How to take Creon 10,000 adults dosage. Is it possible to drink Creon all the time? The released enzymes have a number of functions

According to statistics, three out of ten adults suffer from digestive disorders as a result of pancreatic enzyme deficiency. There are many reasons for this: fatty foods, harmful additives, alcohol abuse, chronic diseases of internal organs. To resume the process of digesting food, you often have to take enzyme-based medications. Creon is considered especially effective among them.

Creon - important characteristics

This drug is produced in the form of capsules with a solid structure, inside of which there are small gastro-resistant coffee-colored granules. One capsule contains 150, 300 or 450 ml of pancreatin, a substance of natural origin that is obtained from pork pancreas.

Creon belongs to the group of multienzyme agents. The enzymatic activity of pancreatin is provided by the enzyme amylase, protease and lipase. Thanks to the acid-resistant and enteric-soluble shell, the capsule, after ingestion, instantly releases enzymes using the multi-dose principle. This ensures complete distribution of enzyme microgranules throughout the intestine.

After taking the capsule, relief comes quite quickly. The unpleasant feeling in the gastrointestinal tract goes away, bloating decreases, and stool improves. After a course of treatment, the body absorbs nutrients much better and synthesizes vitamins more actively.

Current indications for use of Creon

The drug is used to treat endocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Treatment is acceptable at any age and does not depend on the causes of the pathology. Creon is indicated in the following cases:

  • Pancreatitis (reactive or chronic).
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • Condition after acute pancreatitis.
  • Recovery period for oral intake.
  • Surgical intervention followed by gastrointestinal anastomosis.
  • Gastro – or pancreatectomy.
  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome.

Creon - dose and duration of treatment

Creon is recommended to be taken during meals or after meals. Capsules must be swallowed whole without chewing. In some cases, for example, when you are young, you can pour the contents of the capsule into an acidic medium - applesauce or juice, and then take it. The dosage of the drug is determined by the disease, the severity of its symptoms, the individual needs of the patient and the composition of the food consumed.

For the treatment of cystic fibrosis, the following regimen for taking Creon is used:

  • The starting dose of lipase for patients under 4 years of age is 1000 units/kg of body during each meal; after 4 years, this dose drops to 500 units/kg.
  • The dose should be adjusted taking into account the severity of the condition and indicators of steatorrhea.
  • The maintenance dose should not exceed 10,000 units. lipase/kg per day.

For the treatment of other diseases caused by enzyme deficiency, the following treatment is acceptable:

  • The dose is calculated in accordance with the amount of fat consumed per day, and ranges from 25 to 80 thousand units. lipase at one time, or half the prescribed dose while eating snacks.

Creon - contraindications and special instructions

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug. The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with renal failure and allergies to animal protein. In addition, Creon can be canceled if the following adverse reactions occur:

  • Abnormal stool and severe bloating.
  • Allergic manifestations (urticaria, itchy skin).
  • Narrowing of the ileocecal canal of the intestine.

If you follow the rules of use, Creon perfectly helps to improve digestion and alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of some pancreatic diseases. The drug is approved even for infants and pregnant women. But spontaneously prescribing medication without the knowledge of the doctor can greatly harm your health.

What is Creon and for what purpose is it used? Creon contains a mixture of enzymes under the general name “pancreatin”.
? promotes food digestion. The enzymes included in its composition are obtained from the pancreas of pigs.

Creon capsules contain small granules that slowly release pancreatin in your intestines (the acid-resistant granules are called mini-microspheres), this form of release is more effective than tablets due to the mechanism described above.

The drug is used to treat adults and children whose bodies are not able to digest food on their own because their pancreas does not produce enough enzymes necessary for this.

Stones in the bile ducts

Often occurs in people with:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • genetically determined disease;
  • blockage of the ducts: common bile or pancreas;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • operations with removal of part or all of the gland (complete or partial pancreatectomy);
  • oncological diseases of the pancreas;
  • partial or complete resection of the stomach (full or partial gastrectomy);
  • gastrectomy (Billroth II);
  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, a rare genetic disease.

Creon will help your body absorb proteins, fats and carbohydrates from food.

How does Creon work?

Creon enzymes break down food at the level of the small intestine. It is necessary to use it directly during meals, both main and additional. This will help the enzymes to be evenly distributed throughout the food.


The therapeutic effect of this drug manifests itself at the level of the digestive tract. Being proteins in origin, enzymes, after performing their function, are broken down into their components: peptides and amino acids. In this regard, classical pharmacokinetic studies have not been carried out.

Must know before using the drug

In case of allergic reactions, Creon should be used with caution.

Don't use it:

If you are allergic to pancreatin extracted from porcine pancreas or any other part of this drug:

  • In acute pancreatitis with hypersecretory activity;
  • For gout, kidney disease, or high levels of uric acid in the blood;
  • With exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

If in doubt, consult your doctor.

special instructions

Patients with cystic fibrosis who received the drug in large doses complained about the function of the digestive tract. As a result, fibrosing colonopathy was identified - narrowing of the lumen of the final part of the small intestine and all parts of the large intestine. Further additional cohort studies did not find a relationship between the use of the drug Creon 10000 and the appearance of fibrosing colonopathy, both in the main and in the control groups. In order to timely prevent the development of such complications in patients with cystic fibrosis using the drug at a dose exceeding 10,000 units/kg/day, if unusual symptoms appear (pain in the stomach, bowel problems, nausea, etc.), consultation with the treating physician is necessary doctor and appropriate medical examination.

Creon and other drugs

Taking Creon and other drugs is not safe

Please tell your doctor whether you have taken or continue to take any medications, including over-the-counter medications, vitamins and homeopathic medications.

Pregnancy and lactation

If you are pregnant or want to become pregnant, consult your doctor for advice before using any drug, whether tablet or other form of medication. The doctor will advise in what doses it will be safe to use. The drug can be used during breastfeeding.

Impact on the speed of reactions, the ability to concentrate when driving vehicles and other mechanisms. It is unlikely that the use of Creon will affect your ability to drive vehicles and operate mechanisms.

How to take the drug

Take exactly as directed and as recommended by your doctor.

Do not take at the same time as other enzyme preparations without first discussing with your doctor.

