How to do plumbing work in a bathroom. Do-it-yourself plumbing installation: a detailed guide for beginners and professionals (90 photos). Do-it-yourself toilet installation

The word "plumbing" is used quite often in Everyday life. This concept is quite comprehensive and applies to a wide range of equipment. Plumbing in a private house or apartment includes bathtubs, shower boxes, taps, bidets, shut-off valves, toilets, pipe products, siphons and other things related to sewerage and water supply, without which it is unthinkable comfortable life modern man. A private house, cottage or apartment is permeated with engineering systems. Water and sewer lines are among the most important communications. This article is devoted to the main issues related to the plumbing of a private home.

How the plumbing works in a private house

Water pipes- this is a type of engineering communications responsible for providing a private home with water. Its purpose is to organize stable transportation of water to water collection points. The operation of the water supply system of a private house is ensured by a set of functional equipment: these are pumping stations, storage tanks, filters, circulation pumps, etc.

No less important systems private houses are sewers providing removal of sewage and used water resources with subsequent cleaning.

Internal engineering systems of a private house

Water delivery and sewage disposal are carried out through pipelines using plumbing and special equipment, which are located inside a private house. The place where water enters and drains exit is usually located in the foundation of the building.

Plumbing that ensures the operation of the water supply inside a private house:

    water supply entry point;

    water metering and distribution unit;

    plumbing for heating water (boiler or boiler);

    pipelines for supplying cold and hot water to points of consumption in a private home;

    water supplies to main places of consumption;

    water supply plumbing (faucets, shower, sink, etc.).

Internal sewerage plumbing:

    pipelines from places of water consumption;

    sewer riser;

    point of sewerage exit from a private house.

External water supply and sewerage system

Plumbing for external networks of a private house:

    external pipelines;

    sewer wells(inspection, rotary, filtration, inspection, etc.);

    cleaning systems;

    well, well or other structure for collecting water;

    pump or pumping station.

To organize the water supply system of a private home, the following types of pumps are used:

    submersible - devices that are immersed in a well or well below the water surface;

    surface – devices used to equip pumping stations located on the surface;

    fecal – devices designed for pumping liquids containing particles of a certain fraction.

House water supply and sewerage project

Reliability of plumbing and utility networks The design of a private house largely depends on the professionalism of the designers. The calculation of the water supply and sewerage project is carried out before the construction or reconstruction of the house begins. There are often examples when design work carried out by developers on their own. If for small dacha with a simple network and simple plumbing, this option can take place, then for a private house with a modern layout, design work should be carried out by engineers who are familiar with modern technologies and plumbing innovations. The simplest engineering communications project for a private house involves the location of the kitchen adjacent to the bathroom, in which a common sewer riser can be used.

For a private house with several bathrooms located on different floors, you will need more a complex system with different risers.

To compile engineering project For plumbing in a private home, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures.

    Determine the source of water supply. For a private country house in places where there is no possibility of connecting to a centralized water supply, water can be taken from a well, equipped well, or nearby reservoirs.

    Draw up an engineering topographic plan of the site, and also analyze the soil composition and depth of location groundwater.

    Determine the volumes of water that need to be supplied per day and the amount of waste water to be discharged. These calculations are required for the right choice engineering plumbing of a private house.

    Determine which treatment plant will be used to supply water to a private home. The most preferable option is to install ready-made septic tanks, which are produced by various manufacturers. In some cases, due to the characteristics of the site and the groundwater level, it may be necessary to install local treatment or install a storage septic tank.

After completing the procedures described above, specialists select necessary equipment And engineering plumbing for a private home, and also make up a detailed design of water supply and sewerage systems.

Plumbing in a private house: laying diagram

There are several ways to carry out plumbing in a private home. At the same time, different connection schemes are based on common design principles.

1. Water supply diagram in a private house

Regardless of the chosen water supply scheme in a private home and the plumbing used, there are two main options for connecting distribution points:

    serial method of connecting consumers;

    parallel method of connecting plumbing for water consumption.

