How to make a windmill with your own hands from moles. How to make a pinwheel from a plastic bottle to repel moles. What you need for work

Everyone likes the singing of birds, it is interesting to watch the snake in the circus and it is interesting to look at the mole in the picture. It would seem, what do moles, birds and reptiles have in common? First the bad: we don't like them all as uninvited guests. Those who read this do not need to explain why. Now about the good stuff: all these living creatures are afraid of noise!

Here I am: you probably weren’t expecting me?

Let's assume that they won't be able to reach an agreement among themselves and won't all attack at once. However, there are folk remedies, which help to get rid of all the listed pests indiscriminately in the garden.

What to do against uninvited guests?

Of course, progress has worked on this issue and offers a choice of ultrasonic repellers or chemicals. However, it is not a fact that these techniques will work in your case, but “the money was crying.”

Of course, you can record the sound of an eagle, the songs of cats in the spring, and play all this “music” for attackers. This is called a "bioacoustic installation". Note that this method is good to use in a nature reserve. In our case, it is completely unknown who will not stand it first: the moles, the neighbors or you.

So it makes sense to try to build a pest repeller for moles, snakes and birds with your own hands from auxiliary materials. If you can’t get rid of uninvited guests, then the money won’t be wasted.

Another "potential criminal"

The simplest skewer - DIY noise maker

The simplest thing is to make a pinwheel that, when rotated by the wind, creates noise. The vibration is transmitted to the ground through the stand and scares away the animals. Birds and reptiles also prefer to stay away from the unknown. It should be taken into account that “motley ribbons” indeed have a “quarrelsome” character and may be offended by an unwelcoming reception. For several days when dealing with snakes, it is better to wear secure shoes and trousers. Here is a master class on making a repeller from plastic bottles:

Another option is to make a rattle to repel pests on summer cottage from a beer can. As follows from the photo, the design is approximately the same.

The jar will emit sounds of a different frequency, which may be useful in conjunction with already made repellers. It is also useful to simply place several beer cans on metal pegs stuck in the ground. They will add new sounds to the overall “symphony”.

Beer can protects the interests of the garden

We almost forgot about " wind instruments" To control pests on the site, it will be useful to bury several glass bottles. The wind will definitely whistle in their necks, which the pests will definitely hear.

Monument good drink and mole repeller in one bottle

B-52 strategic bomber against moles

It seems to me that anti-mole noisemakers for pest control in a summer cottage do not look very aesthetically pleasing and can be improved. At the same time, you can attract useful joint activities children. Based on this, we put together a three-engine aircraft to repel pests.

B-52 bombs mole positions

To implement the idea, eight plastic bottles were required. The master class on making crafts is as follows:

Bomber - repeller of moles, birds and reptiles can be installed in the garden. We wish you a productive and interesting time. Let this specially selected video help you.

The appearance of moles on a lawn or garden plot does not bode well, even if the animal accidentally damages the roots of plants and does not feed on crops from the garden bed. Trees, shrubs, and vegetable plants that find themselves in the hunting field of the common mole die. A few days from perfect lawns there is nothing left either. In addition, they destroy beneficial earthworms and throw layers of infertile soil to the surface.

A good owner cannot stand this, and begins to look for an effective and quick way, in order to get rid of uninvited guest and his family once and for all.

  • Read - and what do they bring more - benefit or harm?

But before organizing the expulsion of a low-blind pest, it is necessary, at least in general terms, to become familiar with its biology. For some, their knowledge of moles ends with the cartoon about Thumbelina. But in real life moles do not count the money themselves, but force the owner of the lawn or garden plot count losses.

Biological characteristics of the pest

The common mole, like the hedgehog, belongs to the order of insectivores. Already from the name of the group it is clear that he cannot eat potatoes and other underground parts plants.

Weighing 130 g, the body length reaches 15 cm. It feeds exclusively on insects and for this, at a depth of 10-50 cm, it digs a system of underground passages with its powerful forelimbs. The nest is built at a depth of up to 2 meters. There, in the dug labyrinth, he finds food for himself: earthworms, insect larvae and other arthropods.

On the picture

To compensate for poor eyesight, it has phenomenal hearing and sense of smell. Like all animals, they love silence, so when there is strong sound exposure, they leave the developed territory. People take advantage of this weakness of his. Plastic anti-mole turntables and other homemade repellers made from scrap materials are used.

Plastic pinwheel against moles

The simplest type of repeller. To make it, you will need an ordinary plastic bottle and a metal pipe or thick steel wire, onto which the mole spinner is actually placed. Several cuts are made in the bottle, which are folded back to form peculiar pocket blades. The wind causes the blades to spin, which creates noise that resonates into the pipe and goes into the ground.

Several of these tubes can be stuck nearby wormholes. In windy weather, a mole repeller from plastic bottle its rotation creates an unpleasant vibration, which forces the animal to go in search of a quieter habitat.

This repellent method works on European, Small and Caucasian moles. Moles in the northern regions of Russia most often do not respond to windmills. It is advisable to place several of these windmills at a distance of 10-15 meters from each other.

How to make a pinwheel from beer cans?

