What indoor flowers grow in a dark room. Shade-loving indoor plants: choosing the right ones. Video: how to properly care for aglaonema

There is not too much light in your apartment, do the windows of the rooms face north? Do flowers quickly lose their attractiveness, turn yellow, stretch out and not bloom, despite constant care and watering? In this case, you should approach the choice of green pets more carefully and install the most unpretentious plants for whom dim light is a natural condition of life.

Some flowers require bright lighting and without it they lose their decorative properties, others, on the contrary, do not like direct sunlight and can only grow and bloom in partial shade; the sun can cause them burns and even lead to death! Shade-tolerant and shade-loving indoor plants came to us from tropical and mixed forests middle zone, in natural natural conditions They are used to surviving by receiving only a small part of the light that breaks through the fused crowns of trees and bushes. Therefore, even at home, they do not require full lighting, but even in its complete absence they will not be able to grow!

First of all, you need to figure out which ones are shade-tolerant and which are shade-loving, since these are two different categories.

Shade-tolerant and shade-loving indoor plants

The difference is already visible from the name. Shade-tolerant plants thrive in low light and prefer to grow in partial shade. The main thing is that a little diffused light falls on their leaves. They can decorate corridors, offices and rooms with low lighting.

A number of ornamental deciduous plants are shade-loving, among them rare flowering species(gardenia is one of the exceptions to the rule). And if you want to feel comfortable on your northern window, choose only the most shade-tolerant types.

Decorative flowering shade-tolerant plants

Representatives of this group will worthy decoration your house. Many of them grow naturally in tropical rain forests. With regular watering and the right soil, you can admire their blooms for a very long time.

- loves high humidity and needs frequent spraying. Can grow and bloom well near a window, does not like drafts. During flowering it needs abundant watering, otherwise moderate watering.

A member of the madder family, this shrub is valued for the beauty of its gorgeous white flowers, similar to roses. Requires high humidity and frequent spraying.

one of the most unpretentious flowers and loved by many gardeners, its numerous varieties can decorate a north window and delight you almost year-round flowering. Watering should be done moderately so as not to cause rotting of the root system.

– attracts attention, first of all, with its unusual spike-shaped flower. Prefers warm rooms, diffused lighting, abundant watering in spring and summer, and moderate watering in winter. It needs to be sprayed periodically.

– also called “the flower of love”, “Cupid’s arrows”. Prized for its ability to grow and bloom in partial shade with beautiful red, white, blue and even green and black flowers. It is not difficult to care for: in summer watering should be plentiful, and in winter less frequent; it does not like drafts.

- remains one of the favorite flowering indoor plants among gardeners. Prized for the beauty of its leaves and abundant flowering. It is not demanding in care, it amazes with its diversity of species, it grows well on the north side, it is not recommended to spray it.

– grows in any conditions, tolerates shade well, blooms up to twice a year. Does not like drafts and frequent rearrangements.

beautiful plant with dark leaves, which allow it to easily tolerate partial shade. Does not require special care, needs periodic spraying. In summer, watering is abundant, but without stagnation of water, in winter - moderate. Loves warmth and does not tolerate drafts.

Decorative foliage shade-loving plants

Following the teachings of Feng Shui, with the help of numerous species and varieties with small or large leaves, all kinds of shapes and colors, you can hide and smooth out flaws in your home. When choosing such flowers for shaded areas, remember that varieties with variegated and white-green leaves need more lighting than plants with green foliage.

common indoor hanging plant with green or variegated leaves, easy to maintain, not demanding on lighting, easily propagated by cuttings. Looks beautiful in hanging planter.

– most often grown at home, Japanese aucuba has green leaves and small yellow specks. Loves diffused light, regular watering (moderate in winter), frequent spraying.

perennial evergreen the arrowroot family with flowers of various colors, but to maintain their brightness, it is better to place the flowerpot on an east or west window.

- a small variegated plant. Easily propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush. Water abundantly in summer, rarely in winter. Loves wet air, is not demanding on lighting, can grow even under artificial light.

tropical plant aroid family. The stem is erect, the leaves are elongated, sometimes patterned. Loves warmth and partial shade. In winter, for greater illumination, it is recommended to place it on windows; moderate watering is required.

– also called “Venus hair.” A very delicate, refined fern that needs to be protected from drafts, overflow of water, and direct bright sunlight.

