When and how to plant hyacinths in spring and autumn in open ground: optimal timing, rules for planting and growing. Proper planting and care of hyacinths in open ground Hyacinth flowers planting and care

Many summer residents strive to grow hyacinths on their property, planting and caring for them in the open ground requires a certain amount of time. In this article we will look at how to grow these beautiful flowers (even in those regions where the ground freezes in winter), when to dig up hyacinths, how to store the bulbs, and how to propagate the variety you like.

Hyacinths in a flowerbed (photo by Nadezhda Abramovich, Krasnodar)

In early spring, as soon as the snow melts, green arrows of hyacinths sprout from the ground. This flower with a charming and pronounced aroma comes in all shades of the rainbow. The tassel-shaped inflorescences can be either regular or double in structure; there are usually 20-30 buds on the peduncle.

Planting hyacinths in the ground: choosing bulbs and where to plant them

The perennial hyacinth is a bulbous crop; the size of the bulb may vary depending on the type of flower. Planting material is considered mature by 5-6 years, when it is fully formed. The tuber is a scaly sphere with a renewal bud - it is this that affects its growth. By the 5th year, adult bulbs usually acquire children, which form near the bottom and are hidden under the scales.

Hyacinth, photo of flowers:

When choosing tubers, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Bulbs of double varieties are often smaller in size, unlike their regular counterparts.
  2. To grow flowers in open ground, the tuber must have at least 4 cm in diameter, a full-fledged active bud and multiple scales. Elasticity and heaviness are indicators of the healthy state of the bulb.
  3. The appearance of the bulb should be perfect - no damage, wilted sides, or mold.
  4. Root buds should be present on the lower part of the tuber (near the bottom).
  5. The bottom of a bulb suitable for planting should be approximately one and a half to two times smaller than the bulb itself (we are talking about volume).

The pledge of long-term and lush flowering is not only high quality planting material, but also the landing site itself. You can plant a flower garden near trees or bushes, but not very close to them. The place for plants should be windless and well lit by sunlight. The soil needs to be loose; if your site is dominated by chernozem or loam, then it is advisable to add peat to it in advance (sand can also be used). Turf soil or leaf humus are excellent conditions for the development, growth and flowering of hyacinths.

As a fertilizer, organic matter gives good results, but manure should not be used. If the soil is acidic (pH above 6.5), then it should be diluted with dolomite (limestone) flour. Hyacinth tubers do not like excessive humidity. If groundwater on your site lies close to the surface (closer than 0.5 m), you cannot do without arranging high beds. In addition, the plants will have to provide a high-quality drainage substrate, as well as make a slight slope of the ridge - for better outflow of water during rains and spring melting of snow. With the arrival of spring, high beds warm up faster from the sun's rays, and hyacinths bloom much earlier.

When to plant hyacinths

The best time to plant bulbs is mid-September/October. It should be taken into account that if you plant a tuber too early, it will begin to develop, but will not survive the winter and will freeze. If you plant hyacinths too late, they will not have time to take root and get used to the place - accordingly, they will also die. If you are late with planting, then hurry up by the first week of November - this is the most late date. To do this you will have to resort to additional measures- cover the planting site with fallen leaves, spruce branches or any other covering to prevent the bulbs from freezing.

Is it possible to plant hyacinths in spring? I often see gardeners asking about spring planting hyacinths. Most likely, this question arises if you bought or were given a blooming hyacinth in a pot. What to do with the onion in this case? First, let the flower bloom. Secondly, you should not immediately transplant the bulb into open ground. Let the bulb ripen: reduce watering, leave the flower alone, wait until all the leaves turn yellow and begin to die. It will take about a month and a half. After this, release the bulb from the pot and leave it in a shaded place until September-October (timing depends on the region). And then do as the advice recommends planting hyacinths in the fall.

Growing hyacinths in open ground

It is highly advisable to prepare the soil in advance - dig to a depth of approximately 40-45 cm and add the required additives (depending on the composition and condition of the soil). Limestone (200 g), wood ash(150 g), superphosphate (50-70 g), magnesium sulfate (10 g) or potassium (20 g) are added at an approximate rate per 1 m² of land. To prevent the fragile young roots from being damaged during planting, digging up the soil at the site of the future flower garden is also important. When deepening the bulbs, the soil temperature should be approximately 8-11 degrees, the distance between the tubers should be no more than 10-15 cm. If flowers are planted in beds, then the row spacing should be approximately 18-22 cm. If you want different varieties of hyacinths bloom at the same time, make sure that all tubers are approximately the same size.

Hyacinth, photo of bulbs:

The area for the future flower garden is mulched with leaves or some other suitable material, covered plastic film, to keep warm. After the tubers are buried, the area is sprinkled sawdust or peat, it can also be covered again with foliage or coniferous spruce branches. Special covering material is perfect for these purposes. With the arrival of the first days of spring protective covering can be removed to make way for the hatching sprouts of hyacinths.

