How to grow avocados at home. How to plant avocados at home How to plant avocados at home

In the fall, just for fun, I planted an avocado seed (this way I’ve already managed to get indoor lemon). The experiment was a success - the seed has sprouted and is gradually growing leaves. Tell me how to care for avocados at home? Does it need bright light or can the flowerpot be placed on a north window?

Recently, lovers of exotic plants have become increasingly common among flower growers. Thanks to them, some cultures living in wildlife, successfully migrated to our homes and feel quite well there. Take the avocado, for example, a tall evergreen tree with original green fruits native to distant Mexico. Lovers of indoor plants liked its large bright green leaves so much that the exotic Mexican began to be used for decorative purposes for landscaping indoors.

In nature, avocados grow up to 30 m in height, in conditions indoors it grows in the form of a small tree (no more than 2.5 m), and does not bear fruit.

Growing an avocado is not very difficult. If you create conditions that are as close to natural as possible and properly care for it, you can get a very beautiful and compact plant.

Caring for avocados at home consists of a set of measures, namely:

  • choice suitable place for a bush (with the necessary lighting and air temperature);
  • proper watering and fertilizing;
  • formative pruning;
  • regular transplant.

Where is the best place to grow avocados?

Before identifying a flowerpot with a young bush on permanent place residence, it is worth considering that it does not tolerate direct sunlight - it causes burns on the leaves. But otherwise it is quite unpretentious and grows well even in partial shade, although it prefers good, but diffused, lighting.

You can put the flowerpot on the northern window sill: there will be enough sun for avocados in the summer, and in the autumn-winter period you can simply install additional lighting.

As for air temperature and humidity, the evergreen bush needs warmth, but is able to winter in an unheated room with a temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius, however, in this case it turns into a deciduous plant and sheds its leaves.

How to water and feed?

IN summer time Avocados should be watered frequently and sprayed regularly. In winter, the frequency of watering depends on the wintering conditions: the lower the temperature, the less often the bush is watered.

The avocado itself grows quickly, so it does not need frequent feeding, but it should be taken into account that the tree has a limited amount of soil in the pot and the nutrients there quickly run out. To replenish them, it is necessary to apply from spring to the end of summer (but not more than 2 times a month).

How to prune and when to replant?

IN room conditions Avocados often stretch, so formative pruning is an important step in caring for them. To do this in the spring, you need to pinch or cut off the shoots after the 8th leaf to stimulate branching. Repeat the procedure all summer on each young branch.

Features of growing indoor avocado - video

Genus avocado or otherwise, Persea has at least 150 species of fruit trees and shrubs, the main species being Persea americana, Guatemalan, Mexican, Antillean, Indian, Bourbon, and at least 400 varieties of fruits. Their sizes vary from very small to kilogram fruits, the colors are also varied, from delicate green to deep purple.


Avocado is by no means a domestic plant, but it can easily grow in indoor conditions, subject to certain requirements; however, getting Persea to bloom, or even more so, bear fruit, is very problematic, so when choosing this plant as an indoor inhabitant, you should not be guided by desire to grow your own homemade fruit. In its homeland, Mexico and Central America, it grows in forests with abundant moisture and reaches a height of 20-30 meters, while in room conditions the maximum that can be achieved from this plant is three meters, and more often it reaches only one meters, which allows it to be grown as an ornamental plant.

As a rule, in specialized stores it is problematic to purchase an already formed plant, so you have to grow an avocado yourself. But it's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

To plant an avocado, you need to choose only ripe seeds; green ones will not be able to germinate. When choosing the soil required for planting, it should be taken into account that the mixture must be drained and fertile; these two conditions will help to fulfill the following proportions: two parts of turf soil, one sand and one humus, or equal parts of leaf soil, peat and sand. When starting to sow, you should prepare fresh seeds, fill a container with one of the indicated substrates, and place the seed deep in the soil so that its top is level with the ground. After that, the container with the seed is covered with a polymer bag or glass cap and placed in a bright place with a constant temperature of about 21 degrees, not forgetting to constantly ventilate and moisten the substrate. The process of sprouting can take 6 months; when the first signs of germination appear, the cap is removed. Already strengthened seedlings are distributed into separate pots.

Location and lighting

Avocados feel best in a sufficient amount of indirect sun rays. That is, the room where the perseus is located should be bright, but the lighting should be diffused. Direct sunlight must be avoided. Young plants are especially sensitive to the effects of direct sunlight; burns can even form on their trunk, so they should receive the sun in doses, gradually getting used to it. You can even cover the trunk of the plant with white paint to take additional precautions. In the winter season, it is worth maximizing your exposure to the sun, or using phytolamps.

