How to make a paper lamp with your own hands. How to make a lamp from paper bags How to make a lamp from paper

Making a lamp. Master class with step-by-step photos

The paper kingdom is a magical and fairy-tale country. Its vastness is unimaginable. What paper can do in capable hands? Paper modeling is a fascinating and educational hobby for all ages, and it is significant in that almost anything can be reproduced in paper and cardboard. A huge amazing world military and space technology, fabulous and mysterious cities. And how nice it is to see the delighted eyes of a child when before his eyes any flat image turns into a three-dimensional one. And with what delight not only children, but also adults fly paper kites and, obedient to the wind, paper airplanes made using the classic origami technique rise high to the clouds. The technique of modular origami in our country is relatively young, but quickly gained enormous popularity. I bring to your attention as a gift for our beloved mothers Night light made using this technique. Although March 8 is long behind us, we can give gifts to our beloved mothers and sisters on any day of the calendar, regardless of what time of year it is outside. This souvenir is designed for younger children school age 7 – 9 years old. But from personal experience I can say that children aged 10–12 years old do this work with great pleasure. If children have good drafting skills and cutting tools, they can read diagrams easily and quickly; in two academic hours, children can cope with this work quite well. On personal experience also made sure that this work easy for children to learn preschool age 5 – 6 years with good technical training, i.e. fluent in a variety of instruments. But for this age category, it is better to divide this model into four academic hours. Also your methodical piggy bank teachers can replenish primary classes, teachers additional education and parents of older preschoolers and primary school students.
The purpose of this master class: to expand the horizons of children in initial technical modeling, to master the technology of electrification of simple homemade toys. To help primary school teachers and additional education teachers replenish their methodological funds.
Master class objectives:
To introduce readers to new modular origami crafts.
Teach readers how to assemble a simple electrical circuit.
Create realistic miniature copies of everyday objects

The manufacturing technology of a night lamp consists of four main stages:
Stage 1: Making a flower using modular origami technique.
Stage 2: Assembling a simple electrical circuit.

Stage 1: Making a flower using modular origami technique.
Step 1: Select paper by color and texture.
Good for flowers colored paper"Rainbow". You can use ordinary colored paper, preferably double-sided, but when forming petals, ordinary colored paper quickly tears. You can use different shades of color, from the brightest to pastel tones (photo No. 1).

Step 2: Make six 110 x 80 rectangles.
Take one green sheet of paper. We set aside 110 mm (11 cm) from the upper left corner and put a notch, then we put 80 mm (8 cm) down from the notch, also marking it with a notch, and we put the same distance down from the upper left corner. We connect the serifs with straight lines and get a rectangle measuring 110 x 80 (photo No. 2)

Using the same principle, we build two more of the same green rectangles and three pink ones. Then we cut out all the constructed rectangles. As a result, we get three green and three pink rectangles measuring 110 x 80 (photo No. 3).

Step 3: Manufacturing modules according to the diagram.
All rectangles - modules are added according to the same pattern:
We place each rectangle with its long side horizontally and fold it along the floors
We bend each corner in turn to midline(photo no. 4)

Now we also bend the sides towards the middle (photo No. 5). We get three green and three pink hexagons.

bend the top and bottom edges of each hexagon towards the middle (central line) (photo No. 6)

We fold each hexagon in half horizontally, the difference is that
bend the green modules smooth surface outward (photo No. 7), and bend the pink modules with a smooth surface inward (photo No. 8).

Step 4: Assembling the flower.
To connect the modules you will need a strong thread 15–20 cm long.
We put the green modules in one line with the fold up (photo No. 9) and cover them with pink modules (photo No. 10), then tie them in the middle with a thread (photo No. 11). We cut off the excess ends from the remaining thread.

Stage 2: Assembling a simple electrical circuit.

Step 1: LED selection.
LED is a semiconductor device that converts electricity directly into light radiation. This lamp is designed for a 4.5 V power source, so we opt for a 3 V LED of any color.

Step 2: Attaching the resistor to the LED.
Each LED has two contacts (short and long), find the short one and slightly bend it into a hook. We take a resistor with a resistance of 270 Ohms.
It also has two contacts. We bend one of them and connect it to the LED (photo No. 12), after which we secure the connection with a small piece of insulating tape. (photo no. 13)

Step 3: Preparation of wires.
We will need three wires with a diameter of 0.2 mm, lengths 130 mm, 110 mm, 50 mm.
Before starting work, we clean the ends of the wires using an insulation stripper, carefully remove the insulating sheath and the silk thread with which the wire is wrapped. then carefully twist the ends of all wires.

