How to properly clean an apartment, step-by-step instructions. How to clean faster Need to clean your apartment

Cleaning the apartment... This is where every Saturday begins for a real housewife.

How to do everything so that the cleaning is done quickly and efficiently, and at the same time leave strength for your loved one? Cleaning specialists assure that this is quite possible. After all, clearly established secret methods will help. All necessary equipment can be found in .

Important Strategies

In order to make general house cleaning effective and enjoyable, you must first choose a specific strategy:

  • First strategy: clean one room at a time. The essence this method consists of dedicating one day to cleaning a specific room. So, if you have two, three, four or more rooms, then, accordingly, the cleaning will last for the same number of days. It is thanks to this method that you will not notice severe fatigue from a long cleaning process.
  • Second strategy: cleaning according to zoning. It is necessary to divide the apartment or house space into certain zones. For example, kitchen - bathroom, bedrooms, living room - hallway. Other categorizations are also possible. The important thing is that you can clean one of these areas every day at a certain time.
  • Third strategy: alternate cleaning. Objects for cleaning should be distributed alternately in order of first importance:
  1. Put things in closets and wash curtains, curtains, tulle (wash textiles, as they say, “in one fell swoop” and put things in order). can be found here.
  2. Wash the dishes, sink and tiles in the bathroom and kitchen (clean all surfaces, including the toilet and bathtub).
  3. “Deal with” the dust and wash the floors (carefully use a vacuum cleaner to upholstered furniture, carpets, wipe the dust on every shelf and the trinket standing on it, of course, wash the floor).
  • The fourth strategy: “say goodbye to the past.” It is necessary to throw away the accumulated trash, because without this main component, general cleaning will not be effective.

To do this, you need to find a large box or bag and each broken, broken, torn or unnecessary thing send it to the box, and it, accordingly, to the trash can. Also, reconsider your old things: maybe they are already tired or have gone out of fashion a long time ago.

Try selling them online or donating them to a charity. So, there will be fewer unnecessary things in the apartment, and more free space.

  • Fifth strategy: “flying lady in Russian”. Thanks to this smart strategy, the housewife does everything according to the timer and cleaning takes only 15-20 minutes a day. The main thing to consider is the basic principles of this strategy:
  1. Get to work immediately.
  2. Do all work according to clearly established time.
  3. If you are behind schedule, you should still stop working.
  4. Be sure to take care of your hands (you need to wear gloves when working).
  5. Don't "cheat".
  6. Be positive.

Rules for quick cleaning: where to start?

In order to competently organize the process of quick cleaning, you need to clearly set a goal, not be distracted by extraneous matters and follow certain rules:

  1. Compose detailed plan scheduled cleaning. You should describe in detail which surfaces should be wiped, where to vacuum and wash. The list must be compiled taking into account from largest to smallest, and removed - on the contrary: from smallest to largest. You should start with small things, then “bigger”.
  2. Be sure to put all things in their place. This rule will help you visually create the illusion that the first cleaning step has been completed.
  3. You must first prepare cleaning supplies: detergent, sponges, household appliances, brushes. It is with this “cleaning” set that it will be easier to deal with annoying dirt.
  4. Choose the most contaminated place in the apartment and start there. Usually such a place is the kitchen, because during the cooking process fat settles on the surfaces, which needs to be “removed” in time. However, this is a misconception.
  1. Then you can go to the bathroom. Here, cleaning is focused on the basics: washing the bathtub or shower stall, mirror, sink and toilet. We should not forget that dust and cobwebs also accumulate under the bathroom.

Wash the tiles, because water deposits settle on them, and wash the tile seams. When cleaning, use a spray bottle to disinfect the bathtub. The liquid must contain at least 3% hydrogen peroxide. It must be sprayed into places where water often lingers.

  1. Afterwards, you can move on to the second most contaminated place in the house – the kitchen. And, as you know, the face of the housewife is the kitchen itself, and the queen on it is the stove. Therefore, it must be perfect.
  2. Cleaning in each room should be done from top to bottom. Therefore, first we wipe the dust from the chandelier, the upper shelves, then the cabinet itself, paintings and furniture. Batteries are considered the most difficult. They need to be cleaned using a steam generator or vacuum cleaner.
  3. Washing windows. Many people wash the glass first and then the frames. This is the main mistake that many people make. As a result, double unnecessary work is performed. After all, when washing the frames, the glass gets splashed, so the glass needs to be washed again.