Pot size

The container for growing avocados should be spacious, but adequately related to the size of the plant, with the expectation that as the avocado grows, it quickly gains root mass and, being constrained by the volume of the container, may lose some of its characteristics, such as bushiness and foliage color. When choosing an avocado pot made from natural materials, you should pre-treat it with an antiseptic to avoid infecting the plant with possible bacteria and pests. If the choice fell on a plastic pot, then, keeping in mind the previous point, it is better to purchase a previously unused one, especially since its cost is low. Whatever material you choose for the pot, it is better if there are holes in it, since avocados need constant moisture.

The soil

It is better to choose the substrate for growing a plant such as an avocado carefully, without giving preference to the soil from the site, since it may contain pests that threaten not only the avocado, but also other plants in the house. The following requirements are imposed on the soil: good ventilation ability, fertility, ability to retain moisture.

Examples for composing soil for avocados could be as follows: two parts of soil against equal parts of sand and humus; one part each of soil, wet peat, humus and sand. When choosing soil, it is worth considering that avocados do not tolerate acidic soil well, so you can add a little alkali to any of the proportions. Expanded clay and wet moss will help increase humidity and improve the quality of ventilation.


Young plants are replanted annually, spring period, from March to May. Already mature, strong plants are replanted every two to three years. Expanded clay or sand is added to the soil. In the case when a complete transplant of an avocado is impossible, there is the following solution: its top layer is removed from the substrate, and the remaining mass is thoroughly washed with boiled water to wash away excess salts. The container for growing avocados should be selected taking into account the high growth rates of the plant.

Fertilizer and feeding

Avocado feeding should be done in the period March-August; both mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable, as well as universal fertilizers for decorative foliage plants. All of them must alternate with each other. The autumn and winter months are not used for feeding. During this period, about two to three feedings should be done monthly. Fertilizer is added both to the soil and sprayed on the leaves. Feeding methods should also alternate.


In the summer and spring months, abundant regular watering is necessary; the soil should not be allowed to dry out. In autumn and winter, watering avocados is reduced to once every two to three days, since you should not over-water the soil.


Perseus is a very heat-loving tree; in spring and summer, a temperature of 25-30 degrees is suitable for it, while in winter the favorable temperature is 18-20 degrees. If you lower the temperature to 10-12 degrees, persea may shed its leaves.


Avocados need moisture; the air in the room where the avocado is located must be constantly humidified. It vitally needs frequent spraying of foliage. IN heating season It would be useful to use a humidifier. To constantly maintain the required level of humidity, you can place the pot of avocado on a tray with expanded clay, pebbles or wet moss, but only so that the pot does not touch the water.


Avocados can easily achieve high decorative value if proper efforts are made. For example, you can collect several avocados in one pot and braid their trunks, and to prevent the tree from growing like a so-called fishing rod, you should definitely pinch it. When seven or eight leaves appear, the top is pinched, this will improve the stimulation of the growth of side shoots. The side shoots, in turn, are pinched when they have five or six leaves.
Avocado pruning should be done in the spring; this activity serves not only sanitary purposes, but also helps shape the crown of the tree in accordance with your desires.

Pests and diseases

Growing at home, Persea often suffers from pests such as scale insects and spider mites. You can try to cope with them by first increasing the air humidity, as well as removing insects manually with a soap solution, but if this does not bring results, then the latest control tool is insecticidal treatment. Powdery mildew also often affects avocados; upon seeing the first signs, it is necessary to treat the plant with a suitable fungicide. Due to the above diseases, Persea leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Many avocado diseases are not only caused by insects, but also by improper managed care. Due to excessive or insufficient watering, cold water for irrigation, as well as drafts, the leaves may turn brown, dry out and fall off. Dry air is detrimental to this plant; with this lack of care, the leaves turn brown, first at the tips, and later completely. Insufficient lighting leads to discoloration of leaves. In this case, the pot should be moved as close to the window as possible and additional light should be provided, not forgetting that when moving from a dark place to light, the plant must be acclimated gradually.


In nature, the height of the avocado trunk reaches from 10 to 20 meters. It has small, inconspicuous bisexual flowers, which are collected in inflorescences.

In indoor conditions, the decorative value of avocado is questionable, since it almost does not bloom, not to mention bear fruit. But despite this, some avocado owners get decent results. Perseus blossoms and even bears fruit. The avocado tree, of course, has the ability to self-pollinate, however, cross-pollination is required to produce a harvest. Even growing in its homeland, having a decent height, and being completely covered with flowers, the avocado has a small number of fruits for its parameters - about 150-200.


