

A bathhouse in a summer cottage is a must. “The bathhouse is the second mother: it will steam the bones and fix everything.” Or “The house may not be completed, but the bathhouse needs to be built.” The tradition of taking a steam bath has been around for hundreds, maybe even thousands, of years. It was not for nothing that Nestor mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years the stunning impression that the bathhouse made on St. himself. Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Yes, and in Russians folk tales the bathhouse is not deprived of attention, remember at least the famous dialogues between Ivan (the prince, the fool, just Ivanushka) and Baba Yaga, that first the bathhouse needs to be heated, and only then discuss matters.

But in order to heat, a bathhouse must first be built. And any construction begins with a project. Regulatory acts define the bathhouse as auxiliary outbuilding, the construction of which does not require obtaining a permit. Accordingly, there is no need to develop a project that needs to be coordinated and approved.

However, it is not worth starting to build a bathhouse without a project; this can lead to very unpleasant consequences. The project will also help determine the amount of materials needed for construction and draw up an estimate that will make it possible to estimate the planned costs.

You can order a bathhouse design from specialists, prepare it yourself using special programs (as a very simple option - draw by hand) or find a suitable one finished project in the Internet. Let's talk about preparing a bathhouse project with your own hands, without the help of specialists.

We design a bathhouse

Based on the available possibilities for installing a bathhouse on the site, the development of the project should begin by drawing up a technical specification, which determines the desired area of ​​​​all the premises of the bathhouse (floor plan or floor plan).

Waiting room

The room where the owner of the bathhouse enters first. In small bathhouses, the dressing room performs several different functions, and this should be taken into account in the design: a vestibule (transition zone) between the street and the bathhouse premises with a change in temperature from outside to the temperature in the bathhouse, a place for changing clothes and storing clothes and shoes, a rest room. The dressing room can serve to store a supply of firewood for the stove.

In the dressing room, you can plan to install benches for changing clothes and rest, or limit yourself to only seating if there are space restrictions. For the same reason, it is possible to combine a dressing room with a rest room. For comfortable rest in a bathhouse and its frequent use, the area of ​​the dressing room should be twice as large more area steam room The location of the window/windows in the dressing room is provided at a height of 1000 mm from the floor level. The window is double glazed. For a dressing room, a standard door of 1800x800 mm with an outward opening is usually chosen.

Important ! If the entrance to the bathhouse from the street is made directly into the dressing room, then for comfortable use of the bathhouse in the autumn-winter time, the door must be insulated with outside. If it is possible to place the entrance to the bathhouse on the south side, the snowdrifts in winter will be smaller, and they will melt faster in the spring.

Steam room

The minimum area per person in a steam room cannot be less than 1 m². In addition to this parameter, it is necessary to take into account the size of the stove in the steam room. The largest in size are brick wood stoves, but with such stoves there is no need to insulate the walls and people steaming in the steam room.

The metal stove must be installed at a distance of at least 1 meter from the wall, and protected from people by a thin brick partition to avoid burns. A good option is to place the stove in the relaxation room so that the stove heats both the steam room and the relaxation room. In this case, the firebox is in the relaxation room, and the heater is in the steam room. Possible dimensions of the shelf in the steam room are shown in the figure. Choose an option using a drawing of how you and your guests will steam: sitting or lying down.

For a small bathhouse, in which a maximum of 3 people will steam while sitting, an area of ​​1300x1800 m is sufficient, but to this area it is necessary to add the area occupied by the stove, as well as passages to the shelves. Important! There is no need to provide windows in the steam room if it is planned ventilation duct. Otherwise, for mandatory ventilation of the steam room (and the entire bath), you need to provide a small window with double glazing. The window is designed on the wall opposite the stove with dimensions of 300x300 mm. It’s better if the window in the steam room faces west - that way you’ll get more natural light. The door to the steam room is designed to be low, with a high threshold to prevent loss of hot air. The door size is usually selected 1500x800 mm with the door opening outward. Warning. Combining a steam room with washing department(shower) is not advisable - the temperature in the steam room will be lower and the steam will be wet. This option is not suitable for those who like to steam.