- an ornamental deciduous plant that raises its leaves at nightfall and opens them again in the morning. In summer, abundant watering is required, in winter - moderate. It should be shaded from the bright rays of the sun; it does not like too dry air.

A very decorative and popular fern will decorate any home. It is not demanding in terms of care, does not like bright sun and grows even in artificial lighting conditions. The soil in the pot should always be moist.

Palms and large trees growing in partial shade

Choosing palm trees, shrubs and ornamental trees, focus primarily on the color of the leaves. The darker the leaves, the easier the plant will tolerate partial shade. They are used in landscaping halls, office premises, corridors, large rooms, play a big role in the phytodesign of the house.

– familiar to many by appearance, not by name. This small bamboo palm has long won the love of flower growers. She likes dim lighting, is not picky about temperature conditions, needs spraying, and moderate watering.

– they also call it “Dragon Tree”. Valued for its exotic look and a luxurious crown of thin or wide wavy leaves that make it look like a palm tree. In nature it grows up to 10 meters. At home it grows slowly, feels good in dimly lit places, does not like overflow and stagnation of water.

- enough large plant with large carved leaves. Applies to both large trees and vines. Produces large aerial roots. One of the most beautiful indoor vines, but requires support and a lot of space for good development, does not like bright sun and drafts.

- belongs to the mulberry family and includes a large number of species with small and large leaves. The ficus rubber plant, beloved by flower growers, is used in landscaping apartments and offices and creating bonsai. Unpretentious and hardy to different conditions, watering should be moderate.

Ampelous shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants

- a favorite of all flower growers. The beautiful star-shaped small leaves of hedera can be either dark green or variegated. Today you can find both large and small types of ivy. It grows well and quickly in the shade, weaving around large spaces, and does not like frequent rearrangements.

- belongs to the araceae family and includes many species, including lianas. The climbing philodendron is especially popular.

- is considered one of the most unpretentious domestic vines. It grows well and quickly in dim lighting, needs spraying, is not picky about temperature conditions, and only does not like drafts.

- an elegant vine with interesting arrow-shaped leaves. The presence of a support installed in the center of the flowerpot gives the appearance of an elegant hanging plant. It grows quickly, loves moderate air humidity and good watering.

It is necessary to competently approach the choice of habitat for each purchased plant. Observe how the flower feels. If you notice that he feels bad in the chosen place, try simply rearranging it. And if from the very first day he liked the new arrangement, try not to bother him with constant rearrangements.

Unfortunately, not all flowers are able to grow where there is insufficient lighting (in the back of the room, on window sills not located on sunny side). In such places they are usually planted for dark rooms.

Features of shade-tolerant plants

Modern gardeners have enormous opportunities to choose indoor plants suitable for interior decoration at any level of illumination. In most cases among shade-loving plants Decorative deciduous trees predominate, the main decoration of which is leaves.

Of course, no species can exist completely without light. indoor flowers. For those plants that do well in the shade, the most suitable location would be three meters from well-lit windows. Moreover, all ornamental plants have different tolerance to lack of light. This should be taken into account when choosing indoor flowers. Some of them can thrive in the darkest corner all the time, while others require that they be placed in a bright place periodically, at least for a short time. Let's look at the most popular


There are about two thousand of these tropical plants that can be easily grown at home. They feel good even in heavily shaded corners of the apartment, but do not tolerate dry air. Therefore, spraying fern leaves should be carried out regularly, especially during heating season.

One of the largest among these plants is the pteris fern. In addition, it is completely undemanding to care. Its leaves are very beautiful shape, their length varies from 15 to 50 cm depending on the type.

Pteris feels best when room temperature, it is advisable that it does not exceed 21 ⁰С, especially if the air humidity is not high enough. It is not recommended to keep the fern in a too cold room; you need to ensure that the temperature does not fall below 12 ⁰C. Windows on the east and north sides will be the most suitable for these plants. suitable place, considering that, like all indoor plants for dark rooms, ferns do not tolerate bright sunlight.

Drying out the soil can be detrimental to them, so you need to ensure regular watering. This required condition when growing of this plant. In summer, pteris is watered every two weeks, and in winter - once a month.