Step 4: Attaching wires to the LED and switch.
We connect a long wire (130 mm) to the “+” contact on the LED (without a resistor) using twisting, then secure it with insulating tape, and connect the wire (110 mm long) to the free contact of the resistor, also securing it with insulating tape. (photo No. 14),
At the end of each outlet we twist a loop (photo No. 15).
We check the finished electrical circuit using a power source (battery). (photo no. 16)
We attach the switch between the wire with the resistor and a short wire (50 mm).
(photo no. 17)

Stage 3: Making a cardboard box.
Step 1: Making a drawing of a box for an electrical circuit from a sheet of cardboard
A4 format.
Step 2: Cut out the outline of the box. (photo no. 18)

Step 2: Cutting slits in the box. (photo no. 19)
Place the glass under the opening of the box and carefully stationery knife we make slits. Rectangular for the switch, round for the LED.

Stage 4: Assembling the night lamp.
Step 1: Attaching the switch to the side hole of the box.
We take the electrical circuit by the plastic lens of the LED (cone) and carefully pass it through the side (rectangular) and central (round) holes (photo No. 20). We press the switch tightly into the hole and into round hole start the LED (photo No. 21)

Step 2: Installing the LED on the flower.
We thread the flower blank between the LED wires, tightly put the LED on its middle and pull the remaining wires inside the box.
On inside boxes, we secure the wires with electrical tape.
(photo no. 22)

Step 3: Connecting wires to the power source.
We put both loops of wires on the battery contacts: the short one on “-” (short contact), and the long wire on “+” (long contact). If the circuit is assembled correctly, your LED will begin to glow.

Step 4: Glue the box using PVA glue.

Step 5: Flower formation.
We bend the end of the pink module towards the middle (you can count from any petal), then using the same principle we lift petals No. 3 and No. 5. Press them tightly to the center. You need to lift the petals carefully so as not to tear the module (photo No. 23). We also lift the remaining petals. (photo no. 24).
Having received the flower, we form green leaves by lightly pressing on the center of the green module, slightly spreading the sides of each green module. (photo no. 25)

People are increasingly thinking about the environment, so conscious sellers and buyers give preference to paper bags, which do not cause as much harm to the environment as plastic bags. Some stores will offer you regular brownish paper bags, while others use the bags as advertising space. And, I must say, some paper bags look very interesting, and you don’t want to throw them in the trash at all. In this article we will tell you how to make an unusual lamp from an ordinary paper bag.

This project will seem especially simple to those who have basic origami skills. Although the scheme is quite simple, so even a beginner can master it.

Advice: If you don't have extra bags, you can practice on a piece of plain paper.

Origami has the simplest curves - “mountains” and “valleys”. A “slide” is when the edge of the bend is directed towards you, and a “valley” is the opposite.

Important: when choosing light bulbs for a lamp with a paper lampshade, you need Special attention pay attention to the amount of heat generated. The best choice is LED bulbs, which, with an energy consumption of 7.5 W, shine at the level of 40-watt bulbs. Never use incandescent lamps.

Materials and tools:

  • 2 paper bags
  • scissors
  • glue or double-sided tape
  • needle or awl
  • thread
  • glue gun
  • twine
  • cable, plug and electrical socket
  • branch weird shape

How to make a paper lamp with your own hands

Take two paper bags you like, cut off the handles and bottom. Cut the bag at the gluing point, as a result, from each bag you should get a fairly long panel, the dimensions of which depend on the size of the bag used.

Take one piece of paper, fold it in half, then fold each half in half again. Continue until you have divided the canvas into 16 equal parts. Fold the fabric along the fold lines like a fan.

Now each resulting fan comb needs to be folded diagonally. At this stage, you shouldn’t think about “mountains” and “valleys”; you just need to outline the fold lines. To ensure that the bends end at the same level, you can put an inconspicuous mark on each of the edges with a simple pencil.

Make bends on the other side in the same way. Now, along the bend lines, the ribs need to be folded in the opposite direction.

The photo shows how the workpiece should look after all the manipulations.

In our case, only half of the second package was needed. Do the same manipulations with this workpiece with the only difference that at the first stage you need to bend it, dividing it into 8 equal parts.