Daisy chain circuit used for arranging a small private house with a small number of water consumption points. According to its principles, water from the water intake source flows to one plumbing device and then goes to another (i.e., the pump supplies water to the accumulator, then to the sink, and then to the toilet, bathroom, etc.).

When using this scheme to supply water to several types of plumbing fixtures, a significant drop in pressure is observed at devices located at the end points. The arrangement of a sequential water supply system is simple. A tee with one inlet and two outlets is mounted on the pipe that fits the water consumption device (one supplies water to the required plumbing fixtures, and the other to the next equipment).

Parallel circuit connecting the water supply system of a private house necessarily contains such type of equipment as a collector, from which water is supplied separately to each element of the plumbing fixtures of consumption.

Serial and parallel schemes for connecting the plumbing of a private house can be used both when connecting to a centralized water supply system, and when supplying water from autonomous sources.

The standard water supply system for a private home includes the following elements.

    Water intake point (central water supply or autonomous sources).

    Pumping equipment (for autonomous sources).

    Hydraulic accumulator for storing certain volumes of water.

    Plumbing for water purification. After the water accumulator, a tee with shut-off plumbing is installed, providing water supply to private houses, and for watering plants and trees personal plot. Filtration plumbing is installed at the outlet that supplies water to household water intake devices.

    Behind the filtration plumbing, it is necessary to install another tee with shut-off plumbing, which will divide the system into circuits with hot and cold water.

    The cold water pipe must be connected to the appropriate manifold. This element of plumbing must be equipped with shut-off valves at all outlets.

    The hot water supply pipework must supply water to the boiler or boiler.

    After the water heater, hot water is supplied to a manifold equipped with shut-off valves at all outlets. From its outlets, water flows to the hot water plumbing.

Plumbing systems in a private home may contain a wide range of plumbing fixtures and auxiliary equipment - automatic pumping, water meters, pressure sensors, etc.

You should take care of how to install plumbing in a private home at the stage of choosing a building project. To reduce the length of the pipeline, it is better to locate water consumption points in one part of the building. This solution will not only reduce the cost of purchasing pipes, installing water supply and sewerage, but will also simplify utility networks, minimize the number of connections, and reduce the likelihood of malfunctions during operation. If you decide to independently draw up a diagram of the placement of plumbing in a private house, it must be drawn on the building plan or on graph paper. The stages of drawing up utility network diagrams are as follows.

    At the beginning of drawing up the layout of the plumbing of a private house, the intake and drain points are marked on the plan. The plan is drawn up separately for each floor of the building.

    After marking the consumption/drainage points, the location of the common riser is indicated on the plumbing layout plan. For the riser and toilet outlets, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a pipe with a diameter of 11 cm. The length of the outlet in the area from the collector to the toilet must be more than one meter. The drain points are located as close as possible to the riser. At the same time, the larger the outlet of the drain points, the smaller the distance to the riser should be.

    The next stage involves drawing on the plan the placement points of plumbing fixtures and collector pipeline lines that lead to the exit point from a private house. It is installed in the foundation of the building and involves the installation of a protective sleeve in the form of a large diameter pipe.

    Then you need to draw lines for laying drains from the water intake points to the collector. Bends that are in close proximity to each other (for example, sink and bathtub bends) must be combined. This rule does not apply to taps of such plumbing fixtures as a toilet, the drain of which must be installed separately from other taps.

    The sewer system of a private house should be designed with a pipe slope of 3% for pipelines with a diameter of 5 cm and 2% for pipes with a diameter of 11 cm.

    The next stage of drawing up a plumbing diagram for a private house involves marking the location of the drain pipe.

    The drawing up of a plumbing placement plan is completed by drawing a line external sewerage of a private house, which is applied taking into account the features of the landscape, the location of adjacent buildings and trees. If external communications are of considerable length, installations must be provided every 10 m. inspection wells. Such elements must be placed at the turning points of the sewer pipe, as well as at the insertion points of other lines.