As mentioned above, the bulbs must be healthy, but if you are still afraid of fungal manifestations, you can first soak them in a fungicide solution.

The width and depth of the hole for the tuber should be equal to two of its sizes - approximately 15-25 cm, you can pour a little sand on the bottom, and then bury the tuber bottom down (about 13-15 cm). The bulb is sprinkled with soil, which needs to be lightly compacted and then watered.

The root system of the plant absorbs moisture and nutrients from the ground within a radius of approximately 20 cm from the tuber - this should be taken into account. Small onions should not be deeply buried; they should also be planted quite densely.

How to care for hyacinth

After the protective cover is removed, plant care will consist of weeding, regular watering, loosening the soil, and fertilizing. It should be borne in mind that hyacinths do not tolerate weeds in the vicinity. When buds begin to form and flowering time arrives, fertilizing the soil becomes especially important. After pecking the sprouts, the flowers can be fed with saltpeter (25-30 g per 1 m²).

The second stage of fertilizer follows during the period when the buds gain color. Now, in addition to ammonium nitrate, you can add potassium chloride (25 g) and a phosphorus additive (for example, superphosphate, 35 g). At the end of flowering, superphosphate and potassium chloride are applied to the area - 35 g of each product per 1 m² of area. Fertilizers are used to treat row spacing or spaces between flowers; fertilizing is always followed by watering.

Hyacinths - how to care after flowering? Unfortunately, this wonderful period is fleeting; after the flowers dry, you should continue to saturate the roots with moisture. In order for the tubers to recover well after flowering, watering and fertilizers should come first. If you live in a “cold” region, then you cannot leave hyacinths for the winter; you will have to dig them up - this necessary measures for further favorable formation of replacement kidneys.

If you live in Kuban, Crimea, and the northern Caucasus, then annual digging of tubers can be avoided, but only if the summer is very hot. It should be borne in mind that bulbs left in the ground will produce much fewer flowers next year.

Hyacinths have not been transplanted for a long time (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya, Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)

When to dig up hyacinths after flowering

The optimal period is the last weeks of June - the first half of July, when the leaves of the plant become yellow and weak. The above-ground part of the flower is removed, the tubers are removed from the soil, washed with water and dried thoroughly. Next, we carry out an audit - we throw away damaged (or with obvious signs of disease) copies. If there are undeveloped children on the bulb, they are separated and set aside for growing. Before storage, all tubers must be treated against diseases and pests.

Planting material, photo:

After all manipulations, the bulbs should rest for about 7-10 days in a well-ventilated place at an air temperature of +17..+20 °C. To do this, they need to be laid out on clean paper, and after the specified time has passed, hidden in paper bags. It is the period after flowering, as well as the time of processing and storage of tubers, that are the most important for hyacinths. At this time, the planting material is acclimatized, the scales dry out, and the tubers are prepared for the summer period.

If the summer temperature is sufficiently high, air access and moderate humidity should be provided to the bulbs (if the thermometer reaches +30°C). About three weeks before planting, the temperature in the room with the bulbs should be lowered to +16 °C - this will help them adapt before planting.

How to propagate hyacinths at home

Separately, it is worth considering methods of reproduction, since tubers can produce flowers over the course of two or three years, but at the same time they will not have children. To do this, the bulbs need stimulation, which is carried out in various ways.

Cutting out the bottom of a hyacinth tuber

Even when planting on the site, the place where the most are planted is determined. large bulbs. After the leaves of the plant turn yellow, the tuber is removed from the ground and immediately, without allowing it to dry out, they arrange a “shower” under strong pressure of water. During this process, old scales are removed along with the soil. Next, the bulbs are laid out in one layer in a ventilated box, taken out to a shaded place, and dried for about 7-10 days. After this time, using sharp knife A wedge-shaped cut is made at the bottom, in which the kidney and the bottom itself are completely removed. The cut area must be treated with crushed activated carbon.

After this operation, the tubers are placed in a container, the bottom of which is covered with a layer of perlite. The bulbs should be placed with the cut bottom facing up. Next, the container is placed in a large plastic bag (garbage bags can be used) to create the required microclimate. At a temperature of + 30 °C and high humidity Children will appear at the cutting site, and after 2-3 months they will reach about 1 cm, acquire the rudiments of roots and send out small shoots. If cutting the bottom was done in the first months of summer, then the tuber with children can be planted in the soil and covered with sawdust (or peat).

If time is lost, then the tubers are turned upside down, placed in a container with soil, placed in the cold (refrigerator, basement), and with the onset of spring they are planted on the site.

After the hyacinths have bloomed, what should you do with them next? With the onset of August, these tubers are dug up (by that time they are already covered with children), and the children are separated. By the beginning of September, the young generation of hyacinths is buried in the soil and covered with a 10 cm layer of mulch (sawdust, coniferous spruce branches, foliage, peat). At the end of the first winter, the mulch layer is removed, but left in place after the second winter. In the third year, such hyacinths give color and delight you with a wonderful aroma.

