Brick wall in the interior: brick-look wallpaper, artificial brick. Brick wall in the interior: unusual combinations and design solutions Gray brick in the living room interior

This decorative technique is especially often used in Scandinavian style, country, as well as in loft and minimalist styles.

White brick combines harmoniously with both super-modern interior elements and traditional and vintage items, which is why designers often use it in eclectic styles.

Wall white made of brick makes the room visually more spacious and gives it airiness.

Ways to decorate the interior with a brick wall


This method is applicable in brick buildings, when it is possible, by clearing the wall of finishing materials and plaster, to expose the natural brickwork. To obtain white brick in the interior, the exposed masonry is washed, dried and then processed special compounds to form a protective coating.

If red bricks were used in the construction of the house, the wall will have to be painted with white paint. If there are defects in the brickwork - chips, cracks, they can be eliminated using special means, but more often they don’t do this, then the wall will give the interior a touch of noble antiquity. Walls that are too new are even deliberately aged to achieve this effect.


If the walls in the house are not brick, various decorative techniques will help create a white brick wall in the interior:

  • Facing brick. With this brick you can lay out individual architectural details: wall corners, fireplace, doorways, as well as completely one of the walls.

  • Tile. Can be used ceramic tiles imitating white brick. Using tiles makes it easier to decorate the wall, as well as care for it. This imitation looks quite plausible.

  • Wallpaper. Most a budget option imitation of white brick in the interior - using wallpaper with a similar pattern. You can easily stick them on yourself, saving on work. However, such an imitation looks rather crude.

Brick walls in different rooms of the apartment

Living room

A white wall creates a stunning backdrop against which decorative accents look great. At the same time, the too harsh white color is softened by the texture of the brick, which makes the atmosphere more comfortable.

If the living room is combined with a kitchen or dining room, using a white brick wall in the interior you can highlight a relaxation area or a food preparation area, thus creating their visual separation. If the room has a fireplace, facing not only the wall, but also the fireplace itself with white brick will look impressive.


Despite the fact that the bedroom is one of the coziest and most intimate rooms in the apartment, a white brick wall will be in place. Usually they lay out the wall at the head of the bed, but there are other options. For example, white masonry will help zone a room if the bedroom is combined with a study.


White brick in kitchen design can work as a separation functional zones, if they cook and dine in the same room. Additionally, it is possible to finish the island or bar counter with brick - this will give the room completeness and solidity.

The most common option is white brick finishing. kitchen apron. If the kitchen is small and there are wall cabinets, this will be the most a good decision, and it is better to replace decorative brick with its imitation tile - this is more practical.


If the apartment has a children's room, it can be decorated in white, and a brick wall will make the interior stylish. Against its background, both bright children's furniture and children's crafts placed on special shelves will look good.


Brick wall in bathroom design will help avoid impersonality and add special charm. In order to impart moisture resistance, the brick is subjected to special treatment, or its ceramic imitation is used.


This is usually one of the most dark rooms in the apartment, which is also crowded with storage systems. The use of white brick in the interior of an apartment in entrance area will make it much lighter and a little more spacious visually.

This is surprising, but it looks rude and somewhat careless brickwork can decorate the interior of almost any style - from constant classics to light and romantic Provence. Not to mention modern designs - hi-tech, eco or minimalism - a white brick wall will come in handy in them.

Features of brick walls in the interior of an apartment

Besides the fact that the brick wall in the room is original and unique element interior design, this technique also saves your time and money. After all, there is no longer any need for lengthy finishing, leveling the wall, gluing wallpaper, painting, etc.

True, in order to keep the brick intact and attractive, you will still have to cover the wall with a special protective agent. You can choose a glossy finish using clear varnish to visually make the room appear lighter and more spacious.

Or give preference to a matte composition to further emphasize the originality and naturalness of the brickwork.

