Clinker tiles, facing bricks, which is cheaper. What is better: clinker tiles or artificial stone? Criteria for choosing wisely

For the external decoration of building facades, materials such as clinker tiles or facing brick. This facade is very practical and has visual appeal. Only you can decide what it will be like. long years: stylish, festive, elegant, business or casual. Get creative and create a façade that no one else has.

What is better for decorating the facade: clinker tiles or facing bricks?

When in the process of building a house the question arises: what material to choose, you should not rush. It is necessary to consider this issue from all sides, weigh all the pros and cons.

The first thing you need to evaluate is: which material is more durable - clinker tiles or facing bricks? Of course, brick is a more durable material. But at the same time it is heavier. The tile, despite its fragility in appearance, is no less durable when used as cladding. And, besides, there is no need to carry out foundation work or expand the base. Brick will require additional reinforcement and expansion of the foundation by 12-13 centimeters.

Thanks to these qualities, the process of laying clinker tiles will take much less time than laying facing bricks. And if you purchase facing panels with clinker tiles, the installation process will be further reduced. All this will greatly reduce the cost of the work performed.

And in general, if we consider the financial side of the issue. What is cheaper: clinker tiles or facing bricks? The answer to this question is clear: tiles are much cheaper, since the consumption of raw materials is much less. And when you buy clinker tiles for brick, you will get a brick facade at the low price of tiles.

If you look at the service life of these materials. The warranty period for tiles is 50 years. Of course, the service life of the brick is longer. But all this is subject to high-quality surface execution. building material. The destruction of clinker tiles or facing bricks begins with the ingress of water and subsequent freezing.

The advantages of facing bricks are indicated by their quality, such as air conductivity. After finishing with facing bricks, the walls continue to “breathe”. The surface of the clinker tiles is covered special composition, which prevents the penetration of not only moisture, but also air.

The range of clinker tiles is very wide. It is available in various colors and textures. This allows you to create unique facades. The variety of facing bricks is also growing steadily. Materials of different colors and shades are beginning to be produced, and the heterogeneity of texture contributes to the creation of unusual facades that differ in the depth of color.

Clinker tiles are used in construction much more widely than facing bricks. The fact is that it can be used both for finishing the facades of buildings and for interior decoration of premises: fireplaces, stoves, staircases, terraces.

When starting the exterior decoration of a building, you need to know how the basement of a house is faced, what material is best to choose for this, and what tools may be needed during the work process.

The basement of buildings is susceptible negative influence external factors ( high humidity, pollution, mechanical stress, etc.). Therefore, the material chosen for finishing must not only have an attractive appearance, but also have certain performance characteristics.

The base is the lower part outer wall and the upper, above-ground part of the foundation. It can be designed as an independent element, erected above the base, or as a continuation of it (for example, in a strip foundation).

During the operation of a private house, the plinth performs the following number of functions:

  • distributes loads on the foundation from the roof and walls of buildings;
  • protects the base from precipitation (rain, snow and floods);
  • creates a thermal barrier that reduces heat loss through the floor;
  • gives the building a finished look.

Requirements for materials for cladding the base

In order for the base to successfully cope with all the tasks posed above, the selected material for its cladding must have the following performance characteristics:

  • be reliable;
  • durable;
  • have increased moisture and frost resistance;
  • be resistant to mechanical stress and ultraviolet rays;
  • be durable;
  • have an attractive appearance.

What is used to cover the basement of a house? Which material is better? What to choose to appearance was home more attractive? Let's consider several options.

Cladding the basement of the house. Which material is better?

The construction market is rich in a wide variety of materials that can be successfully used to finish the foundation. Among them, the most available types of plinth cladding are:

  • decorative and simple plaster;
  • regular or basement siding;
  • artificial or natural stone;
  • ceramic or clinker tiles;
  • covering the base of the house with panels.

Does each type of finishing require a different technology from the others? We propose to take a closer look at how the cladding of the basement of a house can be done, and which material will better cope with the tasks assigned to it.

Plastering the plinth

Plaster is quite common and the most a budget option finishing, which will be relatively inexpensive and will help create strong protection for the foundation from various adverse influences. In addition, the undoubted advantage of such finishing is the ability to do the work yourself.

The disadvantage is relatively low strength and service life. In addition, regular painting and surface editing is required. It’s also not possible to wash off the dirt, so maintenance often comes down to periodic repairs.