Do not wash windows when the sun is shining outside the window. So, Sun rays The applied detergent quickly dries out and streaks appear. Most the right time- in the evening.

Stories from our readers!
“I found information about sticks for removing clogs and cleaning drains on one of the forums. I ordered them. I’m delighted! They are suitable for all types of pipes, one piece lasts for a month or even more!

Got rid of the smell from the pipes, the water drains very quickly. If your drain pipes are clogged in your bathroom and sink, and there is an unpleasant smell in your kitchen, then this product will help."

Emotional mood, action planning

Our life is filled with various exciting events that require emotional and physical commitment from us.

Therefore, the approaching weekend threatens us not with rest, but with constantly postponed cleaning. What to do if you need to clean it up, but there’s no mood?

Psychologists assure that if you have the right psychological mindset, then this is 50% of the success and effectiveness of any business. Cleaning is no exception.

Therefore, in order to set yourself up correctly, you should:

  1. Relax with pleasant, inspiring, invigorating music.
  2. Tune in to a positive “wave” of mood.
  3. Mentally divide the house into zones.
  4. Describe the upcoming cleaning step by step.
  5. Feel free to get to work.

After following these simple rules, you will be surprised that you spent much less time on cleaning than usual. In addition, by following the plan, you will not be able to be distracted by unnecessary small matters, but will act according to what is written. Of course, your favorite music will support your mood and cleaning will only be a pleasure.

There are several more life rules that were formed on the basis personal experience many housewives:

  • you should start cleaning as soon as the thought comes to mind;
  • if you can’t force yourself, then invite your friends to dinner;
  • cleaning with the whole family will only strengthen it through joint activities;
  • cleanliness is the key to your health, and dust and dirt are carriers of infections - an excellent motivation for cleaning through personal understanding and concern for yourself.

Kitchen cleaning

You should start cleaning the kitchen with right side, and move clockwise.

  • The stove is the dirtiest part in the kitchen. Where to start washing it? In order to quickly get rid of dirt and grease, you need to wet the stove handles in warm soapy water and leave for a few minutes.

You need to start with washing inside ovens. The main mistake, which almost every housewife allows, is washing the glass immediately after the products have been applied. As a result, more time and effort is spent, and efficiency is achieved with difficulty.

Therefore, you should apply the detergent and leave it for literally 15 minutes to Chemical properties had an effect. After the specified time, you just need to wash off this plaque and enjoy the cleanliness.

Remember that there is a huge amount of dirt concentrated behind the stove. Apply the cleaning agent and leave for a few minutes, then rinse well.

  • The sink must be disinfected. It's hard to believe, but a dirty sink contains more bacteria than a toilet seat. You need to disinfect the sink with special certified products.

You can prepare them yourself. So, you need to wash the sink with soap and water, then spray vinegar, followed by hydrogen peroxide using an aerosol. The main thing is not to mix vinegar and hydrogen peroxide together. You need to spray them one by one. Afterwards, apply to soft cloth a few drops of mineral oil and polish the sink.

  • Sponges are also a “nutrient” medium for the development of bacteria. Therefore, treat your sponges daily, squeezing them well from the water.

Cleaning the bathroom and toilet

  1. Glass shower doors should be cleaned twice a month with a teaspoon of lemon oil.
  2. Curtains are often “attacked” by fungus and mold. They also need to be washed.
  3. A teaspoon will help you “tame” the toilet citric acid. It must be left in the toilet bowl, then wiped and flushed. The product is non-toxic.
  4. The drains must be cleaned monthly using baking soda. It needs to be poured into the hole, and after 15 minutes turn on the hot water. This way, the unpleasant smell will disappear.

Cleaning the bedroom

A quick cleaning of the bedroom will not take more than 15 minutes.

  1. It is necessary to collect dust from the ceiling and walls. We should not forget about vent, switches and door handles– Dirt is concentrated in these places.
  2. Start cleaning the chandelier. Use wipes, water, gloves. Don't forget to remove the lampshades. If there is a crystal chandelier in the house, it was described here.
  3. Clean curtains according to the manufacturers' clear instructions.
  4. Wipe off dust on window sills and then wash them.
  5. Proceed to the windows. Start with window frames, then from the glass.
  6. Wash the bedding. And both sides of the mattress should be vacuumed. Remember that a lot of dust and debris accumulates under the bed.

How to clean up your living room?

It is important that the living room is always in order. After all, just as the kitchen is the face of the housewife, the living room is the mirror of the whole family. Moreover, the living room is the place where all family members gather to rest, relax and chat.

