Project for the installation and commissioning of an automatic fire alarm and warning system. Methodological recommendations for organizing control over the implementation of technical maintenance and scheduled preventative repairs for






This project of an automatic fire alarm system has been developed in accordance with regulatory and technical documents:

- GOST 27990-88 Security, fire and security and fire alarm system. General technical requirements;

- SNiP 11-01-95 Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination, approval and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures;

- SNiP 2.01.02-85 Fire safety standards;

- SNiP 21-01-97 Fire safety of buildings and structures;

- SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 Sanitary rules and regulations;

- RD 78.145-93 Security and fire alarm systems and complexes. Rules for production and acceptance of work;

- RD 78.36.004-2005 Instructions on technical supervision of the implementation of design and installation work on equipping facilities with security alarms;

NPB 88-2001 Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Design standards and rules;

- NPB 110-03 List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms;

- P 78.36.004-2002 List technical means approved for use in private security;

- PUE-98 Rules for electrical installations.

The working design of the automatic fire alarm system was developed in accordance with the requirements of environmental, sanitary, hygienic, fire safety and other standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and ensuring safe operation of the complex system for the life and health of people while observing the measures provided for in the working documents.

Declaration fire safety(fire declaration)

For protection facilities operating on the day of entry into force of the federal law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements", a fire safety declaration (fire declaration) is submitted to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia no later than May 1, 2010.

The fire declaration provides:

1) fire audit (fire risk assessment)*;
* the fire safety declaration (fire declaration) is accompanied by fire risk assessment calculations (conclusion of an expert organization);

2) assessment of possible damage to the property of third parties from fire*;
* issued independently, based on your own assessment of possible damage to the property of third parties from fire, or a copy of the insurance policy is attached.

3) list of federal laws on technical regulations and regulatory documents on fire safety, the implementation of which is ensured at the protection facility, indicating the list of requirements to be met.

Fire risk calculation is mandatory for production facilities, as well as for facilities where there is no in full The requirements of fire safety regulations have been met.

In the case of a fire safety audit, the state fire supervision authorities remove the object of protection from control (supervision) for the entire duration of the conclusion on an independent fire risk assessment (fire safety audit).

Assessment of compliance of protected objects with fire safety requirements of technical regulations, regulatory documents on fire safety or terms of contracts is carried out in the forms of: independent risk assessment in the field of fire safety (fire audit); fire safety declarations.

Fire risk assessment (fire audit) is an integral part of the fire safety declaration or declaration industrial safety(at sites for which they must be developed in accordance with the law Russian Federation).

Fire safety declaration form. A fire safety declaration (fire declaration) can be drawn up both for the object of protection as a whole, and for individual buildings, structures, structures and premises included in it, for which fire safety requirements are established.

The procedure for registering a fire safety declaration. A fire safety declaration (fire declaration) is developed and submitted by the owner of the object of protection or a person who owns it by right of lifelong inheritable ownership, economic management, operational management or on another legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the declarant). A fire safety declaration (fire declaration) for the designed protection object is drawn up by the developer or the person carrying out the preparation project documentation.

Fire alarm

Fire alarms are used to detect fires in initial stage and timely notification of interested parties. The need to install such systems in many cases is determined not only by the concern of the owner of the property about his own safety and security of property, but also by regulations.

Fire alarm systems can be used to generate a command impulse to launch automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal and fire alarm systems, integrate with access control systems to unlock emergency exit doors in case of fire, as well as control technological, electrical and other equipment.

The need to install fire alarms or fire extinguishing systems in buildings and premises is determined by the following regulatory documents:

Fire safety standards (NSB) 110-03;

NPB 105-03 "Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations according to explosion and fire hazard";

Code of fire safety rules SP 5.13130.2009 (for newly constructed and reconstructed facilities).

As a result of our cooperation, you receive a document confirming the calculations of the category of your premises, with an attached license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations to carry out this type of activity.

Selecting a Fire Alarm System

Categories of warehouse or industrial premises, buildings for fire (explosion) hazard are determined in accordance with NPB 105-03 for the most unfavorable period in relation to an explosion or fire and depend on a number of factors and conditions.

To determine the category fire danger All you need to do is call us and briefly describe your property. technological process production or composition of materials stored in the warehouse. Based on this data, we will estimate the scope of work and determine its cost.

