Modular energy efficient houses. Modular houses for permanent residence (63 photos): evolution from angular change houses to luxury housing. The Chinese house of the future “Living Garden” received full autonomy using solar energy

Pets bring their owners a lot of positive emotions. Many people cannot imagine their life without four-legged friend. However, every pet owner should take into account that our smaller brothers do not treat the luxurious designer interior of an apartment as something sacrosanct. Your premises are their home, and accordingly, they dispose of all its attributes at their own discretion. Often cats can tear up walls and furniture, and dogs can taste everything possible.

Owners should worry in advance about the reliability of methods for protecting their homes. The entire apartment is in a potential danger zone, but special attention should be paid to the hallway and corridor, where animals frolic most actively, sometimes have their own soft place-bed and, of course, carry dirt from the street.

Who lives in your apartment? Miniature cat or large dog? Of course, it is impossible to say for sure what to expect from your pet, however, its size, breed and character are of great importance. For playful and active large animals, it is necessary to choose a more practical finishing method.

It is inappropriate to resort to paper or fabric wallpaper, because they are practically impossible to wash and clean. It’s better to pay attention to non-woven types - they wash well. But if your animal still wears down its claws, tears, tears and scratches the coverings, then it is best to protect the apartment and the hall with other types of coverings.

When choosing how to decorate the walls in the corridor, if there are dogs and cats in the house, you can consider anti-vandal vinyl wallpapers. They differ from ordinary high mechanical strength and wear resistance. The vinyl covering in them is pressed, they are very dense and heavy (about 400 g per 1 m). In these varieties, the dye is introduced into the material rather than applied on top. Small imperfections on anti-vandal wallpaper are almost invisible, so they will fit perfectly into the design of apartments where cats and dogs live.

The instinctive behavior of animals will not have such a strong impact on your apartment if the surfaces are covered with acrylic paint, which has a number of advantages. In order to prepare the walls for painting, you need to put in some effort: carefully plaster, prime and putty. Having done this work, the surface can be easily painted in any color you like. An ordinary flat wall is unlikely to arouse special interest among animals.

This is a rolled wall covering, visually similar to fabric with a certain structure. It is made from very thin glass threads formed by melting quartz sand. The result is one of the strongest materials existing today, which is also used in aircraft construction and the automotive industry.

These coatings can be easily repainted in different shades many times. After painting, the wallpaper becomes completely uninteresting for the animals: after several unsuccessful attempts to influence the wall, the four-legged comrades simply lose interest in such an activity. Thanks to a special glue that gives additional strength, the canvas adheres tightly to the surface, making it much more difficult to tear off or damage than conventional vinyl wallpaper.

When choosing the best way to protect walls from a dog that has gotten its paws dirty on a walk, it is better to give preference acrylic paint. When choosing correct composition The coatings are easy to wash if dirty, and it is also easy to paint over the dirt. Of the options that can be used to decorate the walls in the corridor in order to protect them, this is one of the most budget-friendly.

Tiles will help protect the walls from the cat's clawed paws. The stereotype that tile finishing is used exclusively in the bathroom, toilet and as an “apron” over the cutting surface and stove in the kitchen is a thing of the past. Today there are many coating options that can be successfully matched to the design of any room. Drawing natural stone? Brickwork? Fancy wood pattern? Or an interesting ornament that perfectly complements plain walls? With a creative approach to the issue, even the most inconspicuous corridor will be decorated with harmonious modern tiles. It not only protects the walls from animal mischief, but also helps to avoid contamination in the hallway.

It is worth noting that only the lower part of the wall is often sheathed with panels and clapboard, leaving the upper part for painting or wallpapering. Decorating partitions with cork panels in order to protect the surface is definitely not worth it. It is better to prefer them to models made of chipboard, MDF, PVC, and artificial stone. However, some types of MDF and plastic may still be quite vulnerable if the pet is too active or has an impressive size. You need to take this into account and choose more durable and high-quality options. In order to increase the wear resistance of wall panels, they should be glued using liquid nails not on the sheathing, but close to the wall. There are models lined with glossy vinyl film, which creates an additional protective layer and makes them more resistant to damage. In case of animal leprosy, replacing damaged segments will not be difficult.

An alternative to panels can be clapboard cladding, but this option is not well suited to any style. Today the construction market offers a wide selection of wooden coverings from various breeds tree. They are quite strong and durable, but some damage may still be noticeable on it. If your pet is calm and obedient, feel free to choose clapboard paneling.

A good addition regular wall its volumetric texture will become suitable for painting. Decorative plaster will help solve the problem of boring walls and give the surface interesting view. You can choose any relief texture option you like, here are some of them:

  • structural;
  • Venetian;
  • flock;
  • "bark beetle";
  • "lamb";
  • "fur coat".

Decorative plaster will minimize the risk of significant damage to the surface. On such a wall, there is absolutely nothing for cat claws and dog teeth to catch on, so, most likely, animals will have no time for it.