If you have a lot of minor meals during the day, make sure not to exceed the maximum dose.

How much to take

Take medications only as prescribed by your doctor

The dose is measured in lipase units. Lipase is one of the enzymes in pancreatin. Different concentrations of Creon contain different amounts of lipase.

Follow your doctor's instructions for the dose of medication you need.

The dose depends on your disease, body weight, food preferences, and the presence of steatorrhea.

Tell your doctor if you still have problems with bowel movements; your dose of medication may need to be adjusted.

For cystic fibrosis:

Based on body weight, the amount of the drug is selected, with children up to 4 years of age initially prescribed lipase units/kg, and older children - 500 lipase units/kg for any meal.

Do not exceed the level of 10,000 units/kg/day. The dosage of the medicine is adjusted taking into account the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

For other conditions accompanied by a lack of pancreatic enzymes, the dose is selected taking into account the amount of fat in the diet. The main table contains 20,000–75,000 units of EP lipase, and the additional table contains 5000–25,000 units of EP lipase.

Initial level - 10,000 -25,000 IU of EP lipase with the main meal (do not confuse with Creon 1000 IU).

When is Creon most effective?

Directly during a meal, or a short time after. This will allow the enzymes to mix evenly with the food bolus and better break it down.

How to use

Taking enzymes with meals

Swallow whole without breaking or chewing the capsules. If swallowing function is impaired (weak patients, elderly patients), as well as when prescribing the medicine to small children, you can carefully open the capsule and mix the contents with food pH< 5,5 (кефир, яблочный сок, морковное или банановое пюре). Такая смесь не подлежит хранению, и применению после длительного хранения, употребляется непосредственно после приготовления.

The amount of fluid you drink per day should be greater when taking medication. This instruction is mandatory.

In case of overdose:

Drink plenty of water and consult a doctor. Large doses of pancreatin cause hyperproduction of uric acid (hyperuricosuria and hyperuricemia).

If you forget to take Creon

If you forget to take one dose, take your regular dose at your next meal. There is no need to double the dose of medication to compensate.

If you stop taking the drug.

Do not stop taking it without consulting your doctor.

Side effects:

Nausea and vomiting may occur when taking Creon in large doses.

Like any drug, Creon can cause side effects. The following adverse reactions were identified in clinical studies in patients using Creon.
Adverse reactions are classified as follows:

  • Very common - more than 1 patient out of 10;
  • Frequent - less than 1 patient out of 10;
  • Uncommon - less than 1 patient 100;
  • Rare -< 1 пациента из 1000;
  • Very rare -< 1 пациента из 10000;

With unknown frequency - there is no sufficient data.

  • A very common occurrence is pain in the stomach area.
  • Common: dyspepsia (constipation, nausea, vomiting), diarrhea, bloating.

These symptoms may be caused by the disease itself for which Creon is used. As a result of clinical studies, stomach pain and diarrhea in patients taking Creon appeared with the same or less frequency than in those who did not take it.

Skin rash
  • Infrequent reactions - temporary skin rashes.
  • With unknown frequency - itching and urticaria.

You may also see:

  • violation of the integrity of the oral mucosa if the capsule is bitten or chewed;
  • swelling and pain in the joints due to gout, as a result of overproduction of uric acid;
  • increased blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) or decreased (hypoglycemia);
  • sore throat and cough.

Despite the lack of any data on this issue, it is necessary to warn that since the drug is extracted from the pancreas of pigs, it theoretically may contain some viruses. Thus, a person taking the drug could theoretically get a viral infection.

If symptoms intensify or side effects not listed in the instructions occur, consult your doctor.

How to store the drug

The storage temperature should not exceed 25 °C, the packaging is tightly closed. Store in a place out of reach of children!

Best before date

We store medicines in the first aid kit

Maximum 2 years from date of issue.

From the moment the bottle is opened, use within 3 months.

A doctor's prescription is not required to dispense the drug.

Useful information about the contents of the package

; Creon 25000

Active ingredients: lipase, protease, amylase.

Additional Ingredients: Cetyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol, dimethicone, hypromellose phthalate and triethyl citrate.
The capsule wall consists of: titanium dioxide, red iron oxide, sodium lauryl sulfate, gelatin and yellow iron oxide.

Creon 1000 is not produced by a pharmaceutical company. In pharmacies you will find Creon 10000 and Creon 25000, but not Creon 1000.

Capsule with micro-spheres

What Creon looks like and contents of the package

Gelatin capsules with an opaque brown cap and a colorless transparent base, filled with brown granules.


  1. Creon 10000;
  2. Box with 2 blisters of 10 capsules;
  3. Box with HDPE bottle of 20 capsules;
  4. Box with HDPE bottle of 50 capsules;
  5. Box with HDPE bottle of 100 capsules.

Creon 10000 is a unique medicine that is used for disorders of the digestive system not only in adults, but also in children.

Today, every third person suffers from stomach problems. Poor nutrition, abuse of alcohol and fatty foods, and excess weight are the most common causes of disorders in the digestive system.

Improper eating behavior is the cause of insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function. Normally, juices are secreted in the amount necessary for the digestion of food, but if they deviate, vitamin deficiency and serious health problems arise, the solution of which requires the use of an enzyme preparation that normalizes the digestive process. Creon 10000 is one of these medications.

Main characteristics of the drug

This medicine looks like this: hard two-color capsules in a gelatin shell, inside of which there are minimicrosphere granules of light brown color.

One capsule of Creon includes: 150 milligrams of pancreatin (from the pig pancreas), 10,000 units of lipase, amylase, proteolytic enzymes.

Creon 10000 is an enzyme remedy that is used for insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas. Suitable for treatment for both children and adults.

The drug gradually dissolves in the gastrointestinal tract, and minimicrospheres with enzymes are mixed with the contents of the intestine and contribute to their better redistribution. In the small intestine, the membrane dissolves and enzymes are released, subsequently breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Thus, due to enzymes, our body is saturated with useful substances and microelements.

Indications for use

Insufficient exocrine function of the pancreas in children and adults, caused by all kinds of diseases of the digestive system, as well as:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastrectomy;
  • pancreatic cancer.

