Nikolai Starikov in which game. Contacts. A round table on the digitalization of education was held in Barnaul


Nikolai Viktorovich Starikov born on August 23, 1970 in the city of Leningrad. Married. Has two daughters. Higher education, graduated from the Leningrad Engineering-Economic Institute named after P. Togliatti, Faculty of Chemistry - with a degree in "engineer-economist" chemical industry».

The choice of profession was determined by family continuity - Nikolai Viktorovich’s father graduated from the same university and the same faculty, and began his career at the Red Triangle plant. Student Starikov was not much different from most students of that time. Study, summer in construction teams, participation in the local KVN team, which became the champion of St. Petersburg. For the future - work in the specialty, in general, the usual plans of an ordinary student Soviet Union. However, after graduating from the institute in 1992, Nikolai Starikov is faced with the lack of any job prospects. The collapse and plunder of the Russian economy was in full swing. Economists trained according to Soviet standards turned out to be unnecessary. The liberal economics of the “free market” was declared to be the only true doctrine.

The nineties of the last century became a difficult time for most of our compatriots. This was no exception for the Starikov family. Nikolay Viktorovich is a young specialist with a diploma higher education, was forced to take on any job that would bring in at least some money and would not require him to sell his conscience. At one time, we even had to sell newspapers on commuter trains, unload wagons, and guard commercial stalls. In general, at least somehow earn a living.

But Nikolai Viktorovich was already a stubborn man and a workaholic in the good sense of the word. In 1994, Starikov went to work at the Chance publishing house as a simple advertising manager, but quite soon became the head of the advertising department at the Advertising-Chance newspaper, where he worked until 1998. Then Starikov is invited to work as deputy commercial director at the local television company "Regional Television" of St. Petersburg. However, already in August of the same year, due to the outbreak of the crisis, the job had to be changed. Nikolai Starikov goes to work in the advertising department of the St. Petersburg branch of the Europe Plus radio station, where he also holds the position of deputy commercial director. Nikolai Viktorovich worked at the radio station until 2003. After which he currently holds the position of commercial director of Channel One in St. Petersburg.

However, a working career was never an end in itself for Nikolai Viktorovich. From early childhood he became interested in history. It started with a gift - “The Book of Future Commanders.” My father’s stories about my grandfather, Nikolai Vasilyevich Starikov, (after whom Nikolai was named) played an important role in the formation of interests and views. Grandfather, lieutenant colonel of the NKVD, hero, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, awarded orders and medals, including the Order of Lenin, became a model of courage and devotion to the Motherland for his growing grandson, despite the fact that he passed away early.

Children's hobby gradually grew into serious interest and attempts to understand and analyze the essence and nature of the development of society, the relationships between states and peoples. Of course, first of all, in relation to the history and fate of one’s own country. At the break of eras, which led to what many now recognize as the largest geopolitical catastrophe of the twentieth century - the destruction of the USSR, our society was extremely politicized, and many sincerely believed in the so-called. ideals of liberalism and the Western model of democracy. Starikov was no exception. By his own admission, in the late 80s and early 90s he was a staunch liberal. Or rather, besotted with liberal propaganda, like most of us. Therefore, during the August events of 1991, while on an internship in Germany, he was eager to defend The White house. Not realizing that undercover beautiful words geopolitical rivals and the Fifth Column within the USSR are destroying a great country.

But liberalism, in its ideological essence, is not much different from the teachings of any sect. The basic postulates must simply be taken on faith. Otherwise, the falsity of the teaching itself inevitably becomes visible. Starikov's penchant for analysis, the desire to get to the bottom of phenomena, and his internal rejection of lies led him to a radical change in his views. If we look at even well-known facts with a clear view, free from “rose-colored” liberal glasses, many inconsistencies between declared and actual goals become obvious. Moreover, in the absence of a geopolitical counterweight in the person of the USSR, the Anglo-Saxon “Empire of Good” showed itself in all its glory. Who in their right mind back in the early 80s could have imagined that massacres civilian population can be called “humanitarian bombing”, as was the case with the defeat of Yugoslavia? Guillotine - how the best remedy for headaches. Black humor has turned into a terrifying reality.

Nikolai Viktorovich will later write about this and much more, about his views and the results of his research in his books. But at first, being, first of all, a man of action, Starikov takes a different path. Both then and now Nikolai Viktorovich is convinced that the true and only source of power is the people. This means that if you convey your ideas to him, the people will delegate their trust to you. In 2003, Starikov nominated himself for election to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. In this he saw an opportunity to begin to serve his people, protect their interests, find new like-minded people and, together with them, begin gradual work to return home country prosperity and greatness. With his characteristic activity, Nikolai Starikov holds meetings with voters, writes articles and leaflets. He distributes them himself, receives lively feedback, understanding and support from ordinary people. However, single enthusiasts win elections only in Hollywood fairy tales. The reality of political technologies imposed on us by our “humane friends” is in many cases a reliable buffer between the people and independent candidates. This was the first experience real communication With big amount voters. Based on their questions, it became clear that in order to win, you need to start “from the basics.” After all, the majority of our people at that time, like Nikolai Starikov himself in 1991, dreamed of the “invisible hand of the market”, believed that “the West will help us” and everything should be done “as in the West.” It was here that he began to substantively study the world economy, the history of its emergence, in order to understand such a phenomenon as the “West”.

Defeat in the elections, this “trial balloon” in real politics pushed Nikolai Viktorovich to analyze the situation and choose more effective ways achieving your goals. And the goals then and now were the same - freedom and real independence of the Fatherland, a fair society and the construction of real democracy, and not an imaginary “democracy”. In addition, the experience of communicating with voters has shown that people are ready to listen, Starikov’s words and ideas are of immediate interest. And Nikolai Viktorovich himself realized that he can, wants and knows how to convey his thoughts to people, and at the same time receive a lively response from listeners. As has been proven time and time again, the Word is real strength. And the Word of Truth, if you let the people hear it, is a force many times more powerful and indestructible. It just needs to be carried by more than one or ten people. We need like-minded people, we need a system for conveying information.