Choose natural stone or brick as wall covering- a win-win. This material is extremely resistant to various types of damage, durable and reliable, and is also environmentally friendly. With such a surface, your pets' pranks will quickly fade away.

The choice of coating made from artificial materials that look like natural stone or brick should be approached very carefully: low-quality raw materials are easily pressed, scratched and peeled off. If you want durability and comfort for years to come, it's best to consider less-budget options.

Initially, laminate was used only as a floor covering, but in modern realities its application extends to other planes: walls and even the ceiling. Natural wood patterns always look interesting and expensive, attracting the eye (especially in such an unusual design). There are some features of laminate fastening:

  • You can attach the board with thin screws at the top and bottom edges directly along the front panel, then cover these places with plinths;
  • fastening with self-tapping screws through the lock groove is possible;
  • for walls, a suitable installation option is using liquid nails - special ones for heavy structures (before gluing the surface, it is worth preparing it and sanding it reverse side material).

Laminate will help you decide how to protect your walls from cats and dogs. When choosing from a variety of cladding options, don't overlook this one if you want to combine durability and style.

Whatever wall covering you choose, it is worth remembering that the active damage zone ends at approximately 1 m from the floor (or depending on the size of your pet), so it is not at all necessary to monotonously and evenly finish all the walls in the hall.

Now you know what to cover the corridor with if the cat is tearing up the wallpaper and the dog is actively playing in it. With due attention paid to the covering in the hallway, none of the guests will even think about being forced to choose a certain material, and you and your beloved dog or kitten will be able to live the best moments together in a cozy apartment without problems or worries.

Renovating a hallway is not complete without covering the walls, which are one of the most vulnerable places in a home. They suffer from mechanical damage, exposure to moisture, water, pollution, as well as children's creativity or pet claws. The choice of finishing material must take into account a number of factors by which the best and practical option. To do this, you need to study the features and advantages of each type. decorative design hallway walls.


Finishing features

The hallway always speaks eloquently about the owners of the apartment or house. It indicates their taste preferences, demonstrates well-being, and often reveals the habits of household members. It is important that this room creates the right impression, although the possibilities for decorating the corridor are often limited: the room does not have enough lighting, in most cases it does not have sufficient space, and it must accommodate the maximum of items necessary for each household member. Knowing this, the decoration of the hallway should be special.

This is not so much a decorative solution as a combination of beauty and practicality, a decoration tool through which the aesthetic perception of space changes.

The decoration of the hallway is functional, its main tasks are:

  • unobtrusive organization and division of the area into separate functional areas;
  • maintaining the practicality of the walls through the materials used that are resistant to regular maintenance (including detergents);
  • visual increase in space, presenting it in a favorable light;
  • distracting attention from unsightly design features of the room;
  • demonstration of stylistic compliance with current fashion trends;
  • creating a homely atmosphere.

The facing material used in decorating hallway walls is varied. Due to the wide range presented for sale by famous trademarks, cladding has a lot of advantages.

Depending on the type of material and quantity used, it:

  • manufactured according to modern technologies on professional equipment, which increases the quality and practical characteristics of each type;
  • any line has a lot of collectible materials through which you can convey the uniqueness of the texture, its relief, and relevance in a specific style;
  • features a wide selection color solutions, allowing the harmonious integration of materials into any design technique;
  • allows you to decorate walls with modern materials, while choosing any historical period, bringing the right notes into the atmosphere of the hallway;

  • can visually increase the height of walls, expand them relative to each other, straighten broken perspective, change the temperature background of the room;
  • due to combination techniques, it allows you to save on the purchase of material, allowing you to use the remains of cladding in finishing after finishing other rooms of the home;
  • can be performed in any contrast technique, combining materials of different textures and compositions in decoration;
  • due to the wide selection and different composition, it differs in price, which gives each buyer the opportunity to decorate the hallway walls with the material they like, taking into account taste preferences and the budget available for the purchase.

Decorating the walls of the hallway allows you to express yourself and reveal your creative potential. This is a way to create positive emotions when entering any home. Distinctive feature cladding is the possibility of doing it yourself. Today, almost every head of the family can do this: manufacturers offer convenient ways finishes that only at first glance seem complex.

In most of them, the materials are easy to work with, easy to maintain, pleasant to work with, and the result is pleasing to the eye. This eliminates the need to call repair teams, which often spoil the material and appearance of the finish, attributing poor work to defects in raw materials.

With a lot of advantages, finishing materials have disadvantages, they are:

  • almost always give out the cost of raw materials, so they need the right approach to choice;
  • regardless of the variety, they compare all furnishings with themselves, forcing the furniture to meet the required level;
  • in any category they have a classification, among which budget varieties are the weakest and most impractical;

  • based on shortcomings usable area, limited in the choice of dark shades that conceal the degree of illumination of the room;
  • cannot be completely lined with light colors, since they are impractical, over time they get dirty and turn yellow;
  • limited in the use of large prints of texture or design if the space of the room is insufficient;
  • in premium lines they are not always affordable, as they require replacement of existing furniture simultaneously with wall cladding.

