Paint the walls beige. Combinations of wall colors in the interior. Purple color in the interior

Diversity in the market finishing materials opens up almost limitless possibilities for creating your own exclusive interior in the apartment. Paints, wallpaper, plaster and much more. All this encourages the imagination and unexpected decisions of all those who decided to start a renovation.

The main thing is to successfully choose the color of the walls, which will symbolize home comfort and the calm atmosphere of the room, where you always want to return after a hard day at work.

Palette features

There are many shades, but not all of them can be successfully used for painting walls during renovation. To successfully select the right option, you should understand in more detail how this or that color will affect the psyche, whether it will get boring too quickly, or whether it will become an irritating factor in the apartment.

So, here are the main colors that are most often used for painting residential surfaces:

  • blue and white calm and help you concentrate;
  • blue calms all segments of the psyche; this wall color is best used in bedrooms and rooms intended for relaxation;
  • purple stimulates mental activity, it is the color of intellectuals, therefore it can be used in offices;
  • red lifts your mood, the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount and not to use it too much bright shades for complete coloring;
  • yellow puts thoughts in order and tones up, it is even used in the fight against depression;
  • orange awakens vitality and helps fight passivity; it is the color of strong, active people;
  • gray is a calm, aristocratic color that can be used in any room.

Below we will talk in more detail about correct use shades in the apartment. With these simple rules you can choose the optimal wall color that you won’t want to change even during next repair. We will talk about colors and their combinations, which many underestimate and consider losing options.

Color plays a huge role in a person’s life; it affects well-being, mood, performance, and relationships. Kitchen - an important part our home, we spend a lot of time there, so we should take seriously the choice of wall color for this room.

Basic rules for choosing wall colors for the kitchen

  • A large pattern visually reduces the size of the room.
  • A small pattern, on the contrary, makes the room seem larger than it actually is.
  • Geometric patterns on the kitchen walls in the form of intersecting stripes, like the patterns on Scottish kilts, create the illusion of continuous space.
  • The vertical pattern “raises” the ceilings, visually “increasing” the height of the room.
  • The horizontal pattern and horizontal stripes on the walls “expand” the kitchen while simultaneously reducing its height.
  • Diagonal lines on the walls add dynamics to the kitchen interior, creating the illusion of movement.
  • Textured wallpaper looks very extraordinary. By endowing the surface of the walls with new qualities, they are able to create an additional dimension in the room. Thanks to the play of shadows and penumbra, curious color nuances and unexpected alternations of textures can produce a lot of interesting effects.

The selected wall color in the living room sets general character home. The living room is a place for personal relaxation, where you can relax and escape from the everyday hustle and bustle, as well as gather with your friends and loved ones. Choosing the optimal shade can lift your mood and help you cope with stress. For this there is a whole science, called Feng Shui.

Features of choice

By choosing the color scheme of the walls, you can visually increase or decrease the size of the living room.

Factors influencing color choice:

  • Room area
  • Lighting
  • Personal preferences
  • Functional requirements

Suitable for compact living rooms light colors, thanks to which the area of ​​the room will seem larger. Will successfully complement the interior, in harmony with general color, pattern on one of the walls.

In spacious rooms there are much more opportunities for realizing fantasies. The color palette can be soft or contrasting.

They will stretch out the space, and the horizontal ones will expand it.

Wall color and cardinal directions

When choosing the color of the walls for the living room, you should pay attention to the lighting of the room. The same shade will look completely different in natural and artificial light.

Turning the room towards any of the cardinal directions also affects the overall “picture”. For north side soft and warm shades, they compensate for the lack of sunlight. It can be yellow, green, beige or chocolate.

If the windows face south, then the living room can have cool shades, since there is enough daylight in the room. Sky blue, turquoise and white.

For east side It is better to use warm light colors, for example, soft pink, honey, peach.

For a living room whose windows face west side, preference should be given to cool colors. The walls can be painted gray, blue, mint.

Feng Shui wall color

Feng Shui is an ancient and very interesting theory, the purpose of which is to have a beneficial effect on life with the help of objects and colors. It is believed that any colors affect the energy of the house and affect the spiritual state of a person.

According to the rules of Feng Shui color palette The living room can be chosen based on the principle of masculine or feminine, or based on which side of the world the room is facing.