This simple and obvious truth pushed Starikov to the next step - he began writing his first book.

Of course, it’s not easy to sit down and write a book. Starikov had a penchant for literary activity since his youth. In his KVN team, he was one of the authors; at this time there was also an attempt to write a fiction novel, but for a while life and everyday worries pushed literary attempts into the background. However, the ability to clearly express one's thoughts in written texts was already there. Since there was little experience in writing, work on the first book dragged on - it lasted about two years. In this book, Nikolai Viktorovich wanted to cover a period of 300 years of our history from the Time of Troubles to the Revolution and the Civil War, where he explained the reasons for the fall of the old Empire and the beginning of the revival of Russia. Revival, contrary to the plans of real sponsors and organizers three Russians revolutions - 1905, February and October 1917. The main idea behind the book was the desire to show that the essence and causes of our revolutions are not at all the same as the official historiography presents them. The impetus for the research was a dispute with comrades who were also interested in history. The thesis was expressed that the revolutions in Russia were organized by the ruling circles of Great Britain. Starikov himself was initially skeptical about this statement. He decided to either prove or refute this thesis. By his own admission, at first he himself did not really want to believe that this was possible, but as he researched and wrote his book, Starikov became more and more convinced of the validity of this thesis.

Long months of work were completed. But the volume of material was too large for one book, and the specifics of the book market in our time practically deny the successful distribution of books in 2 or more volumes. In an abridged form, the book was published under the title “1917. The solution to the “Russian” revolution.” But the work was not done in vain. The remaining material served to write the next two books.

At first, the first books did not arouse such reader interest as happened later. By by and large Russian readers “noticed” Starikov’s books, starting with his fifth work, “Cherche la Petroleum.”

Immediately after this, attempts to compromise, false, and obviously ordered publications appeared. For example, the “news” about daughters who allegedly study in England is circulated over and over again, despite the fact that they are studying, have studied and will study in a regular St. Petersburg school. Fables are being spread “about fabulous riches,” although Nikolai Starikov lives in an ordinary panel high-rise building, that he does not write his books on his own, but that a whole “group of authors” works for him.

In total, Nikolai Viktorovich has written and published 18 books to date, without stopping work on new ones. There is no point in retelling the contents of books. It is much better and more useful to read them. Their main value is the truth about the existing world order and the methods of modern geopolitical struggle. A real, and not imposed by liberal propaganda, picture of the world. These books, first of all, are a tool for understanding the essence of the principles on which modern system world control. This is knowledge that gives us the opportunity to soberly assess the situation and develop methods for the joint struggle for freedom and independence.

It is also worth noting one more important feature books by Nikolai Viktorovich. Each book, each fact stated in it, is confirmed by a specific source. Starikov invites each reader not only to take his statements on faith, but, as he is used to doing himself, to check everything and make sure of the truth or falsity of this or that statement. Despite quite large volume criticism of Starikov’s books, so far no one has been able to give a substantive and factual refutation of any statement or conclusion of any of them. Economists generally reduce their criticism to the assertion that the author is not an economist, repeating rote mantras about liberalism, free markets, etc. Historians, on the contrary, blame Starikov for his lack of historical education and biased interpretation historical facts. The most revealing attempts at polemics were at Starikov’s meetings with readers. Those interested can find similar examples online. Nikolai Viktorovich is always ready to substantively respond to criticism, using specific facts. As a result, the opponent is left with two choices - stop the argument, or get personal - depending on his upbringing.

But time itself is gradually becoming Starikov’s best ally and the correctness of his conclusions. For example, a few years after the publication of the first book, “professional” historians already dug up and admitted the fact of participation in the murder of Rasputin by the English agent Oswald Rainer. Which at least indirectly proves the active participation of the British intelligence services in the loosening within political situation in the Russian Empire and pushing the country towards revolution.

After the release of his first books, Starikov gradually became involved in social and journalistic activities. First he starts his own personal blog on the Internet, and then becomes one of the founders of the public organization “Trade Union of Citizens of Russia”. In a blog that is updated daily, Nikolai Viktorovich conveys to his readers his position on certain issues, including the current political situation in and around the country, in a concise and intelligible form. For many readers, a blog is not just a source of information, but also a guide for forming their own assessment of events.

The “Trade Union of Citizens of Russia”, formed in 2011, became a response to the reaction of readers. Starikov received numerous reviews, where, in addition to gratitude for his books, people began to speak out about the need to unite people who are not indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland. Then Nikolai Viktorovich and his like-minded people came up with the idea of ​​​​creating some kind of public organization that could become a platform for like-minded people, open discussions, exchange of opinions, and development of common positions. Thus, the “Trade Union of Citizens of Russia” was created. One of the principles on which the PGR was created was the rejection of any monetary relations within. The organization does not have a personal account, it does not charge any membership fees, has no budget and cannot use sponsorship. Members of the PGR collect small amounts necessary for the production of posters or other small expenses among themselves. This was done to prevent people seeking any material gain from joining the organization, and so that no one could suspect that this was just another office for laundering sponsorship money or processing grants. Legally, such an organization could be a trade union. This is where the name of the organization came from. At the same time, the PGR did not become just a discussion or educational club. Being a public organization, it gave its members and sympathizers the opportunity to take part in specific public actions, express a united opinion on certain issues, declare their civic position, draw the attention of society and authorities to various problems, and come up with specific initiatives.