Basic elements of fire alarm:

Fire alarm sensors. This is the basis of the system - they are the ones who detect the fire and its source. The principle of operation of fire alarm sensors is based on identifying combustion products: certain gases, smoke, increased temperature, etc.

Fire alarm control panel. A technical unit that collects data from all sensors of the system. Here the obtained indicators are analyzed and the corresponding automatic processes are launched. This unit also monitors the performance of fire alarm sensors and connection lines.

Fire alarm control panel. Automatic workplace, equipped on a computer, used to display information on a computer monitor.

An autonomous power supply for the fire alarm system ensures continuity of operation of the fire alarm system in the absence of electricity in the network.

Automatic fire alarm

Automated fire alarms are a set of equipment that includes fire detection and warning devices. The type of warning system is determined by the “Code of Fire Safety Rules” and must comply with NPB 104-03 for newly constructed and reconstructed facilities.

Fire alarms can be combined with fire extinguishing, smoke removal systems, etc. The effectiveness of such systems is due to the fact that measures to eliminate the fire are taken instantly. In most cases, they provide an opportunity to deal with the fire before the appropriate services arrive.

Fire Alarm Systems

According to the method of determining the source of fire, fire alarm systems are divided into two main types:

Analog fire alarms. The location of the fire is determined by the number of the loop (wire) to which the sensor is connected. It is recommended for objects with small rooms, since several sensors can be connected to one loop, which will make it difficult to find a fire in large rooms. They are attractive for their low cost and ease of setup and operation.

Addressable security and fire alarms. The location of the fire is accurately recorded, each sensor has its own address. Recommended for large objects. Information is collected sequentially from all sensors located in the shape of a star, the center of which is the fire alarm control panel.

Choosing a security alarm system

The type, as well as the fire alarm circuit for each specific facility, are selected based on the conditions and requirements for organizing fire safety.

Our company carries out the design and installation of security and fire alarm systems, taking into account the design requirements of your premises and the wishes of the customer. At the request of the customer, we coordinate the work performed with Gospozhnadzor.

The company’s specialists will train the customer’s personnel to work with the systems free of charge. Work on installing a fire alarm can be carried out promptly, literally within a few days after your request.

Design of facility security, fire and security-fire alarm systems

Composition of design and estimate documentation

Work on the installation of technical signaling equipment should be carried out according to the approved design estimates or inspection report in accordance with standard design solutions, working documentation (project of work, technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises, technological maps) and rules for the production and acceptance of work for security, fire and alarm systems and complexes.

At objects protected or subject to transfer to private security units, it is allowed to carry out installation work according to inspection reports, with the exception of new construction objects, objects under the supervision of state control bodies over the use of historical and cultural monuments, as well as objects with explosive zones. For these objects, design and estimate documentation must be drawn up.

To develop design and estimate documentation for equipping a facility with an alarm system, the customer must draw up a technical specification, which is reviewed and agreed upon with the security department within no more than 10 days. As part of technical supervision, the terms of reference may be subjected to examination by the security department.

The main directive documents, the requirements of which must be unconditionally fulfilled during electrical installation work, are the current Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE) and Construction Norms and Regulations (SNiP).

Suppliers of technical security equipment and materials provide the customer with factory instructions that electrical installation workers must follow.

The design of alarm systems is carried out by design organizations at the request of customers. The work can be carried out in one stage (development of a detailed design with a summary cost estimate) or in two stages: first, development of a project with a summary cost estimate, and then - working documentation with estimates. In this case, the inspection reports are used by the customer to draw up technical specifications for the design of a security and fire alarm system.

The working documentation includes: blocking plan of objects; functional signaling diagrams; electrical circuit diagrams; connection diagrams and external wiring connections; common types shields of fire safety equipment; tables of connections and connections of electrical and pipe wiring in switchboards; general types of non-standard drawings for the installation of devices and alarm systems; Hardware Specification; specification of boards and consoles; list of components and structures, list of standard drawings; local estimate for the purchase and installation of signaling equipment; explanatory note.

For objects protected or subject to acceptance under the protection of private security, the design and estimate documentation must be agreed upon by the customer with the private security, and justified deviations from the design and estimate documentation must be agreed upon with the State Border Guard Service before its transfer installation organization. The period for review and approval of documentation is 1 month. Coordination of design and estimate documentation is carried out by the Internal Affairs Directorate and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republics within the Russian Federation under the Internal Affairs Directorate of the regional and regional administrations. If these divisions delegate their powers to lower-level organizations, then coordination is carried out by their subordinate divisions. The validity period of the agreement is 2 years.

