Viburnum decorative buldenezh planting. Viburnum "buldenezh": reproduction and care

Viburnum Buldenezh is grown by gardeners at their dachas and used by designers to decorate plots. Decorative variety The snowball was developed by a Frenchman named Lemoine four centuries ago.. The beauty came to Russia at the behest of reigning Catherine II. Bushes of the plant could initially be seen in greenhouses and parks imperial family. Later, the nobility began to plant their gardens with viburnum. They looked unique. The branches seemed to be covered with balls of snow. A description of this ornamental plant is given below.

The exquisite plant is not grown to produce fruits; it does not produce them. But at the moment of flowering it amazes with its beauty.

« Snowball" serves as a variety of common viburnum, which takes its place in the honeysuckle family. Its height can be almost 3.5 m, diameter one and a half.

The shrub has highly branched branches. Gardeners, pruning them, give the plant a semicircular shape.. This makes the blossoming buds even more beautiful and tender. The inflorescences in the form of a ball and on a dwarf tree look great.

The leaves of this garden viburnum are large and bright, have serrations, and the veins create an interesting pattern. All shoots are covered with them. Looking at the plant, it seems that it is standing in a festive green outfit.

Ball-shaped inflorescences form on young branches. The diameter of each is 15 cm. Several petals emerge from one bud. They have no stamens. Therefore, the plant does not bear fruit.

By winter, the leaves fall off, but viburnum looks impressive even without them, since the relief is created artificially.

The blooming buds have a light green tint, then become creamy and pinkish. Having opened up, they become a snow-white lump. Due to the huge number of inflorescences, the shoots bend down. Such beauty can be observed for more than a month - up to 35 days, flowering begins in May or June.

Both individual bushes, entire plantings of them, and standard trees look great.

Nowadays, plants grown in the Moscow region grow to more than 6 meters in height and live for more than 5 decades.

Choosing a landing site

For single bushes, you can choose a place on a well-groomed green lawn. They look great near a gazebo, pond, or bench.

Viburnum will surprise with its color in group plantings. The proximity to other crops – barberry, spirea – will add elegance to the plant., forming darker foliage underneath.

The snow globe will not disappear even in poor soil, in an area where there is little light, but the inflorescences will be small and in small quantity. In order for bushes or trees to delight with exquisite snow-white buds, find a more humid place with soil acidity not exceeding 6.5. It is better to plant near a lake, fountain or well. This is good to do both in spring and autumn.

In fertile soil they dig a hole 40x40, in poor soil - up to 60. Place peat, 30 grams of nitrogen and potassium, up to 50 grams of phosphorus, deepening the plant to 5 cm.

When planting in the spring, they are pruned to a third of the length, in the fall a year later.

Bushes are placed 1.5–2 m from one another. It is necessary to take into account that the neck of the root is 3 centimeters below the soil surface. The ground under the viburnum is well moistened and covered with rotted leaves or peat.

Caring for viburnum Buldenezh

The plant will surprise with its elegance, lush flowering, only if you care for it diligently and with love. And care consists:

  • V feeding various fertilizers;
  • in regular loosening;
  • V rejuvenation branches;
  • protection against diseases and pests;
  • in normal watering;
  • V crown formation.

Feeding in spring and autumn

Feed bushes or trees before the buds swell and before they begin to shed leaves. As autumn fertilizer take phosphorus and potassium at 30–40 g per square meter and 50 grams of nitrogen. In autumn, only the first substance is needed, and the dose used should be 2 times less.

The fertilizer is scattered over the surface of the soil, after which it is dug up, watered and mulched.


In a year or two, seedlings need to form a crown. Then the bushes will be neat and lush. To do this, leave no more than four pairs of buds located at the base. This is done until the desired type of plant is obtained. Those viburnums that do not bloom well are cut off at the root, leaving the stem at a level of up to 30 cm.

Within 2 years, a shoot about a meter high appears. It is left as the trunk of the plant, and the rest is pruned.

The crown is formed after the bushes have faded and new buds begin to form. You can thin out the branches until autumn.

