A useful hobby is selling photos and illustrations in photo banks. Selling your photos. How to make money on photo banks Services for selling photos

The “micro” in “microstock” means, sadly, a fee. You will only receive a small percentage from selling your photos on microstock. However, you will not need to look for buyers - they will find you themselves. In addition, you won’t have to compete with famous photographers: buyers come to microstocks primarily for the image, and not for the popular name of the photographer.

Microstocks are also ideal for beginners because they allow you to practically understand which of your photos are more commercially in demand.

Sergei Zolkin/Unsplash.com

Before you upload your photos to a microstock site, you should carefully read the rules (including the fine print) to make sure you feel comfortable following them. The following rules are the same for everyone:

  • You must be over 18 years old.
  • You must be the author of all files you upload.
  • You must have all rights and permissions to the elements depicted (objects, people, places, etc.).
  • You must not sell images that contain logos or protected trademarks.
  • You must not sell photographs containing images of structures, buildings or other places protected by intellectual property law.

Oliver Berghold/Unsplash.com

The largest and most popular microstocks are Fotolia, DreamsTime, Shutterstock, Depositphotos and, of course, iStockPhoto. Let's figure out what awaits you upon registration.


The registration form is quite simple, but in order to become an image seller, you need to upload a scan of an identity document (passport, driver's license). Without a copy of the document, your files will not be accepted for consideration. On the other hand, there is no exam here. Unfortunately, new photos do not sell very quickly here, and your earnings depend on the rating on the site. Income is calculated in points, which can be cashed out after the number reaches 50. You can get from 20 to 63% for selling individual images or from 0.25 to 0.40 points for selling images by subscription. Payments are made using PayPal or Skrill. The site supports Russian language.


DreamsTime is very good for beginners, since here the verification process is perhaps the softest among sales leaders: registration does not require confirmation of documents, there is no exam. But the requirements for image quality are quite high. The site's commission ranges from 70 to 40%, while the image can be sold for 0.2%. Payment can be received via Payoneer, PayPal, Skrill. Among the disadvantages of this photo bank, it should be noted that the interface is not very user-friendly, as well as possible problems with loading images in some browsers (Firefox).


Shutterstock pays the most and sells the fastest. To register, you must provide a scan of your passport. The service has a wide audience, which contributes to high sales. But at the same time, it requires higher quality and uniqueness of the images. To become a Shutterstock contributor, you will have to pass an exam - 10 images, at least seven of which must be accepted. Beginning authors usually receive $0.25 per work via PayPal, Skrill. But the works sell quickly due to the fact that the site is focused specifically on new images. The amount of payment increases as the total amount of earnings increases. Automatic payouts begin when the minimum amount of $100 is reached. Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the low speed of operation.

Matthew Wiebe/Unsplash.com


Registration on the actively developing Depositphotos requires providing a scan of any identification document. The exam consists of five papers and is very strict. But working with Depositphotos is quite pleasant. According to the site's incentive program, the author receives $0.2 for each accepted image. It is possible to receive payment not only through PayPal and Skrill. Thanks to its Russian roots, Depositphotos has a convenient Russian interface, which will be very useful in the initial stages of working with microstocks.


iStockPhoto has the most stringent verification and examination policies. At the same time, his pay is the highest. To register, you must provide a scan of a document (passport, international passport or driver's license). The exam consists of ten photographs. Photographers receive from 15 to 45%, but with exclusive contracts, earnings can be quite high. Payment methods: PayPal, Payoneer. There is also a Russian version of the site.

It’s also worth noting a couple of rapidly developing resources - 123 Royalty Free and BigStockPhoto. Registration on 123RF requires confirmation with scanned documents. However, the 10-photo exam is much easier to pass than the aforementioned iStockPhoto or Shutterstock. Payment is possible via Payoneer, PayPal or Skrill. And the BigStockPhoto exam is a theoretical test (without supporting documents).

If you like to take photographs or draw in vector graphics programs, then you have probably thought about the possibility of making money on photo stocks. The largest resources (they are also called photo banks or microstocks) are ShutterStock, Fotolia and iStockPhoto. They allow authors to sell their work an unlimited number of times and earn money from each download.

Some photographers and illustrators make good money from their hobby. How much can a beginning stocker earn and how to achieve a stable income? Today we will tell you about all the nuances of this type of earnings.

How to take sought-after commercial photos for stock photos

Images for stock photos must be of good quality and have commercial value. And if there are usually no questions with the first point (the minimum photo size and other technical requirements are always specified in the rules), then what does the concept of commercial value mean?