To apply the solution to the base you will need:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • dowels for fastening.

Implementation of the task

TO plastering work the surface must be prepared. It is thoroughly cleaned of contaminants, and a notch is made on the concrete surface, which has stood for more than a year. Peeling areas are removed to a durable layer. Protrusions and depressions are leveled.

  1. A thin plastic reinforcing mesh is attached to the surface of the base with dowels, which helps create a good base and helps retain the cement mortar, giving the structure additional strength and, accordingly, reliability.
  2. A primer layer of solution consisting of one part M-400 cement, three parts sand and water is applied to the prepared and moistened base with a spatula. The primer is applied with a thickness of 7-12 mm and kept for 8-10 days. At the same time, it must be constantly moistened with water and covered from the effects of the sun with burlap, matting or other covering material.
  3. A final layer of plaster 4-5 mm thick is applied to the moistened surface of the mortar primer. It is carefully leveled with a trowel.

After completing the plastering work, the plinth can be painted to give it a more aesthetic appearance. In addition, painting will improve protection against moisture. However, painting is not the only option for decorating the base. For example, using a rasp will create the effect brickwork. Next, the base can be painted, and after the paint has completely dried, highlight the resulting seams with a different shade. Also, later it will be possible to cover the plastered base with any type of stone or siding.

When decorating, any materials can be used, which are currently abundant in all construction markets. You have to make your choice from a huge number of finishing options, taking into account the cost Supplies and the price for the services of specialists: installers, masons, finishers, etc.

Finishing the base with natural stone

Cladding the base with natural stone is the most expensive option. High price natural material, as well as the services of finishing specialists will require considerable Money. Time costs must also be taken into account. However, after all the work is completed, the result will be a very stable and almost eternal base. The natural stone used for finishing will undoubtedly give any home an expensive and presentable look. There is a wide range of natural minerals (marble, granite, sandstone, onyx, dolomite and many other types) that are suitable for finishing, and in the future they will not require virtually any additional care. Along with a long service life, this factor is one of the main advantages of using natural stone.

Cladding the basement of a house with artificial stone

Artificial stone is usually a tile made from cement mortar with stone inclusions, gypsum or cement-sand mortar. The choice of artificial stone is quite large.

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial stone

The advantages of this material are:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • resistance to excess moisture.

Also, the positive aspects of using artificial stone when finishing the base should be highlighted:

  • its low cost, especially when compared with the price of natural stone;
  • ease;
  • ease of installation.

Cladding the basement of a house with artificial stone involves the following steps:

  • choosing a stone whose color would harmonize with the tone of the façade finishing material;
  • choice of glue, which in this case depends on the weight of the stone.

The following materials and tools are required for work:

  • putty knife;
  • solution or ready mix for preparing glue.

The solution or tile adhesive is applied in a layer of 3-5 mm to the moistened surface of the foundation and tiles. The artificial stone is pressed and leveled. Next, the surface is cleaned of excess grout.

Covering the basement of a house with siding

Covering the base with siding is the cheapest and quick way finishing. It can be safely called one of the most economical and fastest options. The quality of the building material used in the manufacture of siding allows it to be used with great success for basement finishing.

The undoubted advantages of using siding include:

  • protection from excess moisture;
  • possibility of use even with the most dramatic temperature changes, regardless of the climate zone.

Siding will cost much less than artificial stone, which, in turn, costs half as much as natural stone. Accordingly, the use of siding implies a reduction in costs when finishing the basement.

It is also necessary to note the ease of installation and the speed with which the plastic lining of the base is mounted on the surface, which significantly saves not only valuable time, but also money.

Wherein external finishing panels creates a certain illusion that the base is made of brick or natural stone.

Maintenance of such decor is minimal. The surface of the siding can be washed, and if necessary, it is quite easy to replace.

The disadvantage of using it is the rather labor-intensive installation process, which includes fastening the guides and special sheathing. In addition, tolerances for temperature deformation are required. It is quite problematic to install some types of siding on your own.

Finishing the basement of the house with tiles

For cladding the base it is used different types tiles:

  • clinker facing tiles;
  • polymer sand tiles;
  • porcelain stoneware

The most optimal materials at the moment include thermal panels with clinker tiles, with the help of which they can not only improve the appearance of the base, but also significantly insulate this part of the building.