Plant pests

Kalina Buldenezh is not afraid of frost. If the ends of the branches freeze, which is no more than 12 cm, they are simply cut off. This is not reflected in flowering. Bushes and trees can only be covered in the northern regions of mid-latitudes. They wrap only forked, laurel-leaved, black, evergreen. In this way they are protected from freezing. But mainly these varieties are grown in the south.

Some gardeners wonder why this exquisite plant does not decorate so many areas.

At the end of spring, insects settle in the leaves of viburnum. The emerging aphid promotes their curling; the beetles gnaw the plates, leaving only veins. This will not happen if pests are detected in time and begin to fight them.

Sometimes one treatment is not enough to control insects. Then the bushes are sprayed again. For such a purpose would be better suited sprayer with a long boom.

To exterminate the bark beetle At their dachas they buy 0.2% chlorophos. To get rid of comma scale insects, which likes to settle in the trunk and branches of viburnum, spraying is carried out using karbofos. A 0.1% solution can be found commercially for this purpose.

Often observed on leaves occurrence of powdery mildew or spotting. To prevent this from happening, the plant is repeatedly treated with infusions prepared from onions, tobacco or garlic.

Reproduction methods

Viburnum Buldenezh can be propagated in several ways.


For seed propagation stratification is necessary planting material within six months - seven months. It will not germinate until August.

Initially, the root strengthens, but the bud does not develop. The emergence of cotyledons should be expected in the spring. Then the covers will be shed. By winter it should be covered with leaves or peat.

Seeds will germinate faster if kept by changing the temperature. First they should be kept warm at 18–20C, then they are placed in a cold place for three months. By resorting to propagation in this way, seedlings can be expected within one year. And only by the third, viburnum will begin to develop quickly. And it will bloom after five.

For breeding decorative species plants are more suitable for vegetative propagation, since seeds are almost impossible to obtain.

By layering

This is how you deal with layering from a bush::

  • I form a hole up to 15 cm deep near the plant;
  • the lower shoot is disconnected, bent down, pinned;
  • the earth or peat sprinkled on top is compacted;
  • the soil is constantly moistened.

If you do this in the spring, the shoots should take root before winter. And only after 2 years they are removed, separating it from the bush to another place.

This method is suitable if viburnum is already growing at the dacha.

Propagation is carried out using cuttings that have one internode. They are prepared in June by trimming the bushes. The shoots are left up to 1 cm long. Place in humus. Store in a greenhouse, covered with film, which is removed only for watering. In such a humid environment, the cuttings remain until spring. For growing, a special bed-school is made. When the bushes take root, you can start replanting permanent place into the ground.

There is another way to propagate ornamental viburnum, when using seedlings with roots. It is necessary to take into account that the crown of a tree or bush has considerable width. The distance between them is set at 2 m. The root neck is deepened by 5 centimeters. After compacting the soil, water it well.

The beautiful name of this form of decorative viburnum is translated from French as “snow globe”, and the lush flowering bush is popularly nicknamed “snowball”. Planting viburnum Buldenezh does not cause difficulties even for inexperienced gardeners, and caring for it is simple, it consists of watering, pruning, fertilizing and weeding.

In May, for the whole month, this shrub is covered with round caps of snow-white inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter, so it is readily used to decorate gardens and city parks, as rich Russian landowners and European nobility used to decorate their estates. Viburnum Buldenezh does not bear fruit, since all its flowers are sterile and sterile, so it is planted exclusively for decorative purposes - this can be a single planting or entire hedges.

Conditions for landing

Viburnum planting is carried out in early spring. In autumn, it is advisable to plant only seedlings obtained by dividing an adult bush (by digging up side shoots). Good care helps a three-year-old bush reach a height of 1.5 m, and without pruning mature tree grows above 3 m.

The place for planting Buldenezh is chosen to be semi-shaded, since in the sun the flowering period will be shortened, and in the shade the inflorescences will become incomplete, in addition, the bush will suffer from pests. Planting must be carried out responsibly, since viburnum is a long-lived plant and can grow and bloom in a selected area for up to 60 years. If necessary, an adult bush can be transplanted, but this will be difficult. Viburnum grows well along reservoirs, but also feels great in city conditions.

