How to plant crocuses. When to plant crocuses - practical recommendations. Mineral fertilizers for growing crocuses

Saffron, which in ornamental gardening is called crocus (lat. Crocus) is a perennial corm plant of the iris family. Dried stigmas of the saffron flower have been used as a spice since ancient times. All larger number Gardeners and summer residents in our country are interested in how to properly organize the cultivation and care of crocuses. We will try to give answers in our article.

Real snowdrops

What types of crocuses are there?

Without going into the wilds of flower classification (to fully cover this topic, a separate review is needed), it is still worth mentioning that crocuses are divided into two categories according to flowering time.

  • Spring and early spring flowering.
  • Late summer and autumn flowering.

Accordingly, the time when to plant crocuses should be determined depending on the time recommended for the variety. Spring crocuses are planted in autumn, and autumn crocuses in summer.

Crocuses are blooming

Planting corms

Planting crocuses depends on several factors, each of which affects the health of the plants, their development and, as a result, the quality of the flowers.

Let's look at each of these conditions for planting crocuses in more detail.

Choosing corms

When purchasing planting material in a store, or sorting your seeds, you need to carefully examine the crocus bulb. A corm capable of producing healthy and large flower must meet the following criteria.

  1. No rot.
  2. Dense bottom.
  3. Intact scales.
  4. Tight neck.
  5. The shoot and roots have not begun to grow (a barely noticeable protruding stalk is allowed).
  6. The weight of the corm corresponds to its size.

Boarding time

As mentioned above, how to grow certain crocuses depends on the time of their flowering, and on this, in turn, the time of planting.

Spring flowering crocuses are planted in September or October depending on the region. Knowing when to plant crocus bulbs in the fall in your area is easy. Saffron corms are planted at the same time as garlic or tulips. The main thing is that the bulbs have time to take root well before winter, and with healthy roots they are not afraid of any frost.

For autumn flowering, bulbs are planted in mid-summer: from early to mid-July.

In what place should I plant?

In addition to the fact that you choose the place for the flowerbed in which the crocuses will grow for aesthetic reasons, you need to take into account a number of other conditions.

Saffrons are very light-loving plants, and therefore you need to choose a sunny place for the flowerbed, which is not shaded by trees or buildings throughout the day. There is no need to plant crocuses in areas with high level groundwater. If there is no other option, we recommend making a raised bed or alpine slide for planting corms.

Soil composition

Crocuses love loose sandy or sandy loam soil. On clay soils It is recommended that when planting bulbs, mix in the planting hole garden soil with rotted sawdust, sand, compost or peat. Heavy soil may not allow the saffron stem to break through to the surface, or will severely bend it.

Landing technology

Armed with theoretical knowledge and having acquired corms, we go to the chosen place for planting them. To plant crocuses in the ground in the fall, choose dry, sunny weather; summer planting is best done after a good rain.

There are two common methods of planting corms: nesting and linear.

  • Gnezdovoy. 3-5 corms are planted in each hole with a distance of 10 centimeters between nests, and 3 centimeters between bulbs in a nest.
  • Linear. Planting is done in lines, the distance between the bulbs is 3-5 centimeters.

Linear planting of corms

Some notes to consider when planting.

  1. The planting depth of corms should be three times their diameter. That is, from 5 to 10 centimeters.
  2. It is recommended to pour a layer of sand 1-2 centimeters thick at the bottom of the planting hole or trench.
  3. If you are not going to dig up plants for subsequent replanting, it is better to plant immediately with an increased interval: 10-15 centimeters.
  4. For ease of digging up corms and protection from rodents, it is recommended to use special plastic mesh for bulbous plants.
  5. To speed up the propagation of bulbs of the variety you like, bury them smaller, so more small baby bulbs are formed.
  6. When planting in summer, try to moisten the soil well in order to quickly activate growth processes in the corm.
  7. Be sure to mulch the soil; this technique will retain moisture and give work to soil microorganisms, which will subsequently enrich it with nutrients.

Attention! As mulch in flower beds for decorative purposes, it is best to use a special fine wood chips or pine needles!

Crocus care

Crocuses, especially those planted before winter, do not require special care due to their short term growing season. However, there are some points you need to pay attention to.