We take into account non-standard forms

In the decoration of the hallway, the main importance is design features. Often the space is non-standard; it may have narrow doorways and inconvenient doors. Some types of rooms are combined, so the hallway needs to be separated from the living room. Sometimes the border between two rooms is a small partition or the hallway does not have a corridor. Other rooms have a slanted perspective, making design techniques difficult.

When finishing, any detail of non-standard shape is taken into account. For example, in the long hallway of a Khrushchev building and a spacious studio apartment, the wall cladding is radically different. In the first case, it is important to expand the area; in the second, it is worth zoning the space, giving it organization. Of particular importance are arches, ledges and niches, which make it difficult to cladding walls and require the correct placement of accents so as not to get lost against the general background. In such cases, it is necessary to combine materials to simplify the finishing work.

Decoration Materials

Construction market offers a lot of finishing materials that are suitable for decorating hallway walls. This could be lining, leather trim or a more creative coating, as well as wall decor in the form of stickers. Today we can distinguish 9 types of finishing materials that are in demand in the decoration of hallway walls, these are:


A universal budget technique that anyone can use without any special skills. This material refers to three types of paints: latex, acrylic and water-based. They are easy to use, fit well on the surface prepared for painting and reduce the time required to cover walls. The disadvantages of painting are the need to dry the painted surface and an unpleasant odor, which can provoke an allergic reaction in sensitive household members.

It is important to note: after painting, for the first time you need to protect the surface from mechanical damage.

Decorative plaster

This finish is practical and comfortable, with an original relief surface. It is easy to clean, allows the use of damp sponges to clean the surface, is grainy, harmless to health and durable in use. Decorative plaster is breathable, fits harmoniously into various styles, and has a wide range of textures and color schemes.

The material is demanding in preparing the base; it does not look impressive if the wall surface is curved. In addition, a professional, stylish cladding effect can be achieved by a master with some experience.


The main component of the raw material is a mixture based on polymers and cement with an admixture of coloring pigments. This is a universal cladding that fits perfectly on different base walls (concrete, wood, metal). It can have a different structure, have a relief, be smooth or rough, while being resistant to the claws of pets. Microcement is cheaper than plaster, which saves the family budget.


Wallpaper is a classic design technique, allowing you to combine each other and play up the shortcomings of space through the correct placement of accents. The lines include roll, powder and “wet” wallpaper with a variety of textures, with which you can even out minor unevenness in the walls and ceiling, strengthen the walls, make them warmer, and rid the room of unnecessary noise.

The wallpaper is different huge selection patterns indicate any idea and premium design, demonstrating the delicate taste of the owners of the house. Different series include paper, vinyl, non-woven, textile, liquid wallpaper, photo printing, glass wallpaper that can be painted about 20 times, cork and bamboo varieties, canvases with three-dimensional 3D images.

Wall panels

This cladding includes materials made of wood, plastic, glass, plasterboard, and fiberboard (MDF). They are easy to clean, do not require a perfectly flat wall surface for installation, hide problem areas of the planes, and are simple and quick to install and dismantle. Wall panels look stylish, beautiful and fashionable; they often imitate the texture of wood, brick, tile and stonework. They can be installed instead of wallpaper using raw materials in the form of slats, tiles or sheet material, hiding joints and seams with moldings. They last up to 15 years, are resistant to mechanical damage, and can be placed on walls vertically, horizontally, or at an angle.


This finish is an alternative to wall panels. The material looks beautiful, stylish and expensive, can imitate a variety of textures, and is easy to install and dismantle. Its surface is smooth, it is easy to maintain, reliable and aesthetically pleasing, and does not require preliminary preparation of the base.

But this cladding is inappropriate in rooms with high humidity: The back side of the laminate absorbs moisture, which leads to deformation of the finish, the formation of waves and soaking, which cannot be eliminated.

Fake diamond

Decorating walls with decorative stone is an expensive type of decoration for hallway walls. Its aesthetic properties and strength are quite high. The basis of the material is gypsum, so this finish is considered environmentally friendly. More often, the stone is placed along the bottom of the hallway walls: in places most susceptible to mechanical damage.

This cladding is durable, has a distinctive relief, and requires painting and correction of damaged areas, which is extremely rare. Laying is carried out exclusively on a smooth and even surface.


One of the universal methods of wall cladding, characterized by moisture resistance and efficiency. The tile can withstand any cleaning and is practical material, easy to use and affordable in price, it has a long service life, a lot of different patterns in different shades. In terms of performance characteristics, it is better than wall panels; it does not change its properties in any type of room, regardless of temperature changes or humidity levels. The brightness of the shades does not change over a long period of time, the design is not erased from the surface.


This decoration looks rich and unique, indicating the special taste of the owners of the house. This is an elegant type of wall decor that is complex in cladding and has a high cost. The material has a non-woven base, synthetic materials and inclusions of plaster and marble chips. It is distinguished by the appearance of an aged surface in the form of cracks and textured chips.

