Kiselev began to irritate the Foreign Ministry. Surgut deputy wanted to hide his income

  • 17.02.2019 Articles/Holidays
    A hole in obscurantism (comments)

    But how well it all started! Fresh, just created, like Eva from Putin’s Rib, the United Russia party promised, solemnly, as if upon joining the October Revolution: in 2004, residents of the Russian Federation will pay half as much for heat and lighting; in 2005 everyone will receive their share from the sale of natural resources, in 2008 every family will find housing. And not some lame one, but according to European standards. Just let him lead alone! So as not to interfere!!! (Something always gets in the way of a bad dancer). The affairs of the “party of affairs” turned out to be unimportant. If not dark. United Russia confidently wins the elections, but is unable to overcome rising prices, bribery and mismanagement even within its own ranks.

  • 08/31/2018 Articles/Politics
    Or maybe they are lying? (comments)

    Sometimes you find something on the World Wide Web that gives you a timid hope: maybe it’s not true? Here is a member of the State Duma, Alexander Remezkov, who voted for the law banning the adoption of Russian children by foreigners, and now supports the robbery of old people, it turns out that he long ago sent his son Styopa (now Stefan) overseas, to the camp of the sworn enemy - the United States.

  • 31.08.2018 Articles/Patriarch Kirill
    To whom do Solovki shine? (comments)

    Patriarch Kirill's visit to Solovki turned into a poorly disguised squabble. His Holiness meekly noted that he was “concerned about the delay in construction.” Especially in cases where construction has not started. It turned out that officials, accustomed to kickbacks, were sabotaging the restoration of the monastery for the third year in a row, for which Kirill extorted six billion rubles from the government.

  • 22.07.2018 Articles/Christianity
    “Glamourous Father” or the Nail Punch in the Hand of God (comments)

    Who in these days of the decline of faith wears “honest chains” under shabby rags! More often they wear a watch worth a million and a phone number worth 150 thousand. And the fiery chariot, on which, to put it in youth terms, the church fathers cut through the city, crushing drunken passers-by, is increasingly gravitating towards the Mercedes, generated by bad Catholics and godless Protestants. If the Savior walked on the sea as if on dry land, then Patriarch Gundyaev leaves the sea from his palace on the Black Sea coast on a yacht from the category “God grant everyone one of these!” Which, however, is far from Abramovich, as the patriarch is from holiness.

  • 06.26.2018 Articles/History
    Resurrect the reptile! (comments)

    The great Voltaire, preparing minds for the coming of the power of the philistinism, called: “Crush the reptile!” He spoke about the church, which stifled any free thought and hindered the development of humanity. The people who paved the way for capitalism in Russia really wanted to grab more and take it further away. And they restored the abolished and desecrated god, since they really counted on the help of the church in this matter.

  • 05.05.2018 Articles/War
    Time of colorless colonels (comments)

    Having become attached to state power for the second time, the churchmen quickly showed that they had forgotten nothing and learned nothing, continuing the arduous work begun a thousand years ago to displace everything Slavic, Russian, Russian - names, monuments, events, martyrs and heroes. Only the ecclesiastical, ancient Jewish religion has the right to exist. At most, Byzantine.

  • 04/20/2018 Media/Miracles
    A monetized miracle or And the welfare of the clergy blooms on the stones (comments)

    There has been a sad shortage of miracles lately. They have become scarce to such an extent that even the discovery, while digging a pit for a new cathedral - permission for the construction of which they forgot to ask in a hurry - of a cornerstone with inscriptions on it left over from the previous cathedral - something like a letter to descendants - is perceived as a miracle.

  • 01/15/2018 Articles/Society
    Public benefit of a private prison (comments)

    Discussions about prisons, thieves and scriptures.

  • 12/04/2017 Articles/War
    “The Bronze Soldier” was spoiled again by the cuckoo’s children (comments)
    What vile little people you sometimes come across among earthly people. They couldn’t win the war against the living, so they take it out on the dead.
  • 10/07/2017 Articles/Politics
    For whom do the personalized bells ring? (comments)
    The United Russia party has forgotten its previous promise to halve housing and communal services prices, to allocate everyone a share from the sale of raw materials, to provide housing for every family if they are given leadership and “will not interfere.” For which reason, she covered the city of Penza with shields with the inscription “We keep our word!”
  • 30.08.2017 Articles/Education
    Forgotten melody for a flute broken on a student's head (comments)
    The situation in public education is getting worse and worse every year. Every year education becomes more and more average. According to the testimony of university teachers, including the most famous ones, the level of training in secondary education is decreasing and decreasing every year. Expect from dropouts high school There are no special successes in universities. What to do?
  • 07/27/2017 Articles/Society
    Image down the drain (comments)
    Crazy funds are pouring in now Russian state in “creating a favorable image of the country abroad.” They get big, of course, also abroad. And then enthusiastic foreigners come to the village of Lermontovo and discover a “birdhouse” latrine with a complete absence of sewerage. Not everyone likes it, and it’s even uncomfortable in front of foreigners.
  • 27.07.2017 Articles/Holidays
    The Bolsheviks began to move away from God-seeking in order to stop drinking the population (comments)
    The Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation Onishchenko named new year holidays in Russia “ten days of horror, when the majority of the citizens of our country are left to their own devices.” While the minority flies after migratory birds to warm regions. "And no more terrible enemy for our citizen than himself,” said the Chief. Unless, of course, you count the government of the country.
  • 06/20/2017 Articles/Politics
    Dunka finally made it to Europe! (comments)
    For a thousand years now, Russians have been tormented by a feeling of inferiority instilled in them by the Byzantine Orthodox Church, which convinced the gullible Russians that their ancestors were not just sitting on branches when cunning priests came from abroad in sealed vehicles to enlighten them. As it turned out, one can make good money from the backwardness of the natives. Redskins in the New World gave their land to crooks for glass beads, and believers simply give it as a gift to God. There are no costs, but the income is crazy.
  • 06.06.2017 Articles/Communism
    Why did the Pope swing to Bolshevism? (comments)
    The specter of communism is once again haunting Europe. This time in the person of the Pope. Aboard a plane from Krakow, saved from complete destruction by our troops, Pope Francis said the oppression of Muslim youth in Europe helps explain the actions of those who take up arms.
  • 03.04.2017 Articles/Patriarch Ridiger
    To the Kingdom of Heaven - through the rectum (comments)
    The current leaders of the church presiding in the capital of the Third Roman region, worthy of God, illustrious, blessed, praiseworthy, highly desired, and simply the Leaders of the Russian Land, due to some strange misconception, consider themselves Christians, vainly vain of the world, are concerned only with building more churches and decorating they are bigger. They are trying to make the tombstone of the deceased not so much for the god, but - for his sins - in the latrine of Patriarch Alexy, so that it surpasses all the previous ones in splendor, including the tomb of Tutankhamun. Let us note that Christ himself, who urgently summoned his faithful servant to his reception in a simple manner, straight from the restroom, was buried less magnificently. Or decorate the next frame on the images with silver, gold and precious stones and raise the frame for yourself. Instead of decorating yourself with deeds of faith.
  • 12/20/2016 Articles/Society
    Grandmother died in favor of a temple in Singapore (comments)

    The past ten days have been full of tragedies, big and small.

  • 02.09.2016 Articles/History
  • The main event of the day was still considered the snake festival: “Among the duckweed, snake dances.” Therefore, not everyone dared to walk through forests and meadows. If a snake bites a person on this day, not a single sorcerer-witch doctor can save the poor fellow. Especially if it is the snake of liberalism.

    June 12, 1990 by the Congress people's deputies The RSFSR adopted a Declaration on the so-called state sovereignty of Russia, which began the forced collapse Soviet Union under the guise of Russia gaining independence from Latvian sprats and Uzbek cotton. The Declaration itself became the first step towards transforming the plundered country into a raw material appendage of the West, and now of the East, under the mocking name of a “great energy power.” “We have integrated into the world economy,” they explain to us very well learned people on his scientific hairdryer. They became a colony, to put it simply. “Integration into the world economy... took place, however, in the role of... a supplier natural resources, human and raw materials. It was absolutely not possible to move from a “raw materials” to a “smart” economy,” rejoices Leonid Radzikhovsky (“ Russian newspaper", August 23, 2005).

    In order to move to a “smart” economy, the desire to grab something is not enough - you need to have brains. At least at a level so as not to give away markets to rivals. The same ones that took place during two world wars, not counting the little things. The smarter the economy, the more it needs a sales market. Thus, the loss of Russian independence began with its solemn proclamation.

    Somewhat later, the leading shakers of the foundations honestly admitted that their main service – to the West – was that they “fell under America.” And they put the whole country there.

    True, they explain to us that the destruction of the country was inevitable, since it was necessary to “get rid of the parasites that are eating up Russia.” This meant the fourteen allied states of the USSR. They got rid of it - and now we have to import these “parasites” from abroad, because there is no one else to work for, and the number of our own, home-grown parasites, eating Russia from the inside, has grown incredibly.

    Thanks to these shocks, the country lost more production capacity than during World War II. Entire industries disappeared. It's the same with the population. So we might as well celebrate the beginning Mongol invasion or the Time of Troubles. The results are approximately the same - how Mamai passed, leaving behind fields overgrown with weeds.

    By the way, Mamai was himself to blame: he should have hired several boyars and some kind of broadcasting so that they would explain to the population: Russia is doomed anyway, you can only be saved by lying under Mamai.

    There is so little left of modern industry that it is even inconvenient to remember: the Philippines and Mexico are ahead of Russia in the number of robots per capita.