Shower (washing compartment)

It all depends on your capabilities: water containers, shower, plunge pool, swimming pool. It should be remembered that there is minimum size washing room. For 3 people, a washing room without a pool and shower (only containers with hot and cold water) cannot be less than 1800x1800 mm. The window in the washing room is designed at a height of 1500 mm from the floor level, so as not to create drafts. The window sizes are small, but larger than in the steam room. Double glazing. The usual door size is 1800x800 mm, the door has a high threshold. If it is planned to install showers in the washing room, then a minimum area of ​​900x900 mm should be allocated for each shower. Accordingly, placing a font or pool in a washing room increases its area. If there are space restrictions, the pool or plunge pool can be located outside. If there is a natural body of water nearby, the bathhouse should be located at least 15 meters from it.


The minimum dimensions of a bathroom when installing one toilet are 1200 (depth) x 800 (width) mm.

Recreation room and other premises (kitchen, billiard room, etc.). It is designed based on the available capabilities and existing space limitations.

The composition of the premises is determined solely by the available capabilities and wishes of the bathhouse owner.

Important ! The bathhouse should be located at least 10 meters from the house and other buildings on the site. Except fire safety, smoke from the bath chimney will not be blown into the house. In addition, the bathhouse should be located at a distance of 3 meters from the fence to ensure access to the structure along the entire perimeter in the event of a fire.

We design the foundation

We select the type of foundation for the bathhouse based on the material that will be used in construction and the selected number of floors of the bathhouse. When designing the foundation, we take into account the possible maximum load on it and the characteristics of local soils. Typically, when building a bathhouse, the following are chosen depending on the soil on the site and the number of floors of the structure:

Screw foundation

Is universal type foundation for all soils. There is no need to carry out on site excavation. Screw foundation can be installed at any time of the year. Installation will take one day, immediately after completion you can begin building the structure.

Strip foundation

This type of foundation is quite labor-intensive and it is advisable to use it in difficult soils and in the construction of a 2-story bathhouse.

It is the most economical and simplest type of foundation. Columns can be made from asbestos-cement pipes, which are then reinforced and filled with concrete. It is better to use such a foundation when building a small bathhouse.

Excavation work during the construction of belt and columnar foundations it is necessary to carry out, but the volume of this work will be different.

Pile foundation made of reinforced concrete piles and monolithic slab We will not consider them; they are not needed for the construction of a bathhouse.

Designing a foundation for a brick oven

If a brick stove is chosen for a bathhouse, you must first determine at the project stage the need to build a foundation for it. The calculations are quite simple: the weight of one cubic meter brickwork take it as 1350 kg and multiply this value by the volume of the furnace structure. The result of 750 kg means the obligatory need to build a foundation for the furnace. Lack of foundation or design errors will lead to catastrophic consequences.

Important ! The foundation for the stove cannot be less in depth than the foundation of the bathhouse. The foundation under the stove bears the load only from it and there is no need to make it part of the overall foundation of the bathhouse. It is advisable that there be a small distance between the common foundation and the foundation for the furnace. When the structure shrinks, both foundations will be able to move relative to each other.

It is customary to design a simple rubble concrete foundation for a brick oven. To reach the freezing depth in the region, a pit is constructed with sides 150 mm larger than the side of the foundation. It is planned to fill the bottom of the pit with a layer of crushed stone followed by compaction. Wooden formwork is installed according to the dimensions of the pit. The formwork is pre-treated with hot bitumen. As an option, you can use roofing felt. After installing the formwork, the first layer of large stones is poured, the cavities between which are filled with small crushed stone. The layer is filled cement-sand mortar, prepared in a ratio of 1:3. Each subsequent layer of stones is poured with a break of a day, and so on until the desired level is reached. When using a pre-fabricated solution and with a shallow foundation depth, it is possible to perform all the work at once.

Important ! The difference between the level of the finished floor and the foundation should be about 70 mm. The surface of the foundation is carefully leveled and closed plastic film. You can start laying the stove no earlier than after 7 days.

In the old days, the issue of bathhouse ventilation was solved simply and rationally. In the log cabins of the baths lower crowns were attached freely, and air could pass through the cracks.

Today, when preparing a bathhouse project, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a channel for the influx of fresh air and for the exhaust of exhaust air. The dimensions of these ventilation ducts depend on the volume of premises in the bathhouse. The exhaust duct should not be smaller than the supply duct.