The customer must coordinate the design and estimate documentation with the installation and commissioning organization. The installation and commissioning organization reviews the design and estimate documentation and provides the customer with reasonable comments.

Design and estimate documentation is approved by the customer. At the same time, it must have the stamp “Approved for production” and the signature of the responsible representative of the customer, certified by a seal. The approved design documentation is transferred in two copies to the installation and commissioning organization before the start of installation work. The estimate documentation is submitted in one copy. Each copy of the working documentation must have marks indicating acceptance for work. If the customer makes changes to the submitted design and estimate documentation in the prescribed manner, he must, no later than 15 days before the start of work, additionally transfer to the installation organization 2 copies of the amended documentation and a list of canceled drawings and documents. All costs and losses incurred by the installation organization in connection with changes in the documentation must be reimbursed by the customer.

If the need to deviate from the design documentation arose during the installation of the alarm system complex, then coordination with the developer of the design documentation is necessary.

The design and estimate documentation for equipping an object with a security alarm ceases to be valid when the operating profile of the object changes and is subject to re-coordination if the customer changes.

Deviations from design documentation or inspection reports during the installation of technical signaling equipment are not allowed without agreement with the customer, the design organization - the project developer, State Fire Service bodies and security departments.

If, according to the design and estimate documentation, installation work has not begun from the time of approval and after 2 years, then it must be re-examined by the design organization - the project developer, agreed upon and approved in the prescribed manner.


All premises of the building are subject to protection by installing an automatic fire alarm, regardless of their functional purpose, with the exception of rooms associated with wet processes.

The walls of the building are brick, the partitions are plasterboard and glass, the ceilings are reinforced concrete.

The ceiling height in the premises is no more than 3 meters.

The main type of fire load in protected areas is the insulation of electrical cables, fireproof materials in combustible packaging, and furniture.


To build an automatic fire alarm system, the Accord-512 security and fire alarm control panel (PPKOP) was used.

Information about the status of protected zones is displayed on the central control panel.

The system includes:

- central block (BC)

- central control panel (CPC);

- two fire loop expander units (FDP) for 8 loops (for connecting fire alarm loops);

The control center is installed in the security room.

The BC (N 1) is installed on the ground floor in a low-current riser.

Two PDUs (N 2, 3) are installed in a low-current riser on the 3rd and 5th floors.

Installation of an automatic fire alarm system provides:

testing the serviceability of fire detectors in the loop;

giving an alarm when fire detectors are triggered;

turning off general ventilation when the fire alarm is triggered;

automatic activation of the fire warning system by zone;

displaying information and sounding a sound signal when there is a signal “FIRE”, “SHORT CIRCUIT” and “BREAK”.
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· checking the functionality of the equipment;

· checking and adjusting system settings;

· preventive cleaning of system units and components;

· cleaning equipment from dust and dirt;

· taking readings of current, voltage and resistance on power supplies;

· checking and, if necessary, repairing connectors and connections.

The results of routine maintenance are recorded in a journal.

Before concluding a contract for fire alarm service, it is necessary to conduct a site inspection. This inspection will determine the technical condition of the system. During the inspection, all technical documentation, operational documentation, compliance of the fire alarm installation with the project and the requirements of regulatory documentation are checked.

After the inspection, acts are drawn up “Act of the primary inspection of automatic fire alarm installations and fire warning and evacuation management systems” and “Act of the work performed on the initial inspection of automatic fire alarm installations and fire alarm and evacuation management systems.” Also, if necessary, a “Defective Statement” is drawn up if the fire alarm system was inoperative at the time of service.

Fire alarm maintenance work is carried out within a strictly specified time frame and in accordance with the work schedule. All maintenance work must strictly comply with regulatory documents.

Elimination of the consequences of unfavorable climatic conditions and technological impacts refers to unscheduled maintenance.

During the inspection process, incorrectly functioning or completely out of order devices may be detected, with the help of which personnel are notified about a fire, fire protection systems are controlled, and instructions are transmitted regarding which direction to move for evacuation. In this case, urgent repairs are necessary.

In addition to inspection and repair, the responsibilities of the fire alarm servicing organization also include providing the customer with information about the condition of the system, about the possibilities for updating and improving the system that have appeared recently, and recommendations for correct operation systems, as well as maintaining a log of maintenance and PPR installations APS and SOUE.