Connect two pieces of paper with glue or double-sided tape.

Punch holes in the upper corners and thread a thread or ribbon through them.

Pull the corners together with a thread so that you get a dome, like what you see in the photo.

Tie the thread into a bow so you can thread the cable through without any problems later.

An ordinary boring cable is unlikely to be suitable for such a lamp. You can decorate it by wrapping it with thin twine and fixing its ends with hot glue.

All that remains is to stretch the cable with the socket inside the lampshade. You can hang the lamp on a dry branch of a fancy shape, so it will look even more interesting.

Original article in English.

Making something with your own hands and then decorating your home is not a source of special pride? Homemade items allow you to unleash your creative potential and save a lot of money at the same time. AND self-production lamps are no exception. Today you can find various ways How to make a lighting device with your own hands. To do this, just type into the search bar “how to make a paper lamp with your own hands.” But you no longer need to do this, because in this article we will try to give the most complete answer to this question. Here we will touch on the most pliable material for a lamp - paper.

Our article will also help you understand whether you can cope with such work, and whether a paper lamp will suit your interior.

Paper - what could be simpler?

Light from a paper lamp

Lightness and airiness are what many associate paper with. Therefore, the paper lamp will also take on these properties, bringing with it to various interiors:

  • unusualness;
  • softening and smoothing out angularity;
  • creating diffused and subdued light, giving the atmosphere romance and mystery.

Today, paper lighting fixtures are associated with Asia and the East. It was here that not only paper, but also products made from it first appeared: umbrellas, lanterns, etc. The East, as they say, is a delicate matter. This statement is perfectly brought to life with the help of paper and creativity, which is reborn into unique and unique lamps.
Despite the fact that China is considered the birthplace of paper, paper lighting fixtures can be safely made in different styles:

  • Japanese;
  • Chinese;
  • pop art;
  • eclecticism;
  • country;
  • vintage, etc.

Note! Only by making a lamp with your own hands will you be able to perfectly match it with the rest of the interior, emphasizing or connecting together all the directions of the design used.

Since working with paper is quite easy, and you can find it in almost unlimited quantities in the house, today there are a wide variety of options for assembling paper lamps. Let's look at the simplest and most popular of them.

Since paper was first made in China, it is logical to start with the creation lighting fixture V chinese style.

Chinese style lamp

Many people prefer to make lamps from paper in the Chinese style, since in this case they can bring brightness, vibrant colors and a sense of celebration to the interior. All this can be achieved with a Chinese lamp.
Materials you will need:

  • paper. It can be rice or regular. It is desirable that the sheets of paper be translucent, colored or white;

Note! For the closest possible resemblance to the original Chinese folk lamps, you should work with rice paper.

  • cartridge. It can be bought at the market or taken from an old chandelier;
  • bulb. Since the lamp will be made of paper, unheated light bulbs should be chosen as a light source. It is best to opt for LED bulbs.

In addition to the materials themselves, you will also need some tools:

Chinese lantern diagram

  • pencil and ruler;
  • stationery knife;
  • awl;
  • a thread.

The lamp assembly will proceed as follows:

  • make markings on back side paper. This way you can create a relief. To make a Chinese lantern, you need a diagram, according to which the markings are made;
  • bend the paper according to the markings so that in the right places receive accordion. Do not rush in this matter, since how smooth and beautiful the flashlight will turn out will depend on the accuracy of execution;
  • we assemble the socket and the light bulb together;
  • Make holes in the bottom with an awl and thread a thread through it;
  • We wrap our paper lampshade around the socket. The edges of the paper sheet can be glued or simply placed on top of each other. The last option will help you quickly change light bulbs without damaging the lampshade.

Ready-made flashlights

The difficulty here can only arise in the correct folding of the base of the lampshade. As a result, you will get a beautiful and almost authentic Chinese lantern. To make it more beautiful appearance, you can paint the lampshade by applying Chinese characters or stylized drawings.

Lamp frame

In Japan, paper products are also very popular and widespread. Therefore, you can safely use Japanese motifs when creating a paper lamp. Paper (preferably rice paper) is also here main element. But now it will be supplemented with bamboo sticks. Note! Bamboo grows in Japan, so this element will look great in the overall display of the lamp.
Here you will need the following list of materials for work:

  • tracing paper (in the absence of rice sheets);
  • ceramic cartridge with a small base;
  • thread, preferably thick;
  • stain;
  • piece of MDF. Can be replaced with plywood;
  • wire with switch and plug.