Choosing a bathhouse project

First, let's determine what material will be used to build the bathhouse. It is customary to build baths from ordinary or rounded logs, laminated veneer lumber, bricks, blocks; frame baths are popular.

Log sauna projects

Log saunas are traditional option performance of a real Russian bath. Wood enhances the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of the bath on the human body, which has been confirmed by centuries of experience.

To build a bathhouse, you can choose:

Projects of bathhouses made of laminated veneer lumber

Saunas made of laminated veneer lumber are considered one of the most popular. This is due to the high manufacturability of the material while maintaining the properties of wood. A special feature of bathhouse projects made from laminated veneer lumber is the ability to create functional and interesting structural elements of the structure without additional significant costs. It's about, first of all, about covered terraces and external gables.

The use of laminated veneer lumber in construction makes it possible to diversify the architectural forms of a structure and move away from standard solutions.

Brick bath projects

The use of brick as a building material makes it possible to erect a structure of almost any shape. Brick is an environmentally friendly material and is excellent for building baths. The advantages of brick include a very long service life, attractive appearance (construction from facing bricks doesn't need exterior decoration), thermal insulation properties.

However, when designing a brick bathhouse, it is imperative to provide good ventilation and vapor barrier, otherwise the structure will become damp. It should also be taken into account that the cost of building a brick bathhouse will be higher than a wooden bathhouse. Below we invite you to look at photos of brick bathhouse projects.

Bathhouse projects made from gas silicate blocks

A feature of the project for a bathhouse made of gas silicate blocks is a light weight material, thereby reducing the load on the foundation and the possibility of construction even on problematic soils. The blocks themselves are easy to process; they can be sawed, split, and their fragments can be used as decorative elements.

Bathhouse projects with an attic

When designing a bathhouse with an attic, it is necessary to take into account the additional load on the foundation. You also need to calculate the quantity load-bearing structures and determine their location.

The roof slope angle specified in the project will determine the usable area of ​​the attic. The tilt angle is usually 30-60°.

When drawing up a floor plan, you should try to minimize the area that the staircase will occupy. But climbing it should remain comfortable.

A mandatory requirement is the inclusion in the project of vapor and thermal insulation of the ceiling between the first floor and the attic. This is necessary to prevent the appearance of fungus on the ceiling in the bathhouse.

The advantage of such a project will be a significant increase usable area, while the weight of the entire structure increases slightly.

The desire to install a bathhouse on your property personal plot Almost every owner of a private home has had this problem at least once. After all, no one doubts its diversified value, ranging from health benefits to aesthetic advantages in the exterior of the site. Therefore, some have already realized their dream a long time ago, while others are just about to begin to realize it, looking for opportunities, selecting the internal arrangement of the building, its functionality, design, thinking through the stages of construction. In this good endeavor, a special place is occupied by the layout of bathhouses with an attic for small areas. They have a number of undoubted advantages compared to simple one-story solutions, nuances of design, construction and use.

Why does a bathhouse need an attic superstructure?

Often such architectural layouts are chosen, initially guided by their functionality, as well as design features:

  • the use of a common foundation, which allows you to combine a hygienic (1st floor) and a recreation area under the roof, for example for tea drinking or a billiard room, saves land under the building area;
  • A larger project, such as a 6x6 bath house with an attic, can already become a fully functional option for a plot of several hundred square meters. It is able to simultaneously play the role of a place for water procedures and accommodation, and for large private areas with separate full-fledged housing, such a layout can solve the problem of accommodating guests;
  • two-level designs often include terraces (verandas, loggias or balconies), where it is pleasant to relax while contemplating the surroundings;
  • they allow you to create aesthetically correct architectural forms. For example, the same project of a bathhouse with an attic and a terrace, guided by the requirements landscape design, is much easier to adapt to many areas as a complete solution, in contrast to separate one-story steam rooms.

Advantages of bathhouse projects equipped with attics

  1. The first thing engineers always talk about when constructing attic superstructures is a significant reduction in the load on the load-bearing foundation, compared to the construction of a full second floor.

The bathhouse complex is no exception, unless you are thinking about a lightweight frame. For him, the difference between the mass of an entire floor or an operating room under the roof is not so significant. By the way, when the strength of the foundation causes concern, then it is frame technology most favorable if it is necessary to complete the construction of rooms above the reconstructed object.