It will not be possible to propagate avocados from cuttings, as they do not root well. You can grow an avocado from a seed, but remember that only a mature seed will germinate.

It must be fixed with three wooden sticks, located at an angle of approximately 120 degrees, above a container of water, so that the blunt end of the stone only touches the water, but does not get wet; it is very important to constantly monitor the water level. Germination will take about a month, the sprout will appear from a crack in the seed. When a sufficient number of roots appear, the seed and sprout are transplanted into the ground.
There is another way, you need to put the seed on a surface that will be constantly damp, such as cotton wool or moss, as soon as it cracks, it is transplanted into the soil, later, after one or two weeks, a sprout will hatch.

Rest period

The dormant period for avocados is from October to March, the temperature should be kept around 18-20 degrees, watering should be moderated to two to three times a week, no fertilizing should be done, and the lighting should be good.

Virulence. Beneficial features

Naturally, the most valuable thing in the avocado plant is its fruit. It can be used both for food and for cosmetic purposes. Only the pulp of the fruit is suitable for food, containing many vitamins and minerals, as well as monosaturated fats that are well absorbed by the body. Eating avocado pulp reduces the risk of heart disease, helps cleanse the blood of bad cholesterol, protects the body from free radicals, and improves immunity. Nutritionists recommend using this product when diabetes mellitus, diseases gastrointestinal tract. Avocado fruit also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and is an excellent source of protein. In cosmetology, its range of applications is quite wide, but not only the pulp is used, but also the oil, which one fruit contains up to 20-30%. An example is the preparation of various masks for the face, body and hair. The oil has a bactericidal and wound-healing effect, which is used for various skin diseases.

But not all parts of the plant are beneficial. The leaves of the avocado plant contain toxic substances that can significantly increase allergies in a person prone to allergies, oddly enough, to latex, as well as citrus fruits; avocado, by the way, is classified as a fruit. These substances are more dangerous for animals. You should not try to taste the fruit seed. Avocado juice is highly susceptible to contamination by the dangerous bacterium Listeria Monocytogenes, which can cause an infectious disease accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms. Also, you should not eat the fruit in case of individual intolerance. The poison contained in the leaves, if ingested, can cause disturbances in the digestive system.

The first thing you need to know about avocado for those who are still tormented by the question is that it is a fruit. Avocado is a plant that rarely bears fruit at home. The fruit is grown from a seed and feels great at home if you provide proper care. When choosing a fruit to obtain a seed, it is better to give preference to the Hass variety. This type of avocado was grown by Rudolf Hass, who adapted the plant to home care. In addition, Hass avocado has a pleasant nutty taste, it is slightly sweeter than other varieties.

What does an avocado look like and what family does it belong to?

Avocado came to us from the coast of Northern and South America. The very name of the fruit comes from the word that the Aztec Indians called it - ahuacate. It is translated as “testicle” because at the moment of its ripening on the tree the fruit resembles it.

Avocado fruit

A tree has many trunks small size, more like a bush. In order for the plant to grow well, it is advisable to plant 2 seeds nearby. As they grow, they intertwine branches and hold each other. The leaves are elongated, leathery, with a glossy surface and a sharp tip. The avocado tree blooms with small greenish-yellow flowers that are clustered at the end of the branch.

The fruit is oblong, similar to a green egg. The peel is ribbed, hard, often thick. Inside is oily pulp, yellow-green in color. The core of the fruit contains a large, round, hard stone Brown, similar to a nut. The fruit tastes light and sour.

On a note! Belongs to the laurel family. The average size of mature specimens is 10-20 cm in length and 2-12 cm in width. At home, the height of the tree can reach 2 meters. In the wild, up to 18 meters, the tree quickly gains growth.

Common varieties

In your nearest supermarket you can find the following varieties of avocados to grow:

  • Avocado Bacon. Mexican variety, distinguished by its thin, bright green color yellow tint skin-colored, flesh whitish-yellow, large seed. The fruit itself is medium in size.
  • Avocado Hass. Skin dark green, sometimes reaching purple-black. The flesh is greenish in color and has a rich taste. Retains ripeness for a long time.

Avocado Hass

  • Avocado Gwen. Almost round shape, weighs from 180 to 450g. The seed is not large, the flesh is yellow-green, the taste is rich and soft. The skin is pimply, the ripe fruits have a rich green color.
  • Avocado Fuerte. Smooth-skinned variety, elongated shape. The flesh is oily, fatty, pale yellow or brighter in color, depending on where it is grown.
  • Avocado Ettinger. It has a pleasant taste, the pulp resembles processed cheese, sometimes with notes pine nuts. The bone is large, the skin is thin, prone to damage.

