Desktop wallpaper to attract success. We arrange the desktop according to Feng Shui. Size and color

The energy of the desktop affects success in the professional sphere. By making it positive, you can eliminate mistakes and shortcomings in your activities.

On the right side there is a closet. It symbolizes protection and prevents negative energy from affecting you. The clock, on the contrary, should be removed. They track your time at work and can “speed up” your departure from a promising position.

The table should always be ready for use. This means that there should be no foreign things on it. Always keep it in order and do not scatter important papers. Order will not only attract good luck to you, but will also eliminate delays and procrastination.

The most common talismans that help achieve success and increase earnings are figures depicting prosperity and money. For example, hottei is a symbol of abundance, which is most often made in the form of a frog or dragon sitting on coins.

Any item that symbolizes monetary abundance and success for you can become a talisman:

  • staircase going to the sky;
  • a stack of bills;
  • credit cards;
  • expensive writing instruments;
  • business card holder made of genuine leather;
  • Chinese coins;
  • wallet.

Considered a talisman for career growth turtle figurine. This talisman brings monetary well-being and useful connections that help you quickly climb the career ladder.

Metal bowl filled with water, will help you avoid troubles at work and stop the outflow of funds. Such a talisman, placed next to important documents, will allow you to quickly and on time fulfill your duties.

Crystals or wind chimes will allow you to gain wisdom. These talismans are suitable for those who hold leadership positions.

crystal ball It will add intelligence and help you find profitable projects and hire competent and honest employees.

Pot with imitation gold will give you the opportunity to discover new abilities and “make money” literally out of thin air. With such a talisman, you do not have to fear financial collapse.

Snake will also help you accumulate knowledge, benefit from the support of influential people and not miss opportunities to climb the career ladder.

globe will bring good luck in your work, help expand your business, and exchange experiences with people from different cities and countries.

Ceramic, porcelain and clay vases will not allow your business to sag. With such talismans you will always find your niche and earn good money.

The choice of talismans is large, so you can find exactly the one that suits you. Remember that money loves counting, so don’t forget to count your revenue at your desk. Monetary energy must be constantly updated. If you keep your finances at your workplace, then periodically update the notes. We wish you happiness and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

08.05.2018 03:23

A person spends almost 30 percent of his entire life at work. To ensure yourself success, you need to properly...

Do you know that according to feng shui, desktop wallpaper can significantly influence your life to bring prosperity, health, success, wealth and even love into it, you just need to choose and install them correctly.

Below we offer you a selection on the topic feng shui desktop wallpaper, which will help you choose suitable images.

1. Wallpaper with images of oranges and tangerines.

These two types of citrus fruits are the personification of vital energy, abundance and wealth, due to their shape and bright, rich orange color, reminiscent of the color of gold. A bowl full of tangerines and oranges is usually placed in the southeast, thus activating it. An image of these fruits on your computer desktop can also attract money luck; in addition, it will charge you with positive energy and set you up to decisively achieve your goals.

2. Cherry blossoms.

The Chinese associate a blossoming sakura branch or a sakura tree in bloom with spring, love, fidelity and inseparability. Typically, such symbolic branches are located in the southwestern sector, where it is located, they help preserve existing feelings for those who already have them, and find their soul mate for those who have not yet done so. The image of a flowering tree on a computer monitor has approximately the same properties, which will also help you always be in a romantic mood and good spirits.

3. Mandarin ducks.

A pair of inseparable mandarin ducks, another popular one, bringing happiness, love and protecting long marriages. They, like flowering branches, are placed in the love zone in the southwest. For love to come to you, download a similar photo to your monitor and soon your life will radically change for the better.

4. Banknotes.

As you know, there is never enough money, and not only special Feng Shui figurines will help to increase and multiply it, but also images of a large number of banknotes - bundles of money, money rain, a mountain of banknotes, all this should be placed in the southeast in the appropriate sector or on the monitor screen.

5. Bamboo and bamboo forest.

According to ancient Chinese philosophical teachings, bamboo is a symbol of good health and longevity; compositions made from bamboo branches are often decorated with the central sector of the house. Photo wallpapers with this plant will also give you strength, improve your well-being and protect you from various ailments.

6. Boat of abundance.

A small golden boat, filled to the top with shiny Chinese coins with holes in the middle, placed on red natural fabric surrounded by bright tangerines, is one of the main symbols of abundance and material well-being according to Feng Shui. It’s quite difficult to create such a composition at home, but to find and install similar feng shui desktop wallpaper much easier. Do this and improving your financial situation will not take long.