Light and warm colors , such as red, yellow, green and white, are considered masculine.

The female part is assigned dark and deep colors, for example blue, purple, black.

For a living room located on the north side, blue color is suitable. Shades of blue promote relaxation and reduce activity. For interior decoration, you can choose paintings depicting bodies of water.

For the southern part it is better to choose orange and red wall colors, it protects from negative energy and increases vitality. These colors should be treated with care. According to Feng Shui theory, the color red can increase blood pressure and has Negative influence on nervous system. For the living room, it is better to use more muted shades of these colors, soft coral and peach. Red color

For north-eastern and western rooms it is better to use a cream, beige and honey palette. Colors help improve mood, cheerfulness and inspire optimism.

Popular colors for the living room


Beige color is universal; it looks harmonious in almost any style. The living room will be warm and cozy; the character of the room can be changed with the help of decor. Can serve as finishing brickwork or unusual paint application.


Modern and fashionable color, which is often used to create loft, classic, and modern styles. The walls of the room can be complicated with a variety of textures and geometric shapes.


Various shades of blue have a relaxing effect. For people with high load will become the best solution for decorating the living room. Corresponds to oriental, maritime, Mediterranean and shabby chic style.


White color It is considered neutral, but by playing with colors you can create absolutely any interior. It has a lot of shades, and thanks to the complex application on the walls, the living room will turn out to be original and completely unusual. White walls will become the basis for creating the character of the living room. For a dark living room, white color will be a salvation; there will be more light in the room.

Decorative elements will make the interior strict and refreshing, or, on the contrary, will give comfort and warmth.


Relevant for recent years a color that is associated with greenery and nature. The walls can be painted in different shades, zoning the space of the room. Wallpaper with a bright print will highlight the eco-style of the living room.

In addition, green has a beneficial effect on vision and has relaxing properties.


Bright, summer and sunny color, it is subconsciously associated with something warm and pleasant. Suitable for covering the walls of a spacious living room.

Too bright and toxic shade of yellow in the living room small area will press, and pastel and light colors will promote communication, increase attention and mood.


Olive is a shade of green; it envelops you with its noble shade and gives a state of comfort.

Wall decoration in olive color will look harmonious in classic, Scandinavian and country style.


Walls peach color will fill the interior with rich colors of summer and early autumn. Suitable for classic, modern and fusion styles.

Peach is combined with gray, turquoise and burgundy.


Painting the walls turquoise will give a feeling of freshness and spaciousness to the living room. It has different depths of color from weightless pastel to rich and deep. Combines with almost any paint without overloading general interior rooms.

A color scheme

Monochromatic Using shades of the same color allows you to visually preserve and increase the area of ​​the room. Each color has many shades; combinations of them will allow you to create an original and unique interior of the living room.

Without overloading the interior, by painting the walls in different shades, you can zone the space or focus attention on a certain area.

The neutral color of the walls gives more opportunities for flight of fancy. Muted and delicate shades are suitable for the classic style of living room decoration.

Furniture or decorative elements that become boring over time will allow you to change the character and style of the living room. Walls in a neutral color can be shaded bright accents in the decor of the living room. For example, light grey colour in combination with beige they will give home comfort. The calm colors of the walls will relax you after a hard day and will play in the evening sunset.

A contrasting combination is suitable for a more modern stylistic direction.

This option is suitable for brave owners. When executed correctly, the most unexpected combinations can occur.

Harmonious combination of two colors one half of the spectrum will give the living room the interior of a garden of Eden. The walls of the room can be made using a gradient method or a smooth transition of colors from one part of the living room to another.

Using this method is preferable for spacious rooms, although if you use light shades, a small living room will also be harmonious.

How to combine wall color with furniture color

When creating the interior of a living room, it is worth deciding what the focus will be on. If the walls of the living room are rich and bright colors, then it is better to choose furniture elements in restrained and monochromatic colors.

White furniture can be decorated with pillows that match the color of the walls.

If you choose more restrained shades for painting the walls, the main accent in the interior can be bright furniture. A sofa, as an independent element of the living room or in tandem with brightly colored armchairs, will become the main object of attention in the room.

Also, the entire living room concept can be implemented in one color scheme. The interior will be discreet, but tasteful.

Interior color and style


The classic style corresponds to restrained and muted colors, such as green, blue, pear. As a rule, the walls are painted in one color or covered with wallpaper with a discreet pattern.