Design includes metal pipe and an empty cola or beer can. The top of the can is cut out to fit onto the pipe. The same 3 cuts are made on the jar. For greater noise, it is better to bend the bottom of the can. The choir performed by several noisemakers, the mole will not be able to stand it and will leave his favorite places.

Of course, making a repeller from a plastic bottle is as easy as shelling pears, but not everyone has such a desire. And there can be problems with the wind. In calm, windless weather, they will become a simple decoration of the garden plot. And the resonating noise in gusty winds may not please both the craftsmen themselves and their neighbors.

- What methods did we not use when fighting the mole? My husband dug up the entire garden. Moreover, the trenches turned out to be deep, almost as tall as a man. But every time the cunning animal turned out to be smarter than a person. The husband created drafts for him, waited for him to start closing them, and without waiting, he walked away for a minute. He comes, and the hole is closed and there is silence. Then the saga with the bottles began. They surrounded the pest like a wolf with red flags. When a storm warning was announced, such chatter began that the neighbors were the first to break down, and all this time the beast continued to surprise us with fresh mounds. We had to take our anti-mole noisemakers out of the bottles and apologize to the neighbors.

Yana, 36 years old

Alternative methods of getting rid of moles

Except homemade devices to expel pests, there are also industrial options. For example, an ultrasonic repeller. The device looks like an ordinary stick with batteries inside. The device generates ultrasonic waves that are not perceived by the human auditory analyzer, but are annoying to pests.

One of the most successful decisions repeller Tornado-OZV 02 will become

On the picture

The underground inhabitants begin to panic due to constant mechanical and ultrasonic vibrations.

  • The sound source itself is located at a depth of 20 cm, which eliminates the noise effect above the ground.
  • Soil is a denser medium, so sound waves propagate better in it and reach a radius of 2 km.
  • The device is made of impact-resistant materials that are resistant to dust and moisture. The device operates for 3 months on one set of batteries.
  • The price of the Tornado repeller is 1200 rubles.

- Moles took a fancy to our site last summer. The fighting season ended in favor of the miniature animal. A plastic bottle against moles did not help. The onset of spring was met fully armed. We bought a Tornado repeller on the recommendation of a friend who himself suffered from uninvited guests. For a plot of 12 acres we bought 3 pieces. Arranged Bermuda Triangle. After 3 days, the vital activity of the animals ceased. But, judging by the reviews, Tornado does not help everyone. Maybe it's the properties of the soil. We were satisfied and advised everyone who found themselves in our situation to buy it.

Svetlana Mikhailovna, 57 years old

Chemistry against moles

If all of the above remedies do not help, all that remains is to resort to chemicals, but only to scare away the animals. One of them is “Ejector concentrate Doctor Klaus from moles.” Its composition:

  • citronella (oil);
  • castor oil (31.1%);
  • water;
  • functional components.

It is best to use the product at the first signs of the presence of pests. The ejector is easy to use. First, attach a hose to it, then turn on the water and treat the area inhabited by insectivores. For preventive purposes, treatment is carried out every 2-3 weeks.

On the picture

Only the soil should be sprayed, not the plants on it. If a molehill appears where the snow is melting, then the ground is simply watered with the mixture from the ejector for 1 minute. You can spill the underground passage itself, but first remove it upper layer land.

The cost of one bottle is about 700 rubles.

In the fight against the pest, some people make their own anti-mole pinwheels from plastic bottles, while others use innovative methods. The latter help preserve the harvest without special costs time and money. For guaranteed result You should carry out all actions according to the instructions and then victory will be yours.

Gardens and vegetable gardens - good help both in terms of food and in terms of rest for the soul. But everything that is grown on personal plots, there are many dangers - beetles, larvae, birds, moles. And if chemicals help fight plant diseases or insect pests, then it is best to scare away birds and moles from the site, rather than destroy them. A primitive design will help with this - a windmill made from a plastic bottle, made with your own hands from scrap materials.

Waste material goes to work

Many, many different kinds useful crafts can be made from the so-called waste material. It’s also easy to get useful things for your garden plot and vegetable garden with your imagination and skillful hands to, it would seem, unnecessary things. A lot of various options repellers for birds and moles can be seen in various sources, some of them are quite complex, and some are primitive. It’s worth starting to create with the simplest designs. Plastic bottles, scraps polyethylene pipes, a broken handle from a house mop, a used welding electrode, gift ribbons from already unwrapped gifts, toy bells or drink cans - anything can be used.

Design Basics

It is no coincidence that a device for scaring away birds or moles from a site has a very specific name “windmill”. The main force that makes the structure perform its function is the wind. The wind is blowing - the windmill is working. In order for such a repeller to work, it needs to catch air currents, which means it needs blades. If you set a goal, then making a windmill from plastic bottles with your own hands is quite simple. The most important part - the blades - is cut out of plastic. Moreover, the blades from the bottle will not need to be attached, because they are cut in place and simply bent. The remaining design elements will depend on the purpose of the windmill. Tools you will need for work:

  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • universal glue;
  • hard wire;
  • beads with a hole for wire;
  • self-adhesive film or colored electrical tape.

What are birds afraid of?

