Do-it-yourself door trim with leatherette: subtleties of rear and front door trim. Upholster a door with leather with your own hands: we make doors upholstered in leather with different materials Reupholster the front door with your own hands

Even in ancient times, people came up with a device that blocked their homes. Initially, the front door was needed to protect against cold, rain and wild animals. But over time, the function of the door has expanded a little, and today a good entrance door not only performs a protection function, but also combines with the interior of an apartment or house.

Put in order front door with your own hands using dermantine - not so much difficult task, especially since it is a very accessible material.


I love it, even very much old door can be transformed by upholstering it with dermantine. This material has its own characteristics and advantages.

The word "dermantin" has foreign origin. The literal translation means “material imitating skin”, since the root of this word is “derma”, which means “skin” in Latin. The letter “n” crept into it by accident to make the pronunciation more harmonious. But this phonetic distortion does not change its properties at all, and most people know this material precisely in this sound.

The basis of leatherette is cotton fabric with nitrocellulose coating, applied to one or both sides of the material. Leatherette has many features, thanks to which it is most often chosen as upholstery material.

First of all, it has a fairly long service life. Presentable appearance and the properties of this upholstery material remain unchanged for 10 years.

Leatherette is a very moisture-resistant material. Due to its composition, it does not absorb moisture at all, so insulation and other waterproofing materials, used together with leatherette as upholstery, do not change their properties.

Leatherette is not subject to rotting processes. Its composition prevents the proliferation of various microorganisms. It also does not fade in the sun, as it is resistant to ultraviolet rays. This quality allows the upholstery of doors located not only in indoors, but also installed on open areas without fear of changing appearance.

This material is also resistant to temperature changes. At sub-zero temperature Neither its properties nor its appearance change. Cleaning the surface of this material does not require any specialized means, regular soap and water is enough. But it is worth noting that it is quite stable when exposed to many cleansers. Do not also forget that covering doors with dermantine solves the problems of heat and sound insulation of a room.

Pattern options

Various designs are often made on the surface of a door covered with leatherette. To do this, use special decorative nails and cords made from the same material as the upholstery itself. In order to make any drawing, you must first place marks on the surface in in the right places, and only then nail the nails. Thanks to point pressing, contours will appear on the surface of the upholstered door, which form a pattern. In addition to decorative nails, cords are often used; they are clamped with nails and pulled between them, resulting in a textured pattern.

Most often, designs can be made in the form of rhombuses, which can have different sizes and location. Diamonds same size can be concentrated in the center or distributed over the entire surface of the door. Sometimes the design combines rhombuses of different sizes.

On a door upholstered in leatherette, you can apply a pattern not only in the form of rhombuses, but also in the form of other geometric shapes: circles, rectangles, squares.

You can decorate the door without using cords. To do this, nails are stuffed onto the surface of the canvas in the intended order. There may be a small amount of or many, they can be located both around the perimeter of the door and in the center of the structure.

Decoration iron door carried out to the door trim. Leatherette and insulation are connected with special buttons in the right places. Today you can purchase a ready-made set in the store special devices for decorating a door. With its help, you can create an unusual and beautiful drawing However, the cost of such a set is slightly higher than ordinary nails and cord made from leftover material.

How to sheathe it yourself?

In order to properly upholster a door with your own hands, you first need to purchase the necessary material and tools. There are two types of doors - either metal or wooden structures. Depending on their type, it is selected required quantity material. In order not to make a mistake with the footage, You need to first measure the length and width door leaf and based on the obtained values, purchase material. Wooden structures are upholstered with a piece of leatherette not exceeding the area of ​​the door leaf by more than 15 cm on each side. And for metal doors, a margin of 10 cm is enough.

For upholstery wooden door In addition to covering the main surface, as a rule, additional elements such as rollers are used. They are nailed around the perimeter of the door leaf and serve not only additional element decor, but also cover the gaps between the canvas and the box. As a rule, these strips are prepared in advance from leatherette and insulating material. The width of leatherette strips varies between 10-15 cm, and the length depends on the size of the door. Strips of insulating material should be slightly smaller in width (8-10 cm).

When selecting insulation, you need to take into account not only the price, but also the service life of the material. The most common material is foam rubber. It is affordable, and its service life varies between 13-15 years. You can also choose batting, which has a slightly higher cost compared to foam rubber. Its service life does not exceed 30 years and, in addition, it has significant weight, so it can significantly burden the structure of the door leaf.