Spring varieties

  • After the plants have flowered, it is recommended to feed them for better ripening of the bulbs and children. As supporters natural farming We recommend feeding it with an infusion of grass, ash and chicken droppings.
  • Constantly monitor the condition of the mulch in the flowerbed, preventing the soil from being exposed, drying out and cracking.
  • Digging up bulbs for subsequent storage and propagation should be done a week after the aerial parts have completely died off.

Autumn varieties

  • Constantly monitor soil moisture, especially immediately after germination on hot days.
  • If necessary, in hot weather, shade plants from strong sun.
  • Feed crocuses before flowering and a week after it.

Harvesting and storing bulbs

Crocuses grow and develop normally in one place for three to four seasons. At the same time, new bulbs replace the mother plants, and in addition, smaller children are born, the sprouts of which will bloom in a year. But gradually the number of children increases, the plantings become denser, and the flowers become smaller. This means that the crocuses require transplanting to a new flower bed.

In addition, the bulbs are stored for the purpose of forcing flowers for a holiday, for example, March 8th.

If you planted the corms in plastic containers, then cleaning will not be difficult, and all the bulbs and children will be inside the container. With simple planting, you will have to carefully select the crop from the soil.

After harvesting, the bulbs should be washed, disinfected, dried and arranged according to size for storage.

Disinfection is carried out by immersing the bulbs for 10-15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, followed by washing and drying.

By placing the bulbs in a breathable container, you don’t have to worry about how to preserve the crocuses until spring. They keep well room temperature in a dry place.

Forcing flowers for the holiday

I really want to please my beloved women on March 8th with flowers I grew myself. Crocuses are quite suitable for this, in order not to be late for the holiday and get an even beautiful bouquet you need to follow the following rules.

Saffron, or as it is commonly called, Crocus - magnificent spring Flower, belonging to the iris family. They begin to please the eye in early spring and bloom from 7 to 10 days, while the leaf of the flower does not fade until summer and perfectly decorates the garden with its foliage. Is perennial plant, so it will delight your eyes for many years. If desired, with the onset of dormancy, the crocus tuber can be dug up and stored in the sand. This is done in cases where you want to move the flower to another area of ​​the garden or remove diseased corms.

Crocus belongs to low growing plants, reaching a height of only 10 cm. The stem of the crocus does not grow from the moment of flowering, remaining in its original form. The leaves of the flower are, as it were, collected in a bunch, and can grow during and after flowering. There are also types of crocuses that do not have leaves.

Planting crocuses in open ground

Crocuses that bloom in spring should be planted in the ground in the fall (preferably in the first week of October), and crocuses that bloom in autumn should be planted in the summer (the first half of June). Although crocuses are sun-loving plants, they grow well in partial shade. It is best to choose light, loose and nutritious soil for planting crocuses in the ground so that they grow better. Before planting crocus tubers in the soil, place fine gravel or sand - they will serve as natural drainage. Crocuses do not like acidic soils; be sure to add organic additives to the soil (compost, manure or limestone) so that the plant receives as many nutrients as possible. If you are planting a tuber in clay soil, make sure to add ash there.

To enjoy the blooming of crocuses in spring, tubers are best planted in late September - early October. The crocus bulb must be placed in loose soil to a depth twice the size of the tuber itself. For heavy soil, it is enough to plant the bulb at a depth equal to its size.

When planting crocus, be sure to maintain a distance between the bulbs of 7-10 cm. If you do not intend to dig up the bulbs after flowering, but want to leave them in the same place, then under no circumstances plant the bulbs closely together: for 3-4 years around it a whole colony of children can grow. After planting in the ground, be sure to water the area. Crocus tubers need to be replanted every 5 years.

Caring for crocuses in open ground

  • Crocuses are completely unpretentious flowers; they do not require any special care measures. Every 5 years, crocus tubers must be replanted in order to thin out.
  • Crocus tubers are dug up in the summer after the leaves of the flower turn yellow. After you have dug up the tubers, they need to be dried and stored somewhere in the shade.