    This is the price of the transition to capitalism, on the outskirts of which the liberals found a place for us.

    One of the shockers decided to perpetuate the event with a holiday, firecrackers and national rejoicing. (Perhaps this is why they are ahead of us in terms of robots, because in decent countries it is customary to declare mourning in such cases?) And the question arose: what to call it? Naturally, in the American way - Independence Day.

    In all honesty, the holiday should be called Bori's Independence Day from Misha. But why should a family holiday be celebrated by “family” (the word “family”, of course, is understood in the same sense as Italian mafia) Yeltsin's whole country?

    Free legal advice:

    According to the Brockhaus and Efron Dictionary of the times of autocracy, “ Sovereignty (Souverainete, suprema potestas) is supremacy, a set of supreme rights belonging to the state or its head. The main point that defines the concept of S. is a negative moment: above the given power to which S. belongs, there should not be any other power that has the legal authority to give it commands».

    One of the signs of a colony is the adoption of the habits of the colonialists by the local rabble, who help plunder the country. They began to imitate the United States in everything. Village councils suddenly became administrations, chairmen - speakers, the Supreme Council - parliament, managers - managers, elections - a race, divers - divers.

    According to Zbigniew Brzezinski, during the Great Rastaschka, 500 billion dollars, stolen in Russia with the help of regiments of American advisers who led the Russian government, ended up in US banks. 500 billion dollars is, for example, the budget of the Ryazan region for the entire thousand years of its existence.

    Yegor Gaidar often recalled that in Russia under his leadership there was not a single combat-ready regiment left. Except for the one that consisted only of American colonels who gave him advice.

    In general, it turned out well: we give them 500 billion, and they give us Independence Day. Because independence is never too expensive. Well, such is the level of mental development of people who have seized power in Russia.

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    (It's funny that the Founding Fathers of the United States started the upheaval to achieve exactly the opposite purpose. The Constitution of the United States begins with the words: "We the people of the United States do ordain and establish this Constitution... to form a more durable union."

    For the United States, Independence Day truly became a holiday of liberation from the oppression of England, which restrained the development of its possessions. For example, it was forbidden to export there not only spinning equipment, but even drawings according to which it could be manufactured locally. Therefore, the first drawing according to which such a spinning wheel was made was made by a craftsman who moved from England, from memory. “Our corn will get its price in any market in Europe, and the goods we import must be paid for regardless of where we purchase them. However, the losses and losses that we suffer as a result of such a connection (with England) are innumerable,” wrote the instigator of the turmoil, Thomas Paine.)

    Finally, the newly-minted rulers of Russia realized that declaring independence from a country created by the labors of generations of Russians was somehow inconvenient. And they shortened the name of the holiday - Russian Independence Day - simply to Russia Day. Thus, it turned out even funnier: Russia's Independence Day from its thousand-year history. Well, Russia didn’t appear in 1991!

    Therefore, the best minds of liberalism need to push themselves again and, for example, start celebrating June 12 as the Day of the murder of Princes Askold and Dir by Prince Oleg, who, by the way, also arrived, like Yeltsin, from afar and turned out to be ungrateful. Although not everything is simple here: after the murder, Oleg connected Novgorod and Principality of Kiev into one huge power, and Yeltsin destroyed it.

    chicken on trial

    Chicken on trial

    Free legal advice:

    A seemingly simple question: how much does a chicken cost in live, unplucked weight? “150 rubles,” they’ll say. knowledgeable people. Well, maybe someone will pay two hundred if you really want noodles. And they will be wrong. Because it won't be the real price. Actually this Domestic bird worth ten million. This is proven by numerous court decisions.

    See for yourself: a man in the working-class village of Z. stole four chickens from a neighbor - he really wanted to drink - and received four years of bedbugs. Not conditionally. One year for each bird. The case, not worth a hatched egg from this hen, was inflated to criminal proportions. Although it could be solved at a meeting of neighbors in a simple way: if you stole a chicken, return two. And we will consider the matter finished. Based on Part 5 of Art. 32 of the Constitution Russian Federation, providing for the direct participation of citizens in the administration of justice. For some reason, only citizens don’t know about this.

    Around the same time, the mayor of the regional city of P. stole 85 million rubles from the city treasury. (This is only what we managed to prove; now he is again under investigation). And he worked for eight and a half years. One year for every ten million.

    Since, according to the Law, our citizens are equal, and the court acts on the basis of Justice, a year of a bug is given for ten million or for a chicken equivalent to them. Justice is justice! True, I immediately remember the words of Yaroslav Hasek that there are people sitting in the bedbug infestation who are a thousand times more honest than those who put them there. You shouldn't have stolen a chicken, man: if you stole a poultry farm, you'd be sitting in the Duma.

    The leader of the Mostovik NGO, Shishov, received a prison sentence for wasting a billion allocated for the construction of an oceanarium in Vladivostok, so that our president could boast of a new toy to the other heads of state: they say, he lives no worse than others! The man let the president down! True, when they grabbed it, he returned three hundred thousand. Where the remaining 999 million and kopecks are is not known. And he only got three years. One year for every three hundred thirty-three million = for every chicken. With that kind of money you can build a dozen poultry farms.

    Free legal advice:

    But what are we all about money? In another settlement, a neighbor killed a guy. As usual, no matter what. They gave him eight years, i.e. The court valued a human life at eight chicken lives. The guy was sixteen years old when his life ended. If we take into account that it was from an orphanage, then we can say that it never started. In Soviet times, the laws were Gulag laws! - for this they put me against the wall. But the “invisible hand of the market” set the right price human life in a market society.

    And if they roll you into noodles on the road, then the villain will get nothing for it at all: two years of correctional labor is like crushing two corydalis.

    Is an independent court possible in a class state? The presence of classes in society excludes “legality in general” and “justice for all,” simply because an exception is made for one’s own, “class relatives,” as it was common to say in the thirties. The court is harsh towards the suppressed and more than lenient towards its own. The head of a plant in Penza received four years probation for multimillion-dollar embezzlement. Now he owns one of the large trading houses in the city. Conclusion, in order not to end up in a bedbug infestation, you need to steal not five chickens, but a poultry farm.

    Again, it’s easier to deal with drunkards: they can be imprisoned immediately, but gangs take twenty years to catch. And it’s scary to get involved with these “scumbags.”

    We should not forget that 9/10 of crimes are committed while drunk. Therefore, it would be better to spend money on culture for the people and, through gentle measures, distract them from drunkenness: crime would be reduced tenfold!

    Free legal advice:

    “But culture needs money, sir; where can I get them? - the defenders of the existing order will scream. Let's look. A smoke-hungry judge earns one hundred thousand a month. With this money rural areas it would be possible to hire a dozen circle leaders who would be happy with a salary of ten thousand.

    The court secretary, bailiffs, prosecutors, police, from the district police officer to the investigator, guards in bedbug guards, security guards, and guard dogs cling to the judge. And everyone wants to eat and drink; in a sober country, the number of parasites could be reduced tenfold. This does not count the cost of keeping the “intruder” himself in the bedbug infestation.

    But these are the results of the humanization of life in general and criminal justice in particular. In Soviet times, an unfortunate person who was born on the wrong plane, where there is an opportunity to go to Paris for the weekend, would have been sent for not entirely voluntary treatment, and, lo and behold, it would not have come to criminal charges. But the “democrats” have lost all their steam on the inadmissibility of violating human rights by consuming intoxicating drinks and offensive substances. So it turns out that their kindness is worse than theft.

    • Alexander

    Free legal advice:

    Wonderful observation! What to do? Just don’t talk about unrealistic things, such as revolution and so on.

    “Is an independent court possible in a class state?” Why not?

    Where did the author see a classless state? Nowhere in the laws are there advantages for representatives of some classes over others. And if not, then the judicial practice is unsuitable. But since our people are the source of power, it means we need to change practices.

    We must really fight for the independence of the courts, we must elect judges, it is possible to attract judges from among civilians, approximately like in the USSR, but with the rights and staffing like jurors.

    • Victor


    Free legal advice:

    The court is prescribed in the Constitution as a separate branch of government. Not subject to the jurisdiction of ANYONE OR ANYTHING.

    When CORRECTED public life states - and return from social and power schizophrenia to normal life, will the first to be burned are JUDGES, PROSECUTORS and BAILIFFS?

    • Andrey


    That's what I mean. No classes, no parties. National elections with mandatory 100% turnout, elections from bottom to top. Each deputy is nominated to the highest authorities only from his own region, without any Moscow representatives.

    Free legal advice:

    The election of judges, as stated in the Constitution, and for no more than 5 years with the right of recall for negligence.

    • Eugene

    Absolutely right! Only elections!

    And assign two people’s assessors to each judge, as in Soviet times, with voting rights, so that they can be supervised in the manner of commissars during the Civil War.

    Free legal advice:

    Derbent wall

    25.01.Pensioners in Russia live poorly, but not for long

    Russia is one of the most unfavorable countries for pensioners to live in.

    01.24.Pensions in Russia and abroad: compare two worlds

    01.22.The pension of a deputy in Russia is 220 thousand, the pension of an ordinary person is 16 times less

    01.24.The real “brain drain” from Russia turned out to be 7 times higher than the official one

    18.01.The reserve fund has run out

    15.01. There is not enough evil!


    10.01. There is no money for the people and there never will be

    New “laundry” for budget billions

    10.01.When instead of a conscience there is a stomach

    The State Duma and the Federation Council purchased elite alcohol worth millions of rubles

    Free legal advice:

    28.12.Who lives well in Rus', and who doesn’t need it

    27.12.The government did more than was possible

    27.12.Bad “pioneer” Ella Pamfilova

    23.12.The salvation of billionaires from sanctions will be paid for from the budget

    The Russian authorities agreed to use federal budget resources to help the richest citizens

    Articles » Articles



    All selfish calculations must

    now retreat before the general beginning

    knowledge for the benefit of humanity.