The most modern insulation is insulation tape. Juice service of this material is in the range of 60-75 years. Very often, insulation tape is used together with foam rubber. Thanks to this combination, the entrance door even better protects the room from the penetration of noise and cold, and also when decorating it, a beautiful relief surface is formed.

In addition to materials, you need to prepare tools. Scissors are needed to cut the material. Sharp knife will be needed to remove excess insulating materials. Screwdrivers and pliers will be needed in the process of dismantling locks and other work.

Nails will be required to attach the material to wooden structure. Using a stapler, the door is sheathed with insulating material. Glue will be needed for fastening metal surface with insulation and leatherette. Using decorative nails, a design will be applied to the surface.

Step by step guide

In the presence of necessary materials and tools, you can begin the process itself. Regardless of the type of door, some additional measures need to be taken. As a rule, for convenience, the door leaf is removed from its hinges, but if you experienced master, then the door can be reconstructed without removing it. Then the lock and peephole are dismantled. Next, the door is cleaned of the old coating (if it was present there). Now you can begin to reconstruct the canvas.

Algorithm for covering the inner side:

  • First you need to attach the prepared strips for rollers to the door leaf. To do this, they are placed face down and secured on all sides of the canvas with a stapler. If the door has a padlock, then you need to nail it from its location.
  • If the design provides a mortise version, then you need to start from the top corner (from the hinge side). The protrusion of the strips should be no more than 4 cm.

  • Prepared strips of foam rubber are fixed to the surface of the canvas. Now you need to tuck the edges of the leatherette and secure it to the surface. The roller should not protrude beyond the edge of the door by more than 3 cm.
  • Then you need to cut out foam rubber or other insulating material. It should fit well between the rollers, the space on each side is 1 cm.
  • Now, using a stapler, we attach the insulating material to the front door.

  • We nail the prepared piece of leatherette. To do this, you need to tuck its edges by about 5-6 cm and attach it to the surface of the door. The folded edges should overlap the roller slightly. The decorative nail must be nailed no more than 7 mm from the edge. Similarly, we nail the second nail in the other upper corner, having previously stretched the canvas.
  • Next, we nail the nails in the upper part of the canvas in increments of 10-12 cm, gradually going down one side. We proceed in the same way with the second side and the bottom of the door leaf.
  • After securing the last nail around the perimeter, you can begin decorating the surface.
  • The final step is to install the locks and handles.

Finishing stages outside:

  • First, we close the door tightly and, depending on the location of the door frame, draw a projection on the door surface. This must be done so that when covering the surface you do not go beyond the drawn line.
  • Now you can attach the roller to the bottom of the door leaf. It should fit snugly against the threshold when the door is closed.
  • Then you should make rollers for the left, right and top parts, but they need to be secured to door frame. On the side where the hinges are located, it is installed flush with the jamb, and in the opposite and upper part it needs to be pulled out a few mm (depending on the cracks).
  • Now you can install and secure the main canvases.

Upholstery method metal door:

  • First you need to apply glue to the door leaf.
  • Then you need to attach a piece of insulating material to the prepared surface and press it. We cut off the excess material with a knife, not forgetting to cut out the holes for the lock, handle and eye.
  • Now we apply glue to the foam rubber and glue the leatherette, not forgetting to tuck the edges of the material.

Upholstering the front door yourself is not such a difficult task; the main thing is to take into account all the nuances associated with the design of the door.

What to paint with?

Over time, a door covered with leatherette may lose its attractive appearance. If the resulting abrasions are local in nature and there are not many of them, then there is no point in changing the leatherette; it can be restored using special paints.

Dyeing leatherette is a completely inexpensive and affordable method., with which you can tidy up a door upholstered with it. The main thing is to choose the appropriate option.

You can paint over damaged areas using acrylic paints. They adhere perfectly to a wide variety of surfaces, including leatherette. You can use special paints for leather. Due to their composition, these paints remain on the surface for quite a long time, do not fade or peel off over time.

In order to more accurately select a color that is closest to the original material, it is better to purchase a set of paints. Mixing colors will allow you to choose the closest possible shade.