How to install plumbing in a private home

Installation of water pipes

After drawing up a layout diagram for the plumbing of a private house, you can proceed to the direct installation of utilities. Ready-made installation diagrams must contain not only the exact coordinates of the placement of pipes, fittings, and plumbing elements, but also their dimensional parameters. It must be taken into account that wrong selection pipeline diameter reduces the efficiency of utility networks. To install plumbing, the master must have the skills to read engineering drawings. Installation of plumbing in a private home is carried out after completion of the construction of the frame and arrangement of the roof.

Rules for performing work on installing plumbing in a private home:

    placement of the pipe entry point for supplying water to a private house is carried out at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the exit point of the sewerage system, gas main or heating network;

    Immediately behind the wall where the water entry point is located, you need to set up a water metering point. It is better to combine this unit with a piping that provides the ability to supply an increased volume of water (this may be necessary when extinguishing fires and in other cases);

    departmental shut-off valves are placed before the water metering unit, and after it an in-house shut-off valve is installed;

    the diameter of water pipes is calculated taking into account the planned volumes of water consumption and the number of plumbing elements for water consumption;

    the installation of internal pipelines and sewerage in a private house is most often carried out in the basement;

    for long-distance water pipelines of a private house, it is necessary to provide for the installation of three circulation pumps, two of which are necessary to ensure water supply at minimum and peak water consumption, and the third serves as backup equipment;

    The slope angle of the internal water supply of a private house depends on the diameter of the pipes and is indicated in the plumbing layout diagram.

Installation of an external sewer system

Rules for arranging external elements of water supply and sewerage of a private house:

    laying of pipes in the ground should be carried out at a depth exceeding the freezing point;

    when sewer pipes intersect with water pipes, the latter are laid at least 0.4 m above the sewer pipes. To protect cast iron and plastic pipes from mechanical deformation, special casings made of durable steel are installed at the intersection points. The length of such a casing should exceed 10 m (in each direction) for sandy soils and 5 m for clay-based soils;

    pipeline intersections must be designed at an angle of 90 degrees;

    when laying water supply and sewerage systems in parallel, the distance between the outer walls of pipes with a diameter of up to 20 cm should be more than 1.5 m.

Installation of internal and external engineering communications of a private house is difficult process, the success of which largely depends on a professionally drawn up plumbing diagram. For the normal and safe functioning of the water supply or sewerage system, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements of SNiP.

DIY plumbing in a private house

It's worth starting with the water supply, since the availability of water is necessary already at the stage of construction of a private house. IN in this case you need to think first about ensuring the supply cold water. You can also install a heating boiler, the installation of which is a simple procedure.

To install the water supply system of a private home, you need plumbing fixtures, materials and tools:

    shut-off plumbing;

    PVC pipes;

    pump equipment;

    a set of keys;


  • Bulgarian.

Before installing plumbing in a private home, you need to determine what types of plumbing equipment will be installed. Let's consider general rules and installation sequence.

As stated above, on initial stage a plan for the placement of plumbing and water supply elements should be developed. The diagram must include information about all the external and internal distribution points of the water supply system of a private house. Based on the parameters of the water supply system, you need to select the optimal equipment for arrangement pumping station. Manufacturers of such equipment include wiring diagram indicating the main features of connecting to the water supply of a private house. The pumping unit must be placed in such a way as to minimize noise from its operation. To do this, select the most convenient place in the house (in the basement or basement). In the documentation for the pumping station you can find information about the noise level that is created during its operation.

Once the location of the pumping equipment has been chosen, you can begin to arrange trenches for laying external pipes through which water from the source will be supplied to the house. Their depth must exceed the freezing level of the soil. If it is not technically possible to lay a pipeline at such a distance, it is necessary to insulate the pipeline using special fiberglass materials.