Living room made in modern style, will allow you to use more colors. The walls can be bright colors such as turquoise, grey, blue or emerald.

Most often, only one wall of the living room is painted in a bright color; in this case, the space is not overloaded and an oppressive feeling is not created. In contrast to bright color Light furniture will look interesting on the walls.


Country style is directly associated with nature and rustic themes. Accordingly, the use of any natural shades is suitable.

Distinctive feature The stylistic direction is considered to be ceiling beams.

The colors of the walls can be painted in any natural shades, green, brown, gray.


A trendy trend used to create a modern living room. Literally, loft translates as attic or basement. Accordingly, the interior is done primarily in cool colors.

The photo shows a loft-style living room, the accent wall is decorated with brickwork.


The walls of the living room are made in light colors, white, beige, blue. A distinctive feature of the style is maximum functionality and simplicity of the interior.


Provence style has a restrained palette. The walls are decorated in olive, lavender and other pastel colors.

Features of choosing colors for the kitchen-living room

For creating perfect interior You should adhere to a number of rules:

  • General color palette
  • The choice of wall color depends on the lighting
  • How lighter color, the more spacious the room seems

Features of choosing colors for a small living room

The design of a small room should be as functional as possible. The walls can be decorated with a beautiful, discreet pattern.

    For small rooms it is preferable to use light colors

    Bright colors will add decorative elements to the interior

    Each room in the house has its own function and should be as comfortable as possible for staying in it. They spend a lot of time in the living room. The color of the walls should be pleasing to the eye and not cause an irritating effect.

The most important room in the house is the living room, where the family spends their time. free time and receives guests. It should be designed in such a way that it feels warm and cozy. The first thing that catches your eye when entering a room is the walls. The future design of the room, its mood and style depend on them. Therefore, it is important to choose the right finishing method and color scheme for them.

Features of the room

The living room is the face of the apartment. They not only spend their leisure time and receive guests here, but sometimes also work and live there. The design and furnishing of this space must be done with great responsibility and care in order to fill it with an atmosphere of calm and comfort.

Often, home residents want to make the living room special, so they resort to ways to change its functionality. Thus, it can be divided into several zones that are designed to perform specific functions. So, living space can serve as a kitchen, office, bedroom and playground. Depending on the size of the apartment, the number of zones can vary from 2 to 4, but some residents manage to increase this number.

Used to divide a room various ways. These can be partitions, screens and pieces of furniture. But the most interesting and simplest is zoning using color.

By decorating each zone in a specific color scheme, you can visually divide the space without creating physical obstacles.

Various styles

Today, the living room can be decorated in any style you like. The main thing is to know the features of the chosen direction so as not to make serious mistakes.

  • Classic– this is furniture made of mahogany, an abundance of natural shades and the absence artificial materials. Most often, a modern one is used to design a guest space. classic style who values ​​naturalness. Massive paintings are welcome as decorations. wooden frames, stucco and bronze decorative elements. The walls should have warm pastel shades. It can be milky, beige or pale yellow.

  • High-tech style implies snow-white painting of the walls in combination with bright interior items. Metallic gloss, lurex curtains and silver decorations help complement the style.

  • Baroque intended for stylistic design large living rooms. The walls here often have three-dimensional patterns that smoothly flow into the ceiling, creating the illusion of deception. As for color, Baroque combines white and golden shades. Instead of white, it is possible to use beige or peach, but in this case the stateliness of the room will change.

  • For modern characterized by soft pastel colors. Its furnishings combine the monotony of wall surfaces with floral patterns. The walls are usually made of concrete, glass or metal, which can be mixed with asymmetrical patterns.

  • If you choose country, then the design of wall coverings should consist of natural shades. Often, to decorate walls they resort to aged decorative plaster, complementing it with colorful elements.

  • Minimalism appreciates space, and therefore the main color for surface design should be as light as possible. The use of mirror coatings is encouraged, which will visually expand the space.

  • Lilac surfaces are characteristic for romantic Provence. For it, you can choose delicate shades of pink or blue, which can be diluted with aged furniture.


The color design of the walls allows you to visually adjust the parameters of the living room. Warm tones will bring the wall surfaces closer, and cold tones will move them away. Saturated shades can make a room smaller, while light shades, on the contrary, can expand it.