The creative idea or artistic value of the photo is not so important - only the commercial component matters. To create popular photos that will be downloaded, study stock photo trends. You also need to learn how to work with light, choose good angles and create a composition.

Selecting good shots after a photo shoot is not enough. To make the pictures bright and interesting, they are processed in Photoshop. Saturated colors in commercial shots, which are not characteristic of objects in real life, are the result of color correction. There is also background blur in many photos, making the subject stand out in the foreground.

Having mastered basic photo processing, you can easily turn the most ordinary shots into attractive, interesting original works. If they are of the same quality as the top authors of photo banks, you will easily achieve success in freelancing, where photo processing is one of the most popular areas.

How much do stock photo sites pay?

The advantages of making money on photo stocks include payments in dollars. Average download cost- 20-30 cents. Authors may receive compensation for images under an extended license. from $50 and more. Many studios and professional photographers use microstocks as a source of additional income.

You can upload not only photos, but also vector graphics, animation or video (footage). The resource rules allow you to sell only works of authorship created by you personally. You can scale up your earnings from photo stocks by posting your masterpieces on several resources at once.

Photographs, vector illustrations and stock animation are needed by designers and advertising agencies. They are used for blogs and websites, in design, commercials, printing and outdoor advertising. The scope of rights that a buyer receives after downloading an image varies greatly. Accordingly, the price for downloading and the terms of use of the photo may vary.

At ShutterStock, the amount of compensation depends on the resolution in which the image is downloaded, the terms of use and the “rank” of the author.

The rights to the photo are transferred to the buyer based on one of three certificates:

  • 25-A-Day (the author receives $0.25-0.38 per download);
  • On Demand ($0.8-2.85);
  • extended license (25% of cost).

Immediately after loading, the image receives the first level. The system evaluates its quality, resolution and download dynamics. Once a certain download limit is reached, it is automatically assigned a higher level, and therefore the price per download increases.

Earned money can be withdrawn once you have accumulated $35. ShutterStock pays by check, PayPal, Payoneer or .

It is advisable for a novice stocker to immediately shoot a couple of hundred commercial images. At first, it is recommended to upload 100-200 photos per month to photo stock. The more diverse works you have in your portfolio, the higher your income.

A beginner photographer, videographer or illustrator can earn $30-50 per month. As the portfolio grows, the cumulative effect will work and sales will begin to grow. After exceeding a certain download limit, photo banks usually increase the cost of downloading one image for the author. Accordingly, your earnings will increase.

Having at least 1000 works, stockers get passive income and can post new images 1-2 times a week to maintain their rating and update their portfolio.

Of course, making money from stock photos has certain advantages - you simply post your creations and wait for them to sell. To promote, it is enough to properly optimize the image so that it is found more often from internal searches.

What's popular on stock photos?

Popular stockers constantly analyze ratings and make sure that their images meet current trends. Photo banks periodically publish selections of the most popular photos sorted by current topics. They change every month, so always pay attention to what's trending at ShutterStock.

The most promising commercial direction that a novice photographer can master is object shooting. The main quality criterion is that the photo must look interesting and attractive in miniature so that you want to click on it.

Some topics on photo stocks are very overloaded, and moderators often do not allow photos that are similar to existing ones to be sold. Regardless of the thematic focus, there must be something that makes the photo different from thousands of similar shots. If your photos are unique and it is difficult to find similar ones on the Internet, this is almost a guarantee that inspectors will allow them for sale.

Making money on ShutterStock - instructions for beginners

On the ShutterStock website, at the bottom of the page, click on the “Become an Author” link. All fields must be filled out in English with your real data (as in a foreign passport). To register in the photo bank, you need to indicate your address and upload a scan of your international passport (or an international standard ID card - for EU countries). In a few days you will receive a letter confirming successful verification.

Each type of work has its own requirements, which are recommended to be read before taking the exam. If inspectors like at least 7 of them, you will be given access to download. There is no need to be afraid of the exam. Firstly, you can always retake it, and secondly, you will receive an objective assessment of your creativity. Test works do not have to have high artistic value - average quality will be enough.

Be sure to follow the technical requirements of photo banks. There should be no digital noise, logos or brand names in the frame. Minimum photo size- 4 Mpx. If in the frame you take a close-up of the face of a person who is obviously posing, along with the photo you need to upload the model’s consent to the free sale of this photo (Model Release) to the photo stock.

When uploading an image to a stock photo site, think about what keywords are appropriate for the image. They must be relevant (clearly match what is shown in the photo). Think about what phrases people might use when searching for a similar photo and use them in your description.