To prevent your living room from becoming a source of stress, you need to heroically fight dirt and dust.

You only need to follow five rules:

  1. Determine: for what purpose do you spend most of your time in the living room?
  2. Remove everything unnecessary items, which are not related to direct use.
  3. A specific place for each thing.
  4. Decorative decorations - in moderation. Don't clutter your living room with unnecessary souvenirs. Leave only those that are truly dear to you.
  5. Take a photo of the tidy living room and take a closer look: what’s bothering you? Accordingly, remove immediately.
  1. If there is a pet in the house that sheds, then cover upholstered furniture with covers or blankets that are easy to wash.
  2. In order to remove wool from the carpet, you need to lubricate the brush on the vacuum cleaner with glycerin. You need to clean the carpet with a solution of water and ammonia(for 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of alcohol), then wipe dry with a rag.
  3. Place a beautiful decorative basket next to the sofa to store small items, such as books or glasses.
  4. Start the day with cleanliness and pleasant emotions: clean the kitchen in the evening.
  5. Water your bathroom drains weekly with boiling water to prevent them from clogging.
  6. Leave on heavily contaminated surfaces chemicals for a few minutes. After 10-15 minutes, the dirt will be washed off easily.
  7. You need to “generalize” 1-2 times a month. When cleaning, wear gloves, because detergents significantly dry out the skin of your hands.
  8. Confusion is the path to purity. While talking on the phone, wipe the dust or remove the plates from the table. Dust can be removed using.
  9. You need to vacuum from the far corner and move gradually towards the door.
  10. A napkin soaked in a solution of 2 tbsp will help clean the glass. vinegar per 1 liter of water.

How to maintain order?

  1. If you have small apartment and all things do not remain in their places, then equip a special place for storing them:
  • steps on the stairs - as;
  • install retractable cabinets;
  • use the free space in the niche above the furniture;
  • sort things according to a single principle (for example, shoe care products in one box).
  1. If you are constantly at work and surrounded by worries, then sticking stickers with written planned tasks is definitely for you. This way, you can schedule your cleaning over several days.
  2. Space saving - determine the space in the closet taking into account seasonality.
  3. Order is a habit. The most difficult, but effective method. Don't put off small things until later. For example, after washing the dishes, immediately wipe the tap, or after watering the flowers, wipe the window sill from dust. The same applies to clothes: do not scatter them on the sofa or armchairs, but immediately put them in the closet.
  4. 20 minutes daily – perfect order. If you spend just 20 minutes cleaning one room every day, you can always maintain order.

By adhering to these simple rules, cleaning will turn from a chore into a pleasure for you. The main thing to remember is that positive attitude– the key to the success of any endeavor. Clean with love and live clean.

When I look at the rubble in the apartment, I involuntarily ask myself the question - either I’m too lazy, or the rubble forms by itself, but one day, when I was very sad in my soul at the sight of the living room, this came to me! After all, I’m not at all lazy if my rubble bothers me. The thing is that I am a very clean person and really love order. And when a freshly licked, clean house in 5 minutes turns into as if it had been renovated, I feel very sad and all desire to clean up disappears. If you are in similar moods, you will find this article useful; I am sure that after it it will be much easier for you to tidy up and easier to watch as your results of work melt away before your eyes. website

No matter what feminists say, a woman still remains the true keeper of the home. And there are no prerequisites for this state of affairs to turn upside down. But this does not mean that women must spend all their time near the stove or with a vacuum cleaner and mop in their hands. It doesn’t matter whether you live in an apartment building or your own, country house, cottage, by optimizing the process of home cleaning and cleaning the territory, and even cleaning the entrance, you can save a lot of time, which, in turn, is spent on work or on your loved one. We are ready to provide you useful tips that will change the way you think about cleaning. You will no longer view this process as hard work. And, no, we will not force you to buy an expensive washing vacuum cleaner in the store, or be interested in the price professional services for cleaning the house. The main word that underlines the essence of our advice is optimization. You won't believe how much time, effort and nerves you can save if you just do everything correctly and with pleasure. In general, let's start from words to deeds.