Wall niche design

Decorating niches depends on the general design idea. At the same time, it can be decorated to match, or it can have a contrast with the main or accent finishing cladding. Its finishing depends on the type of surface and almost always emphasizes the presence, thereby giving the niche special significance, both functional and decorative element interior In addition to the decoration itself, a niche is often decorated with lamps, complementing the central lighting, regardless of its rectangular or arched shape. If the room space is sufficient, the niche is a kind of mini-exhibition, demonstrating the style, decorated with figurines, paintings, frescoes.

It’s easier to paint it any color, in other cases design technique involves a combination of painting the surface and wallpapering the walls. Often a bright accent in the form of a panel or painting is glued above the location of the niche.

Each technique is subject to the rule of combining texture, shade, and style themes. Design often involves the use of glass and moldings.

Choosing the color of the finish

Everyone's color preferences are individual. In the hallway it is not customary to fill the space with white: it looks good in the picture, but in reality it is completely impractical. Light spots that increase the area are best chosen in shades of beige. At the same time, it is better if the shade is matte and warm: cold tones do not create a positive mood, they give the interior despondency.

The priority is delicate peach, coffee, nude and bronze tones, made in contrast with gold, silver and white decor, a shade of bleached wenge oak.

It is better to avoid dark and aggressive colors: they change the aesthetic perception of the hallway for the worse. Violet, red, and blue colors are not acceptable. If you need brightness, you should pay attention to wood tones, coral, sandy yellow, pink, olive, terracotta, brick paints color palette. Monochrome combinations should be avoided: they are inappropriate in this decoration.

Wall design options and decor

The hallway is the place where it is best to apply design combination techniques in decoration. This will allow you to play up the shortcomings of space and use cladding material in accordance with zones of varying degrees of load. You can decorate the walls with your own hands, if necessary, giving the space the desired tone and mood. To make the design beautiful, you need to prepare a sketch, indicating the places of decoration.

After drawing up a rough plan, choose the material. More often this is a combined finish, with which it is easier to decorate the walls of the hallway. For example, this could be a combination of tiles and laminate, panels, which are easier to cover walls, make corners, and wallpaper, with which you can cover the top of the walls or certain protrusions. You can decorate the walls with paintings, patterns laid out with liquid wallpaper or decorative stickers, gluing them on top of the facing material.

This technique is especially relevant when combining cladding: this way you can combine different materials together.

The wall covering in the hallway should not only be beautiful, but also practical. In order for the decoration of the walls in the hallway to be of high quality and tasteful, you should look at the photos with options, choose a material that is easy to care for, wear-resistant and does not stain. It is advisable to choose a wall color that is not very dark, because daylight absent. It is better to select materials that can be cleaned at any time. In addition, it is unacceptable to use delicate materials that will be wiped off by shoulders or bags. Soon they will lose their presentable appearance.

In order to renovate the interior of the hallway with taste, you need to choose wall covering options. To choose it, you need to take into account the design of the apartment. There are the following types of wall decoration:

  • wall panels (plastic, MDF, wood);
  • covering with laminate and HPL panels;
  • use of 3D panels;
  • paint;
  • wallpaper;
  • decorative plaster;
  • decorative stone;
  • application of fresco;
  • tile finishing.

What type of coating to choose is a matter of personal taste and idea of ​​beauty. To make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each of them.

3D panels
Decorative plaster
Laminate on walls
Plastic panels
Decorative rock
Fresco decoration

Wall panels made of plastic or MDF

There is an opinion that materials such as wall panels are most often used in offices. But this is a big misconception. After all, there are many models on the market that have different color, as well as texture. Well-chosen panels, which can be seen in the photo, will look beautiful in the hallway and can create a special atmosphere in the room.

The panels are made of wood, MDF or plastic. The most common option is plastic. It washes well, has good resistance to moisture and sun rays. The nice thing is that it is reasonably priced. The only negative is that this artificial material is not recommended for residential premises. You can replace plastic with a natural material - MDF, which is compressed wood chips.

Tip: The use of MDF wall panels in the interior will provide good insulation of noise into the room, and special impregnation will protect against moisture.

Design with wooden panels is a more noble and reliable option than MDF. This type plays the role of finishing decor. Although it is far from the most budget-friendly. Installation of the wall panel is carried out by attaching it to metal lathing with self-tapping screws (for dry rooms) or gluing directly to the wall (for more humid rooms). If you follow the technology for working with such material, installation is quite simple.


As mentioned above, wood gives a presentable appearance to the room. An alternative to wood wall panels would be to cover the walls with laminate in the apartment, which will be a cheaper option, but no less chic.

The main advantages of this laminate coating are:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • color and texture of laminate for every taste;
  • ease of installation;
  • gorgeous view;
  • price.

Walls covered with laminate are quite durable if the room is dry. Finishing materials such as laminate coating can be used for walls in the corridor only when there is no high air humidity. Otherwise, the finish may become deformed.