Reproduction by scales from bulbs

Large tubers (about 5-6 cm in diameter) are cut into 4 parts, after which some scales are separated from the bottom, and the “wound” surface is treated with crushed activated carbon. Next, take a container with perlite or clean sand at the bottom, you can also use crushed charcoal with ash. The broken scales are placed in this container, then it is placed in a transparent plastic bag, securely tied and kept for 2 months in not too bright light.

In this case, the air temperature should be approximately +19..23 °C, but in the second stage, which lasts one and a half months, the temperature should be reduced to +16..19 °C. During this period, several bulbs will form on the scales. Storing young livestock is similar to the method described in the first method.

Propagation of hyacinths by leaf cuttings

To do this, you should wait until the flower stalks set and separate a couple of leaves from the hyacinths; they need to be cut as close to the base as possible. Next, the leaves are treated in a solution that stimulates root formation (for example, “Heteroauxin”) and buried 3-4 cm in a container with clean sand (or perlite). This container, again, is enclosed in a plastic bag, tied and placed in a moderately lit place for a month and a half. The air temperature should vary between +10..17 °C, humidity – 80-90%. After the specified period, you will be able to see bulbous buds on the cuttings, and after 50-60 days - young roots and small leaves. Next, the plants are planted on the site, each cutting subsequently produces 6-10 children.

Cutting the bottom as a method of propagating hyacinth

In this procedure, the bottom is not removed, as in the first case, but is cut crosswise. A pair of crosses are made on large tubers, and one on smaller ones. Damaged areas are treated with powdered activated carbon, then the bulbs are placed in a warm room (+20..22 °C) for 24 hours so that the “crosses” open. All further actions are similar to the recommendations described above. With this method of stimulating the tuber, it is possible to obtain approximately 10-16 large young bulbs.

In order for these harbingers of spring to delight you with long-lasting flowering, lush tassels and an amazing aroma, you need to make an effort. Now you know how to grow hyacinths; planting and caring for them in open ground, although fraught with difficulties, are undoubtedly worth the effort and time spent.

First flowers (photo by Lyubov Belykh, Krasnodar)

Stately and spectacular hyacinth is a real decoration of the garden. in early spring. Appearing one of the first in the flowerbed, when there is still snow in places, it delights those around with large and fragrant flowers of the most diverse range of shades and shapes. Such splendor on a miniature scale can easily be repeated in winter, delighting yourself, your loved ones and friends with a magnificent gift for the New Year or Christmas. About how to force a plant at home - recommendations in our article.

Hyacinth: botanical description

Hyacinth is a genus belonging to the Asparagus family and includes only three species. They all have characteristic appearance and fragrant flowers. The plant's bulb is dense, consisting of fleshy leaves, the bases of which occupy the entire circumference of the bottom. The stem is thick and dense, with an inflorescence at the top. After flowering ends, it dies off along with the leaves along with it. Very fragrant flowers are collected in a raceme, the perianth is brightly colored, in the form of a bell-shaped funnel with bent blades. The fruit is a three-lobed capsule. Three species are known: Hyacinthus transcaspicus, Litvinova and eastern. The most common and famous is the latter, which has become the basis for the development of many varieties and hybrids. It is possible to care and plant hyacinth at home in a pot or in open ground.

Eastern hyacinth: description

It is considered to be the type species of the genus, that is, acting as a nomenclature species. If any controversial situation arises, he acts as the only bearer of the generic name from an objective point of view. The plant's homeland is the Mediterranean and, however, at the moment it is cultivated everywhere not only for decorative purposes, but also for medicinal purposes. The plant is perennial, bulbous, up to 30 cm high and stele up to 0.5 cm thick, the leaves are fleshy, linear, and have a bell-shaped flower. at home it is quite simple to care for; it blooms in early spring and is one of the first in the garden. It became especially popular in culture in the 15th century in Europe; since then, more than three hundred high-quality and proven varieties have been bred. The Netherlands, especially the Haarlem region, is famous for the cultivation of hyacinths, from which millions of bulbs of these flowers are supplied to the world market every year.

Popular varieties

It is difficult to say in a few sentences about the huge range of hyacinth varieties. When choosing one of them for your home or garden, pay attention to the manufacturer, seller, as well as botanical characteristics (height, flowering time, suitability for forcing, etc.). Planting and caring for hyacinths at home involves choosing a specific hybrid. We offer a conditional division of varieties according to flower color.