By clinker we mean facing tiles, the dimensions of which are similar to real clinker bricks, however, unlike them, you will have to pay about half the price for the tiles. The process of its manufacture is also similar to the process of making bricks, that is, the firing method is used. The use of clinker tiles creates the illusion of brickwork.

The practical installation system creates excellent protection against moisture and better retains heat. TO positive aspects this method should be attributed to the speed of installation, which allows for the shortest possible time give the facade of the house a finished look.

Finishing the basement of the house with panels

Plinth panels are modern, inexpensive and practical material for finishing the outer part of the foundation. They differ in design, performance characteristics, weight and dimensions. They are made from materials of different composition. In addition, they differ in the method of fastening.

The main advantages that this kind of cladding of the basement of a house has: price (from 450-600 rubles per sq. m.), decorative combination with other types of materials and finishes. In addition, the panels are resistant to precipitation, durable and have a huge product range.

Among the various facing materials, the reputation of the most reliable has long been won fake diamond and clinker tiles. They have been in excellent use for many decades - there is no need to update them. In addition to their durability, these materials create a comfortable indoor microclimate and look great.

However, in modern realities Many homeowners and developers are having a hard time: the exchange rate against the ruble has risen, resulting in a “financial impasse.” Products that were absolutely affordable just a couple of years ago may be too expensive today.

Of course, first of all, the cost of imported products has increased. Their prices almost doubled, because importers converted them into conventional units. At this stage, the prospects remain unclear, but I would like to believe in the best and think that over time circumstances will change in better side. One way or another, the current situation in which thousands of developers with ruble savings find themselves can hardly be called favorable.

Concerning Russian manufacturers, then they spend their own budget mainly in the ruble zone. Of course, this does not mean that they do not depend on exchange rates, but the increase in the cost of goods in this case should not be so sharp. A 100% rise in price is unlikely to affect them.

Currently, the market for facing materials is developing at a rapid pace, and more and more attractive offers are appearing. Clinker tiles are rightfully considered one of the best facing materials and are in demand in the construction field.

Of course one of the most important factors her success is her attractive appearance. But the advantages of the material do not end there. Technical and operational characteristics also deserve the highest praise. In particular, it is worth considering the naturalness of all components - this kind of material is absolutely safe for human health and condition environment. Moreover, clinker tiles are characterized by minimal water absorption and are therefore resistant to very low temperatures. In addition, it must be said about color stability, as well as its durability and high strength.

All these are properties of real high-quality clinker tiles. The same excellent characteristics are characteristic of paving stones, paving road and facing clinker bricks. These are products that have received the unspoken title “indestructible”.

All this sounds great, but this barrel of honey is not without a fly in the ointment. Thus, the production of real clinker bricks with a minimum absorption level of 3% is concentrated in Europe. For example, the famous clinker factories Roben and Feldhaus Klinker are located in Germany. As you know, the cost of German goods is measured in euros. Taking into account today's exchange rate, we can say that 1 m2 will cost 3,000 – 4,500 rubles. And if this option turns out to be too expensive, you have to look for an alternative: a material with the same characteristics, but more affordable. An excellent option in this case could be artificial stone in brick and stone models. Its range today is very wide, so even the most demanding developer will be able to choose his own option.

In the production of artificial stone they use modern technologies and materials that allow you to create a product of the same High Quality, like clinker. It is taken as a basis concrete mixture, which contains stabilizers and fillers. Artificial pigments perform the function of coloring.

From the point of view of economic benefits, artificial stone has a serious competitive advantage - its affordable cost. This can be seen especially clearly if we draw a parallel with clinker tiles. To prove this idea, it is enough to cite one obvious fact: the price for 1 m2 of artificial stone is 800-1200 rubles. As you can see, this is several times cheaper than clinker.

Above we talked about the many advantages of clinker tiles, but artificial stone is not inferior to it in almost all respects. And if we talk about construction estimates, then artificial stone is the best option.

By the way, if we compare artificial stone with plastic facade panels, it will become obvious that the first option is still preferable. Artificial stone looks much more natural than any plastic counterpart. This means that houses lined with this material look more advantageous.

Rich color palette?) Do you see my avatar? Do you have such a “stone”?
In your photos you compare the incomparable. Take Vandersanden, Nelissen, Robin eventually or Feldhaus tiles. Your claim. the stone will merge once and for all.
Show the test reports indicating the strength, frost resistance and moisture absorption of your “stone”.