Methods for creating a brick finish

Those who are not very lucky with pristine brickwork can use ways to imitate it. And choose for yourself suitable solution Anyone can do it, regardless of the size of their wallet. If you do not plan to spend a lot of money on furnishing your apartment, but want to save on materials, but still get original interior, pay attention to the second method of creating brickwork:

There are other options for arranging a brick wall in an apartment:

  1. The simplest thing is, of course, a real brick wall, which needs to be properly finished and painted. This option is ideal for those who have purchased new apartment in a new building with “bare” brick walls.
  2. Wallpaper on the wall imitating brick. Among such coatings today you can find very quality materials, which very realistically depict a brick, conveying even its texture. Color solutions Such wallpapers delight with variety - from red coloring natural brick to luxurious snow-white.
  3. Usage facing bricks. This is the same building brick, but only thin and, accordingly, has less weight. Facing in this way even for plasterboard walls is quite possible and is being actively implemented by designers in various interiors. In this case there is also big choice color range and texture of facing bricks. Even brick options are offered. self made, which, of course, cost more, but will also be unique when installed in the room.
  4. Brick veneers or tiles imitating real brick. Similar to the previous option, but differs from facing bricks in a thinner base and laying method. The veneer is attached to the wall like regular tiles in the bathroom - on an adhesive base. The elements are separated from each other when laid in crosses.

White brick - advantages as a finishing material

The differences between red and white bricks are based on their composition: in the first, clay predominates, in the second, sand and lime. White brick is also called silicate brick. In terms of its strength properties, it is superior to ordinary brick. Other advantages of white finishing stone include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • excellent sound insulation.

In interiors, it is often used for facing fireplaces, finishing furniture, walls or decorative columns.

White brick wall in the bedroom interior, ideas from our designers

Initially, the idea of ​​laying out an entire wall in a room with white brick belonged to New York designers.

It appeared at the birth of the minimalist style in the interior. Today, a white brick wall is used as an original and unusual technique when decorating the most different styles, while always being an effective and attention-grabbing solution.

White brick wall in the interior

Those who decide to decorate the wall in the room with white brick should remember important points:

  • a white brick wall is an excellent background for any bright decorative items or furniture;
  • even if there are other walls of a similar color in the room, the brick finish looks natural and unusual due to the nature of the stone surface;
  • a white brick wall, like any white in the room, can make the room lighter and weightless; visually raise the ceiling and expand the space.

You can use white brick in any room:

  • kitchen,
  • bedroom,
  • children's room, etc..

For a bedroom, it is better to leave one wall “bricked,” for example, adjacent to the head of the bed. It is better to decorate the remaining walls in light colors, choose soft and gentle textiles, and choose comfortable, comfortable furniture. Add a shiny floor covering and get a modern, light, cozy interior.

IN narrow hallway or a cramped corridor, white brickwork will come in handy - it doesn’t wear out like paper wallpaper, is easy to clean from dirt with soapy water and visually increases the space.

In the living room, the number of walls occupied by white brick can be increased to 2. And if you have a fireplace, line it with the same material. Don't want the entire wall in the room to be brick? Individual brick details made in white can add zest to the interior, for example:

  • arch;
  • corners in the room;
  • window or doorway;
  • "apron" in the kitchen;
  • dining area.

White brick is always in fashion. Whatever style you decorate the room - loft, Mediterranean, hi-tech, eco, minimalism, country, etc. - a white brick wall will always look exceptional. At the same time, you can experiment with ways of finishing it - make it more neat, classic or distinctly vintage. In any case, a white brick wall will give the interior a special charm and harmony.

If you are planning to radically transform your interior, make it stylish, modern and cozy at the same time, use decorative bricks for interior decoration is the best way turn your plans into reality. There is probably nothing more beautiful and refined than the presence in the house natural material, pleasing to the eye.

Wall decoration with decorative bricks

Today, brickwork is used almost everywhere. It can be used for interior decoration of private houses, apartments, hotels, offices and other premises.

Relatively inexpensive price of this material, with incredible natural beauty, allows it to compete with natural stone.

Facing bricks are made only from natural materials, so they are absolutely safe for humans. The appearance of brick has many different textures and color shades, which allows it to be used in interior design of various style themes.

Brick wall in various styles

Very often, a brick wall is used as decor in the pop art style, which is characterized by the use of various bright colors.

Orange color is a great combination with a brick wall

Modern design styles: high-tech and art deco, country and others also often use brickwork in their design. Brickwork adds a unique twist to the interior, which harmonizes perfectly with other materials such as steel and glass.

By decorating a wall with brick, you can make it a wonderful backdrop for your favorite paintings or family photos dear to your heart. Correct lighting, well-chosen furniture and decorative elements will make the interior even more attractive and elegant.