After arranging the external part of the water supply system of a private house and installing pumping plumbing, installation is carried out internal pipes. This is a very important stage that must be carried out with strict adherence to the work technology. When the installation of water pipes is completed, specialists move on to installing plumbing and installation sewer system.

Let's consider installing a sewer system for a private home. Here also before execution installation work An engineering diagram of the system is drawn up indicating the locations of plumbing fixtures. A professionally drawn up sewerage plan will eliminate installation difficulties and problems during operation.

The sewerage system of a private house includes external and internal systems. External installation elements include sewer pipes and cleaning systems. Interior also consists of the pipeline and plumbing of a private house.

Rules for installing sewerage in a private house:

    when choosing a location cesspool it is necessary to provide for the possibility of unhindered access to it by sewage transport;

    the lowest line of the cesspool is located one meter deeper than the soil freezing level. The sewage collector is installed on a slope and must have a depth of more than 70 cm.

In situations where it is not possible to lay sewer pipes below the freezing level, the collector is insulated.

For the installation of the sewer system of a private house, they are currently used plastic pipes. Unlike metal products such a pipe will not experience problems with corrosion. Installation of these elements of a private house is carried out by inserting one pipe into another and then sealing the seams. Laying of sewer pipes is carried out in strict accordance with preliminary calculations of depth. This will allow the pipeline to be laid on undisturbed hard ground, which will prevent the elements from bending. Pipes for risers and collectors must be larger in diameter than sewer pipelines coming from plumbing of a private house.

To carry out work on arranging sewerage systems in a private house, experienced and highly qualified specialists should be involved. The work itself on installing and connecting plumbing is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of building regulations according to the drawn up diagram. Only experienced specialists who perform work under engineering supervision can satisfy such parameters.

What is the cost of plumbing work in a private home?

Getting started with the arrangement engineering systems a private home, renovating bathrooms, installing bathtubs and other plumbing fixtures, customers are primarily interested in the cost of the work. To draw up an estimate, a free surveyor will visit the site. The table presented to your attention on this page shows the estimated prices for installation of plumbing in a private home. The final estimate depends on the choice of contractor for these works.

Type of service


Installation of sink, toilet, bathtub, bidet, shower box

2000-5000 rubles

Connection household appliances: washing machine, dishwasher, etc.

from 1000 rubles

Installation of water supply pipeline (price of plumbing connection point)

from 1200 rubles

Installation of sewer pipeline (price of connection point)

from 800 rubles

Additional services: meter installation, dismantling work, riser installation, etc.

from 300 rubles

The higher the qualifications of the specialists who install plumbing in a private home, the more reliable the operation of the engineering systems will be and the more comfortable the stay will be. The main task of plumbing is to create the maximum comfortable conditions during the operation of sewerage and water supply systems. Plumbing has long ceased to be a luxury and is an essential item in a private home. At the same time, nothing is eternal. Like all the equipment we know, it also needs periodic maintenance and repair. Performing such operations is always associated with the purchase of materials, selection of components, and repair kits.

You can order such products of guaranteed quality at manufacturer prices in the catalog presented on the official website of the specialized company SantechStandart. The portal developers took care of creating the most convenient conditions for finding the right products. Here you can buy cheaply with delivery water pipes made of polypropylene or metal-plastic, various fittings, shut-off valves, faucets and other plumbing fixtures.

You can get qualified advice and place an order by calling:

Installing plumbing in an apartment is a complex of sequential processes that require preliminary calculations and correct selection equipment. Installation should be approached with special responsibility, since the quality of work depends on the duration of operation of the overall system.

Preparatory work for creating a plumbing system

The first stages involve preparing the installation site, tools, materials and carrying out precise mathematical calculations.

Tools for plumbing installation

IN mandatory set tools include:

  • scissors for carrying out the process of cutting pipes;
  • welding soldering iron;
  • pliers;
  • adjustable keys;
  • roulette;
  • marker (for marking).