We are talking about tiles actually, and regarding color and texture, see the previous post.

One like White Hills in your avatar has several options, an unfortunate remark on your part. Obtain conclusions from the manufacturer.

By the way, Stroeher has an amazing and unique Zeitlos series; photographs do not fully convey that beauty. The suede surface of the tiles looks very beautiful.

Manufacturers of artificial stone will make both suede and mossy... just give them a task, the choice is many times larger.

And maybe you’ll still show at least something beautiful, otherwise it’s somehow strange to judge the taste of condensed milk in words

Clinker tiles or artificial stone for brick?

Today, in the current difficult situation, many developers and homeowners are in a “financial impasse” due to the sharp increase in exchange rates against the ruble. Those goods that we planned to purchase a year ago have greatly changed their prices and in some cases have become unavailable to buyers.

Most of all, the increase in prices affected imported goods, since importers in one day converted their price lists into conventional units, which practically doubled their cost. For our part, we sincerely believe that in six months we will not care what rate coefficient we multiply and divide by, but today this is a problem. The savings of many citizens are in rubles, and imported goods have become unreasonably expensive.

Russian manufacturers are also, to one degree or another, tied to exchange rates, but nevertheless, most of the expenditure components of their budget are in the ruble zone. This means that the price of Russian materials may change upward, but this process will be carried out gradually and is unlikely to reach a 100% increase in price.

By the way, we (the Roof-n-Roll company) have been dealing exclusively with high-quality goods for quite a long time, and in the future it will be difficult for us to switch to similar products produced only in Russia one day. Not all Russian manufacturers provide consistent high quality typical of Western standards. We hope that the current situation will encourage Russian entrepreneurs to focus on growing their “honest name”, high quality and expanding the range.

The import substitution program in the construction industry includes the offer of alternative products Russian production at ruble price.

Clinker tiles in last years has won a fairly large market share not only due to its solid and natural appearance, but also due to its excellent technical and operational characteristics: the naturalness of all components, color stability and really high frost resistance due to minimal water absorption, and high strength and durability. Perhaps no other façade material has yet surpassed unique properties clinker tiles. The same applies to facing clinker bricks, and paving clinker bricks and paving stones. These are “unkillable” products.

But the problem is that the production of real clinker (and clinker is a brick that has a water absorption by volume of less than 3%) is concentrated in Europe, mainly in Germany (clinker factories Feldhaus Klinker, Roben and the manufacturer of clinker steps Stroeher) and the price of the German product measured in euros. At today's exchange rate of 70-80 rubles. this is about 3000 - 4500 rubles per 1 m2.

This cost does not always fit into the developers’ estimates, and we have to consider alternative options. This alternative to clinker tiles is a wide assortment range artificial stone in brick-like models from two leading Russian manufacturers White Hills and Kamrock.

Artificial brick is made from a concrete mixture enriched with stabilizers and fillers and is colored using artificial pigments. Due to the versatility of production, this material can have the most various shapes, therefore opens up wide boundaries of choice.

Most important advantage artificial stone today can be considered its low price, especially in comparison with clinker tiles. So, the price of 900-1000 rubles per 1 m2 is lower than 40 euros (3000-3500 rubles per m2) by about 3-4 times.

Of course, clinker facing bricks and tiles have a number of undeniable advantages over artificial stone, but from the point of view of budgeting and construction estimates - artificial brick today one of the most preferred alternatives.

If we compare artificial stone and plastic facade panels made to look like brick (the so-called basement siding), then in terms of the aesthetics of the facade, stone will have more advantages, since it really looks more natural and natural than any plastic analogues.

Also, today the position of thermal panels with artificial brick-like stone is becoming available, and this also expands the boundaries of budget choice for homeowners.

Among the various facing materials, artificial stone and clinker tiles have long won the reputation of being the most reliable. They have been in excellent use for many decades - there is no need to update them. In addition to their durability, these materials create a comfortable indoor microclimate and look great.

However, in modern realities, many homeowners and developers are having a hard time: the exchange rate against the ruble has increased, resulting in a “financial impasse.” Products that were absolutely affordable just a couple of years ago may be too expensive today.

