Aubrieta cascading giant waterfall cultivation. Aubrieta is a decorative flower colony in photographs (how to grow plants from seeds). Fertilization and feeding

Aubrieta is a very popular perennial plant in modern gardening. It is used to decorate flower beds and create a living flowering carpet. Planting, breeding and caring for it outdoors is a pleasant and interesting experience, and the variety of varieties will allow you to emphasize the individuality of your garden.

Aubrieta: varieties and varieties

The second name for obriety is aubretia. Perennial plants grown primarily for use in landscape design. The culture is referred to as a ground cover due to the peculiarities of growth: the bushes grow, covering the ground with themselves, forming a very beautiful living carpet.

Aubrieta will help you create a unique landscape design of your site

The flowers of the aubretia are not large, but their numbers are impressive. The color is varied from white to purple and blue. Flowering occurs in two stages - from the end of May (about 45 days) and in September (30-35 days). In the photo you can see that the plant is not tall (10-13 cm), it forms beautiful flowering pillows from evergreen leaves.

The varieties and types of aubretia differ not only in the color of the flowering, but also in its shape, as well as in the structure of the plant itself. The choice of the Abrite variety depends only on the personal preferences of the gardener.

Cascade... Quite a popular variety of obriety. Perennial plants have beautiful blue or red flowers with a small yellow core. The leaves are gray-green, remain so all year round, decorating the garden even in winter. For this species, pruning is recommended immediately after flowering, which occurs in early or mid-summer.

Aubrieta cascading

Hybrid or cultured. The earliest of all types of aubretia. Blooms are pink, purple and sometimes red, towering over green foliage. Looks very beautiful in stones, in cracks in walls, fences. Among all varieties of hybrid obriety are distinguished:

Aubriet Henderson hybrid

  • "Fascinating Morocco" is the variety with the largest flowers (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), the color is varied - from blue to pink and red;
  • "Dr. Mules" is a rather tall variety (14-16 cm tall), with delicate blue-violet flowers;
  • Borshiz White is the only variety with large white inflorescences.

Deltoid. People call it "Lilac Bush". Under natural conditions, varieties of this species are found in South-Eastern Europe. The flowers are purple, blue or medium-sized purple (1 cm in diameter). The inflorescences are collected in a brush, which makes the plant similar to a lilac.

Aubrieta deltoid

Planting a plant

As soon as the warm spring sun has warmed up outside the window and the night frosts have receded, you can plant Aubrieta. This is usually done in late April - early May (depending on the region). Care should be taken when choosing a landing site. Growing is recommended in a lot of sunlight. The lighter the place, the more abundantly the aubretia blooms, and the blooms acquire a more saturated shade.

The plant feels good in light, not very fertile lands. The presence of lime or chalk is encouraged. You will not shave oily soils, peat and clay soils, and on them she will be capricious, if at all take root.

Aubrieta can be planted outdoors in early spring

The plant is buried in the ground in accordance with the length of the root. The distance between the bushes is at least 5 cm. The planting pattern is arbitrary, depending on the goal pursued by the gardener.

Important! To reduce acidity, lime or wood ash is added to the soil.

Planting a plant on a hill is encouraged - an alpine slide, a wall, flowering waves.

Shaving care

Although the plant is unpretentious, it should not be overlooked. Planting and leaving includes several basic points.

The first and only plentiful watering is done when planting aubre in the open field. Further watering is carried out in rather meager portions. Excess moisture in the soil harms the flowers of the shaved. They crumble and the plant looks dull.

Protect the plant from over-watering

Aubrieta does not tolerate moisture, but also does not treat drought very well, therefore, the soil under the plant is mulched with sand, with a layer of 2-3 cm. At the beginning of summer, the mulch is renewed, and at the end of August, mulching is carried out again.

So that the aubriet does not lose its decorative effect, the faded buds must be removed. Since the plant is perennial, the bushes must be cut off at the end of flowering. Then there will be abundant autumn flowering, after which pruning is not recommended. It is necessary to prune bushes and remove damaged leaves before the next season - in spring.

Mulching the soil around the obriety

With the arrival of autumn, the flowers do not shed their green mass, but if the frost intensifies, the leaves may fall off. Some gardeners advise covering the plant with dry foliage or straw.

Advice! To prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged, take care of drainage at the place of planting of the shaved.

Fertilization and feeding

Plants do not like fertilization very much. Top dressing is required no more than two times per season. Mineral and potash fertilizers are best absorbed. You can limit yourself to adding wood ash.

Advice! You can feed only grown seedlings before flowering.

If the aubriet was fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, its cultivation is difficult. It is also not recommended to feed young seedlings after transplanting into open ground. The most advisable is to apply fertilizer before flowering and after pruning the bushes.

When growing, you can skip top dressing.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of Abris is carried out in several ways, each of them is good in its own way.

Diseases and pests

Aubrieta is a plant resistant to many bacteria, viruses and pests. Excessive watering can cause the greatest harm to it: rotting of the root system and death of the plant. The wrong choice of soil can also harm. Among insects, the plant is most often affected by aphids.

At the first symptoms of bacterial lesions, the plant must be treated with insecticides.

Powdery mildew is the most common disease among all varieties of Apriet. Plaque appears on the affected areas, leaf deformation is observed. Combat the problem using colloidal sulfur. Most often, the affected plants are removed and burned.

Advice! Take proper care when growing and the plant will not be afraid of diseases or pests.

Aubrieta: combination with other plants

Most often, garden partners are plants that creep along the ground. It goes well with milkweed or Caucasian razuha, red soap or alyssum.

The combination is carried out according to the color scheme. Varieties that have all shades of red will complement the perennial dwarf irises, which are dominated by a blue tint in bloom, or Douglas phlox.

Aubriet in landscape design

Aubriet in landscape design

In landscape design, Aubriet most often acts as a living flowering carpet in a border or rock garden, where it will create an inimitable background for plants flowering a little later. Aubretia looks very beautiful in flower beds decorated with natural stones (rockeries). Some gardeners manage to plant a plant in the cracks of the walls, creating cascades of indescribable beauty.

Growing Ariets from seeds: video

Types of obriety: photo

Aubrieta (lat.Aubrieta) is a perennial herb of the Cabbage family. The name is given in honor of Claude Aubrier, a French artist who worked in the style of botanical illustration. Also, the plant can be found under the name aubretia, the name of windbag is popularly used.

Aubrieta is a very popular horticultural crop. This unpretentious ground cover grows quickly, forming a continuous living rug. The height of the pillow is only 10-20 cm. The leaves are small, elliptical, pubescent, have solid or serrated edges, are attached alternately on short petioles. The plant is evergreen - with the onset of cold weather, the leaf cover is preserved.

When the aubrieta blooms

What is the flowering period of the Aubriet? Flowering is not only lush, but also occurs in 2 stages: from late May to mid-July, the second wave occurs in September (about 35 days).