The soil for viburnum needs nutritious and loose, non-acidic. Heavy clay soil cultivated and lightened by adding sand, peat and humus. Planting pit for young seedling prepared with a size of at least 50x50 cm (up to a size of 60x80 is possible). A mixture of soil with compost, sand, peat, ash and suitable fertilizers is poured onto the drainage made of stones or tree bark.

Fertilizers when planting viburnum Buldenezh use potassium-phosphorus, for example "Agronan", or diammofoska, "Agricola", AVA.

A distance of at least 1.5–2.0 m is left between two bushes. The root collar of a young plant can be buried by 3-5 cm. On a cone-shaped tubercle in landing pit They plant a seedling, cover it with soil, compact it and water it abundantly. The surface of the earth around the bush is mulched, for example, with peat.

Viburnum care

Planting viburnum is accompanied by mulching; in the first years after planting, it is also advisable to cover the root circle with additional humus or mulch in the winter. You can plant it around the bush and not cut it off for the winter, which will give young roots additional protection from frost. In very cold winters, viburnum shoots may freeze, but with healthy roots, the bush quickly recovers. The shoots do not require any shelter, as this shrub tolerates frost well and takes root even in Siberia.

Viburnum Buldenezh loves moisture. In dry summers, the shrub requires frequent and abundant watering, at least twice a week. On mature plant up to 20 liters of water are consumed.

Fertilize the shrub in early spring and autumn before leaf fall:

  • at spring feeding add nitroammophoska;
  • in autumn - superphosphate and potassium nitrate.

Caring for viburnum Buldenezh also involves mulching. Mulch in tree trunk circle plants need to be renewed annually (maximum every three years), digging up last year's layer and adding a new one.

To protect viburnum from diseases caused by fungi, such as gray leaf spot or powdery mildew, bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture in early spring, and when a problem is detected. If the situation is already advanced and the bush cannot be treated, then it is better to remove the plant from the site.

Viburnum can also be overcome by pests. Aphids are fought with a soap solution, and with viburnum leaf beetle - an infusion of garlic, onion or wormwood with soap. In early spring, the plant is treated with karbofos. If pests appear, you can use other chemicals, sold in garden stores.

Pruning viburnum

Ornamental viburnum is most often grown as a spherical shrub, but sometimes also as standard tree. The shoots grow very quickly, up to 40 cm per year.

To form a ball, the bush is cut short in the second year of planting, leaving 2-3 buds, and a ball is formed from young strong shoots, pinching their growth point at a length of 30 cm.

To form a tree, only one powerful stem is left to grow, its lower lateral buds are removed, and the remaining shoots are removed. In the future, only branches from the apical buds are allowed to grow. To do this, after 2–3 years of growth of the main (single) stem, its crown is pinched at the desired height, for example 2 m, and a crown is formed from its side shoots, leaving a clean stem 1–1.2 m high.

In addition to pruning to form the bush, you will also need to remove lateral growth when it appears, as well as dried and broken branches. Once every 7–8 years you need to thin out the crown of the bush - such care helps maintain the healthy appearance of the ornamental shrub.

Reproduction of viburnum Buldenezh

Since the sterile flowers of this viburnum do not produce seeds, it can only be propagated vegetatively: by layering, cuttings and dividing the bush.

For cuttings, shoots of this year are most often taken during summer pruning, but you can also use last year's shoots. Two pairs of buds are left on a cutting 7–9 cm long, lower leaves cut off completely, and the top ones - in half. The lower cut of the cutting should be oblique, and the upper cut should be straight. To accelerate root formation, the lower cut is treated with Kornevin, Heteroauxin or another growth stimulant. The cuttings are planted to a depth of 2 cm in a loose substrate (peat and sand in equal quantities), a kind of mini-greenhouse is made (a cap made of plastic bottles or lutrasil/film stretched over small arcs).