When concluding a contract for maintenance and repair services to the customer and service organization recommended:

Fill out the fire alarm installation certificate,

Draw up in 2 copies a logbook for maintenance and repair of APS and SOUE installations,

Develop and agree on a maintenance and repair schedule,

Commit Technical specifications operability of the fire automatics installation.

An approximate example of a maintenance and repair log for APS and SOUE installations:



Type of instalation ______________________________________________

Installation date _____________________________________

Protected object ________________________________________


View Maintenance, repair

Technical condition of the installation and its parts

Position, surname and signature of the person performing the repair or maintenance

Signature of the person responsible for operating the installation


The procedure for organizing and carrying out maintenance and repair work at the facility

The facility where the fire alarm and warning system is installed must have the following technical documentation for the installations:

Condition of casing seals, integrity of casing and front panels of receiving equipment;

Availability and integrity of parts, correct installation and reliability of fastening;

Presence of dust and foreign objects on equipment parts;

Condition of contact surfaces of connectors, plugs, sockets, quality of soldering;

Checking backlashes, gaps, deflections, tensions, etc. of various elements;

When checking the electrical parameters of the equipment, it is necessary to measure:

supply voltage values ​​of receiving stations, concentrators, rectifier units, detectors;

voltage and current values ​​in signal lines;

electrical parameters of electrical circuits of receiving equipment and detectors at control points according to passport data;

insulation resistance values ​​of power supply circuits and installation control;

electrical strength of power and control circuits;

resistance values ​​of beam lines.

3. When determining the operability of the APS and SOUE, you should check:

Performance electrical diagram receiving stations and remote controls in standby mode, simulating “damage”, “alarm” and “fire” signals. At the same time, in these modes, a potential distribution map is drawn up across the main nodes and elements of the electrical circuit of the receiving equipment.

The functionality of each fire detector in the installation.

The operation of the remote alarm system (on the block and central control panels) in all operating modes of the alarm system, as well as during the transition from the main power supply to the backup power supply and vice versa.

Interaction of elements for switching on the warning system and others fire protection systems with the corresponding elements of fire alarm equipment (in the case where the fire alarm is their component).

Operation of the installation from the operator’s (duty) workplace.

If a malfunction is identified during the work according to paragraphs. 1-3 should be eliminated immediately. Troubleshooting is carried out by replacing and restoring individual components equipment (elements, assemblies, blocks) without completely disassembling it, as well as performing adjustment work.

This work is carried out either on test benches(checking relays, individual boards, blocks, intermediate devices, certain types of detectors, etc.), or locally. In the latter case, the electrical circuits of the equipment being tested with other devices must be disassembled.

4. Repair of APS and SOUE

The equipment and other components of the APS and SOUE that have exhausted their service life and have become unusable are subject to repair. The need for repairs is determined during the maintenance of the APS and SOUE.

During repairs, the entire installation is dismantled piece by piece, used elements are replaced, assembled and adjusted.

5. Security measures

Only specialists who have practical skills in servicing and repairing equipment, who know the current Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations and who are qualified in the installation, repair and maintenance of fire automatic systems are allowed to work on the maintenance and repair of fire alarm systems and fire control systems.

Maintenance work on the APS and SOUE must be carried out by a team consisting of at least two people.

Repair of devices and components must be carried out with the power supply turned off.

Maintenance work should only be carried out with working tools. Workplaces should be well lit.

The equipment and devices of the APS and SOUE must be connected to the network with a voltage corresponding to its rating data.



List of works

Who carries out

1. External inspection of the installation and its components (receiving stations, concentrators, intermediate devices, detectors, signal lines, etc.) for the absence of mechanical damage, corrosion, dirt; fastening strength, etc.


Operating organization

2. Monitoring the operating position of switches and switches, serviceability of light indications, presence of seals on receiving devices


Operating organization

3. Monitoring the main and backup power sources and checking the automatic switching of power from working to backup


Operating organization

4. Checking the operability of the components of the installation of receiving stations, consoles, detectors, measuring the parameters of signal lines, etc.)


Service organization

5. Checking the electrical parameters of the equipment


Service organization

6. Checking the functionality of the installation


Service organization

7. Metrological verification of instrumentation


Service organization

8. Ground resistance measurement


Service organization

9. Measuring the insulation resistance of electrical circuits

Once every three years

Service organization

In accordance with Articles 61 and 63 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation, heads of organizations are required to carry out inspections of the operability of fire protection systems, maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance.