Use by children

The drug Creon for children is prescribed for a lack of enzymes as a result of disturbances in the physiological development of the digestive system. There are complaints of stool instability, increased gas formation, heaviness after eating, belching, etc. Such children eat little, are sickly, and are underweight. Creon 10000 helps improve food digestion due to the enzymes it contains - compounds that take part in the process of breaking down nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates down to the smallest, which enter the bloodstream.

Even the smallest children - infants - can be given the drug Creon. It is considered the safest and most acceptable remedy for them.

How to take medicine for a baby? Creon 10000 is prescribed by a doctor in small doses for a short period of time to avoid disruptions in the natural functioning of the pancreas. When prescribing, the degree of the disease and the age of the child are taken into account.

If a very young child is unable to swallow such large capsules, pour the contents into milk or baby food. Make sure the liquid is not too hot! Divide the daily dose of the drug into 3 parts and give it to the baby for the first time - before meals, the second time - during meals, and the third time - after meals.

This remedy is usually well tolerated by children. In rare cases, side effects may occur; it depends on the characteristics of the individual person’s body. It is important that it is prescribed for children with allergies.

Results after use

With systematic treatment with Creon, positive changes in digestive processes and complete absorption of nutrients are observed. Children quickly gain weight, intestinal dysfunction is eliminated, flatulence and intestinal colic disappear.

Reviews from mothers about the use of Creon by their children confirm its effectiveness and benefits. They distinguish Creon among other enzyme medicines and note the solution to digestive problems: eliminates painful stomach problems, normalizes stool, eliminates belching.

How to use

Dosing of Creon involves taking into account individual factors: the intensity of disturbances in the digestion of food and the composition of the food consumed, the person’s weight. Children under 4 years of age are prescribed 1000 units per day. lipase per kilogram of weight. Children from 4 to 12 years old 500 units. for every kg. Adult patients 10,000-40,000 units. with every meal.

Take the drug orally, while eating or after a meal. Swallow the tablets whole, do not crush or bite them - this will damage their enteric coating and cause mucosal irritation. Take capsules with plenty of liquid, especially if you are dehydrated.

If swallowing is difficult (in older people), it is necessary to open the capsule and mix the contained minimicrospheres with a soft, sour-tasting food or drink it with an acidified liquid. Similar products include: yoghurts, juices, jelly. Do not store food mixed with medicine, but eat only freshly prepared food.


Individual intolerance to components, in which the doctor prescribes similar enzyme preparations, inflammation of the pancreas, aggravated or acute pancreatitis. In such cases, you can observe a deterioration in the patient's condition.

When treating children with Creon for a long time, consult a specialist regularly.

Side effects are very rare. However, there are complaints of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea, rash and itching, and allergies.

After prolonged use, you can quickly gain excess body weight, so you must adhere to the diet prescribed by your doctor.

When using Creon by children, no particular side effects were found, and if any occurred, they were similar to the reactions of adults.

Storage conditions

Creon 10000 is available without a doctor's prescription. The drug should be stored in a tightly closed container, the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees, the shelf life is about two years. The opened package is no more than six months old. Keep out of reach of children.

Some features

The drug does not affect the ability to drive. The effect on the fetus and the course of pregnancy have not been studied. Combination with other drugs has not been studied.

In patients with cystic fibrosis taking large amounts of the drug pancreatin, strictures of the colon and cecum were detected. If you notice unusual changes in the abdominal area, immediately undergo a medical examination.


Many medications have analogues - products with similar components in the composition and having a similar therapeutic effect. Creon has these: Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin.

Analogues and the original drug have a difference in price. The cost of analogues is much cheaper, but doctors advise using Creon. This can be explained by the precise ratio of medicinal components and the absence of bile acid in the composition, therefore such drugs are more effective and can be taken by people with diseases of the biliary tract.

Instructions for use of Creon describe the features of use and properties of a multienzyme drug intended to normalize digestive processes. Creon 10000 and Creon 25000 based on pancreatic enzymes restore impaired pancreatic functions and promote the breakdown and complete absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates supplied with food.

Creon 1000 and Creon 25000: description

Creon is an enzyme preparation whose action is aimed at eliminating digestive disorders that develop as a result of insufficient functioning of the pancreas. The medication activates the production of digestive enzymes and ensures complete processing of food entering the stomach.

The active substance of Creon - pancreatin, contains a complex of basic digestive enzymes of animal origin (lipase, protease and amylase). Under their influence, the breakdown and digestion of essential nutrients (fats, proteins, carbohydrates) is accelerated and their absorption is improved, which allows you not to overload the digestive system and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Creon is produced in the form of enteric capsules, each of which contains hundreds of mini-microspheres. After ingestion, the capsule shell quickly dissolves, releasing microspheres with digestive enzymes.

Mixing with the contents of the stomach, mini-microspheres facilitate the distribution of enzymes, but are not broken down until they reach the small intestine. Here, at a pH level > 5.5, their enteric coating is dissolved and pancreatic enzymes are released, providing the necessary therapeutic effect.

In what forms is Creon produced?

Creon is produced in a single form - in the form of hard gelatin capsules with different concentrations of the active substance:

  • Creon 25000;
  • Creon 40000.

When is Creon prescribed?

The main indication for prescribing an enzyme preparation is a decrease in pancreatic function due to various pathological processes. Thus, with pancreatitis, an inflammatory process develops in the tissues of the organ, which is accompanied by a decrease in the production of digestive enzymes. As a result, food that enters the stomach is poorly broken down and absorbed.

Moving into the intestines, the remains of undigested food cause fermentation and putrefactive processes, which most negatively affects the state of the digestive system and contributes to a deterioration in overall well-being.

Thanks to the content of digestive enzymes, Creon 10000 accelerates the breakdown of food and its passage into the intestines, where complete absorption of nutrients occurs. In essence, taking Creon is a replacement therapy aimed at eliminating negative symptoms, normalizing the functions of the digestive tract and improving the patient’s quality of life. Based on this, Creon is prescribed for the following pathological conditions that provoke pancreatic enzyme insufficiency:

  • (chronic);
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome;
  • obstruction of the organ ducts due to a tumor process;
  • conditions after pancreatectomy (removal of the pancreas);
  • pancreas cancer;
  • decreased activity of digestive enzymes in old age.