  • White: Argentina Arendsen (up to 28 cm, individual flower diameter up to 4 cm), L'Innosance (an early ancient variety created in Holland in 1863, height up to 26 cm), Carnegie (medium-sized - up to 22 cm, cylindrical inflorescence ), Edelweiss (medium early, up to 25 cm, with a wide brush).
  • Pink: Anna Marie (late, up to 25 cm high), Fondant (industrial variety with large 20 cm inflorescences, photo above), Pink Pearl (early, cone-shaped inflorescence with characteristic long bracts), China Pink, Marconi.
  • Blue: King of the Blues (old Dutch variety 1865, late, pictured below), Delft Blue (up to 20 cm, suitable for forcing, long flowering period), Maria (up to 25 cm, deep blue, one of the most common hybrids), Myosotis (early, pale blue).
  • Purple: Amethyst (short flowering period, unpretentious, pale lilac hue, height up to 25 cm), Bismarck (early, up to 30 cm light purple inflorescence, ideal for forcing and cutting), Menelik (purple-black, compact, late) .
  • Yellow: City of Haarlem, Orange Boven, Yellow Hammer.

Lush, spectacular flowering, bright colors and a unique thick and rich aroma - these are the main reasons why in the pot. Care at home is quite simple, but requires forcing, which results in some peculiarities. As a rule, they try to get a flowering plant for a certain holiday: New Year, March 8, etc.

What is forcing?

This process involves comprehensive measures to accelerate plant growth. It is widely used in greenhouse cultivation and floriculture. The plant is placed in conditions with elevated temperature environment, humidity and additionally illuminated, thereby stimulating them to active development, flowering and fruiting. This is how tulips, daffodils, lilies and hyacinth are grown in a pot at home. How to preserve the plant after such a procedure, read further in the text.

Selection of bulbs

In essence, forcing mobilizes all the forces of the plant and allows you to get beautiful flowers in a short time. Only healthy and strong specimens can withstand this. Choose high-quality planting material, large, dense bulbs without damage, grown in open ground. Pay attention to the weight; it should not be too light and give the impression of emptiness inside. In addition, as mentioned above, it makes sense to pay attention to the variety; there are hybrids specifically designed for forcing.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Preparation of hyacinth bulbs begins at summer period, at the moment when you decided that you will grow hyacinth in a pot (home care - below). As soon as the foliage withers, the planting material must be dug up, washed in warm water and dried in a draft. shady place, and then store it in a cool and dry basement or cellar. Experienced flower growers know one secret. As soon as hyacinth flower stalks appear in the flowerbed in the spring, they notice the largest and most powerful ones, but they are not allowed to bloom and are cut off. This allows the plant to devote all its strength to the development of the bulb, which can then be successfully driven out in the winter.

Landing dates

The timing of planting bulbs in the ground depends directly on when exactly you want to get blooming hyacinths on your window. Care and cultivation at home in the future are quite simple; it is important to do everything correctly at the initial stage. The cooling period for early forcing is 10-13 weeks, for late varieties increases to 12-16. The start date can be set as follows. Determine the day when you need to receive the flower and reverse order subtract from it the number of established weeks, plus another 3-4 for growth for early and late varieties, respectively.

In order to strengthen the immune system, the bulbs should be placed for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate or the drug “Hom” (concentration - 4 g per 1 liter of water) before planting.

Planting bulbs

In accordance with the planned flowering time in the fall, soil bulbs should be planted in soil (purchased or prepared independently). Use individual pots or group planting - depending on your own preferences. Hyacinth in a pot requires minimal care at home, but its flowering is magnificent. Fill the pots with soil almost to the top, then plant the bulb so that its top is level with the edges of the container. When planting in groups, maintain a distance of 2.5-3 cm. Cover the top of the pot with dark polyethylene, making holes for ventilation. Move the plants to a dark and cool place for a set period of time; the temperature should be between 5-8°C.

As the earthen ball dries, lightly moisten it; the soil should be slightly moist. During this time, small sprouts appear on the hyacinth; when they reach 3-5 cm in height, the plants should be brought into the house. The initial temperature should not exceed 12°C; choose a shaded place for a few days, and then move them closer to the window (but not to radiators). On permanent place The pot is placed at the moment when buds appear on the plant.

Hyacinth in a pot: care at home during flowering

In order for a plant to please you with beautiful flowering, it needs to be provided with stable conditions. After the buds appear, the pot with hyacinth is moved to a permanent bright place, protected from drafts. The temperature should be between 15-20°C, keep the soil constantly moist, not allowing it to dry out. Apply a one-time feeding with complex mineral fertilizer, strictly observing the dosage and concentration indicated on the package.

What to do with the bulb after flowering?

The hyacinth bulb used for forcing cannot be reused. However, you can plant it in open ground in a flower bed in the garden, where it will delight you with natural flowering in early spring. After the forcing is completed and the desired result is obtained, leave the bulb in the ground - this is necessary in order to preserve the flower. Hyacinth care in a pot at home requires the same care as in the ground. Continue watering the plant and feeding it with fertilizer until the leaves begin to wilt. Once they are dry, carefully separate them. Remove the bulb from the ground, dry it and store it in a cool and dry place. Plant in the ground in late autumn: in the middle or end of October, when the soil temperature drops to 5-10°C. Thus, the hyacinth will have time to take root before severe cold weather.