Nutritional value and medicinal properties of avocado

The composition of ripe fruits is filled with various useful microelements:

  • 30% of the composition is occupied by vegetable fats. This is the main property of avocado, for which its adherents love it. proper nutrition. Fats nourish the body, improve the condition of nails, hair and bones.
  • Cellulose. Promotes stable digestion. Cleanses the body, removes waste and toxins.
  • Vitamin E. Its second name is the beauty vitamin. Stabilizes the condition of the skin, renews cells, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Increases the production of collagen and elastin, the complexion becomes pleasant.
  • Vitamin C. Strengthens the immune system and is used to prevent colds, flu, and sore throats.
  • B vitamins. In particular, the avocado fruit is rich in vitamin B6, which helps maintain the body's cardiovascular activity and cleanse blood cells.
  • Folic acid. Unique support substance nervous system. It is especially necessary during the period of bearing a child.
  • Vitamin K. Cleanses the urinary tract, dissolves hard tumors in the kidneys.
  • Copper and potassium. Useful for maintaining muscle mass, saturates the body with protein. Potassium has a preventive effect on heart disease and restores myocardial function.

Briefly about the history of its appearance as a house plant

Avocado has been popular for several hundred years; it was just brought to our continent relatively recently. The homeland of this fruit is Mexico and Central America. The Indians, even before the conquest of America, appreciated its unique healing properties and nutritional power. And since in Europe, and in Russia in particular, the culture of growing avocados has not yet been developed, amateur gardeners have adapted to planting the plant at home.

Features of caring for avocados at home

The most outstanding sized seeds are selected for planting; they are filled with vital energy and germinate better. First of all, the bone is soaked in clean boiled water at medium temperature. There is no need to fill it completely.

Important! The bone is placed on a gauze pad or cloth and placed in a tank. There should be a narrow spout at the top, and the wide part is immersed in the water. The liquid should leave a third of it untouched.

To make the plant germinate faster, you can make several small holes up to 3 mm in diameter in the shell, for example, with a needle, and place toothpicks in them, using them to fix the seed in the air. Or, for the same purposes, use stones that retain the planting material at a distance of 1-2 cm from the bottom of the container.

Planting seeds on toothpicks

For growth intensity, charcoal (or, alternatively, activated) charcoal is dissolved, but this is not necessary. Spring - best time for planting. The first shoot will appear within a week to 2 months.

The seed is planted in the ground when the sprout reaches 3 cm in height. For the first few months, it is enough to have a small pot, the bottom of which must be drained to the width of a couple of fingers. Avocados do not like standing water near the roots.

How to care for avocados at home

Avocado is a tree that requires special care at home. He needs to create a suitable temperature regime, provide high-quality lighting, watering and fertilizing.


The plant is accustomed to bearing fruit in hot climates, so the air in the room where it stands should not be below +16 °C. In summer it is optimal +22+28, in winter +18+20 °C. Avocados are afraid of hypothermia and may begin to shed leaves.


The pot with the seed and sprout is placed on the warmest windowsill in the house. If this is not available, then artificial lighting can be created using ultraviolet lamps. Avocados require a photoperiod of at least 15 hours.


The soil in the pot should be moist. There is no need to add moisture; avocados don’t like it. In summer, it is permissible for the top layer of soil to dry out, but if you feel the substrate to the depth of the phalanx of your finger, the soil there should be moist. Drainage even saves the roots from oversaturation with moisture.


If you spray a plant, unaesthetic spots appear on the leaves, so it is better to do without this procedure.

Important! To maintain humidity, use a humidifier. Or you can pour expanded clay into a tray and wet it.


The soil for avocados must be airy, well-permeable to water and nutrients, it is necessary to take care best choice. Excellent soil for citrus fruits. And homemade mixture from peat, sand, leaf and turf soil.


Caring for the plant involves feeding during the period of active flower growth - from March to September. It is enough to use ready-made nutrient mixtures for citrus plants once a month.

Features of winter care, avocado dormancy period

In winter, the plant needs watering 2 times less often than in summer. There is a break in growth activity; the avocado indoor plant does not produce fruits or flowers during this period. The tree will also not need feeding. It is enough to monitor moderation of lighting.

Avocado tree

When and how does it bloom

Avocados bloom quite rarely even in natural conditions. At home, you can notice the first inconspicuous flowers 5-7 years after planting the seed. You can provoke flowering earlier; for this you need to graft the plant. Those who are lucky and the avocado blooms will have to carry out pollination themselves using a brush to get the fruit.