Drawing up a wiring diagram, taking measurements and mathematical calculations

Layout modern apartments involves drawing up two methods for routing pipes (at the user’s choice):

  • Collector. This method is the most practical in terms of subsequent operation, but its installation requires a professional approach. During installation, an individual pipe is supplied to each equipment.
  • Tee. In this case, each new branch requires the installation of an individual stainless steel shut-off valve. The main advantage of the scheme is that there is no need to turn off the entire system if a breakdown occurs in a particular plumbing fixture.

Pipes are purchased only after mathematical calculations have been carried out. This process requires measuring all areas where the pipes will pass, including branches and bend angles. It is recommended to purchase pipes with a 1-2 m margin.

Before starting installation work, the location of each equipment should be accurately determined. After selecting a site, you need to measure the location and plumbing fixtures. The results obtained must be compared with each other to determine the compliance of the dimensions of the plumbing fixtures and the allocated space.

The right choice of materials

The quality of the plumbing system and its service life depend on the choice of components. Therefore, it is better not to save and buy quality materials. After all, the consequences may cost more. Pipes must be made of high-quality polypropylene. It is recommended to take fittings from of stainless steel or high quality plastic. Buy sealants from trusted manufacturers, since after a while, poor-quality sealant can leak. According to experts from the SmartInox company, one of the main elements in a plumbing system is stainless steel taps. Since taps are exposed not only to water, but also to mechanical damage when opening and closing. Purchasing faucets made of low-quality steel has a higher risk of corrosion and is more likely to break under mechanical stress.

Installation of plumbing equipment and other system components

Before installing pipes, you should prepare their locations as much as possible. For the installation process you will need scissors for cutting them, a tape measure and a welding soldering iron. It is recommended to free up space from unnecessary elements. Rubber gaskets must be installed at the connecting points. Their absence will lead to leaks. During installation, it should be taken into account that the slope of the pipes in relation to the main riser from the equipment should be within 3 cm per 1 m of pipe. In cases where a tee system is used, stainless steel taps must be installed at each new branch.

Installation of shower and bathtub

To ensure proper functioning of the shower cabin or bathtub, the following points should be taken into account during installation:

  • Supply of electricity (with additional insulation from moisture), hot and cold water, sewerage;
  • According to the standard, the cabin sewerage outlet should be no higher than 70 mm from the floor surface to the sewer pipe (if this parameter is exceeded, additional installation podium);
  • It is mandatory to apply sealant to the joints.
  • Installing a drain involves the following processes:
    • Compound drain hose cabins or baths to the sewer drain;
    • Treatment of joints with sealants;
    • Installing a sealing gasket into the drain hole;
    • Treating the surface of the gasket with silicone.
  • If there is a branch, a stainless tap should be installed.

Installation of sink, washbasin, washbasin

What are the main points to consider when installing such equipment?

  1. Correct comparison of the sizes of supply pipes and the location of the washbasin, sink or sink.
  2. Installation of stainless taps (if this element is included in general scheme systems).
  3. Sealing work should be carried out exclusively on dry fittings (it is possible to use a household hair dryer).
  4. Avoid contact of hands with mating surfaces.
  5. Install paronite gaskets between plastic parts and metal conductive pipes.
  6. Trimming standard fittings (a slight deviation when cutting will lead to leakage at the joint).
  7. Mandatory application of lubricant ( silicone sealant) on the gaskets.
  8. According to SNiP recommendations, the installation height of plumbing fixtures is 80-85 cm.

Modern toilet models provide special holes for fixing the device to the floor surface. Installation of equipment takes place according to the following principle:

  • Connecting the device to the sewer using a corrugated outlet;
  • Installing a corrugated seal on the toilet outlet;
  • Sealing the joint between the toilet and the floor.

Connecting water supply and sewerage requires the following steps:

  • Connecting a flexible hose using FUM tape;
  • Installation of a stainless steel shut-off valve on the pipe;
  • Fixing the outlet pipe into the socket of the sewer pipe.