A good replacement for laminate can be the use of HPL panels (or compact laminate). Laminate flooring in the hallway is not afraid of moisture and can withstand large temperature changes. Due to the special production technology of these panels, which uses high temperature and pressure on the material, the structure does not delaminate during operation. In addition, the surface of the panels is protected by a special coating, which ensures resistance to fading.

3D panels

The use of 3D panels will help give the room originality. They are made of gypsum and are used in rooms where space allows for their installation. The texture of gypsum panels is a wave or stream of air.

By using 3D panels, you can decorate a small section of the wall: around a door or mirror. They are quite easy to install using special glue. The only thing you need to consider if the entire wall is covered is to carefully select the pattern.

Upon completion of work ready material coated with paint in accordance with the interior design. Please note that before painting, a deep penetration primer is applied to the panel. Any paint is suitable: water-based, acrylic, latex or textured.

Paint or wallpaper

The most budget-friendly and simplest option is to paint the walls. This is also a fairly simple method. But only when the walls in the corridor are perfectly smooth. Most often, before applying paint, the surface must be carefully leveled using starting and finishing putty. The advantage of this coating is that it is easy to maintain - the walls are easily washed off dirt. You should choose moisture-resistant paint (preferably enamel). But this coating option will look quite simple in the interior.

But with the help of wallpaper you can create interesting design: cover one wall in one color, and the other three in another. Can be saved color scheme, but at the same time choose wallpaper with a pattern on one of the walls, and plain wallpaper for the rest. Here you can fantasize as you please, but the main thing to remember is to take into account the combination of shades in the interior. It is also desirable that the color of the walls matches the rest of the interior.

Tip: If you choose vinyl wallpaper with a non-woven backing, it will be easy to clean and will last quite a long time. When compared with paint, we can safely say that wallpaper will look much better in the interior due to the variety of patterns. In addition, due to their thick layer, they will hide minor defects in the walls, which a layer of paint will not do.


One of the old and proven methods of wall finishing is the use ceramic tiles. It has a wide range in its structure and parameters.

The tile is used due to its:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • practicality;
  • frost resistance;
  • affordable price.

The high service life of the tiles allows you to not think about repairs for decades. Moisture resistance and frost resistance allow it to be used in rooms with high humidity and temperature changes. Practicality is determined by the fact that it can be easily washed from any type of contamination: splashes from dirty shoes or drops from rain.

Decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is perhaps the most interesting of all. Thanks to its variety of textural, imitation and color properties, it will give the room an amazing effect. You can see in the photo possible options relief pattern or marbled effect.

Decorative plaster has the following qualities:

  • easy to clean;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • sufficiently durable coating;
  • can create unusual design in any style.

One of the varieties of decorative plaster is microcement. This material adheres to almost any surface: concrete, metal, wood, ceramics. Microcement can create matte or glossy, smooth or rough textures. In addition, it makes the color natural, which makes it stand out from other types of coatings. Compared to traditional decorative plasters, microcement is much cheaper and easier to use.

Decorative rock

The use of artificial decorative stone is quite expensive. Therefore, it is mainly applied not to the entire wall, but to its lower part or around the door. Options for using such material in an apartment can be viewed in the photo.

In appearance it resembles natural stones: granite, marble or others. This material mainly consists of gypsum. Has the following advantages:

  • strength;
  • ease of use;
  • ecologically pure;
  • gives an unusual design to the room;
  • easy to clean and does not require special care.

By using decorative stone at the bottom of the wall, you can protect the most hazardous areas corridor from damage. But the only drawback of this wall covering is its high cost.


The use of frescoes in it will add a real highlight to the interior. In other words, a fresco is an artistic architectural painting. They can be on plaster, on a non-woven base or synthetic canvases, to which inclusions of plaster are added. Frescoes are often created with an antique effect, which is characterized by a cracked pattern or inclusions of marble chips.

In any case, the use of fresco will emphasize the impeccable taste of the owners. For any hallway design style, you can choose the desired fresco, which can be seen in the photo. Main qualities of frescoes:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • exclusivity;
  • durability;
  • high quality.

The only drawback is the high cost and complexity of implementation. To make a fresco, the master must have a prepared canvas onto which he applies a textured base. Then the image is applied and varnished. Making such a fresco on your own is quite difficult. But you can easily install it yourself: cover the wall with primer and glue the frescoes special glue. This design will allow every guest to plunge into an atmosphere of sophistication.

Where to choose

What covering to choose for the hallway is everyone’s business. After all, for this, cost, ease of installation and maintenance, strength of the material and its exclusivity are taken into account. When choosing a paint coating, you can significantly save money and make your maintenance work easier, but at the same time it will look quite simple on the walls. Designing with stone or using a fresco in the interior will add unusualness, but the cost will be quite high for such finishing materials. Vinyl wallpapers are quite affordable in pricing and with a variety of textured patterns. But their strength is not as high as, for example, laminate flooring or MDF wall panels. The latter, in turn, are quite easy to care for, but are afraid of moisture.