Remember that the plant prefers sunny and open place, possibly with light shading, protected from wind and excess moisture. The soil is recommended to be loose, containing sand, humus, and having good moisture permeability.

Hyacinth is native to North Africa, the Mediterranean and the Middle East. It belongs to the genus of herbs of the Asparagus family. From ancient Greek, “hyacinth” is translated as “flower of rain.”

The flowers bloom at the very beginning of spring and amaze with their riotousness different colors and fragrant aroma. The plant can be grown not only in open ground in the garden, but also at home.

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Description of hyacinth

The plant gained great popularity thanks to the Netherlands, which received the name "hyacinth center". It was in this country that breeders developed a large number of varieties and hybrid forms of the flower, the bulbs of which are annually exported to other countries.

The plant's bulbs have a dense structure, represented by succulent lower leaves. The stems flowering from the bottom grow up to 30 cm. In the lower region of the shoots there are narrow, upward-pointing leaves. In the corner of the top plate is being formed bud, from which the bulb is later transformed. This bulb will bloom the next year. It is possible that small bulbs may form in other leaves that cut and used for later vegetative propagation plants.

The raceme inflorescences, located at the top, consist of flowers collected in a cone-shaped or cylindrical shape. Perianths are bright bell-shaped funnels with bent blades.

Hyacinths are characterized wide palette. Flowers can be white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, red. They come in simple and terry shapes. Three-lobed fruits have two seeds with delicate skin in each nest.

Features of growing hyacinths in open ground

Like all plants, hyacinth is characterized certain requirements in agricultural technology. The perennial is a capricious flower.

If you decide to decorate the garden of your dacha with this particular type of plant, then you need to learn how to grow hyacinths correctly and when to plant them.

Correct conditions For good development flower:

  • The soil for the plant must be neutral. The ideal substrate would be a mixture of turf and leaf soil in equal proportions. If the soil is highly acidic, liming is necessary; Peat or river sand is added to clayey soil.
  • A loose substrate requires excellent drainage, which will protect the flowers from waterlogging.
  • The site for hyacinths in the garden is chosen to be warm and sunny.
  • There should be no strong winds or drafts in the place where flowers are grown. Gardeners often plant plants next to shrubs and trees, which protect the flowers from gusts of air.
  • Fresh organic matter is prohibited for this perennial.

Hyacinths: planting and care in open ground

Bulbs for planting are selected that are elastic and large; their diameter must be at least 4 cm. Samples with mechanical damage, mold, diaper rash and lethargy are immediately excluded. A high-quality bulb is characterized by two-millimeter root primordia.

Such instances will be able fast take root, and also successfully survive the winter period and bloom profusely next year. Hyacinths are not planted in spring.

How to plant hyacinths

Experienced gardeners advise do not plant hyacinths too close to trees or shrubs, which can absorb a large amount of nutrients from the ground and leave nothing for the flowers.

The soil for the bulbs should be prepared in advance. They dig it up at a depth of 35–40 cm. At 1 square meter The following amount of fertilizer must be applied to the beds:

  • Superphosphate – 70–80 g;
  • Magnesium sulfate – 15 g;
  • Potassium sulfate – 30 g;
  • Rotted compost (or humus) – 10–15 kg.

Limestone is added to acidic soil, and peat or river sand is added to clayey soil. For sandy areas, fertilizing should be increased. with magnesium and potassium 1.5–2 times.

Large bulbs should be planted at a distance of 25–30 cm from small specimens. The depth of the hole should be at least 15–16 cm. The larger the bulb, the deeper it should be located. If the small bulbs are too low in the soil, then they will not be able to grow out.

Optimal period The period for growing the plant will be from the end of September to the beginning of October.

If you plant seed before these dates, then they will quickly grow and die in winter. And if planted in late autumn, the plants will not have time to take root before winter frosts.

Bulbs selected for planting are treated in a solution fungicide for 30–40 minutes. This treatment promotes better rooting and high resistance of plants to bad weather.

The planting depth for bulbs ranges from 15–20 cm. The distance between bulbs should be 15–20 cm, and between rows – 25–30 cm.

Hyacinth grows well in sand. Pour clean river sand into a layer of 4–6 cm at the bottom of the holes and gently press it into it landing material, which is covered with the remaining sand and then with earth. The dry substrate is watered. This planting method prevents moisture from remaining in the soil, which reduces the risk of bulbs rotting.

For accelerating flowering hyacinth should be planted on raised beds, which quickly warm up under the sun.

In temperate latitudes, bulbs can be planted late. in autumn, in the first half of November, when there are still no severe frosts. The process of growing flowers before winter includes the obligatory soil with peat, sawdust, foliage or spruce branches. The cover is removed in early spring so that it does not damage the developing seedlings.

Flower care

Caring for hyacinths after planting involves the following:

With proper planting and care of hyacinths, abundant flowering of the plant will be guaranteed.

Caring for hyacinth after the growing season

After bright and lush flowering, hyacinths require transfer, which will help them survive and bloom in a new way next year.