Sewage installation

The sewer pipes are connected to the fitting using a sealed rubber band. The percentage of the slope is from two to fifteen units - the difference between the end at the beginning and end of the pipe should be from 2 to 15 cm. When changing the direction of the sewer, the degree of rotation should be greater than the straight line. Pipes providing connection to the riser must be connected at an angle of less than 45°.

Installation of a washing machine, dishwasher and other similar equipment

Installation of plumbing fixtures by type washing machine, dishwashers, etc. assumes compliance with the following requirements:

  • With absence check valve are not installed without taking into account level restrictions (location of the outlet hose) - the manufacturer specifies this parameter on an individual basis.
  • Mandatory installation of a siphon to prevent leaks.
  • Ensuring stationary water drainage.
  • The equipment is connected to the water supply system using hoses with a diameter of 3/4 inches. Additionally, rubber gaskets should be installed.

Do you want to seriously renovate and update your apartment? Then it will not hurt to know that one of the most basic stages of major home renovation is replacing old plumbing and pipes with new ones. In addition, this is the most impressive item of expenditure in the budget allocated for this work.

Reducing already impressive costs is a normal desire of every prudent owner. Do you agree? It’s quite possible to reduce them: installing plumbing fixtures yourself will help. We will tell you how to do the wiring, how to move and connect plumbing equipment, and what tools and materials are needed.

You will learn how to change the pipes in the bathroom and connect plumbing fixtures yourself. And in order to make it easier to understand the repair issue, the article provides thematic photo guides and video instructions.

Typical projects Not everyone is happy with high-rise buildings, and apartment owners try to change the plumbing according to their preferences. This set of works is very troublesome and time-consuming, however, if you study the theoretical side of the issue well and follow the instructions exactly, most of the work (if not all) can be done independently.

Plumbing installation may be required when carrying out major repairs or in the event of a water supply breakdown. This process can be carried out independently, without the involvement of specialists, the main thing is to have the appropriate tool available and be able to handle it. The work is carried out according to a pre-drawn plan, divided into several main stages. It includes the arrangement of communication elements; the diagram can be drawn up independently, or found on the appropriate resources.

Plumbing installation: preparation for work

First of all, you need to make a list of necessary communications and plumbing fixtures. For example, a washing machine and toilet require a connection to sewerage and cold water supply, and hot water is additionally supplied to the washbasin and shower cabin (bathtub). Plumbing and heating require competent work, since failure to comply with the rules can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

You also need to decide on the number of shut-off valves; such elements must be installed on the inlet to the washing machine, cold and hot water. If desired, they can be mounted on the water supply to the toilet; this is especially convenient in the event of a tank breakdown, since there is no need to shut off the tank for repairs. common system water supply

Plumbing work: prices

If all devices and pipes are completely replaced, it may take several days to complete. Many people are interested in the cost of this service; it depends on several factors:

  • the complexity of the work and the time allotted for its implementation;
  • number of installed devices, nodes and other basic elements;
  • type of plumbing.

For example, a shower complex with extensive functionality is more difficult to install than a standard one. cast iron bath. Also, the cost increases when using additional services.

On plumbing work Prices may vary among different specialists and companies. On average it will cost 1,700 rubles, and installation of a standard mixer will cost 800 rubles. When choosing a company, you should focus not only on the prices of the services provided, but also on the professionalism of the employees; it would also be a good idea to study reviews on specialized resources.

Location rules

After choosing the type of plumbing fixtures and purchasing them, you need to decide on the placement of all devices. In this case, it is advisable to bring at least a few elements into the room and place them in the intended place to make sure that their location is convenient. Next, a plumbing wiring diagram is drawn up on a piece of paper, and some features and rules should be taken into account:

  • sewerage outlets can be made in the form of a “tee” without a vertical part;
  • the main pipeline is placed above the floor surface, with water outlets running from it through tees;
  • the location of the plumbing should provide easy access to the joints of flexible hoses and pipelines;
  • sewer and should be as close to each other as possible so that they can be hidden behind a special box;
  • crossing pipes is extremely undesirable; plumbing should also be connected as simply as possible;
  • Pipe routing should not be complicated, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of independent implementation.


