Summary of nodes in the senior group "Cosmos" with presentation. Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior group “Conquest of Space”


organized educational activities on FCCM

using information and communication technologies

on the topic: "Space"

for older children

Zorina Victoria Alekseevna
GBDOU kindergarten №9 combined type
Pushkinsky district of St. Petersburg

Target: Systematization of knowledge about space, astronauts and their work.



    recall previously studied material about space;

    clarify knowledge of the material covered;

    systematize knowledge on the topic “Space”.


    Phonemic hearing;

    develop speech;

    Logical thinking.


    cultivate interest in space and astronauts;

    bring up .

Equipment: laptop, presentation “About Space”, “suns” to mark correct answers, reward for all quiz participants.


I . Introductory part.

We talked a lot about space. Let's remember everything we know. Now we will watch a presentation about space. Listen and watch carefully, then we will have a quiz about space.

II . Main part.

1. View the presentation “About Space”.

You and I live on planet Earth. This is what it looks like from space. This is how astronauts see her. What color is she? What is blue and blue? What about green? What about yellow?

And this is the Moon - ours natural satellite, Earth satellite. It revolves around the Earth.

But our planet is not alone. We live in solar system and there are more planets in it:

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And one more planet

Called Pluto.

Mercury - This is the smallest planet in the system, which is closest to the Sun. It's very hot on there. Why?Venus - the second planet closest to the Sun in the solar system. Venus is only slightly smaller in size than Earth, which is why it is sometimes called “Earth’s sister.”Earth - This is the only planet known today in the Universe on which there is life.Mars - "Red Planet". The surface of Mars is made up of craters and volcanoes, valleys and deserts, and polar ice caps.Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.Saturn . What is unique about this planet? How is it different from others? (Rings of dust and stones, ice and ordinary stones).Uranus , covered with ice - the seventh planet. There is also an ice planet behind itNeptune . Pluto - the most distant planet from the Sun. It is very cold there. The farther a planet is from the Sun, the colder it is. We have 9 planets in total.

Since ancient times, people began to think about the questions: what is space? What if there is life on other planets? And then scientists and designers created the first spaceship"East". Look, people fly into space on these rocket ships. With the help of this capsule they return to earth.

Before man flew into space, animals were there. The dog Laika was the first to go into space. But at that time, people still knew very little about space, and spacecraft did not yet know how to return from orbit. Therefore, Laika remained forever in outer space.

3 years after the unsuccessful flight of the dog Laika, two dogs are already sent into space - Belka and Strelka.They spent only one day in space and successfully landed on Earth.

It wasn't just dogs that were sent into space. Monkeys, turtles, rats and even cats also flew there. Thus, it was animals who paved the way for man into space.

And on April 12, 1961, the first man flew into space. He became Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He flew around our planet once. And what did Yuri Gagarin say to us at the moment the flight started? Flying, driving or forward?

And this is German Stepanovich Titov - he flew into space after Yuri Gagarin. German Titov is the second cosmonaut.

And this is Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut.

This is Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - he made rockets.

There is nothing in space but emptiness and sunlight. It is light that powers the spacecraft through solar panels. In space there is no air to breathe, there is no water, much less there is no food. All of this is loaded onto the spacecraft on the ground and then consumed in flight.

Since there is no air in space, the main clothing of an astronaut is a spacesuit. Astronauts are not always in a spacesuit. They put on spacesuits when launching and descending a rocket, or when going out into open space.

On the ship, all objects are in a state of weightlessness. Inside the spacecraft, all objects are fixed on special holders. If they weren't secured, they would all fly. Look, here is a man without a spacesuit, he is breathing air that was pumped into the ship on the ground.

This is what the ship looks like from the outside, and this is what it looks like inside.

And this is what astronauts eat.All food in space is packagedin bags and tubes.The astronauts' food is delicious. Only in weightlessness the sensations change. What was liked on Earth seems tasteless here. And vice versa. Look, there is cottage cheese, and sausages in jars, and sauce, and sausage.

An astronaut is a truly dangerous and difficult profession. Only selected people with very good health can become astronauts. To go on a journey, they undergo difficult tests. Cosmonauts must be able to work with instruments and be able to repair a breakdown on the ship. Cosmonauts go into outer space, repairing the ship. They explore planets and help determine where a storm or hurricane will happen. Cosmonauts stay in space for six months. How much is this? 6 long months or the whole summer and autumn and even longer. Can you imagine how long they don’t see their relatives? Is the profession of an astronaut difficult or easy? Useful? Important? Why?