At the end of the growing season, flowers are left for 2–3 months to recuperate after flowering. In order for the bulbs to quickly recover and become stronger, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied to them once every 1–2 weeks.

After a dormant period, the bulbs are dug up. The procedure must be completed after yellowing leaves. First, cut off the yellow stems and then dig up the bulbs.

The material is cleared of soil, diseased specimens are thrown away, and healthy specimens are washed, dried and treated with special solutions. Then the bulbs are planted in separate containers with substrate. The containers are transferred to room with a constant temperature within +16–19 degrees.

The room should be regularly ventilated throughout the week so that the bulbs can breathe. During this time the material acclimatizes and will be ready for the next stage of storage. The room temperature is increased to +28–29 degrees; humidity should be high. A month before transplanting into open ground, the temperature is again lowered to +16 degrees so that the plant has time to harden and prepare for re-growing outdoors.

Growing hyacinth from seeds

The plant is usually propagated children, bulbous scales or cutting out the bottom. The seed method is longer and more labor-intensive. Hyacinth, which is propagated by seeds, should be grown according to the same rules, but it blooms only after a few years. Therefore, only experienced and patient gardeners choose this method of flower propagation.

The procedure is performed in September. To do this, take small containers with a light, loose substrate, for the preparation of which you take leaf soil, humus and river sand. Seedlings are grown in cool greenhouse during two years. Seedlings bloom in 5–7 years, without inheritance varietal characteristics parents.

Usually this method used by breeders to breed new varieties and hybrids. Beginning gardeners and hobbyists are advised to choose methods of propagation by children and cutting out the bottom.

Pests and diseases

Hyacinths have high stability to diseases. But with the wrong conditions they can be subject to:

If you properly care for hyacinth and follow all the rules for planting and replanting, then you can achieve a bright and lush garden with fragrant flowers that will delight you with a variety of colors every spring.

“The flower of sadness,” this is what the ancient Greeks called hyacinth; modern florists consider it the flower of “love and fidelity.” All this is about him - about the fragrant hyacinth. Today modern flower growers share their experience on how to grow hyacinths in open ground, flowerpots and even on the window sills of small apartments with beginners.

An incredible, intoxicating smell, a variety of shades of inflorescences, ease of care and a relatively long flowering period, in relation to affordable price, makes hyacinth flowers a women's favorite. Planting and caring for lovely buds in the garden is one of the most enjoyable jobs of amateur gardeners.

Millions of pots of hyacinths are distributed throughout the country for the beloved spring women's holiday and not only. Having pleased the owner for some time, giving her all its color and aroma, the hyacinth fades, leaving a small onion as a keepsake. And, of course, you shouldn’t throw away a faded plant. It is much more prudent to prepare and transplant the bulb into open ground. And again and again enjoy its unique spring blooms. Moreover, hyacinth is one of the people’s favorite early primroses.

Before you start planting, it is important to choose the right soil. The most suitable soil for a bulbous plant is loose soil that easily allows water to pass through. The ideal option will be if such land is additionally enriched with mineral fertilizers. For this, both a purchased packaged product and ordinary humus, which is applied to the soil to a depth of 30 to 40 cm, are suitable. The only thing you need to pay attention to in this case is that the soil for hyacinths should be prepared in advance with the help of mineral fertilizers, ideally , a couple of months before landing.

Does hyacinth like sun or shade?

Grow unpretentious plant It is possible both in areas open to sunlight and in slightly shaded areas. You should not plant bulbs under bushes or close to trees; the root system of the latter can choke the growth of flowers. The most important thing is to protect bulbous plants from drafts and constant gusts of wind. It is worth paying attention to the possibility of water stagnation at the landing site. Like any bulbous plants, hyacinth does not like excess moisture; a constantly wet bulb can simply rot. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to plant flowers on a small hill or on a slope, in which case water will definitely seep below the planting level and heavy weather precipitation will not harm them.

When to plant hyacinths in the ground

By learning in advance how to plant hyacinth in the ground, you can avoid typical mistakes beginner gardeners. So, the main directions in planting:

  • soil preparation begins 2 months before planting, that is, in the month of August; the soil is fertilized with minerals, humus, loosening from time to time;
  • planting time and how to plant hyacinths in the fall in open ground - in September - early October (before the soil begins to freeze) they begin directly planting the bulbs. If you start planting ahead of schedule, the bulb will grow and simply...freeze. The flowering period of hyacinths in open ground is April - March; they will not be able to hatch through a snowdrift. So, having made a hole in the ground (15 cm will be enough) with a garden shovel, you can start planting. The flowers themselves must maintain a distance of at least 20 cm from each other in the flowerbed;
  • bulb care. The main thing to remember after planting is to make sure that the bulbs do not freeze over the winter. Sawdust, fallen leaves, dry peat and other mulching materials of both organic and inorganic origin will help prevent this.