Therefore, for most projects of bathhouses with an attic, various economical prefabricated ones are suitable: columnar, screw, MZL. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the type of construction, as well as the properties of the soil. Yes, for brick construction on heaving soils, either powerful piles or a buried reinforced foundation strip may be needed.

  1. The base and roof common to both levels saves construction investments compared to adding auxiliary rooms or terraces.
  2. The attic in the bathhouse allows you to optimize heating costs. Firstly, a significant portion of thermal energy, rising upward with air currents, is dissipated through the roof (25%-30%). Therefore, the material consumption of insulating a roof or upper floor is higher than that of walls, since thicker layers of insulation are required. Secondly, from the point of view of the minimum ratio of the external surface to the internal volume, a building close in shape to a cube (a building with under-roof spaces) loses heat more slowly. Heating it is faster and cheaper than a one-story building with auxiliary rooms attached to the side.

In addition, taking into account the tendency of thermal energy to move upward, it is possible to simplify heating a room under the roof by properly ensuring the flow of air from the ground floor to the top.

  1. The layout solution “house bathhouse with attic” makes it possible to simplify the installation, operation, and regulation of communication systems (ventilation, heating). The use of vertically oriented risers or trunk lines is more convenient than numerous horizontal branches.

Features of design solutions

Even before starting development or searching for a suitable ready-made design solution For self-construction, it’s good to pay attention to some design features of the structures we are considering.


It is always one of the main negative arguments among opponents of superstructure floors. Naturally, no one will dispute the fact that the staircase in the bathhouse to the attic will occupy squares of space, which are especially valuable when creating compact architectural forms. However, since we have found numerous other counterbalancing advantages, we should choose an option taking into account the characteristics of different systems:

  1. Marching stairs are the most comfortable, functional and safe. They take up more space than other types. They are difficult to adapt to small areas, for example, if you have a 4x4 m layout.
  2. Bolts - have all the advantages of marching structures. They are not suitable for frame buildings, as they require a strong load-bearing wall, to which the support pins of the steps should be attached.
  3. Screw ones are the most inconvenient, although they are effective and take up minimal space. They can often help out if you have a compact 5 by 5 bathhouse project with an attic or, especially, 4x4 m.

Features of attic geometry

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the limitations internal area object. After all, it turns out not to be too big. Therefore, in order to create a more or less functional floor, it is not advisable to use pitched roof. Gable is also not the best convenient option, since even for a 6x6 m building, in order to effectively use the space under the slopes, they will have to be made too steep, and this will have a negative impact on the wind resistance and material consumption of the entire structure.

The optimal choice of roofing type for a bath house with an attic leans towards a sloping gable roof or to the installation of an upper half-story used room.

We choose projects for construction with our own hands

When the main points of creating your own personal bathing and household complex are already clear, you can come to grips with design issues. Taking into account the fact that for individual use structures that are small in area and have a fairly limited variability of layouts are often considered, it is easier to take as a basis ready-made solution, which best meets the owner’s needs. Then, no one bothers you to slightly adjust any architectural idea you like to personal preferences. You can, for example, move or add partitions, or slightly change the external dimensions of the object.

At the stage of developing the geometric parameters of the future construction plan, it is important to take into account not only user characteristics. It has already been said above that the issue of heat conservation is especially important for a bath structure. Therefore, both the cubic layout in volume and the square in the plane are optimal energy-efficient shapes. Therefore, a house with a plan square shape, will cool down more slowly. Let's look at some of them based on small typical projects.

Compact projects 4x4 m

Almost one of the most miniature architectural solutions that owners of even the smallest plots can rely on. However, despite the fact that the construction will require only a little more than 16 m2 of territory, it is quite capable of coping with the tasks assigned to it. A 4 by 4 bathhouse with an attic already on the first floor accommodates all the necessary purpose rooms: a steam room, a wash room and a relaxation room. If desired, the relaxation room can be moved upstairs by placing a not too bulky sofa or a couple of armchairs plus a small table there, and a lower entrance area equip as a dressing room. It is enough to mount an additional partition in it, which will reduce heat loss in winter. Using the upper level for relaxation will also allow you to allocate space below for a bathroom or storage of equipment.