Description and keywords must be in English. If you don't know the language well enough, describe what is in the frame in short and simple sentences and use an auto-translator. ShatterStock has an internal Keyword Suggestions tool for searching keywords.

ShutterStock Trends

Seasonality is important when it comes to ShutterStock trends. For example, in summer, queries related to the sea and beach themes (summer, bikini, beach) are relevant. In winter, the top items include santa, christmas, snow and other similar queries.

Pay attention to holidays and the attributes associated with them. The query “birthday” includes photos of beautifully wrapped gifts, candles, and cakes. You can target Valentine's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and other American holidays.

Current news stories and global trends can also help you get to the top and get downloads. For example, during the rise in popularity of cryptocurrency, the topic of Bitcoin and digital technologies quickly became one of the top topics in microstocks.

In the genre of subject photography, food photography can be distinguished. Various objects on a white background are also popular and can become a background for a design.

3D modeling- a popular area of ​​earning money on photo stocks. Such works are valued more expensive than ordinary photographs. If you work with 3D graphics (in Cinema 4D and other programs), you can make photorealistic illustrations.

Of course, thousands of images have already been uploaded to the stock for any subject that could be photographed. And the task of a novice stocker is to make it a little brighter and more interesting than others. If you have any talent, it won't be hard to do. Having a good DSLR camera, you should try yourself in this type of income and start conquering photo stocks. Good luck!

So, you are seriously interested in photography, you see that you are good at it, so why not turn this area into a source of income. Naturally, the question immediately arises: how and how much can you earn from selling your own photos, and is it worth doing it at all?

Where can you sell your photos on the Internet: photo banks, exchanges, photo stocks

Selling online is the easiest and fastest way to get money for your own illustrations. For this purpose, special platforms have been invented, so-called photo banks or simply exchanges, which place user works in their catalogs for the purpose of further sale.

Anyone can register on such a resource. In this case, you do not have to prove your professionalism or experience. If you have just started taking up photography and your friends say that you are good at it, then be sure to try this area to generate income. I still have on the exchange There are several photographs that are slowly being sold.

In order to orient you correctly, I will list the most popular sites where you will get real income:

  • Shutterstock (USA),
  • Lori (Russia),
  • Istockphoto (Canada),
  • Fotolia (France).

Which illustrations can you earn more from?

The level of income from selling photographs depends on which direction you choose. Illustrations are needed in all areas: magazines, Internet resources , advertising, presentations, books, portfolio. Various textures, backgrounds, and close-ups are very popular. A novice freelance photographer can start his creativity with subject photography on a specific topic, and also try his hand at creating landscape screensavers.

If you don't know where to start, just understand that images are needed everywhere. And you don’t need to be like those who claim that exclusive photos of stars taken from an “ambush” are of particular value. Even photographs of various diseases can bring you income.

So, let’s summarize the main areas where the greatest demand is observed:

  1. Textured images,
  2. Object shooting,
  3. Graphic presentations,
  4. Video and photo collages.

In order to understand how you can make money, you need to try different directions. Perhaps you will be fascinated by graphic design, which now has a very promising development in the web industry.

Neutral photography to create PNG

Shooting various objects against a neutral background is a very promising direction. Such images are often required by online stores, and are also often used in illustrations for texts. In this area, it is possible not only to sell individual photos, but also to receive orders for the creation of packages of illustrations on a given topic.

To start moving in this direction, create several works in this style and put them up for sale. The demand for your photos will tell you which images are most in demand and what you need to pay special attention to in order to make a good income.

Texture photos for sale

Such material will be in demand on any photo stock. If you are observant, know how to find the surprising in ordinary things, and travel a lot, then this is the direction for you. Close-ups, ornaments, panoramas, material structure - all this should fall within the scope of your lens.

Try to shoot ordinary views from an unusual angle: trees from below, houses from above, grass lying down, people sitting, etc. Look into crevices and keyholes, go underwater, get objects as close as possible, and you will definitely be able to sell it all.

Is it possible to sell images of people?

Photographs of people engaged in various activities represent a separate direction in which there are certain restrictions. When posting such images on public platforms, regardless of whether you are selling or simply sharing an impression, consent is required. You can't just take pictures of people and then make money from it. You need to be especially careful when taking photos with minor children; permission from their parents must be obtained for such photography.

Nevertheless, such images are in great demand. Of particular interest are the various illustrations with vivid emotions. You can create such material purposefully. For example, collecting people’s poses, photographing them at work or while relaxing. In this direction, exclusive photos of doctors, teachers, builders, and athletes will be most in demand.