During the flowering period, the bush is complemented by a haze of inflorescences. Corollas are four-petaled, reaching a diameter of 1 cm, but their number is numerous: the flowers almost completely hide the leaves. The colors are blue, violet, purple, less often white.

The fruit is a pod with small brownish seeds.

In the natural environment, lushly blooming live rugs of aubretia can be found on the rocks and river banks in the south of France, the Balkans, Italy, Asia Minor, and South America.

Growing aubriets in the garden is an interesting and uncomplicated process. The variety of species and varieties allows you to emphasize the individuality of your site.

Growing aubrets from seeds at home

Aubretia seeds of aubretia photo

Aubretia reproduces well by seeds. Most often, Aubrieta is grown through seedlings.

  • Start sowing seedlings around the end of February.
  • Seedlings do not need picking or intermediate replanting - sow directly into individual containers.
  • Peat-humus pots or peat tablets are perfect.
  • Moisten the soil, place 2-3 seeds on the surface, sprinkle with sand (layer no more than 0.5 cm), also moisten the sand pad from a fine spray.

Aubrieta planting by seeds photo of seedlings

  • Cover the crops with glass or foil, germinate under diffused lighting, provide an air temperature within 18-21 ° C. Air crops daily.
  • Expect seedlings to appear within 3-4 weeks - when they appear, the shelter can be removed.
  • Water the soil with care, avoiding waterlogging.
  • If the sprouts develop poorly, feed them with complex mineral fertilizers a couple of weeks before transplanting into open ground (make the concentration low).

Planting seedlings in open ground should be carried out when the threat of return frosts has passed. Pre-harden the seedlings.

How to plant aubrieta seeds for seedlings, we look at the video:

Planting aubretia with seeds in open ground

Experienced gardeners sow abretion directly into open ground. This can be done in the spring (around April) or before winter (mid to late September).

Prepare the site in advance: dig it to a depth of about 15 cm, remove weeds, stones, apply complex mineral fertilizer, wood ash. Level the bed. Spread the seeds over the surface of the ground, sprinkle on top with a layer of sand or garden soil (3-5 cm thick), carefully pour from a watering can.

How to sow abretion by seeds in the ground

How long does Aubriet take to rise? When sowing into the ground in spring, seedlings will appear in 10-20 days. The plants will need to be broken through, leaving a minimum of 5-7 cm between them.

Reproduction of shaved cuttings and dividing the bush

Aubrieta is propagated vegetatively: by cuttings and dividing the bush.

Cuttings of aubretia

After doing spring pruning, you will receive many cuttings. Select the strongest ones, plant them in a sand-peat mixture under a film shelter, water and ventilate regularly, and remove the film when it gets warm. By the end of summer, the seedlings will have a well-developed root system - transplant them to a permanent growth site. Before the onset of cold weather, the seedlings will successfully take root. If the winters in your area are harsh, it is best to keep the rooted cuttings in a greenhouse until spring.

Dividing the bush

The division of the bush is extremely rare, since the plant tolerates the procedure painfully. Do it in spring or autumn. Carefully dig out the bush, divide it into parts (each division should contain roots and well-developed shoots), plant in pre-prepared holes.

Propagation of aubretia by layering

Aubretia can be easily propagated by layering: the lodging shoots can be sprinkled with earth and by the end of the season, new independent bushes can be obtained, which can be separated and planted in the fall to a permanent place.

A place to grow aubriets

Aubriet in garden design photo

Approach the choice of the landing site carefully. The plant will be able to show its decorative effect as much as possible in the presence of bright sunlight: the flowering will be abundant, the shade of the inflorescences will be saturated.

As for the soil: the poorer it is, the better for the plant. Fatty, peaty, and clayey soils will not work - aubriet may not take root. Moderately fertile loose garden soil is ideal. The reaction is preferably neutral or slightly alkaline. Add wood ash or chalk to reduce acidity.

Grows well on rocky soil (can be planted among concrete slabs, stone steps).

Planting and caring for aubrets in the open field

Seedlings of aubretia are ready for planting photo

When and how to plant

As soon as the spring sun warms up, the threat of night frosts will recede, you can start transplanting the shaved seedlings into open ground. Focus on the climatic conditions of your region (the best disembarkation time is late April-early May).

Make holes according to the size of the root system, keep a distance of at least 8-10 cm between the bushes. Choose the planting scheme depending on the goal pursued: whether you want to create a solid carpet or scattered islands of bright colors.

The plant is unpretentious in care, but it cannot be completely ignored. Care procedures are reduced to several points.


Water abundantly immediately after planting in open ground. Further water only during a prolonged drought. Saturation of the soil with moisture leads to an active build-up of green mass to the detriment of flowering. Young plants will need a little more moisture, but use in moderation. It is best to use overhead irrigation.

After watering and precipitation, loosen the soil, remove weeds. Remove weeds.


Top dressing

Frequent feeding can be harmful. It is not recommended to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers and feed the seedlings immediately after planting in open ground. The best option is the introduction of mineral potash fertilizer (you can limit yourself to the introduction of wood ash) before the first flowering and after the summer pruning.


To maintain the decorative effect of the bush, regularly remove faded inflorescences. After the end of the first wave of flowering, prune - the stems are cut almost to the root. After repeated autumn flowering, pruning should not be carried out, the plant should not leave "naked" for the winter. Prune bushes in spring, remove damaged shoots and leaves.

How to care for a shaved and propagate it, we look at the video:

Wintering obriety

Perennial Aubrieta successfully winters in the open field in the presence of snow cover. Its own green mass will not protect the plant from extreme cold. If a snowless winter with sharp temperature changes is foreseen, it is better to additionally cover with improvised materials (fallen leaves, spruce branches).

Diseases and pests of abretion

With proper care, the plant is not exposed to diseases and pests.

Excessive watering provokes rotting of the root system. With the wrong choice of soil, the appearance of the plant will be depressed, flowering may be absent.

Occasionally it is affected by powdery mildew (deformation of the leaf plates is observed, a whitish bloom appears on them) - most often the affected plants are removed from the site and burned. The rest are treated with a solution of colloidal sulfur or a fungicidal preparation.

From pests: aphids, cruciferous flea. Treat with insecticide.

Types and varieties of obriety with photos and names

Types and varieties of obriety differ in the structure of the plant, the colors of the corollas.

Aubrieta deltoidea

Aubrieta deltoidea purple Aubrieta deltoidea cultivar Kitte Purple photo

People call it a lilac bush. The height of the bush is 15 cm. The leaf plates are deltoid, there are 1-2 teeth on each edge, a shade of gray-green. Loose racemose inflorescences consist of small flowers (corolla diameter about 1 cm) lilac or purple-blue. Cultivated since 1710. Bougainvillea variety: plant height is 20 cm, flowers are light purple with an orange eye.