Attention! If the soil has not been fertilized beforehand, it is recommended to sprinkle the bottom of the hole with sand mixed with peat or rotted compost.

Caring for hyacinths in the garden

When planting is completed, you can forget about the bulbs until growth begins. It is when the young borer appears that feeding and watering of the plant begin. Ammonium nitrate and superphosphate are quite suitable for the first feeding. You can simply sprinkle the substances in the dose indicated on the package, and then, loosen the soil with a garden hoe, water the soil.

How to water hyacinths in the garden

After planting, the question may immediately arise: how often to water hyacinth? At home, everything is clear: you just need to make sure that the soil does not dry out and water the pot from time to time with settled water at room temperature. In the garden, the process, frequency and temperature of water for irrigation are controlled by precipitation. If rain is not expected, all that remains is to prevent the soil from drying out completely, especially during the flowering period, otherwise the bulb from lack of moisture may simply shed its inflorescences and the plant, which could please the eye for a long time, will go into hibernation until next year.

Don't forget about mineral fertilizers(superphosphate and potassium sulfate), which are best used at the beginning of the formation of hyacinth buds. This can be done either by scattering the substances (in dry form) or during the watering process, diluting them in water. Already during the flowering period, so-called microfertilizers, such as boric acid and zinc sulfate, for example, are suitable for feeding.

How to plant hyacinths in the garden in spring

Despite the fact that hyacinth is considered to be a primrose, its beautiful blooms can be admired later. To do this, the bulbs are planted in open ground in the spring. If this season is chosen for planting, then before starting the process, it is recommended to place the flower bulbs in the refrigerator for an hour, or rather - freezer. Gardeners call this method of planting stratification. Thus, deceptive conditions for simulating “winter cold” are created. The main thing is to do everything wisely, do not freeze the bulb for too long, otherwise it will freeze and you may not wait for flowering. Common sense and weather forecasters with meteorological forecasts will tell you when to plant hyacinths in open ground in the spring. The soil must be warmed by the spring sun's rays, and the threat of frost is also unacceptable.

Ammonium nitrate and potassium will serve as soil fertilizers during spring planting. Of course, they should be used on the ground after the snow has completely melted.

So that the roots of the plant can breathe, the soil after spring planting It is recommended to loosen from time to time with garden tools

When the beautiful hyacinth has bloomed, its bulb will again require attention and care. During this period, the soil will again need to be treated with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. The faded flower itself can be cut off higher, allowing the plant to fade in a natural way. It is not recommended to leave the bulbs in the same place every year; the soil and the flower should rest from each other for 3 years. The thing is that the soil can accumulate pests and various pathogens, and the handsome bulbous plant is quite sensitive to them.

Over the course of a year, each planted bulb produces 3-4 shoots, so propagating beautiful spring primroses is not difficult! With proper care, the bulb will delight you with flowering and aroma again and again.

Hyacinth is ornamental plant, as if it came down to us from a vintage picture. After all, it attracts not only with its amazing beauty, but also with its extraordinary aroma! About what is planting and caring for fabulous hyacinths planted in open ground, as well as what varieties and methods of propagation exist, and, finally, how these flowers are used in landscape design and which plants are best combined with, you will find out in the article!

Description: varieties and varieties of hyacinths

The amazing hyacinth flower with the most delicate colors and captivating aroma is one of the first to begin to bloom in spring garden, driving gardeners crazy with its colorful and fragrant inflorescences. Rich color palette ranging from snow-white and yellowish to burgundy and resin-colored, complemented by the amazing shape of the inflorescences, it amazes the imagination. It’s not for nothing that hyacinth is called a universal plant: this rain flower is perfect for planting in the ground and early forcing in greenhouses. You will learn further about how to plant and care for the plant, what propagation methods exist and how picturesque hyacinths are used in landscape design!

The homeland of hyacinths is Asia Minor and Greece. Here you can find wild flowering plants at every step. The flowers owe their popularity largely to Holland, where famous breeders were actively involved in their cultivation. This is where many come from hybrid varieties who came to our country. By the way, about varieties. Information from sources varies, but, as breeders assure, there are at least three types of hyacinths in nature:

  • Transcaspian (Hyacinthus transcaspicus);
  • Litvinova (Hyacinthus litwinowii);
  • eastern (Hyacinthus orientalis), which became the ancestor decorative varieties this plant.

Blooming only once per season, hyacinths are usually distinguished according to the timing of flowering: a garden crop can be early, mid and late flowering.

IN middle lane of our vast country, delicate hyacinths bloom early, making worthy company first. Weather, inherent in a particular region, can shift the flowering time by 2-3 weeks, so these plants are considered very sensitive to climate and air temperature. The duration of the flowering process is from 7 to 15 days, again taking into account whether the weather is favorable or not.

Planting a plant

Important! When choosing the moment to plant, first make sure that the plant's bulbs can take root before frost. This will increase your chances of wintering, and next spring your garden will be filled with colorful and fragrant hyacinths. If you plant flowers too early, you may not see shoots: the bulbs will simply die. But too late planting threatens that the bulbs will not have time to form their root system, and the soil will already freeze.