If properly arranged, such a compact project will not only be suitable for creating a place for hygiene and relaxation with regular use small family. It is already quite capable of providing additional territory on which the owners can freely accommodate relatives or friends who come to visit.

Choose 5x5 m

In fact, a 5 by 5 bathhouse with an attic is only a slightly enlarged analogue of the 4x4 m design solution. The slightly expanded area does not add much richness to the choice of zoning the space of the first floor. However, the “extra” squares will allow you to expand the boundaries of the washing room or rest room, which will significantly increase the user comfort of the owners, even taking into account the fact that their guests will also be lovers of bath procedures. The washing room is already capable of accommodating not just a shower stall and a small font, but a couple of types of showers (regular and contrast) and a comfortable font.

When redesigning a project, moving partitions in order to increase the volume of individual rooms, one should not forget that this is not always advisable. For example, the main trump card of a steam room is not its dimensions, but the ability to maintain a fairly high, stable temperature. The thermal balance is more difficult to regulate, and heating costs will increase significantly if the steam room is too large. Therefore, it is better to keep the steam room to a minimum size.

If we consider the upper level of the structure, then from this side the design of a 5 by 5 bathhouse with an attic provides opportunities for internal arrangement somewhat wider than similar structures that are smaller in plan. Under the roof you can get a fairly solid billiard room with a professional table or a secluded room, separated from the staircase and access to the balcony.

When installing an interfloor ceiling, you should take a responsible approach to the issue of its strength, especially if the attic tier is expected to be actively used. As beam elements, it is recommended to use a board measuring at least 150*50 mm, mounted on an edge. If there is no intermediate support of the beams on load-bearing partitions 1st floor, it is better to use ribs with a height of 200 mm.

Layout 6x6 m

This type of layout is also often chosen by owners of small plots. At the same time, although the design of a 6x6 bathhouse with an attic can be classified as average architectural solution for such buildings, the structure erected on its basis is already a fairly complete structure. On the one hand, it is not too expensive, but on the other, it can provide complete comfort to the owners. The area allocated for construction fully accommodates both all the main internal and external premises, for example with terraces on both floors. If you choose a project with terraces, then it is no longer necessary to allocate space on the site for the construction of a gazebo. The veranda and loggia, protected from precipitation, are always ready for cozy gatherings in the fresh air.

If the 6x6 m layout is developed to please interior design, then there will be enough space to separate a spacious recreation room from the entrance corridor on the lower floor, provide a compartment for storing firewood, a toilet, or even install a voluminous plunge pool in the washing room like a mini-pool. The attic in the bathhouse is zoned into fairly comfortable guest rooms for organizing a gym, home cinema or other purpose rooms.

What else to pay attention to when building a bathhouse with an attic with your own hands

After resolving issues related to the design layout of the building, you still have a number of important organizational and installation stages ahead:

  • decide on the material, buy a standard set of ready-made parts of the building, or, based on your developments, order an assembly kit from a specialized company, or completely manufacture the structural elements yourself during installation;
  • It is worth considering the aesthetic component of the location of the structure, especially if you have a bathhouse with an attic and a terrace or panoramic French windows upstairs. The landscapes you see will become a significant component of your vacation;
  • when arranging the under-roof volume, one of the key tasks will be. On the one hand, heat and moisture will try to penetrate into the attic from below, and on the other hand, from above in the sun in the summer the roof will heat up or become supercooled in the winter. Therefore, in addition to using high-quality heat-insulating materials, it is worth paying attention to careful vapor barrier in interfloor covering, as well as the tasks of vapor and waterproofing of the exploited under-roof space.

The main advantage of the projects wooden baths with an attic - the presence of additional living quarters without increasing the total area and the beautiful appearance of the building. This is optimal and practical solution for large families and for those who like to receive guests.

Bathhouses with an attic: making use of free space

A bathhouse with a residential attic is chosen by those who understand the benefits of the “two in one” principle. On the first floor - bath complex, on the second... Yes, anything! Recreation rooms, billiards, library, Gym. Breathe fresh air you can go out onto the balcony or go down to the spacious gazebo - this is a great place for barbecue. And if you build a bathhouse with a swimming pool, you can get a lot of pleasure from wellness treatments.