Aubrieta cultural or Aubrieta hybrid Aubrieta x cultorum

Aubrieta cultural or Aubrieta hybrid Aubrieta x cultorum Red Carpet photo

A group of perennial herbaceous plants with a height of no more than 20 cm, in a temperate climate, successfully winter under a snow cover. Leaves are oblong, serrated. Flowers can be simple, double, semi-double. Some varieties can be grown as a pot crop, some are suitable for cutting.

Consider the most popular varieties of cultural obriety:

Aubrieta hybrid Aubrieta x cultorum Cascade Purple photo

Cascading - leaves of a gray-green hue; inflorescences of a red or blue shade are decorated with a yellow eye.

Fascinating Morocco - has the largest flowers (about 1.5 cm in diameter), colors from blue to various shades of red and pink;

Aubrieta x cultorum Dr. Mules Aubrieta x cultorum ‘Dr. Mules' photo

Dr. Mules is a bush about 15 cm high with blue-violet inflorescences;

Aubrieta White Snowdrift White photo

Borshiz White is a rare variety with snow-white inflorescences.

Aubrieta Cascade Red Cascade Red photo

Cote d'Azur - aqua-colored inflorescences adorn the garden throughout June-July, re-flowering starts in September and lasts until the very frost;

Aubretia Aubrieta 'Axcent Violet With Eye' photo

A giant waterfall - bushes 15 cm high with flowers of purple, pink, red, lilac shades. It is a mixture of varieties - purple, pink, red, purple ... This winter-hardy perennial up to 15 cm in height reveals flowers up to 1 cm in diameter.

Aubrieta Aubrieta ‘Hamburger Stadtpark’ photo

Also pay attention to the varieties Gloriosa, Don, Carnival, Queen, Blue King, Wanda, Triumfat, Royal Keskade.

Aubriet in landscape design

Aubriet in landscape design

In landscape design, flowering cushion bushes most often play the role of a ground cover plant.

Aubrieta and arabis in landscape design photo

Looks spectacular on the hills - plant in rock gardens, some contrive to plant aubretia in the cracks of the walls, which allows you to create a cascade of amazing beauty.

Aubretia in landscape design photo

A beautiful combination with stones: plant in a rockery, on an ordinary rocky area.

Aubriet in landscape design photo

The variety of varieties allows you to mix different shades.

Suitable partners are phlox, perennial dwarf irises, euphorbia, red soapwort, Caucasian rezuha, alissum.

Aubriet in the design of the facade photo

Aubrieta is a cute herbaceous perennial that can amazingly transform your summer cottage. It will cover a rockery or an alpine slide with a colorful carpet, create a bright background for other flowers in a flower bed, and decorate vertical surfaces with a cascade. Good shaving and as a potted houseplant. It can be grown as a balcony crop and gets along without any problems with all the blooming neighbors on the site. The best way to grow a plant is from seeds.

Aubrieta growing from seeds: when to plant

The color of flowers in this highly decorative plant can be very diverse. There are varieties with flowers:

  • light blue;
  • pale pink;
  • purple;
  • blue;
  • crimson;
  • violet;
  • lilac;
  • purple;
  • white.

Coloring flowers obriety

Aubriet comes from South European and Central Asian countries. This groundcover is suitable for continuous vertical and horizontal garden decoration and is successfully used by landscape designers around the world.

Advice! The plant grown from seeds begins to bloom in May next year. The flowering period is one and a half months. If you cut off the shoots immediately after flowering, it can bloom again. Thus, it is easy to ensure a blooming carpet throughout the summer.

Obriety varieties

There are about 40 varieties of this plant grown in culture. The most popular of them are five.

Earth, light, water

Aubriet is difficult to attribute to unpretentious flowers. She is demanding at once to three agrotechnical points:

  1. Soil composition
  2. Watering regime.
  3. Lighting.

In addition, the plant is almost impossible to propagate by dividing the bush - it tolerates transplantation very badly and the percentage of survival rate of the division is low. Therefore, the seed method of sowing directly into the soil in a flower bed or alpine hill is optimal.

It is worth growing seedlings only in peat tablets.

In order not to risk the loss of seedlings when picking and planting in the ground, when growing seedlings, Aubriet should be sown only in peat tablets. Thus, the plant will not be damaged during transplantation.

When to sow

Aubrieta can be sown in the ground, both in spring and autumn. In the spring it is May. Autumn - October. If the seeds are sown in the spring, seedlings can be expected in 10-15 days. When sowing in autumn, the plant emerges only the next year in spring.

The seeds are immediately sown to a permanent place at suitable intervals. Do not thicken the crops too much - the seedlings will not be able to develop normally, and the feeding area for them will be insufficient. But too rarely, sowing a ground cover is also unnecessary. The optimal distance between the bushes, depending on the variety, is 15-20 cm.

Seeds are immediately sown to a permanent place at suitable intervals

The soil

It is very important to find the site that is most suitable for the plant. Aubrieta looks spectacular anywhere, but it will not grow well everywhere. She needs to provide a light nutritious soil with an alkaline reaction. Acidic soils are categorically unsuitable for the plant. Shave heavy clay soils are also contraindicated, but the plant likes sandy loam.

Advice! Aubrieta is a very light-loving plant. Sowing it in the shade does not make sense, since the leaves will stretch out, flowering will be scarce and the expected decorative effect will not work.

Before sifting, the soil must be prepared.

  1. Remove stones and weeds.
  2. Dig a shovel cut to a depth (10-15 cm).
  3. Apply humus and wood ash if sowing occurs in autumn.
  4. Apply mineral complex and wood ash during spring sowing.
  5. Add chalk or lime (the plant needs calcium for successful development).
  6. Loosen the fertilized soil so that there are no lumps and the structure is homogeneous.
  7. Moisten the area.
  8. Prepare a soil mixture of peat and sand for backfilling the seeds.

Fertilizing the ground with wood ash


Aubriet seeds are not very large, flat, brown in color. Before sowing, especially in open ground, they must be prepared and disinfected. Preparation can be carried out by soaking the seeds in a growth stimulant (epin, heteroauxin), dissolved in warm water, proportion and time - according to the instructions. Disinfection can be carried out dry, dusting with a fungicide, or traditionally keeping the seeds for one hour in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Aubriet seeds

When sowing, the seeds are laid out on a prepared moistened area, at a predetermined interval. The crops are sprinkled with a mixture of peat from the sands in equal proportions, watered with "rain" from a watering can.

Advice! Aubriet in rockery looks very nice. You can fill the seeds between large stones (just place fertile soil there beforehand). Above shoots falling from stones look mesmerizing.

Aubriet in rockery

Growing aubriets for seedlings

Many do not want to wait a year before receiving flowering plants, preferring to grow aubriet seedlings. This can be done without loss if you do not subject the plants to a pick and plant them in the ground without removing them from the glass. Peat tablets and pots will help you grow seedlings at home. In this case, you can sow seeds starting in February. Plants are planted in the ground in April.

Aubrieta grown by seedlings will bloom in June. A week after germination, the seedlings should be fed with a mineral complex for flower seedlings, and in the future, fertilizing should be carried out every 10 days.