7. Crystal lotus.

It is the lotus and the crystal one that is the most powerful amulet that helps preserve, strengthen and harmonize marital relationships, making them romantic and sincere. Such a symbol is usually placed in the bedroom, but this does not mean at all that it cannot appear on the computer desktop, in which case it will accompany your financial and creative success, relieve negative thoughts and help you grow spiritually.

8. Waterfall.

Photos of falling water from a great height placed on your computer will help attract good luck, prosperity and quick achievement of your goals.

Screensavers that can attract love

Place one or two gold hearts on your screensaver. One condition: the hearts must be even and smooth, no sharp corners or arrows.

A good talisman for success in matters of the heart can be screensavers with symbols of masculinity and femininity, cooing doves and a pair of swans. Avoid gloomy, depressing tones, and success on the heart front will not be long in coming.

Screensavers for material prosperity

Coins, wallets, gold bars or money bags are perfect here. However, avoid images with scattered coins, bills, crumpled and torn banknotes, no matter how impressive they may look.

For those who want to move up the career ladder or get a long-awaited promotion, it is recommended to put pictures on the screensaver that are directly related to the field of your professional activity.

Screensavers that help you get rid of

For lonely and insecure people, you can put figures of animals and people on your screensaver. These symbols will help you get rid of oppressive complexes and make new friends. There is no need to put images of aggressive and wild animals. Kittens, dolphins, puppies and ducks are the best option.

Screensavers to help cope with health problems

In this case, pictures depicting a powerful blooming tree, flower or ripe fruit are perfect. The ideal screensaver is a ripe apple, which has long symbolized vital energy and strength.

What screensavers are best to avoid?

It is not recommended to put erotic scenes and images of celebrities on the screensaver. You are crowding out your real life and blocking the channel of positive energy, replacing it with the world of your own fantasies and illusions.

Scenes of violence and aggression attract negativity, and images of alcoholic beverages cloud the mind and interfere with sane and sober thinking.

Images of demons and monsters can also bring huge negativity into life, so it’s better not to use such screensavers.

Psychologists say: if a mobile phone model can only tell you about the social status of the owner, then the main picture on the phone screen will tell you about his desires and dreams. The owner of a mobile phone looks at the display more than 150 - 200 times a day, and the photo on the screen is “recorded” in the subconscious. If the picture is chosen correctly, it programs a person for happiness, good luck and health. But which picture is considered correct?

Money loves... gifts

No, photos with wads of money are not the best option to attract them. Large stacks will not work: the owner of the phone simply will not believe that he can get so much. A small stack is not much and is not necessary. Psychologists say: it is better to place on the screensaver something that symbolizes giving and care. The fact that you are ready to give something for nothing also triggers the mechanism of easy acceptance of gifts. And money is attracted to fast, good energies.

Ideal picture options: a gift, a box of chocolates, a beautiful package of perfume, a cake, clasped hands, pictures with the number 8. The last number, by the way, is considered the happiest in numerology.

Richer, even richer...

Let’s say you have the funds for a house by the sea, but you want not just a dacha, but a small palace. Goldfish will help you, really, really! Experts say that it is this fairy-tale character that will increase your very real money. Feng Shui experts even recommend hanging a picture of a goldfish above a safe or in a stash area in the house. We hope that house thieves will not read this article...

Poultry for business

The image of a large flock of birds guarantees the attraction of new clients and business partners and discourages sudden tax audits. The latter, of course, is a joke, but choosing a specific bird is a serious matter.

Thus, owls represent patronage and the appearance of a mentor in life, a peacock promotes success in several directions at once, an eagle is worth placing if you are starting a new business, a flamingo attracts large investments.

The color scheme is also important: a yellow bird will give strength for a major project, a blue bird is considered a symbol that brings success in all endeavors. Do you remember the blue bird of luck?

Butterfly happiness

Happiness is a short-term state, like the life of a butterfly, which is why it is recommended to put pictures with butterflies when there is not enough joy and harmony in life. It is believed that the number of fluttering beauties should be even.

Tired of butterflies - change them to a fountain, a waterfall, in general, any picture with flowing water. They are a symbol of change for the better. Psychologists even advise looking at such a “water amulet” on your phone if you need to attract luck immediately. It supposedly tunes you to the desired happy wave.

Bloom, spring!

Want to bring good luck? Then know: luck is a fickle girl, like spring. That's all that symbolizes flowering, renewal and growth, she loves. The standard is a blossoming plum. Even the Chinese sages valued it as a proven talisman, so why are we worse? Bet - you won't go wrong.