People remember those who were the first to go into space. A monument to the first living creature to conquer space, the dog Laika, has been unveiled in Moscow. A monument to the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was also erected. All people will remember his feat, and every year everyone celebrates April 12 as a holiday... (Cosmonautics) Day.

2. Physical exercise.

One, two - there is a rocket (hands up).

Three, four - an airplane (arms to the sides).

One, two - clap your hands.

And then on every account.

One, two, three, four - and they walked in place.

Tick-tock, tick-tock - all day like this (hands on waist, bending to the side).

3. Quiz based on the presentation you watched.

And now for the quiz! Now I will divide you into 2 teams. I will ask questions, you will raise your hand and answer. For each answer you will receive this “sun”. You can’t shout out answers, they won’t count. The team that gets the most “suns” will win and receive a prize. How should you answer questions? (To raise a hand). So the quiz begins, let's go!

    What is the name of the planet we live on? (Earth.)

    A satellite that orbits our planet? (Moon.)

    Why is Mercury the hottest planet? (It is closer to the Sun than all other planets.)

    Which planet is called “Earth’s sister”? (Venus.)

    Which planet is called "Red"? (Mars.)

    The largest planet in the solar system? (Jupiter.)

    How is the planet Saturn different from other planets? (There are rings of stones and dust.)

    How many planets are there in the solar system? (9 – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.)

    What animals flew into space before humans? (Dogs, rats, turtles, monkeys and cats.)

    What was the name of the first cosmonaut dog? (Laika.)

    Who flew into space after Laika? (Dogs Belka and Strelka.)

    When was the first manned flight into space made? (April 12, 1961)

    Who was the first astronaut? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.)

    What was the name of the first woman astronaut? (Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova).

    What is missing in space that a person really needs? (Air).

    What is there in space that is not on Earth? (Weightlessness.)

    Special astronaut clothing. (Space suit.)

    How is astronaut food stored? (In tubes, bags and cans.)

    What do astronauts do in space? (They explore other planets, monitor the weather.)

    In honor of Yuri Gagarin's feat, people celebrate a holiday on April 12 every year. What is it called? (Cosmonautics Day.)

III . Final part.

    Summing up the results of the quiz, awarding.


Types of children's activities:gaming, productive, communicative, cognitive and With investigative, musical and artistic, perception of fiction.

Goals : introduce children to the history of space exploration and the first cosmonauts, expandhorizons by popularizing knowledge about achievements in the field of astronautics; cultivate a sense of patriotism and citizenship.

Planned results:be able to carry on a conversation, express your point of viewvision, reason and give the necessary explanations.

Materials and equipment:books about space, portraits of astronauts, Belka and Strelka; portraits of design scientists; video materials.

Musical accompaniment:Song "Interplanetary Cruiser".

1. Introductory word from the teacher.

- Guess the riddle:

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.(Rocket.)

Today, April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Who are astronauts?(Children's answers)

2. The teacher’s story about the conquest of space.

Years, decades, centuries will pass, but people will always remember this day, April 12th. After all, it was from this day - April 12, 1961 - that man began space exploration. In Russia we mark e tea Cosmonautics Day to commemorate the first manned flight into space. Previously, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, standing importantly on their shell huge turtle. This miracle turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many T a wave of sparkling stars. Several thousand years have passed since then. Guys, what kind of Earth do you imagine?(Children's answers). Many generations of kind and smart people. They built ships and, having traveled around the world, T Viya, we learned that the Earth is a ball. And astronomers have proven that the Earth rotates around the Sun, making one revolution per year, and around its axis - in 24 hours.

Guys, do you know that the world’s first rocket was invented by a Russian scientist, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. He lived in the city of Kaluga and worked as a teacher at school. Konstantin Eduardovich loved to watch the stars through a telescope, studied them and dreamed of flying to them.(Show portrait of K. E. Tsiolkovsky). He decided to design such aircraft, which could reach the planets. The scientist carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with an aircraft that could fly beyond the Earth. But, unfortunately, he did not have such an opportunity. And only, many years later, another Russian scientist, S.P. Korolev, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite, in which a dog first flew around the Earth, and then, in 1961, a man flew.(Show portrait of S.P. Korolev)Who knows what the names of these dogs were?(Children's answers). Look at them.(Show illustrations of Belka and Strelka).This is Belka and Strelka. When they returned safely to Earth, they began to prepare the man for the flight. To fly into space you need to train a lot and be very healthy.

3. Physical education lesson “Cosmonaut”.

The sun is shining in the clear sky

An astronaut flies in a rocket.