Of course, first of all, the cost of imported products has increased. Their prices almost doubled, because importers converted them into conventional units. At this stage, the prospects remain unclear, but I would like to believe in the best and think that over time circumstances will change for the better. One way or another, the current situation in which thousands of developers with ruble savings find themselves can hardly be called favorable.

As for Russian producers, they spend their own budget mainly in the ruble zone. Of course, this does not mean that they do not depend on exchange rates, but the increase in the cost of goods in this case should not be so sharp. A 100% rise in price is unlikely to affect them.

Currently, the market for facing materials is developing at a rapid pace, and more and more attractive offers are appearing. Clinker tiles are rightfully considered one of the best facing materials and are in demand in the construction field.

Of course, one of the most important factors for her success is her attractive appearance. But the advantages of the material do not end there. Technical and operational characteristics also deserve the highest praise. In particular, it is worth considering the naturalness of all components - this kind of material is absolutely safe for human health and the environment. Moreover, clinker tiles are characterized by minimal water absorption and are therefore resistant to very low temperatures. In addition, it must be said about color stability, as well as its durability and high strength.

All these are properties of real high-quality clinker tiles. The same excellent characteristics are characteristic of paving stones, paving road and facing clinker bricks. These are products that have received the unspoken title “indestructible”.

All this sounds great, but this barrel of honey is not without a fly in the ointment. Thus, the production of real clinker bricks with a minimum absorption level of 3% is concentrated in Europe. For example, the famous clinker factories Roben and Feldhaus Klinker are located in Germany. As you know, the cost of German goods is measured in euros. Taking into account today's exchange rate, we can say that 1 m2 will cost 3,000 – 4,500 rubles. And if this option turns out to be too expensive, you have to look for an alternative: a material with the same characteristics, but more affordable. An excellent option in this case could be artificial stone in brick and stone models. Its range today is very wide, so even the most demanding developer will be able to choose his own option.

In the production of artificial stone, modern technologies and materials are used, which make it possible to create a product of the same high quality as clinker. The basis is a concrete mixture, which includes stabilizers and fillers. Artificial pigments perform the function of coloring.

From the point of view of economic benefits, artificial stone has a serious competitive advantage - its affordable cost. This can be seen especially clearly if we draw a parallel with clinker tiles. To prove this idea, it is enough to cite one obvious fact: the price for 1 m2 of artificial stone is 800-1200 rubles. As you can see, this is several times cheaper than clinker.

Above we talked about the many advantages of clinker tiles, but artificial stone is not inferior to it in almost all respects. And if we talk about construction estimates, then artificial stone is the best option.

By the way, if you compare artificial stone with plastic facade panels, it will become obvious that the first option is still preferable. Artificial stone looks much more natural than any plastic counterpart. This means that houses lined with this material look more advantageous.

By doing finishing works homeowners stand in front of the most difficult choice, what building material to buy: facing bricks or clinker tiles?

Wall cladding is great way reliably protect the house from the negative effects of cold, rain and wind. In addition, high-quality masonry can provide the structure with excellent resistance to mechanical damage, as well as prevent fading, thereby maintaining an attractive appearance.

When performing finishing work, homeowners face a difficult choice of which building material to purchase: facing brick or? Each of them has its own advantages and operational features. Today we will look at the advantages of materials and find out which material is better and in what case.

Facing brick and its features

Bricks for finishing facades are produced in the form of a parallelepiped of regular shape. It may differ in type, size, texture and color palette. Cladding material is widely used for exterior and interior decoration. It looks great in the interior of the room. Fireplace portals, stairs, doorways and kitchen aprons can be finished.

The main advantages of this building material include:

  • a large range of products of domestic and European production;
  • wide choose colors: from light yellow to black;
  • excellent resistance to UV rays and sudden changes temperature conditions;
  • long service life without repair.

On construction market there are many finishing materials for cladding a house. The most practical and attractive is clinker. Facing brick or clinker tiles, which is better to use - you can figure it out by reading this article.

The advantages and disadvantages of materials, as well as their scope of application, are outlined here. You can also find out what methods are applicable for cladding the facade of a building with clinker tiles.

History of clinker products

Clinker brick is made from clay, but firing is carried out at a temperature of 1300...1400 degrees. This temperature changes the molecular composition of the material, which makes it durable.

To make bricks, special grades of clay are required; not every clay is suitable for clinker.