This is another one exotic plant, distinguished by the beauty of its long variegated leaves. When planting, you need to select a low pot, since the flower feels most comfortable in a small flowerpot. It should be placed in a place where it cannot be accessed Sun rays.

Aglaonema is a heat-loving plant and prefers a temperature of at least 18 ⁰C. Does not tolerate drafts and tobacco smoke. But aglaonema needs to be sprayed much more often than other indoor ornamental plants.


For its special endurance and unpretentiousness, the British also call this plant “cast iron”. Aspidistra does not need frequent watering; it grows well in rooms where the air is too dry. It is only afraid of direct sunlight, which can burn its leaves, so the pot with this flower should be kept away from the window.

Aspidistra is a stemless plant, the height of which can be 45-60 cm. The dark green leaves are elliptical in shape and colored with yellow or cream stripes.


The most popular plant among gardeners, which has many other names - mother-in-law's tongue, pike grass, snakeskin. There are several varieties of this flower. Some can grow up to 1 meter in height, others are dense, low rosettes. Everyone is very unpretentious. They tolerate rare watering well and are not afraid of drafts. This is the most suitable indoor plant for beginning gardeners.

You just need to take into account that the frequency of watering directly depends on the degree of shading of the room where the flower is located. The darker the place where it is kept, the less often it needs to be watered. Otherwise, there is a high probability of brown spots appearing on the leaves.

Although these indoor plants are intended for dark rooms, not all types of sansevieria can withstand too little lighting. More capricious in this regard are those that have yellow-green leaves.


Devil's ivy is another name for this vine, the leaves of which are decorated with yellow-white streaks and spots. Scindapsus looks very good in a hanging flowerpot, flowing along the wall. To make the stems more branchy, it is recommended to pinch their ends.

The flower must be protected from drafts and direct sunlight. Like many other indoor plants for dark rooms, scindapsus does not tolerate dry air well, so it needs periodic spraying.

Surely everyone has a dark place in their apartment that they just want to liven up and make cozy, maybe it’s a bathroom, a hallway, or a living room whose windows overlook shadow side. There is a way out of the situation, because not all plants love sunlight, for some of them it is even destructive. There is a golden rule for choosing shade-loving plants: the darker the leaves of a plant, the more it loves a dark corner. But you also need to understand that all plants need at least a small amount of diffused light; in low light conditions the plant will not bloom, and since the beauty of flowering plants is in the flowers, we focused our attention on beautiful ornamental plants, whose beauty lies in their leaves and colors. Kashevarna has compiled the top 10 plants that can survive without direct sunlight.

Top 10 unpretentious and shade-loving plants

Sansevieria or "Mother-in-law's tongue"

Recently, it has been very fashionable, decorating many fashion restaurants and cafes, which often have no windows and use artificial lighting. It can grow in the sun and in the shade, it tolerates drafts and temperature changes, rare transplants, the plant is very unpretentious, the only thing that Sanseveria is afraid of is waterlogging and watering inside the rosette, which can rot from this.


Aspidistra is simple in appearance, but when the plant grows, it becomes an elegant interior decoration. Recently, the fashion for combining wicker furniture and this plant has been gaining momentum. The plant is unpretentious, tolerates careless handling in the literal sense of the word, the plant practically does not need fertilizer. Aspidistra does not respond to excess or lack of moisture; this is a plant for those who have no time to deal with them. Aspidistra is indispensable when decorating rooms with little light or variable temperature conditions.

Dracaena Sandera

This plant is also called "Lucky Bamboo". The plant is one of the easiest to grow, it has the characteristic of growing in low light conditions. Lucky bamboo can grow in dark conditions for many hours, but a small amount of he needs light. It also gained popularity due to the possibility of forming different decorative shapes from the stem, most often a spiral. If you plan to move the dracaena to a darker or lighter place, do it gradually, gradually moving it to a new place for several hours every day. IN dark place leaves may turn light green.

Chlorophytum or "Spider Plant"

An unpretentious plant that, in addition to everything else, also blooms with white flowers. In summer it requires abundant watering, 2 times a week, and spraying. In winter, once is enough. The plant perfectly filters the air, it absorbs formaldehyde and carbon monoxide and releases oxygen. The plant grows best in partial shade, but if it is moved into a completely dark room, such as an office, it will lose the white stripes on the leaves.