    Free legal advice:

    What was actually being discussed where our greyhound writers imagined a sexual issue, which they are able to find even in the manual on the development of brown coal open method? I would really not like to disappoint the overripe boys from KP, but life in general is somewhat more complicated than it seems to them from the editorial window.

    There was a worldwide upsurge in the struggle for freedom. The same freedom that the guys from the Communist Party now enjoy, albeit very one-sidedly. Serfdom fell in Russia and slavery of blacks in the USA, in Japan a severe blow was dealt to the remnants of the Middle Ages, in Italy, after many decades of struggle, the formation of single state. Little things like the uprisings in Ireland, accompanied by the inevitable bomb explosions in London, or the rebellion in Poland need not be mentioned. In addition to the worldwide sexual revolution that the poor in spirit and body from the Communist Party were hungry for, there was another one. As Vasily, the Prophets Fulfillment, said, there was a “left direction of civilization,” and therefore “this revolution is immense. because Jews and Russians converge on this revolution, it caresses and beckons the Tatar, it is universal, like science is universal.” For its origins are “in the suffering of tormented humanity.”

    “It goes without saying that this is a worldwide phenomenon, not Russian, not German, although it exists in Germany and Russia, it seems to have spread to Japan, and according to news, it will spread to China not today or tomorrow. It is everywhere, it is always, like science and thought. It knows no borders, no nationalities, this is a revolution, this is a new Christianity. “Which, by the way, is a repetition of the well-known thought of the atheist Engels.

    But the gentlemen from the Communist Party did not notice all this. The servants were unable to accommodate the enormity of the struggle that raged on Earth in the nineteenth century. As sad as it is to say this, the battle of the titans did not take place. The fortresses were not destroyed and neither were the rocks on which they stood.

    Well it didn't work out! You can sympathize with people along with Mr. Dobrolyubov: “They just can’t accommodate historical phenomenon in all its vastness, with all its surroundings. ". For brains have the sad property of drying out from diligence.

    On the other hand, if you do not have the intelligence to grasp the entire phenomenon, you can try to overthrow it in parts. In the end, the Lord God, whom they brought into the light of day from the storerooms, cannot be so ungrateful as not to give them the strength to destroy something over little things. Sexuals are smart enough for one quote. Each one refuted a quotation - and no stone was left unturned from the worldview of our fathers and grandfathers. Moreover, since the time of old Aristotle, a sign of scientific integrity is the most accurate and complete presentation of the thought that is going to be refuted. And for society, such a competition of minds is very favorable, because, as Dobrolyubov pointed out, “from the collision different opinions the truth comes out." But the subverters preferred to protect themselves from the possibility of giving birth to truth in the dispute.

    Free legal advice:

    What kind of thoughts were these that it’s scary to even mention them? Let's take a closer look at them, since people have been given such an offensive nickname as “thinkers.” Gg. Dobrolyubov, Pisarev and Chernyshevsky considered a variety of issues in the life of mankind, from the actions of Peter I to the failures of the British in transforming the social life of India. There is plenty to choose from. Although, it is true, they did not connect Peter’s activities with his adventures in the female field and did not confuse the failures of the British in India with their failures with women. Here's the definition inner life Russia: “Arbitrariness on the one hand and lack of awareness of one’s personal rights on the other. ". This is still true today. Again, you can refute the entire article of Mr. Dobrolyubov “On the significance of our latest exploits in the Caucasus.” Or the following opinion: “. the basis of many government actions of recent times is not at all a concern for the worthy support of the interests of the people, but simply personal arbitrariness.”

    It’s not for nothing that our genitals become frightened in the form of bear disease, which entails verbal diarrhea. Only the slaves of pen and ink line up not at the latrine, but at the typesetter, and the consequences of fear become arguments in a dispute with opponents. Hence the loud squeal with which a sex worker is able to drown out ten women traders, backed up by Radio Liberty, because the loudest squeal breaks out from the chests of the most frightened. And “Komsomolskaya Pravda” exclaimed: “We will go the other way!” - not because the paths, well-trodden, like the vagina of Dashka the Golden Tit, are not attractive to her employees. People are simply afraid of losing their jobs - so they sang “Let’s renounce the old worldview” to the tune of “God Save the Tsar.” As Mr. Talleyrand, one of the greatest statesmen of France and an equally great scoundrel, who sold in turn, like a CP, everyone to whom he served in turn, liked to say, the tongue is given to a person in order to hide his thoughts. Talleyrand might have added that much more often language helps to hide the absence of thoughts than their presence.

    And subverting the alien worldview, the slaves gave a fairly accurate assessment of their mental abilities.


    They have the skill of fighters,

    fighting not with an opponent, but with

    Free legal advice:

    "About the fact that the worst is inclined

    attack the best. "

    So, " women's question" For KP recent years he has this great importance, that it seems as if at first there was neither earth nor sky and the spirit of the editor-in-chief of the Communist Party floated in the darkness over the waters. And suddenly the “women’s question” arose. It’s good, of course, that our “golden feathers” and “golden tits” generally know about its existence in the last century. Even if they chose it because they thought they had the mental strength to cope with it. Well, in this kind of fight, the offended person chooses the weapon. Including mentally. This is their life, their right.

    As the Pisarevs and Dobrolyubovs pointed out, “this question was really touched upon by all contemporaries, from those still known to the unknown and, in their time, some Messrs. Voskresensky.” And it’s not easy to say who fussed more and who less. L.N. Tolstoy wrote “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina” on this occasion. And the point here is not that the total size of what Mr. Rozanov and Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote on the “women’s issue” exceeds in volume the entire collected works of Lev Nikolaevich in one hundred volumes. The thing is, How write. For the discussion was about the position of a woman not so much in bed as in society. In any case, until Mr. Rozanov got involved in the consideration of the issue, and after him, Komsomolskaya Pravda.

    As the political and literary put it adversary Dobrolyubov and Pisarev, whose every thought Vasily Vasilyevich considered “comprehensive,” A. Grigoriev, were exposed by literature.” concepts unimaginable to the human mind, views on life, on honor, on love, on woman, shameful for human feelings.” In short, this is exactly what the Communist Party is strenuously preaching now. It was, as Pisarev pointed out, “about the independence of a woman as a human person who has the right to comprehensive development and to participate in the mental life of mankind.”

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    Nowadays, when eight out of ten doctors and teachers are women, it is already difficult to imagine that peaceful inhabitants had doubts whether a woman would have the intelligence to study to become a doctor or teacher, and whether the study of the human body would corrupt her, weak. And so in 1864 they were forbidden to attend the university; they had to receive education abroad, like forbidden books. And in May 1867, the “Rules on the supervision of students” were approved, introducing police supervision over these restless young people, so that a girl would not creep in among them. In the same year, the first Russian female doctor, N.P. Suslova, who was expelled from the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy in 1864, completed her studies in Zurich.

    In Europe, things were not so simple either. Marie Skladovskaya-Curie was not allowed into the French Academy of Sciences after she and her husband discovered radium for the reason that, sad as it may be to say, she was a woman.

    It is interesting to note that, having defeated nihilism for the first time with the help of the Third Section, the defenders of enduring values ​​immediately began to put his views into practice. Here is what Leskov, one of the most famous opponents of nihilism, wrote: “In Katkov’s publications ... they recently spoke very liberally about the education of women ... “Orthodox Review” published that there are questions “unsuccessfully posed by theology itself,” and three spiritual publications at the same time and at the head of them “Proceedings of the Kiev Theological Academy”, in special articles about women, speaks out boldly and sharply for the need to improve women’s education and expand the scope of their activities.” (“Them” - we must think not of three spiritual publications, but of women). Having broken down and kicked, “the imaginary enemies of women turn out to be their friends and friends more tender, more sincere and thorough than those who, under the guise of emancipation of women, essentially emancipated themselves from all obligations to women.” In other words, unlike Bazarov, they do not refuse to get married.

    But that's not all! As you know, the French enlighteners woke up the third estate, the third estate woke up Napoleon, Napoleon woke up the Decembrists, the Decembrists woke up Herzen and the Third Section, Herzen woke up the nihilists, the nihilists woke up women. And women rebelled against nihilism, like Cossack villages against the Bolsheviks. “A revolution is taking place in the matter: the American Miss Emma Webb gives lectures in Brunsville in which she says that women are very strong and that their strength can be even greater if they control a man with meekness and “leave their professional errors.” … The power of women is unlimited.” The Empress of the French Eugene will repeat the same. ...persons of her sex are omnipotent, possessing a man in certain years with love, in certain years with virtue, and Napoleon III answered her: “Your arsenal is invincible.” The Mormons of Salt Lake (!) have rebelled against freedom of relationships and demand monogamy; Hieromonk Paul in Moscow receives the blessings of all schismatic women who find themselves in extreme dependence on men who do not accept marriage; literature emphasizes the need to revise marriage laws and rightly points out that the reason for the increasingly deep-rooted extramarital cohabitation lies in the undoubted inconsistency of marriage laws...” continues Leskov.