When choosing a place for planting, remember that the homeland of capricious hyacinth is warm countries, therefore they should be planted on sunny and windless hills, having prepared the soil in advance. Presents a flower to her special requirements: the soil must be permeable with a considerable content of humus. However, it is better not to resort to using fresh and slightly decomposed humus. If the soil is dense and clayey, then it is mixed with peat and sand. On soil with high acidity, a gardener will not be able to grow a luxurious flower bed, so such soil will have to be diluted with limestone or chalk.

Attention! The soil for planting is dug up to a depth of 40 cm, mixed with mineral and organic fertilizers, if necessary, add lime. Then the soil is leveled and covered with film in anticipation of planting. This will prevent weeds from appearing.

Before planting, the material is carefully examined. It is better to get rid of soft and diseased bulbs immediately. For planting, use medium-sized bulbs, since the plants grown from them will be easier to withstand bad weather, but larger bulbs are more suitable for forcing.

Hyacinth bulbs are planted to a depth of 15-17 cm at a distance of 15 cm from each other. If the baby is small, then the depth and distance will have to be slightly reduced. Having completed the planting work, the soil is sprinkled with a mulch layer (sawdust, peat, fallen leaves), and after the temperature drops to 0ºC and stable cold weather appears, it is covered with a film or other covering material, which is removed in early spring, when the soil has thawed a little.

Hyacinth care

Delicate and quivering hyacinths used in landscape design are very demanding to care for, so special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the soil around the seedlings. Periodically it loosens. This will help create the plant favorable conditions growth. If your hyacinths are not happy abundant flowering, then the soil is probably not moistened enough.

Hyacinths love water very much, they especially need moisture during the dry season. During its growing season, the plant requires feeding, and mandatory preventive measure culling is considered to be carried out 2-3 times per season. The peduncle is not torn off by hand, but carefully cut off with a knife; if you do not plan to cut the hyacinths at all, then the wilted flowers are torn off and the peduncle is left.

Fertilizer and feeding of hyacinths

The key condition for growing flowering plants is regular feeding. First time mineral supplement occurs in early spring, when sprouts are just beginning to appear. Superphosphate, ammonium nitrate or potassium chloride can be used as fertilizers. With the formation of the first buds, the plant is fed a second time using the same fertilizers. The crop is fed the third time after flowering, when the hyacinth must store nutrients for the formation of renewal buds and the formation of axillary buds. For feeding, potassium and phosphate fertilizers are used, as well as potassium chloride and superphosphate, previously dissolved in water.

Advice! After applying the necessary fertilizers, the soil is thoroughly loosened!

Plant propagation

Typically, breeders use the seed method to breed varieties. Crops grown in this way will delight you with their colorful inflorescences only after 5-7 years. The seeds are sown closer to October in a container with soil mixed with humus and fine sand, and grown in closed greenhouses for 2 years.

The process of natural reproduction of flowers proceeds extremely slowly. An adult bulb can form only one to three children. If the baby is easy to separate from the mother bulb, then it is grown separately, otherwise it is not broken off, but planted in the ground together with the mother bulb.

The bulbs selected for propagation are pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate (1%) and dried over the next two days.

Diseases and pests

Grown hyacinths rarely suffer from pests and are almost not susceptible to disease. However, if signs of pest damage were noticed (cessation of growth, bending of peduncles, wilting or yellowing), then the reasons may be the following:

  • contaminated material was used for planting;
  • unsuitable soil (waterlogged or acidic);
  • excess mineral supplements;
  • improper culling of bulbs for planting;
  • incorrectly carried out prevention;
  • violation of disembarkation rules.

Of the diseases that hyacinth may encounter, the most common is bacterial yellow rot, which turns the bulbs into a slimy formation with pungent odor. As a result of infection, the crop stops growing, and spots and stripes may form on the leaves. The diseased plant must be removed from the flower bed, and the vacated hole is carefully etched with bleach.

Hyacinths: combination with other plants

In landscape design, fabulous hyacinths combine perfectly with many spring flowers. bulbous plants, blooming approximately during the same period as hyacinth. The most organic and picturesque tandem is formed by:

  • bright blue hyacinths and sunny daffodils;
  • blue hyacinths and snow-white tulips;
  • orange hyacinths and scarlet tulips.

Hyacinths in landscape design

Hyacinth is a universal flower, because it is successfully grown in flower beds in the open ground, in flowerpots and pots on window sills. These look incredibly elegant flowering plants one color scheme in the company of lush and low-growing perennial crops. It will look wonderful garden path framed by well-groomed hyacinths, as well as trees and shrubs decorated with them. Gardeners claim that it is better to plant hyacinths together with other plants so that after they bloom, the soil does not become empty.

Growing hyacinth at home: video

Hyacinths in the garden: photo