Ivy or Hedera

An evergreen plant that in nature chooses a place to grow in shady forests. Due to the large mass of leaves, hedera is considered one of the most effective air purifiers in the home. To turn your ivy into a gorgeous one green wall, it is necessary to create coolness for it, ivy does not tolerate heat and sun, it is shade-loving. Hedera is a moisture-loving plant, root system it is superficial, so in the spring and summer, watering should be regular and quite abundant. Drying out the earthen ball is undesirable, but stagnation of water in the pot will lead to the death of the plant. In winter, water frequently when overwintering in a warm room, but if the ivy overwinters in a cool place, watering should be limited so as to only prevent the soil from drying out.


This exotic plant is popularly called “white sail”. Plant at favorable conditions It blooms for a very long time, the flowers resemble a white sail, some species have a rich aroma. The plant is afraid of direct sunlight and can grow in diffused light or partial shade. Watering in the spring-summer period and during flowering is abundant, between waterings upper layer should dry out. In the autumn winter time watering is moderate. When watering, the substrate should not dry out, but should not be excessively waterlogged. For spathiphyllum, it is important to choose the right place - it does not like the cold. Place it away from drafts and windows that open in winter for ventilation, and there will be no problems with the plant.


Fern loves shade and moist air. The easiest to maintain and most common ferns are: Cithromium, Davallia, Pteris cretanis, Nephrolepis, Kostenets nesata, Pellea rotundifolia. But even they need frequent spraying of the leaves, especially during the heating season. Make sure that the soil in the fern pot is always moist.

Scindapsus (Pothos)

The plant is adapted to the conditions of indoor culture, moisture-loving and shade-tolerant, but with insufficient lighting, the variegation of foliage may appear or disappear. IN indoor culture the plants practically do not bloom. Used as a hanging plant and as a climbing plant on a support wrapped in sphagnum moss. Used in a variety of arrangements.


The least capricious of these beautiful flowers is the jasmine gardenia. When choosing a location for gardenia, choose south or southwest windows. The plant loves frequent spraying. It can grow in shaded places, with reduced light throughout the day, but determine the choice of location in advance and do not change it, even the slightest movement leads to the falling of flowers and even leaves. Under no circumstances should the earthen clod be allowed to dry out. The soil should always be slightly moist. But at the same time it should allow air to pass well to the roots. Therefore, it is recommended to use light soil for growing gardenia jasmine, as for Azaleas.


These bright plants with green leaves grow well in places with insufficient lighting. Direct sunlight can cause leaf burns. The plant is afraid of drafts. Despite the ability of aglaonema to purify the air from benzene and kill streptococcal infections, there is an opinion that due to its content oxalic acid, toxic enzymes and proteins, if handled improperly, the plant can cause severe irritation and even burns skin. The release of plant juice can cause swelling of the mucous membranes and difficulty breathing. In some cases, aglaonema can cause allergic reactions, which is why aglaonema closes the list of plants, loving shadow. Therefore, when carrying out any work with the plant, you need to use protective gloves, and when finished, you need to wash your hands well with soap. It is better to remove the plant from animals and children.

In some apartments there is not enough light, and green pets quickly lose their attractiveness, do not bloom, and in worst cases die.

Houseplants those who love shade (more precisely, for whom shading is natural) are at the peak of popularity. Shade-loving flowers can be placed not only on window sills, but also inside the room, which can add harmonious and relaxing touches to the decor of a house or apartment. In our article we will look at shade-loving flowering and non-flowering indoor plants.

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Azalea (lat. Azalea)



perennial from South America, so it’s quite capricious. Caring for it will require patience and care.

The optimal temperature is in the range of 20−24 degrees. Avoid sudden changes and protect the plant from possible drafts.

Despite the fact that it is a tropical plant, calathea does not like direct sunlight, so it is important to find a place for it where there will be enough light, but not too much (for example, near a window).

Calathea loves high humidity, up to 90%. It is difficult to achieve this indicator in an apartment, so you need to regularly spray the leaves. If the leaves are velvety, then spray only the air around them. You can also pour pebbles into the tray and pour water so that the bottom of the pot with the plant does not touch it. Watering is carried out 2-3 times a week.

The soil should be breathable, without excess calcium and nitrogen. A young plant can be replanted once a year, then once every 2-4 years.