Despite all its differences with the current government, the Trade Union of Russian Citizens was the FIRST of the public organizations to side with order, and sharply condemned the attempt to forcefully seize the Central Election Commission, which occurred after the rally at Chistye Prudy on December 5, 2011. Subsequently, she played a prominent role in the anti-Orange Committee, which played a significant role in strengthening the state against the attempted forceful scenario prepared for us by our “geopolitical partners.” PGR was one of the organizers of the rally on Poklonnaya Hill on February 4, 2012.

However, over time it became obvious that public organization, does not have the ability to directly influence the political decisions necessary to achieve our common goals. The question has arisen about creating political party. Thus, in 2013, the “GREAT FATHERLAND PARTY” was created and registered. Nikolai Viktorovich Starikov was elected its co-chairman.

Initiated them air defense - THE GREAT FATHERLAND PARTY burst into political world Russia high-profile actions and bills. The party, in collaboration with other social forces, prepared and submitted bills to the State Duma, which, with minor changes, became the Dima Yakovlev Law (on the ban on foreign adoption) and the Law on the ban on officials having accounts abroad. In addition, the PVO participated in the development and introduction of the Law on Combating Separatism, and long before the start of a broad discussion, it stated the need to deoffshorize the Russian economy and the harmfulness of introducing social standards for electricity consumption. The GREAT FATHERLAND PARTY demanded that the country's Olympic Committee be obliged to write the name of Russia on the athletes' uniforms in Russian. By decision of the party congress, a mechanism was developed and work began on the creation of air defense lustration lists.

Perhaps for some, an important question remained unanswered - why did a certain Nikolai Viktorovich Starikov, an engineer-economist, commercial director of a large organization, suddenly begin to write books, go on speaking tours, and create a party? For what? One can, of course, remember that it is natural for a normal person to love his homeland, to be a patriot, to serve his country. But in this case, you either believe in the sincerity of these words or you don’t. Remember one of the slogans of Yeltsin’s election campaign in 1996 - “Vote with your heart!” This means don’t think, just trust. We all know what this led to. Or you can, as Nikolai Starikov himself advises and acts - think, search, check, analyze, draw conclusions. You will recognize them by their deeds.

And this is the surest way.

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People who consider themselves liberals fall into two categories. Some hear arguments, are ready for discussion, and are able to think critically. The latter are characterized by views that are more like sectarianism. Blind faith, the inability to think critically, hatred of opponents, anger constantly breaking out in their publications and insulting everyone who thinks differently.

The first, perceiving arguments and facts, gradually get rid of liberalism and begin to perceive the world as it is. The second… the second, sooner or later, liberalism puts on the path of struggle with Russia.

Some time ago I received a letter from an intelligent Muscovite who had ceased to be a liberal and read online a “response” to the Anti-Maidan march and rally from another liberal who cannot think critically, but is full of anger and poison.

“Nikolai Viktorovich, hello. My letter is not, so to speak, loud, declarative in nature. It is rather quiet, reflective. I am aware that it is unlikely that you will have a chance to read it, unless you stumble upon it by accident. IN best case scenario I hope that one of your assistants, those who work with correspondence, will read it.

I will try here to give some clarification on a rather painful issue that exists in current Russian society, although it is not of a global nature. In other words, it is not a question of the entire society, but only of a certain layer of it - what has been called the intelligentsia since the middle of the 19th century (thanks to the writer Boborykin for the term, if I am not mistaken).

It just so happened in Russian educated society that if you are an intellectual, then if you please, stand in opposition to the authorities, and if not, then an intellectual You can’t even call yourself. And then follows a set of epithets that are not pronounced in live... It is clear that in the 19th century there were many educated people who did not want to be oppositionists and considered the actions of the authorities to be correct. But they were in the minority. Always were. If we look at the present time, the distinction along the line of “friend or foe” has become so acute that it just becomes painful every day.

Let me explain. I was born into a generally cultural, musical and picturesque family, so to speak. However, she did not have a university education. I still received it. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy. Moreover, please note, by specialty “ WESTERN philosophy" I even completed graduate school, although I didn’t defend my PhD (I got tired of it, and other interests appeared). I received my education in the 90s, when liberal views were perceived as a certain norm, and any traditionalist or even moderate patriot was trampled upon, ridiculed and spat upon as soon as he opened his mouth. And I was the same liberal, more of a spontaneous rather than a conscious type. Together with everyone else (fellow students, teachers), I easily pronounced liberal formulas without particularly delving into their meaning. Then, after college, which is quite natural, the circle of friends began to gradually blur, everyone disappeared somewhere, but there were a few people left with whom I still continued to communicate. Again, our common liberal attitudes and preferences played an important role in communication...

And then 2014 happened. Maidan happened... To say that I have changed over this year is to say nothing. It’s as if I’m that same biblical blind man, and the Savior gave me sight. Sorry for the pathos, but somehow it doesn’t work out any other way... All year I slowly, painfully crawled out of the liberal hole, broke my calloused, petrified worldview, because the primitive truth began to dawn on me, a fool: THEY WANT TO GOBBLE MY COUNTRY!

You, Nikolai Viktorovich, also played a significant role in this insight. I came across your book “Cherche la Petroleum”, and after it I began to search the Internet for your speeches and texts, and this, I must admit, gave me at least two positive results: 1. I was enriched with new and detailed knowledge on topics previously for me foggy and unclear, 2. I stopped worrying. I realized that I was not alone in my experiences, and that means I could endure everything that awaits me personally and my country.

But bitterness alone will never leave me. I essentially lost touch with those who were dear to me. These are wonderful, educated, highly moral people, and I still love them. But I can’t talk to them anymore. Because they remained in the camp of liberals, and their vocabulary is no longer my vocabulary. Their views are not my views. And it hurts me. But I won't go back there. The withdrawal was too long and painful, my new views were too difficult for me to go back there, back “to the 90s.”

You will probably be surprised - why such a confession? Very personal, almost intimate. What do I actually want to say?