Tools you need to have on hand:

  • PVA glue;
  • sandpaper;

Finished Japanese paper lamp

  • scissors;
  • file;
  • square;
  • brush.

For the base we take plastic corners, bamboo/wooden slats or wire. We assemble the lamp base according to the following scheme:

  • we clean the slats sandpaper and cut it to the height we need. This will be the height of the entire lamp;
  • We make markings on the slats at the gluing points. They will help to make an even and beautiful frame;
  • We coat the joints with glue and assemble the slats into a single structure. For durability corner connections should be knitted with thick thread. This will help strengthen the base and also give it decorative look. The frame itself can be round or square;
  • MDF sheet will be used as a cover. We make a hole in the sheet for the cartridge;
  • after that everything wooden elements the structures are covered with stain. You can apply varnish on top of it. Such protection will make the tree resistant to negative influence moisture and protect it from wood insects;
  • Now all that remains is to attach the paper sheets to the frame. They can be left clean, but it is better to first apply a Japanese pattern or hieroglyph here. We simply glue the sheets to the frame.

This is a slightly more complex version of the lamp in terms of implementation. But it turns out to be more durable and of higher quality, which in a positive way will affect the service life of the lighting fixture.

Glass and paper

The easiest thing to make with your own hands is a glass lamp. This is a portable table lamp that is very quick and easy to make. To make such a lighting device you will need:

  • a thin sheet of paper (you can print a specific pattern on it);
  • round and tall glasses;
  • wire with a thickness of 1-2 mm;
  • candles-tablets.

The tools you will need are:

  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • pliers;
  • stationery knife;
  • scotch.

The algorithm of actions here is as follows:

Bent wire

  • bend the wire using pliers so that it takes on the appearance shown in the photo. A candle-tablet will be placed on its lower part. The length of the wire should ultimately be slightly greater than the height of the glass. This will make it much more convenient to remove the candle from the container;
  • The glass itself should be decorated with a sheet of paper on which the pattern you like is applied. Carefully glue the sheet to the glass. The top of the container can be decorated using plaster or polymer clay.

Ready glass

As you can see, this requires a minimum of effort and time, and as a result you will get a beautiful lamp, perfect for a romantic dinner or just a quiet, relaxing evening of relaxation.

Paper straws

Probably the most original and unusual lighting device in our “paper” history will be a lamp made from paper tubes. You can decorate any lamp with this lampshade:

  • chandelier;
  • table lamp;
  • floor lamp;
  • wall sconce.

Tube lampshade

Such a lampshade will provide a soft and subdued light, which will become a real highlight of any interior, made in any style. Here, as you might guess, the main and only elements of the entire structure will be paper tubes. They can be made from both newspapers and colored paper. The main thing to remember is that the appearance of the lampshade should complement the existing interior in the room.
The number of tubes depends on the size of the lamp on which it will be placed. The “pipe minimum” that should be wound is 100 pieces. The tubes are attached to each other using the same PVA glue, thus forming the required shape:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • arbitrary.

First, the first row is laid out, and then the entire structure is built on it.

Note! The walls here need to be built in such a way that the lampshade expands towards the center. To do this, the diameter of the mold must be gradually increased, and after the middle - gradually reduced.

If desired, the resulting lampshade, after it has dried, can be painted with spray paint. The result is a solid product without flaws.
This is far from full list possible options making a lamp from paper. But these are the most popular methods that are implemented easily and quickly.


As you can see, making a paper lamp with your own hands is quite simple. There is no need for expensive materials or a lot of time. If you strictly follow the instructions, you will be able to quickly complete the task, and your home will have a new, beautiful and, without unnecessary modesty, original lighting fixture.

A chandelier in a room is not only a lighting fixture. Without exaggeration, we can say that it is the main decoration of the room. Handmade items are considered especially valuable. This allows us to highlight the special taste of the owners of the home, as well as their extraordinary and creative mind. Undoubtedly, this type The work is quite complex and requires increased concentration. But at the same time, when creating decorations for your home, you can find many interesting and extraordinary solutions in it!

This article presents some ideas for decorating a chandelier with your own hands, as well as instructions for them. Everything is written so simply and clearly that anyone can do it at home.