Power is cute

You've probably noticed that in gyms they hang photographs of athletes with ideal proportions. So that not only the body works, but also the subconscious. The reception is also suitable if you want health and longevity, psychologists are sure. Post a photo of a muscular athlete or a slender, strong gymnast - you will begin to change yourself!

There is also a recipe from Feng Shui masters. Place a pine tree or a turtle on your phone display - recognized symbols of longevity. But we are still in favor of jogging and exercise. That is, for a picture with an athlete.

Bouquet of Passion

We will not discover America if we say that the world has not yet come up with anything better than paired images symbolizing love. A couple of people, lovebirds, glasses - everything works! But there is also a lesser-known talisman - a picture with peonies. Moreover, white and soft pink buds attract new relationships, season them with romance, red and purple bouquets enhance passion in married couples. True, in Russia an even number of flowers (two too) is a sign of grief and mourning. Therefore, put a photo of the bouquet. The larger the bouquet, the better.


What if it doesn't work?

Vasilisa VOSTRYAKOVA, master of cosmobioenergetics:

Any picture, be it on your phone or on a poster above your desk, is a visualization of desire. A painted fairy tale in reality. And if you really want it to come true, you will do everything for it. The screensaver will serve as a reminder of your goal. And very effective, believe me. Dreams can only fail to come true for two reasons: they are not specific enough or you yourself have little faith in their implementation. But in fact, if a person has chosen a picture, he has already formulated a desire, has already declared to the Universe that he really wants it. And if so, then the picture will definitely work.


“The best amulet - family photo”

The best thing to warm your soul will be a photograph taken by you, says psychologist Nikolai Stupnikov. - A photo of your child, spouse, beloved mother, in my opinion, is a much stronger amulet than a picture of a bouquet or an eagle. Recently, scientists from the University of Hannover found that people who always carry photographs of their family with them rarely become involved in road accidents. And besides, they are punctual taxpayers. They know that they are responsible for their loved ones and cannot allow themselves to be drawn into adventures.

As for formulated goals, such as a picture above the table or a screensaver on the phone... Still, it’s not enough to just identify a goal. If you do nothing to achieve it, your dream will remain a beautiful picture.

In times of crisis, everyone dreams of living in abundance and realizes this desire in various ways. Some work without sleep or rest, some are looking for extra income on the Internet, and some resort to magical rituals. Such as a desktop according to Feng Shui.

Many people do not take Feng Shui seriously. It is impossible to believe that some symbols and the correct arrangement of furniture and objects will help achieve the goal. In fact, such people are deeply mistaken. After all, Eastern practice has many pitfalls and does not help those who do everything carelessly. To achieve what you want with the help of Chinese teachings, it is worth making an effort and focusing on even the smallest things; as they say, no water flows under a lying stone.

Symbols of wealth and prosperity

What is surprising about Chinese teaching is that ordinary things and objects of life, which we are used to seeing from a completely different angle, give us incredible power to attract money and good luck.
For example, most people associate a tangerine or an orange with the New Year holidays and sweetness, but wise people know that this is one of the talismans for attracting abundance into your life.

Coins can also increase wealth, but not ordinary ones, but ancient Chinese ones, which are not so difficult to find in the modern world. A variety of oriental souvenir boutiques and shops help you find everything you need to decorate your home in harmony.

Hieroglyphs occupy a separate niche in Feng Shui. Their diversity is amazing. They are divided into symbols that can bring:

  • wealth,
  • prosperity,
  • money,
  • abundance,
  • business success.

The Chinese are convinced that everyone The hieroglyph is capable of working miracles and bringing into a person’s life what he has been dreaming about for so long.

Everyone has probably heard and about a mysterious toad with three legs, which knows exactly how to get rich and bring prosperity and prosperity into the life of its owner. But you need to be careful when choosing this talisman. Today there are many souvenirs on sale with the appearance of a toad, but only one made of bright golden metal and with a coin in its mouth can truly exert magical powers.

Hotei - the famous Chinese God of prosperity and wealth. It is believed that once upon a time, many centuries ago, in his monastic guise, he traveled through villages with a huge sack over his powerful shoulders and brought people happiness and harmony. Therefore, when choosing this talisman, you should pay attention to 2 things: the presence of a bag and coins.

Another famous symbol of abundance according to Feng Shui is gold fish in aquarium. It promotes great success in financial matters and affairs. You don’t have to buy an aquarium with real money bait, just buy a goldfish souvenir.