Brick in the interior can be combined with other finishing materials, for example, which can imitate a natural stone. Such a neighborhood will balance general form rooms, giving the design sophistication and a peaceful atmosphere.

An excellent design solution (from Meritage Homes) - a recreation area located near a brick wall

A brick wall should not have a cold and austere appearance. Dilute it with different decorations or change the colors for stunning results.

Last time fashion trend it is considered to decorate the walls with white brick, which is diluted bright colors. This color is suitable for decorating Scandinavian style interiors, which implies calmness and expressiveness.

Brick in the interior - where is it best to use it?

Designers do not have a clear answer to this question, since their opinions on this matter are divided. Some argue that the best place for the use of brick in the kitchen and living room, others believe the opposite and insist on the appropriateness of its use in living rooms.

However, I would like to note the following. If we take into account the characteristics of decorative bricks, then its scope is much wider than the kitchen, living room and bedroom. It can just as successfully be used for cladding walls in the corridor, hallway, or bathroom.

The artistic and aesthetic possibilities of brick in the interior are almost limitless. They can give the surface any shade and texture.

One of bright examples, which is probably the flagship of this type of material - artificially aged brick. Its main feature can be considered the absence of the need finishing walls after applying it.

The facing brick itself is quite brittle material, therefore, work with it must be done with extreme caution, following the technology. The versatility of the product allows you to cover walls with almost any surface, from plasterboard to silicate blocks.

Properties of bricks for interior decoration

This material has excellent properties such as:

  • Durability - the service life of the material is at least 50 years, while the external attractiveness remains unchanged;
  • Good thermal insulation - significantly reduces heat loss in the house;
  • Abrasion resistance - minor mechanical impacts will not affect the appearance bricks;
  • Waterproof - additional material, will protect the brick from moisture. In this state, the wall can be periodically cleaned with a soap solution;
  • Environmentally friendly - this brick contains natural ingredients that are absolutely harmless to humans.

Finishing brick - finishing material, which has to compete with other products such as or . Therefore, every year his physical and external characteristics become better and better.

Decorative brick in the kitchen

Brick wall cladding is very common in the kitchen. It is used to decorate either the entire wall or partially above the work area, having previously covered the material with moisture-proof impregnation. Such a design decision almost always justifies itself, since positive feedback There are a huge number of people who have tried this experiment.

The color tones of the dining room furniture can be duplicated various elements decor on the wall, this way you will achieve a smoothing effect on the picture, in which there will be no clear boundaries.

Decorative brick in the living room

Another favorite place where designers like to practice their talents is the living room. This room is the calling card of any house or apartment, so you can’t make a mistake here, everything should look flawless and aesthetically pleasing.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, add it to your interior bright colors so that the holiday atmosphere never leaves you. Use everything for this possible ways: fabrics, chandeliers, paintings, furniture and other decorative elements.

A selection of the best design projects

We have selected especially for you finished works, which already decorate their owners’ homes. After looking through them, you can take something for yourself, or even repeat exactly what you saw, only this time at home.

Using decorative bricks is the right step towards creating a beautiful, flawless and expressive design for your home. Play with contrast and decor until you realize it's just yours. The work you have done will not go unnoticed by your loved ones and guests.

I wish you success in your endeavors and remember that only hard work will bring the desired result.

White brick in the interior is a very unusual design solution. However, proper placement of the object will create a unique atmosphere and give the room an unusual flavor.

The use of white brick gives the interior uniqueness and visually expands the space.

Traditions of ancient architects

Red brick has been successfully used in residential decoration for the last 400 years. Victorian style, loft style, country style - all these design trends are literally supported by blocks of baked clay.

The use of white brick was common in the Middle Ages in the construction of castles.

Few people know that before the advent of this material, architects used decorative white brick for interior decoration. This material was popular throughout Europe, from the Atlantic coast to the steppes of the Urals. It was used to decorate the state chambers and private chambers of nobles; a white brick wall surrounded the Moscow Kremlin when the city took its first steps as the capital of an independent principality.

This style was typical for the interior of medieval castles. Subsequently, when production clay bricks became widespread, they supplanted construction market their counterparts made from a mixture of lime and sand.