In order to make a chandelier, sometimes they use the most unusual materials. For example, everyone is already familiar with glass or wood, plastic, and so on. But sometimes, when you want something completely “unusual,” wooden skewers and glass bottles wine bottles, and cans, and all kinds of tree branches, and cardboard, and even straw. You need to choose depending on the idea of ​​the creator and the wishes of the apartment owners. It is also necessary to take into account general interior premises where the finished product is supposed to be placed.

Interesting idea for a chandelier made from plastic spoons

Plastic spoons for disposable meals are one of the simplest and most easily available materials for creating a chandelier for a room. Their advantages are low price, variety color range and such material will last quite a long time for a long time. To create such an extraordinary chandelier, you will need a minimum of investments, both physical and material.


  • empty bottle drinking water, volume 5 liters;
  • plastic spoons (their number depends on the size of the bottle);
  • glue for plastic;
  • old chandelier(or rather, a cartridge from it);
  • sharpened knife.

Process of creation:

  1. First you need to prepare a plastic bottle for subsequent steps. Remove the label in advance, cut off the bottom, dry well.
  2. Then you need to remove the plastic spoons from the packaging and carefully cut off the unnecessary handles with a knife, leaving about 2-3 centimeters above the level of the “scoop”.
  3. You need to glue the scoop blanks to the base of the bottle. Apply a large amount of glue to the remaining “tail” and press it to the surface (with the convex side of the spoon facing out). It is necessary to cover the entire bottle in a circle until the entire perimeter is occupied by plastic “spoons”. It is advisable to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern and slightly move them together. This will leave fewer “free spots”.
  4. You need to remove the cartridge from the old unnecessary chandelier, and then place it in an already glued and dried bottle and fix it to the frame.
  5. A decorative bowl can also be made from plastic spoons: “scoops” are glued around the neck of the eggplant.
  6. Install and connect the chandelier, check its operation.

Note! Possible option decorative painting or painting spoons in absolutely any color. Thus, your product will look even more beautiful and more original!

Chandelier made of plastic bottles in the form of leaves

One more an unusual option The interior will feature a chandelier in the shape of leaves. It is created from simple plastic bottles, the variety of colors of which allows you to work in the most unusual colors and embody the most daring ideas.

Process of creation:

  1. Cut plastic bottles into blanks shaped like future leaves.
  2. For each workpiece, the sheet shape is finally fixed.
  3. Using a soldering iron with a thick tip and a one-sided bevel, you need to slightly fuse the sections of each leaf in order to give the future product the greatest effect.
  4. In the same way, using a soldering iron, you need to give the workpieces a sheet structure. You need to act extremely carefully and accurately, because you can easily make a hole in the plastic. Such a leaf with outlined veins and slightly fused edges will look complete.
  5. Using a hot needle, you need to melt several holes at the “leg” of each leaf in order to attach them.
  6. Using thin wire, form branches and screw them to a steel wire frame.

It would also be a great idea to make a new chandelier in the form of a lampshade for a floor lamp or a table lamp. Thus, it will be a great addition to the previous product!

Chandelier with paper butterflies

The most common product option is a chandelier with butterflies. And this is not without reason. Let's start with the fact that this option looks luxurious and expensive, and secondly, its production does not require any special physical costs. Thus, even a child can participate in creating a chandelier.

Process of creation:

  1. It is based on either an old chandelier or a similar frame. If you don’t have one, then you can take the simplest wooden or metal rim. If such material is not available, then, as an option, you can take thick wire and make about 2-3 skeins, so that a circle is formed.
  2. Cut out butterflies from paper according to the template. You need to take the butterfly template and adjust it to the desired size. The option also looks very unusual when butterflies of several sizes are located on the chandelier (again, depending on desire). Transfer the outlines onto paper and carefully cut out, preferably with a sharpened stationery knife, or small, non-rounded scissors. For the templates themselves, it is better to use a material that is dense, does not become very dirty and does not attract dust. For example, velvet paper is very poorly suited for the product, because in the future you will need to vacuum the chandelier quite often.
  3. Take a nylon thread or transparent fishing line and attach the butterflies to it. There are two types of fastening: either piercing the bodies of the butterflies, or gluing them with silicone glue.
  4. Next, we attach the threads with butterflies to the base of the frame and decorate it.
  5. You can also try interesting option, if you make a wire ball! It should be based on a pendant from a chandelier and placed on it using glue gun several butterfly patterns.

Fabric chandelier

This chandelier is also based on a frame. As in the previous version, either old metal frames or thick wire are suitable for its manufacture.