During scheduled and unscheduled inspections, employees of the state fire supervision of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia check not only the presence of AUPS and SOUE systems, but the existence of a maintenance agreement with an organization that has a license from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Maintenance and Maintenance Logs.

Nowadays, trying to save money on various measures related to the technical safety of a building, customers of this type of work force service companies to greatly reduce prices for these services, even to the point of formally having a contract without carrying out actual measures to maintain the system in working order.

As they say: It works and works!

It seems that everything was formally observed, but more than once there have been cases in the practice of inquiring into the facts of fires, that it was precisely at that moment when the fire alarm or warning system was in a faulty state. there were fires. And further. Of course, uncomfortable questions to management followed, not to mention the consequences.

Even from the point of view of the benefit of the enterprise: it is cheaper to carry out monthly maintenance than to pay a one-time fee in the event of a system breakdown a large amount for its repair and restoration.

Like any job, maintenance requires labor. And with an unreasonable reduction in the cost of maintenance, it is clear that any company does not have the opportunity to carry out full-fledged work and everything is done haphazardly.

Every manager of a serviced facility wants to understand for himself not so much the subtleties and nuances of maintenance, but rather what he pays money for.

Let us consider below what activities are included in the monthly maintenance of APS and SOUE and how it is carried out:

Control panel, Backup power supply:

    External inspection for the presence of light indication

    Open the backup power supply and measure the voltage battery, which should be (12V)

    Check incoming terminal blocks

    If there is a discrepancy normal voltage needs replacement

    Selectively disturb one of the AL controlled by the control panel and make sure that the control panel is operating in the “Alarm” mode. Inspection should show "Break". Indicator lights and siren flash, sound siren is on

    Restore alarm system violations and set the control panel to standby mode

    Short-circuit the remote element of the controlled AL and make sure that the control panel is operating in the “Alarm” mode. Open the remote element

    If you have PKP backup source power supply, disconnect the control panel from the network, leaving the voice power switch on

    Turn off the control panel, disconnect the ohmmeter from the “Control” contacts and connect the monitoring station line to them

    Restore the control panel power supply circuit from the mains alternating current and cover the terminal blocks with covers.

Low-current loops of fire systems:

    Checking the strength of fastening of mechanical protection points, points of entry, points of passage through the wall

    Inspection of wire and connection insulation

    Wiping off various contaminants

    Adoption necessary measures, up to shutdown in emergency situations

    Eliminating sag cable networks and insulation damage

    Partial replacement of brackets and fastenings

    Replacement of damaged areas

    Changing parameters when disconnecting and connecting cable networks

Fire smoke detectors:

    Cleaning of dust and dirt and external inspection

    Tightening fasteners

    Checking the quality of fastening of fastening fittings

    Functionality check

    Inspection and elimination of visible damage

    Identification and repair of failed parts

Sound and speech annunciators:

    Inspect the condition of the loudspeaker

    Cleaning the surface without disassembling the voice speaker

    Restore the connecting line to the radio node. Check the speaker power consumption setting

    Apply a voice signal from the central post of the radio communication center and make sure that the signal is audible at all points in the serviced premises.

    Make an entry in the maintenance work log based on the results of the work.

These are the main activities that are performed monthly.

For each facility, its own schedule of maintenance and preventive maintenance is developed in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers and governing documents.

You can order a service in St. Petersburg by contacting the Security Complex company.

Ministry of Instrumentation, Automation and Control Systems




VSN 25-09.66-85

Introduced by the All-Union Industrial Association "Soyuzspetsavtomatika"

Instead of VMSN 58-77

These rules were developed in addition to SN 47-74 and establish requirements for the composition, content, procedure for the development and approval of work projects (WPP) for the installation of automatic fire extinguishing installations (AUP) and security, fire and fire-security alarm installations (OS, PS , OPS) performed by organizations of the VPO Soyuzspetsavtomatika.

PPR are developed in order to determine the most effective methods performing installation work to ensure safety and high performance labor, helping to reduce their cost and labor intensity, reduce the time of installation work and improve their quality. It is not allowed to carry out installation work without work plans.


1.1. When developing a PPR, the following requirements should be met:

a) state and industry standards;

b) heads building codes and rules and others regulatory documents on the production and acceptance, as well as the economics of construction and installation works approved by the USSR State Construction Committee;

c) departmental regulatory documents on installation work, approved by the Ministry of Instrumentation, VPO "Soyuzspetsavtomatika" and these rules;

d) orders and instructions of the Ministry of Instrumentation, VPO "Soyuzspetsavtomatika".