In addition, Creon 10000 is included in the complex treatment of various digestive disorders caused by chronic diseases (hepatitis, gastritis, cirrhosis of the liver). This drug is used after cholecystectomy (removal of the gallbladder), partial resection of the stomach, for duodenitis, biliary obstruction and excessive proliferation of bacteria in the small intestine.

In pediatrics, Creon is often prescribed to children during the recovery period after intestinal infections, to relieve diarrhea of ​​any origin and to eliminate the symptoms of cystic fibrosis.

How to take Creon 10000, 25000?

According to the instructions, Creon tablets are taken whole during meals, without chewing, with a sufficient volume of liquid. In this case, half or a third of the recommended dose should be taken before meals, and the rest during meals. The doctor selects the dose of the drug individually, taking into account the specifics of the disease, the concentration of the active substance in the drug and nutritional characteristics, that is, the specific diet that the patient adheres to.

During treatment, it is recommended to pay special attention to sufficient fluid intake, otherwise constipation may occur. It is important to swallow the capsule whole, since chewing the mini-microspheres will destroy their shell, which protects digestive enzymes from the aggressive effects of gastric juice.

Creon 10000 is prescribed to children, as this form of the drug is well suited for the treatment of minor intestinal disorders. The initial dosage of the drug for cystic fibrosis for children under 4 years of age is calculated based on the ratio - 1000 lipase units per 1 kg of body weight, for children over 4 years old - 500 units / 1 kg (for each meal). In this case, the maximum daily dosage should not exceed 10,000 units/1 kg of weight.

If a small child is unable to swallow the capsule, it should be carefully opened and the contents mixed with liquid or pH neutral liquid baby food. That is, the drug cannot be mixed with acidic drinks and food, and mini-microspheres cannot be crushed so as not to destroy their shell.

Preparations Creon 25000 and 40000, with a much higher concentration of pancreatin, are used for acute disturbances of enzyme activity and severe deterioration of the condition. So, according to the instructions, Creon 25000 is recommended for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Creon 40000 is prescribed to adult patients, and in both cases the doctor selects the dosage of the drug taking into account the severity of digestive disorders, the fat content in the diet and the individual characteristics of the patient.

A single dose of the drug can vary from 20 to 75 thousand units with the main meal and range from 5 to 25 thousand lipase units with light snacks.


The following conditions are contraindications to taking an enzyme preparation:

  • acute forms of pancreatitis;
  • relapse (exacerbation) of chronic pancreatitis;
  • individual intolerance to pancreatitis of animal origin and other components of the drug.

As you can see, there are very few restrictions on the use of Creon. However, during pregnancy and breastfeeding it is prescribed extremely rarely and only when the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the possible risk to the fetus or infant. This limitation is due to the fact that there is no reliable clinical data on the safety of using the enzyme agent in this category of patients.

Adverse reactions

Despite the fact that Creon 10000, 25000 is well tolerated by most patients, in some cases, taking the drug can provoke adverse reactions, expressed by dyspeptic symptoms (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). If you do not maintain the required fluid balance during treatment and do not drink enough fluids, constipation may occur.

In persons with hypersensitivity, the use of the drug may provoke allergic reactions (rash, hyperemia, itching).

The use of an enzyme agent in high doses in the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis sometimes leads to strictures of the appendix and ileum or provokes the development of colitis. Therefore, if a patient takes Creon in increased doses, attention should be paid to any alarming symptoms in the abdominal cavity.

Patients (including children) diagnosed with cystic fibrosis who have been taking Creon 25000 for a long time must be under the supervision of a specialist.

The price of Creon depends on the content of the active substance and the number of capsules in the package. On average, Creon 10,000 costs 230 rubles, Creon 25,000 costs from 600 rubles, Creon 40,000 costs from 1,200 rubles.

The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, but you should not self-medicate, since only a specialist can calculate the correct dose of the enzyme and give recommendations for its use.

Therefore, before purchasing a medicine, be sure to undergo an examination and, after confirming the diagnosis, consult a doctor. The specialist will select the optimal remedy for you and tell you about the features of taking it in case of insufficient enzyme activity of the pancreas.

This medicine is of animal origin, since the enzymes included in its composition are obtained from the pancreas of pigs. As part of replacement therapy, Creon is used for pancreatitis, pancreatotomy and gastrectomy (removal of part of the pancreas and stomach), cystic fibrosis and other diseases with pancreatic enzyme deficiency.

How to choose the right drug

Enzyme replacement treatment is the only option that can be used to prevent the formation of scarring and degenerative changes in the tissues of the pancreas, as well as to reduce the intensity of pain and eliminate digestive disorders. The range of pancreatin preparations is very large, but for chronic pancreatitis the most important selection criteria are:

  • levels of lipase, amylase and proteases;
  • the most suitable dosage form.

Therefore, at the present time, Creon is the drug of choice. It contains an optimal ratio of pancreatic enzymes.

It is available in 3 dosages: 10, 25 and 40 thousand IU (Units according to the European Pharmacopoeia). The manufacturer of this medicine is the well-known company Solvay Pharma, Germany.

Taking Creon for unexpressed clinical manifestations of a lack of pancreatic enzymes is necessary in a dosage of ME twice a day. For intense symptoms of digestive disorders, the daily dose can be increased to ME. But only a specialist can accurately establish the regimen and course of treatment.

How to take Creon for any diseases accompanied by enzymatic deficiency should be indicated by the doctor when selecting the individual dosage. The initial dosage is usually 10,000–25,000 IU. The daily amount varies from place to place. The doctor also decides how long the course will last.

The condition of patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis is monitored twice a year. The complete regimen of anti-relapse therapy includes the use of:

  • diet table No. 5p;
  • a course of enzyme preparations lasting 4-6 weeks;
  • antispasmodics (No-spa, Duspatalin) or prokinetics (Motilak, Domrid, Motilium) for a course of 2-3 weeks to relieve spasms;
  • choleretic agents for a duration of 2-3 weeks if necessary.