After you have pre-prepared the base, start cutting out the fabric from which the lampshade will be made in the future. How long the finished product will be depends on your desire, but it is worth considering that the width of the fabric must be the same as the diameter of the frame! Once you finish the pattern, you need to do a fitting.

Another nuance is that the top of the fabric will need to be sewn directly on the frame, which means that it (the frame) must be solid. Otherwise, if it is possible to thread it directly into the fabric, then you should first fold the top edge of the pattern and stitch it, and then iron it. Then we sew a seam on the side of the product.

To prevent the lampshade from losing its shape, you should pay due attention to the material. If the fabric is too light, “airy,” then the bottom of the product should be weighted. You can use cardboard or fishing line for this.

Carefully sewn fringe, lace or braid will look just as beautiful. But do not “overload” the product! The process of creating a fabric chandelier is similar to making a lace chandelier. So you can safely experiment with the materials that are placed on the frame.

Lamp made of threads and a balloon


  • dense threads, such as wool, cotton, or jute rope– at least 1 meter;
  • cartridge;
  • petrolatum;
  • PVA glue;
  • a brush for applying glue and Vaseline (it is advisable that the brush does not fade);
  • 1 or 2 pieces balloons(the first in order to work with it, and the second in order to check the finished product, if desired);

Process of creation:

  1. Inflate the balloon to a certain size and secure it. Remember that the finished work will exactly follow the outline of the ball! Using a marker, draw a couple of circles at the top and bottom in order to determine the boundaries of thread winding.
  2. Using a brush, coat the entire perimeter of the ball with Vaseline.
  3. Pour PVA into a plastic container and thoroughly process the threads with it (It is not advisable to apply glue to the entire length of the threads at once! Process them as you wind them around the ball!).
  4. Taking into account the boundaries that you drew with a marker, wind the threads around the ball. Do not forget that the future appearance of the product depends on the density with which you wind it.
  5. After wrapping, you need to leave the product for a day until it is completely dry; After complete drying, you need to burst the ball and remove it through the holes.
  6. Cut a spot in the top and insert the cartridge.
  7. To be completely sure that the product is strong, you can insert a balloon into it and inflate it. In a similar way, you can check the flexibility and reliability of the lampshade.

Alternatively, you can paint the structure with a spray can or acrylic paint, attach all kinds of decorative ornaments, such as butterflies, artificial flowers or beads. Also, a great idea would be to arrange several balls in the form of a bunch of grapes and fasten them together.

Wine bottle chandelier

This version of the chandelier is a little more complex than the previous ones. Making a chandelier this way is quite difficult; the manufacturing process will require care and attention. However, you will like the result!


Process of creation:

  1. First you need to prepare the bottle itself for further manipulations with it. The first step is to draw a straight line around the perimeter at the level you need. This is required in order to cut off the bottom of the bottle using a glass cutter;
  2. To avoid cutting yourself on the glass, you need to sand the sharp edges with sandpaper;
  3. Pull the wire through the neck of the bottle and then connect the socket;
  4. Attach the bottle to the frame.

You can also decorate the bottle with all kinds of decorative items, or leave it in its original form. In any case, it will look original and impressive.

The number of products on the frame depends on your desire. You can either leave one bottle or secure four or more bottles at once.

Laserdisc chandelier idea

This idea is great for those who have a large amount left in the house. laser discs, but you can’t bring yourself to throw them away. It’s worth noting right away that manufacturing options and the result can be very different. It all depends on your imagination and creativity!


  • two round wooden planks of different thicknesses, and which are slightly larger in diameter than the disks;
  • racks made of metal or wood;
  • Fluorescent Lamp;
  • magnetic switch;
  • disks.

Process of creation:

  1. Make a hole in a thicker board and install a starter with a switch in it.
  2. Then connect it all to the lamp.
  3. String disks onto the lamp.
  4. Place the stands around the discs and secure the top.

The finished product will delight its owners for a long time, and it does not require special care. It is not advisable to place this type of chandelier in a child’s room so that the child cannot harm himself (only if the chandelier hangs out of reach).

Shabby chic chandelier

To create spectacular lighting in a room, you can also make a chandelier from fabric or beads. The result will be a kind of candelabra or lampshade in the “shabby chic” style.


  • a ready-made metal or wooden frame (or it can be made from an old hoop, garden basket, thick wire);
  • socket and lamp;
  • chains and threads for decoration;
  • all kinds of beads and seed beads.