When propagating by layering in May-June, flexible young shoots are bent to the ground, placed in grooves up to 10 cm deep, pinned, covered with soil and often watered. The rooted seedling is cut off from the mother bush and left for some time in its original place or transplanted into a shrub.

As can be seen from the information above, viburnum Buldenezh does not require special attention. Planting and caring for it is no more difficult than caring for others garden crops, and the beauty of spring blooms pays off all the effort.

At one abandoned dacha I saw a bush, then unknown to me, all strewn with beautiful white balls. I really liked these snow balls and I wanted to make such a miracle at my dacha. This miracle turned out to be viburnum Buldenezh. How to breed viburnum Buldenezh I didn’t know, but my sister told me. It turns out you can dilute cuttings viburnum Buldenezh or buy . I will tell you how I propagated the Buldenezh viburnum from cuttings.

How to breed viburnum Buldenezh

Viburnum Buldenezh is not propagated by seeds, only vegetatively, that is, by layering and cuttings.

In order to propagate viburnum Buldenezh with cuttings, you need the following:

  • preparing green cuttings from the shoots of the current year by the beginning of July;
  • We leave two pairs of buds on the cuttings;
  • we make an upper straight cut above one pair of buds, and an oblique cut under the other pair of buds;
  • remove the lower leaves on the cuttings and reduce the upper ones by half;
  • then, if there is a growth stimulator, you can keep the cuttings in it;
  • we plant the cuttings in the ground and cover them, for example, with a plastic bottle;
  • if you want to plant a lot of cuttings, you can make a small greenhouse for them;
  • You can even plant the cuttings in a greenhouse;
  • planting depth of green cuttings 1.5-2cm;
  • be sure to cover from direct sunlight;
  • the soil should be moist all the time;
  • It is better to leave the cuttings in this place until next year;

This is what I did when I rooted the cuttings. My sister took and broke off a branch, put it in water, and after two weeks there were already roots on the cuttings, then she planted it in the ground. This is how she very simply rooted the Viburnum Buldonezh. It turns out that there is no need to bother.

When propagating viburnum Buldenezh by layering, you just need to bend the young branch and dig it in. This is also a simple way, if possible.

Viburnum propagated from cuttings blooms in 5-6 years. Viburnum Buldenezh blooms for 2-3 weeks without producing fruit. But, how it blooms!

It has one drawback: aphids and caterpillars love viburnum. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out regular treatment against aphids, which love not only leaves, but also young inflorescences.

And so the viburnum Buldenezh will not bring you much trouble, only the joy of beautiful flowering with large white snow globes.

Now you know how to grow viburnum Buldenezh. And, if you don’t have one, be sure to purchase at least a twig so that you can root and grow such a beauty.

Many gardeners choose it to decorate their garden. Frost-resistant, not required special conditions for growth and flowering. not picky about soil and easy to propagate. Read more about cultivation and methods of reproduction in this article.

Botanical description

One of the varieties of decorative species of this plant. This beauty will never go unnoticed in the garden, as it attracts attention with its huge (up to 20 cm in diameter) snow-white balls of inflorescences. These balls can change color during the flowering process, which further arouses the interest of others. The bush itself sometimes reaches three meters in height, although it is classified as a low-growing shrub. Its crown is bright green, lush, well emphasizing the beauty and splendor of flowers. From a distance, they can easily be confused with snow globes that so mysteriously appear out of nowhere on a green bush in the summer.

Translated from French, Boule de Neige means a lump of snow. This variety of viburnum is widely used in a variety of fields: medicine, cosmetology, folk medicine. Landscape designers love to use this plant to create their masterpieces. Decoctions based on leaves and flowers have a beneficial effect on immune system gastrointestinal tract, and also on condition of hair and skin.

How to propagate a plant correctly

Viburnum buldenezh has several methods of propagation: dividing the bush, layering and cuttings. Each method has its own time of year: for example, spring is suitable for propagation by layering; it is better to divide the bush in the fall, before frost, and cuttings - in the summer.

Timing for harvesting cuttings

Cuttings are prepared for planting in early June. Young green branches are required and take a long time to take root.