If the plant blooms, this usually happens in spring or early summer.

Types of flowers

Avocado flowers are collected in tassels at the ends of the branches. The flowers have white-green or yellowish shades. The petals of a flowering avocado are small, grouped in inflorescences closer to the end of the branch.

How to bear fruit at home

IN absolute majority cases, the avocado tree does not bear fruit at home. There is a small percentage of chance that you will be able to grow fruits that will ripen to an edible state if you are vaccinated. A thin tree with a beautiful lush crown is used for decorative purposes.

Trimming and pinching

To prevent a long stick from growing at home instead of a beautiful tree, you need to pinch the avocado. The shoots are torn off from the top and the branches of the main trunk are cut off. As a result, the plant will shoot horizontally and form a beautiful crown of leaves. The first time the procedure is carried out when 8 leaves grow on the bush. New shoots can be plucked off if they have at least 5 leaves.

Important! If the avocado rests its top on the ceiling, the plant will die, you need to keep an eye on this.

How to propagate an avocado

There are several traditional ways Avocado propagation: cuttings, from seeds and others.

Germination of seeds

Avocado trees bear fruit very rarely, and if you are lucky, you can use the pit from the new fruit for propagation.

Rooting cuttings

Cuttings rarely give roots; this happens only with one out of 10. Adult plants, 2-3 years old, can be used for the procedure.

other methods

The seed can be germinated in the following ways:

  • lowering it 2/3 into the water;
  • burying it 2/3 in the ground and watering it well;
  • put it in wet cotton wool or a rag, wait until the shell cracks, and then place it in the ground.

Avocado transplantation at home

Avocados grow very quickly. The root of the plant is powerful and takes up a lot of space in the pot. The plant will need to be replanted often, especially in the first 2 years, using a larger pot each time.

Important! The container in which the avocado will grow must be elongated so that the root and soil fit and do not interfere with each other.

It is inconvenient to replant the plant; the roots must not be damaged. Therefore, it is carefully transferred from one pot to another. And sprinkle on top with an additional layer of earth and humus.

Possible problems in growing avocados

What do problems with leaves indicate:

  • The leaves have fallen. Most likely, the plant was hypothermic. Check the air temperature and do not water the tree with cold water.
  • The tips of the leaves dry out. This is due to the heat; you need to moisten the plant more often.
  • The leaves have become pale. There is not enough sunlight or the soil is poorly fertilized and vitamins are needed.


Sometimes a powdery coating appears on avocado leaves. This means that a fungus has developed and the leaves are covered with dew interspersed. Treated with fungicides (Bordeaux mixture, copper chloride).


For scale insects, the plant is treated with an insecticide. You can add it to the soil or sprinkle the leaves.

When spider mite Not only the avocado is subject to processing, but also everything that is next to it. Acaricides should be used for these purposes.

Mature tree

Other problems

A common problem with this plant is late blight, or more precisely, a fungus that attacks the root. In addition to the death of the roots, the trunk of the plant is also affected. If this happens, then unfortunately it cannot be restored.

Perhaps the information that it is pointless to expect fruits from avocados at home has disappointed someone. But pay attention to what beautiful trees grow from seeds. They will decorate any room and enrich the air with ozone.

The desire to grow something with your own hands at home is quite natural for people who live in large cities or simply do not have the opportunity to dig into the beds on their “six hundred square meters.” However, avid summer residents and gardeners also often arrange entire gardens on their balconies and window sills. More and more often people want something exotic and, previously perceived, rare plants have become quite commonplace in our lives. These plants include avocados, which are so often found in the homes of our fellow citizens. And this is not at all surprising, because this tropical fruit has long entered our lives. Its cultivation is not difficult even for an inexperienced gardener. And we’ll talk about how to germinate and plant a seed in this review.

Avocado is a type of tropical fruit tree

In nature, the avocado tree can reach impressive sizes, but apartment dwellers are limited by the ceiling and concrete jungle conditions. This representative of laurel trees is unpretentious in breeding, but if you decide to grow this fruit, be patient.

Preparing for landing

The main thing that needs to be done before choosing a germination method is, naturally, to choose a seed. We advise you to prepare several copies at once. This way you can try both methods at once and compare the results.

The bone must be carefully removed

To get a good bone, choose ripe fruit avocado, check that there are no unusual stains or bruises on it. Using a knife, carefully make an incision on the side of the fruit about a centimeter and carefully, trying not to touch the bone, run the knife around the seed along the entire fruit. Holding the two resulting halves, twist them in different sides, freeing the seed from the fruit. After enjoying the fruit itself, wash the seed under running water, being careful not to damage the shell.