Working on such a lampshade is not difficult, but it is a very painstaking task. Such chandeliers usually consist of two or three levels of rings, which are located on top of each other. It all depends on the size of the chosen bases. If you take rings of the same diameter, the finished product will be made in the “modern” style.

One of important points is that before you start decorating the chandelier you need to paint and wrap the frames with decorative materials!

The approximate consumption of beads is:

  • For the lower part of the lampshade - 16 mm beads, about 15-17 pieces per thread;
  • For the upper part of the lampshade - 12 mm beads, about 35 pieces per thread.

Naturally, when stringing beads on a thread, you can increase or decrease their number or the degree of thread tension. But it is still advisable to stock up on materials in excess of the norm.

The essence of the work is to hang threads with beads in a “waterfall” or “cascade” so that they flow downward along the structure.

In order to create the effect of “muting” the light, you can sheathe the frame with thick fabric.

A DIY chandelier will definitely add a fresh touch, originality and beauty to your interior. You will immediately notice how the room will sparkle with new colors, and your guests will sincerely admire your creativity, hard work and original taste!

90 photos of DIY chandelier ideas

Lamps made of paper, as a hobby, came to us from China and such lamps were called Chinese lanterns in those ancient times. Such lamps are characterized by many qualities that make their manufacture not only an exciting hobby and an opportunity to communicate with children through joint thinking and design. By making such lamps you can earn good money.

We make a beautiful lamp from paper in MK with our own hands

What qualities do lamps made of paper have:
  1. Unusuality. The world has created such a huge amount different designs, type and directions for using these lamps, that it is not enough to even imagine all of them, much less describe them in one article.
  2. These lamps create diffused and slightly dimmed light, instilling romance and creating an atmosphere of mystery.
  3. Even the extraordinary external lightness and variety of shapes can give the design of rooms completely different shades. You can create them in almost all styles.
  4. With a completely negligible cost of the source material (paper), the prices of such lamps mainly depend on the quality and originality design work and design skills.

About the purpose of paper lamps:

  1. Lamps made of paper can themselves serve as both the base and frame of a table lamp.
  2. They can be a lampshade on a pre-made frame with your own hands or with the participation of some decorative elements as a basis. Such decorative elements there may be old things that have already served their purpose from mezzanines and attics
  3. These lamps do not look bad on the walls, performing the functions of sconces.
  4. It can look very elegant ceiling lamp(chandelier), both with one light bulb and with a large number of them.
  5. And finally, lamps made of paper, with which a closer acquaintance with this trend in home crafts began, are lanterns. Chinese lanterns stand out among them.

The easiest way is to make a lamp out of paper, using pre-prepared templates, from which the entire structure of the lamp is assembled according to the diagram.

Paper itself was first made in China and it was from there in the form Chinese lanterns and the art of creating unique lamps from paper began to spread as a style.

Today, many people prefer this style when making paper lamps. It is this that allows you to bring alive colors, brightness and a festive mood.

What materials will you need:
  1. Paper. Plain, offset, corrugated, glossy, different colors. The paper should be translucent, white or colored.
  2. Electric socket with wire and plug. We remove it from an old lighting fixture; if not, we purchase it in a store or market.
  3. Electric lamp. Due to the fact that a paper lamp can easily catch fire, we choose an LED light bulb.

Stationery or simply sharp knife, pencil, ruler, thread and awl.

Manufacturing and assembly of the lamp:
  1. On the back of the paper we mark the contours and create a pattern for the lamp. To make it correctly, we use a diagram, according to which we draw an outline using a pencil and ruler.
  2. We bend the paper along the outlined contours to form an accordion where necessary. There's no hurry here. The quality of the flashlight and its appearance depend on how clear and even the bends are.
  3. Insert the light bulb into the socket.
  4. We make holes in the bottom of the cartridge with an awl and pull the thread through them.
  5. We wrap the resulting lampshade around the socket, glue the edges together or simply lay them on top of each other. The latter will allow you to change light bulbs quickly without damaging the lamp.

The most difficult parts of this process arise precisely when folding paper base lamp To give the lamp more originality, you can paint it with some kind of design or even Chinese characters.

You can see how to make a lamp using these templates, see other options for making lamps from paper and cardboard, and see how lamps (aka lanterns) are made for Halloween from the same materials in our video selection.

Video selection on the topic of the article
