Lenormand snake bear. The meaning of the Lenormand "bear" card. Lenormand Bear and Finance

Lenormand fortune telling will allow you to find out the details of your destiny thanks to the images on the cards, each of which has its own meaning and significance. The peculiarity of the interpretation of the answer to the question asked is that it is not one single card that is evaluated, but the combination in the layout. Each element carries a positive, negative or neutral meaning. Depending on the neighboring cards, the final prediction may take on a completely unexpected meaning.

In this article we will look at what meanings are hidden in the fifteenth card of the layout, which is called “Bear”.

The meaning of card number 15 “Bear” (Ten of Clubs)

Description: The map shows the real owner of the forest - a strong, large brown bear.

General characteristics: The fifteenth card is energetically very strong. She personifies perseverance, courage, strength, a reliable shoulder and independence. “Bear” never appears in a reading by chance; it is an important symbol, most often characterizing a person’s personality.

Image of a person: card number 15 often appears when a woman asks about her beloved. If the answer is “Bear,” there is cause for celebration. After all, this symbol personifies a self-confident, strong lover, with whom you can feel like you are behind a stone wall. This is also a card of independent people who achieve everything in life themselves, with their abilities and hard work.

But men, when they see the “Bear” with the corresponding neighboring cards, need to be wary, because we are talking about a strong opponent.

Health: Usually this card indicates a good, resilient organism that can easily withstand external negative factors.

Career and finances: most often, characterizes professional activities associated with the need to demonstrate physical strength and perseverance. We can also talk about a wealthy patron providing financial assistance.

Love relationship: reliable relationships, time-tested and capable of overcoming all life's ups and downs. A strong lover, responsible and reliable, faithful and serious.

Characteristics of combinations with other symbols

“Bear” takes on a new meaning when combined with other cards:

— together with “The Ship” we will talk about international contacts, trade relations, politics and power;

- “Coffin” - illness, the need to take your health seriously;

— “Tower” — a political institution, a branch of government, the reliability and stability of the current situation;

— “Ring” — successful negotiations, concluding a contract, making a major transaction, long-term cooperation agreement;

— “Woman” — a powerful mother or grandmother, a plump woman, female dominance;

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Power. Force.

In 1213, Emperor Frederick II founded the Knightly Order of the Bear - with the bear as a symbol of courage in the coat of arms. The first knights of the order were its supporters, who helped Frederick drive away Otto IV.

It was this symbol that later began to be especially often remembered in connection with the legend of a mother bear licking her baby and giving him a bear likeness. Members of the order believed that their main task was to support the weak and give them the opportunity to also gain strength.

This card signifies strength directed towards serving higher goals. The Slavs, in particular, were convinced that the bear spares the weak. There was a belief that if a hunter or a woman, going to the forest to pick berries or mushrooms, met a bear in the forest, then all she had to do was fall to the ground - and the bear would leave the person alone.

Hence the fact that the bear grows into a symbol of nobility, a predisposition to broad gestures, and the kindness of the strong relative to the weak. It was argued that these animals are born without any appearance, and only the careful licking of the mother gives the cub a resemblance to its parents.

In ancient Russian mythology, a bear (“knowing honey”) is a clumsy, kind animal, the owner of the forest, the ruler of nature.

The bear is big and strong. And this power can make him extremely dangerous. Try not to irritate him. Usually the BEAR card foretells good luck. It also encourages you to be more diplomatic with someone who is jealous or a potential rival.

Close to the questioner’s card, it speaks of his own sufficient strength or a strong patron. You are on the right path, circumstances (Guardian Angel, because the bear is an ancient totem animal) or specific people help you.

Surrounded by unfavorable cards, it can mean pretense caused by suspicion and envy. She warns people that others want to deceive them. Keep this in mind and look carefully at the neighboring cards - the motives are usually anger and jealousy.

You need to take a closer look at the people who surround you. Some of them may fail at the most decisive moment. The company of suspicious persons should be avoided, and the questioner should avoid disclosing his plans or asking questions about the details of his personal life.

Don't talk too much about yourself. Nothing will happen if you keep your secrets to yourself. Neighboring maps will provide additional information:

with a BOUQUET - a generous gift;

with PISCES - major sponsorship, philanthropy;

with a SCYTHE or with a BROOM - “a disservice” - it is better to refuse the offered help;

with HOME - influential parents;

with WOOD - good health, which is the basis for longevity;

with SNAKE - the offered help is not selfless, a double game.

The systemic nature of the cards is revealed through four main temperaments: diamonds are choleric, spades are sanguine, clubs are phlegmatic, hearts are melancholic.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Lenormand cards.

Bear (Ten of Clubs)

Brief meaning: power, strength, responsibility, resilience, generosity, protection.