The choice of white color for the material is not accidental. In medieval heraldry, the color white meant purity of thoughts, nobility, good luck and healing from illnesses.

Today, white brick in the interior is used to decorate apartments and country houses. More and more designers prefer this material.

Room decoration styles

The fashion for decorating walls with white blocks was revived in America when factory owners began to sell their former industrial premises for housing. Some of them were decorated with white brick. The designers who developed the basics of the loft style concept very quickly appreciated the advantages of this material. He emphasized natural wood, as well as high-tech furniture, which is used to decorate the premises.

White brick in the interior goes perfectly with bright elements.

Over time, a white brick wall has become an indispensable attribute of high-tech and country design. However, not only these areas in the design of premises use such material. Recently, more and more designers are giving preference to white blocks for cladding the walls of houses in eclectic style. It implies a mixture of different elements and directions, often the most unexpected.

White decorative brick for interior decoration emphasizes the elements of room decoration; it highlights even more bright accents, which give the room a certain flavor. For example, the eclectic style is characterized by the placement of colorful, color-saturated objects against the background of a wall made of such material.

Recently, blocks made of lime and sand are in demand in the fashionable Scandinavian style. It is characterized by the use of a large number of natural materials for interior decoration. Dark wood and wild stone look great against the light background of the walls.

Aged material is in great demand among builders, which manufacturers produce with an uneven surface, as if touched by time.

Advantages of white brick in the interior

Experienced designers note the versatility of this decoration element. White color can be used to decorate any room in an apartment or country house. A white brick wall looks equally good in the bedroom, in the living room, and even in the hallway.

The main advantage that this material has: finishing it makes the room larger, lighter, and airier. Cladding allows you to visually increase the size of even a small room.

To decorate rooms with an antique look, craftsmen use decorative white brick that has undergone special treatment. It has a matte color and uneven surface. For registration window openings, nish, doorways and bay windows, craftsmen take blocks from specially rounded edges. They allow you to lay at an angle and even create objects round shape in respect of.

The natural brightness of white is softened by the texture of the material.

The brick seems to crush the surface into fragments, reducing the pressure on the eyes that this color creates.

The same texture makes it possible to emphasize different elements design. A fireplace made of this material looks very beautiful. A white brick wall will help visually divide the room into several zones. For example, it would be appropriate to highlight a sleeping or dining area in a loft-style apartment.

Technology and masonry process

White brick in decoration, especially interior spaces, requires a more careful and attentive approach to performing work. The fact is that against a light background any flaws will be visible very clearly. Therefore, decorative bricks for interior decoration must be selected very carefully. Experienced craftsmen It is advised to calculate the amount before starting work necessary materials and buy them from one batch. Otherwise, the color difference may be noticeable.

To obtain a uniform masonry, craftsmen use white cement. It is based on clinker with a low iron content, to which gypsum and limestone are added, as well as a number of other mineral additives. They give the mixture a light tint. Thanks to this, the seams between the bricks will not be noticeable.

If you use traditional construction composition, then after hardening it is painted, giving it a common shade with the material.

In some cases, they do not use decorative brick for interior decoration, but tiles that look similar to it. She has one important advantage- more a light weight compared to a standard block. This allows you to reduce the load on the walls. Thanks to this, it is possible to cover the vertical surfaces of apartments in multi-storey buildings without breaking design features building.

Conclusion on the topic

As can be seen from our review, white brick is in demand in modern construction and residential design. It allows you to visually enlarge the space, making the room lighter and airier. This material can be used for different types design, and it will look harmonious in both modern and folk style. It is good for all types of premises.

Fashion designers offer wide choose options for interior solutions in premises. One of them is brick in the interior of an apartment space, which can create the effect of exclusive design. The fact is that in our country, brick for decoration began to be used relatively recently, while in the “western territories” brick decoration is a fairly common phenomenon.

The idea of ​​using brick in the interior can be realized in several ways. In today’s publication on “Dream House” we will try to consider in more detail the most interesting proposals.

Brickwork as a decorative element: which brick to use

The most creative solution The use of brickwork in the interior of an apartment is the use ordinary walls. In new buildings, the walls can be left “virgin” by lightly cleaning them from minor dirt remaining during construction. In old buildings, the walls should be carefully treated, after removing layers of primer, plaster, and whitewash.