  • Before planting in the ground, due to the high presence of diseases and pests, it is strongly recommended to soak the bulbs in a solution of potassium permanganate. This will kill the fungus and prevent the spread of the disease.
  • If you want to have nice, large nests of tubers, it is recommended to plant them every year. Such measures will allow children to get more space and grow.
  • Crocuses are quite drought-resistant. They should be watered in cases where winter and spring were without heavy rainfall. The height of the crocus directly depends on the moisture received.
  • Do not forget that the soil must be loosened and all weeds removed so that they do not crowd the plant. During growth, crocuses need feeding. Avoid nitrogen fertilizers, because in wet weather they can provoke the appearance of a fungal disease. So, in one calendar year, a flower must be fertilized twice: in early spring and during flowering.

Blooming crocuses in autumn

At the time when they fall yellow leaves, and many flowers are fading, crocuses delight us with their delicate inflorescences. There are quite a few varieties of this flower, giving the beauty of their blooms in the fall. They bloom at the beginning of leaf fall, creating a contrast between autumn and spring. Their flowering lasts from one week to two, but they bloom much more abundantly in the fall.

In order for crocuses to look most vibrant and impressive on your garden plot, experienced gardeners It is recommended to plant them in the following places:

  • Under bushes and trees - they will create a snowdrop effect.
  • In the borders, in the foreground.
  • Scatter in small groups throughout the garden.
  • U artificial reservoirs and fountains.
  • On the alpine slides.

Unlike spring crocuses, autumn crocuses do not require as much light and can grow in partial shade or even shade. They are not fans of drafts and winds, so choose protected areas for planting them. It is best to provide them with “neighbors” protection from the wind. Crocuses do not like moisture, so keep in mind that if your soil is wet, use drainage when planting. Coarse sand, pebbles and even polystyrene foam are perfect for natural drainage.

It is better not to water crocuses in autumn. They do not like moisture too much and therefore, if you want to enjoy the beauty of the blooming of this amazing flower for as long as possible, do not allow the soil to become overly moist.

Planting too deep slows down the development of crocus, but promotes the formation large bulbs. Sometimes young plants form retracting roots and go deeper on their own.

Planting depth regulates the growth of crocus nests: when the corm is buried 5 cm, you can get up to 10 children; with deeper embedding, there will be fewer children, but the flowering of the crocus will last longer and the nest will need to be divided less often - once every 4-5 years.

In the photo: Yellow crocuses - a beautiful variety

How to plant crocuses in autumn

Make holes of the depth you need at a distance of 6-10 cm from each other, but if you want to create a thicker mat, the distance between the bulbs can be 3-5 cm. However, please note that the corms quickly become overgrown with children even with such a dense arrangement of the bulbs you will soon have to plant crocuses in the ground. After planting, crocuses are watered, but only if you planted them in dry soil.

Caring for crocuses after planting

Caring for crocuses in autumn in the open ground

In the remaining days before winter warm days The corms must have time to acquire roots. Crocuses do not need fertilizers in the fall, They will only need them in the spring. Watering crocuses is carried out when the soil in the area becomes dry, and after watering the soil is carefully loosened. If weeds appear, remove them, and if heavy rains begin against the backdrop of cold weather, try to protect the crocus planting from excess moisture by covering it with film.

Caring for crocuses in winter

Many species and varieties of plants are cold-resistant, but some crocuses freeze in winter without shelter. To prevent this from happening, after the first frost, loosen the soil in the area and mulch it with a layer of peat, dry fallen leaves, or cover it with spruce branches.

In the photo: Blooming spring crocuses

Transplanting a crocus in the fall to another place

Crocuses can grow in one place for 5-6 years, but it is better to plant them once every 3-4 years. Each faded bulb will produce 2, and sometimes 4 bulbs and 5-10 children the next season, and if they are not replanted at least once every 3-4 years, the area will soon become overgrown and the crocuses will turn into a weed. When transplanting, crocuses are propagated. When to replant crocuses - in spring or autumn? Transplanting crocuses in the fall, like planting crocuses in the fall, is carried out at the same time - from September to November.

Corms are dug up in mid-summer, when crocuses are dormant. A signal that it is time to remove them from the ground is the yellowing of the leaves of the plant. The corms are cleaned, sorted, removing damaged or diseased ones, and air-dried in the shade for a week. Then you need to separate the nests: only those babies that easily move away on their own are separated from the corms. All planting material is soaked for half an hour in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate, then dried and placed in a cool, dry place for storage.

When September arrives, crocus corms are planted in previously prepared soil in the order described in our article.