You can choose the color of the walls, focusing on the side of the world to which the windows of the hall face. If the windows are on the north side, then you must use warm colors, and if in the south, then it is better to give preference to cool light shades. Wall surfaces that face east should be painted in muted pastel shades. Western rooms are preferably decorated in cool colors.

Walls painted in regular colors will help add sophistication to the room. In combination with a bright chandelier or colorful accessories, simple plain surfaces will be filled with life. In this case, the walls can be blue, pistachio, blue, pink, and so on.

Orange tones refresh the space, while green tones add freshness. But it is advisable to paint only one wall with bright colors so that they do not create an imbalance in the interior. For example, a black surface in combination with a dark floor and light walls will look interesting.

Chocolate surfaces look quite impressive. They can be decorated with turquoise furniture and white accessories.

Green, yellow, brown, olive, red, lavender, burgundy and mint colors will help to dilute the snow-white interior. White color harmonizes well with any shades, so it can even be combined with khaki or ivory.

When choosing a color palette for any living room, you need to remember the rule of five shades:

  • dark pieces of furniture should be placed on a light background;
  • You cannot use more than five colors within one space.

Before painting the walls, you need to check and make sure that the chosen colors will highlight the interior of the room well. It is necessary to think through the design of the room in advance and take into account the color scheme of all its components.

How to paint it?

The renovation of the hall should begin with preparing all surfaces for painting or pasting. Often for decorative finishing use water-based or oil paint, which requires careful preparation of the walls. Even subtle defects in untreated surfaces will be very visible after painting.

To prepare the walls for painting, you need to go through several stages. First you need to remove the old coating and then go over the plaster. Only after this are the wall partitions ready to be painted with enamel or paint. The final stage consists of cleaning the premises.

The choice of the base color of the walls should begin with taking into account the intensity of natural light, the size window openings, style and dimensions of the living room. The color scheme should suit all residents, so you can choose a combination of shades. For example, divide a wall into two equal parts using contrasting colors.

In a large room

Large and spacious living rooms do not need visual magnification, so you can use any tones to decorate them. These can be light shades of blue, gold, yellow, gray or green.

In a small room

Much in painting walls depends on the zoning of the room. Thus, the recreation area is better perceived in calm colors, and game Zone can be full of bright colors. The monotony of surfaces can be diluted with colored elements. These could be paintings or unusual lamps.

The office should be conducive to work, so its design should consist of calm beige, brown or gray shades. The dining area looks good in light green tones, as green color Helps control appetite. Red and orange walls, on the contrary, make you want to eat.

Blue or greenish tones can create a feeling of coolness and visually enlarge the space. And in order for the chosen color to become especially saturated, it is necessary to use a colorant to dilute the paint.

Beautiful examples in the interior

There are many interesting solutions for getting original interior hall

One of the most popular options is to create accent wall. It always stands out with its color and texture, since its main task is to attract attention. The emphasis is placed only on the surface that is opposite the entrance to the room. At the same time, the color of the accent part of the room always echoes color design other interior elements.

As an accent, photo wallpapers, paintings, original drawing or pattern. If a wallpaper arrangement is used for pasting the wall, then the unity of their quality is adhered to.

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Fall into white spaces

White walls are a trend that came along with the fashion for minimalism and Scandinavian style. White is a universal color; it expands any room, adding light and air to it. If you get carried away by this color, you can easily find yourself in a lifeless interior that requires constant cleaning. Do not overuse: either a white background or white accents. Colored details, furniture, accessories, natural textures will dilute the emptiness and fill it with life.

Consider a beige background to be good

Insecure people subconsciously strive for compromise when choosing a color. Hence the popularity of “beige”: light (but not white), warm and discreet. The color, which seems universal, makes the interior dull, devoid of character, reminiscent of an office and a hotel. Design stylish interior It’s difficult in beige tones; you will need to choose bright - red, yellow, blue - accents for a specific shade and depth of beige. Advice: the more modest the palette, the richer and more varied the textures should be.

Confusing "white" with white

Snow-white interiors look cold even with bright details. And if there is not enough sun, then it is also gray - not at all like in the picture in the magazine. In interior design, “white” means a dozen shades: “cream”, “baked milk”, “ Ivory", "Arctic snow", etc. They differ in the admixtures of other colors. For example, in traditional Scandinavian interior the walls are painted not boiling white, but “Stockholm white” (Stockholmsvit), where a little gray and yellow pigment is mixed. The result is a warmer shade.