    In other words, the women's issue was so universal and important that even the extreme obscurantist Katkov made concessions to it. Moreover, as strange as it may seem to talk about this, in the forefront of the fight against women’s liberation, as we see, were women themselves. Well, they didn’t want to go earn their daily bread! And Napoleon III, an expert on women’s weapons, agreed that their existing arsenal was already enough to feed themselves without wasting energy on getting an education. Although it should be noted that women usually earn money not so much through virtue as through vice. Even the first American nihilists of the 19th century, the Mormons from Salt Lake, abandoned their nihilistic polygamy, because they no longer had the strength to feed their harems, which became the prototype of the Narodnaya Volya communes. And the Russian women thanked the holy monk Pavel, who does not accept marriage due to his monastic rites, for his calls to the rest of the men who do not accept marriage from among Bazarov’s followers to abandon those errors that he himself steadfastly adhered to. But they at least agreed to cohabitate...

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    So Vasily Vasilyevich was right: the inability of a critic to stand on the same level as the person being criticized causes irreparable damage to society. On the other hand, if Mr. Virabov may not have received comprehensive knowledge of Russian belles lettres at the University of Baku, and apart from Pisarev and Dobrolyubov, who are limited to the school textbook, he had not heard of anyone, then most of the KP employees graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University - they -why didn’t they bring some sense to their brother who put them under the pig? Why didn’t anyone, when he called, open his eyes? And if they don’t know - and after all, KP undoubtedly selects the best - then how and what were they taught at the best Russian university? And what do the worst know?

    BB also set women on fire and was even ready to personally lead them, but he himself was not quite sure where. While others demanded from society - admittedly, to no avail - to create conditions for women in which they could live in peace, give birth and raise without fear of dying of hunger - this proven fighter against Bolshevism set before women “a great task: . to rework our civilization, to bring it closer to our own type, to moisten its dry features with the moisture of motherhood.” Like, while my husband is busy with “civil sorrows” and irrigating the Hungry Steppe, you and I, dear, will take up a slightly more pleasant type of irrigation. So don’t believe after this the statement of Komsomolskaya Pravda that the desire for social change is a sign of mental and sexual disorders.

    Of course, this statement does not exhaust the struggle that Vasily, the Martyrs' Fortress, waged for women's rights. But to understand all its originality, you need to take a closer look at life path this thinker. As Radishchev noted at one time: “Let your life say that you are glorious.” In the meantime, we are forced to conclude that the gentlemen from the Communist Party are fighting not with opponents, but with a shadow. And my own. And even in this struggle they failed to win.


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    Return of the fist. Part two

    "Property is theft." Basil the Great, Father of the Church

    Dahl once remarked: “People consider holy fools to be God’s people, often finding in their unconscious actions deep meaning, even premonition or foresight; The Church also recognizes fools for Christ’s sake, who have taken upon themselves the humble guise of foolishness.” How much more significant is the prophecy of people with world fame. Even if it’s unconscious. Mstislav Rostropovich, who arrived to save Yeltsin from the population, blurted out when he saw the crowds coming out onto the street:

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    People are fighting for their homes!

    Why he blurted this out is not entirely clear. Maybe he fell off the Berlin Wall while participating in its destruction. Maybe the long-awaited wind of change has blown. But it was like looking into the water. Although in former times such prophecies were punishable by a stone on the neck and in the water. To look FROM the water.

    Is your living space privatized?! – the next Moiseich asks with such anger on the next broadcast, as if he himself had benefited its population. For Moiseich, Mstislav Rostropovich and EBN gave the population living space.

    They like to pass off need as a virtue, and the desire to push the state’s responsibility for maintaining housing onto the residents themselves as a fatherly concern for them! Because the state has other kept women. Only instead of providing everyone in need of improvement living conditions decent housing for the family, they were given the right to take ownership of what they already had. People were quickly convinced to become owners in order to create a layer of the population to support the power of the thief - “now you are owners too!!” Along the way, of course, they deceived us: they promised to fix the housing that was being given to the people as private property, but they didn’t fix it, explaining to the simple-minded: why are you screaming, “We approve of Yeltsin’s course. "Have you voted? Therefore, they themselves wanted you to be robbed and refused to repair your home. Here is your signature here.

    People began to quickly fill the ranks of owners. But what to do if there were rumors that whoever doesn’t will be taken away from him. This desire to please the population by robbing them was not so much a crime as a mistake. All over the world there is council housing, accounting for up to 70% of the total, and those who have the means pay for it themselves. In Russia, poor “owners” do not even have enough money to maintain their homes in decent condition.

    The freedom granted by Yeltsin is painfully reminiscent of another freedom from Bolshevik slavery, which was described in a German collection of soldiers’ letters in 1941: “People here seem to be awakening from a deep sleep. Yet they cannot believe in the new freedom; they don't know what to do. They sit down and wait for orders. Now they are ordered: “Go back and work, harvest from the fields, now you have your own home.” (Diewerge W. Deutsche Soldaten sehen die Sowjet-Union. Feldpostbriefe aus dem Osten. - Berlin: Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag, 1941). You are amazed at how noble people came to conquer Russia - they gave people their own homes. Before you start burning them in these for disobedience.

    Although, on the other hand, the people today are not working for the good of their country, but for the good of Greater Germany and even greater America, where the country’s wealth continues to be exported. 500 billion “greenbacks”, stolen in Russia by more savvy owners, ended up in US banks alone. This does not take into account the real estate and securities purchased there. And in home country at the same time, there is nothing to build or repair housing for the impoverished population.

    True, it’s still in own home people are not burned for debt, non-payment and disobedience, as the Germans did. The case in Ulyanovsk can be considered isolated.

    “Weren’t you the one who persecuted so viciously at first?”

    Soviet Housing Code

    Everything we need, the Udoevites will give us themselves... I’ll arrange it so that he will bring me his money himself, on a silver platter Ilf and Petrov. Golden calf.

    And now the residents actually have to fight for housing. Defrauded equity holders, mortgage holders and simply unfortunate people who borrowed funds from numerous and varied swindlers. The first to lose their homes were those who believed in the miracles of various MMMs, which promised huge profits if people invested their hard-earned money in the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools. For half a year! He destroyed the people and started selling housing so that, by buying MMM candy wrappers and other “Khoprov”, he could double the Khrushchev’s living space. Now those of them who have not yet completely drunk themselves live in the city dump, brought there by the “invisible hand of the market.” By 1998, 5 million homeless people appeared in the Russian Federation. In other words, the population of Finland was left without housing.

    Ostap Bender knew four hundred relatively honest ways of taking money from the population. The world-eaters of modern times are laughing at the son of a Turkish subject! It is not necessary to evict, sometimes moving in is enough. Some violent homeless person for the purchased part of the living space. And in a month the tenant will run away on his own, selling his share for three kopecks. From which it follows that they will throw you out even faster if you don’t have debt.

    And it would be fine if only mere mortals were sanded. Taken away from V. Novodvorskaya’s mother! The revolution devours its children, and the counter-revolution devours its mothers.

    From those who put their signature in the wrong place - the elderly, incapacitated, lonely, hurtful and simply overly gullible - and were left without housing, giving it to swindlers, shelves can be created. But not everyone was so gullible: many had to be drunk or beaten. Those of those who “exchanged” their living space who were not killed now live in remote villages without amenities and hopes for the future. Trials against the world-eaters of modern times are still ongoing. At the same time, for 30,000 homeless people in St. Petersburg, there are less than three hundred places in shelters.

    Peace to palaces - war to huts!

    In Soviet times, it was almost impossible to take away a family’s living space precisely because it was state-owned. Nowadays this has become much easier. Because the times have passed when, in the words of the liberals themselves, they “stole because there were no laws.” (There really were no laws allowing theft). Now these laws have been issued! And taking away a person’s only home, which he built with his own hands and lived in it all his life, became as easy as shelling pears. He didn’t put it in the register. This has never been necessary thousand-year history Russia and its customary law. And in Russia, “rising from its knees,” since your house is not on the drawing, it means the plot can be sold. Not yet with the residents.

    In this regard, it is interesting to give the floor to one of those broadcasters who begins any speech with the statement “I hate everything communist and Soviet!” For example, a simple columnist for “Echo of Moscow” A. Oreh, who “was raped by Luzhkov for 18 years with his architecture,” which expressed the idea of ​​beauty of a victorious swindler. The villain prevented the observer from “squeezing the scoop out of himself.” It is clear that all this could not but affect the mental abilities of the observer in the saddest way. In particular, it tries to compensate for the softening of the brain a solid sign at the end of a glorious name.

    It turns out that in Sochi, during the preparation of the Great Sports Festival, “People were thrown out like cattle, giving out tips under the guise of “compensation.” The tip, we would add, was significantly less than what the new Masters of Life tip in Parisian restaurants. “And you are strangers at this holiday!” Now Gazprom is seeking the demolition of the village of Kh., which is located in the security zone of the gas pipeline. In the Moscow region alone, they have already ordered the demolition of a hundred Uncle Tom huts. In other cities and villages, the population is also being dispossessed by new fists. We’ll keep silent about the demolition of private stalls in Moscow. The big fish eat the small ones. It is much more important for the big bourgeoisie to preserve profits than for the allies whom it pushes into its gravediggers. And all this with the active participation of the state, but there is nowhere to look for justice. And waving certificates of ownership while telling the judge about the laws is a waste of time. Maybe we should abolish laws altogether for the sake of the rule of law? Even if you climb some wall after Rostropovich and hang yourself on it with big nails, you won’t achieve justice. For “what individual capitalists do not want... their state does not want either” (Engels F.).