There are many various materials, they are selected depending on the complexity of installation and type of installation.

Plumbing installation with polypropylene pipes produced using special device called a soldering iron. You can rent it from a store that sells the relevant products, or you can buy it. The first option is more rational if one-time use is necessary. Using the tool is not difficult, the main thing is to remember the strong heat and be careful when working. It is also worth reading the instructions. In some cases, an assistant may be required.

Installation of plumbing requires the use of PVC fittings to connect and rotate pipes at the required angle. They are selected according to the size of the latter. When purchasing, it is worth taking several spare elements; they may be needed in case of uneven soldering.


When using a soldering iron, the resulting connections become permanent, and if there are any defects, part of the pipeline must be cut off to eliminate them. To extend a pipe that is of insufficient length, couplings are used.

One of the stages of work is connecting special fittings to the end outlets; a flexible hose is connected to them on one side, and a pipe is fixed on the other.

Plumbing in a new building is installed in two main ways:

  • Soldering of pipes begins from the riser towards the plumbing fixtures.
  • The plumbing element furthest from the riser is connected first.

Hidden installation

If necessary independent work the scheme should be simplified as much as possible. For example, water supply runs along the floor, and a pipe is pulled to each device in wall structures in a perpendicular arrangement.

Propylene pipes are distinguished by their reliability, durability and ease of use; for their installation, as noted earlier, a heating tool is required; it will ensure a tight and high-quality connection.

The hidden type has become most widespread due to the ease of carrying out repair work and conservation appearance premises. First, you need to make grooves in the floor and walls, and you need to make sure that the dimensions of the recesses correspond to the materials used. The next step is to install a valve and filter with a suitable cleaning level. Do not forget about the water flow meter and pressure sensor, the latter is of particular importance in the absence of stable pressure and frequent exceeding of established standards.

Connecting elements

The collector is a cylinder in which there are several outlet holes and one inlet; its main advantage is that it simplifies the connection to plumbing fixtures. After this, the required number of shut-off valves and adapters is installed. It also ensures an even distribution of fluid, which promotes equal pressure at each point. The formed holes are hidden behind the plaster, onto which the desired decorative coating. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the cost of the system, since in addition to the collectors themselves with shut-off valves, a large number of fittings and pipes are required.

Free access must be provided to the connections; it is necessary for periodic and repair of the water supply system. Afterwards, fittings and flexible hoses, used as connections to consumers, are fixed to the elements connected to plumbing fixtures.


The need for a soldering iron does not arise when working with sewer pipes; to assemble, you just need to insert them into each other. Using fittings, you can simplify the task, and if any shortcomings are identified, you can easily eliminate them by disassembling the system.

Wiring plumbing does not cause any particular difficulties and is carried out taking into account several rules:

  • the pipes must be connected in such a way that elements with a smaller size are inserted into fittings or pipes with a larger diameter;
  • the outlet to the sewer from the toilet should be within 110 mm, while for pipes coming from the washbasin, washing machine and shower this parameter is 50 mm;
  • The pipes should go to the main riser with a slight slope.

It is undesirable for the wiring of plumbing in a new building to be complicated by various intersections, since they can lead to “congestion” when two devices are used simultaneously; it is also recommended to connect the devices in series.

In some cases, difficulties arise in clearing the blockage through the drain hole; this task can be simplified during the repair process by installing an additional tee fitting on the sewer pipe. Through its upper hole, which is closed with a special plug, you can quickly. It is worth remembering that if the plumbing installation project involves a hidden type of installation, it should always be possible to access the connections for inspection and repair.