How to germinate a seed

There are several ways to germinate an avocado seed and grow an avocado tree at home. The first and easiest is to simply plant a seed in the ground and wait. The second, more interesting and visual, is germination in an aquatic environment. Let's talk about each method in more detail.

Closed method (in the ground)

If you decide to try the first germination method, then you should prepare a pot with soil for the future avocado tree grown from a seed at home. At this stage, the size of the pot does not play a special role, but we advise you not to choose a large pot right away.

Closed method, involves germination planting material directly in the ground

It is necessary to add drainage to the bottom of the future house for the avocado. Regular stones, expanded clay or gravel will do just fine. Special attention must be given to the soil. Humus, soil and sand should be thoroughly mixed in equal parts. Since germination will occur directly in the pot, the soil should be loose.

Pour the prepared soil mixture into the pot on top of the drainage layer, leaving a couple of centimeters on top from the edge. The previously prepared pit (or pits) are placed in the soil with the sharp tips upward to a depth of two to three centimeters. The future avocado tree is thoroughly watered warm water, saturating the entire soil, and place it in a warm place.

To sprout, you need to place the pot in a well-lit place and remember to water it constantly. However, you need to know when to stop everything.

Avocado does not like overwatering or drought. However he loves high humidity, which means from time to time do not forget to spray the space around it.

With this method of germination, the first shoots will begin to appear about a month after planting. Don't be upset if the process takes a little longer. The timing is individual and each sprout can make its own temporary adjustments.

Open method (in water)

The second method of germination is more exciting, because you will be able to see with your own eyes all the stages of the birth of your tree.

To do this, you need to take a small container (a glass or shallow bowl of narrow diameter will do) and fill it almost completely with water. The previously selected avocado seed will need to be prepared a little.

The open method of growing avocados involves placing the pit in a container of water, hanging it

Take four toothpicks and stick them into the bone from four sides on the sides of a millimeter by three to four, thus constructing a support frame. Place the seed on supports into the prepared container with the blunt end and make sure that it is immersed in liquid by a third. The seed should remain in this form until the first roots appear, which usually takes from two to five weeks.

Your task at this time is to ensure that the water level in the container remains level.

With this germination method, there is no need to speed up the process by adding fertilizers and rooting stimulants to the water. The future tree will take all the “vitamins” necessary for growing from itself – from the seed. The roots will appear soon. Transplantation into the ground can be done as soon as it happens, but it is better to wait until the roots get stronger and grow up to three centimeters, so it will be easier for the tree to take root in the pot.

After transplanting, you will have to wait again, because the sprout will appear in another two to three weeks.

Caring for and growing plants at home

After the sprout appears, growing an avocado will not take much time and will not require any special tricks

Caring for a grown tree cannot be called difficult either. It is worth watering it once a week, not forgetting to spray it often, creating high humidity. Avocado loves fertilizing, it’s worth using special drugs For ornamental plants. They are used once or twice a month. In winter, watering should be spread out, allowing the soil to dry out a little and making sure that the tree does not get hot from the radiators.

At home, it is rare that an avocado grown from a seed bears fruit, but with proper care and circumstances, this option is possible no earlier than five or six years after planting. Take care of your plants and they will bring you joy.

Avocado is a beautiful evergreen woody plant with very useful fruits, pleasant to the taste. It is not surprising that many would like to see this exotic tree on garden plot or in an apartment.

It is difficult to cultivate it in the country, but growing an avocado at home and caring for it is not difficult. However, you need to take into account some nuances so that the plant feels good and decorates your home.

Description of the plant

Another name for avocado is Perseus americana. Mexico is considered the birthplace of the tropical tree from the Laurel family, and archaeological evidence suggests that it began to be grown back in the 3rd millennium BC. e.

Avocado quickly grows to 20-30 m in height. The trunk branches strongly, forming a spreading crown. The leaves are narrow and elongated, oval in shape, the plant blooms with small, greenish-yellowish inconspicuous flowers.

Avocados are cultivated mainly for their fruit. The fruits are elongated, pear-shaped or drop-shaped, covered with a dense dark green peel. When ripe, they average 10-15 cm in length.

The pulp is light green, oily, rich in fats and beneficial elements, and the consistency resembles an unripe pear. It tastes unsweetened, more like a vegetable, and is more convenient to eat with a spoon.