To properly paint a leatherette door, you must first prepare the surface. First, clean it of dirt and dust, and then treat the area to be painted with alcohol. Now we prepare the desired shade. You can mix shades on a special palette, or you can take a sheet of foil and apply paints to it. To make working with paints easier, you need to add a little acetone.

Now you can start painting. The paint is applied either with a brush or with a foam sponge. 15-20 minutes after applying the paint, when the first layer is completely dry, you can apply the second.

Upholstering doors with dermantine (vinyl leather) with a backing of foam rubber, padding polyester or batting is a good old method of finishing entrance doors. The purpose of such a coating is noise insulation, thermal insulation, and giving the door an aesthetic appearance. Dermantine upholstery is the most cheap way insulation and door decoration from all possible options.

If the doors are decorated from the inside decorative panels, including solid wood and veneer, metal with an anti-vandal coating is most often left outside, since any expensive upholstery can be damaged by vandals.

Meanwhile, due to the lack of insulation from the outside, both the heat-insulating and sound-proofing characteristics of the door suffer greatly.

It’s even worse if the front door is wooden. True, it retains heat and does not conduct sound, but it suffers from atmospheric influences and from the same vandals.

If the door is old and looks ugly, upholstery with dermantine - great way give it an elegant look. Moreover, it’s cheap, even if you don’t do it yourself. And it is very easy to care for such a coating; you can simply wipe it with a wet cloth.

The color of vinyl leather can be different, and the texture is not necessarily the standard smooth one.

How to upholster with dermantine with your own hands

For upholstery you will need a piece of dermantine, a piece of foam rubber or batting, and decorative nails. It is better to take plastic batting, but in principle any batting will do if you can level it across the canvas without lumps or unevenness. Tools include a hammer, scissors and a screwdriver to remove the fittings.

Video “How to cover a door with dermantine”:

Upholstering doors with dermantine with your own hands is possible even while hanging, but it is still more convenient if the door is in a horizontal position. To do this, you need to remove it from its hinges and place it on a table or four stools. Unscrew all fittings.

How to properly cover a door with dermantine

1. Cut a blank from dermantine along the length and width of the canvas with a minimum allowance of ten centimeters on all sides, as well as three strips for rollers fourteen centimeters wide (for three sides of the canvas, excluding the one facing the loops).

Tip: if you are upholstering wooden doors with dermantine that open inward, then a roller is also made for the hinge side. In this case, the workpiece is not cut so wide, the allowance for the loop side is the same as for the other sides. In this case, the rollers are nailed not to the door, but to the frame.

3. We insulate doors with dermantine. To do this, you need to spread a piece of foam rubber or batting on the canvas to the size of the canvas. Cover the top with dermantine with allowances, the largest allowance is on the side of the loops. Fold the edges so that the edge of the insulation is inside the fold of the dermantine. Nail it.

Video “How to sheathe a door with dermantine with a carriage tie”:

The edge of the panel should completely overlap the edges of the roller and the nails with which the roller is nailed. The upholstery starts from the lock, the nails are located ten centimeters from each other.

4. To make the door trim with dermantine (as in the photo) look beautiful, you need to nail the panel with decorative nails over the entire area. In this form it looks more beautiful, and the material will not move down, forming an untidy fold at the bottom of the canvas.

When calculating the number and location of central nails, you need to proceed from the aesthetic criterion, but if your filler is not sheet, then it is better to plant nails more often.

Tip: when covering the front door with dermantine, as an additional decorative element, you can use nylon thread, thin wire, fishing line. It is stretched between the nails along the perimeter, and in the center it can be pulled so as to form squares or diamonds.

5. Cut holes for the fittings and put them in place so that they overlap the cut edges.

6. Hang the door on its hinges.

7. Nail the allowance left on the loop side to the corresponding casing, first bending the edge.

The double doors are upholstered in the same way. There will be only one central roller; it should be placed on the sash where the handle is.

Door upholstery with dermantine is also possible in reverse order: First sheathe the canvas, and nail the rollers on top of it. But it is unlikely that the vestibule will benefit from such a sequence.

The “lazy” hanging dermantine door trim is no fundamentally different from the classic one. This method can be used if the door is too heavy and removing it requires energy. You won't win anything else: handles, eyes, locks will still have to be screwed together.

Video “Do-it-yourself door upholstery with dermantine”:

To completely remove drafts and improve the fit, it makes sense to do another simple procedure: buy a rubber self-adhesive seal and glue it around the perimeter of the box.