In foreign practice, to eliminate pain, it is preferable to use pancreatin preparations that do not have enteric coatings, the effect of which begins to develop already in the stomach. To protect enzymes from the action of gastric juice, these drugs are combined with proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole and subsequent representatives). But there are no such pancreatin preparations on the domestic market, so Creon is considered the most effective remedy.

Why Creon

According to numerous studies and reviews from specialists, Creon, unlike many similar drugs, has a rapid clinical effect, which allows you to quickly reduce the severity of pain, expand the range of dietary nutrition, eliminate symptoms of flatulence, reduce the number of bowel movements, and also normalize stool consistency. The time to achieve the first effect, thanks to the specialized dosage form, is only 4-5 minutes.

Minimicrospheres have a shell that dissolves only in the intestine. They are specially enclosed in a gelatin capsule to make it easy to take. When exposed to the acidic gastric environment, the gelatin capsule disintegrates, and small enteric mini-microspheres are distributed throughout the food. Then, as part of the bolus of food, they move into the small intestine, where, under the influence of an alkaline environment, the active substances are released. They promote rapid breakdown and complete absorption of all nutrients.

Indications and contraindications of the drug

It is used as a replacement treatment for pancreatic enzyme deficiency, which is observed in the following diseases and conditions:

  • cystic fibrosis;
  • chronic form of pancreatitis;
  • pancreatomy (removal of part);
  • gastric resection (removal of part);
  • gastrectomy (complete removal);
  • malignant neoplasms of the pancreas;
  • blockage of the pancreatic or common bile ducts;
  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome.

To answer the question whether it is possible to drink Creon during an exacerbation of pancreatitis, you need to look at the instructions. The contraindications section states that it, like other pancreatic enzyme preparations, is not used in the acute form of the disease, as well as during exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis. This is due to the fact that at this time the inflamed pancreas often produces increased amounts of enzymes.

As a result, the pancreas digests its own tissues and has a negative effect on other organs. Its use in the form of replacement therapy is possible only during the period when the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis subside. Another contraindication is an allergy to the components of the medicine, which is very individual.

Negative phenomena and analogues

Side effects during treatment with this multienzyme drug predominated in the digestive tract. The most common symptoms were abdominal pain, slightly less commonly diarrhea, and nausea, vomiting, constipation and bloating. In addition to dyspeptic disorders, there were rare side effects in the form of rashes, urticaria and itching.

All pancreatin preparations can be divided according to dosage form and composition, which determine the bioavailability and effectiveness of the drug. Analogues in the pharmacological group are enteric tablets:

  • Gastenorm forte;
  • Mezim forte;
  • PanziCam;
  • Panzim Forte;
  • Pakreazim;
  • Pancreatin-LecT;
  • Penzital;
  • Enzistal;
  • Unienzymes MPS;
  • Pankreoflat, which in addition to pancreatin contains dimethicone for bloating and flatulence.

Another combined form of enzyme preparations is represented by enteric tablets Festal. It contains pancreatin, bile and hemicellulase. Manufacturer: Aventis Pharma (India).

Dosage forms similar to Creon have:

  • Mikrasim and Panzinorm, which are produced in the form of capsules with pellets inside;
  • Pangrol – capsules with mini-tablets;
  • capsules with Ermital microtablets, which are the main competitor of Creon.

The frequently asked question: “Which is better: Ermital or Creon, Creon or Mezim?” can be easily answered by contacting a qualified doctor. According to reviews of leading domestic specialists and scientists, Creon is the No. 1 drug of choice for the treatment of pain and enzymatic deficiency in chronic pancreatitis.

Is it possible to drink Creon all the time?

athletes, read about it here.

Creon - instructions for use, indications, dosage for children and adults, side effects, analogues and price

Stool disturbances, manifested by frequent diarrhea, constant exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, forcing one to go on therapeutic diets: in these situations, gastroenterologists often prescribe Creon - the instructions for use state that it can be used even on an ongoing basis. A large number of positive reviews from patients also generate confidence in this medicine, but is it safe and effective?

Medicine Creon

This remedy belongs to the group of enzyme preparations that compensate for insufficient pancreatic function or are recommended for use to prevent digestive disorders due to dietary errors. There are many indications for the use of Creon: it is prescribed for the treatment of cystic fibrosis and pancreatitis, it helps to suppress excess pancreatic secretion and even has a weak analgesic effect on it, therefore eliminating abdominal pain. However:

  • Even with a large number of positive reviews, due to its composition (pancreatin is obtained from the pancreas of pigs), some experts consider it unsafe.
  • Creon does not heal, but improves digestion processes by performing replacement therapy. When you stop taking the pills, the situation will go back to square one.

Composition and release form

Some sources mention dragees or Creon tablets, but this medicine does not have such dosage forms: the only option that can be found on the shelves of domestic pharmacies are capsules containing beige mini-microspheres with pork pancreatin, which is the active substance. The shell is enteric, gelatin-based, the capsules are small in size, so they are easy to swallow even for a child. Pharmacies offer several dosages:

Pancreatin, found in gelatin capsules and being the only active substance, consists of 3 digestive enzymes: amino acids lipase, amylase and proteinase. Auxiliary components are macrogol, paraffin, several iron oxides, titanium dioxide, dimethicone, gelatin. What dose of lipase and other enzymes each version of the drug contains can be seen in this table:

Attention! Proven remedies for gastrointestinal problems

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The enzyme composition of Creon, according to the official instructions, is aimed at facilitating the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which will then be completely absorbed in the small intestine. When it enters the intestine, the contents of the capsule are released, mixed with food, and then enzymes are distributed to process the intestinal contents. The result of this process is influenced by intestinal enzymes or absorbed directly. The drug exhibits maximum enzyme activity half an hour after taking the capsule.

Indications for use

As you can find out from the official instructions, Creon is necessary in a situation where pancreatic enzymes cannot be produced independently or are synthesized in small quantities, which leads to disruption of the digestion process and incomplete absorption of enzymes in the intestines. The use of this drug may be justified even for prophylactic purposes if a person decides to eat heavy food. However, the main indications for use in the official instructions are pancreatic enzyme insufficiency, which occurs when:

  • gastrointestinal diseases (especially chronic pancreatitis);
  • pancreatic cancer;
  • previous gastrectomy;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • obstructions of the bile ducts.