As you can see, each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. For the right choice You should take into account the climate of your apartment, financial capabilities and personal preferences. In addition, you need to take into account the color of the coating, which should not be very dark, but at the same time non-staining.

Returning home, the first person who greets us in the apartment is the hallway. She is the first to experience the pollution we bring from the street. Small children and pets also show their special interest in this room, often leaving behind accidental damage. Our guests, when they come to us, form their idea of ​​the image of the entire home based on the appearance of the hallway.

Today, you can find many types of materials on sale for wall cladding. However, the creative idea for decorating the walls in the hallway or corridor should be dictated not only by aesthetics, but also based, first of all, on the practicality of the choice.

The entrance hall in terms of attendance by residents competes with the kitchen and hygiene room in the apartment. Therefore, the selection of the optimal material for its walls must be approached responsibly. The wall covering must meet the following characteristics:

  • low wear rate;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • safety for human and animal health;
  • ease of cleaning from dirt and eliminating defects;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Despite the wide range of coatings for wall cladding on the market today, it will be very difficult to find one material that simultaneously fulfills all the specified conditions. The solution to the problem will be the selection of several materials with different textures, which will ensure a competent combination or, if it is necessary to repair damage, will serve as decorative elements for each other.

The upper part of the walls can be decorated with a more aesthetic and visually attractive material, and the lower part can be tiled in a more practical way. A skillfully selected combined finishing option can not only look modern, but also place its own accents in the hallway area.

Types of modern materials for cladding hallway walls

Considering that the surface of the walls in the hallway is often exposed to all kinds of contamination, it is better to avoid using materials with a front layer that requires delicate and careful handling.

Less capricious to periodic cleaning are surfaces decorated with:

  • painting method;
  • certain types of wallpaper;
  • cork covering;
  • artificial stone with imitation of natural materials;
  • bamboo;
  • PVC panels;
  • clapboard or panels made of wood or MDF;
  • ceramic tiles - frescoes.

Painting the walls in the hallway

Painted walls- it's simple and economical option. All you need is to choose a suitable color scheme at a building materials store, ready-made or mixed from several colors.

The texture of painted walls directly depends on the style of the room. Some options require the rigor of perfectly smooth walls well prepared for painting. In others, with the help of painting, it is possible to emphasize noticeable roughness and defects, as well as give the walls the effect of an aged surface.

  • , since they not only have many textures, shades and prints, but can also be used for painting;
  • with silk-screen effect on a non-woven basis (if not special requirements to the environmental friendliness of the premises);
  • , since they allow you to create unique design hallway;
  • glass wallpaper, because they are not afraid of repeated repainting.;
  • photo wallpaper with 3D or HD effect, as they visually deepen the cramped space of the hallway, giving it additional volume.

Modern types of wallpaper, due to their embossed texture, perfectly mask defects and damage to walls, are easy to clean and even washable. However, due to their insufficient resistance to mechanical damage, it is better to leave them as the dominant coating in the upper part of the hallway walls, combining them with more durable options.

Decorating the hallway walls with cork

Cork is a modern finishing material entirely of natural origin.

In addition to the fact that cork covers all the requirements for materials for decorating hallway walls, it:

  • perfectly repels water and is resistant to humidity of 100%;
  • has high noise insulation characteristics;
  • provides temperature stability in the room;
  • does not absorb odors;
  • repels dust and grease;
  • combines perfectly with other types of finishing materials;
  • It is light in weight, which greatly simplifies the work on wall cladding.

Therefore, this material’s belonging to a high price category is fully justified.

The convenience of decorating a hallway with a cork covering is also explained by the presence of varieties of release forms:

  • square panels with sides of 30 or 60 cm;
  • rolls with a working width of 50 cm;
  • paper-based wallpaper;
  • laminated panels based on plywood or MDF with a tongue-and-groove lock, characterized by ease of installation;
  • a liquid composition of cork chips with an acrylic substance as a binder, having natural or colored tones.

Depending on the application method, this option allows you to achieve a smooth or embossed texture of the walls.

The surface layer of cork is made of chips or veneer. The aesthetics of the outer surface of cork coverings used for decorative purposes is imparted by a layer of wax. When covering walls, the joints of cork coverings remain invisible. The average lifespan of cork is about 20 years.

Wall cladding with artificial stone

Artificial stone is in trend today. This material has several varieties, located in different price categories:

  1. gypsum or cement– the most environmentally friendly and at the same time relatively inexpensive option;
  2. acrylic– on a natural basis in combination with marble or granite chips and acrylic resin as a binder. Characterized by high wear resistance;
  3. quartz– consisting predominantly of quartz chips with a binder polyester resins. It is most resistant to mechanical damage, does not absorb dirt and dyes, and is easy to clean.

Thanks to the wide imagination of production designers, artificial stone is produced with a wide variety of reliefs and colors. The hallways and corridors lined with it have an original image. Artificial stone can be used to “lay” both the entire surface of the wall and its individual sections, shifting the accents towards the doorway, to the most vulnerable lower zone, vertically, diagonally or chaotically.