All joints must have rubber seals, they will prevent wastewater leakage and the appearance unpleasant odor. During installation, it is important to connect all elements as tightly as possible. The organization of a constant slope is carried out using special clamps that fix the necessary sections of pipes on the walls. Among the main elements that must be installed are a shut-off valve and a coarse filter.

It’s best when the work is done by a specialist, but sometimes there comes a time when certain work you have to take it yourself. And it doesn't matter for what reason. This article will help you install plumbing in your home with your own hands, avoiding miscalculations associated with this work.
When we install plumbing with our own hands, as a rule, there is always a risk of damaging something, breaking it, or causing a flood for ourselves and our neighbors. It is very important to remember to be careful and realistically assess the capabilities of your hands.

Installation procedure

If the bathroom is of sufficient size, the order in which the plumbing is installed does not play a big role. But in the case small space, first they install large appliances - a bathtub or shower.

  1. After this, the mixer is installed.
  2. If space in the bathroom allows, install a sink.
  3. The final stage of installing plumbing in the bathroom will be installing the toilet.
  4. To install a bathtub you will need: a bathtub, a siphon, silicone to seal the gap between the bathtub and the wall, a mixer.
  5. To install the toilet you need to purchase: a toilet and silicone for the sealing pad on which the toilet will stand, a corrugated hose to connect the toilet to the sewer pipe, a connecting hose for the flush tank.
  6. To install the mixer you need to have: adjustable wrench, tow or fum tape, mixer.
  1. We begin bathroom installation work by dismantling the old bathroom.
  2. Checking the sewer outlet.
  3. We level (if necessary) the platform with the bathtub being installed, so that the bathtub stands motionless and on the same level.
  4. Before assembling the bathtub, you need to read the instructions very carefully. We install legs or a system of racks to the bathtub. If they are not there, you can lay out the seat using brickwork.
  5. After installing the bathtub on Right place connect the siphon to it (according to the instructions).
  6. We connect the siphon to the sewer. It is better to take a siphon with a sump.
  7. After installing the bathtub with silicone, we seal the gap between the side of the bathtub and the wall.
  8. Let it sit for 4 hours.
  9. The front part of the bathroom can be covered with plastic or bricked.

First you need to clean working space, remove unnecessary things, prepare necessary tool. And only after this can you turn off the water inlet valve.

  1. First of all, you need to dismantle the old one.
  2. The entrance to the sewer must be in good condition.
  3. To remove an unpleasant odor, cover the entrance to the sewer with a rag or cardboard.
  4. Put new toilet in place of its installation, outline the contour of the sole and put marks for the holes.
  5. The diameter of the drill must match the size of the dowels that come with yours.
  6. Selecting a drill required diameter drill holes in the intended location. Drive in the dowels.
  7. Apply white or transparent silicone to the toilet sole and align the toilet according to the marks provided.
  8. Using self-tapping bolts, secure the toilet through the holes in the base.
  9. Do not tighten the bolts too much so as not to damage the lower part of the base.
  10. The installed device must stand for 4 hours until the silicone under the sole dries completely. Now you can attach the tank.
  11. A diagram for attaching the tank to the toilet is included in the instructions for the purchased toilet.
  12. After installing the tank, we connect our plumbing to the sewer using a corrugated pipe.
  13. We supply water to the tank using a flexible hose.
  14. Mixer installation.
  15. Most mixers are sold ready for use.
  16. All that remains is to connect them to the water supply network.

DIY plumbing repair

Bathroom renovation is the least known and most relevant procedure at present.

  • Restoration of the bathtub can be done by updating the enamel or installing a liner made of special sanitary plastic with acrylic coating. To renew the enamel you will need 1 jar acrylic paint and one day, taking into account the drying time of the primer, putty and paint in 3 layers. The disadvantage of this method is that this procedure will have to be done every 2-3 years.
  • The second method of restoration, more expensive, is to install in old bath liner with acrylic coating, it will slightly reduce the volume of the bathtub, but will not turn yellow and will last more than 20 years.