How to take Creon

The information provided in the official instructions states that the drug Creon is used in full dosage only for main meals, and if the capsule needs to be taken with a snack, half the dose is taken. For this reason, if for the main treatment the doctor considers it necessary to use 25 thousand units at a time, then you will have to additionally buy 10 thousand units and drink these capsules with a snack. A few more points:

  • In order to prevent constipation, the instructions advise taking the capsules with plenty of water and maintaining fluid balance throughout the day.
  • If you need to open the capsule, its contents should be mixed with a sour, homogeneous food: apple juice/sauce, yogurt are excellent. Please note that the food should not be hot - this will lead to the dissolution of the microspheres before they mix with the contents of the stomach.
  • The contents of the capsules are for single use: you cannot mix them with food and eat half of them now and put the rest in the refrigerator for a while.
  • The duration of use, according to the instructions, can be several years if there is congenital digestive insufficiency that requires replacement therapy.

Creon 10000

For prophylactic purposes, to prevent a feeling of heaviness after eating, nausea or abdominal pain, doctors prescribe a single use of the drug in a concentration of ED. The initial dosage will be 1 capsule, which should be taken with the main meal (not a couple of sandwiches), washed down with plenty of warm water, or taken after meals. For chronic diseases of the digestive tract and temporary digestive disorders, you can keep this dosage, taking it 1 to 3 times a day. The duration of treatment (if necessary) is discussed with the doctor.

Creon 25000

If the pancreas does not independently produce the amount of enzymes required for digesting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, Creon 25000 is prescribed for continuous use. For the main meal this is the minimum dose, but if necessary, it may be recommended to take 3 capsules (i.e. 70 thousand units ) – their exact number is determined by the severity of the disease. Additionally, the instructions note:

  • For cystic fibrosis, the dose is calculated by weight and can reach up to 10 thousand units per kg of body weight.
  • If necessary, take less than half of the capsule at the beginning of a meal, and the remaining minimicrospheres towards the end.

Dosage 40000

A high concentration (400 mg of pancreatin per capsule) of the active substance is needed for people whose body condition requires replacement therapy with pancreatic enzymes: for prevention, naED capsules are not purchased. The use is discussed with the doctor, the classic dosage starts with 1 capsule for each meal and, calculated individually, increases to 10 thousand units/kg.

Creon for children

In addition to individual dosage calculations, the official instructions indicate the need to additionally prepare the drug for use in children: to do this, pour the contents of the capsule into liquid or soft food that does not need to be chewed. In this form, Creon is given to infants and people whose swallowing mechanism is impaired. Afterwards, it is important to take a large amount of liquid to prevent the microspheres from settling in the oral cavity. The dosage calculation should be carried out by a pediatrician; the official instructions provide only approximate recommendations:

  • For cystic fibrosis, a child under 4 years of age is prescribed 1000 units per kg of body weight. Children over this age are given 500 units per kg of weight.
  • Newborns are given half the contents of the VED capsule (i.e. 5000 units), but only under the supervision of a pediatrician.

special instructions

If a patient suffering from cystic fibrosis has been prescribed Creon for long-term use, he should be constantly monitored by a doctor: medical statistics claim that in such a situation, narrowing of the ileum, small intestine and cecum was often diagnosed. Additionally, all patients who take more than 10 thousand units per kg daily require monitoring to prevent fibrosing colopathy, although studies have not shown a direct connection between this pathology and the use of Creon. There are several other equally important points:

  • The animal origin of pancreatin, on which the drug works, makes possible a theoretical risk of transmission of infection. During the entire existence of Creon and its administration to patients, such cases have not been recorded, but the instructions mention this moment as probable.
  • The drug has no effect on the nervous system or brain function, so it can be used in situations that require increased concentration and attention.
  • Cases of overdose are rare, mainly manifested by symptoms of hyperuricuria/hyperuricemia, requiring (according to the official instructions) symptomatic treatment and discontinuation of the drug.
  • Long-term use of this drug should be accompanied by the prescription of medications containing iron, since Creon reduces its absorption.

During pregnancy

The instructions accompanying the drug say that there is no exact data on the effect of pancreatin on a woman during pregnancy and on a child in the womb, so it is not officially recognized as dangerous. It does not have teratogenic properties, but continuous use should be discussed with a doctor. Mostly pregnant women are prescribed Creon 10000.

Creon during breastfeeding

As with the treatment of pregnant women with pancreatin, there is no exact data on the combination of lactation and this active substance. Enzyme preparations can be used during breastfeeding if they are used once and in small dosages (for dietary errors, indigestion, etc.). However, if they are prescribed as replacement therapy, you should first consult your doctor.

How long can you take Creon?

How long can you take Creon without a break?

How long can you take Creon?

How long can you drink Creon?

How often can you drink Creon?

How long can you take Creon?

The drug Creon is prescribed to people who have problems with the pancreas.

It is necessary to highlight the main indications for which Creon is prescribed:

To find out how long you can take Creon, you need to look at the instructions for the drug. It must be in the packaging of the medicine; if you have lost it, you can read it here.

Having opened the instructions, you should find the section: "Methods of use and doses."

First, you read information that the dose must be set by a doctor, but there is no information about the timing of administration. You must conclude that only a doctor can determine how long you should take Creon.

How many times a day can you drink Creon?

The drug improves digestion due to the enzymes it contains. And you should take it with food. Therefore, it is usually taken as many times a day as a person eats - we are not talking about snacks, but about full meals. Therefore, we can assume that Creon is taken three times a day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes the drug is taken during snacks, but rarely.

The dose of the drug is determined individually, based on the disease and condition of the patient. That is why Creon is available in several dosages, and 40,000, the numbers indicate the lipase content. Therefore, it is usually considered that a person drinks 1 capsule three times a day.

Creon is prescribed to improve digestion and taken with meals.

Children of one year old are prescribed to take this medicine 1/3 capsule (1 capsule should be divided into 3 parts), but not 3, but 2 times a day.

One-year-old children are prescribed half a capsule to drink Creon 3 times a day.

One-year-old children are prescribed Creon to drink 1 capsule, also 3 times a day.

