How to sow pelargonium for seedlings. Planting indoor pelargonium. Diseases and pests

If you want to decorate a room or front lawn beautiful plant, plant geraniums. This flower is also called pelargonium, and it has many species. You can often see geraniums on windowsills, delighting people with their bright blooms. Its leaves have a specific smell that can repel insects and purify the air. Those who don’t like the exotic aroma are planted scented geranium, smelling like lemon. The variety of geraniums is amazing, and everyone can reproduce and care for them, which is why it is so popular.

Planting indoor pelargonium

Geranium - unpretentious plant. Its cultivation does not require special care at home. For planting, select a container with several drainage holes at the bottom. The roots of the plant are sensitive to moisture and can rot from constant contact with water, so good drainage is essential. Buy a pot with a depth of about 25 cm. This is enough for growth and flowering.

  1. Planting must be done in a clean container. Be sure to wash the pot and rinse with a weak solution of manganese. It will destroy bacteria and pest larvae.
  2. It is better to use purchased soil and try to choose soil that drains water well and dries quickly. This will protect the roots from rotting. A universal soil mixture is ideal for growing at home.

To ensure successful planting, place a small layer of expanded clay in the pot. Sprinkle some sand on top and fill most of the container with soil. Make a small depression in it. If you want to plant geranium as a shoot, place a cutting with a root there and cover it with soil. Water well with settled water and place the flower pot on the windowsill.

How to plant geraniums in open ground

Types of garden pelargonium look great in the garden bed in front of the house and bloom continuously until the onset of cold weather. These are perennial flowers, but if they are not provided with proper care, they die in winter.

Pelargonium should be planted in the spring, after the last frosts have passed.

  1. First of all, thoroughly loosen the soil by digging it with a shovel to a depth of 35 cm.
  2. Then scatter 5-10 cm of compost over the surface of the bed and mix it with top layer soil. This will enrich the soil with the nutrients necessary for geranium growth.
  3. Dig holes 25 cm deep. Small species should be planted at a distance of 15-20 cm, large ones - 60 cm.
  4. Carefully remove the rooted shoot from the pot and place it in the hole. Sprinkle with soil and fill thoroughly with water.

To plant geraniums, choose a sunny spot in the garden bed. The flower loves light and warmth.

Plant care

Garden and indoor views pelargoniums need proper lighting. Growing with a lack of light leads to the fact that the plant loses its splendor, begins to stretch upward and withers. In spring, flower pots can be taken out onto the balcony, where the geranium will quickly grow. Sometimes a red tint appears on the leaves from bright light. This is not a sign of illness and is considered completely normal.

Do not spray geranium leaves with water. Care includes moderate watering. It is produced systematically, preventing the soil from drying out. At the same time, you need to make sure that the soil is not too wet and that moisture does not stagnate in it.

In winter, watering at home needs to be reduced. Plants accumulate water well, so water them 2-3 times a month, but not less often. Overdried soil causes the leaves on pelargonium to turn yellow and fall off.

To ensure that the plant has a beautiful crown, trim branches that stretch in height. New shoots will begin to grow from them.

Feeding geraniums

In addition to comfortable living conditions, growing pelargonium requires regular feeding. In spring and summer, garden and indoor geranium need to be fertilized once every 2 weeks. In winter, the amount of fertilizing should be reduced. It is enough to feed the plant once in January, using half the usual dose.

It is best to use purchased mineral fertilizers at home. For abundant flowering, geraniums need:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • nitrogen.

These elements are found in the Dutch fertilizer “Kristalon”. It is excellent for root treatment of pelargoniums. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. fertilize in 10 liters of water and water the plant according to the instructions. Such care is necessary for geraniums after winter rest to accelerate growth.

Do not forget that the plant cannot be fed liquid fertilizer when the ground is dry. This care may burn the roots. Water your pelargonium first a small amount water, and after an hour add fertilizer.

Iodine water increases growth and flowering well. Add a couple of drops of iodine to the liquid and water the flowers in pots. The main thing is not to make the solution too concentrated so as not to burn it root system. At home, geranium is often fed by stirring 100 ml of milk in a liter of clean water.