In terms of strength characteristics, such a material is almost indistinguishable from natural stone. If it is necessary to repair a section of a wall decorated with artificial stone, you can easily remove the element with a visible defect and replace it with a new one.

Bamboo wall decoration

Walls decorated with bamboo give the hallway an elite, respectable image. The naturalness of this coating enhances the natural atmosphere of the room in eco-style.

Solid bamboo trunks of the same or different thicknesses are combined into a covering produced in the form of panels or roll wallpaper. They have a plain or natural variegated pattern and are perfectly combined both with each other and with other materials that imitate natural elements.

The bamboo coating is highly durable and is not damaged by external influences. Bamboo walls are cleaned using a vacuum cleaner.

Cladding with PVC wall panels

PVC panels- an inexpensive, durable and at the same time aesthetic option for cladding hallway walls. Available in slatted, sheet or slab forms, this type of finish perfectly masks the curvature of wall geometry and all kinds of surface defects, as well as hide electrical cables.

For hallways, panels are most often chosen with an image of an ornament under the panel or imitating stonework, loose sand or wood. Joining with other types of finishes can be done using moldings. The front surface of the panels is durable and wear-resistant. She is not afraid even of the sharp claws of domestic animals. Easy to keep clean with periodic wet cleaning.

Decorating the hallway walls with wood

Decorating walls with wood is a centuries-old tradition. A comfortable temperature is always maintained in such a room. For cladding the walls of the hallway, you can use natural lining made of coniferous and hardwood or panels made of solid wood and MDF.

Natural lining. For decorating the interior of a hallway in the “country”, “Russian hut” or “ French Provence» lining of classes “Extra”, “A” or “B” is suitable. The effect of visually increasing the size of the room in the desired direction is achieved by vertical or horizontal laying of the lining.

Solid wood panels. This type of decoration, used in various styles, gives the room aristocracy and nobility. Belongs to the category of elite types of finishing. Solid wood panels are usually located at the bottom of the hallway wall, combined with other types of finishes. Continuous cladding is less common; only owners can afford it respectable mansions with spacious hallways.

MDF panels. The front side with a pattern imitating solid wood and covered with a protective layer is not inferior in strength and durability to solid wood panels. However, this finishing option is less expensive financially.

The disadvantage of this type of finish is flammability and instability when exposed to pets.

Wall decoration with ceramic tiles

Such a time-tested option for decorating walls as cladding today, thanks to modern shapes, sizes and, of course, colors and prints, makes this material one of the most fashionable parts of the hallway interior.

Ceramics have high strength characteristics and moisture resistance of tiles and reliably protect walls from various damages. A glossy surface tiles makes it additional source lighting in the hallway. However, you should approach the combination of ceramic tiles with other wall covering options delicately.

Decorating the hallway with a fresco

The originality of the room is given by: painting on wet plaster— you can do such a coating yourself only if you have the skills of an artist; ready-made frescoes on non-woven or synthetic base– applied to walls like photo wallpaper. Due to the inclusions contained in the fresco, it can give the surface the texture of an aged wall, velor, silk, or plaster.

WITH in modern ways wall decoration is easy to implement design ideas for the hallway even when inquisitive kids and active pets live in the apartment. What materials and combinations to choose to make the hallway look stylish and fashionable depends on the individual preferences, imagination and financial capabilities of the buyer.

Guests' first impression of your apartment begins to form when they meet the hallway. So the choice of materials for this room is no less important than for others. The hallway is a room that does not require special materials. Main criterion: Surfaces must withstand frequent wet cleaning. We pull dirt from the street, which can negatively affect some materials. Decorating the walls in the corridor in most cases involves the use of wallpaper, but this is not the only option. How can you cover the walls?

We have prepared 60 hallway design options for you.

The walls in the hallway can be exposed to various influences: dirt, water, drafts. If you have children or pets, the hallway can suffer mercilessly from fun games and tenacious claws.

Therefore, you need to select materials that are durable and not afraid of external influences.

  1. Painting;
  2. Decorative plaster;
  3. Cork covering;
  4. MDF panels;
  5. Fake diamond;
  6. Parquet;
  7. Laminate;
  8. Liquid wallpaper.


The paint is easy to work with and easy to care for. The only condition is that it must be waterproof, otherwise it will not be washed frequently. Paint refers to budget types finishing. However, you should not buy the cheapest option. Cheap types cannot be washed; they will quickly wear off.
One of its disadvantages is surface preparation. The walls must be perfectly smooth, otherwise it will not fit well. You will have to spend money on primer, putty and plaster. In addition, you will need to remove the old coating completely. But having leveled the walls, there is no need to do this again later.
Water-based paints are especially popular now. They are absolutely safe for health, and therefore have no odor, since they contain no toxic substances. Water-based paint dries quickly, which simplifies the work process.