(Stretching - arms up)

And at the bottom of the forest, fields -

The ground is spreading

(Low bend forward, arms spread to the sides).

4. A teacher’s story about cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.

Guys, do you know the name of the man who was the first to fly into space?(Children's answers).

April 12, 1961 is the day of the flight of the world's first cosmonaut, Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin. This day has become a great national holiday in honor of pilot-cosmonauts, designers, engineers, employees and workers who create rockets, spaceships and artificial satellites Earth.

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars. Spring drops sings songs about this:

Gagarin and April will be together forever.

V. Stepanov

Who was Gagarin?

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born into the family of a collective farmer in the village of Klushino, Gzhatsky District th she is in the Smolensk region. In 1951, he graduated with honors from a vocational school, Chkalov Military aviation school. Then he served as a military pilot in fighter aviation units, from 1960 in the cosmonaut corps, and then became its commander..

After his flight into space, Gagarin constantly improved his skills and trained other cosmonauts. He tragically died in a plane crash while on a training flight. In order to perpetuate the memory of Gagarin, the city of Gzhatsk and Gzhatsky district of the Smolensk region were renamed into the city of Gagarin and Gagarinsky district. Also, many streets and squares in cities bear the name of Gagarin, educational establishments. Monuments have been erected to him. A crater on the Moon is named after Gagarin.

Yes, that's true - let's not forget

Not one little thing about him.

And people will study his life

All year after year, day after day.

He stood level with the coming century. But the sorrow is only deeper because

As for your immortality

And he was a mortal man.

V. Turkin

After Yuri Gagarin, 436 people have been in space.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 27

Abstract of GCD

on implementation

educational activities

"Cognitive development"

on the topic of:

"Conquest of Space"

V senior group

Educator: Tsibulskaya A.V.

Target: Introduce the history of space exploration and astronauts.

To cultivate respect for the difficult and dangerous profession of astronaut.

Equipment: illustrations about space, portraits of astronauts, globe.



IN: Guys, I'll tell you a riddle:

Wonder bird, long tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.


Space rocket display

2. Conversation

- We will take a virtual trip on a space rocket and try to find out how people began to explore outer space. Previously, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which lies on three giant elephants standing on the shell of a huge turtle. This miracle turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky.

Show illustration

Many, many years have passed since then. People built ships and, having traveled around the world, learned that the Earth is a ball. This is a model of the Earth, it is called a globe.

Show and view the Globe

What colors do we see on the globe?

D: I see blue - water. Green, brown, yellow - land

(Blue colour– seas, oceans, lakes, rivers, lakes; green, brown, yellow – forests, mountains, deserts)

IN: Space has always interested man. And here is the success on October 4, 1957. - launch of the first Earth satellite.

Guys, is there a person in the satellite?

D: No, he's not sitting.

IN: There is a special mechanism that transmitted only a signal

Look at the picture

Guys, do you know who was the first to fly into space?

D: It was two dogsBelka and Strelka.

Show picture

IN: Why not a person?

D: It was necessary to check how space affects a living organism, whether it is unsafe for humans there.

IN: What do astronauts do in space?

D: Conduct scientific experiments.

IN: Some experiments require going into outer space.

What then is used for safety in spacewalks?

D: Spacesuit.

IN: That's right, because there is no air in space and it is very cold.

Spacesuit display

3. Physical education minute

To space fly,

You have to know a lot

Turn left, turn right,

And go back again

Squat, jump

And run, run, run.

And then everything is quieter, quieter

Walk around and sit down again.

IN: April 12, 1961 - the day of the flight of the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.Portrait display

This day became a big holiday.

A great tragedy occurred in Gagarin’s life, what?

D: He died tragically.

IN: Tragically, that is. suddenly, unexpectedly in a plane crash while performing a training flight on an airplane.)

Cities, streets, and educational institutions are named in honor of the memory of heroes. Remember, we learned Stepanov’s poem. Who wants to tell?

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

V. Stepanov

4. Game “Get to know the astronaut”

IN: Guys, let's play “Get to know the astronaut”

Display of portraits of astronauts

5. Summary.

Our journey on the space rocket has come to an end. We landed successfully oncosmodrome.

Display of the cosmodrome

Program content: systematize children's ideas about space;

- know some information from the history of the development of astronautics: who was the first cosmonaut, who was the first cosmonaut, who was the first to go into outer space.

- operate with information about the solar system: how many planets, which ones have rings, which planet is a satellite of the Earth, clarify ideas about the model of the solar system.

- to form speech skills (enrichment of vocabulary by activating familiar words and epithets in speech), the formation of coherent monologue descriptive speech.

