Basic questions about replacing elevators. Elevators in Russia began to be replaced under an accelerated program Program for replacing elevator equipment

Authorized representatives of Moscow apartment buildings (MKD) will begin inspecting work to replace elevators as part of the overhaul program from mid-August. This was announced by the chairman of the Housing and Public Utilities Control organization Vera Moskvina.

"The capital repair program in Moscow will begin in mid-August with the replacement of elevators. All work will be inspected by authorized representatives of apartment buildings. Relevant training will take place in early August. Authorized representatives will monitor the schedule of work, inform the population about the capital repair program and identify violations in the work contracting organizations,” Moskvina reports.

The first authorized representatives of the MKD underwent a two-day training, following which they received the appropriate certificates. Among them were not only representatives elected by the meetings of home owners, but also residents, as well as representatives of management companies. In total, more than one thousand authorized persons will be trained at the initial stage.

Let us remind you that from July 1 of this year, Muscovites began paying a fee for major repairs. The minimum contribution established in the capital is 15 rubles per square meter. Low-income Muscovites will be able to receive subsidies to pay contributions for major repairs, and benefits are also provided for a number of categories of Muscovites.

The Federal Law ruled that the elevator refers to common property, which is used by everyone who lives in an apartment building - apartment owners, tenants, and those who use the area for non-residential purposes.

It is important to understand that even those who occupy apartments on the 1st floor must pay for the overhaul of elevator equipment.

If elevator equipment is not working, how do you know what type of repair will be required? Without knowledge of the laws, it is difficult to determine the line separating the scope of major repairs from current ones.

Is replacing an elevator included in a major overhaul? Federal Law No. 185-FZ dated July 21, 2007 explains that in relation to elevator equipment there must be a document to declare this equipment unfit for use. Such paper must contain list of faults and a conclusion about the condition of the entire complex of elevator equipment, including the equipment itself and the elevator shaft. Only in this case the elevator repair is considered a major overhaul.

The appearance of such paper must be preceded by thorough examination of all systems and mechanisms elevator, and by qualified persons, in the presence of representatives of the management company or HOA, as well as an active group of initiative representatives of residents who are not indifferent to the fate of the common property of the house and their own money. The best thing order a technical examination condition of the vertical lift and shaft, then the result of the examination will be the basis for determining the category of repairs and the volume of upcoming work and costs. This is the only way you can see a major renovation in your home - replacing the elevator.

Elevator equipment, operating almost continuously, is subjected to constant loads, while various components and parts undergo uneven wear due to different work intensity.

Important! The elevator as a whole may require major repairs within a period of 4 to 15 years of operation, but individual elements will need to be replaced more often during ongoing repairs.

To ensure everything goes smoothly, it is better to conclude an agreement for a major overhaul of the elevator.

Duration and time of completion of work

The general meeting of tenants-owners must, by a majority vote, make a decision on the need to carry out major repairs of elevators (Part 1 of Art. RF Housing Code).

Article 189 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation Decision to carry out major repairs of common property in an apartment building

1. Major repairs of common property in an apartment building are carried out on the basis of a decision of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, except for the cases provided for in Part 6 of this article.

No later than 6 months. Before the beginning of the year in which major repairs are planned by the regional program, apartment owners must be presented with a proposal for repairs with estimates, volumes, and deadlines provided by one of the representatives:

  • Management company or homeowners association;
  • regional operator if funds accumulate in his account.

For consideration of this proposal, apartment owners have period of 3 months, during which they express written consent, adopted, again, by the general meeting. All documents are signed on behalf of the apartment owners by their authorized representative. If the owners do not come to a consensus or the meeting does not take place, then the deadline is set in accordance with the developed regional program.

The duration of work depends on the complexity, labor intensity and volume of work, the performer draws up a schedule their production, linking the technological sequence of operations.

Reference: If there are two elevators at the entrance, then it is unacceptable to stop the operation of two elevators at once, but only sequentially.

What work is provided

Scope of work determined by the result of the examination, and a decision may be made on the need to replace or repair a number of components, mechanisms, elements, and if these operations are irrational to perform, then it is logical to immediately replace worn-out elevators with new ones.