1.2. PPR should be developed taking into account:

A) characteristic features specific site and local installation conditions;

b) application of the most progressive forms of planning, organization and management of installation work;

c) application of technological processes that ensure the required level of quality of work;

d) increasing the level of industrialization of installation work;

e) reducing labor intensity and reducing labor costs by transferring a significant part of the volume from the installation site to the assembly and preparation areas (MPA);

f) widespread use of unified and standardized assembly units, structures and products;

g) complete supplies of technical means of automated control systems, OS, PS, OPS and container method of supply of products and materials.

1.3. It is necessary to start developing the PPR if you have:

a) approved design estimates or inspection report;

b) contracts for installation work.

1.4. When developing the PPR for the installation of AUP, OS, PS, OPS, you must be guided by:

a) standard operating work regulations (if available in the installation organization);

b) technological documentation for installation work.

1.5. PPR for the installation of automatic control systems and OS, PS, OPS installations, as a rule, should be developed by the installation organization. It is allowed to develop a work plan for the installation of automatic control systems and installations of OS, PS, fire protection systems for large and unique objects by a design organization, provided that the customer submits a limit for design and survey work, in this case, the installation organization must transfer to the developer of the work plan the necessary initial data (according to these rules) and ensure coordination and approval of the PPR.

1.6. Supervision over the implementation of technically complex installation work, in cases provided for in the terms of reference for the development of the PPR, must be carried out by the organization that developed the PPR.

1.7. The text part of the PPR must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.105-79, and the graphic part - in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.104-68, the format of the sheets must comply with the requirements of GOST 2.301-68.

1.8. In the case of developing PPR using a computer, it is necessary to be guided by the technical documentation of the automated control system for installation and commissioning production (ACS MNP) and these rules.

The type and completeness of the technical documentation of the MNP automated control system must comply with the requirements of GOST 24.101-80.


4.2. General information for the facility must be drawn up in accordance with the form required for the installation of OS, PS, OPS installations and in the form - AUP installations.

4.3. The explanatory note to the PPR, as a rule, includes the following information:

A) a brief description of object (number of floors, type of structure, height of premises, type of heating, electricity supply, presence of a basement);

b) description of the technology for producing certain types of work;

c) technological route map of rigging works, developed taking into account the requirements of the “Rules for the design and safe operation of load-lifting cranes”, as well as information letters from the bodies of the State Technical Supervision Authority of the USSR;

d) instructions for organizing warehouse and tool facilities (procedure for ensuring warehouse and special conditions for storing tools and means of labor);

e) instructions for testing and commissioning of the installation (in accordance with the “Rules for production and acceptance of work. Automatic fire extinguishing installations” and “Rules for production and acceptance of work. Installation of security, fire and fire alarm systems”);

f) instructions for monitoring and assessing the quality of installation work;

g) calculation of the industrialization coefficient determined in accordance with “ Methodical instructions for calculating technical and economic indicators of mechanization of installation work”, approved by VPO “Soyuzspetsavtomatika” on November 17, 1977.

4.4. It is allowed not to provide information from those documents explanatory note, work for which is not provided for by the project or survey report.

4.5. A list of physical volumes of work and labor costs, as recommended, is compiled on the basis of design estimates, price tags, uniform standards and prices, departmental standards and prices, and local standards.

4.6. The picking list for instruments and equipment supplied by the general contractor (customer) must be drawn up in the form required.

4.7. The picking list for installation materials must be drawn up in accordance with the mandatory form and, when supplying materials by the customer or general contractor, must be agreed upon with representatives of the relevant organizations.

4.8. The picking list for installation products supplied by Soyuzspetsavtomatika plants must be drawn up in the form recommended.

4.9. Drawings and sketches are attached to the picking list for products, enlarged units and blocks assembled at the MZU, according to the recommended procedure.

4.10. The list of construction structures for the installation of instruments and equipment should be drawn up in the form recommended, indicating the deadlines by which construction organizations These structures must be handed over for installation. The list must be agreed upon with the customer and the general contractor.