History of clinker bricks

Brick appeared a long time ago in southern countries. There, clay and reed were mixed and slabs were formed, from which ancient temples were created.

When did roasting appear? clay brick unknown. The Tower of Babel had one wall made of this material. Then ceramics appeared - after all, this is also clay processed at high temperatures. Thus, clay firing gradually spread throughout Europe.

To create the building material, clay of the “first sediment” was used. It was ground into powder, sifted, water was added, and blocks were formed. After this, a lot of time was spent drying and firing. Despite such a labor-intensive production of building blocks, their price was low.

That is why Russia became interested in this building material. First clinker brick in Russia was created in 1884. After this, over time, the production technique was improved and brought to the ideal.

Modern production of clinker bricks

Today, many companies produce clinker bricks, which have a number of advantages over other facing materials, as well as low cost. It amazes with its appearance and coloring.

Leading brick manufacturers provide not only a wide selection, but also a material warranty period of 100 years. Leading companies in Germany and Poland are trusted by Russian consumers; the quality of bricks is at top level It follows from this that the warranty period is justified.

What are tiles and clinker bricks?

Clinker tiles for the facade of a building are more the best option replacement of clinker bricks.

Since brick-like tiles are used when, due to circumstances, it is impossible to use brick, and the facade of the building must not only have a unique appearance, but also have functional properties.

Clinker tiles

This tile is produced by squeezing prepared clay mortar from a special machine.

After this, the extruded solution is cut according to the specified parameters and shapes. A special roller creates a textured pattern on the tile. After which it is fired at temperatures up to 1400 degrees in a special oven.

The service life of this tile is almost unlimited. Due to modern processing, the tiles are not afraid of moisture and sun. Color palette very diverse. The most popular are tiles similar to natural and old brick.

What is clinker brick, its differences

The brick is manufactured in accordance with GOST 530-2012 and is characterized as a durable product with low moisture absorption. Has excellent performance properties. The product is used for finishing work outdoors.

Clinker brick has correct sizes and the shape of the standard product. On the outside it has a rough surface, the color ranges from light yellow to dark brown.

Shades are obtained by introducing special additives into the brick composition.

Main characteristics of clinker bricks

Clinker brick is very different from natural brick and has the following characteristics:

  1. Difference in production. For clinker products, special clay and mineral additives are used. This product is fired at higher temperature 1400 degrees, for comparison, ordinary brick is fired at a temperature of 800-1000 degrees.
  2. The difference is in the strength of the material. Clinker material has the highest percentage of strength compared to conventional brick. It practically does not wear off and is placed one step higher than concrete in all of the above parameters.
  3. Moisture absorption. Ordinary brick in water absorbs up to 25% of water, clinker – up to 8%. Treated clinker products do not absorb moisture. They have a glossy appearance - this affects frost resistance. When installing clinker bricks, it is used cement mortar. It sets quickly. The joints between the bricks are also filled cement mixture with added dye.

Types of clinker bricks

Facing clinker material classified by type:

  • Construction – used for supporting building structure, which takes on a large load. These can be columns, steps, pillars, stairs, or the base of a building.
  • Facing - facade products differ in appearance, which allows you to make an individual facade decor. Thanks to large selection color range, as well as glazing, the appearance of the house becomes neat, bright, maintaining an attractive appearance for many years.
  • Pavement - used to create paths, pavements and alleys are laid out. The idea behind it is landscape design. Due to its properties, brick does not lose its color, does not absorb moisture, and is not affected by direct sunlight.

For each purpose, a separate type of brick is used.

Technical characteristics of clinker bricks

The main characteristics of clinker bricks are shown in this table:

Basically, clinker bricks are made hollow, this allows you to relieve the load on the walls of the building. Through voids or recesses are created at the stage of pressing into molds. The hollowness of a brick is measured by a separate parameter - percentage. The indicator fluctuates between 35-40%.

Dimensions and geometric accuracy

Clinker bricks are produced in accordance with standards. It is designated as follows:

  1. Single – 250*120*65 mm – 1 NF;
  2. One and a half – 250*120*88 mm – 1.4 NF;
  3. Double – 250*120*140 mm – 2.1 NF; There is also this size 250*85*65 mm – Euro – 0.7 NF;
  4. Modular block – 288*138*65 mm – 1.3 NF.

The following models are produced - three quarters, half, quarter.