    The people are habitually silent. Do you remember how they were afraid of a civil war if the property of the small people was taken away? And they also keep silent about the fact that “it is now impossible to take away without a lot of blood.”

    “Couldn’t it have been done humanely!? Are we pumping gas through pipes for someone?” - A. Oreh is indignant, having abolished the Soviet rule “Everything is for the good of man.” (Not completely, apparently, he squeezed the “scoop” out of himself). “Gazprom has enough to pay Kokorin, but not enough to move the station!” One must think that Gazprom also allocates less for the maintenance of the electric vehicle than Kokorina. A.Orekh even dares to ask a Very High-Ranking Person: “Uncle, where did you get the plane?” Although not so long ago Orek did not forget to emphasize: “He spends his own money. "Which were ours just yesterday.

    Don't be jealous, Antosha! And what does it mean “It is not customary for us to act like human beings”? Moreover, it has not been accepted since the time of Mr. Orech’s comrade-in-arms great struggle against the Bolshevism of the Minister of Economics E. Yasin, who refuses to consider his crimes from the point of view of morality, which is now so clung to on EM Again, “With us” is, excuse me, who? For some reason, A. Orek is embarrassed to say: “In Yeltsin-Chubais-Gaidar Russia,” the defender of which is himself and his broadcasting.

    In short, “You are being robbed, they are mocking you - and you will still be to blame for this!!” It’s just a pity that they’ve been stealing for a long time, but the gentlemen noticed it. broadcasters today only. Apparently, not only their income fell, but also the copper coins with which their eyes had been covered until now. Antoshka, don’t fall into Antonovism and sit quietly until it’s your turn, repeating the mantra: “You die today, and I die tomorrow.” However, you won't have to wait long.

    Old-timers still remember “those days were distant, now almost epic,” when the cost of rent was 7–8 rubles + 50 kopecks. for a radio point and a ruble for a telephone. There was no mention of defaulters. They knew about evictions for rent arrears only from reports from the United States about “their morals.” The Housing Code of the RSFSR did not even have the concept of “rent arrears,” since the state took upon itself the obligation to provide the people with affordable housing. In the USSR, if housing was nevertheless confiscated, the residents were provided with another, with all the amenities and according to the standards of area per capita. It’s hard to believe, but if several families lived on this living space, EACH was provided with a separate living space, and not as it is now - no matter how many people and families live, they are provided with housing top to bottom.

    By the way, do you remember how perestroika began? From the struggle against officials who had unjust privileges. People took to the streets to make injustice even more unfair. And now the owners of the palaces are trying to take away the last shack from others, and the leaders of liberal democracy are indignant: they can only be pulled out into the street in the ancient Mongolian way - with a lasso. People are simply afraid to bring an even more vile thief to power.

    Money-makers are tirelessly struggling to raise prices: they invented an “increasing factor”, fees for lighting and heating of attics and basements were introduced, and for trial run warmth too. Add to this an increase in the number of pipe flushes, etc., etc. (We have to go somewhere in the summer hot water to be attached to the thermal power plant). There is no limit to the resourcefulness and ingenuity of those who want to make money! And all this on the quiet! It’s even better if the heating in the city is turned on for half a month ahead of schedule. See what happens. And then they FORGOT to turn it off! But they don’t forget to demand payment. It's funny that before the best utility workers crawled into the State Duma, city(e) leaders did not suffer from such forgetfulness. For complete happiness, the Ministry of Energy proposes to make it a paid option to reserve capacity for partially large consumers using it. If you consume it, pay and if you don’t consume it, pay. Moreover, in the latter case, it would be necessary to charge double the fee for the benefit of industry.

    Everywhere the leading people will find an opportunity to steal! Moreover, within the framework of the Law, which they themselves will publish for the convenience of robbing the population when they creep into the Duma, “to give the matter a legal look and feel.” For criminals steal according to lawlessness, but Leaders steal according to the Law.

    Well, tell me, who has heard of “electricity certification”? But with her help, they managed to increase prices for light in the white stone one. Moreover, the “certification” was carried out - naturally, at inflated prices - by an office associated with the Chief Executive Officer of the Moscow Electric Grid Company. The same one who, speaking on the Main Broadcasting, firmly stated: “We need a whip!” For those who do not agree to pay for housing and communal services at his fraudulent prices. For the lack of intelligence of the Russian authorities always replaces the whip. It is no coincidence that the image of a spoiled mare runs through all Russian literature.

    What about a whip for those who steal from the population? Everything is in order with this: instructions on the subject “need landing” are heard even more often than prices rise. And the thieves of the people's property tremble when they hear such conversations of the Big Leaders:

    They are on the international wanted list!

    This doesn’t make it any warmer,” sobs Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

    From what leadership sob one can see “the complete inactivity of the central bodies regulating economic life formed under the government.” (Lenin. The Impending Catastrophe).

    And further: “The modern, newest, republican-democratic sabotage of all control, accounting, supervision consists in the fact that capitalists verbally “ardently” recognize the “principle” of control and the need for it (like all the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries, it goes without saying), but they only insist on the “gradual”, systematic, “state-ordered” introduction of this control. In fact, these specious words cover up the breakdown of control, its transformation into nothing, into a fiction, a game of control, delays of all business and practically serious steps, the creation of unusually complex, cumbersome, bureaucratic and lifeless control institutions that are completely dependent on the capitalists and absolutely they don’t do anything and can’t do anything.”

    Why, exactly, you ask? “If our state really wanted to exercise control in a businesslike, serious manner, if its institutions had not condemned themselves, by their servility to the capitalists, to “complete inactivity,” then the state would only have to draw with both hands from the richest reserve of control measures already known, already applied. The only obstacle to this - the obstacle that the Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks are hiding from the eyes of the people - was and remains that control would reveal the capitalists’ enormous profits and would undermine these profits.”

    By the way, according to the Main Artillery Directorate Tsarist Russia, the production of shells at private enterprises cost the treasury 40% more than at state-owned enterprises. Which once again confirms the cry of our liberals - yesterday's Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries - that the private always works. In your pocket. Under loud cries about patriotism.

    Intrigue is the strength of the weak; even fools are smart enough to do harm. William Shakespeare

    In the era of Glasnost, who even knows what the prices for electricity or heat are made up of? Does it still include paid spa treatment for bosses and all their innocent pleasures? It is easier to remove an atomic bomb from a factory than to find out.

    Again, by habitually sneaking in through the back door to legislators, utility bosses managed to repeal the cap on electricity transmission losses. And they immediately overtook us in terms of losses Black Africa. During the time that State Duma member Yesyakov was in charge of the networks, electricity losses in them increased by more than 1.5 times.

    Because the consumer will pay for everything. This is what Material Interest does to people!

    Managers industrial enterprises do not miss the opportunity to complain about the high cost of electricity, which leads to a significant increase in the cost of manufactured products. To which Sergei Yesyakov cheerfully replies: “One of the options for resolving the issue may be the transition to energy-saving production technologies.” Naturally, not from him, but from the production workers themselves. According to the principle “if you need it, you do it.” It’s immediately obvious that a true Statesman got into the State Duma from the Penza region.

    Well, since we’ve already gotten into the Duma, isn’t it time to introduce count titles and coats of arms for the aristocracy from the descendants of former courtyard servants? If they introduce it, such a boss can be assigned a coat of arms in the form of a shield depicting Black Africa, with shackles, a whip and the inscription: “Honor the law of thieves.” Well, since the total and specific power supply determine labor productivity and the level of development of the country, with such leadership our long-suffering power will inevitably end up at the African level of development. From 1970 to 1990, electricity production in Russia increased from 470 to 1082 billion kWh. From 1991 to 2015, it did not reach the Soviet-era level, being stuck at 1049.9 billion at the same capacity. Currently, Russia produces 5 times less electricity than China and 4 times less than the United States.

    Because no more than 17% of the cost of electricity paid by the consumer is spent on updating equipment. Everything else ends up as profit in the raking hands of resellers, who convince people that the power is old and there is not enough money to repair it. That’s why energy costs so much, and in a good way the tariffs should be raised further. For the benefit of the residents themselves.

    And they don’t just take them away, they take them abroad. For example, the owners of power plants and the entire energy infrastructure of the Urals are citizens of Switzerland or the United States. The question is, why should they think about the future of the population of the Urals if they can grab today?

    Who knows that we have thermal power plants that consume 22% of electricity for their own needs? And then another 18% is lost during electricity transmission. In other words, almost half of the electricity is spent on fueling passions and environment. And no one is going to close this thermal power plant because it is unprofitable. Moreover, another hospital or kindergarten, and the local communal god, who keeps crying that he can’t become an oligarch, can then blurt out that in our area “energy saving is taking its first steps.” Although in the opposite direction.

    After the next election, talk about apartment heating, installation of modern boiler houses, modular, roof-mounted and attached, like the children of municipal bosses, etc. And if the cost of the service seems too high to the residents, whose bills included all the losses at the thermal power plant itself and on the way from it to the house, then the head of the regional housing and communal services can always say that the elders in the house are to blame: they look poorly at the metering devices. To complete the picture, you can invent a fairy tale about a poor old woman who does it well, and therefore it is not the residents who pay the stokers, but the stokers who pay the residents. The age-old dream of Ivan the Fool has come true: he receives a salary, and gold fish, who has taken the form of a granny, works for him.

    Can you tell me what measures are being taken to ensure that at least the light bulbs are turned off in the entrances in daytime? (The device for this in Soviet times was made in a circle " Young technician"). What for? After all, if the supplying company strives to spend as much as possible, then the day at your entrance will last longer than a century; The lights are on, illuminating the way for energy workers to get bonuses.