Vector design

This direction deserves special attention. Graphic images are most in demand in the printing and web industries. Such works only indirectly relate to photographs. It would be more correct to call these products “graphic designs”. However, such work is not the last place in the question, and therefore deserves your attention. In addition, this is a very interesting and creative job that requires certain skills.

Is it possible to make money from photographs from an old photo album?

Naturally, old, well-preserved pre-revolutionary photographs are in particular demand. Typically, such items are purchased by collectors, so in this case it is important not to sell them short.

What does a beginner need to do to get his photo bought?

In order to start your own photography business, in addition to buying a good camera, you need to register on several trading platforms and post your work on them. When uploading images, it may happen that the resource will not accept all your work. This can happen for several reasons:

However, you shouldn’t give up right away. Try posting rejected works on another resource; it is quite possible that they will undergo moderation.

Important note! All photos posted for sale are checked for uniqueness, so do not try to deceive the exchange by posting plagiarism. You may be blocked for this.

In order to make good money, you will have to register on 5-6 sites. The placement of material must follow certain rules, and you will also need SEO optimization skills in order for your work to correctly respond to search queries.

Rules for beginners that will help increase sales:

  1. When posting photos, be sure to include a relevant title and tags. The buyer does not look at all the images in order, he sorts them by key queries. Therefore, no matter how valuable your photo is, it simply won’t be found without a description.
  2. Concentrate your work on the most popular topics, and not on those that are full of unnecessary “stuff.” Do what you do best. You know how to find unusual natural compositions, so sell them. If you photograph individual objects well, earn income in this direction. Be sure to analyze photos and prices of competitors and general demand.
  3. Build momentum every day. If you want to earn a good income, you should have at least 30-40 jobs in your bank. Regular posting of different materials will help to correctly assess demand.
  4. Pay great attention to the quality of photos, edit them in Photoshop. It is not prohibited.

By following these rules, your freelance income will begin to grow. At first you will receive money from the sale of photographs from 500 before 1000 rubles per month, however, subject to constant replenishment and adequate prices, your earnings will increase over time.

Three years ago I bought myself a SLR camera for 20,000 rubles and set myself a goal: to recoup the costs by selling photographs. And I did it. I recorded every sale clearly. As a result, my project paid off in 2 years. To be honest, I have always photographed everything. And since I am a copywriter, it was especially good to sell photographs for articles. For example, illustrations of a culinary recipe, or a step-by-step bathroom renovation, or a master class on creating an alpine slide. Everything was sold with a bang.

I advise you not to be lazy, and instead of simply posting photos on social networks, start monetizing them. Believe me, this is a very exciting activity.

I'm waiting for you in the comments. I would be grateful for the repost, since not everyone knows how to make money from their own photographs.

The best praise for a photographer is when his work is in demand. For those who do custom photography, the criterion for success is real money from clients - for example, you photographed a wedding, received a fee, and that’s another success. But not everyone can photograph weddings, and it’s not so easy to break into other genres of offline photography. What about those who are simply good at photographing nature, landscapes, and animals? Or your friends, your children, for example? Have you ever wondered if it would be possible to sell photographs online? Of course it is possible. Such sites are called photo banks, or microstocks.

Photobank is an Internet agency that allows users to sell photographs, videos, drawings, and vector images online. Every day the world uses a large number of images, printed in newspapers, magazines, brochures and other advertising materials, as well as on websites. It is for this reason that the demand for photography is quite high. Photobank is the main source of illustrations, because it is much cheaper than ordering work from a professional photographer.

In general, there are many photo banks, and new ones appear every year. I will mention only the most famous ones.