Cleaning the house - basic tips

The main point that needs to be emphasized is changing the internal attitude towards the harvesting process. That is, you need to give up the idea that this is hard work, which is associated with fatigue and boredom. You need to learn to motivate yourself internally, or at least find a source of motivation. Because cleaning the house turns into a routine only for those who have a purely negative attitude towards it. If your family consists of more than one person, and you are the only one who cleans, then it is very difficult to motivate yourself. Everyone litters, but you are the only one who cleans the room! And the most important thing is that within a few hours after the cleaning, even if it was professional, you can start putting things in order again, since perfect cleanliness does not last long. What conclusion can be drawn from this? It's simple. Distribute responsibilities among household members. Don't force yourself to do them all at once. One vacuums, the other washes the dishes, the third wipes the dust. The load on everyone is minimal, and the effect is immediate.

If you don't want spring cleaning to actually make you physically tired, give up the habit of cleaning only when the trash is already lying under your feet. Moreover, give up the habit of cleaning once a week. Clean regularly, little by little, and if you involve all household members in the process, there will be virtually no load. Train family members to clean up after themselves. Have you eaten? Washed the dishes. Has the milk boiled over? I immediately washed the stove. It’s quite simple, the main thing is to overcome laziness. This tip will help you actually clean your apartment, which is equivalent to easy cosmetic repairs. Whereas cleaning the house once a week is already a major renovation. The same process of cleaning a sink that was already cleaned a couple of days ago will be ten times easier and faster for you.

Types of residential building cleaning:

Urgent or quick cleaning

Urgent cleaning is one that is carried out within a specified time frame after contamination. For example, if after cooking dinner the stove becomes covered greasy spots, they need to be removed without shelving, since dried stains are more difficult to remove than fresh ones. Even if the stains are practically invisible, after drying they will be covered with an additional layer of dirt, and, together with other stains, will give the slab an unaesthetic appearance. As you can see, urgent cleaning can save you from serious problems, replacing them with easy polishing. You may not even have to use the detergents you usually use to scrub dirty surfaces for hours.

Current cleaning

Routine cleaning is that cleaning that is carried out regularly, but not daily. It is recommended to create a schedule for such events. For example, the kitchen sink is cleaned every other day, and the kitchen curtains are washed once every three months. The plan can be drawn up on the computer, printed and hung in a visible place. You can also include “reminders” in your plan urgent cleaning, for example, regarding washing dishes after eating.

Forced cleaning

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary to carry out emergency cleaning that goes beyond the urgent or ongoing cleaning process. Such situations can arise for two reasons. Firstly, if you for a long time neglected to clean this or that object. Secondly, if you have a force majeure event in the form of coffee spilled on the carpet or something like that. As you can see, it is not always possible to avoid forced cleaning. The same force majeure happens regardless of whether you want it or not. But you can avoid the forced cleaning of the first order associated with neglect. For example, by defrosting and washing the refrigerator once a month, you will not turn this process into many hours of scraping off ice build-ups, which, by the way, can lead to failure of the refrigerator.

Forced cleaning of the house is a direct risk of property damage. And it’s not just about “refrigeration” situations. For example, if you spilled the same coffee on a white carpet, and weak cleaning products do not help you, you have to use the “heavy artillery”. Increased friction, plus the use of strong and abrasive products, can lead to damage to the object being cleaned. The same carpet after cleaning will not look so new and neat. In fact, you are doing more damage to the object than the contamination itself.

Do you need a house cleaning plan?

As for the daily plan, you can’t do without it. Moreover, you need to strictly adhere to it, making it a habit. Of course, if it is important to you that everything around you simply shines with cleanliness. Distribute responsibilities not only by day, but also by certain times of the day. For example, when leaving home, take trash with you. Immediately after you get up, make the bed (teach children to this from early age). When entering the house, leave your shoes in the hallway. Received mail is sorted in sorting order. Before entering there should be a damp cloth to wipe your feet. Dishes are washed immediately after the meal. In general, you need to bring all this to automaticity, without putting it off for a long time. Just imagine the relief you will experience when in the evening, after dinner, you have to wash not a mountain of dishes accumulated over several days, but only a couple of plates and a frying pan.

Dirt and disorder are not a reason to despair. Just imagine how beautiful everything will look after you have effectively cleaned your home. Keep this visual image in your head and you will become truly motivated. Comparing before and after pictures in your head will make you truly proud of yourself. These ideas belong to professional organizers and specialists whose opinions are worth listening to. The “before” stage should bring up the “after” picture in your head, and vice versa. In the first case, you will be motivated, in the second, you will be proud of the result.