In the photo: Growing crocuses in the garden

How to store crocuses before planting in the fall

How and where to store crocus corms before planting in the ground? After all, three months must pass from the moment they are removed from the soil until autumn planting. Corms disinfected with potassium permanganate and dried are laid out in one layer in wooden box and stored in a room with a temperature of at least 22 ºC until August. From the beginning of August, it is advisable to lower the temperature to 20 ºC, and closer to September - to 15 ºC. It is in these conditions that Dutch professionals store crocus corms, but since it is difficult for amateur gardeners to organize such conditions, the planting material is stored until autumn at room temperature.

Autumn-blooming corms are planted in the garden in August, and spring-blooming crocuses - from September.

Every summer resident wants his summer cottage to look neat and attractive. Add new colors to flower beds in personal gardens it is possible thanks to planting beautiful flowers, whose flowers have bright shade. One of these plants that you can use to decorate your garden is the crocus flower. It is best to plant this crop in the autumn season. Next, we will tell you in more detail about how to plant crocuses in the fall, as well as when and how to plant it correctly beautiful plant.

Crocus flowers are sometimes also called Saffron. This plant is very often planted by summer residents in Russia, as it is quite unpretentious, and at the same time blooms with beautiful large flowers. Before we consider how to plant crocuses in the fall, let’s take a closer look at the characteristics of this crop:

  • The plant belongs to the genus of herbaceous crops belonging to the Iris family.
  • It grows most often in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Europe and Asia. You can also find this culture in the meadows of the Middle East.
  • There are many varieties of this crop. Thus, there are more than 300 varieties of crocus. Each of them has its own characteristics, which we will discuss later in the article.
  • The very name of the crop, which sounds like “Crocus” in Latin, is translated from Greek as “thread-like fiber”; in Arabic, the name of this plant sounds similar to the word “yellow”.

  • This crop is planted mainly in the spring, but it often happens that crocuses germinate in the fall.
  • Height of this plant does not exceed 11 cm. The size of the crop bulbs is 3-4 cm. The bulbs have a scaly structure.
  • The stem of the plant is quite fragile. The leaves are located mainly below, in the root area. The leaves have an oblong shape.
  • The culture blooms beautifully bright flowers, the diameter of which reaches 5-6 cm. There are plant varieties that bloom not with single-color flowers, but with two-color flowers (they may also be covered with spots of a different shade).
  • The flowering period of the crop lasts from 10 to 20 days.

Types and varieties of crocuses autumn and spring

This gentle and extremely beautiful flower There are many varieties that have a wide palette of colors and shapes. All varieties are conditionally divided into 15 different groups. Moreover, autumn-flowering crocuses form only one group, and all the rest belong to spring-flowering plants. The spring species of crocuses became a kind of progenitor of a large number of varieties and hybrids, which were mainly bred by Dutch breeders. Dutch hybrids are the most popular group of crocus varieties, which have great commercial success in the flower market. Another popular group of crocuses among breeders is Chrysanthus. This group includes hybrids between plants of golden and two-flowered crocuses, as well as hybrids of the latter. Each group combines plants that are similar to each other in the structure of the inflorescence, its shape, color, and size.

Spring-flowering varieties of crocuses are grouped into the following groups:

  • Spring crocus. This is one of the oldest plants. Spring crocus varieties have been cultivated for more than four centuries. This culture is a flower up to 17 cm high with narrow dark green leaves, which are decorated with a white longitudinal stripe. Its flowers are usually purple or white with a long tube that is bell-shaped and funnel-shaped. Spring crocus blooms for about three weeks.

  • Crocus two-flowered. The geography of this plant is very wide. Mainly grows in warm climates. The most common crocuses are white, lilac-blue with brown spots from the outside of the petals. There are plants with combined color inflorescences. For example, White color inside and purple outside. The throat of the two-flowered crocus flower is usually white or yellow.
  • Golden crocus. Widely known since the mid-19th century. It is a very beautiful plant up to 20 cm high, which blooms mainly in April for 2-3 weeks. The flowers of the golden crocus are yellow-golden in color, which is why it got its name. Perianths are shiny, reflexive in shape. The most popular varieties are: Blue Bonnet, Nanette, I. G. Bowels.
  • Crocus Tomasini. The usual habitat of this plant is the mountainous terrain of the Balkan countries. Very different beautiful shape a flower that, when open, resembles a star. The perianths are predominantly pink-lilac, sometimes with a white border. The height of the plant does not exceed 6 cm. As a rule, up to 3 flowers grow from one bulb. The most popular varieties of Tomasini crocus: Whitewell Purple, Lylek Beauty.