The Lenormand BEAR card indicates the strength, nobility and courage that are needed to achieve high goals. If it appears next to the questioner’s card, then this indicates the presence of a patron who will help cope with even the most difficult situations. If it comes up with bad cards, then this indicates that they want to harm you, and the main motives are envy and jealousy, or simply deep antipathy. At the same time, the enemy is not so easy to recognize; often you think that he is a friend, but in reality this is not the case at all.

Also, the BEAR card can indicate something very big, something that can even be scary. These may be daily responsibilities that are starting to weigh down on you and have fallen on you like a heavy load, which is becoming more and more difficult to carry. But in general, the BEAR is a symbol of strength that will come to the rescue and protect. But in some cases, this may overwhelm you, you will feel dependent on your patron and lose faith in your own ability to cope with your troubles.

The BEAR card can mean material well-being, which also depends on someone. If there are deadlines in fortune telling, then the BEAR speaks of a long period of stability. In general, if the situation is not the most pleasant, then you can count on the presence of a patron who, if not solve all your problems, will at least help mitigate their consequences. But at the same time, you should not share your plans even with close people.

Personality. Guardian, parents, boss, lawyer, strong athlete, grandmother, owner, influential friend, mother, petty criminal.

Love. Long relationship, your partner is generous, strong love.

Job. The position comes with a lot of responsibility, the boss likes to grumble.

Finance. Time for promising projects and big ambitions. Negotiations from a position of strength.

Well-being. Physical exercise, sports in general, self-confidence, endurance.

Relationships. Either you care about your partner and are a good and reliable patron for him, or vice versa. BEAR speaks of guardianship, care and empathy.

Business matters. A stable position, there are strong partners who have influence and are able to help your business.

Health. Strong immunity, the body has enough of its own strength to cope with almost any disease.

Combination of the Bear card with other cards

CROSS - The risk of losing part of the property, the possibility of losing everything is possible. There is an evil fate over you, no matter what you do, everything turns out badly for you.

ANCHOR - Reward for perseverance. Good position.

PISCES - Indicates a banker, sponsors, receiving an inheritance. In general, it talks about well-being and its improvement.

KEY - The issue will be resolved in your favor; perhaps forceful methods will be necessary to solve the problem.

MOON - A woman who has great influence on you, most often a close relative, mother, aunt, grandmother.

SUN - Self-confidence and determination guarantee success. Indicates grandfather or father. Director of company.

LILY - You have a spiritual mentor or patron with great potential. Soon to retire, a man with power. Doctor or lawyer.

WOMAN - A person in a high position, you can count on his help.

MAN - Similar to the previous one.

LETTER - You will have to deal with a representative of the law, sign official documents. An order will come from management.

BOOK - The combination of BEAR + BOOK cards indicates accounting, the head of a university or local administration.

RING - Marriage according to all traditions. Start of a long-term project. Your partners are trustworthy, signed contracts will not be violated.

HEART - Your husband sincerely loves you. In general, the combination with the BEAR card speaks of feelings that can withstand the test of anything. They are very strong and durable, nothing and no one can destroy love.

RATS - Envy, suspicion. Grand theft, possible burglary.

FORKING - If at the moment you are faced with a choice, then you can stop racking your brains. Both directions are equal, so it doesn’t matter which decision you make. You just need to choose any option and not put things off until the situation changes.

MOUNTAIN - A person with a difficult character, who is very difficult to approach. It's better to avoid him altogether and not attract his attention, otherwise it may not end well for you. Also indicates difficulties in real estate transactions or speaks of victory in an ordeal that was like climbing the highest mountain.

SAD - A famous person, possibly a public figure. Your friends have influence, you can use it.

TOWER - The combination indicates authorities or government institutions. Or to the bank.

DOG - The boss is kind and ready to help. You have a friend with great potential.

AIST - Expect changes for the better. An outsider, but an interested person, may take part in the events.

STARS - A white streak is coming, do not change your plans, act as you decided before. Higher powers will help you on your path, a happy time is coming, use it to the fullest.

FOX - You will receive help, but it will be for selfish reasons. If you have to deal with an influential person, then be tactful and even diplomatic. The combination may indicate an abuser of power.

CHILD - Help without second thoughts, selflessness.