How to care for autumn and winter

All types of geraniums love cool, sunny autumn weather. Then they take a break from the riotous flowering and gain new strength. At this time, caring for pelargoniums consists of feeding and crown formation. If flower pots are on fresh air, bring them into the house when the temperature drops to 12 degrees Celsius.

  1. Garden geraniums should be cut to a length of 5 cm before the first frost.
  2. Dig it out of the ground and trim the roots by a third.
  3. Prepare a wide tray, fill it with soil mixed with a small amount of compost, and plant the plants.
  4. Water and place on the windowsill.

In the spring, you can cut off the cuttings of young shoots and begin propagating geraniums. Or plant overwintered plants back into the ground.

Secrets of growing pelargonium from cuttings

To grow a new geranium bush, gardeners use different methods. The easiest way to do this is with cuttings. For breeding to be successful, you need to prepare.

  1. Purchase plastic cups, make small holes on their bottoms and pour drainage inside.
  2. Prepare the soil for planting. To do this, add a third of sand to the universal soil and mix.
  3. Then pour in a weak solution of manganese. If it is not there, moisten the soil with boiling water. Such disinfection will destroy harmful microorganisms that can harm the shoot.
  4. When the soil has cooled, pour it into cups and begin planting.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in early March. Select strong shoots and cut off stems 3-5 cm long from their tops. They must have 3 green leaves. The cut is sprinkled with coal dust. The shoot is carefully inserted into a cup of soil, compacted and watered with a small amount of water. If the flower shoots out buds, tear them off, otherwise they will interfere with good rooting.

Place the cups with cuttings in a wide tray and place them in the shade. It is advisable that the room temperature does not exceed 15 degrees. Ensure watering by pouring a small amount of water into the tray. Do this when the soil in the cups begins to dry out.

If you notice that the leaves have turned yellow, propagation is not going well. Cover the shoots with a half-liter jar for a couple of days. A greenhouse environment will help it take root.

After 2-3 weeks, new leaves will appear on the cuttings. Now you need to wait until the roots get stronger. This usually takes about a month. Then the geranium can be planted in the garden bed. It is advisable to leave indoor plants in a temporary container until the first flower buds appear on them, and then transplant them into permanent pots.

Some gardeners root pelargonium cuttings in water. This propagation is not successful for everyone, because contact with moisture often causes the flower stem to rot. To try this method, cut a shoot and place it in a jar with a little water. Wait for the roots to grow and plant the cuttings in the ground.

Planting by seeds

Propagation by seeds is a long process. If you want to grow pelargonium at home using this method, choose the seeds carefully. The germination and health of the flower depends on their quality. Purchase planting material only from specialized stores or trusted suppliers.

  1. Prepare a wide container with small holes at the bottom, fill it with fertile, disinfected, moist soil.
  2. Sow the seeds on top and lightly press them into the soil. Cover the container plastic film and place in a warm, shady place.
  3. Carefully monitor the crops, and when the first shoots hatch, remove the film. Once the leaves appear, the geranium can be transplanted into a pot.

Propagation by seeds is labor-intensive and time-consuming. The difficulty is that the crops do not always sprout, so it’s easier to buy ready plant or root pelargonium using cuttings.

When a flower becomes cramped in a pot, it needs to be replanted. You can also divide the bush into several parts and plant them in separate pots. The day before transplanting, fill the geranium with water. Then carefully remove the plant, divide it, being careful not to damage the roots, and replant it in new nutrient soil. This type of reproduction is considered the fastest.

Disease control methods

The main culprit of geranium diseases is improper care. To keep it healthy, loosen the soil regularly, do not over-moisten the soil, and remove dry leaves.

Sometimes pelargonium is affected gray mold. The fungus covers the plant with dark spots, and it begins to quickly disappear.

To combat the disease at home, do the following:

  • remove infected shoots and leaves of geranium;
  • moderate watering is carried out before lunch;
  • clear the soil of weeds;
  • treat the flower according to the instructions with fungicides.