— to cultivate an aesthetic sense, the ability to appreciate the beauty of the starry sky, the desire to reflect one’s impressions in drawings, applications, and games.

- to develop skills of inclusion in the game - modeling, the ability to enter the proposed or chosen role. Stimulate cognitive interest.

1. Preliminary work.

Target: To awaken cognitive activity and introduce cultural values.

To form the need to express one’s attitude towards the world, one’s impressions in productive species activities. Develop skills and abilities to conduct a conversation (reason, express your opinion, ask and answer questions).

Fairy tales: A little ray of sunshine. Magic tales of space. Space address. A fairy tale about stupid little mice who wanted to eat the moon. A fairy tale about a ray of sunshine. The myth of Phaeton. The myth of Perseus and Andromeda. The myth of the Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Myth about the constellation Lyra. Star Tales. My first book on astronomy. Space in pictures. Misha the bear opens the world.


Simulation game "Solar System"

Didactic and role-playing game"We are exploring space"

Simulation game "Day and Night"

Game "Inhabitants of Space"

Outdoor game "Cosmonauts"

Practical activities: creation of the “On the Moon” model, applique "My constellation, design: "Rocket". "Star" (origami)

Material: hats with images of rockets, planets of the solar system, raincoats for the simulation game "Solar System", a hoop with ribbons, a construction set.

Audio recording for dancing on the planet, envelope with riddles

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, yesterday our country celebrated Cosmonautics Day. You and I already know a lot about space. How would you like our lesson to go? ( children choose space travel). What do we need for the trip? (from large building material building a rocket with the children). Come up with a name for the rocket. We designate the Mission Control Center.

Supervisor: I appoint Natalya Romanovna as commander of the ship. Commander, begin your duties.

Commander: Line up! What should an astronaut be like? (brave, decisive, skillful, know a lot, hardy, dexterous, friendly, kind - calling necessary qualities, children comment on what they are for).

First qualifying task: Answer the questions!

What science studies the Universe? (astronomy)

What is the name of the profession of people who fly into space? (astronauts)

What is an astronaut's clothing called? (spacesuit)

- Who was the first astronaut? who flew into space? (Yu. Gagarin)

What is the name of the first female cosmonaut? (V. Tereshkova)

Who was the first to go into outer space? (A. Leonov)

What is the sun? (star)

What is another name for the Milky Way? (Galaxy)

What is the brightest star in the sky? (Sirius)

What types of satellites are there? (natural and artificial)

Name the Earth's satellite? (Moon)

How many planets are there in the solar system? (9 planets)

Which planets have rings? (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)

Name the main cosmodrome of our country? (Baikonur)

What device can be used to observe starry sky?(telescope)

What is a UFO?

Commander: Congratulations! You have all successfully passed the tests and are enrolled in the cosmonaut corps. Put on your spacesuits! Take your seats! Earth! We are ready to fly!

Supervisor: Get ready to start. Check oxygen, radio communications, fasten seat belts. Attention! 5,4,3,2,1 – start! (musical accompaniment).

Supervisor: World! World! World! Reception. How do you hear? How does the crew cope with overload?

Commander: Earth! Thank you, everything is OK. We begin the flight program. Guys, what space objects can we encounter in outer space? (planets, stars, asteroids, meteorites, meteors, satellites, comets, constellations).

Let's remember with the guys what a star, an asteroid, a comet, a meteorite, and a meteor are. What is a constellation? (these are groups of stars located close to each other).

Game: “Name the constellation”

Commander: So, we have completed the first stage of work in space (finger gymnastics “Zvezda”)

Supervisor: World! World! World! Reception. How is the flight going?

Commander: Everything is fine. Our young cosmonauts know about space objects and have learned all the constellations. We continue our flight.

Guys, we are approaching an unknown land, get ready to land. (audio recording of space music. An alien appears).

Commander: Where is planet Earth? What is your space address?

Children: Country - Universe

City - Galaxy

Region - Solar System

Home - Earth

Commander: And to make the location of our planet clearer to the resident of the planet Antaris, what game do we know? ("Solar system").

Simulation game "Solar System".

(Children, on behalf of “their” planet, give it a description).

Alien: What is dancing?

Commander: Guys, can we show you our favorite dance?

Dance "Ducklings"

Alien: Nice dance. Thank you, it's sad to part with you. Please accept a surprise from me.

We say goodbye to the alien and return to the ship.

On the ship in an envelope we discover a surprise from the planet Antaris - riddles of cosmic content.

Supervisor: World! Reception. How is the flight going?