    In short, it is difficult to disagree with the researcher of the issue who stated: “The average resident has no opportunity to control where these funds go, merging from thin pensioner streams into a rich seething stream of billions - in the DEZ from the window into which a timid apartment owner hands out a receipt with in unintelligible figures, in 99.9 out of 100 cases the cry of a wounded deer is heard, the tariffs are almost impossible to find out - they seem to be accessible, but are less understandable than Egyptian hieroglyphs.”

    And since these tariffs are impossible not only to understand, but also to pay, the utility worker acts in the spirit of Ostap Bender: “The client must be accustomed to the idea that he will have to give money.” To do this, the easiest way is to scare the client with eviction. If you can't get him to pay more in simple ways– turning off lights, water and heating, closing the sewer system. Such is life: some people plug the loophole of an enemy pillbox with their breasts, while others plug their neighbor’s sewer system. Old song on new way: the consumer “came to you in just a shirt, and you sent him away completely naked.” (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    The great commandment of the market “Consent is a product with complete non-resistance of the parties” has been forgotten. Maybe in some other market there is a dictate of the consumer, but not in the energy market. Because Chubais created it. There are agreements here that everything is paid by the consumer, who, in best case scenario, just moans: “The price of electricity is constantly rising, although there are no objective prerequisites for this, and, first of all, there is no such significant increase in consumption that could justify the increase in prices.”

    But there is a drop in consumption. And this is not the first year. In such cases, prices in the market decrease. But on the Chubais market, on the contrary, they are growing.

    For now, Russia supplies electricity abroad, but with such growth domestic prices Soon, perhaps, she herself may begin to purchase it in Finland. So far, we have only two customs departments at the border supplied with electricity from Finnish side, but as the proverb says, “if there is a hole, there will be a hole.”

    You can add your comment below. You can send the news to social networks.

    In Russia there is a completely meaningless body called The State Duma. It is completely controlled by the Presidential Administration, every single deputies are pocket-sized and do what they are told. There has not yet been a precedent for the Duma to show at least some initiative, much less somehow resist the agenda imposed by the Kremlin. The Duma unanimously votes for any cannibalistic laws, even if individual deputies do not like it. Remember the “law of scoundrels”, which deprived thousands of sick children from whom we all turned our backs on the chance for a normal life.

    And there are 450 deputies in the Duma - it seems like they should develop bills, vote for them and make our lives better. But they're just pushing buttons. Instead of them, a robot could have been installed... And then the question arises: why are there clowns in the Duma then?

    Every day another deputy jumps out like a devil out of a snuffbox to the press and shocks with some statement, every day he throws out something in front of the cameras or in in social networks, yells live on political talk shows on federal channels.

    Clowns are needed in the Duma to somehow legitimize it. It would be possible to make a Duma without clowns, but then fair elections would be needed. Oh, do you think the elections are fair? Okay... Then I'll ask you this. In Russia there is a certain percentage of people who are oppositional. Believe me, these are not only the liberals you love so much: there are nationalists, there are monarchists, etc... Well, let's say there are 10% of them (although in reality it is more). Do they have representation in the Duma? Is there at least one deputy who is not controlled by the Kremlin today? No, there are no such deputies. From convocation to convocation, seats on Okhotny Ryad are divided into 4 pocket parties, depicting diversity.

    The current Duma is illegitimate because it does not represent the interests of the Russian population. She represents the interests of the Kremlin, business, anyone, but not you. And that's the problem. After all, if the Duma is illegitimate, then the laws adopted by it will not be legitimate. But in this case, political strategists came up with legitimization through the show. This is a good, time-tested technique. So that the people do not forget about the existence of this useless government body, devouring enormous resources, clowns were sent into the Duma. There are few of them, but they are visible. They go on television, they speak to the press, they write resonant messages on social networks, forcing us all to participate in this fucking circus. And if you participate in something, then that something exists.

    Therefore, there is no need to be surprised every time who put this clown on Okhotny Ryad. Better ask yourself why you are paying attention to this clown.

    A note by Evgeny Pyrkov about how Penza officials promised a mega-fair on February 4 on Moskovskaya Street. It turns out that due to the non-existent fair .
    How many times have they told the world that haste is only good for catching fleas (well, not everyone can chase mammoths). But everything is not for the future. The rioters in Moscow announced their intention to march through the streets of the capital on January 28 to express their outrage at the falsification of the election results on December 4, when the feast of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple coincided with the feast of the introduction of United Russia into power, and in the God-saved city of Penza the authorities were already worried about how nothing would have happened. And they were immediately assigned to the street. Moscow on this very day, the Great Trade in Agricultural Foodstuffs.

    They decided, so to speak, to block the path to the spread of the free-thinking infection by the forces of the emerging bourgeoisie. Which itself, we note, has changed a lot since the times of the Great French; don’t strive to get into trouble to such an extent that the authorities have to kick her into the feat of supporting the existing system. What, in essence, is the cooperation between entrepreneurs and authorities.

    Saltykov-Shchedrin, I remember, said that in Rus' there is such a sign: if they flog, it means there has been a rebellion. And since they are starting the Great Trade, it means they want to prevent the dissatisfied from holding a procession. Look, what did you think of - walking along a pedestrian street!

    At one time they wrote to thieving leaders in places not so remote: “they have firmly taken the path of correction”; Penza bureaucrats also firmly stood in the way of those who wanted to correct their shortcomings without waiting for them to be sent to prison.

    After which it turned out that the city fathers were not even capable of catching lice. Not to mention shoeing the prey. Because the rioters decided not to organize processions, but to riot that day near the city government building, gathering in a small group, over shake-ups in the housing and communal services.

    But the head of the city duma is a graduate of the Belozertsev Military Academy. There is another graduate of the same academy in the Duma itself. Second mayor of the city R.B. Chernov graduated from the border school. Should they have at least some idea of ​​the art of war?

    What does the experience of the First World War, where there were plenty of lice in the trenches, speak about, studied in academies? At the beginning of the war against Austria, Russian troops, having a full understanding of the deployment of the Austrian armed forces, decided to strike at them. And the Austrians hedged their bets: the deployment zone was moved west of the border by 100-200 versts. Russian army struck, and this blow landed in an empty place. Only the sluggishness of the Austrian commanders saved the Russians from premature defeat. The empty place was also seen by the townspeople who came to the Market. Well, the leaders of this land were unable to find food. From which it follows that the person who gave this order to conduct trade is clearly not far-sighted. From promotion.

    Link between East and West

    But West is West, East is East,

    And they won't get along together.


    There is also a second translation: “And they will not leave the place.” In both cases the meaning is the same: there is nothing in common between East and West. But, it turns out, that’s not entirely true. I can’t leave this place, but everything repeats itself one by one. This lack of events in Penza coincided with the elections of the Head in Senegal. President Abdoula Wad, now 85 years old, has already served two terms on these galleys, where he naturally “toiled like a slave.” And he wants to remain in slavery for an extra period - for another 14 years, in order to ensure stability in the country. Stability, both here and in Black Africa, means rising prices and theft from the treasury. Hundreds of people took to the streets of Dakar after constitutional Court allowed President Abdoula Wade to run for a third term.

    Western broadcasting publications, which have their own informants in Dakar, point to changes in the Constitution in favor of Abdul, a ban on the most famous candidate from participating in the elections, etc.

    The second contender for the highest government position is the leader of the former ruling Socialist Party of Senegal, Ousmane Tanor Dieng. He will have to fight an unequal fight - one against two, i.e. against Wada and a third - ex-Prime Minister Idrissa Seck. “There is no conspiracy between me and Vad,” Seck said. If a politician assures that there is no collusion, it means that he has secretly joined forces in order, like some Prokhorov, to take away votes from Abdul’s opponents.

    What about you, go to winter quarters?

    But the rioters did not calm down. They brazenly decided to march on February 4 with the same subversive intentions. And again the authorities banned movement along the Penza Arbat, explaining that there would be a Torgovlishka there again. According to the hot desire of the city residents, like freshly baked pies.

    Taking into account the sad experience of the previous battle for the Penza Arbat, when there was not enough grub to occupy the entire street, the enticement promised to sell other useful things for the household.

    The holy day of the Great Sale has arrived, the Penzyaks opened their mouths and wallets a second time, rushing to Moskovskaya from the very morning - and what? Nothing! And not just nothing, but Nothing at all. The gullible were greeted by a street whose desertion was equal to the level of support for United Russia in the elections.

    Usually, when the government has no grub, it trades in language. And here she didn’t even explain anything to the people. She avoided the question in English without saying goodbye. The authorities not only lack cheap food, but also lack any reasonable arguments. And everywhere and everywhere.

    A gathering on Moskovskaya in support of Putin was added to the sale. Students and their teachers were mobilized for it. And here is General Moroz. The same one who once did so much harm first to the French during the War of 1812, and then to the Germans near Moscow. This time the academicians decided not to argue with historical experience. The gangway was moved indoors “due to the frost,” which was stronger than the desire to please the master.

    It is known that any statesman and any idea is worth as much as people are willing to die for it. There were no people willing to die for Putin. To live for Putin is welcome, but to die - sorry!