And my idea is actually very simple. I want you and many others who support the current course of our country and specifically V.V. Putin, they knew that not every educated (and in a number of cultural issues even very sophisticated) person, an intellectual, is necessarily an oppositionist, a liberal, and certainly not necessarily a representative of the “Fifth Column”, wiping his pants in some NGO. Believe me, in addition to the fact that I graduated from philosophy, I also write a little (fiction, poetry), and I understand something in matters of high art. That is, what I want to say is that in order to be a PATRIOT, it is not necessary to be a good, but uneducated person who has not read books, and therefore, they say, is easily susceptible to being zombied. I cannot be zombified - I can think independently, on my own, but I am NO LONGER A LIBERAL, and I will never become one again...

Sincerely: Timofey Volsky."

P.S. We met with Timofey and talked. I hope he will take part in our general work, helping people get rid of a distorted view of reality, which, in essence, is liberalism.

And here shining example text of a liberal of the second type, which he dedicated to my person.

What do we know about the writer N.V. Starikov? This question is quite difficult to answer, since Nikolai Starikov very carefully hides his biographical information. But there is still some information. So on his website Nikolai Starikov tells us the following brief information about himself: “Nikolai Viktorovich Starikov was born on August 23, 1970 in the city of Leningrad. He is married and has two daughters. In 1992 he graduated from St. Petersburg Engineering -Economic Institute (economist by training)". On your personal page on social media. networks VKontakte Nikolai Starikov reports the following about himself:
University: ENZHEKON "92
Form of study: Full-time
Status: Graduate (specialist)
Lyceum: No. 226 "87 St. Petersburg, 1977–1987 (a)"

From all this we can draw a conclusion thanks to whom from ZAO Europe Plus St. Petersburg Nikolai Starikov ends up in the representative office of Channel One in St. Petersburg. Apparently Nikolai Starikov worked very diligently and professionally, that it was a sin not to take such a specialist for promotion, but perhaps for other reasons that had nothing to do with professional qualities, Nikolai Starikov was promoted.
It would be interesting to know when Nikolai Starikov was appointed to the post of Deputy Commercial Director? during the period when the position of commercial director was held by Eduard Raikin?

On February 2, 2011, the article “Nikolai Starikov: “God is merciful to Russia” appeared on the website of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Nikolai Starikov told some facts about his biographies: “I graduated from the Engineering and Economics Institute in St. Petersburg in 1992, when the country’s economy was in complete collapse, but I never worked in my specialty, like all my classmates. However, I am grateful to the institute: it largely shaped my views on the world, I made friends within its walls, with whom, by the way, in 1993 I became the city champion in KVN. Now I work in a commercial structure, which has nothing to do with my education, or my books. Writing them is my hobby." Nikolai Starikov, unfortunately, does not tell us about his specialty, but we learned that Nikolai Starikov became the city champion in KVN. Nikolai Starikov’s ability to amuse people, as we see, remains to this day. his historical fiction is uplifting for many readers.

Now let's look at the chronicle of the publication of Nikolai Starikov's works

Who killed Russian Empire? The main secret of the twentieth century. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2006. - 512 p. - 4000 copies. (1st ed.)
Myths and truth about Civil War. Who finished off Russia? - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2006. - 512 p. - 4000 copies. (1st ed.)
“Betrayed Russia. Myths and truth about our “allies” - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007. - 352 p. - 4000 copies. (1st ed.) (the book was published in 2006, so on old version Nikolai Starikov’s personal website downloaded that “in the same 2006, the third book “Betrayed Russia. Myths and truth about our “allies” was published.”

February 1917: revolution or special operation?. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007. - 320 p. - 5000 copies. (2nd ed.)
Who killed Russia. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007. - 448 p. - 4000 copies. (2nd ed.)
Betrayed Russia. Myths and truth about our “allies”. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007. - 320 p. - 4000 copies. (2nd ed.)
1917. Not a revolution, but a special operation!. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007. - 320 p. - 4100 copies (3rd edition)

1917. The solution to the Russian revolution. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 416 p. - 5000 copies. (4th ed.)
Main enemy Russia. All evil comes from the West. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2008. - 320 p. - 5000 copies (3rd edition)
Who forced Hitler to attack Stalin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 365 p. - 4000 copies (1st edition)
From the Decembrists to the Mujahideen. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 288 p. - 2700 copies (1st edition)
Cherche la oil. Why is our Stabilization Fund located there? - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 272 p. - 7000 copies (1st edition)

1917. Who “ordered” Russia? The main secret of the 20th century. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2009. - 416 p. - 5000 copies (5th edition)
West against Russia. Why do they hate us? - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2009. - 320 p. - 4000 copies. (4th ed.)
Creasy$: How it's done. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 304 p. - 7000 copies (1st edition)
Kriza. How can I be afraid? - Summit Book, St. Petersburg, 2009. - 304 pages - 1000 copies (1st edition in Ukrainian)
Who forced Hitler to attack Stalin. Hitler's fatal mistake. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 368 p. - 3000 copies (2nd edition)
Who forced Hitler to attack Stalin. Hitler's fatal mistake. - St. Petersburg: Leader, 2009. - 368 p. - 6000 copies (2nd edition)
Cherche la oil. Why is our Stabilization Fund located there? - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. - 272 p. - 4000 copies (2nd edition)

1917. The solution to the “Russian” revolution. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2010. - 416 p. - 4000 copies. (6th ed.)
How Russia was betrayed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 336 pp. - 6000 copies. (5th ed.)
How Russia was betrayed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 336 pp. - 5000 copies. (5th ed.)
Who forced Hitler to attack Stalin. Hitler's fatal mistake. - St. Petersburg: Leader, 2010. - 368 p. - 7000 copies (3rd edition)
Who is financing the collapse of Russia? From the Decembrists to the Mujahideen. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 288 p. - 3500 copies (2nd edition)
Creasy$: How it's done. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 304 p. - 6000 copies (2nd edition)
Saving the dollar is a war. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010 - 256 p. - 7000 copies (1st edition)
Cherche la oil. Why is our Stabilization Fund located there? - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 272 p. - 4000 copies (3rd edition)
Cherche la oil. Why is our Stabilization Fund located there? - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 272 p. - 5000 copies (3rd edition)
Liquidation of Russia. Who helped the Reds win the Civil War? - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 384 p. - 5000 copies (3rd edition)