Permissible deviations from the standard: length 4 mm, width – 3 mm, thickness – 2 mm.

Main types of clinker tiles

Important. When lining stoves, barbecue houses, and fireplaces, you should use special mixtures that can withstand high temperatures and not crack or fall off the base.

Facing brick or clinker tiles, which is better?

The main component of a clinker product is a special type of clay.

The main difference in production is firing at a relatively high temperature.

Clinker tiles have a number of advantages over other finishing materials:

  1. The strength of the material - it practically does not wear out; when exposed to mechanical means, the tiles remain in their original form.
  2. Direct resistance sun rays. As you know, the sun is ultraviolet rays; tiles do not lose their properties in constant sun. This is especially true in the southern regions.
  3. Frost resistance. This allows the tiles to be used for outdoor use in regions with low temperatures.
  4. Easy to install. The tile is relatively light in weight, so its installation is carried out without unnecessary manifestations of nervousness and obscene language - “installation without swearing”.
  5. A large selection of textured patterns, as well as a variety of colors.

The disadvantage is the cost of the product, since there are advantages that affect pricing policy. On average, clinker tiles cost from 700 to 4,500 rubles. per sq. m.

Clinker brick has a number of advantages:

  1. The main feature of the product is its long service life. This was revealed in the peculiarities of production.
  2. A large selection of products - the color range, as well as the appearance of the bricks are varied.
  3. Wide range of applications for bricks.

The disadvantage is the high cost of the product, unlike ordinary bricks - clinker bricks are 2 times more expensive.

Facade finishing with clinker tiles

Clinker tiles are used when a textured pattern is indicated, as well as where the use of brick is not permissible.

Preparatory process

Before installing clinker tiles, it is necessary to prepare the façade base. All obstructive objects should be removed: roof drain, antenna and other objects. After this you should remove old finishing and swollen old plaster. The next step is to coat it with 2 coats of primer.

The primer mixture must be moisture resistant and contain antiseptic additives.

After all the steps taken, notches are applied to the walls for future tile laying. In some cases they are not needed, but only a master can determine this.

Surface reinforcement

If the walls are uneven (differences can be easily identified using a rule or a level 2-meter strip), then the layer of tile adhesive can be 1.5 cm. In this case, a reinforced mesh is used.

Metal or fiberglass mesh small cell. It is attached to the base with self-tapping screws and dowels. The mesh should be fastened in such a way that it is tensioned and has a distance of 3-5 mm from the wall. After this, the mesh is filled with tile mixture and you can begin laying tiles.

There are 2 methods used for installing tiles.

“Wet” method of laying tiles on the wall surface

It is called the wet method because tile adhesive is used for laying. For facade clinker tiles, the appropriate mixture should be selected.

Laying tiles begins with window and doorways. Before laying the tiles, make the appropriate markings. It is done using a level, since all marks must be strictly horizontal and vertical.

Attention. The laying of clinker tiles depends on the quality of the markings made.

If the base is facing, then adhesive composition It is applied both to the surface of the base and to the back of the tile. The tiles should not be thin or small in size. Reinforcement of the base is mandatory. The first tile is laid slightly below ground level.

To form precise seams that create the illusion of masonry natural brick Cut 1 cm strips of glass are used. They are inserted into the masonry perpendicular to the wall. After a day they are removed with pliers.

“Dry” method of laying tiles on the facade of a house

For this method, clinker thermal panels are used. They also come with mounting hardware. The panels are fastened using special locks.

They are located at the end facing material. Fixation to the base is done with self-tapping screws through special holes.

To form façade corners, special corner panels are produced. This method is easier than the “wet” one. It saves a lot of time.

But, the cost of a clinker panel is several times higher than that of tiles.

Technique for forming seams

With the wet method, grouting is done 2-3 days after the main work. If the dry method was used, then the seam is formed immediately after installation of the panels.

For grouting, you should choose a shade that creates a contrast between the tile and the grout. The seam should be filled completely, leaving no voids.

This is a guarantee that water will not get inside. A cement-based mixture is used on the walls. When forming a seam on the base - the composition of reactive resins.

Attention. When filling the joint, the mixture should not fall on the tile. If this happens, you should immediately wipe the tiles with a rag, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the grout later.


With the right material selected for cladding the facade of a building, the appearance will be in its original form and will delight you for decades.

And its functionality will not deteriorate over the years.