Autumn-blooming crocuses. This group is represented by several quite popular varieties:

  • The crocus is wonderful. Distributed in the mountains of Crimea, Central Asia and the Balkan Peninsula. Quite different big flowers and leaves, the length of which reaches 30 cm. Their inflorescences are often lilac-violet with purple veins. The diameter of the inflorescences reaches 7 cm. The beautiful crocus blooms in early autumn.
  • Crocus is nice. One of the few that can withstand light frosts without harm. IN wildlife The pretty crocus is found in mountainous areas with a temperate climate. Blooms in mid-September - early October. The inflorescences are light purple with a dark stripe.
  • Crocus Banat. It gets its name from the Banat region of Romania, where it is most common. The height of the flower is from 14 to 16 cm. The inflorescences of the crop are predominantly light lilac in color with yellow anthers.

Dutch hybrids. Selection work on breeding hybrid varieties The cultivation of crocuses began at the end of the 19th century. Now the group of Dutch hybrids numbers more than 50 different varieties, and continues to be replenished. These hybrids are divided into 3 groups based on inflorescence color:

  • Flowers with pure white inflorescences or with the addition of spots of other colors.
  • Flowers with inflorescences of lilac, lilac or violet hue.
  • Flowers with a mesh or striped color.

The most popular varieties of Dutch hybrids are:

  • Albion.
  • Jubilee.
  • Kathleen Parlow.

Almost all varieties of Dutch hybrids bloom throughout May. Flowering of plants lasts up to 3 weeks.

Chrysanthus. This group of spring-flowering crocuses was created through selection from golden and two-flowered crocuses, as well as hybrids of the latter. They differ from Dutch hybrids in having smaller flowers, however, they have a wider palette of colors. Thus, among chrysanthus you can find varieties with pale blue and yellow blooms. The most famous varieties of chrysanthus are: Gypsy Girl, Marietta, Saturnus and others.

Crocus propagation

Crocuses are propagated by children, seeds and bulbs. The last method is the most popular, as it gives more best result. For spring-blooming crocuses, the most successful stage for digging up bulbs is from mid-June to early September. In mid-September they begin planting in the ground. Before the onset of cold weather, the bulb will have time to gain nutrients and take root, however, it will not have time to sprout. If you plant it earlier, the emerging plant may freeze.

When crocuses multiply intensively, bulbs are dug up every year. So, one mother bulb can produce up to 2-3 bulbs, which can already bloom. If there is no need for intensive propagation, then one bulb can grow in one place for up to 3-4 years. Then it can be dug up.

When propagated by seeds, the latter are sown in early autumn. However, the first flowering of the plant will occur only after 3-4 years.

Crocuses: planting in autumn, planting dates

This crop can be planted as late spring(early summer) and autumn. It is worth saying that crocus can bloom in the fall if it was planted in June. In autumn, spring flower seedlings are planted.

The timing of planting crocuses in the fall may vary, depending on the region where the summer cottage is located:

  • Moscow region. If cold weather persists throughout September, the plant should be planted in early October. If the weather is warm, then planting can be postponed to the end of October - beginning of November.
  • Leningrad region. In this region, crocuses are planted in autumn from October 1-5.
  • Ural. Since this region experiences predominantly cold weather, crocuses should be planted here at the end of September.
  • Siberia. As you know, the climate in this region is the harshest, so crocuses are planted here no later than September 10.

Crocuses in autumn: soil preparation

In order to plant crocuses in the fall, you should correctly select and prepare the site for planting:

  • First of all, you should choose a clearing where sunlight penetrates well. As is known, autumn period is famous for its cloudy weather and rains, so you should not think that these weather phenomena can somehow damage the germination of the crop, since crocuses “feel great” even in partial shade.
  • It is desirable that the selected area has nutritious soil, but there is no stagnation of moisture that can cause rotting of the plant root system.
  • In order to dispel all doubts about soil moisture, it is recommended to arrange drainage on the site, which is ideal for gravel or coarse sand.
  • Before planting the plant, fertilizing is applied to the site. To do this, use peat, manure or compost.
  • If there are clay impurities in the soil on the site, you should upper layer add a little ash to the ground.
  • The soil on the site should be dug up to a depth of 20 cm.
  • In addition, it is important to choose the right seedlings for planting; they must be healthy, without flaws or spots of rot.