Some believe that door upholstery with dermantine is possible using not rubber, but polyethylene, which is placed on tape. But this, firstly, is completely ugly, and secondly, the polyethylene material is fragile and will tear very quickly.

Previously, a door upholstered with leatherette or similar leatherette was considered chic, and not every apartment could boast such decor for the entrance panel. However, even today such finishing will not be superfluous. And it’s not just about using upholstery as decoration; the strength properties of leatherette, combined with insulation, perform some useful functions. This is a heat insulator, a sound barrier, and also protects the canvas from damage.

This is what a leatherette door looks like

But, upholstering a wooden door with dermantine is a scrupulous process, requiring attention to detail and compliance technological nuances. How to do it this work to get a quality result?

When planning to restore or upholster wooden doors with dermantine yourself, it is worth considering the features of the work:

But, before you start directly reupholstering the surface of an old wooden door with a leather substitute, it is worthwhile to thoroughly prepare the door, if it is not new.

Preparatory work before upholstery

All preliminary preparations of the entrance system for covering the surface with a substitute can be divided into several stages:

And only after this you can start finishing the front door with granite.

Dismantling works

Before upholstering the door with leather with your own hands, you need to dismantle the door for more convenient work. The fabric must be removed from the loops. The process itself can be performed in two ways, depending on the design of the canopies.

Input sheets are usually secured in the box using card dismountable loops installed with an insert.

Dismantling in this case is quite simple, you need to open it and lift it. After which the door can be easily removed.

Internal entrance panels are often secured to non-removable card canopies. To remove them, you need to unscrew the fastening screws screwed into the frame, and then dismantle the door. You also need to remove all the fittings: the locks are disassembled and removed, the handles are unscrewed, and the peephole is removed.

Door prepared for leatherette upholstery

The door needs to be placed on stands or a table for further preparation.

Recovery process

All old finishing must be removed, including the paint layer. If there are defects, it is not necessary to eliminate everything; the main thing is to get smooth and strong edges and end parts of the canvas. Also, to preserve the surface, you need to paint the canvas or open the wood with varnish.

The process of varnishing a wooden door

Particular attention should be paid when the sides of the door are distorted due to dry wood. It is important to plan the parameters of the canvas so that after upholstery it always works smoothly.

Material and tools

The main material for work is leather substitute, but as mentioned above, it can be different. The most commonly used fabric is PVC-based - vinyl artificial leather. The substitute palette is presented in various tones, allowing you to choose a material that matches the decor of the room. This fabric is durable and more resistant to abrasion compared to other analogues.

Leatherette or granitol is less durable, but it has not lost its relevance with the advent of modern analogues. When buying fabric for upholstery, it is worth remembering that you need to take it more area the door itself, since the edges either need to be folded at the edges, or it will be necessary to create rollers with a bend of approximately 100 mm around the entire perimeter.

In addition, insulation is needed for the entrance sheets; traditional foam rubber, isolon or other similar analogues are used as it. Classic nails with wide decorative heads can be used with special ones covered with a similar material.

Various nail head patterns

You may also need a construction stapler, scissors, a knife, measuring devices, and a hammer. When everything is prepared, you can start covering the doors with leatherette.

Performing upholstery

As mentioned above, the upholstery of the entrance and interior door panels is slightly different in technology. The first ones for the vestibule are edged with a roller with a bend of leatherette, and the second ones are simply covered with leatherette. The video shows step by step process leatherette door upholstery.

Creating rollers for the front door

Initially, work begins on creating rollers around the entire perimeter of the door leaf. The process works as follows:

You can also go a different route when making rollers. Initially, strips of granite are fastened to the canvas with staples, after which insulation is laid out, and, after wrapping the edges of the leatherette, the product is fixed to the wood.

Example of mounted rollers on a door

When assembling the structure of the rollers with subsequent fixation, you need to position them so that their edge protrudes from the edge of the input web by 5-10 mm.
Afterwards, you can begin directly covering the entire surface with a leather substitute.


The technology for performing front door trim is as follows:

  1. Leatherette fabric or its equivalent is measured in accordance with the dimensions of the door, with a small tolerance of 10-20 mm for the lapels.