Consider that ceiling and white are synonymous

If you paint the ceiling the same color as the walls, you can visually expand the room, since the boundaries of the space dissolve. In the case of dark tones, this technique will create the feeling of a cozy box. This technique requires caution only with bright colors: a closed space has a strong impact on the psyche. You can even paint the ceiling a contrasting or bright color with neutral walls, especially if you have a room with disproportionately high ceilings.

Create an interior in different shades of the same color

By relying on monochrome, you deprive the space of volume, depth and pleasant complexity. The exception is the magical gray color, but even that is not for everybody. Try to keep it varied. Add contrasting accents. Play with the undertones of your favorite color: combine a strongly bleached pastel shade with a rich dark or expressive bright one.

Act according to the principle of “everything equally”

The opposite error is to select good combinations flowers and saturate the space with them equally. The result is diversity instead of harmony. Stick to a percentage ratio of 60/30/10 for the main color, secondary color and others.

Use one contrasting item

If you bought a beautiful bright red sofa to go with the soft blue walls, add a few more small orange accessories to the rest of the room, otherwise the sofa will fall out of context and look alien and out of place. This is called "maintain color." It is better to break up the color spot itself with small details of other colors, primary or secondary: this way it will fit better into the decor.

Use pure colors in contrasts

Using contrasting combinations is a win-win option. Red will always look expressive with green, yellow with purple, and blue with orange. But contrast itself is such an expressive technique that it can easily tire. Let one of the colors be more saturated than the second, whitened or darkened. This will soften the effect and help avoid intrusiveness.

Ignore the color of the floor

When thinking about the color palette of the interior, many people forget about the floor. And in vain: it accounts for about a quarter of the space that we see. This is especially true for large rooms.

Ignore lighting

The same apartment in Valencia and Murmansk will need completely different color solutions. Northern lovers of Provence suffer the most from this injustice. Soft pastel colors, so gentle and refreshing when bright sunlight, without it they become faded, cold and boring. There is only one rule here: the cloudier the region, the warmer and richer the colors in the interior.

Consider red to be warm and blue to be cold

Common mistakes also involve incorrect assessment of color warmth. Red, yellow and orange are definitely on the warm side of the spectrum, while blue, violet and green are considered cool. Everything is more complicated. Each color has warm and cool versions. Red with an admixture of purple - blackberry, berry, magenta - colder, and closer to orange tones- scarlet, cinnabar - much warmer. The same goes for traditionally cool blues: turquoise and sea green are warmer than sky and steel shades. Green is generally a multifaceted color, easily transitioning into both warm and cool shades.

Mix warm and cool shades of the same color

More precisely, this can be done, but it is difficult: you need to take into account proportions, combinations of each shade with other colors. In most cases, the result is disharmony. If you have doubts that the item falls into the desired color temperature, it is better not to risk it and choose a contrasting or neutral color. This solution will definitely be more successful than, for example, grassy green against a background of cold mint shades.

Abuse pure colors

How purer color, the more intrusive he is. Voiced bright colors They are good in the nursery, in the kitchen and in the bathroom - and then in a reasonable dosage. In other cases, it is better to prefer complex mixed colors with the addition of black or gray (darkened, dusty) and white (bleached, pastel). This interior looks nobler and more mature. Pure, bright color usually requires a neutral background and a strict, minimalist setting.

Make large areas bright

It’s easy to overdo it and slip into a carnival: bright colors will soon begin to tire you and will greatly oblige you in the future. It is more appropriate to choose softer, muted shades for large objects and entire walls, and add rich ones through accessories that can be easily replaced if desired. In non-residential areas (bathroom, corridor, hallway), color therapy can be used without fear. You don't spend much time in these rooms.

Be afraid of dark colors

It is gloomy, not for small rooms, it narrows the space - these are the main misconceptions associated with dark colors. Yes, they seem closer than the light ones. But dark shades also envelop, give depth, nobility and comfort. A small room will not look cramped if you avoid contrasting solutions and do not clutter the interior with details. The space is made cramped by the confusion of colors and enthusiasm for decor.