  1. . This is the undisputed leader among all photo agencies and the main goal of all beginning photostockers. If you come to Shutterstock, consider your career a success. 🙂 Here, many photographers begin to earn money almost immediately after successful registration. A huge number of photographs are sold on Shutterstock every day, more than anywhere else. According to statistics, most of the users who collaborate with this microstock earn from 100 to 500 dollars a month, and the income of especially successful authors reaches 10 and 15 thousand dollars, and sometimes more. However, it’s not easy to get here; you need to pass an exam of 10 papers, and they don’t pass it on the first try.
  2. . This is the oldest photo bank in the industry. There was a time when getting to Eistok was very prestigious. Now it is gradually losing ground under the pressure of young and energetic photo stocks, although it still remains one of the largest. To get started, you also need to pass an exam, and it is just as difficult as on Shatter. It is believed that the overall portfolio on Eistok is more artistic than on Shatter.
  3. . Also popular among photographers. The photobank is one of the largest. The catalog contains more than twenty million photos and videos. The bank offers very favorable terms of cooperation. And what is important for beginners, when registering, it does not require documents, and you do not need to pass an exam. Register, download and earn.
  4. . You have probably often seen banners advertising this photo bank on various websites on the Internet. The agency has a large number of photographers registered from all over the world. Working with the service is very simple; the developers took care of the Russian-language interface. There is an exam during registration, but it is very simple.
  5. . This one gives the impression of being a solid mid-ranger. It doesn’t rush forward to Shutterstock’s level, but it doesn’t slide down either. It is very demanding regarding the subject matter and quality of images, but does not require documents during registration, and there is no entrance exam either.
  6. . Russian photo bank, and the oldest of all. A simple interface, of course, entirely in Russian, convenient search, a regularly updated collection of photos, several license options - the cost of the photo depends on its type. A special feature is an active author forum where you can ask any question. The administration is constantly present at the forum, and questions are answered promptly. There is no exam, but there is a system of download limits. Read more in the documentation on the site itself. I think this stock is the best for starting a stock career.
  7. Press Photo. Another Russian photo bank, despite the Latin name. He is younger than Lori, but the image database is larger. The interface is more similar to Western microstocks. Accepts vectors, photographs and more. In order to successfully complete registration, you will need three images, personal data, and the signing of an agreement. The seller receives 50% of the cost of the goods, and this significantly distinguishes this project from other representatives on the domestic market. The minimum cost of one download is 29 rubles. The price largely depends on the number of images, as well as their sizes.

As I already said, these are only the most famous microstocks. In total there are already more than thirty of them. And you can upload your photos to everything at once (of course, if you do not participate in certain exclusivity programs). And your total income from all stocks can be very impressive.

It may seem difficult, but it is not as difficult as it seems. Most of the topical articles contain information that to make money on your own you need a good DSLR camera. It’s hard to argue with this - the better the equipment, the higher the chances of taking a high-quality photo. However, most beginners immediately give up. You need a camera, you need to create something like a studio at home, you need to read a lot of books, constantly study, and then the moderators will decide something. Those where they pay good money... Then several more discoveries will be made - you need to learn how to use Western payment systems and get a foreign passport. Americans don’t want to learn Russian; they prefer that the passport page be written in English, and in the Russian Federation only foreign passports have such. There are Russian analogues, but even here you cannot do without red tape - they require the signing of an author’s agreement. As a result, the beginner faces so many difficulties that he simply gives up.

In reality, this is simply a strategy used incorrectly. Everything is much simpler and we need to proceed from other postulates.

  1. You need to photograph with what you have. When we reach the level of high-quality equipment, then we will purchase expensive cameras starting from 50 thousand rubles. At the initial stage, we will use photo stocks, which are simpler. The prices there are lower, less, but we are not masters yet.
  2. No one will buy anything from us right away, which means we need to work on quantity and gradually move on to quality. In all the articles about stock photos and selling your own, it is written that the main attention should be paid to quality. But this quality will not appear on its own out of thin air. Practice is needed, but it does not cause psychological stress.
  3. If you don’t see anything interesting around you, then make interesting things out of uninteresting things. You can photograph the bark of trees - it can be useful for creating textures, clouds - even articles about cloud technologies, reflections of people in shop windows, street perspectives, old houses, flowers in flower beds are illustrated with such photographs. If a bee flies up, even better.
  4. Become a poet of meaningless things. Find a one dollar coin and look for the best angle. Place stacks of books, place a kitten on them and make an illustration.

Look for something with which you will combine the sale. The fact is that nothing motivates as well as receiving your first money. Everywhere, on all resources, the principle is approximately the same - you need to upload your own, then it must pass verification and gain access to trading. After that, someone pays, and you receive a reward, and then withdraw it to your wallet in some payment system. Your task is to make sure that at least once you can do something with the money you earn. It doesn’t matter what - at least a bottle of mineral water. You need to pave this path, and then think about how to make your income higher. Therefore, we carefully study what they sell there and do the same. At the same time, we do not think about any restrictions. For example, in Western stocks they may require model permission if a person is photographed; cars are not accepted there if they are the main elements of the composition. Your task is to take the first steps. Take pictures of what you want, create your own collection of 100-150 pictures. And then distribute it evenly among the various drains.

Western serious resources require sending the main pages of the passport in English, so you will have to wait to receive your passport (although there are several that do not require this). But while time is passing, it’s time to start photographing and sorting your work.

Getting something in the freelance field is not that difficult. It is enough to have some talent. For example, a person really wants to buy something difficult, but those that sell for 15-20 thousand are quite realistic for an absolute beginner in three months. The one who walks will master the road!