Designing baths with an attic

There are many different projects; quite a few are posted on our website and the websites of other developers beautiful photos. Each project has its own specifics, advantages and disadvantages. Some people prefer a spacious guest house with the functionality of a bathhouse; for others, only a small building is acceptable. Make your choice! And first of all from a functionality point of view. The layout of the building depends on this.

  • How many people will use country bathhouse? A building with an area of ​​4x5 or 6x10 can comfortably accommodate the same number of bath attendants. The main thing is the functionality of its premises. ·
  • Buy a bathhouse with an attic, which will be built according to standard project or think through the nuances of an individual approach? Please note that the latter option will cost more. ·
  • Build from logs or timber? Decide based on the type of soil on suburban area, the method and cost of delivering the material and your financial capabilities. Obviously, a hand-cut sauna will cost more than a timber sauna. ·
  • Do you prefer an open terrace or a veranda? If you do not live in the southern regions of the country, then you will only have the opportunity to use the terrace in the summer months.

When is a bathhouse with an attic the best option?

In which cases two-story baths with attics seem to be the most optimal solution?

  • The need to build a spacious bath house with recreation rooms on a small plot of land.
  • The desire to have a large bathhouse next to a country house.
  • Organization of a business providing recreation and bathing services.

The complex landscape terrain on the site is another reason to choose a ready-made bathhouse project with an attic. The advantage is that there is no need to level the terrain, as if a one-story building with the same functionality was being built, but on a much larger area.

Construction of baths with an attic

The construction of an attic bathhouse is simpler, and accordingly, the price of a log house is lower than a two-story one, for example. No additional expensive work required construction work, it is enough to equip the existing premises. The simplicity of the design will save your money and time! There is also no need to build a reinforced foundation - the total weight of even a spacious bath house increases slightly.

The shape of the roof is usually gable or broken, which allows you to make the most of every meter of free space. It requires windows that perform two functions:

  • save artificial lighting
  • serve as a decorative element.

Not only insulation, but also ventilation system, waterproofing. When it comes to design, for many of our customers there is nothing more attractive than the natural beauty of wood. Therefore, interior decoration is traditionally performed using natural materials. This, by the way, will improve the quality of thermal insulation.

What is the construction time frame for bathhouses with a residential attic? If the project involves the use of logs or beams as the main material, then the customer receives the log house in finished form, all that remains is to assemble it. This will only take 10 days.

A good option for customers who prefer to build a wooden bathhouse in minimal short time, may become inexpensive frame-panel construction. Its advantage is not only construction in the fastest possible time, but also the absence of shrinkage, simplicity of the project, minimal financial investments and economical operation.

Having your own bathhouse in itself makes outdoor recreation more enjoyable. But it is not always possible to place not only a bathhouse, but also a house on the ground, in this case a great option There will be a bathhouse with an attic.

Baths with an attic: advantages

  • functionality. You have a room where you can make an additional room, a gym, a library, a bedroom, etc.;
  • space saving. A bathhouse with an attic makes it possible to place larger number premises without wasting precious square meters a plot of land, which is especially important if you have only a small area at your disposal;
  • efficiency. It is cheaper to build a bathhouse with an attic than to build separate buildings;
  • reduction in heating costs, because heat from the first floor will reduce the cost of heating the attic.

Baths with an attic: disadvantages

  • the need for high-quality vapor and waterproofing. On the first floor in the steam room there will be an extreme microclimate, so it is important to reliably protect the second floor from steam and moisture, otherwise fungus and mold will quickly appear in the attic;
  • increased requirements for fire safety. In a bathhouse, the risk of fire is higher than in other rooms, so you need to carefully take care of the fire resistance of the structure;
  • the construction process is more complex compared to construction one-story bathhouse. Obviously, it is much easier to build a building without extra floors.

Baths with an attic: projects, features of their design

The choice of designs for bathhouses with an attic is huge. They differ in area, number of rooms, etc.

When choosing a project, you need to focus on the size of the site and your needs. If you plan to go to the bathhouse together, then there is no point in making a large building, but if you prefer to relax big company, then you need to make a spacious bathhouse.

Please note that the larger the bathhouse, the more expensive the construction and maintenance of the bathhouse will be. A small steam room will warm up much faster.