The orchid is native to Brazil. It does not like direct sunlight, so its friends are diffused light and partial shade.

The temperature should be maintained in the range from +12 to +20, without sudden changes. Roots love light, so clear planters are ideal for this plant.

High humidity for miltonia can be provided with an air humidifier, containers with water and trays with pebbles or expanded clay soaked in water. You should not spray the plant itself - it does not like it. Water with soft water at room temperature.

The plant can be fed with special fertilizers for orchids or rhododendrons. It is best to replant in the spring every 1-2 years or when the roots of the plant no longer fit into the pot. Miltonia can bloom almost all year round, although this is quite difficult to achieve.


An unpretentious fern from tropical and subtropical regions. Capable of purifying the air from harmful substances (formaldehyde, toluene) and microbes. Looks most advantageous in hanging flowerpots.

Summer temperature for nephrolepis should be around +20, and in winter - around +15, it does not tolerate drafts. Also, you do not need to place it in the sun; it is better to choose a shaded place.

The plant should be kept away from heating and heating systems. It must be frequently sprayed with water (if possible 2-3 times a day); containers with water can be placed next to the pot so that the air is moistened and gives strength to your pet.

Daily watering is necessary, while ensuring that stagnation of water does not form in the soil. For feeding, you can use diluted minerals and, best of all, in the spring and summer.


This plant came to us from tropical forests America, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, and the Philippine Islands.

The flower likes to be in partial shade at a temperature of 18-25 degrees. loves high humidity, however, this does not mean that it needs to be fanatically watered. Watering should be done when the soil begins to dry out. The flower loves to be sprayed warm water, but you need to make sure that water does not get into the cobs. To create a moist environment around the pot, you can use trays of moss or sand and water so that the moisture evaporates gradually.

A young plant can be replanted every spring, adding brick chips or charcoal. And here mature plant It is better not to disturb for 3-5 years.


Perennial low growing plant from South America. This flower loves it when it’s hotter: 25-26 degrees, but will feel fine even at +20. The main rule is to avoid sudden changes, otherwise it can lead to stress and your pet’s condition will worsen.

Loves a well-lit place with diffused light and partial shade. In winter, you can provide additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

Like any representative of tropical flora, this flower loves high humidity. So daily watering and trays with moist expanded clay and pebbles will help the plant feel good. Spray at least once a day and keep away from heating elements.
Fittonia can be replanted once a year, while choosing a wide but shallow pot, since the root system is superficial. You should also remember about good drainage and loose soil. Fittonia blooms from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

See also the video about which plants are suitable for dark rooms:

Not every room in an apartment can boast of good natural lighting. And if the windows in the room face north, then it is unlikely that it will be illuminated by bright sunlight. In such conditions, well-chosen shade-loving indoor plants will help create coziness and add natural accents to the interior. Today we’ll talk about the most unpretentious green spaces.

Decorative foliage shade-loving plants

Any dark corner in the house can be decorated with plants with beautiful foliage, thereby bringing natural accents to the interior. Here is a list of shade-loving indoor plants of decorative foliage type:

  • stands out with fleshy short stems, no more than 70 cm high. The foliage is lanceolate and oblong, depending on the variety, the color can vary from green to variegated. Even though all varieties of aglaonema tolerate shade well, the absence of light is best tolerated by specimens with green leaves. If the conditions of the aglaonema are suitable, then it can throw out an ear with small flowers.

  • Philodendron is a branched creeping vine with beautiful dark green glossy leaves and aerial roots. This specimen is the most unpretentious to light, but does not tolerate temperature changes, dry air and drafts. necessary in a large pot on the floor around a support, or in a hanging pot.

  • refers to evergreen shrubs. Shade-loving indoors indoor flower grown for its unusual palmate, bright green, shiny and leathery leaves. The most popular are shade-tolerant variegated varieties with interesting colors, but the downside is that they need a little more sun than green ones.

  • - a representative of ferns. It stands out for its thin creeping roots, which is why the plant is nicknamed “Venus hair”. The stems have opposite or alternate leaves with dark roots and scales near the base. Each leaf blade reaches a width of 50 cm and a length of 60 cm. Such varieties are perfect for the north side of the room or for dim corners.

  • is a hybrid of Japanese fatsia and ivy. Its large palmate foliage has a dark green color, and the total size can reach 3 m. Plants of this species do not like the sun and tolerate drafts well, so they are often chosen for the hallway.