Don't be lazy to train. You probably know where the most cluttered and dirty place in your house is. Walk up to it and imagine how beautiful it will be after cleaning. Well, back up the picture in your head with real actions, even in a small area. Seeing real result, you will definitely want to achieve it throughout the rest of the territory. For example, if your desk is littered with all sorts of junk, take a large box and shove it all in there without sorting it. Wash the table detergent and admire how beautiful and neat he has become. This will be your first step. Well, then look into the box and think about what of all this rubbish you really need, taking into account that the table is in a neat condition after putting things out. Arrange the things you really need in the order in which you can most easily use them. Remember these places for each thing, and try to put things exclusively in their places.

Reading tips about what technique and how to properly clean a particular material or surface, choose those that suit you best. Write down your home cleaning products and cleaning supplies on a sheet of paper or, better yet, in a separate notebook. For each piece of advice, dedicate a separate page so that you can later supplement advice from the Internet with your own observations. For example, someone is delighted with cleaning with a steam generator. Having such a notebook, you will never waste time looking for the necessary information.

How to properly clean your home?

Sometimes you have to do a general cleaning in a house or apartment that hasn’t seen a cleaning cloth and a bucket of water for a long time.

We will not go into details why the apartment was in this condition.
There may also be an old grandmother living in the apartment, who, due to her advanced age, finds it difficult to clean, and can only clean the apartment when young helpers arrive.

The apartment could have stood for many years without its owners, and became so dusty that it was no longer possible to do without special cleaning products.

You never know what situations there may be. It’s just that one gets “hands down” at how much work remains to be done in such a dirty apartment.

And sometimes you don’t even know where to start cleaning the apartment if everything is neglected, and what you might need for such cleaning. But you will learn about this by reading the article further.

What you might need to clean a very dirty apartment

In a nutshell, we need hardworking hands, gloves on our hands, a few cleaning rags, buckets of water, and some secret tools to help remove dirt.

But seriously, the list is like this:

  1. Two pairs of rubber gloves (one may be enough, but it’s better to have a spare).
  2. Several different cleaning cloths. We will need rags for wiping off dust, for washing and wiping windows, and for washing the floor. If the floor is very, very dirty, prepare two or three floor rags. One may not be enough - if it quickly “wears out”, then ugly islands of pieces of fabric or “parga” will remain on the floor, which do not add to the cleanliness.
  3. Garbage bags.
  4. Bucket or basin for cleaning.
  5. Cleaning products. In principle, ordinary household cleaning products will do:
    • glass products;
    • sanitary ware cleaning products;
    • kitchen cleaning products (any product that can be used to remove grease);
    • detergent household appliances from of stainless steel(if the apartment has such equipment);
    • floor cleaning products (choose depending on what the floor is made of (laminate, parquet, or just a painted board...));
    • carpet and upholstery cleaner (if necessary);
    • a stain remover (also depending on the type of furniture in the apartment and the origin of the stains).

You also need to be patient and willpower. Because the work ahead is serious and lengthy.

In some cases, it may be cheaper to hire a cleaning company. This, of course, costs a certain amount of money, but you won’t have to clean such a dirty apartment.

If you're doing the cleaning yourself, read on.

We clean the apartment

For convenience, we will divide the entire cleaning process into stages, and the cleaned apartment into cleaning zones. Systematization of cleaning always not only makes the work easier, but also allows you to see its results almost immediately. Agree, when a very nice home appears from a dirty hole before your eyes, this motivates you even more to continue cleaning.

We start cleaning by collecting garbage throughout the apartment.

We put on gloves, pick up a garbage bag, and systematically, throughout the apartment, collect all the garbage.

Our first priority is to collect and throw away everything that clearly belongs to the category of garbage.

The garbage must be removed from the apartment immediately. Don't keep bags in the hallway, they will only take up space. free place, which complicates the further cleaning process.

Also, “along the way”, you need to collect things that need to be washed. Perhaps these are bedspreads from furniture, bed linen, towels, clothes... That is, things that will still be useful, but they need to be washed.

Next, we divide the apartment into zones and do the cleaning gradually, moving from one zone to another.

In practice, it looks like this: we do the cleaning starting from the farthest room.

Cleaning the room is also divided into stages:

  1. We remove dirty curtains, wash the window, rinsing thoroughly window slopes and window sill
  2. Cleaning the battery under the window
  3. We clean upholstered furniture and thoroughly wipe dust on all hard surfaces
  4. my outer part cabinet, as well as glass built into the cabinet (if any). The top of the cabinet also needs to be thoroughly wiped damp cloth. As a rule, there is not much less dust there than on the floor.
    We will clean the inside of the closet later, if necessary.
  5. If there is carpet on the floor, it must be removed. Or carefully vacuum the carpet, the floor near the carpet. Furniture must be moved, and underneath it must also be vacuumed.
  6. Before you put the furniture back, you need to wash the floor underneath it.
  7. We put the furniture back and wash the floors throughout the room. If necessary, we do this several times, using detergents. When cleaning the floor, be sure to thoroughly wash the baseboards.
  8. Wipe thoroughly room door, both inside and outside.