1917. The solution to the “Russian” revolution. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2011. - 416 p. - 3000 copies. (7th ed.)
How Russia was betrayed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 336 pp. - 3500 copies. (6th ed.)
Who made Hitler attack Stalin. Hitler's fatal mistake. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 368 p. - 7000 copies (3rd edition)
Saving the dollar is a war. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011 - 256 p. - 6000 copies (2nd edition)
Creasy$: How it's done. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 304 p. - 7000 copies (3rd edition)
Chaos and revolutions are the weapon of the dollar. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011.- 330 p. - 15,000 copies (1st edition)
Cherche la oil. Why do we pay tribute to America? - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 272 p. - 5000 copies (4th edition)
“Look for nafta” - Summit Book, St. Petersburg, 2011. - 288 pp. - 1000 copies (4th ed., in Ukrainian)
Nationalization of the ruble is the path to freedom for Russia. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 336 p. - 20,000 copies (1st edition)
Liquidation of Russia. Who helped the Reds win the Civil War? - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010. - 384 p. - 3000 copies (4th edition)

1917. The solution to the “Russian” revolution. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - 336 p. - 5000 copies (8th edition)
Saving the dollar is a war. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012 - 256 p. - 5000 copies (3rd edition)
Nationalization of the ruble is the path to freedom for Russia. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - 336 p. - 2000 copies. (2nd ed.)
“Who inspired Hitler to attack Stalin” - Summit Book, St. Petersburg, 2012. - 368 pp. - 1000 copies. (4th ed., in Ukrainian)

in 2006 the circulation was 16,000 copies.
in 2007 the circulation was 17,100 copies.
in 2008 the circulation was 23,700 copies.
in 2009 circulation - 30,000 copies.
in 2010 circulation - 52,500 copies.
in 2011 circulation - 70,500 copies.
in 2012 circulation - 13,000 copies.
Total circulation from 2006 to 2012 was 222,800 copies.

Nikolai Starikov in the comments states that “the circulation of my books is more than 300 thousand.” , as we see, more than 300,000 thousand are not reached, even if we take on faith the statement that “Crisis. How it's done" was published not 7000, but 44,000 copies

On the old version of Nikolai Starikov’s website we can read the following information: “Nikolai Starikov’s first book “Who Killed the Russian Empire? The Main Secret of the 20th Century” was published in April 2006 and immediately aroused the interest of readers and historians. The author was invited as an expert in a number of documentaries later shown on central channels. And the publishing house hastened to publish the author’s second book, “Who Finished off Russia? Myths and truth about the Civil War." The circulation of the second book sold out even faster than the first, and in the same 2006 the third book “Betrayed Russia” was published. Myths and truth about our “allies”. It was a very successful start - three books in one year by a completely new author! This achievement will be even more significant if we add that in March 2007 the first book was republished in a somewhat shortened and expanded form under the title “February 1917: Revolution or Special Operation?” Thus, during the calendar year, Starikov’s books were published 4 times!
In today's book market, a paradoxical situation arises when, in order to promote a book, the publishing house (and not the author!) changes the title of the book during the next reprint. This situation causes confusion and difficulty for readers. However, the publishing house is to blame for this state of affairs, each time trying to release a “new” book. Often, an author discovers the final title of his work by seeing the book on the shelf.
The fall of 2007 turned out to be successful. From September to November, four books by Nikolai Starikov were published. One is new, the fourth is “From the Decembrists to the Mujahideen. Who fed our revolutionaries? and three reprints of previous books, which included changes and additions:
- “1917. Not a revolution, but a special operation!” - reissue of “February 1917...”;
- “1917. Who Killed Russia" - an abbreviated version of the second book "Who Finished off Russia?";
- “Betrayed Russia. Our “allies” from Boris Godunov to Nicholas II” is a reissue of the third book “Betrayed Russia”.
In the spring of 2008, the author’s fifth book, “Who Made Hitler Attack Stalin?” was published.
In September 2008, the sixth book “Cherche la Petroleum” was published. Why is our Stabilization Fund located THERE?”, which became a bestseller. In October 2008 - “1917. The solution to the Russian revolution", (the next, updated re-edition of the book "February 1917...".
In November 2008 - “The main enemy of Russia. All evil comes from the West" - reissue of the book "Betrayed Russia". "

So let's take a closer look at what was said on the site, i.e. said by Nikolai Starikov himself, since this is his personal site.