Video - How to grow aubrieta from seeds

Plant care

The flowerbed, where the aubriet flaunts, must be loosened monthly, weeded out all the weeds, water the plants with sprinkling or drip irrigation.

This groundcover is very fond of fertilizers, therefore, it needs fertilizing at all stages of growth: from the very first - two weeks after germination, to the last - before the second autumn flowering. If not fed, the plants will not bloom as abundantly as they would like. When feeding Arieta, a standard complex of minerals (nitrogen + phosphorus + potassium) is used.

Aubriet needs top dressing at all stages of growth

At the stage of the beginning of growth, you need to apply top dressing with a high nitrogen content, then switch to food with a high phosphorus content, at the beginning of flowering, the plant most of all needs potassium.

It is necessary to feed the plant on fertile soils at least three times every two months. If the soil is not very nutritious, you will need to feed it every two weeks. Also, once every two weeks, you need to fertilize plants in rockeries and on alpine slides and cascading varieties intended for vertical decoration.

Advice! In addition to mineral complexes, twice a month (at different times, between the main dressings), young plants can be additionally fertilized with sodium humate.

Three times during the growing season, the soil under the shave must be mulched with fine sand. After cutting off the faded shoots, it is good to mulch the ground with a mixture of sand and peat.

The soil under shaved must be mulched with fine sand

Frequent watering is not required. Waterlogging of the soil will lead to the forcing of leaves to the detriment of flowering. However, in the heat, it is imperative to water the flower, at least twice a week.

Pruning can be done at the end of each mass bloom. You need to cut off without sparing the stems to the very base. The plant will immediately release shoots that will bloom again.
In order for this ground cover plant to be blooming and healthy, it must be treated with colloidal sulfur from powdery mildew, which is often the case with Arietta. Also, against pests, you can treat it with insecticides.

An undeniable advantage

Aubrieta is not afraid of severe cold

In addition to long, abundant, beautiful flowering, this plant has another important advantage - it is not afraid even of severe cold weather. Aubrieta does not shed foliage in winter, and freezes only at very low temperatures, below 30 degrees of frost. Therefore, decorativeness is preserved all year round for many years.

Aubrieta belongs to luxurious plants, the care of which gives some trouble, but the result and the decorative effect that this flower produces on the site is worth the effort.

Aubrieta (aubretia) is an evergreen herb from the Cruciferous family. She adorns gardens and rock gardens throughout the European continent, but South America and Central Asia are considered to be her homeland.

Under natural conditions, the plant is most often found in rocky areas and along river banks. Lush flowering bushes cover the ground with a solid carpet, therefore, shaved, like Arabis, are planted to decorate personal plots. In addition, the plant is an excellent neighbor for other green “pets” in indoor conditions. And such a "beauty" will turn an ordinary balcony into a fabulous corner, forming a gorgeous flower cascade.

general description

Aubrieta is similar to arabis, but the plants differ in the size of the pistils, in the latter it is much shorter and thicker. Despite its "southern" origin, aubretia is a frost-hardy plant. When winter comes, it does not shed its leaves, even the color remains the same... In April-May, the bushes begin to bloom violently, which lasts up to 50 days. In the fall, the process of flowering is repeated at the Arietta.

The palette of shades of plant petals is quite diverse, they can be: pink, reddish, purple, blue and light blue (variety cascade blue), lilac, white, purple. Miniature leaves are elliptical or ovoid in shape, their edges can be either serrated or whole. Small flowers consist of four petals, like arabis, cluster-shaped inflorescences.

Growing conditions

It is easy to grow shaved, like Arabis, both outdoors and at home. In the first case, it is better to plant from mid-May, when there will be no cold weather. The main condition when choosing a suitable site is the maximum sun, then the bushes will delight you with an abundance of bright colors. The soil for planting needs loose and permeable, chalk, lime or ash must be present. Supersaturated and peaty soils are not the best option for a plant. Aubriet bushes are so viable that they can easily grow in the cracks between stone steps and concrete structures. Therefore, the soil for growing is very poor in terms of the amount of nutrients.

Planting a plant

Aubrieta, like arabis, is quite plastic, so they plant it in the desired order according to the plan of the flower bed. The plant should be deepened into the ground taking into account the dimensions of the rhizome, but the interval between seedlings should be about 5 cm. If the plant was in a plastic or ceramic container, then lower it into water before planting in the ground. When bubbles begin to form on the surface, carefully remove the seedling from the pot with a lump of soil and plant it in a hole, the width of which should be 2 times the diameter of the dish. Then the soil should be compacted and covered with sand. The optimum thickness of the sandy layer is 4-5 cm. At the end, water with a small amount of liquid.

Garden plant care

Aubriet, unpretentious, but landing and leaving contain several main rules. When grown outdoors, the plant is watered once immediately after planting, then water is added in small doses if necessary. Excessive moisture in the earth negatively affects the flowers, they fall off and look scanty. Aubretia loves dry soils more, although severe drying also harms beautiful bushes, so on hot summer days, Aubreti needs to be watered. Sand mulching is a mandatory procedure for a plant; it is performed in June, and then at the end of August.

Aubretia is a perennial, like arabis, so at the end of summer flowering, bushes need pruning. In the fall, the aubriet begins to bloom again, but after this process it is undesirable to cut the bush, although many gardeners do otherwise. The next pruning should be done at the beginning of the spring period. In winter, the leaves of the plant do not fall off, but if the frosts are very severe, then this can happen. To avoid dropping the green mass, it is recommended to sprinkle the bushes with straw, although dry leaves are also suitable.

Perennial obrieta does not like abundant feeding, therefore, the soil should be fertilized very carefully.

When is the best time to feed the plant? Complex fertilizers are applied 2 times a year: with the arrival of heat before the appearance of inflorescences and in the fall after the last pruning. Complex fertilizers are taken as top dressing.

Diseases and harmful insects

Diseases and pests rarely affect flowering bushes. However, sometimes the aubriet becomes infected with powdery mildew. This disease is characterized by the presence of white bloom on the leaves and flowers. The affected areas turn black and wither, and the overall growth of the bush is inhibited. Fungal disease is treated with a special drug - colloidal sulfur.

The most dangerous enemy of aubretia is aphids. These pests can carry viral diseases; to combat them, it is necessary to treat the plant with special agents: Fufanon, Karbofos or Biotlin.

How the plant reproduces

Reproduction of bushes occurs through cuttings and seeds. In this case, you can initially grow seedlings, and then transplant them into the ground. But more often they prefer to sow aubretia, like arabis, directly on a flower bed. Before sowing, dig up the soil with a layer of 15-20 cm, then clean it of debris and add ash and chalk (lime). Aubriet seeds should be sown not infrequently, but not too thickly. The seed is not deepened into the ground, but simply sprinkled on top with a sandy layer up to 5 cm. Then the sand is watered a little with a watering can. If sown in spring, the sprouts will sprout in 2-3 weeks, and if in autumn, the sprouts will appear only in the next spring season.