We're done with this room. If necessary, we hang clean curtains. Or we’ll do this after washing the curtains that were hanging on the windows before the cleaning began.

We do this with every room in the apartment.

After the rooms we clean the kitchen

In fact, the order of cleaning the kitchen is the same as in the rooms:

  1. We remove the curtains, wash the windows, window sills, slopes, wash the radiator.
  2. If there are unwashed dishes, wash the dishes
  3. We clean the kitchen cabinets while we can without cleaning the insides. But, if in any of kitchen cabinets you found the source unpleasant odor(for example, long-forgotten leftover food), then you will have to first inspect the cabinets and throw out everything unnecessary from them. Then rinse the insides thoroughly kitchen set And kitchen tiles, together with kitchen stove and so on household appliances. That is, in fact, it is necessary to do a general cleaning of the kitchen.
  4. The same thing will have to be done with the refrigerator, including defrosting it and washing the inside of the refrigerator.
  5. We finish cleaning the kitchen by washing the floor and kitchen door, if it exists.

Cleaning the hallway

We remove the carpets and send them to be cleaned. Or we vacuum it.

Considering that the corridor is always the most polluted place in the apartment, it is better to wash the floors there most thoroughly, using any floor cleaning product.

It is advisable to wash the floor in the hallway several times to achieve maximum cleanliness.

The last stage of cleaning a heavily soiled apartment is cleaning the bathroom and toilet.

It seems to me that it is impossible to do without chlorine-containing products for cleaning plumbing fixtures. Therefore, treat the plumbing with this product, let it sit for a while, and then rinse with plain water.

If necessary, if the first time was not enough, repeat the entire process.

After this, you can wash the walls and floors of the bathroom and toilet.

It is also better to wash tiles in bathrooms using cleaning products. Be sure to read carefully to see if your cleaner can be used on, for example, ceramic tiles.

If the walls of the bathroom are painted, then they should be washed with ordinary soapy water, using a simple washing powder, after diluting a little powder in warm water.

We wash the walls and floor again with normal clean water, and wash the doors to the bathroom and toilet.

The last thing that remains for us is to wash the door to the apartment, after which the cleaning of a very dirty, neglected apartment can be considered complete.

Well done! You overcame this dirt!!!

Cleanliness in the home is the key to health and good mood, but there is not always enough time to put everything in order.

Many people consider cleaning an apartment in an hour to be something from the world of fantasy, but it is really real. The main thing is to plan everything correctly and strictly follow the step-by-step instructions.

It is necessary regularly, this is especially true when there is a small child in it. Any dirt or dust can cause a lot of troubles, after which it will be very difficult to recover.

Necessary equipment

How to quickly clean your apartment? To begin the fight for purity, you need to be fully armed. What is needed to carry out the process more efficiently? The list of required inventory is as follows:

  • At a hardware store they buy a mop, a bucket, several brushes of different hardness, microfiber cloths for dry and wet cleaning, window cleaning screed, double-sided sponges.
  • Going to the store household chemicals ends with the purchase of special equipment for the home. The list is quite extensive, it includes all kinds of cleaning and detergents, glass cleaning sprays, furniture polish, dust remover with antistatic effect, and cleaning powder are required.
  • It is useful to have vinegar, soda and salt in the household. These substances will help get rid of many stains both on clothes and on various surfaces in the house.

Advice! Don't skimp on money and buy the cheapest ones. As a rule, for normal cleaning you will need several times more of them than usual.

How to clean an apartment correctly and quickly

The upcoming cleaning of the home for every housewife almost instantly reduces even the most good mood, But it's not right. You should clean your house according to the following rules:

  1. It’s better to start by drawing up a plan for the upcoming work. It is advisable to write down everything that needs to be done, establish a sequence, and designate a time period. Make a plan quickly and indicate only the most necessary items.
  2. How to clean your apartment faster? The mood will play an important role; the procedure should be started only in high spirits. Cheer yourself up beforehand kind words, set certain limits, promise yourself some kind of reward.
  3. It is advisable to carry out the process itself with rhythmic music, so the process will move faster and the mood will remain at the proper level.
  4. Don’t spend the whole day cleaning; it’s better to dedicate 1-2 hours to this task every day.