Planting crocuses in the ground in autumn

The procedure for planting crocuses in the ground in the fall:

  1. First of all, planting holes should be made on the site. Each bulb should be immersed in the ground to a depth of at least 8 cm. Therefore, the depth of the holes should be 10-11 cm. If the crocus bulbs are too small, then they can be planted to a depth of 5-6 cm.
  2. The distance between the holes should be 7-10 cm. If small bulbs are planted, this distance can be reduced to 5-6 cm. If the flowers were planted too densely, they should be replanted soon.
  3. After the bulb is placed in the hole, it should be buried on top with a small layer of soil and then watered. However, keep in mind that crocuses do not like a lot of moisture, so water the plant moderately.
  4. Next, fertilizers are added to the soil, such as compost and manure.

Crocus care

To crocuses for a long time If you are pleased with beautiful and bright flowers, you should properly care for the plant:

  • Fertilizers are applied to the soil in the spring. Suitable for this organic fertilizers, for example, manure, peat.
  • Water the plants moderately, only when the soil in the area becomes too dry.
  • Should be removed promptly weeds from the site, they interfere with the development of the plant’s root system.
  • Periodically loosen the soil in the area.
  • During times of heavy rain, the area where these flowers are planted should be carefully covered with film.
  • If crocus flowers have a small diameter, then these indicators can be improved by adding mineral fertilizers to the soil. Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are suitable for this.
  • Many summer residents are concerned about what to do if the crocuses sprouted in the fall. IN in this case, the plant should be protected from winter cold. To do this, the area is mulched with a layer of peat and foliage.

Caring for crocuses after flowering in autumn

After the planted plant has finished flowering, no special care is required. Crocus will be a decoration of the garden for a long time, delighting with the color of its green leaves. When the latter turns yellow and dries, the dry leaves are carefully cut off, and the plant bulb is dug up for planting in the fall. Some gardeners leave the bulbs in the ground. This is done in case of recent planting. If the plant is a first-year plant and there is still enough space for the bushes in the flowerbed, you can leave them. To do this, you need to mulch the soil between the bushes with a thick layer of peat or leaves. Otherwise, crocuses do not require any special care after flowering.

Digging and storing autumn crocus bulbs for planting

The period of digging up crocuses for planting depends on the type of plant. So, spring-blooming crocuses are dug up from mid-June to the end of summer. This is when they begin their dormant period. In mid-autumn, spring-growing crocuses begin to be active again. They have it going on rapid growth root system, accumulation of nutrients on winter period.

Autumn-blooming crocuses are dug up a month earlier than spring-blooming ones, since their activity period is slightly shifted, and, accordingly, the dormant period begins from mid-May to the end of July.

After digging, the crocus bulbs are cleaned of soil, dead roots and scales, and laid out in a protected place. sun rays place to dry. Under ideal conditions, from the moment they are removed from the soil until the beginning of August, the bulbs are stored at a temperature of +22⁰C, from the beginning of August it is lowered by 2⁰C, and a week later - by another 5⁰C. Naturally, you can achieve this at home temperature regime It will be very difficult, so store crocuses in a dry and warm place with good ventilation. They can simply be placed in small boxes in a single layer and placed in the pantry.

Diseases and pests of crocuses

At proper care behind the plant, crocuses are rarely exposed to microbial pathogens and insect pests.