4.11. The technological route map for rigging work is a diagram of the route for moving large units, blocks and other equipment weighing more than 60 kg from the MZU or warehouse to the installation site, while the route throughout the facility must be copied from the general plan, where the following must be indicated:

a) places of installation of truck cranes or other lifting mechanisms;

b) minimally permissible distances from the extreme dimensional points of mobile lifting mechanisms to buildings and structures, as well as to stored materials, structures, etc.;

c) distances from the lifting mechanism to power lines, traffic areas, pedestrians;

d) areas for storing goods;

e) fencing of hazardous areas;

f) methods of slinging individual most complex units that must be lifted or moved, etc.

If necessary, other data required to perform rigging work may be added to the copy.

The map must indicate the mechanisms and devices necessary to perform rigging and transport work, as well as the sequence of transportation and movement of goods.

4.12. The list of necessary tools, devices and mechanisms (not included in the approved set for the team) should be drawn up in the form recommended.

4.13. A list of the breakdown of the facility into installation zones and the need for materials and equipment by zones should be drawn up in the form according to the recommended one.

4.14. Special labor safety requirements, drawn up in accordance with the mandatory form, must reflect specific safety measures for performing installation work at a given facility (work at height, with electrified tools, gas welding, in electrical installations, moving mounting elements in the installation area, loading and unloading, etc.).

4.15. The calendar schedule for installation work must be drawn up in accordance with the stages of work, broken down into individual types of work or technological operations. The scope of work is taken from the estimates for the project. The composition of the unit and the labor intensity per unit of work are taken into account the achieved output.

4.16. An operational quality control map for installation work should be drawn up in accordance with the recommended one.


5.1 The installation organization, together with the developer, agrees on the PPR with the general contractor (customer) in the form of a letter (protocol), or signatures on title page, on tracing paper or copies of relevant documents.

5.2. The following documents from the PPR are subject to approval by the general contractor (customer):

a) calendar schedule for installation work;

b) picking lists for instruments, equipment, materials;

c) list of construction structures;

d) a statement of the breakdown of the facility into installation zones and the need for equipment and materials by zone.

5.3. The compiled PPR is approved by the chief engineer of the installation department (if necessary, it is first reviewed at technical council management) and the project is stamped “For production”.

5.4. The linking of standard PPR and PPR for re-use to specific conditions must be agreed upon and approved in the same manner as newly developed PPR.

5.5. The time frame for the development and transfer of the PPR is established in the technical specifications for its development.

Annex 1



(job title)



(name of company




(date of)


Chief Engineer



(name of installation



(signature, surname, initials)


(date of)


for the development of PPR for installation _______________________

(name of AUP

or installation of OS, PS, OPS)

1. __

(Object name)

2. Customer of PPR _________________________________________________________________

(name and


organization address)

3. PPR developer ________________________________________________________________

(name and


organization address)

4. Work completion time:

Beginning ____________________ 19 _____

End date ____________________ 19 _____

5. Customer of the object ________________________________________________________________

(name and


organization address)

6. General contractor __________________________________________________________

(name and


organization address)

7. Data on the breakdown of the facility into installation stages in accordance with the contract




8. Data on installation tools, mechanisms, lifting equipment and transport available to the installation organization

Name (brand) of the tool, mechanism, equipment, transport

Execution, modification, characteristics

Quantity, pcs.



9. Other requirements, including special conditions installation, the need for designer's supervision ________________________________________________________________________________



10. List of initial technical documentation attached to the terms of reference

Title of the document

Document designation

Document developer


Appendix 2


Ministry of Instrumentation, Automation and Control Systems

VPO "Soyuzspetsavtomatika"

Production Association ____________________________________________________

SMNU __________________________________________________________________________


Chief Engineer


(name of SMNU)


(signature, I.O. Last name)

"____" ____________ 19 ___






(Object name)

Appendix 3



(name of ministry)


(name of the organization that developed the PPR)


Chief Engineer


(name of SMNU)

BY __________________


________ (I.O. Last name)




for installation of systems ________________________________________________________________





(Object name)



(job title)


(name of company -

general contractor (customer)

_____________ (I.O. Last name)


"_____"_____________ 19___




(name of company -

PPR developer)