  • prefers partial shade, in such conditions it can grow up to three meters in diameter in 2-3 years. This striking representative of ferns is distinguished by small green leaves and stems growing in a bunch. Nephrolepis does not tolerate dry air, so it needs systematic spraying.

Palm plants and shade-tolerant large trees

Every nook and cranny of a large room can be easily decorated with oversized specimens that do not like direct sunlight. Palm trees look good both alone and in an ensemble with other cultures.

  • which do not really need the sun is headed by the monstera. It's pretty large flower, representing a liana. Its spreading, fan-shaped leaves with slots can reach a length of up to 30 cm. The color can be green or variegated, and the height reaches several meters. One minus is the heavy aerial roots, like ropes, which need support.

  • - indoor tree plant with a chic crown consisting of thin or wide leaves. The second name of dracaena, “dragon tree,” was acquired due to the unusual red sap it contains. In natural conditions, dracaena reaches a height of 10 meters, but at home growth slows down. Such specimens love shade, but they are just as comfortable in bright rooms. The culture does not tolerate overwatering, but responds well to spraying with water at room temperature.

  • Ficus of almost all types. The most shade-loving of them can be distinguished by the darkest color of the foliage. These crops are often decorated winter gardens, office space and spacious city apartments. Ficuses love moisture, spraying and partial shade, and their fleshy leaves should be regularly wiped with a damp sponge.

  • - a slow growing palm tree. Palm tree is familiar to many gardeners appearance. To maintain the beauty of the spreading crown, chamedorea should be systematically washed with a shower and protected from direct sunlight.

Blooming shade-tolerant crops

No matter how strange it may sound, some brightly flowering crops grow well without active sun, decorating with color rooms with a lack of lighting. They can be grown on windowsills on the north side or in a corner with an artificial lamp. There are many varieties to choose from when it comes to flowering, shade-loving houseplants. Here are the names with descriptions and photos.

  • It stands out with its unusual umbrella-shaped inflorescences on tall peduncles. Blooms profusely and brightly in light partial shade. Prefers fertile soil and systematic watering.

  • - relatively unpretentious culture with beautiful leaves dark green or light green with a speck or dash. In summer, flowers need watering and systematic spraying. Choose for them warm rooms without drafts.

  • Anthurium is not an unpretentious crop. What gives it a special charm are the unusual, beautiful flowers. A green pet can please the eye with white, red, pink, black or blue flowers. Water frequently in summer and choose cool, draft-free rooms in winter.

  • Begonia is a beautifully flowering and shade-tolerant crop. Bright color capable of pleasing its owners at any time of the year. There are more than two thousand species of decorative deciduous and decorative flowering begonias. All options are low maintenance.

  • Vriesea (Frisea) is classified as a bromeliad crop. It is distinguished by its spicate, beautiful and bright flower, which blooms for more than 3 months. You can grow frisea when temperature conditions+18 +27 degrees. During the watering process, the soil is moistened and a little liquid is poured into the outlet.

  • called " women's happiness" This species has beautiful, pointed leaves and sail-like white inflorescences. After a while, the surface of the flower turns green, and it is lost against the background of the foliage. If you regularly prune wilting areas, you can prolong the flowering period.

Climbing shade-loving vines

Any shelf, wall, cabinet or flower stand can be successfully decorated.

  • Ivy has star-shaped, variegated or green leaves. In a very short time it can grow and wrap around any type of support. Growing is possible in a hanging pot or as an addition to a fur base to give the shape of a tree.

  • Scindapsus has leathery oval leaves. These leaf blades are decorated with yellow or white streaks. At home, vines grow quickly, and for beauty they must be systematically pruned. Loves humidity and abundant watering.

  • Creeping callisia - with ovoid, velvety leaves and creeping stems. They can be grown in hanging pots. Growing quickly, it creates a green carpet, so it is often planted in tubs next to large trees or used as a filler for empty spaces in a composition.

  • has creeping shoots, elliptical foliage and axillary white inflorescences. For density, it is necessary to pinch the tradescantia.

As you have learned, even for the most dark rooms you can choose small or large, decorative leafy or flowering plant. Right choice and proper care will help you admire your “green friend” all year round.

Video: Which plants to choose for northern windows