It is much easier to make a project at the stage of building a bathhouse, rather than attaching an attic to finished building. In the second case, it may be difficult to place the staircase: if it is difficult to build it in the house, then you can build the staircase on the street. If you are going to go to the bathhouse not only in the summer, then the stairs will need to be covered with walls.

In this case, you will not only have separate room, but also a cozy veranda where you can sit and breathe fresh air.

If there is no pond near the bathhouse, then think about choosing a project with a swimming pool. At first glance, it seems that such drawings are complex and expensive to implement, but this is not always the case. For example, you can buy a ready-made plastic bowl small size, in this case, building a bathhouse with a swimming pool will be quite inexpensive. At the same time, installation of the finished bowl is simple, so you can do it yourself.

Bathhouse designs with an attic may include one room per attic floor or several. It is convenient to have a small balcony; you can put a couple of chairs on it and spend time here in the evening.

The layout of bathhouses with an attic can only include necessary premises, as well as additional ones. For example, if there is no toilet on the site, then good option There will be organization of the bathroom. If you do it in a bath small kitchen, then the building can be used as a house.

Project of a bathhouse with an attic 4.5x4.5

If you have a small area, this does not mean that you cannot make a comfortable and spacious bathhouse. The 4.5x4.5 m project has compact dimensions, but it has everything you need: a steam room, a shower room and a relaxation room. On the second floor there is a bedroom where you can make a place to sleep, and this room is also suitable for storing various things.

Project of a 6x4 bathhouse with an attic

A 6x4 bathhouse with an attic is the simplest and most popular option. On the ground floor of the building, in addition to the main premises, there is a terrace. They are convenient because you can place a table and chairs on the veranda. On a summer day it’s nice to be not indoors, but outdoors, where you can enjoy the singing of birds, fresh air and beautiful scenery. The roof will protect you from bad weather, and the partitions from the wind.

If you look at the photo of the 4x6 bathhouse project with an attic, you can see that the second floor is occupied by one attic. There are no partitions here, so the room is quite spacious.

Project of a bathhouse with an attic 5.4x8

This project is suitable for spacious areas as it requires a lot of space. Its advantage is its large capacity. In such a bathhouse there is enough space to create not one, but three rest rooms; a large company can easily fit here.

The advantage of the project is the presence of separate vestibules, a hall, a bathroom and a terrace - all these rooms make visiting the bathhouse more comfortable.

Project of a bathhouse with an attic 6x6

This option is simple, without unnecessary rooms, but thanks to this the rooms are spacious and roomy. provides a steam room, a sink, two lounges, a balcony and a terrace. It is perfect not only for bath procedures, but also as a guest or country house where you can stay overnight.

Baths with an attic: photos, features of the choice of material for construction

If you look at the photo of bathhouses with an attic, you can see options from different materials: wood, aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete, brick.

Projects for log baths with an attic are the most popular option. Our ancestors also preferred this material. Wood helps create comfort and a special microclimate; it eliminates the need to make interior and external finishing. Wood is an environmentally friendly material with a good level of thermal insulation.

The most common option would be a timber bathhouse project. Constructing a building from this material is quite simple; the timber gives minimal shrinkage and provides high level thermal insulation.

A more expensive option is to design a bathhouse made of rounded logs with an attic. This material is more expensive and also more difficult to construct, so it requires the involvement of experienced specialists. Its advantage is its appearance - the authenticity of a traditional Russian bathhouse.

Log baths with attic (photos, projects):

Aerated concrete bathhouse is a less popular option. Despite the fact that aerated concrete appearance does not look like natural material, no harmful chemical components are used for its production, so it is completely environmentally friendly. A bathhouse made of aerated concrete needs external and interior decoration, but her important advantage is fire safety. While wood is easily flammable, aerated concrete has a high level of fire resistance and can prevent the spread of fire.

A brick bathhouse is a strong and reliable structure that will serve you long years. Brick, like aerated concrete, is fire resistant. The disadvantages of a brick bathhouse are the complexity of construction, high price and heavy weight, which is why you have to make a reinforced foundation.

It’s up to you to decide which material to choose for building a bathhouse with an attic: each of them has its own “pros” and “cons.” Those for whom safety plays a major role often prefer fire-resistant materials (brick, aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete), while those who want to recreate a classic Russian bathhouse choose wood.