The big bear, a symbol of strength, fight, energy and protection, has a mountain at the top of the card. Keywords: strength, courage, strength, power, power, resilience, energy, protection, support, competitiveness, guidance, superiority, silence. A father figure or head (leader). Typically this card represents withdrawal from social life; it also appears if a person wants to take care of himself and his own affairs. The events described by this card will help to bring peace to the counselee: signing agreements (contracts), winning a significant amount of money, buying real estate. Strengthening and intensifying feelings during engagement, marriage or life together.
Personality: grandfather, uncle, older brother, businessman, boss, influential and wise man, ex, father (+Tower), official personality, official, protector
Body aspect: age, hair
Time: 10-20 years
In matters of relationships. Patronage, care, guardianship. Depending on the position in the scenario, you take care of your partner and please him in every possible way, or you yourself become in the position of being looked after.
In business matters. Serious business. Availability of strong and influential partners. Solid position.
In medical matters. When they want to emphasize strength, health and endurance, they say: “Strong as a bear.” This card indicates the ability to cope with any illness using the body’s internal reserves.
Card of the day: Trust an older man. He can give you useful advice. You have enough courage and strength to achieve your goals.


HORSEMAN - news from above
CLOVER - the ability to take advantage of an opportunity
SHIP - protection
HOME - help in the household (or - presence of influential parents)
TREE - health and strength
CLOUDS - infidelity
SNAKE - the offered help is not selfless, a double game
GROB - loss of influence or loss of a patron
BOUQUET - a generous gift
COSA is a disservice
BROOM - it is better to refuse the offered help
OWLS - tradesman in the nobility
CHILD - good intentions
FOX - people around you want to deceive
STARS - action according to plan
AIST - participation in events of an interested influential person
DOG - an influential friend
TOWER - good, solid position
SAD - circle of influential acquaintances
MOUNTAIN - “high to God, far to the king”
FORK - two equal directions for applying forces
RATS - pretense caused by suspicion and envy
HEART - strong feelings
RING - favorable agreement
BOOK - intelligent power
LETTER - lawyer or some other person - representative of the law
MAN - own great strength or the presence of an influential patron
WOMAN - the same
LILY - high power or spiritual guide
SUN - kindness
LUNA - an influential lady
The KEY is using forceful methods to solve the problem
PISCES - gratuitous assistance, philanthropist, sponsor
ANCHOR - perseverance
CROSS - “I wanted the best, but it turned out as always”

Bear House
Trust and help, in most cases a man, jealousy.

A bear in his home is strength.

In his house:
Home is my home – my fortress. Love for the home lifestyle (comfort, home-cooked food, being a homebody, etc.). Well-being.
Coffin - no father.
Storks - change in status.
Ring - fixation on material things. Connections
Woman - In the scenario for F: the lady took responsibility; stopped watching my weight; if a lady works, she can occupy a high position. The lady is counting on support.

The bear is a symbol of power, which should be understood as protection and help, but which can also dominate, suppress or humiliate. The Bear card signifies something big and scary, like the responsibilities we carry out. A bear in fortune telling can symbolize the material benefits that money gives us. This is an outstanding personality who can demonstrate both a desire to possess and boundless generosity. He has enormous influence, but if he experiences shock, he can break. When surrounded by unfavorable cards, the Bear signifies pretense caused by envy. Surrounded by favorable cards, it indicates protection or the desire to possess something or someone. As for timing, the Lenormand Bear card is characterized by stability and duration.

Main meaning in fortune telling: Strong, powerful, responsible, generous, persistent.

Keywords: Strength, power, possessiveness, suppression, power, force majeure, responsibility, burden, wild animal, potential, enthusiasm, physical strength, generosity, possessions, courage, material success, bravery, grumpiness, personal power, refuge, long-term projects, ambitious goals, big plans, professional envy, confidence and reputation, wealth, financial influence.

People. Mother, grandmother, benefactor, guardian, strong friend, parent, boss, impresario, master or mistress, official, lawyer, bully, endurance athlete.

Love. Generous partner, long-term relationship, enthusiastic love.

Job. Responsible position, grumpy boss, generous employee.

Finance and business. Strong bidding positions, ambitious projects.

Well-being. Self-belief, exercise, endurance, strength training, health care, self-care.

Comparison. Child (Jack of spades) – few, Tower (6 spades) – many; Clover - financial luck; Pisces (King of Diamonds) – cash flow; while Bear means something big, such as property and material goods.

Playing card. The 10 of clubs is a symbol of strength and power. Number of points – 10.

Connection with myths and legends. The bear often acts as a teacher and mentor. In Eskimo legend, an old woman rescued a bear cub and made him a useful member of society, teaching him to control his wildness. When he became almost human, she was forced to drive him away in order to prevent his embittered fellow villagers from dealing with him.

Bear in combination with other Lenormand cards:

= weightlifter, new source of income, showing courage.

A foreign state, the desire to gain power, international transportation.

Influential parents, comfortable home, head of the family.

Burden of responsibility, health problems.

Chatty lawyer, grandparents, rumors of wealth.