Commander: Earth. Everything is fine. We visited the planet Antaris. We met and became friends with its resident. The guys told their friend the address of the Earth and showed them the game “Solar System”.

Supervisor: World! Attention. I see the Earth. Focus on the constellation Ursa Minor. According to the North Star.

Commander: Where is the North Star? How will she help us get home?

The guys explain that the North Star is located on the tail of Ursa Minor and always points the way to the north.

Commander: Attention! I see the Earth. Prepare for descent

Supervisor: World! Everything is ready for your reception. Waiting for you.

Commander: Everyone stay in their places. (audio recording of calm music).Here we are at home.

Result: What surprised you about the flight? What will you tell your friends about? What difficulties did you encounter? What else do you want to know?

Commander: The flight is over! Thanks everyone! Open the hatch! Get out of the rocket!

Supervisor: Dear guys, congratulations on your successful return to Earth.

Thank you for your excellent knowledge and skills. In memory of the flight, I present you with commemorative medals.

teacher of MBDOU No. 30 “Northern Lights”

Inta, Komi Republic

Summary of a lesson on cognition in the senior group.

Topic: “Conquest of space.”

Program content:

    Explain to children what outer space is.

    Introduce the names of the planets of the solar system.

    Tell about the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

    Explain the meaning space research Nowadays.

    To cultivate respect for the difficult profession of astronaut.

Demonstration material. Illustrations: space, night sky, solar system, spaceship, Yu. Gagarin, squirrel and arrow, earth, spacesuit, rocket, Valentina Tereshkova.

Handout. Stars (3), triangles (3), squares (3), circles (2), ½ sheet of A4 blue.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, listen to the poem and tell me what it is about.

- I would like to fly to the moon,

Plunge into an unsolved world.

And like a beautiful dream

Touch the brightest star.

Fly to distant orbits,

Dimensions unknown to all of us,

Where mysterious space stores

There are many secrets of the vast universe.

(Poem about space)

- Right. Do you know what holiday is approaching us? – Cosmonautics Day.

- April 12, 1961 - man began space exploration. In Russia we celebrate this day “Cosmonautics Day - the first manned flight into space.”

- Previously, a long time ago, when people just began to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as a turned bowl, which stands on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This is a miracle - a turtle swims in the sea - the ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars.

- Many years have passed since then. Many smart people grew up on our land. They built ships and, having traveled around the world, learned that the earth was a ball. (Showing an illustration).

— And astronomers have proven that the Earth rotates around the Sun, making one revolution per year, and around its axis in 24 hours.

— First, animals flew into space. Do you know what their names are? – Squirrel and arrow (Showing an illustration).

- April 12 - a man flew into space. What's his name, do you know? – Yuri Gagarin (Showing an illustration).

— In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

They sing songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

— This is the poem they wrote about Gagarin.

— Scientists have determined that there are 9 planets in our solar system.

1. The smallest planet is located closest to the Sun; its surface is rocky and deserted; there is no water or air on the planet. It is called - Mercury.

2. And this planet is covered with clouds, it is very hot on it. This Venus.

3. The third planet from the Sun, colored different colors: blue, blue, green, brown, yellow, but most of all blue and blue color. This is the planet - Earth.

4. The fourth planet is the red planet, on its surface there are depressions similar to dry canals. This Mars.

5. The next planet is the largest, it consists of liquid and gas. It is called - Jupiter.

6. And this planet is surrounded by rings. It's called Saturn.

7. This is the only planet that revolves around the Sun, as if lying on its side. It is called the "lying planet" - Uranus.

8. This planet is cold and blue. This is a huge ball consisting of gas and liquid - Neptune.

9. Very cold, as it is far from the Sun - Pluto.

- And to remember the names of the planets and the queue will help us "Astronomical counting rhyme".

There lived an astrologer on earth,

He kept count of the planets.

Mercury - one, Venus - two,

Three - Earth, four - Mars,

Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn,

Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,

— Not only animals and Yuri Gagarin flew into space, but also a woman.

- How many of you know her name? – Valentina Tereshkova (Showing an illustration).

— Astronauts go into space in a protective uniform called a spacesuit. It protects a person who is in space from liquids, gases and radiation. The set includes: shell, helmet, gloves and boots (I show illustration).

- Guys, now let’s go to our seats at the tables. You will now create your own cosmodrome, which will only have rockets.

— First, you lay it out on the sheet and see where everything will be located, then you carefully remove it and start gluing it.

— Apply glue to the figure, starting from the middle and to the corners.

- After you finish your work, take it and attach it to the board, and then clean up your workspace.