    Trying leatherette fabric on a door

  2. The leatherette begins to be attached from one of the upper corners. The edge of the panel is folded over, and one of the corners formed by the joint of the rollers is secured with a decorative nail.
  3. The thermal insulation is measured and cut in accordance with the parameters of the door, after which it is spread out and the insulation is secured with a stapler, or glue, and then additionally with staples.

    The process of installing a heat insulator on a door

  4. The folded upper edge of the panel is pulled using a nail and secured to the opposite already secured corner.
  5. The fastenings are driven in along the stretched edge, the pitch between them is pre-calculated according to the width of the doors. Typically, fixing points should be spaced at intervals of about 100 mm.
  6. The next step is to sequentially attach a panel of leather substitute along the length of the doors.

    Installation of the door leaf along the length of the door

  7. The lower edge is folded, adjusting the remaining leatherette to size, and fixed with nails alternately from left to right (or, conversely, according to convenience).
  8. The insulation and sheathing are additionally pressed with hardware diagonally, or forming a pattern.

    Existing door trim pattern options

When everything is ready, you need to cut openings for locks in the granite panel. And rotary handles, as well as a peephole. The overhead handles are mounted directly through the leatherette, having previously adjusted it to eliminate unnecessary folds and bends.

Interior door trim

Internal and interior doors upholstered with leatherette, usually in various non-residential premises, but at the same time actively exploited.

The main goal is to create not a heat-insulating shell, but a protective one against wear, and, of course, soundproofing.

Rollers are usually not required on such entrance systems, so you can simply cover the door with dermantine around the perimeter with your own hands. Interior upholstery process:

If necessary, cuts are made in the leatherette covering for locks and rotary handles. The finished door leaf is hung in its place. New upholstery will significantly embellish the appearance of the entrance panel, and perform additional work in terms of heat and sound insulation.

Photo selection of entrance doors upholstered in leatherette

The entrance door group is now mostly made of metal, so this is done first of all security function. But budget options have some disadvantages. These include poor heat and sound insulation. The simplest and affordable way compensate for these shortcomings, upholster the doors metal dermantin. Before ready-made entrance groups appeared on the market, they were often ordered individually and made from sheet steel.

An example of upholstery of metal doors with leatherette

They were distinguished by a sufficient degree of reliability, but did not have a very presentable appearance, so they required additional finishing different materials.
The finishing options were:
  1. The most common is covering a metal door with dermantine.
  2. Wooden overlays.
  3. MDF panels and laminated fabric were also used.

Finishing the front door with leatherette, as a more expensive option with genuine leather, was the most popular.

Existing leatherette colors

This is explained not only by the aesthetic appeal that the door acquired after finishing entrance group, but also practicality. Sound absorption and thermal insulation increased. The most used material to this day is vinyl leather (leatherette). If previously its range was not very wide, now you can choose a finishing option that will satisfy every taste. They will fit into interiors of varied styles.

Example of door trim with leatherette

On the street side it is finished, for example, with wooden overlays, MDF overlays, and inner side The fabric is upholstered and insulated with leatherette. This type of design is more suitable for private homes. IN apartment buildings More often than not, both sides of the fabric are covered with leatherette. Exterior finishing can be made in one color, vinyl leather texture, the interior is decorated with another type of material, more suitable for a given interior.

The reupholstery of metal doors is somewhat different from the upholstery wooden box, but in general the same methodology is used.

How to cover a door with dermantine yourself

Take your time to purchase a kit for covering canvases at a construction supermarket. Ready-made sets may have different configurations. You need to decide not only on the type of vinyl leather, but also on the purpose of finishing. Usually, except decorative effect, the door is additionally insulated and soundproofed.

Options for covering metal doors with leatherette

What materials are used and for what:

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Making a New Year's wreath for the door

Faux leather upholstery surfaces vary in:

  1. Quality indicators. More expensive options are more elastic, softer, and have a wide range of options.
  2. Color scheme.
  3. Textures. Now they offer embossed vinyl leather, with a varnish and matte surface, imitating animal skin, velvet, and eco-friendly materials.

Thus, the door can become not only an important functional element of the house, but also a decorative element. Watch the video on how to cover a metal door with leatherette.

Stages of upholstering steel doors with dermantine yourself

First of all, you need to buy material to cover the metal. It is purchased at the rate of 10-15% of the stock.
Then prepare the tool:

Don't forget to purchase a universal adhesive for joining surfaces made of different materials.
If you decide to upholster or replace the upholstery of a metal door, it is better to dismantle it and remove it from its hinges. But you can do this on a hung canvas.