In summer, geraniums can be attacked by whiteflies. It is easy to get rid of it with the drugs “Iskra”, “Actellik” or “Commander”. Dilute them according to the instructions and treat the plant.

Growing pelargonium is a fun activity that does not require much effort or expense. Provide her good feeding, proper watering, and it will decorate your home for a long time.

Flowering geraniums look spectacular. Therefore, gardeners often use the plant in landscape design. He is happy to be planted near alpine slides and around large tall bushes.

Pelargonium (geranium) is quite popular plant for many people. They decorate not only flower beds and garden plots, but also window sills in houses.

Growing it is not so difficult; it can be propagated not only by shoots, but also by seeds.

Propagating geraniums by seeds is a simple process; this requires knowledge of some rules.

If you are going to sow pelargonium with seeds, then first of all you need to choose a quality one. planting material. Geranium has many varieties, differing in the color of the flowers, the shape of the bush and inflorescences. The seeds of this plant are sold in specialized flower shops and markets. You can also order online.

When purchasing material for flower propagation, you need to know certain subtleties. Pelargonium seeds are sold in several types and you should know about this:

One of best views The ones that gardeners prefer to use to grow are the first two species. They have good germination and are more resistant to various diseases.

Despite the fact that seeds that have not been processed are cheaper, it is better to give preference to processed types, especially for beginners in this business who are going to grow a plant for the first time.

If you still have to plant unprocessed grains, it is recommended to either soak them in warm water for a while or rub them a little sandpaper so that you can remove the top layer a little.

When to plant geraniums: the best time to plant

After purchasing the seeds, you can start planting and try to grow the first seedlings. Experienced flower growers do not talk about the best time to plant a plant and believe that this can be done at any time. Just keep in mind that if planting and propagation is carried out in winter, the sprouts will need additional lighting.

However, it is better to plant pelargonium from November to April. Gradually, as the plant grows, daylight hours will increase. When planting is done closer to February, seedlings appear as daylight hours increase and, accordingly, as they grow, additional lighting is no longer required, which greatly simplifies the whole process. In addition, when planting or propagating at the very beginning spring period, in summer you can already expect flowering from the bushes.

Having decided on the landing time, you need to think about the location. Good for this wooden boxes which need to be filled with substrate. The substrate may consist of mixtures of several components. Good for geraniums:

  • sandy soil, turf, peat in a ratio of 1:2:1;
  • peat soil and perlite in a 1:1 ratio;
  • sandy soil and peat soil - also taken in a 1:1 ratio.

Pelargonium seeds are placed on the surface of the soil. In this case, a distance of approximately 5 cm should be maintained between each grain so that during germination the seedlings do not interfere with each other’s growth. The grains are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil on top and sprayed with pre-settled water from a spray bottle. After this procedure, a greenhouse effect should be created in the container, for which its surface is covered with film. Then you will need to monitor the soil from above, not letting it dry out, but also not flooding it.

During this period, it is better for the container to be in a bright place, but where the direct rays of the sun will not reach. The temperature should not be below 18 degrees and above 25. Subject to optimal conditions And good care Shoots should begin to appear in about two weeks.

What you need to know about picking geranium seedlings and how to grow them

One of the important stages in the process of growing geranium from seeds is picking. It is also mandatory during plant growth. Picking seedlings is transplanting them from a common container into separate containers (pots).

Geranium seedlings are planted approximately when the sprouts acquire at least two formed leaves. It is better to carry out picking directly into separate containers. For this purpose, one of the bushes is carefully taken and its roots are divided into several independent seedlings. The main thing is not to miss the right moment in the upcoming picking, otherwise it will be very difficult to untangle the horses of the plants.

The diameter of the container for the upcoming transplant must be at least twelve centimeters so that the pelargonium feels comfortable. It is better to water transplanted geraniums using a watering can that has a thin spout.

On days when it is raining and cloudy outside, it is better to install additional lighting above the seedlings when growing. If they don't get enough light, this will cause the leaves to begin to die. If affected leaves begin to appear, it is better to remove them immediately. As a result, various diseases and fungi can be prevented.