Birds provide many benefits by eliminating pests. But when the harvest ripens, they are not averse to eating tasty, sweet fruits, pecking at cherries and spoiling apples, pears and plums. Making a windmill from a plastic bottle with your own hands is quite simple, if you remember that birds are afraid of moving objects. That is why turntables and scarecrows with fluttering sleeves have always helped gardeners and gardeners preserve their harvest.

How to scare away birds

A windmill made from a plastic bottle must be movable to scare away birds. The simplest and a budget option- spinner. It does not require additional costly motors and batteries, because it runs on air movement. But it needs blades to catch the wind. You can make several options for such garden helpers. For example, like this.

Cut an ordinary plastic bottle in the center into four sections that can be bent without separating the parts from the whole.

Then, bending the blades so that they catch the wind, pieces of foil are glued onto them. You can use self-adhesive mirror film. It is also necessary to cut a hole in the bottom that is suitable in diameter. The finished bottle-windmill is put on the remainder plastic pipe or a mop handle. The bottle should rotate freely when the wind blows, but not dangle too much, otherwise rotation will not work. The remainder of the pipe should be long enough for the birds to see the pinwheel.

You can make a windmill from a plastic bottle with your own hands in this version - cut long blades from the base of the bottle, bend them at an angle of 45 0. The turntable diagram is shown below.

Such a windmill is mounted on a rigid base at right angles to the ground. You can secure it in any way - using a nut, if the base is threaded, using a large smooth bead, making a loop on the wire with pliers. There are many options; the master decides which one is more convenient to use. The most important thing is that the turntable rotates freely. Some craftsmen attach several of these devices to one base, decorating them with colored film or painting them acrylic paints. The result is not only functionally useful, but also beautiful thing for a personal plot.

What are moles afraid of?

A windmill made from a plastic bottle to repel moles is a very useful thing, because moles are also pests. They eat earthworms that loosen the soil and spoil the roots and tubers of plants. Sometimes such people appear on the site underground inhabitants very, very much. You should get rid of uninvited guests - moles. Moles are practically blind; you can’t scare them with some kind of flicker. But moles have good hearing. It is on this feature that the principle of scaring these animals away from the garden is based. Making a windmill from a plastic bottle with your own hands means saving the harvest, leaving underground inhabitants alive, and not flooding your garden with chemical poison.

How to scare away moles

Moles are afraid of noise, and if you place something on the site that will make noise underground, the moles will leave it, going in search of a quieter habitat. A windmill made from a plastic bottle to repel moles, the diagram of which is proposed below, works just for this outcome. In order for sound to travel well in the ground, it must be amplified using resonance. This can be achieved using a hollow pipe dug into the ground. It will amplify the sound and transmit it across the earth.

The base of the turntable can be taken from the design proposed above - blades are cut out on the body of the bottle, and the windmill itself is placed on a metal base, for example, a used electrode. Sound will be transmitted better through metal than through plastic. Then the electrode, a metal rod, must be placed in the buried pipe so that the sound from the rotation of the windmill is amplified. A do-it-yourself windmill made from a plastic bottle to preserve the harvest is a very simple design.

Pinwheel beauty

Many of those who maintain a garden or vegetable garden try to decorate the area using available materials, the same plastic bottles, for example. What craftsmen can come up with from this waste material. For example, by placing a windmill made of plastic bottles above a flowerbed, you can make it much more interesting. The classic turntable is made of 4 blades according to this scheme.

The blades can be cut out from colorful bottles, then assembled in the center using a bolt and nut or a stapler. Can transparent plastic decorate self-adhesive film or paint with acrylic. You can make more than 4 blades. In any case, such a classic windmill made from a plastic bottle, made by yourself, will be an interesting addition to the flower garden.

There are absolutely simple designs windmills-suspensions. From a small plastic bottle you can make interesting decoration- cut the bottle lengthwise in the middle into thin, 1 centimeter wide, strips. Then connect the upper and lower parts to form a “flashlight”: press the blades in the middle, folding them in half, but at the edges they should be bent at an angle of 45 0. Make a hole in the cork using a hot nail and insert a looped paper clip into it. You can hang a bell or shiny beads on it. The windmill pendant is ready and can be placed on a tree branch.

It’s not difficult to make a windmill from a plastic bottle with your own hands, but it will provide a lot of benefits and beauty.

The pinwheel is a mole repeller.

Wind spinner on a metal rod with a “drum”. Does not require a power source, since the “drum” is filled metal elements which create noise and vibration when the wind blows.

A cheap, environmentally friendly and non-cruel way to expel moles from your summer cottage.

The mole has excellent hearing. From the slightest breath of wind, the vibration of the turntable is transmitted along the pole into the soil; moles do not tolerate this and leave the area.

Since moles do not hibernate in winter and dig tunnels under the snow, the pinwheel is left on the site for the winter.

Maximum range of the repeller- 5 meters.

Material: durable plastic, metal.


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Price within the Moscow Ring Road - 350 rubles.

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Opening hours: Mon-Fri: from 10 to 20, Sat-Sun: from 11 to 18

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Pickup cost: 200 rub.

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