For adults - 3 times, but you can also take 1 capsule 4 times a day.

I bought Creon, then read the instructions, and did not dare to take it. I think that in order to avoid complications, you can use it only after consulting a doctor. After all, the dose of the drug is selected individually, depending on the severity of the disease and the composition of the diet. The dose also depends on body weight. Such drugs cannot be used after watching enough of our advertising, you can seriously harm yourself. So go see a specialist, maybe Creon is not right for you at all. It is better not to self-medicate; there are sad examples.

The drug Creon is prescribed for enzymatic deficiency.

We can highlight the main indications for which it is prescribed:

Capsules of this medicine should be taken during meals with plenty of water.

The dosage is taken depending on the age of the patient, and to answer the question: taken with meals three to four times a day.

The doctor prescribed CREON to me when I had severe pain and problems with the pancreas.

Creon is taken for severe pain 3 times a day with meals, if after a few days the pain has decreased, it should be taken 2 times a day (morning and evening with meals).

The course of treatment is 1 month, then the pancreas must be re-examined.

In general, the medicine is quite serious and should be taken independently as long as it is not recommended. How and how much the doctor should tell you. And you need to drink it during or immediately after eating.

In theory, after every meal, but you shouldn’t do this without your doctor’s permission.

Or try to get by with simpler analogues.

The doctor prescribed me enzymatic agents, as they say, to choose from.

He suggested taking one of these medications: Mezim, Festal, Panzinorm or Creon.

But Creon advised it as more effective than others.

I took it with meals three times a day.

But, in general, all this is individual, I agree with the previous author.

Creon - instructions for use

The pancreatic enzymes included in Creon facilitate the breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, which leads to their complete absorption in the small intestine. Capsules of the drug "Creon", containing mini-microspheres coated with an enteric coating, quickly dissolve in the stomach, releasing hundreds of mini-microspheres.

Indications for use of Creon

Creon is used as: replacement therapy for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis, pancreatectomy, pancreatic cancer, duct obstruction (pancreatic duct or common bile duct) due to neoplasm, Shwachman-Diamond syndrome, in old age; symptomatic treatment of digestive disorders during partial gastrectomy (Billroth-I/II), total gastrectomy; after cholecystectomy, with duodeno- and gastrostasis, biliary obstruction, cholestatic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis (, pathology of the terminal part of the small intestine, excessive bacterial growth in the small intestine.


Creon is used internally. The dose is selected individually depending on the severity of the disease and the composition of the diet. Creon It is recommended to take 1/3 or 1/2 of a single dose at the beginning of a meal, the rest during meals. If swallowing is difficult (for example, in small children or elderly patients), Creon capsules are carefully opened, and minimicrospheres are added to liquid food that does not require chewing, or taken with liquid. Any mixture of minimicrospheres with food or liquid cannot be stored and should be taken immediately after preparation. Crushing or chewing minimicrospheres, as well as adding them to food with a pH above 5.5, leads to the destruction of their shell, which protects against the action of gastric juice.

For cystic fibrosis, the dose of the drug "Creon" depends on body weight and is at the beginning of treatment in children under 4 years old - 1000 lipase units / kg for each meal, over 4 years - 500 lipase units / kg during meals. The dose depends on the severity of symptoms of the disease, control of steatorrhea and maintenance of good nutritional status. In most patients, the dose should not exceed 1 unit/kg/day.

For other conditions accompanied by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, the dose is set taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient (degree of digestive insufficiency, Instructions for use: fat in food). The dose of the drug "Creon" with the main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) is 20,000–75,000 IU of EP lipase, while taking a light snack - 5,000–25,000 IU of EP lipase.

The usual initial dosage of the drug "Creon" is 10,000-25,000 units of EP lipase with the main meal. To reduce steatorrhea and maintain optimal patient condition, the dose may be increased. According to usual clinical practice, the patient should receive at least 20,000–50,000 units of EP lipase with food.


Creon should not be taken in the early stages of acute pancreatitis, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to porcine pancreatin or to any other component of the drug.

Side effects

When using the drug Creon, an allergic reaction is possible, rarely - diarrhea, constipation, discomfort in the stomach, nausea.

Directions for use for children and pregnant women

The use of Creon is possible under the supervision of a physician.

Special instructions for use

Strictures of the ileum and cecum and colitis have been described in patients with cystic fibrosis who received high doses of pancreatin preparations. In case-control studies, there was no evidence of a relationship with Creon and the occurrence of fibrosing colonopathy. As a precaution to exclude colonic involvement in patients with cystic fibrosis, it is recommended to monitor any unusual symptoms or changes in the abdominal cavity - especially if the patient is taking more than IU lipase/kg/day. The drug "Creon" does not affect the ability to drive a car or control machines and mechanisms.

Questions and answers on the topic "Creon"

Question: Because giving creon to a 5 year old child? I didn't understand the instructions.

Question: Hello! Please tell me how long you can take Creon for pancreatitis. My husband experiences exacerbations of this disease about once a year, and is even taken by ambulance to the hospital. Follows a diet. I was prescribed Creon 10,000, 20 capsules in a package, taken at lunch and dinner. How often can I use this medicine? One month, two or six months in a row? Or is two weeks enough? Thank you.

Question: Hello. I am 50 years old and periodically experience pain in the left hypochondrium in the area of ​​the pancreas after eating. There is a history of chronic acalculous cholecystitis. She did an ultrasound, which showed minor diffuse changes in the pancreas. The doctor said that it was not dangerous and prescribed Creon to drink before meals. But I can’t buy Creon all the time. Please tell me, does it make sense to take Pancreatin if there is no money to buy Creon? I heard that Pancreatin is poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and is not effective enough.

Is it possible to drink Creon all the time?

We turn to a doctor for help, and for us it is important what medicine the attending physician prescribes, and not the opinion of certain people about the medicine, especially since the same drug can help someone, but not others.

Use of Creon in adults / Reviews

I eat fractionally, in small portions 5-6 times a day. I divide each Creon 25,000 capsule in half: three capsules a day is enough for me.