How to properly cut and prepare cuttings

To propagate the common viburnum buldenezh by cuttings, you will need several young healthy branches of this bush. The branches are cut into pieces 10 cm long at an angle of 45 degrees so that each has at least three nodes, and the edges are lowered into water, after removing part of the bark from them, until they take root.

What to root the workpieces in

The blanks, if they are young, healthy and green, will take root even in idle water, but you can also play it safe and dip them in a solution of a growth stimulator for several days. For example, in a solution Or you can resort to help

Rules for planting cuttings

The main planting rule for viburnum cuttings “Snow Globe” is well-moistened soil. After the preparations have taken root in water, they are transplanted into pots with very moist soil, half mixed with sand. Gardeners say that cuttings can be planted in open ground in the spring.

Important! Pots with viburnum should be stored in dark room, covered with a light cloth, at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees.

There is another way - the cuttings are planted in fertilized soil in a garden bed and covered with film, creating greenhouse conditions. They are watered abundantly for several months, after which they become seedlings.

Did you know? The Buldenezh variety practically does not bear fruit; it is very rare and causes a lot of controversy about its suitability for consumption. Therefore, the seeds of this plant are very difficult to obtain, and the method of propagation by seeds is not considered.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

For the buldenezh variety, in addition to propagation by cuttings, even more in a simple way propagation will be a method of dividing the bush. It can be used both in spring and autumn when replanting shrubs. To do this, you need to pinch off a part or several from the rhizome, making sure that each new bush has its own healthy roots and a pair of strong shoots.

Important! It is better to pour drainage into the ground under the bush so that the roots do not rot in the constantly wet soil.

How to propagate viburnum buldenezh by layering

This is a fairly simple and common method of propagating viburnum.

Terms and conditions

It will require a bush at least one year old, several healthy shoots and moistened, fertilized grooves directly under the bush. Best time years for this type of reproduction - spring.

Viburnum represents ornamental plant. Belongs to the Honeysuckle family. Viburnum is very popular among domestic gardeners. Special attention deserves the Buldenezh variety. What Buldenezh viburnum looks like: planting and caring for it, the most popular varieties - the article will tell you about all this.

Buldenezh is an ornamental viburnum, distinguished by large white spherical flowers. Each bud, when open, has a diameter of 15 to 20 centimeters. The bush is lush, blooms profusely, but not for long (about 2-3 weeks). Serves good decoration for a garden or summer cottage.

The plant appeared in Russia thanks to Empress Catherine II. Buldenezh was grown exclusively in royal greenhouses, parks and gardens. So this type should be called aristocratic. Often such viburnum is also called sterile, and this is due to the fact that its flowers are sterile.

What the decorative viburnum Buldenezh looks like is presented below:

What varieties are there?

Viburnum fruit varieties are presented in a wide range. And Buldenezh has several subspecies. All of them have high decorative qualities.

Viburnum Buldenezh includes the following popular varieties:

  1. Ordinary. It is considered a sterile form of the common red viburnum. Has a shape that allows you to create interesting compositions. Due to this, the common viburnum Buldenezh has gained considerable popularity among summer residents, gardeners and landscape designers.
  2. Decorative. It differs from the ordinary one in its more compact size.
  3. Roseum. Viburnum Buldenezh Roseum is characterized by double inflorescences of unusual shape. Blooming viburnum initially has white buds with a green tint, and towards completion they acquire a soft pink tint. The shrub grows more than 3 meters. It is usually used in standard plantings.

How to grow Buldenezh?

Viburnum is planted in early spring. In the fall, such work is performed if the Buldenezh viburnum seedling was obtained by dividing an adult bush. At good care the bush will grow about 1.5 meters in height. If you do not carry out formative pruning, you can get a full-fledged tree more than 3 meters high.

Rules for planting viburnum

For Buldenezh, a semi-shaded place is considered ideal, and in the sun the flowering period is significantly reduced.

In the shade, the buds will be incomplete, and the plant will begin to suffer from frequent attacks by insect pests. In one area, viburnum can grow for up to 60 years. It is difficult to replant an adult plant. Therefore it is better to choose a good place straightaway. Buldenezh grows quite well along reservoirs. In urban conditions it also feels normal.