The avocado fruit contains one large seed, which also contains many useful components: antioxidants, fiber, vitamins. The most famous and delicious varieties found on Russian markets are Fuerte, Zutano, Pinkerton and Ettinger. Avocado oil, thanks to its healing properties, are used not only in cooking, but also in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Avocado leaves, peel and seeds contain the toxic substance persin. It causes an allergic reaction and digestive disorders.

Growing from seed

Even a beginner can grow a fruit tree from a seed

Fruit avocados are grown, just like, for example, mangoes, mainly from seeds. Propagation by cuttings is almost never used, since the plant does not take root well in this case. Spring is best for planting, when daylight hours increase.

Fruit selection

The first thing that those who want to propagate an avocado need is to choose the right “parent”. The fruit must be fresh, ripe and healthy.

You can determine this right in the supermarket by lightly pressing: if the avocado is ripe, It will sag a little under your fingers, but will immediately restore its shape. If the fruit is not yet ripe, you can wrap it in paper and put it in a dark place. The paper retains ethylene gas, which is necessary for faster ripening.

When the avocado is ripe, cut it in half and remove the pit. It must be thoroughly washed to remove the pulp and cleared of the thin shell or film covering it. Before planting, you need to decide in advance on the method of germinating the extracted seed.

Closed germination method

The first method is simpler and more familiar. The avocado pit is immersed in the prepared soil, with the pointed end up. There is no need to plant deeply, just place it at a depth of a couple of centimeters. If all is well, the sprout will hatch in about a month.

Reproduction using the second method is a little more complicated, but more interesting: you can observe the process of bone development. To do this, make several punctures and strengthen it with toothpicks or wire over a glass or other container with water so that the lower (blunt) part is immersed and the tip sticks out. Such supports hold the bone in a suspended position.

The water needs to be changed once a week; you can add a tablet to it activated carbon. It is permissible to use a hydrogel - a compound that absorbs large amounts of water.

After 1-1.5 months, the first roots will appear, and soon the sprout will appear. You need to wait a little longer before moving the plant into the ground. It is better to do this when the roots reach a length of at least 4 cm.

Germination in gauze

Another option for propagating an avocado from a seed is to germinate the seed in gauze. You can also use napkins or cotton wool. The material is soaked in warm water, and a bone is placed inside. The top of the package is covered with cellophane to maintain the required level of humidity.

Store it in the dark and warm. In a few weeks, roots and shoots will emerge. You can place apples nearby to speed up germination.

For beginners who want to germinate a tree from a seed, the first of the described methods is preferable.

Selecting a location

Theoretically, avocados can grow in partial shade. But exotic plant It is quite light-loving, therefore, when choosing a place to place it, it is advisable to give preference to windows facing southeast or southwest.

It is important to ensure that the leaves are not scorched by the hot midday sun. If possible, avoid direct sunlight.

You can try placing the avocado on a north-facing window. If in winter the plant begins to lose its leaves and looks weak, it is not getting enough light.

Then artificial lighting is used - phytolamps. Also, the window should prevent drafts: the plant does not like cold air.

Choosing a pot

When the plant has just given roots, it is enough to plant it in a small container, for example, a trimmed plastic bottle volume 1.5 l. When the avocado grows and leaves appear on it, you can transplant it into a suitable pot. Tips for choosing a container:

  • There is no need to immediately take a huge pot: this way the plant will stretch upward more strongly. It is better to replant regularly as the avocado matures.
  • The pot should be selected elongated in length: root system the plant goes deep into the soil rather than growing wider
  • Even an experienced gardener can accidentally overwater a plant. Therefore, you should choose a pot with a drainage hole at the bottom to remove excess moisture.

At the bottom of the pot you need to immerse the drainage - a layer of expanded clay. He absorbs excess liquid in a tray, protecting the roots from rotting.

Soil preparation

A garden substrate is suitable for growing avocados at home. It is better to use neutral or slightly acidic soil. The soil should be well ventilated, drained and loose. You can prepare this mixture yourself:

  • Sand - one part
  • Humus - one part
  • Sod land - two parts

It is useful to add wet moss and peat to the substrate.

To make the plant feel better, you can prepare mulch. Mulching prevents the soil from drying out and the appearance of midges.

Straw, leaves, nut shells or pumpkin seeds are suitable as mulch. The mixture should cover all the soil under the branches, excluding areas directly adjacent to the trunk.

Avocado care

After the avocado is finally placed in the pot, all that remains is to monitor its condition and take timely measures if the plant “complains.” Common mistakes connected with wrong selection pot or soil, improper watering, lack of nutrients or insufficient lighting. The tree's leaves may fall or dry out, growth and the appearance of new shoots will slow down.