Living room interior with brick wall

However, we should not forget that brick can collapse under the influence of unfavorable factors, so “bare” walls made of natural brick must be treated with special protective equipment, which can be purchased at construction stores.

From facing bricks, which are distinguished by a variety of shapes, textures and colors, you can build partitions, equip a fireplace, create them with shelving, or simply lay out a small fragment of masonry on the wall.

Facing brick in the interior photo

For interior decoration, designers recommend using decorative bricks. It has proven itself to be durable, environmentally friendly, and durable construction material with the correct shape and wide color palette. With the help of decorative brick-like tiles, door and window openings, walls, partitions, and arches are beautifully decorated.

Recently, long-forgotten glass bricks or glass blocks have come into fashion. These matte, colored, transparent or clear bricks can fill any space with light. They are often used not only as room decor, but also for... IN small apartment grooved glass partition will serve as a durable and decorative element.

The simplest and cheapest way to use brickwork in the interior is regular wallpaper with a brick pattern. Of course, they won’t give the room the effect of natural brick, but they will still attract attention as a bright accent.

Brickwork area in the interior

You can decorate any room in the apartment using “brick ornament”. The main thing is to approach this issue correctly so that the end result is not a tribute to fashion, but the highlight of the apartment, clearly fitting into the intended interior.


Small brick partition with a “destroyed” edge, will serve as a zoning element for the hallway and kitchen. Decorative candles will look nice on protruding bricks.


The kitchen interior certainly has room for your imagination to run wild! Firstly, it will look original surrounded by modern kitchen appliances. Secondly, decorative brick in the kitchen interior will help highlight the dining table area.

Brick wall in the interior

If the kitchen area allows, it can be made from facing bricks.

You can also build kitchen island, installing equipment into it or use it as a table by attaching it.

Brick will be an excellent material for finishing the area between work surfaces and wall cabinets and appliances.

And here work area without wall cabinets will decorate a brick apron that covers the entire wall.

Brickwork in the interior of a modern kitchen

Brick in the interior of an apartment photo

In a large kitchen with high ceilings Ceilings with brick trim look luxurious. This option is applicable mainly for private housing construction.

Living room

An unusual partition between the living room and kitchen area will be a partition made of glass bricks with an internal filling of flowers, herbs, and beads. Painted brick will also look good here.

Painted brick in the interior

A brick wall in the living room interior can become a backdrop for furniture, fashionable elegant appliances, and accessories.

Interior with brick wall

Aged brick in the interior

Columns in the Greek style will add grace to the large hall, acting as partitions or intriguing decor.

Decorative brickwork in the interior

Decorative brick in the interior

Warmth, coziness and comfort in cool weather will be provided by a fireplace in the living room, lined with decorative bricks.


Many people ask the question: is brick suitable for bedroom interiors? Here the answer is clear: of course yes! A brick wall will only add charm to a modern bedroom.

Red brick in the interior

And in a studio apartment or a two-level apartment, you can even do it instead of a door to the bedroom large arch made of brick.

Near the stairs

An interesting solution could be brickwork on the wall adjacent to the stairs. This method of decoration has been chosen by many owners. modern houses and multi-level apartments.

Interior with brick wall

Brick wall in the kitchen interior


Due to its moisture resistance and resistance to temperature changes, brick finishing permitted for use in rooms with high humidity. So, a brick wall or imitation brickwork will fit perfectly into the interior of the bathroom.

White brick in the bathroom interior

A partition made of glass bricks can separate the bathtub from the toilet. Glass blocks They are highly durable, so they can be used to decorate the floor, using additional lighting and heating. Facing tiles It is worth decorating the sides of the pool.

Choosing the color of bricks for decorating rooms

Brick walls may not necessarily be red-brown. Designers offer to choose any finishing color.

So, for example, white brick in the bedroom interior will make the room light and spacious.

In addition, brick walls can be painted. Thus, burgundy, brown or dark blue painted bricks in the decor of the bedchamber with the reflection of candles will create a romantic atmosphere.

Gray brickwork looks interesting in the interior. This option is perfect for modern design hallway

Aged brick in a modern interior

A fashionable trend in interior design projects is the use of aged bricks with visible cracks and grooves.