On February 15, 2006, the book “Who Killed the Russian Empire? The Main Secret of the 20th Century” was signed for publication. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2006. - 512 p. - 4000 copies. The book was published on March 20, 2006
The first question immediately arises, why Nikolai Starikov chose the Yauza publishing house (Yauza Publishing House is a subsidiary of Eksmo). Perhaps because books in this publishing house are very often published in the author's edition, therefore the publication will cost less than that published with an editor. If I'm not mistaken, then in 2006 the editor-in-chief of Yauza was Alexander Ivanovich Kolpakidi (,_% C0%EB%E5%EA%F1%E0%ED%E4%F0_%C8%E2%E0%ED%EE%E2%E8%F7) and since he, like Nikolai Starikov, is from St. Petersburg, then maybe this was a factor in choosing a publisher. Or maybe simply because the publishing house published such books in a circulation of 4000-5000 copies. at your own expense. IN general question remains open.
2007-04-26 Nikolai Starikov wrote: “No one has ever ordered my books from me, nor has they given me money for their publication. Books from publishing houses in our country, thank God, are still published independently, and they also pay royalties to the authors (but very small)." (
As we saw above, Nikolai Starikov claims that “Who killed the Russian Empire? The main secret of the twentieth century” was published in April 2006 and immediately aroused the interest of readers and historians.” There may be a loud commercial name and a corresponding annotation: “Mighty and great Russia was destroyed in 1917 in a matter of months. The history of this greatest catastrophe is still largely mysterious, and there are many more questions here than answers. Why did an ordinary grain riot develop into a revolution ? Why did Nicholas II and his brother abdicate the throne so easily? How did it happen that just eight months after the “victory of democracy” no one wanted to defend its “gains”, essentially allowing the Bolsheviks to seize power without resistance? Who was behind the scenes of all these tragic events? Who killed the Russian Empire? Masons? Jews? German General Staff? Or... Nikolai Starikov gives an unexpected, paradoxical, shocking answer to this main question of Russian history, irrefutably proving his version. Which one? Read his new sensational book" and attracted ordinary readers (in Yauza, as we see, they even wrote in the annotations - a new sensational book, but where is the old one I want to ask, that is, we see clean water commerce, Starikov is being published for the first time, and they are already presenting it to us as if this is not the author’s first book), but how could it attract historians? In this first edition, not only are there no references to sources, there is not even a list of used literature.

Nikolai Starikov points out that after the publication of the first book, “the author was invited as an expert in a number of documentaries, later shown on central channels”

In 2006, Nikolai Starikov participated in only one documentary film, "Parvus of the Revolution", the premiere was on November 5, 2006 on Sunday on the NTV channel at 15.00 ( )
By order of OJSC "NTV Television Company", the Regional public organization "Association "Our Cinema" was filmed documentary"Parvus of the Revolution"
The duration of the documentary film was 43 minutes 48 seconds. Most of all, three people are shown in this film: Nikolai Ilyevsky, Akim Arutyunov, Nikolai Starikov. Interestingly, Nikolai Ilyevsky and Akim Arutyunov are signed as historians. It’s interesting to know when suddenly Nikolai Ilyevsky, colonel, head of department common problems and methodology of military history of the Center scientific research military history of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces and writer Akim Arutyunov became historians? when did they receive the appropriate education and profession? Somehow no one knows this data.
Nikolai Starikov was shown in this documentary 8 times in the following minutes: from 13.52 to 14.15; from 21.25 to 22.08; from 34.11 to 34.30; 36.37 to 37.02; 37.27 to 37.36; from 38.17 to 38.25; from 39.19 to 40.13; from 40.54 to 41.57. Characteristically, from 34 minutes 11 seconds until the end of the documentary, only Nikolai Starikov is shown. As we see, the emphasis is on Nikolai Starikov and what he says. In the annotation to the film we read: “Nikolai Starikov, a writer from St. Petersburg, believes that Parvus is trying to cover up the true organizers of the revolution in Russia - the British special services. He claims that "It was precisely the British, who from time immemorial were the main opponents of Russia in the struggle for world domination, that the revolution was beneficial and necessary for us. And this version in his mouth sounds logical and very plausible." And now let's find out the author of the documentary film, which brought together such "experts "of the revolution of 1917 and for whom the version in the mouth of Nikolai Starikov "sounds logical and very plausible." The author of the documentary is Olga Demina (photo - Olga Demina is a writer. But what kind of adventure novels does Olga Demina write - Princely Affairs (, Parallel People ( /7250656/), Angle of attack (, Russian blood ( . But in 2006, Olga Demina got tired of writing adventure novels and began writing scripts for documentaries produced by the NGO “Association “Our Cinema”. The authors of which documentaries Olga Demina becomes can be seen here, the topics, as you can see, are very diverse. Well, I think now it becomes clear why, for a writer of adventure novels, people unrelated to history become historians, and the revelations of the writer Nikolai Starikov sound logical and very truthful. I think you can draw all the conclusions from this yourself. It would be interesting to know how Nikolai Starikov ended up in this documentary and why such an emphasis was placed on him? Maybe after reading Starikov’s essay, Olga Demina simply could not help but make and invite such a “specialist” into the documentary so that he could finally tell us the whole “truth” about the revolution? Or maybe someone suggested or said that Nikolai Starikov should be invited and the emphasis should be on his revelations?