If there is an opportunity to involve your loved ones in a useful activity, do not miss this opportunity. Every little detail will help you complete the task many times faster.

How to properly clean an apartment: stages of cleaning

The process has started, what are the first steps? How to properly clean residential premises so that you are pleased with the results as quickly as possible?

The cleaning starts from the kitchen

The first step is to soak dirty dishes in the sink with detergent.

While the plates are soaking, take the product and a clean sponge and wipe off grease and other contaminants from the cabinet doors. hob, countertops.

At the same time, we hide extra pots, bowls, pans, thus getting rid of clutter.

Don’t forget to wipe down the refrigerator; we’ll wash its insides next time.

We sweep the kitchen floor, the final touch will be mopping the floors. But let’s wait a little with him.

Cleaning up the bathroom and toilet

In the bathroom we turn on the hot water, close the doors tightly, and go to the toilet.

Here we fill the toilet with detergent and leave it.

We return to the bathroom, the steam has softened many of the stains, now cleaning or tidying up this room will be much easier.

An ordinary sponge will be enough, just wipe all surfaces; the bathroom itself and the sink can be treated with a special disinfectant.

A rubber window squeegee is used to clean mirrors, shower doors and other glass surfaces effectively and without streaks.

Hide extra bottles and vials in cabinets, leaving only the essentials.

Place a new piece of soap in the soap dish; it is advisable to match it to the color of the towel, this will make the whole room look more impressive.

We wipe the lid and cabinets from dust with a sponge, sweep, and remove cobwebs if necessary. The finishing touch There will be a drop of air freshener, it will completely transform the picture.

How to properly clean an apartment after using the bathroom?

The path leads to the rooms, you should start from the bedrooms. How to effectively clean your apartment if things are scattered everywhere?

You can spend time sorting out the rubble, but if time is limited, then clothes and other items are collected in a basket or large bag.

We will put what we have collected in its places as far as possible. Next, a vacuum cleaner will be used; its use during cleaning is mandatory.

You shouldn’t clean the house without a vacuum cleaner; washing the floors will turn into real torture, and small hard particles may remain on the floor.

The dust is wiped with a slightly damp cloth, taking care of napkins, vases and other decorative items as you go.

Pay special attention to the panels of household appliances; dust accumulation there is inevitable due to static voltage.

You can freshen the air by simultaneously removing dust from indoor plants, a regular spray bottle will help with this.

Before you start wet cleaning, make sure glass and mirror surfaces are clean.

If there is no shine on them, then cleaning has failed. So, as we quickly found out, let's move on.

How to learn how to clean quickly and efficiently? The main rule will be The final stage, this includes cleaning the corridor. Everything unnecessary is first discarded and taken out here, and then thrown away.

The cleaning is completed by washing the floors; it can be done with plain water, but it is advisable to add products suitable for the floor covering.

Frequency of apartment cleaning

How to properly clean an apartment? How often should events be held?

Everything here is purely individual; of course, daily monitoring is desirable, especially if there is a child in the house.

There are different ways to clean the house; for some, doing one thing every day will bring a lot of pleasure and not allow you to feel tired.

Others prefer to restore order everywhere in one day.

We found out how to learn to clean quickly. To carry out the procedure efficiently, you need to know some subtleties:

  • If there are animals in the house, it is best to sew or buy easily removable covers for upholstered furniture or place napkins in areas where pets frequent.
  • How to clean your apartment if there is wool everywhere? Lightly moisten the vacuum cleaner brush in glycerin, this will help it better collect small hairs.
  • Next to the sofa, place a beautiful basket designed specifically for remote controls and other items, so they will always be in one place.
  • To avoid spending a lot of time on cleaning, train yourself to leave the kitchen completely tidy in the evenings; for your bed, buy a beautiful bedspread that will encourage you to make the bed every morning.
  • After each shower, wipe the stall doors dry and tidy up the sink.

Applying these simple tips in fact, you will never ask the question of how to quickly clean your apartment.

We found out how to properly clean residential premises; it turns out the process is not complicated and does not take much time.

The main thing is to plan correctly and strictly adhere to the established steps.