Not far behind is the cup of wealth, which is very popular in Chinese homes. It contains a lot of magical power and bestows untold wealth on its owner.

– only the lazy haven’t heard of it. Its variety is amazing: coin, paper (using banknotes), and beads. Such a talisman can bring an unprecedented increase in income.

Of course, not a single talisman will work if you do not believe in its mysterious and omnipotent properties, and also if it is used in the wrong interpretation.

The owner himself should not rely on easy monetary abundance. does not like lazy people, in order to start acting, it is necessary to show them that a person really needs financial growth and he strives for this in every possible way.

How to do it? After they have been placed in the workplace (for example, at home), you need to try to find some additional income in your free time from your main job, which would bring pleasure and a small payment at first. Perhaps this will be additional work at home on the computer, or maybe making money on the Internet.

Precisely at the beginning, since magical signs will catch the energy message, see the efforts and will help in every possible way. People themselves then do not understand why things went so successfully, why income that previously brought in insignificant earnings suddenly began to prosper and delight.

General Feng Shui rules for home abundance

Before you start designing your work home area, you should follow all the rules of Chinese teaching. Without them, all efforts can go down the drain. In addition, we should not forget that it is worth fulfilling these requirements not once a year, but maintaining them consistently.

  1. The first and most important rule is to clear the space of debris and dust. It is necessary to carry out a major cleaning of the house and throw out all the rubbish that is usually stored with the note “what if it will come in handy someday.”
  2. At the entrance to the house there must be a symbol that collects all the negativity. An open umbrella or broom is suitable for such purposes. They don't have to be real. You can purchase them as interior decor. The decorative umbrella must be positioned with the open side facing the entrance. It will help you collect all the negativity and not let out all the good things that are in the house and keep power over your wealth. And the broom should be placed or hung in the left corner by the front door. He will sweep away all the negativity.
  3. The most difficult of the rules is the harmonization of one’s own personality. Eastern practice is powerless without a person’s internal work on himself. No talismans or amulets will save the situation or help if their owner does not have spiritual development. And for this you need to be more interested in wise teaching if you have already set foot on this path. In other words, you need to cleanse not only your home of bad and negative energy, but also your heart, mind and soul. Only then will the full power of the ancient teaching shine forth in complete harmony.

Organization of the workplace to attract wealth

What does each person's desk or workspace usually look like? This is a pile of papers, various objects that will not answer the question “how to get rich?”, but will also interfere with this action. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is remove everything unnecessary. Ideally, only a computer and a notepad with a pen for the necessary notes can remain on the desktop.

After the general cleaning has done its job, you need to start finding the right place for the work area. It is quite possible that the previous location is scaring away all cash flows.

The southeast is the very zone that is responsible for well-being. Moreover, it is desirable that the desk or computer desk should not be located opposite the front door; the work area should be invisible when entering the house.

If your income is related to working on a computer, then first of all you should look at what wallpaper is on your computer’s desktop. The ideal option would be wallpaper in the Feng Shui style and, of course, with the symbols of wealth and prosperity. This could be: an image of a cup of abundance, coins, a money frog, or special hieroglyphs symbolizing money and prosperity. They will more actively attract Qi energy.

Souvenirs and talismans play an important role in the work area, namely on the computer desk, but in this matter you need to have a sense of proportion. It is enough to decide on two magical items that you like.

For example, the toad, which was mentioned earlier, or the money tree look elegant in such a zone. A figurine with the image of Hotei is also suitable. They should stand in the upper or lower left zone of the table; they are responsible for attracting new partners and welfare.

It is better to choose a table lamp made of metal and place it in the far left corner; it will help you achieve financial freedom and success. An aquarium with fish will come in handy here. It is believed that this particular money magnet, installed in the southeast, will attract stability in the field of money.

But there is one condition: there must be 1 black and 8 gold fish in the aquarium. Of course, it is desirable that it be living energy. You should constantly monitor the aquarium and take care of its cleanliness and order, as well as the entire work area.

Don't forget about the color palette. Where work is in full swing, shades of yellow, orange, and red should predominate. These are the colors that promote inspiration, prosperity and creation.

No matter how mysterious and enigmatic Chinese teaching may be, it is worth trying your hand at this field. Moreover, many people appreciated the practice when they began experimenting with their work area. The main thing is to start, make an effort, and Feng Shui will activate all facets of prosperity for anyone who believes in its power.

Dear Reader, how do you use Feng Shui in your apartment or at work? Write about it in the comments. If you don’t use it at all, then start right from this article!)) On our website you will find more.

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