At improper watering and low quality planting material, plant bulbs can be damaged by fungal diseases and pests:

  • Basically the plant is bothered various shapes rot: white, gray, sclerotial, as well as fusarium. Diseased plants must be urgently removed from the garden and burned. The soil at the site of the disease is treated with antifungal drugs or a solution of potassium permanganate. To prevent the disease, careful selection of bulbs is carried out. If the spots of rot on them are small, they can be cut off lightly and sprinkled with ash on the damaged area. Before planting, it is recommended to treat the planting material with a fungicide solution.
  • The most common pest that causes problems for crocus plants is wireworm. When examining a wilted plant, you can find a large number of small holes in its bulb. You can get rid of wireworms using bait. Straw is laid out between the crocus bushes, moistened and covered with a piece of board. After some time, the pest begins to move into the straw, which is removed from the flowerbed and burned.
  • Field mice often damage crocus areas. To fight rodents, you need to find their burrows and fill the bait with poison. It is absolutely not harmful to the soil and other animals, but will help get rid of field mice for a long time.
  • Crocus can create problems on its own. If the site is poorly cared for, the self-seeding plant often develops into a weed and clutters the entire area. To do this, timely removal of weeds should be carried out, as well as periodically replanting the plants to another place.

Crocuses in autumn: photo

Crocuses in autumn: video

Crocuses are the harbingers of spring; they are the first to bloom in summer cottages in Russia after a long winter. These small elegant flowers are always popular among flower growers and amateur gardeners. In order to appreciate their unusually beautiful flowering in the spring, crocuses need to be planted in the fall.

Most species of this flower crop are spring-flowering - their flowers bloom in April. These are the varieties of crocuses that are planted in the fall: the bulbs have time to adapt and take root in the ground before the soil freezes, gain strength in the winter, and bloom in mid-spring.

Not all types of crocuses are planted in the fall. The exception is varieties that bloom in late summer. They are planted in the summer.

Timely planting of crocuses in open ground is very important - correctly chosen timing will not allow the bulbs to germinate ahead of time or not to build up sufficient root mass for rooting.

Too early and too late boarding bulbous flowers as a result leads to their freezing and death. The exact timing of planting work directly depends on the climatic conditions of the region in which the site is located and recommendations Lunar calendar gardener and gardener.

In the middle zone

Crocus bulbs in conditions Middle zone placed in open ground during October. October planting can be early or late depending on air temperature and weather conditions. The most optimal planting of flowers is considered to be at a temperature in the soil of about +10 0 C.

In outskirts of Moscow

Gardeners whose summer cottages are located in the Moscow region also plant crocuses during October, based on the autumn weather forecast.

In the Urals, in Siberia

Due to the unpredictability of weather conditions in the Urals, crocus bulbs are planted in early - late September. More exact dates determined by weather forecasts, the warmer the coming autumn, the later they arrive.

Since Siberia is characterized by a more severe climate, you can start planting flowers as early as the end of August. If the coming autumn is expected to be warm, the planting dates are shifted to the beginning - mid-September.

According to the Lunar calendar

The gardener's lunar calendar indicates the most favorable and unfavorable days for planting flowers and other crops on a summer cottage, depending on the Zodiac and the phase of the Moon. The following dates are recommended for planting crocus bulbs in the fall in 2018:

  • August 20...25;
  • September 3...7, 18...23;
  • 2…6, 18…20, 28…30 October.

The most unfavorable days for planting crocuses in the ground are:

  • New Moon – September 9, October 9;
  • Full moon - August 26, September 25, October 24.

Below is a detailed step by step instructions planting crocuses in autumn.

Selecting a location

Crocuses do not like low areas in the area where excess moisture accumulates. For this flower crop, you need to choose a flat or slightly elevated area, well lit by the sun. In the shade, the flowers become inconspicuously small and lose their varietal color.

Crocuses grow well in windless areas, so to provide protection from strong through winds, they are grown around garden buildings, for example, gazebos, houses, fences, etc.

In a flower garden, it is recommended to grow them in the foreground, since the height of the plants is small and is about 10...25 cm. These flowers look great both in group independent plantings and in the vicinity of many shrubs and other flower crops. In addition, the low altitude allows you to grow crocuses on alpine hills.

The most preferable soils for planting crocuses are those with neutral or slightly acidic acidity. That's why acidic soils deoxidized in advance by liming.

Like all bulbous crocuses, they prefer loose, well-drained soils that do not accumulate excess water. To do this, you need to dig up the garden soil with river sand and humus added to it using the bayonet of a shovel. If the soil is light in type, then it is advisable to add compost to it. If the soil is heavy, then you need to lay a layer of drainage (expanded clay, fine gravel and other types can be used) at a depth of about 20 cm.