    By the way, about life in general and eternal life in particular. Our Volodya Superconscript has already done so much for the Almighty, that could this ungrateful old man perform at least some miracle for his faithful slave? For example, troublemakers are chattering their teeth at the petrified monument to Belinsky, like Narodnaya Volya exiled to Siberia, and right next door, on the same Moskovskaya Street, supporters of Putin and United Russia are taking off their felt boots and sheepskin coats. For a change, not from others, but from yourself. Because they were burned not only politically. The people would have believed. Immediately in God and in “ United Russia", and in their co-essential Putin.

    Evgeniy Pyrkov,

    Naked, you bastard!

    "Property is theft." Basil the Great, Father of the Church

    Dahl once remarked: “The people consider holy fools to be God’s people, often finding in their unconscious actions a deep meaning, even a premonition or foresight; The Church also recognizes fools for Christ’s sake, who have taken upon themselves the humble guise of foolishness.” How much more significant is the prophecy of people with world fame. Even if it’s unconscious. Mstislav Rostropovich, who arrived to save Yeltsin from the population, blurted out when he saw the crowds coming out onto the street:

    People are fighting for their homes!

    Why he blurted this out is not entirely clear. Maybe he fell off the Berlin Wall while participating in its destruction. Maybe the long-awaited wind of change has blown. But it was like looking into the water. Although in former times such prophecies were punishable by a stone on the neck and in the water. To look FROM the water.

    Is your living space privatized?! – the next Moiseich asks with such anger on the next broadcast, as if he himself had benefited its population. For Moiseich, Mstislav Rostropovich and EBN gave the population living space.

    They like to pass off need as a virtue, and the desire to push the state’s responsibility for maintaining housing onto the residents themselves as a fatherly concern for them! Because the state has other kept women. Only instead of providing every family in need of improved housing conditions with decent housing, they gave it the right to take ownership of what it already had. People were quickly convinced to become owners in order to create a layer of the population to support the power of the thief - “now you are owners too!!” Along the way, of course, they deceived us: they promised to fix the housing that was given to the people as private property - and they didn’t fix it, explaining to the simple-minded: why are you screaming “We approve of Yeltsin’s course!!!” did you vote? Therefore, they themselves wanted you to be robbed and refused to repair your home. Here is your signature here.

    People began to quickly fill the ranks of owners. But what to do if there were rumors that whoever doesn’t will be taken away from him. This desire to please the population by robbing them was not so much a crime as a mistake. All over the world there is council housing, accounting for up to 70% of the total, and those who have the means pay for it themselves. In Russia, poor “owners” do not even have enough money to maintain their homes in decent condition.

    The freedom granted by Yeltsin is painfully reminiscent of another freedom from Bolshevik slavery, which was described in a German collection of soldiers’ letters in 1941: “People here seem to be awakening from a deep sleep. Yet they cannot believe in the new freedom; they don't know what to do. They sit down and wait for orders. Now they are ordered: “Go back and work, harvest from the fields, now you have your own home.” (Diewerge W. Deutsche Soldaten sehen die Sowjet-Union. Feldpostbriefe aus dem Osten. - Berlin: Wilhelm Limpert-Verlag, 1941). You are amazed at how noble people came to conquer Russia - they gave people their own homes. Before you start burning them in these for disobedience.

    Although, on the other hand, the people today are not working for the good of their country, but for the good of Greater Germany and even greater America, where the country’s wealth continues to be exported. 500 billion “greenbacks”, stolen in Russia by more savvy owners, ended up in US banks alone. This does not take into account the real estate and securities purchased there. And in their native country at the same time there is nothing to build or repair housing for the impoverished population.

    True, people are not yet burned in their own homes for debts, non-payment and disobedience, as the Germans did. The case in Ulyanovsk can be considered isolated.

    “Weren’t you the one who persecuted so viciously at first?”

    Soviet Housing Code

    Everything we need, the Udoevites will give us themselves... I’ll arrange it so that he will bring me his money himself, on a silver platter Ilf and Petrov. Golden calf.

    And now the residents actually have to fight for housing. Defrauded equity holders, mortgage holders and simply unfortunate people who borrowed funds from numerous and varied swindlers. The first to lose their homes were those who believed in the miracles of various MMMs, which promised huge profits if people invested their hard-earned money in the Field of Miracles in the Land of Fools. For half a year! He destroyed the people and started selling housing so that, by buying MMM candy wrappers and other “Khoprov”, he could double the Khrushchev’s living space. Now those of them who have not yet completely drunk themselves live in the city dump, brought there by the “invisible hand of the market.” By 1998, 5 million homeless people appeared in the Russian Federation. In other words, the population of Finland was left without housing.

    Ostap Bender knew four hundred relatively honest ways of taking money from the population. The world-eaters of modern times are laughing at the son of a Turkish subject! It is not necessary to evict, sometimes moving in is enough. Some violent homeless person for the purchased part of the living space. And in a month the tenant will run away on his own, selling his share for three kopecks. From which it follows that they will throw you out even faster if you don’t have debt.

    And it would be fine if only mere mortals were sanded. Taken away from V. Novodvorskaya’s mother! The revolution devours its children, and the counter-revolution devours its mothers.

    From those who put their signature in the wrong place - the elderly, incapacitated, lonely, hurtful and simply overly gullible - and were left without housing, giving it to swindlers, shelves can be created. But not everyone was so gullible: many had to be drunk or beaten. Those of those who “exchanged” their living space who were not killed now live in remote villages without amenities and hopes for the future. Trials against the world-eaters of modern times are still ongoing. At the same time, for 30,000 homeless people in St. Petersburg, there are less than three hundred places in shelters.

    Peace to palaces - war to huts!

    In Soviet times, it was almost impossible to take away a family’s living space precisely because it was state-owned. Nowadays this has become much easier. Because the times have passed when, in the words of the liberals themselves, they “stole because there were no laws.” (There really were no laws allowing theft). Now these laws have been issued! And taking away a person’s only home, which he built with his own hands and lived in it all his life, became as easy as shelling pears. He didn’t put it in the register. This has not been required in the entire thousand-year history of Russia and its customary law. And in Russia, “rising from its knees,” since your house is not on the drawing, it means the plot can be sold. Not yet with the residents.

    In this regard, it is interesting to give the floor to one of those broadcasters who begins any speech with the statement “I hate everything communist and Soviet!” For example, a simple columnist for “Echo of Moscow” A. Oreh, who “was raped by Luzhkov for 18 years with his architecture,” which expressed the idea of ​​beauty of a victorious swindler. The villain prevented the observer from “squeezing the scoop out of himself.” It is clear that all this could not but affect the mental abilities of the observer in the saddest way. In particular, he tries to compensate for the softening of the brain with a hard sign at the end of the glorious name.

    It turns out that in Sochi, during the preparation of the Great Sports Festival, “People were thrown out like cattle, giving out tips under the guise of “compensation.” The tip, we would add, was significantly less than what the new Masters of Life tip in Parisian restaurants. “And you are strangers at this holiday!” Now Gazprom is seeking the demolition of the village of Kh., which is located in the security zone of the gas pipeline. In the Moscow region alone, they have already ordered the demolition of a hundred Uncle Tom huts. In other cities and villages, the population is also being dispossessed by new fists. We’ll keep silent about the demolition of private stalls in Moscow. The big fish eat the small ones. It is much more important for the big bourgeoisie to preserve profits than for the allies whom it pushes into its gravediggers. And all this with the active participation of the state, but there is nowhere to look for justice. And waving certificates of ownership while telling the judge about the laws is a waste of time. Maybe we should abolish laws altogether for the sake of the rule of law? Even if you climb some wall after Rostropovich and hang yourself on it with big nails, you won’t achieve justice. For “what individual capitalists do not want... their state does not want either” (Engels F.).

    The people are habitually silent. Do you remember how they were afraid of a civil war if the property of the small people was taken away? And they also keep silent about the fact that “it is now impossible to take away without a lot of blood.”

    “Couldn’t it have been done humanely!? Are we pumping gas through pipes for someone?” - A. Oreh is indignant, having abolished the Soviet rule “Everything is for the good of man.” (Not completely, apparently, he squeezed the “scoop” out of himself). “Gazprom has enough to pay Kokorin, but not enough to move the station!” One must think that Gazprom also allocates less for the maintenance of the electric vehicle than Kokorina. A.Orekh even dares to ask a Very High-Ranking Person: “Uncle, where did you get the plane?” Although not so long ago Orek did not forget to emphasize: “He spends his own money!!!” Which were ours just yesterday.

    Don't be jealous, Antosha! And what does it mean “It is not customary for us to act like human beings”? Moreover, it has not been accepted since the time of Mr. Orek’s comrade-in-arms in the great struggle against Bolshevism, Minister of Economics E. Yasin, who refused to consider his crimes from the point of view of morality, which is now so clung to on EM Again, “With us” is, excuse me, who? For some reason, A. Orek is embarrassed to say: “In Yeltsin-Chubais-Gaidar Russia,” the defender of which is himself and his broadcasting.

    In short, “You are being robbed, they are mocking you - and you will still be to blame for this!!” It’s just a pity that they’ve been stealing for a long time, but the gentlemen noticed it. broadcasters today only. Apparently, not only their income fell, but also the copper coins with which their eyes had been covered until now. Antoshka, don’t fall into Antonovism and sit quietly until it’s your turn, repeating the mantra: “You die today, and I die tomorrow.” However, you won't have to wait long.

    Old-timers still remember “those days were distant, now almost epic,” when the cost of rent was 7–8 rubles + 50 kopecks. for a radio point and a ruble for a telephone. There was no mention of defaulters. They knew about evictions for rent arrears only from reports from the United States about “their morals.” The Housing Code of the RSFSR did not even have the concept of “rent arrears,” since the state took upon itself the obligation to provide the people with affordable housing. In the USSR, if housing was nevertheless confiscated, the residents were provided with another, with all the amenities and according to the standards of area per capita. It’s hard to believe, but if several families lived on this living space, EACH was provided with a separate living space, and not as it is now - no matter how many people and families live, they are provided with housing top to bottom.