It is desirable that the soil is non-acidic, loose and nutritious. Clay and heavy substrates are lightened and cultivated by adding humus, peat and sand. For a young seedling, dig a hole measuring 50x50 or 60x80 centimeters. A layer of drainage made from tree bark and stones is laid at the bottom. Next, pour a mixture of sand, compost, soil, ash, peat and fertilizer. Among nutritional mixtures, it is better to give preference to potassium-phosphorus sets. For example, Agronal, Agricola, diammofoska, nitroammofoska.

The distance between bushes should be maintained at 2 meters. A cone-shaped tubercle is made in the hole. Place the seedling on top and carefully straighten the root zone. Sprinkle with earth, compact, and irrigate abundantly. The root collar is buried 5 centimeters. The soil around the plant is mulched with peat.

Caring for viburnum in open ground

In the first two years, it is recommended to cover the root circle with mulch or humus during the winter. It's a good idea to plant around the plant. lawn grass. It will become protection for Buldenezh on frosty days. In extreme cold, shoots sometimes freeze slightly. But, if the root zone is healthy and strong, viburnum quickly recovers.

The viburnum bush loves moisture, so it needs frequent and abundant watering. Irrigate at least twice every 7 days. One adult plant requires up to 20 liters of water. From early spring to late autumn, nutrient mixtures are added. In the spring they feed with nitroammophos, and in the fall with potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

To protect against diseases, spraying is carried out. It is effective against gray spotting and powdery mildew. Viburnum is often attacked by insect pests. Aphids are fought with a soap solution. And the viburnum leaf beetle is destroyed with an infusion of onion, garlic, wormwood and soap.

How to prune viburnum? In the second year after planting, viburnum Buldenezh is pruned in landscape design in order to form a spherical bush. Trim short, leaving 3 buds. A ball is made from strong young shoots by pinching their growing point at a length of about 30 centimeters. If you plan to give the viburnum the appearance of a tree, leave one powerful stem, and cut off all the lower and side branches.

Held sanitary pruning viburnum Buldenezh in the spring: all broken, dried and frozen branches are removed.

Viburnum propagation in the garden

How to propagate viburnum in the garden? The flowers do not produce seeds. Viburnum Buldenezh is propagated exclusively by vegetative methods: by dividing the bush, cuttings or layering.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out using shoots of the current or last year. They are pruned in the summer. The optimal length of cuttings is 8 centimeters. It is important that they have two pairs of kidneys. All lower leaves are cut off. The upper cut of the cutting is made straight, and the lower cut is oblique. To speed up the root formation process, treat with the drug Heteroauxin, Kornevin or another growth stimulator. The cuttings are planted in a loose substrate of sand and peat, deepening them to 2 centimeters.

Reproduction by layering is carried out like this. In May-June, young flexible shoots are selected and bent to the ground. They are placed in grooves about 10 centimeters deep, pinned, and sprinkled with soil. Then water regularly and abundantly. When the seedling takes root, it is separated from the mother bush and transplanted into a shrub.

How is Buldenezh used in landscape design?

Any landscape designer sooner or later has the idea to use viburnum of the Buldenezh species in his work. After all, the plant looks luxurious and is considered a win-win option. Viburnum Buldenezh can be grown in landscape design as a standard tree or a single bush. It is used both as an individual object and to create an original composition. A good idea is to plant the plant near a fountain or pond. The reflection of flowers in water creates an interesting picture, adding originality to a park or garden.

Decorate with viburnum high fences. For this purpose, Buldenezh is planted along the fence as a tree or bush. The standard crown begins to form when the bush is still young.

Conclusions about growing viburnum Buldenezh

Thus, viburnum Buldenezh is a good option for decoration garden plot, dachas. Large and snow-white buds will not leave anyone indifferent. The plant looks beautiful even after flowering, since it has large and spectacular foliage. It is easy to grow, the main thing is to follow the rules of planting and care. Check out the article: .