When preparing the soil mixture for crocuses, add only organic fertilizers, and minerals are added in the spring.


Properly planted crocuses in the fall will delight you with their bright flowers already in April and allow you to forget about the long cold winter days. Planting bulbs involves determining the planting pattern, preparing the planting sites and placing them in open ground.

  1. Planting scheme

Since the flowers themselves are not tall and their feeding area is small, crocus bulbs are planted quite close to each other - at a distance of 6...10 cm. If this distance is maintained, the mother plants produce many children, from which varietal crocuses eventually grow. If you want to create a thicker flower carpet, you can plant the crocuses even closer to each other - at a distance of 3...5 cm. But in this case, you will have to divide the plantings a little earlier, when they form babies.

  1. Planting depth

The optimal planting depth for crocus bulbs depends on several factors presented below.

  • Varietal size of the bulb. As with planting all bulbous flowers, one rule is used for crocuses to most accurately determine the depth of the hole: you need to multiply the height of the bulb by 3 and dig the appropriate hole.
  • Bulb age. Adult bulbs are planted to a depth of about 9 cm, and children - about 4 cm.
  • Type of soil in the flower garden. If the soil is light, then the children are planted to a depth of 4...5 cm, standard bulbs - to a depth of 8...10 cm. For heavy soils, the indicator decreases: the children are buried by 3...4 cm, ordinary bulbs - by 7...9 cm.

An interesting feature of crocuses is their ability to self-bury - the bulb can form additional roots that pull it down. Deeper planting allows you to obtain larger flower tubers, but the growing season and flowering period begins later.

If varietal crocuses are grown for the purpose of breeding children, then they should not be buried. The largest number of baby bulbs can be obtained by planting the tuber to a depth of 5 cm from the surface of the earth. It should be taken into account that soon it will be necessary to divide the family, otherwise the flowers will become smaller. With deep planting, the crop blooms for a longer period of time; nests can be planted less frequently - after 4...5 years.

  1. Disembarkation

If organic fertilizers were added to the soil in advance, then nothing needs to be added to the already prepared planting sites. Otherwise, you can pour a little humus or compost into each hole. The bulbs are placed with the sharp side up and the bottom down, sprinkled with earth.

  1. Watering

When planting crocuses in dry holes, be sure to water them. If each hole was watered in advance, final watering is not carried out.

Planting these flowers has several features, but if you follow the instructions above, the small goblet-shaped crocus flowers will be the first to appear.

Autumn care for planted crocuses consists of only one task - do not allow the soil to dry out. Therefore, taking into account precipitation, periodic watering of fresh plantings is carried out, after which the top layer of soil is loosened with extreme caution. This will provide the soil aeration necessary for the formation of root mass.

If autumn is rainy and cold, then during heavy rains you need to provide protection - cover the planted flowers with film.

Preparing for winter

As soon as the first frost hits, it is recommended to lightly loosen the top layer of soil and lay down mulch, which can be sawdust, peat, spruce branches, or old dry leaves from the garden. Such protection is mandatory for some exotic varieties and other types of crocuses that cannot boast of particular cold resistance.

Below are a few useful tips for beginner gardeners who will help you plant crocuses correctly in the fall.

  1. The flowering of crocuses largely depends on the condition of the selected planting material. When selecting bulbs for planting, you need to pay attention to their appearance– there should be no traces of mechanical damage and/or rot; there should be no stains on them.
  2. Pre-treating the bulbs in a fungicide solution will help prevent the bulbs from rotting directly in the ground. To do this, they are immersed in the solution for half an hour. As an active agent, you can choose one of the special fungicides offered on the market or dilute a solution of potassium permanganate by adding a small pinch of the substance to 1 liter of water.
  3. Crocuses should not be planted in places where they previously grew bulbous plants– according to the rules of crop rotation, it is necessary to change the location so that diseases and pests of previous crops are not transmitted to new plantings.
  4. Before planting, if possible, you need to check the soil temperature in the flower garden at a depth of 15 cm. Optimal temperature+10 0 C is considered for planting crocuses.

Autumn planting of crocuses: video

Two ways to plant crocuses in the soil: video

An elegant bright carpet of spring crocuses will be a real decoration for any summer cottage. Correct and timely autumn planting flowers guarantees unusually beautiful flowering of the crop.