My husband takes Creon constantly due to problems with the pancreas and intestines. When I started having a bitter taste in my mouth, I decided to take Creon too. But it didn't help me at all. I had to go to an appointment with a gastroenterologist. It turns out that bitterness in the mouth happens for a variety of reasons and not even necessarily due to problems with the stomach and intestines! Even with diabetes, there can be a bitter taste in the mouth, as well as due to diseases of the teeth and gums! When they checked, they prescribed Allochol: it turns out I have a diseased gallbladder. Now I started taking it.

During pregnancy, I had health problems: my pancreas ached, and there were problems with my intestines. I have had pancreatitis since childhood, so I tried to follow a diet during pregnancy: I did not eat anything that could cause an exacerbation of the disease. However, the spring exacerbation of HP still did not pass me by. The gastroenterologist prescribed Creon 10,000. I took Creon for two weeks, it got better, and then I stopped taking it. Creon did not cause any negative effects in me in the form of allergies or vomiting or anything else. I took Creon before pregnancy: it always helped me.

On our website we tried to write the most important things about Creon (known today). Read!

You may also be interested in reviews from our readers about Creon analogues.

Creon and its analogues are also used athletes, read about it here.

We would like to add the following on our own behalf: do not self-medicate and be healthy!

Creon - an expert solution to digestive problems

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are quite often associated with pancreatic secretory deficiency. Digestion at the intestinal stage occurs with the help of enzymes produced by the pancreas and cells of the small intestine mucosa.

When there are not enough enzymes, the entire digestive process is disrupted. The amount of enzymes can be restored with the help of medications.

A frequently used drug is Creon. The German drug is able to restore intestinal microflora and stabilize the digestive process.

1. Indications for use

Creon is used as replacement therapy in the following cases:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • pancreatic cancer;
  • insufficiency of the endocrine function of the pancreas;
  • pancreatectomy;
  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome;
  • neoplasms due to ductal obstruction;
  • decreased enzyme formation function in older people.

As a treatment for digestive dysfunction, Creon is used in the following cases:

  • bilinary obstruction;
  • cholestatic hepatitis;
  • progressive growth of bacteria in the small intestine;
  • total gastrectomy;
  • the appearance of consequences of cholecystectomy;
  • fragmentary gastrectomy;
  • presence of liver cirrhosis;
  • disorders in the terminal intestine.

The drug Creon is prescribed as an additive to help ease the digestion process in cases of malnutrition (excessive consumption of fatty and high-calorie foods).

Creon is prescribed to patients who have undergone surgery for partial removal of the intestines or stomach in the postoperative period.

Mode of application

Creon should be taken orally during or after meals.

The medicine should be swallowed and washed down with sufficient quantity of water.

The dosage and amount of the drug is prescribed by the doctor individually, based on their diagnosis and characteristics of the disease.

Dosage of the drug in the presence of cystic fibrosis in terms of the amount of lipase:

  • children under 4 years old - up to 1000 units. per kilogram of weight;
  • children over 4 years old - 500 units. per kilogram of weight.

Take the medicine with every meal. If you have difficulty swallowing, you can open the medicinal capsule and add the granules to liquid food.

For adults, the drug is prescribed daily in the amount of food. per kilogram of weight, depending on the characteristics of the disease.

In case of disorders of the pancreas, the dosage of Creon is determined based on the results of steatorrhea and the course of the disease: units. per kilogram of weight.

To prevent constipation due to taking the drug, you should drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

You should not change the dosage of the drug yourself, as this can lead to undesirable consequences.

Composition, release form

Creon is available in soluble gelatin capsules:

  • active ingredient - pancreatin;
  • additional components - marogol, hypromellose phthalate, triethyl citrate, dimethicone, titanium dioxide, paraffin, alcohol.

Depending on the number of lipase units, the drug may have release options:

  • Creon (150 mg of active substance, lipase activity - units, amylase - 8000 units, protease - 600 units). Available in quantities of 10 or 25 pieces. in an aluminum plate, or in quantities of 20 or 50 pieces in a plastic bottle;
  • Creon (150 mg of active substance, lipase activity - units, amylase - units, protease - 1000 units). Available in quantities of 10 or 25 pieces. in an aluminum plate, or in quantities of 20, 50 or 100 pieces in a plastic bottle;
  • Creon (400 mg of active substance, lipase activity - units, amylase - units, protease - 1600 units). Available in quantities of 20, 50 or 100 pcs. in a plastic bottle.

The drug is sold in cardboard packages with instructions attached.

Interaction with other drugs

There were no drug interactions between Creon and other medications.

Concomitant use with alcohol has not been tested.

It has been noted that the drug can slightly reduce iron absorption. If necessary, an additional course of iron supplements is prescribed.

Creon is able to reduce the effect of Acarbose.

2. Side effects

The most frequently identified side effects of using Creon are expressed in changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

In addition, the following reactions may occur:

  • from skin reactions (more often in children): allergic rashes, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, itching;
  • from the immune system: sensitivity to the components of the drug, anaphylactic reaction;
  • from the genitourinary system: with long-term use in large doses - hyperuricosuria.

Important! If side effects occur as a result of taking the drug, you should immediately stop therapy and consult a doctor for advice.

A qualified specialist will be able to change the dosage or prescribe another drug to continue treatment.


Use with caution during pregnancy and feeding.


Caution during pregnancy is due to the fact that clinical trials on the effects of the drug on pregnant women have not been carried out.

In this regard, it is recommended to take Creon during pregnancy strictly under the supervision of a doctor and in small doses.

3. Storage conditions and periods

Creon 25000, Creon - store for three years.

Keep the opened packaging in a sealed condition.

4. Price

The average cost of a drug is the sum of the average price of the drug in the regions of the country.

Average price for the drug in Russia

  • Creon - 290 rubles per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon - 560 rubles per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon - 1370 rubles per bottle of 50 capsules of the drug.

Average price for the drug in Ukraine

  • Creon - 96 hryvnia per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon - 226 hryvnia per bottle of 20 capsules of the drug;
  • Creon - 1220 hryvnia for a bottle of 50 capsules of the drug.

Video on the topic: Creon - an expert solution to digestive problems

5. Analogs

Drugs may differ in release form, price, content of auxiliary components, and manufacturer.