Also, the plant propagates by cuttings. After summer flowering, pruning is performed, and after it, many removed stems remain, which can become cuttings. These plant residues are planted in a greenhouse, suitable soil - peat and sand in a 1: 1 ratio. At the end of summer, roots should form in the seedlings, then they are moved to a permanent place. Usually "young growth" has time to gain strength before winter, but if the climate in your area is very harsh, leave the plants in the greenhouse before the onset of warmth.

Reproduction by dividing a bush for a plant is very painful. Most easily, aubretia transfers this procedure to the autumn and spring periods. The bush is dug up and divided into parts, each component must have strong shoots and rhizomes. Then the particles are seated in the holes. But the process of rehabilitation after such a forced injury is difficult for the Aubriet, so it is better to propagate the plant with seeds or cuttings.

Aubrieta: growing from seed

A flowering bush can be easily grown from seeds by purchasing a bag of seeds of the required variety from the store. But growing a plant at home with this method, you can lose the best parenting qualities. And one more disadvantage of such bushes - they begin to bloom in the second year after germination.

The seedling method of reproduction of aubretia is considered the most reliable. At the end of winter, they take seeds of a certain type and plant them in separate peat tablets or in special pots with peat and humus. Then, together with these containers, the seedlings are planted in the ground. On the surface of the moistened soil, put a few aubriet seeds, sprinkle them with a sandy layer up to 5 cm, then the sand is slightly moistened with a spray bottle. The container is covered with glass or foil, and then placed in a warm place. At a temperature of 19-22 ° C, the seed germinates best.

Crops are ventilated every day, watering is done if necessary. The sprouts hatch after about 21-30 days, after which the greenhouse is removed from the pot. If the seedlings grow reluctantly, then 10-14 days before planting, the soil is fertilized with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizing. Shave does not like picking, so it is advisable to plant the seed of the plant immediately in separate containers.

Plant varieties

In its natural environment, this plant includes 12 species, some of them are cultivated. The most popular among gardeners are the following varieties:

  • deltoid aubriet (flowers are lilac or bluish, leaves are gray-green with several teeth at the edges) - Royal Violet, Red Carpet, etc.;
  • aubrieta cultural or hybrid (bred on the basis of the previous variety, tolerates snowy winter well, has miniature elongated leaves with notches, all kinds of flower shades) - Enchanting Morocco, Gloriosa, Carnival, etc.;
  • cascading (blooms in spring, petals are bluish, blue, lilac or pink-red, ideal for decorating a balcony) - cascade blue, cascade purple, etc.

Pay more attention and time to your green "pet", then you will be proud of the result!

Aubrieta or aubretia belongs to the perennial genus of the Cruciferous family. Cultivated this plant is used in rock gardens and gardens, and wild representatives grow in the south of Europe, Asia Minor and South America.

There are 12 species in the genus, but quite a few varieties have been bred from them, which we will talk about later.

Varieties and types

This is a perennial herb that grows up to 15 cm, has triangular foliage, bluish or purple flowers that form inflorescences. Blooms in May.

A species with rather large, as for a kind, flowers of a dark lilac color. Blooms for about a month, starting in May.

Aubrieta cultural or hybrid it is the name for a group of varieties, the common feature of which is a height of about 20 cm and wintering under the snow. They have long foliage, lilac or dark lilac in color. Newer varieties have acquired double flowers. Bred ampelous varieties.

Of these, the most popular are:

  • - perennial with flowers of blue, purple or red shades, in the middle of the color there is a small yellow dot. The foliage is preserved throughout the year.

  • Aubrieta enchanting Morocco - a lush bush with relatively large flowers. The color of the flowers is mainly red or bluish.

  • - This variety has flowers of a pale blue color, which appear twice a year - in summer and autumn.

Delicate variety with pink flowers with a yellow center. It blooms in late spring and early summer.

A creeping variety with velvety, pale pink flowers.

This variety is also low, like the rest of the representatives, when abundantly planted, it covers the soil with a purple carpet of flowers.

Aubriet planting and care

Planting aubriets in open soil can be started when the threat of night frosts is gone. When choosing a planting site, you need to be careful, as otherwise you may not achieve strong flowering. The place where the bushes will grow should be well lit, otherwise the flowering will be insufficient.

In terms of soil, this flower is not picky and will feel great on poor soils, you can even say that the poorer the soil, the better, it can be rocky. In the case of acidity, then shaving needs slightly alkaline soils - the main thing is that they are permeable or have drainage.

You can plant a flower as you see fit to achieve the intended effect. The depth of the pits depends on the depth of the root, while the width is 2 times greater than the pot in which the seedling grew. Keep at least 5 cm between individuals.

If your seedling developed in plastic or ceramic containers, then before planting it will be necessary to lower its water until bubbles appear at the top of the soil - only after that start pulling out the seedling along with the earth and plant it in the hole. After planting bushes, compact the soil a little and cover it with sand mulch, and also water it.

Watering aubriets

Caring for the shaved is not at all complicated watering she needs only in case of long heat. If the plant develops in conditions of excess moisture, it can build up a lot of greenery and little bloom.

But, nevertheless, young individuals need to be watered more often. It is still better if the bushes have enough water from the rains.

Fertilizers for aubrietta

In the spring, even before the flowers appear, and in the fall, the obriet needs to be fertilized with mineral dressing for perennials.

During the growing period of green mass, it will be necessary to cover the soil with sand mulch, about 4 cm thick, a couple of times.

Pruning Aubriets

After the first flowering, the bushes must be cut off almost completely. This will allow new fresh greens to appear. After flowering, you can collect seeds for further sowing. But remember that with this type of reproduction, the varietal characteristics of the plants are lost.

To harvest the seeds, wait until the pod is dark and can be cracked. The seeds are stored indoors until winter, and then sown.

Aubrieta usually blooms several times a year, and after all flowering after the first, it is not recommended to cut the stems, as they will protect the plant from the cold in winter.

Aubrieta in winter

This flower is quite frost-hardy, but if winter is without snow or temperature jumps occur, then it needs to be insulated for the winter with dry foliage.

Aubrieta growing from seeds

Aubrieta is easy to propagate by seed. You can either use seedlings or not, but if the seeds are sown simply into the soil, then, most likely, their varietal characteristics will mix. Because of this, it is better to use seedlings.

Around the beginning of March, you can sow seeds, for this it is better to use peat pots. Place a couple of seeds on damp soil and sprinkle with a thin layer of sand, not more than 5 mm, and then moisten it as well. The sown should be placed under glass and kept at a temperature of about 20 ° C.

Seedlings need to be ventilated every day and slightly moistened the soil, while it is important not to overdo it, sprinkling a little from the spray bottle. After about 20-30 days, seedlings will hatch, after which the glass is removed. Sprouting seedlings should also be watered carefully so as not to overmoisten.