Decorative plaster

Decorating the walls in the hallway with decorative plaster is used less frequently, but is gaining popularity. Covering with plaster will turn the corridor into an elegant and noble room. The choice of textures and patterns is wide.
Plaster is durable. It will last for decades. At the same time, it is a durable material that is not subject to weak mechanical stress. The surface is easy to care for: just wipe it with a dry cloth or vacuum it.
Decorative plaster is made using only natural ingredients, so it is absolutely safe for environment. One of the disadvantages is the complexity of the work. Some types of plasters can be applied yourself, while others will require calling a specialist, because you yourself will not be able to carry out a high-quality installation.

Cork covering

This type of finish is made from cork oak. This is a natural material, which means it is safe for humans. The cork surface does not need to be carefully maintained. Periodically, you can simply vacuum the walls. The material does not contribute to the spread of mold.
The strength of the material leaves no doubt. Your walls will not be afraid of blows or pets. Cork does not absorb heat and has soundproofing properties. Will serve you for at least 15 years. This coating is not afraid small quantity moisture and suitable for the corridor.
The main drawback is the price. Natural materials are much more expensive than artificial ones. Corks are afraid of small particles: such as sand, which can scratch the surface. They cannot be removed with brushes.

MDF panels

MDF panels belong to safe materials. They are made from sawdust, which is subsequently pressed. At the same time they are not expensive. They are easy to work with and you can do the entire fastening process yourself. They will last for many years, providing a durable coating.
Before sale, the panels must be treated with a composition that is not afraid of moisture. There is no mold or corrosion under the panels. The walls can be cleaned with a wet cloth. MDF panels repel dust, preventing it from accumulating; they can be installed even if there are people with allergies in the house. They will save heat, which is important for the corridor.
Despite the fact that the panels are treated with special compounds, they will not withstand large amounts of moisture. They can be damaged by a very strong blow. Support combustion.

Fake diamond

The stone is made from decorative concrete based on various binders. It is most often used when decorating private houses, but now it has begun to appear in apartments. It costs much less than natural stone.
Laying artificial stone yourself is not difficult.
It is attached with glue; no special tools are required during the installation process.
A rich selection of colors and patterns will not leave anyone indifferent. You can choose an imitation of any stone. The coating will last much longer compared to others facing materials. Despite the fact that the stone is artificial, it is absolutely safe.
It is made only from natural ingredients. The stone will last a long time, but does not compare to the service life of natural stone. The material is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity, but still inferior in characteristics to natural material.


We are more used to seeing parquet on the floor, but it is also used for wall decoration. You can install parquet on uneven surfaces. Preliminary finishing work is kept to a minimum. During operation, virtually no construction waste is generated. All work can be done with your own hands, which allows you to avoid spending money on calling specialists.
However, the parquet is installed on a special frame. Its manufacture will require the purchase of additional materials and will increase the work time. Although you can install it yourself, the process is still labor-intensive. The frame will take centimeters from your room, so install it in narrow corridors Not recommended. Parquet improves the acoustics in a room, although this is not a problem for a corridor.


Laminate, like parquet, is more often used for finishing floors, but is still suitable for walls. The material is safe for humans and the environment, because it is made only from environmentally friendly materials and does not contain toxic substances.
Laminate is antistatic - dust does not accumulate on it, so you do not have to clean it often.

Laminate is laid on the floor, which means that it is wear-resistant and durable.

You can choose a pattern for any interior; laminate is rich in choice.
Laminate flooring swells due to frequent exposure to water. Therefore, it must be wiped quickly. He is also afraid of temperature changes. It is quite suitable for a corridor, but the clothing area and place for an umbrella should be protected from direct contact with the surface of the walls.

Liquid wallpaper

Although the material is called wallpaper, it looks more like plaster. They are classified as breathable materials, which means that condensation will not accumulate on the wall and fungus or mold will not form.
Liquid wallpaper can be used repeatedly. Using water, you simply remove them from the wall and leave them to dry. The dry mixture can be reused. The installation process is simple and no extensive preliminary work is required. The mixture is suitable for finishing a cold room. She is not afraid of dirt or drafts.
During the application process, you create the design yourself. Therefore, it is possible to create a unique design. It is difficult to damage the coating, but even if this happens, repairing a separate area will not be difficult.

The biggest disadvantage is that liquid wallpaper is afraid of water. They will simply—simply—come off the wall. Therefore, they are coated with an additional layer of varnish.


Ceramic tiles are reminiscent of Soviet times. But this is no longer a disadvantage. Modern tiles significantly different in appearance from its predecessor. Tile is a hard surface. She is not afraid of burnout or mechanical stress.
The only thing you can do to her is hit her hard, then there is a possibility of damaging her. But replacing a separate section will not be difficult. Ceramic tiles are absolutely safe. It is easy to wash and any stains can be wiped off its surface. She is not afraid of water or temperature changes.
One of the disadvantages is that it does not retain heat. The tile remains cold even in a warm room. Not the worst thing for wall cladding. It also improves the acoustics of the room.