    By the way, do you remember how perestroika began? From the struggle against officials who had unjust privileges. People took to the streets to make injustice even more unfair. And now the owners of the palaces are trying to take away the last shack from others, and the leaders of liberal democracy are indignant: they can only be pulled out into the street in the ancient Mongolian way - with a lasso. People are simply afraid to bring an even more vile thief to power.

    Carrot without a stick

    “Property is theft” Proudhon

    Money-makers are tirelessly struggling to increase prices: they invented an “increasing factor”, they introduced a fee for lighting and heating of attics and basements, and for a trial run of heat too. Add to this an increase in the number of pipe flushes, etc., etc. (We need to install hot water from the thermal power plant somewhere in the summer). There is no limit to the resourcefulness and ingenuity of those who want to make money! And all this on the quiet! It’s even better if the heating in the city was turned on half a month ahead of schedule. See what happens. And then they FORGOT to turn it off! But they don’t forget to demand payment. It's funny that before the best utility workers crawled into the State Duma, city(e) leaders did not suffer from such forgetfulness. For complete happiness, the Ministry of Energy proposes to make it a paid option to reserve capacity for partially large consumers using it. If you consume it, pay and if you don’t consume it, pay. Moreover, in the latter case, it would be necessary to charge double the fee for the benefit of industry.

    Everywhere the leading people will find an opportunity to steal! Moreover, within the framework of the Law, which they themselves will publish for the convenience of robbing the population when they creep into the Duma, “to give the matter a legal look and feel.” For criminals steal according to lawlessness, but Leaders steal according to the Law.

    Well, tell me, who has heard of “electricity certification”? But with her help, they managed to increase prices for light in the white stone one. Moreover, the “certification” was carried out - naturally, at inflated prices - by an office associated with the Chief Executive Officer of the Moscow Electric Grid Company. The same one who, speaking on the Main Broadcasting, firmly stated: “We need a whip!” For those who do not agree to pay for housing and communal services at his fraudulent prices. For the lack of intelligence of the Russian authorities always replaces the whip. It is no coincidence that the image of a spoiled mare runs through all Russian literature.

    What about a whip for those who steal from the population? Everything is in order with this: instructions on the subject “need landing” are heard even more often than prices rise. And the thieves of the people's property tremble when they hear such conversations of the Big Leaders:

    They are on the international wanted list!

    This doesn’t make it any warmer,” sobs Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

    From what leadership sob one can see “the complete inactivity of the central bodies regulating economic life formed under the government.” (Lenin. The Impending Catastrophe).

    And further: “The modern, newest, republican-democratic sabotage of all control, accounting, supervision consists in the fact that capitalists verbally “ardently” recognize the “principle” of control and the need for it (like all the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries, it goes without saying), but they only insist on the “gradual”, systematic, “state-ordered” introduction of this control. In fact, these specious words cover up the breakdown of control, its transformation into nothing, into a fiction, a game of control, delays of all business and practically serious steps, the creation of unusually complex, cumbersome, bureaucratic and lifeless control institutions that are completely dependent on the capitalists and absolutely they don’t do anything and can’t do anything.”

    Why, exactly, you ask? “If our state really wanted to exercise control in a businesslike, serious manner, if its institutions had not condemned themselves, by their servility to the capitalists, to “complete inactivity,” then the state would only have to draw with both hands from the richest reserve of control measures already known, already applied. The only obstacle to this - the obstacle that the Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks are hiding from the eyes of the people - was and remains that control would reveal the capitalists’ enormous profits and would undermine these profits.”

    By the way, according to the Main Artillery Directorate of Tsarist Russia, the production of shells at private enterprises cost the treasury 40% more than at state-owned enterprises. Which once again confirms the cry of our liberals - yesterday's Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries - that the private always works. In your pocket. Under loud cries about patriotism.

    "Forced Love"

    Intrigue is the strength of the weak; even fools are smart enough to do harm. William Shakespeare

    In the era of Glasnost, who even knows what the prices for electricity or heat are made up of? Does it still include paid spa treatment for bosses and all their innocent pleasures? It is easier to remove an atomic bomb from a factory than to find out.

    Again, by habitually sneaking in through the back door to legislators, utility bosses managed to repeal the cap on electricity transmission losses. And they immediately overtook Black Africa in terms of losses. During the time that State Duma member Yesyakov was in charge of the networks, electricity losses in them increased by more than 1.5 times.

    Because the consumer will pay for everything. This is what Material Interest does to people!

    Managers of industrial enterprises do not miss the opportunity to complain about the high cost of electricity, which leads to a significant increase in the cost of manufactured products. To which Sergei Yesyakov cheerfully replies: “One of the options for resolving the issue may be the transition to energy-saving production technologies.” Naturally, not from him, but from the production workers themselves. According to the principle “if you need it, you do it.” It’s immediately obvious that a true Statesman got into the State Duma from the Penza region.

    Well, since we’ve already gotten into the Duma, isn’t it time to introduce count titles and coats of arms for the aristocracy from the descendants of former courtyard servants? If they introduce it, such a boss can be assigned a coat of arms in the form of a shield depicting Black Africa, with shackles, a whip and the inscription: “Honor the law of thieves.” Well, since the total and specific power supply determine labor productivity and the level of development of the country, with such leadership our long-suffering power will inevitably end up at the African level of development. From 1970 to 1990, electricity production in Russia increased from 470 to 1082 billion kWh. From 1991 to 2015, it did not reach the Soviet-era level, being stuck at 1049.9 billion at the same capacity. Currently, Russia produces 5 times less electricity than China and 4 times less than the United States.

    Because no more than 17% of the cost of electricity paid by the consumer is spent on updating equipment. Everything else ends up as profit in the raking hands of resellers, who convince people that the power is old and there is not enough money to repair it. That’s why energy costs so much, and in a good way the tariffs should be raised further. For the benefit of the residents themselves.

    And they don’t just take them away, they take them abroad. For example, the owners of power plants and the entire energy infrastructure of the Urals are citizens of Switzerland or the United States. The question is, why should they think about the future of the population of the Urals if they can grab today?

    Who knows that we have thermal power plants that consume 22% of electricity for their own needs? And then another 18% is lost during electricity transmission. In other words, almost half of the electricity is spent on fueling passions and the environment. And no one is going to close this thermal power plant because it is unprofitable. Moreover, another hospital or kindergarten is connected to it, and the local communal god, who keeps crying that he can’t become an oligarch, can then blurt out that in our area “energy saving is taking its first steps.” Although in the opposite direction.

    After the next elections, talk about apartment heating, installation of modern boiler houses, modular, roof-mounted and attached, like the children of municipal bosses, etc. immediately ends. And if the cost of the service seems too high to the residents, whose bills included all the losses at the thermal power plant itself and on the way from it to the house, then the head of the regional housing and communal services can always say that the elders in the house are to blame: they look poorly at the metering devices. To complete the picture, you can invent a fairy tale about a poor old woman who does it well, and therefore it is not the residents who pay the stokers, but the stokers who pay the residents. The age-old dream of Ivan the Fool has come true: he receives a salary, and the goldfish, who has taken the form of an old lady, works for him.

    Can you tell me what measures are being taken to at least turn off the light bulbs in the entrances during the daytime? (In Soviet times, devices for this were made in the “Young Technician” circle). What for? After all, if the supplying company strives to spend as much as possible, then the day at your entrance will last longer than a century; The lights are on, illuminating the way for energy workers to get bonuses.

    In short, it is difficult to disagree with the researcher of the issue who stated: “The average resident has no opportunity to control where these funds go, merging from thin pensioner streams into a rich seething stream of billions - in the DEZ from the window into which a timid apartment owner hands out a receipt with in unintelligible figures, in 99.9 out of 100 cases the cry of a wounded deer is heard, the tariffs are almost impossible to find out - they seem to be accessible, but are less understandable than Egyptian hieroglyphs.”

    And since these tariffs are impossible not only to understand, but also to pay, the utility worker acts in the spirit of Ostap Bender: “The client must be accustomed to the idea that he will have to give money.” To do this, the easiest way is to scare the client with eviction. If it is not possible to force him to pay in simpler ways - by turning off the lights, water and heating, and closing the sewer system. Such is life: some people plug the loophole of an enemy pillbox with their breasts, while others plug their neighbor’s sewer system. An old song in a new way: the consumer “came to you in just a shirt, and you sent him away completely naked.” (Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    The great commandment of the market “Consent is a product with complete non-resistance of the parties” has been forgotten. Maybe in some other market there is a dictate of the consumer, but not in the energy market. Because Chubais created it. Here there are agreements that everything is paid by the consumer, who, at best, only moans: “The price of electricity is constantly rising, although there are no objective prerequisites for this, and, above all, there is no such significant increase in consumption that could justify the increase in prices.” .

    But there is a drop in consumption. And this is not the first year. In such cases, prices in the market decrease. But on the Chubais market, on the contrary, they are growing.

    For now, Russia supplies electricity abroad, but with such an increase in domestic prices, it may soon itself begin to purchase it from Finland. So far, we only have two customs departments on the border that are supplied with electricity from the Finnish side, but as the proverb says, “if there is a hole, there will be a hole.”

    Evgeniy Pyrkov