This flower is bad for transplanting and therefore it is better not to dive the seedlings, but immediately sow seeds in separate pots. With the arrival of heat, everything is done according to the scheme described in the landing section.

If you are planting seeds in open soil, try not to mix different varieties. The soil must first be well watered, dug up and fertilized with complex fertilizing and ash. Sowing very thickly is undesirable. You do not need to cover the seeds with soil, just sprinkle them with a 5 mm ball of sand.

Spring sowing will hatch after 2-3 weeks, and autumn sowing next spring.

Reproduction of shaved cuttings

After pruning, cuttings can be used. Parts of the shoots are planted in a greenhouse in a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions.

By the end of summer, roots should appear in the material and they can be transplanted. If the winters are too cold in your area, then it is better to wait until spring to plant, and then grow the cuttings in a greenhouse.

Aubriet reproduction by dividing the bush

It is better not to resort to such a method as dividing the bush, since the root system is very painful to this.

Diseases and pests

It is worth noting here that Aubriet is almost never affected by diseases and pests.

There are cases the appearance of powdery mildew , which manifests itself as a white bloom on the foliage. To cope with it, you need to treat the bushes with colloidal sulfur.

Among pests, you can mark aphids that feeds on sap and the plants begin to dry out. To combat it, they resort to Karbofos, soapy water, infusion of garlic.

Otherwise, problems with shaving in this regard are very rare.

When creating a design for the territory of a summer cottage or your own house, it is very popular among gardeners, thanks to its picturesque bright floral arrangements, such a plant as aubrieta. This garden flower looks great on alpine slides, in ordinary flower beds and even on a shady alley.


Aubrieta or otherwise it is called aubretia - this is perennial soil cover that covers the ground with a picturesque carpet. In order for her to delight the amateur gardener with her beauty, it is necessary for her to provide competent, timely care. The flowers of the garden plant are small, but their number is impressive. The color of the flowers is quite varied: white, purple, blue, etc. Aubrieta bushes are low, reaching only 10 to 13 cm. With proper care, flowering occurs 2 times per season. As a rule, this is in late spring - early summer, lasting up to 45 days and in early autumn - about 35 days. The fruits of a garden plant are in the form of a pod, in which brown seeds are elongated.

There are in nature various grades and types of aubernia, which differ from each other in color, shape and structure of the bush. Varieties of obriety:

  • Cascading is a fairly well-known type of garden abretion. Flowers are mostly blue or red with a yellowish core. The foliage is gray-green.
  • Hybrid or cultivated - this type of garden shaving is distinguished by its early flowering. The color of the flowers is pink, red and purple.
  • Deltoid, otherwise it is also called a lilac bush. The flowers of this type of garden shaving are medium-sized, purple, purple in color. Since the inflorescences are collected in a brush, the herbaceous plant becomes like a lilac, and therefore got its second name.

Planting and leaving

For gardeners - amateurs will not cause difficulty in shaving care. To begin with, you must definitely choose a suitable site for a flower, adhering to the rules. Rules for choosing a place for planting aubriets:

  • The garden flower is quite thermophilic, so the place should be sunny. If the climate is southern, then it is possible to choose a slightly shaded place for planting a garden plant. In a temperate climate, it is necessary to find a sunny place for a perennial, partial shade will not allow the plant to bloom.
  • The plant does not like acidic, heavy, clayey soils. Before planting, the soil in which the garden shaved will be planted must be loosened.
  • Remove weeds from the area.
  • Apply fertilizer to the soil. It is necessary to dig up the soil 15 cm deep and mix with ash or lime.
  • Provide drainage.
  • If possible, then it is better to give preference to a site located on an elevation.

After planting a garden plant, he needs constant timely care... Even if the soil is loose and light, it will be very useful to mulch several times a season, that is, mix the top layer of soil with sand with a layer of 3 to 5 cm.It is also necessary to ensure the required watering of the plant, to carry out timely feeding and pruning of the abreeding.

Watering and feeding aubriets

It is necessary to water the garden flower as the soil dries out, monitor watering especially in hot weather. Aubrieta does not like moisture, therefore, when overflowing, the roots of the plant may rot or the flower will not bloom.

In order for a garden flower to bloom actively, it must be fertilized. The garden plant follows feed with mineral fertilizers 2 times a season:

  • in spring: feeding is carried out before the beginning of the emergence of buds.
  • in summer: fertilize after cutting the plant to re-bloom.

Pruning and grafting obriety

The blooming period of aubretia is 4 to 7 weeks. In order for the plant to bloom a second time, it is necessary to prune it. To do this, after the first flowering, the stems are removed under the root. The land is fed. After these procedures, the plant will actively begin to grow and will bloom again by autumn. In autumn, the plant should not be pruned in order to avoid the death of the plant during the wintering period.

The main rule in caring for a garden plant is cuttings, which should be carried out once a year. This is done so that the herbaceous flower does not degenerate over time and does not become more capricious in its care. For cuttings, you must use young shoots without peduncles... They must be cut in May and planted in a greenhouse with a sandy-peat soil mixture. When planting, there should be a distance of 10 to 15 cm between the seedlings. In late summer or autumn, the cuttings are transplanted into a flower bed, but if they are weak, then you can leave them in a greenhouse for the winter.

Preparing for wintering aubriets

Aubretia is frost-hardy, therefore it tolerates winters well enough. But for safety net and additional protection of the roots, you can cover it with dry foliage before the first frosts.

Growing aubrets from seeds

In order for a beautiful flower to delight the gardener in spring, summer and even autumn with its chic flowering carpets, you need to learn how to properly grow aubrieta yourself from seeds. Ways to grow a garden plant from seeds:

  1. in the spring by seedling in a special container;
  2. in the fall, when planting is carried out immediately in the open field.

Rules to follow, when planting seeds of garden aubretion in the first way:

In the second method, for planting seeds in the ground, it is necessary choose the right landing site and prepare the ground. To do this, you need to loosen it, water it, and then you can already sow seeds. Lightly mix the topsoil with sand.

Diseases and pests

A garden plant can also die due to diseases that appear during perennial aubreition. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to examine the garden flower and provide it with treatment in a timely manner.

Diseases and pests affecting Aubrieta:

Growing a garden beauty in a garden plot, you need to know all the intricacies of her cultivation, planting and care, only then she will thank her intense long flowering... It should be remembered that the undersized aubriet prefers loose soil, regular watering, while avoiding waterlogging, it is necessary to feed the garden flower in a timely manner, to prune it. And only if the necessary conditions are met for long-term aubretion, you can enjoy lush flower carpets that can decorate any place in the garden.

Aubriet garden flower

Aubrieta Beauty is a perennial ground cover plant that covers the earth with a lush and bright carpet. These wonderful flowers adorn every corner of the garden, be it an alpine slide, a shady alley or an ordinary flower bed. In order to appreciate all the splendor of the Aubriet at its true worth, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for her growth and development.