First stage, dismantling

Remove all the fittings: handle, lock, peephole. Next, if there is any, remove the old upholstery.

In the case when internal insulation will be installed, you need to separate the panels.

Second stage, installation of insulation inside the door

To do this, extract old material, cut the insulation to size and insert a new one. These can be mineral slabs made of fiberglass or basalt. It is important to remember that holes must be cut in all layers of insulation for reassembly of the fittings.

Installation diagram of insulation on the door

Third stage, cladding with noise and thermal insulation

It is better to start installation from the outside of the canvas. Cut out and glue the vibration filter. Then you need to glue the isolon (sound insulator). To do this, apply an adhesive composition to the surface of the canvas with a brush and attach the material, especially carefully attaching it around the perimeter.
Foam rubber is glued on top of it in the same way. Sometimes batting is used (fluffy material on a stitched mesh base).

After installing the lining material, you can additionally staple all layers using a stapler. It is better to do this along the perimeter of the door leaf, stepping back a few centimeters from the edge, and in the middle of the leaf. Attach with staples only at individual points so that the surface remains level. Such upholstery with insulating materials will significantly increase quality characteristics doors.

Any material wears out; the only difference is the intensity of the process. Even metal doors installed at the entrance to the house, under the influence of precipitation and ultraviolet radiation, gradually lose their attractiveness; and wooden ones are even faster. Upholstering doors with dermantine, with a competent approach, allows you to simultaneously increase its sound and heat insulation properties while decorating the canvas. Therefore, this finishing method is often considered as one of the points in the entire range of measures for home insulation.

Features of the choice of materials

Correctly sheathing the sash is not enough to achieve the desired effect. You also need to understand what exactly it is. Dermantin is commonly called differently: leatherette, granitol, eco-, amidis- or vinyl artificial leather. Newest technologies allow the material to be supplied to the market in various modifications, differing in texture, shades and a number of properties. Therefore, dermantin gradually became a generalized term. But door upholstery with leather (natural or its synthetic analogues) is produced using the same technology, with only slight variations, depending on what goals the master is pursuing (just decoration or also insulation), and what the canvas is made of (metal, wood) .

Preparation stage

When choosing a material for upholstery, you need to pay attention to its properties.


  • Elasticity. High-quality products should have only a slight spring, but not stretch like rubber.
  • Density. Dermantin is too thin for front door upholstery, given the specifics of its use and intensity, it is not advisable to buy. But for interior use it is quite suitable.
  • Appearance. The presence of even small stains on the painted material, the slightest stains, is a clear sign of a low-grade product.
  • Smell. If it is clearly felt, you don’t have to hope that it will disappear soon. Such leatherette, even if it meets all other criteria, is only suitable for exterior finishing entrance doors. It is definitely not worth using it indoors.

What to consider:

  • Upholstery material should be purchased with a small margin, about 15% of the calculated value. Firstly, if the measurements are made inaccurately, then you won’t have to worry about how to get out of the situation. Secondly, in the process of upholstering doors with your own hands, strips of dermantine are often used as decorative elements of the door. Therefore, a small reserve will definitely not be superfluous.
  • When choosing a material, you should take into account the specifics of its use. For example, vinyl and eco-leather are excellent for exterior finishing of entrance doors, as they are characterized by inertness to low temperatures. But the latter has a porous structure, and therefore it is necessary to take into account factors such as humidity at the location where the door is installed. If the determining criterion is the strength of the upholstery, then it is better to give preference to amyliskin.


  • Foam rubber. Pros - big choice in thickness, ease of cutting and laying, low cost. Approximate time operation – 10 years. But all insulation characteristics are at the level of average values.

  • Batting. This insulation will last approximately 3 times longer. But there are significant disadvantages: it gradually sags, accumulates moisture, and when burning, toxic components and acrid smoke are released.

  • Izolon (a type of PPE). One of the modern versions of roll insulating materials. It features increased noise absorption and low thermal conductivity. Upholstery of wooden doors using such a backing is one of the best options their insulation.