In the apartment, it is necessary to identify problem areas. A lot of work lies ahead for those who have to clean up their home after guests. To quickly and efficiently clean the house in such cases, you will need step-by-step instruction, drawn up in accordance with the layout of the apartment and the number of rooms in it. It is advisable to move smoothly from one room to another, holding a garbage bag in your hands and filling it. If you live in the territory big family, then you can ask its members to help. In the bedroom, you need to make the bed and clean out the closets. In the kitchen, you need to tidy up the oven and microwave, and wash all dirty dishes. Quick cleaning involves mopping and dusting floors. A vacuum cleaner or a regular damp cloth is suitable for this.

Learning how to maintain order and cleanliness in your apartment will help you follow simple rules and mechanical actions. You cannot do without a plan, which consists of a certain algorithm of actions. It looks like this (in order of progression from zone to zone):

  • bedroom;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom and toilet;
  • corridor and hallway.

When cleaning, you must follow a top-down direction so that dirty areas do not come into contact with previously cleaned areas. For the same reason, you need to start from the most distant rooms, gradually moving towards front door . With limited time, you should tackle the general clutter, moving on to more specific things that require special attention. Best option

— daily small cleaning, combined with general cleaning, carried out once a week.

It is important that everyone living in the area takes part in the process. This way, cleaning will be faster and the premises will be washed more thoroughly. You can create a duty schedule or simply distribute responsibilities.

Bathroom and bathroom

Cleaning the toilet is one of the most unpleasant processes, so that’s where you need to start. To rid your hands of the accumulation of dirt and a large number of bacteria on them, be sure to wear rubber gloves. To remove plaque that has formed on the toilet, wipe it with a sponge soaked in hot water

To get rid of plaque that collects at the bottom of the bathroom, you can use dishwashing liquid. It is also useful to use antibacterial agents. You can keep your bathroom walls clean longer by applying car wax to them.

When washing a sink, apply the product to the bowl, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe the bowl with a sponge. The procedure is completed by wiping with a dry cloth.

You can use a special cleaner for glass and mirrors. But a simple soap solution will help achieve a greater effect. It must be wiped with a lint-free cloth. An antibacterial and environmentally friendly solution for this bathroom item is a weak vinegar solution.


The first step is to get rid of the dirty dishes. Then the dishes in storage need care. A lot of dust accumulates on it. Washed dishes must be thoroughly dried before putting them back into place. Otherwise, water stains may remain on it, and moisture is a beneficial environment for bacteria.

Then - the oven. To do this, all the grates must be removed and washed, after soaking them in a soapy solution. Can be used for inner surface oven vinegar solution with the addition of lemon, dishwashing detergent and window cleaner. The entire mixture must be thoroughly mixed and heated in the microwave before use.

Kitchen cabinets are treated special means for wood. Inside the closet you need to put everything in its place and throw away what you don’t need. This will help maintain constant order among kitchen utensils, and the housewife will know exactly what condition they are in. You need to promptly throw away spoiled items or dishes with cracks. It is also important to ensure that there are no insects in the cabinets.

The kitchen sink is washed using the same technology as the bathroom sink. The applied cleanser is infused for several minutes. Then deleted warm water using a sponge, and wipe the sink dry with a cloth.


This is where things are most often scattered and general chaos occurs. First you need to put all your things in their places. Very convenient when moving from room to room with two bags. One of them should be designed to collect visible debris. The second is for dirty things. This approach saves a lot of time.

The second most important process in the bedroom should be the procedure for changing linen and making the bed. Next up is cleaning out the closets. It's helpful to make this a daily habit. For each type of clothing you need to clearly define its specific permanent place placement. Regular inventory will free you from the need to store things that are not used or are used extremely rarely. The last thing you can do is find a place where they will be carefully stored, waiting in the wings, and not come across in everyday situations. To create a pleasant atmosphere in the closet and in the bedroom as a whole, you can use various scented devices. If the room has carpeting, it must be vacuumed. Sconces, chandeliers and other elements must be wiped from dust that has settled on them.

Living spaces

Washing floors is an individual process. Right choice tools and cleaning agents directly depends on the material from which it is made flooring. The minimum set - a classic mop and water - is simply necessary.

For polished surfaces there are special compounds, which treat the coating with care during processing. Small things, often located en masse on various shelves, also need to be wiped.

Finishing cleaning

While the main cleaning is taking place, you can start the wash. A pile of dirty laundry can ruin all your efforts. In addition, the smell of cleanliness is one of the main components of a cozy atmosphere.

Upon completion of all the listed stages, you need to go through all the zones again and finish any necessary work, and also make sure that nothing is missing. The procedures that complete general cleaning should include the following:

  • taking out the trash;