Suggestion about this can only be done by an accredited company based on their calculations and estimates, and the final decision is up to the management company and the owners.

Typically, major repairs of elevators - the list of works includes:

  • inspection of the shaft and mechanisms, elevator components;
  • drafting;
  • construction works;
  • dismantling and installation of new components or the entire elevator;
  • electrical work;
  • automation, dispatching;
  • preparation of documentation and carrying out the necessary approvals;
  • commissioning works;
  • transfer into operation.

Each case is unique, so there is no single recipe for how to revive a lift quickly and inexpensively.

Major repairs of elevator equipment: at whose expense is it carried out?

Housing Code Art. gives a complete and unambiguous answer as to who pays for the major repairs of the elevator, and who organizes and controls the progress of the repair work. If the residential premises belong to the owners, then in paragraph 2 of part 2 of Art. 154 states that payments are made by the owners of the apartments; the money is accumulated through fees for major repairs.

2. Payment for residential premises and utilities for the owner of premises in an apartment building includes:

1. Payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises, including fees for services and work on managing an apartment building, maintenance, and routine repairs of common property in an apartment building;

2. Contribution for major repairs;

3. Payment for utilities.

When housing is occupied by a tenant, the landlord allocates funds (clause 1, part 2, article 154).

Article 154. Structure of payment for residential premises and utilities

clause 1. Payment for residential premises and utilities for the tenant of residential premises occupied under a social tenancy agreement or a rental agreement for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock includes: Part 2. payment for the maintenance of residential premises, including fees for services, work on managing an apartment building, for the maintenance and current repairs of common property in an apartment building, for cold water, hot water, electrical energy consumed in the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, and also for the disposal of wastewater for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building. Major repairs of common property in an apartment building are carried out at the expense of the owner of the housing stock;

It turns out that if citizens live in apartments under social contracts. hiring, then money for major repairs of elevators contributed by the municipality. Funds contributed by residents can be accumulated in a special account opened by the HOA, or in the account of a regional operator.

If the accumulated money is not enough by the time elevator repairs begin, then you can use a loan. The regional operator has the opportunity to redistribute funds by borrowing funds collected by residents of other houses, with the subsequent return of the borrowed amounts.

How to force a request?

Overhaul of common property, which includes elevators, can be requested to be carried out earlier than the deadlines approved by the regional program.

This is possible if funds are accumulated in your own special account HOA. A meeting of apartment owners should be held, the majority of whom vote in favor of carrying out the work as quickly as possible.

The minutes of the meeting with a letter must be sent to the regional authorities. If the funds collected are small, you will have to urgently decide how much to increase the monthly payment, or urgently take out a loan so that the work is financially supported.

Without an elevator in an apartment building, life becomes difficult for most residents, so you need to ensure that the equipment is maintained in working order. If the time has come, you will have to shake your wallet, because a major elevator repair is an opportunity to return full comfort to using the common property of the house.

Useful video

If you are planning a major elevator renovation, you will be interested in the experiences of other residents, which you can watch in the video below:

In Moscow, the program of capital repairs of the common property of apartment buildings continues. Over the past period of time, since the start of its implementation, 8,000 elevators that have reached the end of their service life have already been replaced. This happened in 1,636 houses in the capital.

“Replacement of elevators is a key area of ​​implementation of the regional program. Moreover, we are talking about a set of works that includes a complete replacement of elevator equipment: power equipment, control and safety systems, elevator cabins, equipment in the elevator shaft, doors on the floors. As part of the overhaul, residents received new, modern, safe equipment from leading domestic manufacturers, which will serve them for at least 25 years,” said Dmitry Lifshits, First Deputy General Director of the Fund for the Overhaul of Apartment Buildings in Moscow.

In order to complete the replacement of all elevator equipment in 2017, the standard operating life of which is already more than 25 years, the regional program was updated and work to replace 3,988 elevators (in 824 houses) was additionally included in the 2017 plan.