_______________ (I.O. Surname)



Labor safety engineer

_______________ (I.O. Last name)



Appendix 4



1. Name of the object, code ________________________________________________________________

2. Design organization: __________________________________________________________

3. Customer: _____________________________________________________________________

4. General contractor:_________________________________________________________________

5. Agreement No. ___________ dated “_____”_____________19____.

6. Total estimated cost ____________________________ rub.

7. Cost of installation work__________________________ rub.

8. Cost of adjustment work _________________________ rub.

9. Object commissioning period ________________________________________________________________

10. Duration of work _________________________________________________

11. Labor intensity of installation work ______________________ people/hour.

12. Labor intensity of adjustment work ______________________ people/hour.

13. Average output _________________________________ rub.

14. Number of workers by specialty:

a) ____________________________ people d) _____________________________ people

b) ____________________________ people. e) _____________________________ people.

c) ____________________________ people. f) _____________________________ people

Appendix 5



1. Name of the object, code ___________________________________________________

2. Design organization ______________________________________________________________

3. Customer ____________________________ invoice No. ______________________________

4. General contractor _______________________ invoice No. ______________________________

5. Agreement No. _________________ dated “_____” ________________ 19 ___

6. Total estimated cost ______________________________ rub.

7. Cost of installation work ____________________________ rub.

Including cost:

a) technological part _________________________________ rub.

b) electrical part ___________________________________ rub.

8. Cost of adjustment work ____________________________ rub.

9. Protected area ___________________________________ m2

10. Number of sections ___________________________________ pcs.

11. Object commissioning period ____________________________________________________________

12. Duration of work _____________________________________________

13. Labor intensity of installation work _______________________ people/hour.

including labor intensity:

a) technological part _________________________________ people/hour.

b) electrical part ___________________________________ people/hour.

14. Labor intensity of adjustment work ___________________________ people/hour.

15. Average output _____________________________________ rub.

16. Number of workers by specialty:

a) ____________________ people. d) ____________________ people.

b) ____________________ people. e) ____________________ people.

c) ____________________ people. e) ____________________ people.

17. Data and terms of construction and technological readiness of the facility for installation work (according to the acts of checking the readiness of the facility No. ___________ dated “______” __________________________________________):

a) readiness of the premises to be fire protection _______________________

b) readiness of premises for the pumping station _________________________________________________

c) availability of water supply inlets ________________________________________________

d) availability of an on-site workshop, warehouse _____________________________________________

e) availability of household and utility rooms ________________________________________________

f) provision of materials and equipment _____________________________________

g) availability of power supply _____________________________________________

h) presence of embedded parts _____________________________________________________

18. Decisions to postpone the start of installation work and the commissioning date in accordance with Act No. _______

from "_____"_____________19_____

(in cases of violation of the terms of construction readiness and its completion with equipment and materials)



Appendix 6

physical volumes of work and labor costs

Name of works

units change

Quantity by

Per unit of measurement

For all the work

according to the project

according to PPR



standard time, person/hour.


cost of installation work (rub.)

standard time, person/hour.

salary (rub.)

cost of installation work (rub.)

standard time, person/hour.

salary (rub.)



Compiled by: __________________ _________________ _____________________

(job title)

"_____" _______________19 _____

Appendix 7



for instruments and equipment of the general contractor (customer) (form)


Type, brand



Delivery time to site



Appendix 8



installation materials (form)


(name of company)

Name of materials (brand, size, GOST)





directly to the installation area

for processing (at MZU)


delivery time


delivery time


Appendix 9

installation products supplied by Soyuzspetsavtomatika factories

Name of installation products

Normal or drawing number

Product marking



Delivery time to site



Compiled by: ___________________________________

(job title)


(signature) (surname, initials)

"_____" ______________ 19 _____

Appendix 10

for products, enlarged assemblies and blocks assembled at MZU

Name of node or block

Normal or drawing number


Sign No.

Delivery time to site



Compiled by: ________________________________________

(job title)


(signature) (surname, initials)

"_____" _______________ 19 _____

Appendix 11

construction structures

Name of structures

No. of working drawings

Ready date



Appendix 12

necessary tools, devices and mechanisms


Name of tools, devices and mechanisms

Type, brand





Appendix 13

division of the object into installation zones
and equipment and materials requirements by zone

Name of installation area

Name of equipment and materials by installation zones



Delivery time



Appendix 14




Technological operation

Place where work is performed with increased danger

Additional occupational safety measures


Appendix 15




Name of works

Scope of work

Squad composition

Labor intensity, person/hour

Work completion time (in days from the date of commencement of work)

units change




Appendix 16



Main processes and operations subject to control

Composition of the control (what is checked)

Technical equipment of control (what is checked)

Type of control (mode and frequency)

Direct control (who controls)

Locations for recording control results (as-built documentation)