The second book by Nikolai Starikov Myths and truth about the Civil War. Who finished off Russia? - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2006. - 512 p. - 4000 copies were signed for publication on 08/21/2006, and came out on 09/27/2006, that is, six months after the publication of the first book.
On November 10, 2006, the third book was published - “Betrayed Russia. Myths and truth about our “allies” - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007. - 352 p. - 4000 copies. The third book was published a month and a half after the second. The question immediately arises: when did Nikolai Starikov manage to write three books? The fact is that he started writing them in 2003. So at the end of the text of the books, in the first edition, Nikolai Starikov indicated the period of writing the books. The first book was written from July 2003 to August 2005; the second book - from July 2003 to April 2006 (there is no electronic version of the third book of the first edition on the Internet, so I cannot say when the third book was written, but there is a high probability that it also began in 2003, so whoever owns the first edition, please tell me the answer to this question). So we can conclude that Nikolai Starikov brought to the Yauza publishing house in 2006 (sent by e-mail) three of his books at once. The publishing house decided not to publish three books at once, but published one first. For some reason, either seeing after six months that the first book was selling quite well (it would be interesting to know how many of the 4,000 copies were sold in six months?), or for other reasons, the publishing house published the second and almost immediately the third book.
Another question arises. So we now know how often lately in bookstores in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as other cities of Russia, Nikolai Starikov gives lectures, meets with readers, and presents his books. But this is happening now, but what was it like in 2006? We are told that Nikolai Starikov’s books are very popular; in six months the publishing house will publish a second book, i.e. Nikolai Starikov, by analogy, as now, was then supposed to present his second book. But alas, there are no presentations, meetings with readers, or trips around Russia. It’s strange, as books that are in demand tell us, the author is already publishing a second book, which should be presented due to such popularity, but there is no presentation. And when the third book comes out, there are also no meetings, presentations, or trips. You may ask, why, since the author seems to be very popular? The answer is simple, all this costs money, you have to pay for everything. And now, only for the first time, we learn that on December 1, 2006 at 20.00 on Friday in the book supermarket “Bukvoed” in St. Petersburg, “Young 36-year-old St. Petersburg researcher Nikolai Starikov presents his new sensational books: “Who finished off Russia? Myths and truth about the Civil War" and "Betrayed Russia. Myths and truth about our “allies”, dedicated to the history of the Russian disaster of 1917" ( Let me note that the Bookvoed book chain is owned by Eksmo. As we remember, the second book was published on September 27, and the presentation took place only on December 1. And I’ll also say that there were no more presentations, only one was given, as we are told by the very popular writer Nikolai Starikov, and that’s enough, the next appearance in the Bookvoed book supermarket will take place only on October 15, 2007. Apparently all these meetings and presentations are very expensive.
Nikolai Starikov points out on his website: “A very successful start was made - three books in one year from a completely new author! This achievement will be even more significant if we add that in March 2007 the first book was republished in a somewhat shortened and expanded form under entitled "February 1917: revolution or special operation?"
So, on January 16, 2007, the book February 1917: Revolution or Special Operation? was signed for publication. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2007. - 320 p. - 5000 copies, it comes out on 03/09/2007. When opening this book, you can read "Second Edition, revised and corrected". The question arises, where is the first publication with this title by Nikolai Starikov? We know of no such book by Nikolai Starikov. It turns out that this is the second edition of the book Who Killed the Russian Empire? The main secret of the twentieth century. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2006. - 512 p. - 4000 copies, but for some reason the publisher does not tell us about this in the annotation, but only gives the phrase “Second edition, revised and corrected,” based on which one might think that there is a book February 1917: revolution or special operation? .1st edition, which does not exist in nature. That is, again we see a purely commercial approach. So the second edition is no longer published in the series “Myths Without a Vulture”, but in another series “When History Textbooks Lie”, and as you may have noticed, if the first edition had 512 pages, then the second has 320 pages. It’s interesting at the same time to read Nikolai Starikov’s phrase “in a somewhat shortened and expanded form”, this despite the fact that 192 pages were removed from the book. One might say, almost a third of the pages were cut off from the first edition. How can this be, you ask, since Nikolai Starikov’s book is very popular, why remove so many pages from it? Apparently in Yauza they decided to make it even more “popular”; the circulation, as we saw, was increased by 1000 copies compared to the first edition. In the book, due to such a waste of pages, Nikolai Starikov had to dramatically change the titles of all the chapters, and also, unlike the first edition, a bibliography was added, which included only 64 sources, and some small additions were made to the text. In general, they gave the appearance of a journalistic work, removed all the artistic inserts from the book, except for two, without which his work could not possibly exist, added a list of references and, of course, for greater popularity, reduced it to the level of a brochure of 320 pages, so as not to bore the unprepared reader with long reading .

08/31/07. signed for seal A new book Nikolai Starikov From the Decembrists to the Mujahideen. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 288 p. - 2700 copies (the book actually says 2008, although it was published in October 2007)
As you may have noticed, Nikolai Starikov suddenly published his book not in Yauza, where his books had been published before, but in the Petersburg Publishing House. The question arises, why did Nikolai Starikov suddenly publish it in the publishing house St. Petersburg? why not in Yauza, as before?
Then another question arises, namely about the circulation of the book. Petersburg publishing house published only 2700 copies. How can this be, after all, we are told that Nikolai Starikov is a very popular writer, there is almost a line lining up for his books, the books sell instantly, Yauza has already published 17,000 copies of books by this time, and here the Petersburg Publishing House has published only 2,700 copies. One gets the impression that Nikolai Starikov published such a meager circulation for his own money, although we remember that on 04-26-2007 he claimed that “No one has ever ordered my books from me, nor has he given me money for their release. Books from the publishing house In our country, thank God, they still publish on their own, and they also pay the authors a fee (but a very small one).” Well, let’s assume (we only note that the statement about the publication of books at the expense of the publishing house refers to the period of publication in Yauza) that this time the Petersburg Publishing House, like Yauza, published Starikov for its own money. But then why such a small circulation, after all a famous writer, as we are told, popular, his books are in demand, and here there are not even 4,000 copies with which he started, but only 2,700 copies. In general, continuous questions.

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Biography, life story of Nikolai Viktorovich Starikov

Adherents of liberal values ​​believe that his popularity is based only on conspiracy theories voiced in the media. In fact, it is determined by the views of the writer and historian, which are close to a significant part of the country's citizens, especially those who were born in the USSR and dream of returning to their former greatness. Every year there were more and more such people, which prompted Nikolai Viktorovich Starikov to create a party that united patriotic forces of various kinds.

Childhood and youth

The founder and chairman of the PVO party was born in Leningrad on August 23, 1970. He was named in honor of his grandfather, Nikolai Vasilyevich, lieutenant colonel of the NKVD and hero of the Great Patriotic War, who was repeatedly awarded military awards, including the Order. For his grandson, he was an example of courage and devotion to his country. His father’s stories about his grandfather and the “Book of Future Commanders” he gave him instilled in Nikolai not only a love for his homeland, but also an interest in history, which later grew from a hobby into his life’s work.