In total, in 2017, taking into account this decision, it is planned to replace 5,060 elevators, which is the highest figure in recent years. The total number of elevators replaced since 2011, when, on behalf of the mayor of Moscow, a program to replace elevator equipment was formed and began implementation, by 2018 will be 29,236 units, which corresponds to more than a quarter of the entire elevator fleet of Moscow buildings.

Elevators are supplied by the largest manufacturers in the Moscow region and have mandatory certificates of compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union “Safety of Elevators” (TR CU 011/2011). A certificate of conformity issued by an accredited organization (certification body) guarantees that the characteristics of the product comply with accepted modern safety standards, as well as quality and energy efficiency.

With the adoption of the regional program, the city initially implements an integrated approach to carrying out major repairs of apartment buildings. The list of works itself has been expanded in comparison with the established Housing Code of the Russian Federation; it includes the repair of smoke removal systems and fire water supply systems, internal drainage, replacement of garbage chutes and windows in the entrances.

For any questions related to the progress of major repairs, including the replacement of elevators, owners can obtain information in the city electronic services on the portal of the mayor and the Moscow Government ( and the “Our City” portal ( ).

Thus, in Zelenograd, as part of the overhaul program for the period 2015-2017. and as of June 26, 303 elevators in 41 buildings had been replaced.

How can you use funds for capital repairs of MKD? If the house has been poorly maintained, then the owners will have to choose between repairing the roof or replacing the elevator. A leaking roof is dangerous for a home, and a faulty elevator is dangerous for residents.

In July 2015, fundraising began in Moscow for the renovation of apartment buildings. The minimum contribution in the past and current year is 15 rubles. for 1 sq. m. In our house with an area of ​​27 thousand square meters. m common owners approved exactly this amount of contribution. The funds are accumulated in a special account for the capital repairs of our house at OJSC JSCB Bank of Moscow. By decision of the general meeting, the right to dispose of this account was granted to me. I have been the permanent chairman of the board of the Maryino9 housing cooperative since August 1989. In March 2016, I was again re-elected to the board. The board was elected by 99% of our neighbors. This is prescribed by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and the charter of our housing cooperative. Personalized voting ballots with signatures and telephone numbers are stored in the board room.

How do we plan to use capital repair funds? The house is one year old
25 years. This means that the standard operating life of the elevators has expired. They work though
ok, we have entered into a contract for diagnostics, which will allow us to extend the work 14
elevators for another three years.

The planned replacement period for our elevators is 2018–2020. Moscow government program
the free replacement of outdated elevators in apartment buildings has been completed, and
no continuation is expected. Money for new elevators should accumulate on our
special account. And in 2020, some officials will allow us to use
with our money. Why on earth? Are we asking for alms?

Every year we collect for major repairs:
15 rub./sq. m × 27,000 sq. m × 12 = 4,860,000 rub.

This should be enough to buy two “sparks” produced by Karacharovsky
mechanical plant (KMZ). This is a pair of passenger elevators with a lifting capacity of 400 and
630 kg, installed in one entrance of our P44 series house.
A significant amount will be required to dismantle old elevator structures and install new ones. Already in
the first year of validity of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2012 No. 271FZ and resolutions
of the Moscow Government dated December 29, 2014 No. 833PP, we ourselves can update a third of the elevators in
your home. The owners will begin to use modern and beautiful elevators during their lifetime.

You can get by with less money and carry out a major overhaul of the elevators. What we
will we win and lose? An elevator is a complex engineering structure. Resident clicks
on the elevator call button, enters the cabin and uses the remote control inside. Doors
open or close. Of course, all our neighbors would like to have
beautiful modern cabin with bright lighting, large mirror and LED illuminated buttons.

KMZ offers all this in its line of passenger elevators. It is the elevators of this
The plant equipped our house in 1991. They worked well for a quarter of a century. IN
Unlike imported ones, the models I have chosen are affordable and do not create problems with maintenance and spare parts.

The main parts of the elevator remain invisible to the resident of the apartment building: steel ropes, winches, frequency-controlled
winch drives, security system, automation,
metal shaft guides. A major overhaul involves replacing everything
equipment with the exception of metal guides. Their share in the total
The cost is insignificant, but they can add worries. Regular
paid diagnostics of structures. I decided to change everything.