How to grow aubrieta from seeds

Site selection and soil preparation for seeds

Before you start planting seeds, choose the right site for the future plant. Stick to the following rules:

  1. Aubrieta does not take root well on acidic, heavy and clay soils. The reaction of the soil where the plant is planted is neutral (6.0-7.5 pH).
  2. Choose a sunny spot. In the shade or in partial shade, the plant will not bloom, and the bushes themselves will stretch out.
  3. Remove all weeds from the site. Then dig up the soil with a pitchfork to a depth of 10-15 cm. Apply a compound fertilizer to the soil, add a little wood ash, chalk or lime. This will provide the future flowers with enough calcium.
  4. Before planting the seeds, apply shallow mulching with sawdust or river sand, 5 cm thick. Repeat the mulching procedure three times per season.
  5. Aubrieta does not like waterlogging, so drain the soil well.
  6. Since the flower carpet grows quickly, select a large area for the plant.

Best of all, the aubriet will take root in the rock garden.

When to plant aubriet seeds

The seeds are flat in appearance, small and brown. They are planted in open ground only in mid-May, or in September-early October, when frost is still far away. If you plan to plant flowers in the spring, then the cultivation of the seeds from the seeds begins in advance, in February. Seeds hatch for a long time - 2-3 weeks. Seedlings must get stronger before transplanting into the ground, so the seedlings are kept for 1 month at home.

Planting seeds in pots

Aubrieta seeds are planted according to the following rules:

  1. The temperature in the room where the seeds will germinate is maintained at 18-21 ° C.
  2. The seeds are carefully spread into loose soil for flower plants, to which a thin layer of sand is added. The soil is sometimes replaced with vermiculite. Please note: you do not need to sprinkle the seeds with earth on top, they need light for germination.
  3. The soil is moistened by spraying (not very abundantly).
  4. Cover with plastic wrap, which is removed when sprouts appear.
  5. After a month, the seedlings are planted in separate pots, and transplantation into open ground is carried out only after thorough heating of the soil.

Please note: there will be no bloom in the first year of planting seeds or seedlings.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

Planting seeds in the ground

  1. Loosen the soil, moisten, sow the seeds in beds (this way you will not confuse the newly hatched shoots with weeds).
  2. Mulch the top soil layer with sand.
  3. Water gently (just spray is best).

Seeds planted in the fall will only sprout next spring.

Planting seedlings in open ground

The seeds have sprouted, now you need to know how to plant and care for shaved seedlings correctly.

  1. Place the seedling pots in water and wait until air bubbles appear on the surface of the water. Submerging in water will make it easier to detach the soil from the walls of the pot and protect the plant from damage.
  2. Dig holes along the length of the seedling root, the distance between individual shoots is at least 5 cm. The width of the hole is twice as large as the soil ball of the seedling. This rule is true for open areas, because Aubrieta grows well in narrow cracks between stones in rock gardens, and in the cracks of steps.
  3. Sprinkle the soil around each bush with sand, and then pour generously from the watering can.

Shaved care rules


Aubrieta needs watering extremely rarely, only in very hot weather and as the upper soil layer dries out. In a temperate climate, only young plants need periodic watering. Excessive moisture intake contributes to decay of the roots, or all the strength of the plant will go into the growth of the leaves, and there will be no flowering. Add sodium humate to the irrigation water, which promotes the development of the root system and the growth of the bush as a whole.

Top dressing

Fertilize the plant carefully, as Aubrieta is sensitive to excess nutrients. Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out twice a season: the first time in the spring, before the formation of buds, and then in the summer, after pruning.

Until the plant has two pairs of leaves, feeding is not introduced.


The first wave of aubrieta bloom lasts about 4-7 weeks. To get the second flowering of the season, the plant mat is cut thoroughly. The stems of faded plants are cut to the root, the earth is fertilized and mulched. In the fall, pruning is not carried out so as not to weaken the plants. If the plants have damaged leaves in the spring, they are removed.


Over time, the bushes weaken, degenerate and become more demanding to the conditions than young plants. Therefore, one of the important rules for caring for a shave is the annual cuttings of plants.

Aubriets choose young shoots that do not bear flowers as cuttings. They are cut in spring, in May, and placed in a greenhouse, where a sandy-peat substrate is used for rooting cuttings. The optimum distance between seedlings is 10-15 cm. Cuttings with roots are planted in the ground in late summer - early autumn.

If there is any doubt that the cuttings will not survive the winter outdoors, you can postpone their transplant from the greenhouse until spring. Unlike seedlings and seeds, cuttings will bloom in the next season.

Preparing for winter

The plant does not need special care in winter. Aubrieta tolerates small and medium frosts well, but to protect the roots of the plant from freezing, cover the Aubrieta rug with an armful of dry leaves before freezing.

What is the problem with Aubriet?

The most common and dangerous ailment of the Aubriet is powdery mildew. With this disease, the leaves and stems of the plant are covered with a brownish coating, later their deformation occurs. If you do not start treatment at the first sign of the disease, the disease will destroy all plants. To combat powdery mildew, an aqueous solution of colloidal sulfur is used, which is sprayed on infected bushes. With extensive lesions of the bushes, they are completely weeded out. To see what the powdery mildew pathogen looks like, see the photo on the plant disease site.

The second enemy is aphids. Since the plant hibernates with the leaves, the eggs of the pests often remain on the plant. The use of insecticides and other toxic substances against aphids is allowed only as a last resort and with great care. To combat aphids, nettle infusion is used. As a preventive measure, it is recommended to fertilize the soil well before sowing seeds and do not forget to mulch it.

Popular varieties of obriety

Among gardeners, the following varieties are especially fond of:

    "The Red King".

    The plant reaches 10 cm in height, the flowers are large enough, about 5 cm in diameter.

    "Fascinating Morocco".

    Aubrietta of this variety is spread over lush and unusually beautiful carpets.

    "Raspberry Sea".

    This plant variety grows well in height, so it is most often used to decorate retaining walls and fences.


    In the series of this variety, flowers are purple, red, turquoise, blue. Perfect for home cultivation, and also used as a decorative cover on alpine slides and flower beds.

If the seeds of the plant were purchased in the store, then planting and caring for the shaved, photos of flowers and other information are indicated on the bags.

It is not so difficult to grow an obrieta from seeds with your own hands. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules of its cultivation, and in gratitude this amazing plant will spread its bright carpets in the most picturesque corners of your garden.

Are you also a fan of shaving? Share your experience in the comments, and at the same time find out useful secrets of floriculture from other amateur gardeners.

Aubrieta (aubretia) is an evergreen herb from the Cruciferous family. She adorns gardens and rock gardens throughout the European continent, but South America and Central Asia are considered to be her homeland.

Under natural conditions, the plant is most often found in rocky areas and along river banks. Lush flowering bushes cover the ground with a solid carpet, therefore, shaved, like Arabis, are planted to decorate personal plots. In addition, the plant is an excellent neighbor for other green “pets” in indoor conditions. And such a "beauty" will turn an ordinary balcony into a fabulous corner, forming a gorgeous flower cascade.