After graduating from school in 1987, he entered the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute named after. Palmiro Togliatti, majoring in engineering-economy of the chemical industry. In 1992, Nikolai successfully completed this educational institution, but was unable to find a job in his specialty due to the economic crisis in the country. At that point in time this profession was not in demand.


For two years Nikolai Viktorovich did not have permanent place work, doing literally everything - from selling newspapers on commuter trains to guarding retail establishments. In 1994, he got a job at the Chance publishing house, but not as an engineer-economist of the chemical industry, but as an ordinary advertising manager. In this field, he quickly achieved some success. A few years later, he received the position of head of the advertising department of the Advertising-Chance newspaper. In that printed edition Nikolai Viktorovich worked until 1998, after which he went to work at the Regional Television television company, becoming deputy commercial director.


In August of the same year, Nikolai Viktorovich once again changed his job, settling in the same position in the advertising department of the branch of the Europe Plus radio station in St. Petersburg. Five years later, in 2003, he became commercial director of the St. Petersburg branch of the Channel One television company.

Political activity

Nikolai Starikov made his debut in politics in 2002. He took part in the elections of deputies to the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly. The attempt was not very successful, since only 230 people voted for him - less than 1% of voters.

His second entry into politics took place in 2011. Nikolai Starikov created a voluntary public association of a national nature, the Trade Union of Citizens of Russia. A year later appeared social network"Internet Militia". Its goal was to disseminate honest and objective information regarding the manipulation of public opinion.

In 2013, he became co-chairman of the Great Fatherland Party. This public association adheres to conservative views that contradict Russian liberalism. In 2016, he announced the party’s transition to the “pro-state opposition” current government and plans to take part in the autumn elections to the State Duma.

Literary creativity

Nikolai Starikov's first book was published in 2006. “Who killed the Russian Empire? The Main Secret of the 20th Century" was dedicated to the most tragic moments in the history of the country. He worked on this topic for three next years, which did not bother the liberal public too much. Her attitude changed dramatically after the publication of “Crisis. How it's done?". The book was published in 2009, and since then, every work of Nikolai Starikov has received sharp criticism from a number of representatives of the scientific and journalistic communities. In their opinion, his books were characterized “primitiveization of real processes” and were intended for semi-literate people who had little understanding of politics and history. However, every year there were more and more of them - circulations grew steadily from the initial 3-5 thousand copies. Nikolai Starikov’s work “Power” was published in 2015 in an amount of 100 thousand.

Personal life

Nikolai Viktorovich is married. Has two daughters.

Dear comrades, residents of St. Petersburg! In 2019, elections of municipal deputies will be held in our city. The public movement “Patriots of the Great Fatherland” (PVO) is initiating the creation of an election platform GOL “State. Society. Personality”, to unite the healthy forces of our city, who want to make St. Petersburg even more beautiful, comfortable and modern.

Dear fellow journalists! The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Public Movement “Patriots of the Great Fatherland” asks you to carefully check the facts before making them public. After all, the essence of the journalistic profession lies in clearly and clearly informing people. And if a journalist doesn’t know something, doubts something, or is confused, then you can always ask.

Actual topicLeave a comment

Let's protect the Russian language together

Supporting the program of the All-Russian Public Movement “Patriots of the Great Fatherland” in Serpukhov, a group of veterans military service contacted local media about the publication of this appeal in defense of the Russian language. "Towards the Day military glory Russia. Protecting the Russian language is a matter of national security for the country!”

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A round table on the digitalization of education was held in Barnaul

On March 23, 2019, a round table “Digitalization” was held in Barnaul school education: problems and consequences". The round table was organized by the All-Russian public movement “Patriots of the Great Fatherland”, the Altai regional branch of the Association of Parent Committees and Communities of Russia, and the Altai regional public organization “Public Parent Committee”.

Air defense activities, NewsLeave a comment

Air defense honors the memory of those killed in “Winter Cherry”

March 25 is exactly one year since the terrible tragedy in Kemerovo, the fire in the Winter Cherry shopping center. March 25, 2018 - during a fire in " Winter cherry“60 people died, 37 of whom were children. On Saturday, March 23, 2019, a memorial service in the Cathedral of the Sign was conducted by Metropolitan Aristarkh of Kemerovo and Prokopyevsk.

Air defense activities, NewsLeave a comment

Movement "Patriots of the Great Fatherland" for the reunification of the Russian world

The points of the Program of the movement “Patriots of the Great Fatherland” sound like this
“Restoring the unity of the Russian people, divided into parts by state borders. What will guarantee political, economic and cultural conditions for the free development of all nations”, “Introduction of a simplified mechanism for granting Russian citizenship to all representatives of the state-forming Russian people (Little Russians, Great Russians and Belarusians) and other indigenous peoples of Russia.”

Air defense activities, NewsLeave a comment

The distribution of P. Lungin's film "Brotherhood" should be prohibited

On March 26, 2019, a preliminary closed screening of Pavel Lungin’s film “Brotherhood” took place in Moscow. This picture was planned to be dedicated to the final stage of withdrawal Soviet troops from Afghanistan. The event, to which one of our like-minded people was invited, took place within the walls of the building of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

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Portraits of our candidates

The public movement Patriots of the Great Fatherland initiated the creation of the election platform GOL “State. Society. Personality." GOL candidates will participate in municipal elections in the Northern capital in September 2019. To train our candidates, the School of Municipal Deputies was created, in which active St. Petersburg residents will receive all the skills necessary to participate in the election campaign.

Elections, Air defense activitiesLeave a comment

Election legislation needs to be changed

We bring to your attention an article by our colleague from Perm, Alexander Derendyaev, in which he examines in detail the obstacles to the participation in elections of the so-called “small parties” and self-nominated candidates. In September 2018, the Perm regional branch of the Great Fatherland Party decisively participated in the municipal elections in the Gornozavodsky urban district of the Perm Territory.

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Dear like-minded people!