Where can pensioners and disabled people get money to pay fees for major repairs?
their own apartments?
Let's do the math. The area of ​​a one-room apartment in our house is 36 square meters. m. Usually
A single pensioner lives in such an apartment. His monthly payment has increased
for 540 rub. Taking into account the fact that the majority of pensioners are labor veterans or disabled people,
Moscow city center for housing subsidies transfers 50% of this amount to
a special account for the capital repairs of our housing cooperative. From a poor wallet
for a pensioner it costs 270 rubles. Benefits for paying for major repairs are provided to those
categories of citizens who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to
receiving compensation for payment of housing and communal services
services. Resolution
Moscow government provides compensation for capital expenditures
repairs to single non-working owners of residential premises:

  • those who have reached the age of 70 years – in the amount of 50%;
  • those who have reached the age of 80 years – in the amount of 100%.

The same compensation is provided for owners of residential premises in the
families of cohabiting non-working citizens of retirement age.
Let's look at the problem from the other side. Over 25 years of operation, none of them
474 apartments were not transferred to the state. All vacated apartments found their
the owner is the legal heir. Potential heirs can help financially
to the single owner of their future property during their lifetime. Exist
municipal and commercial funds that pay rent to elderly people,
who entered into an agreement with them on the transfer of the apartment after death. In our house there was
one such situation.

It is more difficult for young families than for pensioners. They have no benefits or privileges.
For owners of premises in three-room apartments with an area of ​​75 sq. m contribution to
major repairs are already 1125 rubles. per month. This is a significant amount, but also
There should be more people working in such an apartment. Against the background of monthly payments 5500–
7500 rub. for a three-room apartment, a contribution for major repairs of 15–
20% of the total amount does not look intimidating.

To repay the share contribution to the housing cooperative, 40–60% of the monthly payment was charged. Period
payment of the share contribution in Soviet times was 15–25 years. At the same time, members
The cooperative did not own the apartment, but the share contribution. The apartment could not be sold
or simply leave it as an inheritance for your children. But that's in the past.
The housing stock needs to be repaired. Funds for major repairs need to be collected.
Wise chairmen of housing cooperatives and homeowners' associations have previously opened accounts for contributions for these purposes.
Spending these funds is a completely different matter. Any official temporarily occupies
own place. To effectively spend capital repair funds there must be
control of the owner of each specific house. He has a vested interest in
Spending your money economically and responsibly. Own special fund
capital repairs can be the key to effective use of accumulated funds.

The lending project for the accelerated replacement of elevator equipment in the housing stock of the Russian Federation has been identified by the Russian Ministry of Construction as a priority departmental development project. Deputy head of the department Andrei Chibis announced this on April 12 at the final meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

As the Deputy Minister noted, an important area of ​​joint activity between the Public Council and the Russian Ministry of Construction was work to reduce the level of wear and tear on the elevator fleet of the housing stock. The professional initiative of the Public Council, the support of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the state-owned JSCB "Russian Capital" and the Sverdlovsk region (pilot project) made it possible in 2016 to develop and launch a large-scale project for lending for the accelerated replacement of elevators in the housing stock of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of regional capital repair programs.

According to the Commission on Elevator Facilities of the Public Council, as reported by the head of the commission, Sergei Chernyshov, by 2020 it is necessary to replace more than 80,000 elevators in the housing stock. To solve this problem, which is directly related to ensuring the safety and livelihoods of the majority of the urban population, it is planned to create a market for attracting investment capital in regional capital repair programs. Work has already been carried out in many constituent entities of the Russian Federation to update such programs with an increase in the share of funding and the volume of replacement of elevators.

Taking into account the implementation of these two directions, as well as active support from the State Duma, the Prosecutor General's Office, the National Elevator Union, etc., already in 2016 it was possible to achieve positive dynamics in reducing the wear and tear of elevators in the housing stock of the Russian Federation: the replacement of elevators increased from 9,500 elevators in 2015 up to 12,500 elevators in 2016 +28.9%. The optimistic plan for 2017 is to replace about 18,000 elevators.