A young avocado tree does not look very attractive: a bare thin trunk with a few leaves at the top. This does not mean that it is sick. You will have to be patient: over time, the plant will begin to look more impressive.

Watering rules and spraying

The plant should be watered abundantly to prevent the soil from drying out. Overwatering is no less dangerous: the roots will begin to rot and the avocado will die. After watering you need to monitor top layer soil.

When it has dried, you should wait another 1-2 days: the deeper layers of the soil retain the necessary moisture to support growth. In summer, the plant is watered more often than in winter, when daylight hours are reduced. Watering is carried out exclusively with soft, settled water.

Avocados do not tolerate dry air well. It is necessary to spray the space around the plant with a spray bottle 1-2 times a day. This is especially important in winter, when the indoor air becomes dry due to central heating and heaters. You should not spray the leaves or flowers themselves: burns may occur.

Sometimes spraying does not give the desired effect, especially during the heating season. It is advisable to install an air humidifier in the room: this will benefit not only avocados, but also others indoor plants. Recommended air humidity should be 50-70%.

Temperature conditions

On initial stages plant development is desirable elevated temperatures air, from +26 degrees Celsius. In the future, normal room temperature will do. In winter, a drop to +16°C is acceptable.

If the temperature drops even lower, the plant may lose its leaves. In summer, you can take the tree to a balcony or loggia, but protect it from direct sunlight.


For an avocado growing in unusual apartment conditions, feeding is mandatory, otherwise it will not feel comfortable. Unlike a tree that lives in natural environment, it does not receive useful minerals from precipitation, the soil is not loosened by earthworms, and the soil is not renewed in a healthy way.

For optimal plant growth, liquid mineral fertilizers citrus mixtures sold in stores. In this case, it is advisable to slightly reduce the recommended dose from that specified by the manufacturer.

Feeding tips:

  • It is recommended to fertilize with mineral mixtures when the plant reaches one year of age.
  • Sometimes an avocado needs organic fertilizers: manure, humus, peat, bird droppings. A simpler option is infusions of onion peels and egg shells
  • Fertilizer can be either applied to the soil or sprayed on foliage.
  • They usually fertilize twice a month from March to August. In autumn and winter time There is no need to feed the avocado: its active growing season stops and a period of rest begins

Trimming and pinching

Exotic avocado can be made an effective element of decor in a city apartment. Interesting way plant a few seeds and then combine the young trees in one pot. As long as their stems are flexible, they can be woven together to form a braid.

The avocado stretches upward strongly. To avoid this and form a lush crown, you need to pinch or tweezing - removing the tip of the shoot. The procedure can be carried out only when the plant has gained strength and the number of leaves is at least eight.

Pinch off the top of the plant so that the side shoots grow stronger. Then they can also be pinched - when the number of leaves on the shoot is 5-6 pieces.

In the spring, pruning is carried out to accelerate the growth of new branches. Another goal is decorative: pruning trees helps to form a crown of almost any shape, in accordance with the owner’s imagination.


Avocados grow quickly, especially in the early years, so the pot soon becomes small. The plant needs to be replanted. While the avocado is young, it is recommended to replant annually, then every three years. Transplantation is carried out in the spring. The procedure is first carried out when the tree grows to 15 cm.

This must be done carefully, trying not to damage the shoots and roots of the fragile young tree. The voids are filled with fresh soil.

The requirements for preparing the substrate and pot are the same as for planting: the container has drainage hole, expanded clay should be placed on the bottom. If the avocado was watered shortly before transplanting, you don’t have to water it immediately, but wait a few hours.

Pests and diseases

If a green pet withers, dries up and stops growing, the reason is a disease or a pest attack. Avocado growing problems and diseases manifest themselves as follows:

  1. The plant sheds lower leaves, the foliage turns yellow: the root system is damaged or rotting due to overwatering
  2. The leaves are drying out: there is a lack of nutrients in the soil, you need to fertilize

The plant sometimes becomes a victim of insect pests. Frequent enemies of avocados and ways to combat them are presented in table form.

Pest name Symptoms Fighting methods


Small light spots appear on the leaves, the foliage dries and acquires a yellowish tint. If the plant is disturbed, tiny white butterflies fly from it. Traditional methods defeating whiteflies - spraying avocado foliage with soap or garlic solution. Sticky tape traps are suitable for catching butterflies. In a specialized store you can purchase drugs Zeta, Rovikurt or Fufanol and treat the plant with them.

Mealybug (dew)

A fluffy light coating appears on the leaves and twigs. Avocados are starting to grow worse. To combat mealybugs, a soap-alcohol solution or calendula tincture is suitable. From chemicals use Fitoverm or Actellik.