Additional materials

  • Fastening elements. For wooden panels you need upholstery nails with large heads. The range of products is significant, and it is not difficult to choose the color and texture of artificial leather. Plus – staples to construction stapler, for insulation. But to cover an iron door you will need a special (polymer) glue, which is used to fix the heat insulator and dermantine.
  • Decorative cord (or braid). Options are steel strings or self-prepared strips of upholstery material.
  • Number plate. If you are finishing the door to your apartment, you will definitely need it.

Step-by-step instruction


  • Dismantling. It will not be possible to sheathe a door with dermantine, moreover, with high quality, insulation, without removing it from its hinges. It is laid on any base or supports that will ensure its stability. For ease of upholstery, it is advisable to lay the door on 4 stools.
  • Surface cleaning. Depending on the design of the canvas, all fittings, locks, and old trim are removed from it.
  • External inspection of the base. Minor defects do not matter: dermantin will hide them. But if signs of rot, fungus, or small cracks are detected on a wooden door, then you should take necessary measures: treat the wood with preparations, seal small splits with adhesive sealant.

Attaching the insulation

  • There are different opinions about the advisability of laying it, and most users refer to the specifics of the opening and the side of the canvas. Still, it is advisable to use it, even if it is of small thickness. Any roll thermal insulation material It is characterized by elasticity, and therefore will become an excellent substrate for dermantin or its modification - it will be easier to stretch the fabric, give texture to the entire finish, and the appearance of wrinkles on the upholstery over time is eliminated.
  • Fixation is carried out with glue or staples, depending on the materials of the sash and the heat insulator.

The specificity of laying the insulation is that there should be a gap of about 10 mm between it and the edges (along the perimeter of the canvas).

Installation of rollers

Whether to do this or not is decided by the master. But if this is a door at the entrance to a house (and an apartment too), it is advisable to secure them. You just need to take into account which way the sash swings open. The most common option is outward.

Outer side of the canvas

  • Strips of upholstery material are cut in the amount of 3 pieces. Approximate width – 100 mm. Two - for installation on top and bottom of the canvas, one - on the side (longer). On the side where the canopies are located, the bolsters are attached later.
  • Since they are wrapped when they are formed, the edges of the strips are fixed to the base so that they look outward with the wrong side.
  • Laying the prepared “bundles” of heat insulation into these upholstery fragments.
  • All that remains is to fold the edges, form a roller and secure its second edge to the sash.
  • The side part of the canvas (where the hinges are installed) is insulated differently. Here you will need 5 rollers. Three of them are laid along its length so that there is an opening at the locations of the canopies. Everything else is identical, except for a nuance. Where they are installed, small rollers are attached, but not on the door itself, but on the jamb, so as not to interfere with the free movement of the sash.

All that remains is to cover the door with dermantine over the entire area, a pre-prepared piece or individual fragments.

Inner side of the canvas

The methods for fixing the rollers are the same. Only the places where they are attached change.

  • The door is only at the bottom, at a distance of 10 - 15 mm from the floor level (or its covering - carpet, carpet, etc.).
  • Block - the specifics of fastening depend on its structural part. On top, the roller should slightly cover the gap between the jamb and the sash (a 5 mm spacing is enough). The same applies to castles. But on the side of the canopies, the insulating roller is installed exactly flush with the plane of the canvas, so as not to become an obstacle during the process of opening/closing it.

What to consider:

  • When finishing the door roll material its edges (along the perimeter) are tucked. This will increase the tensile strength of the sheathing at the points of fastening with nails.
  • Since the rollers are being installed, it is advisable to wrap the dermantine on them a little, that is, make a slight overlap.
  • Fixation starts from the top. First, 2 outer hardware, after which the correct installation of the upholstery material is checked. For minor distortions this is easy to fix. Next, the canvas is attached to the side (inner).
  • The sheathing ends by pulling the leatherette down and to the side. After removing air from under it, a rigid fixation is made on the second side and bottom.

Upholstery decoration

Option decoration, diagram, necessary accessories - entirely at the discretion of the master. Numerous examples can easily complement your own imagination.

It remains to add that in addition to the opportunity to restore the canvas and bring its appearance into line with the new decoration of the room (facade), upholstering a door with dermantine with your own hands also gives good savings not only on heating, but also on the work itself. Experts charge an average of 1,600±200 rubles for it, depending on the size. And this does not include the cost of materials. Decorative design of the canvas, insulation, installation of rollers and the like are paid at a separate rate. So it makes sense to do it yourself.