Aubrieta is similar to arabis, but the plants differ in the size of the pistils, in the latter it is much shorter and thicker. Despite its "southern" origin, aubretia is a frost-hardy plant. When winter comes, it does not shed its leaves, even the color remains the same... In April-May, the bushes begin to bloom violently, which lasts up to 50 days. In the fall, the process of flowering is repeated at the Arietta.

The palette of shades of plant petals is quite diverse, they can be: pink, reddish, purple, blue and light blue (variety cascade blue), lilac, white, purple. Miniature leaves are elliptical or ovoid in shape, their edges can be either serrated or whole. Small flowers consist of four petals, like arabis, cluster-shaped inflorescences.

Growing conditions

It is easy to grow shaved, like Arabis, both outdoors and at home. In the first case, it is better to plant from mid-May, when there will be no cold weather. The main condition when choosing a suitable site is the maximum sun, then the bushes will delight you with an abundance of bright colors. The soil for planting needs loose and permeable, chalk, lime or ash must be present. Supersaturated and peaty soils are not the best option for a plant. Aubriet bushes are so viable that they can easily grow in the cracks between stone steps and concrete structures. Therefore, the soil for growing is very poor in terms of the amount of nutrients.

Planting a plant

Aubrieta, like arabis, is quite plastic, so they plant it in the desired order according to the plan of the flower bed. The plant should be deepened into the ground taking into account the dimensions of the rhizome, but the interval between seedlings should be about 5 cm. If the plant was in a plastic or ceramic container, then lower it into water before planting in the ground. When bubbles begin to form on the surface, carefully remove the seedling from the pot with a lump of soil and plant it in a hole, the width of which should be 2 times the diameter of the dish. Then the soil should be compacted and covered with sand. The optimum thickness of the sandy layer is 4-5 cm. At the end, water with a small amount of liquid.

Garden plant care

Aubriet, unpretentious, but landing and leaving contain several main rules. When grown outdoors, the plant is watered once immediately after planting, then water is added in small doses if necessary. Excessive moisture in the earth negatively affects the flowers, they fall off and look scanty. Aubretia loves dry soils more, although severe drying also harms beautiful bushes, so on hot summer days, Aubreti needs to be watered. Sand mulching is a mandatory procedure for a plant; it is performed in June, and then at the end of August.

Aubretia is a perennial, like arabis, so at the end of summer flowering, bushes need pruning. In the fall, the aubriet begins to bloom again, but after this process it is undesirable to cut the bush, although many gardeners do otherwise. The next pruning should be done at the beginning of the spring period. In winter, the leaves of the plant do not fall off, but if the frosts are very severe, then this can happen. To avoid dropping the green mass, it is recommended to sprinkle the bushes with straw, although dry leaves are also suitable.

Perennial obrieta does not like abundant feeding, therefore, the soil should be fertilized very carefully.

When is the best time to feed the plant? Complex fertilizers are applied 2 times a year: with the arrival of heat before the appearance of inflorescences and in the fall after the last pruning. Complex fertilizers are taken as top dressing.

Diseases and harmful insects

Diseases and pests rarely affect flowering bushes. However, sometimes the aubriet becomes infected with powdery mildew. This disease is characterized by the presence of white bloom on the leaves and flowers. The affected areas turn black and wither, and the overall growth of the bush is inhibited. Fungal disease is treated with a special drug - colloidal sulfur.

The most dangerous enemy of aubretia is aphids. These pests can carry viral diseases; to combat them, it is necessary to treat the plant with special agents: Fufanon, Karbofos or Biotlin.

How the plant reproduces

Reproduction of bushes occurs through cuttings and seeds. In this case, you can initially grow seedlings, and then transplant them into the ground. But more often they prefer to sow aubretia, like arabis, directly on a flower bed. Before sowing, dig up the soil with a layer of 15-20 cm, then clean it of debris and add ash and chalk (lime). Aubriet seeds should be sown not infrequently, but not too thickly. The seed is not deepened into the ground, but simply sprinkled on top with a sandy layer up to 5 cm. Then the sand is watered a little with a watering can. If sown in spring, the sprouts will sprout in 2-3 weeks, and if in autumn, the sprouts will appear only in the next spring season.

Also, the plant propagates by cuttings. After summer flowering, pruning is performed, and after it, many removed stems remain, which can become cuttings. These plant residues are planted in a greenhouse, suitable soil - peat and sand in a 1: 1 ratio. At the end of summer, roots should form in the seedlings, then they are moved to a permanent place. Usually "young growth" has time to gain strength before winter, but if the climate in your area is very harsh, leave the plants in the greenhouse before the onset of warmth.

Reproduction by dividing a bush for a plant is very painful. Most easily, aubretia transfers this procedure to the autumn and spring periods. The bush is dug up and divided into parts, each component must have strong shoots and rhizomes. Then the particles are seated in the holes. But the process of rehabilitation after such a forced injury is difficult for the Aubriet, so it is better to propagate the plant with seeds or cuttings.

Aubrieta: growing from seed

A flowering bush can be easily grown from seeds by purchasing a bag of seeds of the required variety from the store. But growing a plant at home with this method, you can lose the best parenting qualities. And one more disadvantage of such bushes - they begin to bloom in the second year after germination.

The seedling method of reproduction of aubretia is considered the most reliable. At the end of winter, they take seeds of a certain type and plant them in separate peat tablets or in special pots with peat and humus. Then, together with these containers, the seedlings are planted in the ground. On the surface of the moistened soil, put a few aubriet seeds, sprinkle them with a sandy layer up to 5 cm, then the sand is slightly moistened with a spray bottle. The container is covered with glass or foil, and then placed in a warm place. At a temperature of 19-22 ° C, the seed germinates best.

Crops are ventilated every day, watering is done if necessary. The sprouts hatch after about 21-30 days, after which the greenhouse is removed from the pot. If the seedlings grow reluctantly, then 10-14 days before planting, the soil is fertilized with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizing. Shave does not like picking, so it is advisable to plant the seed of the plant immediately in separate containers.

Plant varieties

In its natural environment, this plant includes 12 species, some of them are cultivated. The most popular among gardeners are the following varieties:

  • deltoid aubriet (flowers are lilac or bluish, leaves are gray-green with several teeth at the edges) - Royal Violet, Red Carpet, etc.;
  • aubrieta cultural or hybrid (bred on the basis of the previous variety, tolerates snowy winter well, has miniature elongated leaves with notches, all kinds of flower shades) - Enchanting Morocco, Gloriosa, Carnival, etc.;
  • cascading (blooms in spring, petals are bluish, blue, lilac or pink-red, ideal for decorating a balcony) - cascade blue, cascade purple, etc.

Pay more attention and time to your green "pet", then you will be proud of the result!

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