After completing the picking stage, as the plant grows, a special substrate should be added to the container, which can be purchased at a specialty store.

When the seedlings already have 6-8 leaves, they will need to be pinched so that the plant does not grow too much.

How to properly care for geraniums: what they like and what they don’t

To grow pelargonium from seeds, you need to know some of the subtleties of flower care. It is necessary to properly care for it from the first days. Although the plant living at home is quite unpretentious, you should still be aware of some rules:

How to understand that the plant is being properly cared for? This is quite easy to do. There are several signs that help determine whether your pelargonium is receiving proper care at home. For example, if a flower has redness on its leaves, this may mean that the room is too low temperature and you should make it a little higher. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, you need to water the geranium a little more often, but if the leaves, on the contrary, darken, then you should water the plant less often. In the second case, it may be better to remove the bush immediately, because it may rot. In addition, another sign of overwatering is the appearance of mold on the leaves.

When the lower leaves fall off, this may mean that the plant does not have enough lighting at home. Thus, caring for geraniums at home is not so complicated and consists of moderate and timely watering, not too frequent fertilization, and removing diseased leaves, dry inflorescences or dry leaves. If you follow these simple rules care for the flower, the result will be good and the geranium will definitely please the grower with lush and long flowering.

How can you protect homemade geranium from diseases?

Unfortunately, in some cases the plant may become diseased. This happens for a number of reasons, not only when growing outdoors, but also at home. For example, various pests can cause flower disease. These could be ants, aphids or caterpillars. Geranium is very afraid of them.

Aspirin can be used to control such pests. He is universal remedy, which can be used for almost any type of pest. To kill pests with aspirin, you need to take one tablet and dilute it in one liter of water. This solution must be sprayed on the roots three times a week.

Another pest control product is Marathon, which is good at getting rid of aphids or whiteflies. It's quite easy to use. IN flower pot several granules of the drug are poured in and then the plant is watered with water.

To eliminate caterpillars, use Monterey. The product is prepared according to the instructions, after which the affected geranium bushes are sprayed.

However, it is better to prevent any disease than to treat it later, so experienced flower growers recommend prevention using the drug Messenger. It is able to increase the immunity of not only geraniums, but also other plants, and therefore protect them from all kinds of pests and diseases.

Pelargonium is a favorite flower of many. We will grow geranium from a small seed, which will then turn into a magnificent and amazing plant with charming flowers.

Pelargonium, or as people call it “geranium,” is a plant that grows on everyone’s windowsill in the house. The homeland of this beautiful plant is South Africa, it was brought to Europe in the 17th century and since then, the plant has delighted many gardeners. The advantages of the plant are that it reproduces easily, blooms for a long time, and most importantly, it is easy and simple to care for. It was these qualities that captivated gardeners.

When should you sow pelargonium seeds for seedlings?

Many people know that pelargonium is propagated by cuttings, but now the seeds of the plant are on sale. Therefore, propagating geraniums at home has become even easier.

The advantages of the seeds are that they germinate quickly and well, the plant has a compact shape and blooms constantly. Young shoots of the plant bloom by 5 months.

You can sow geraniums whole year, but you will need to take care of good lighting. Therefore, the most optimal time The years for growing the plant are considered to be spring and summer.

What do pelargonium seeds look like and what should you do with them before planting them in the ground?

The seeds of the plant are hard, large and oblong in shape. Brown. To plant seeds, you need to prepare the soil; it must be loose.

The composition of the soil should be something like this: 2 parts turf soil and one part sand and. To prevent the plant from fattening, the substrate should not be rich in nutrients.

Before planting, it is necessary to disinfect the soil (steam, calcine or water with a solution).

In order for the seeds to germinate faster, you need to scarify them. This procedure involves treating the seeds with fine sandpaper. We take each seed and carefully rub the hard shell. After this procedure, the seeds will begin to sprout quickly.

To sow seeds, you need to prepare a shallow container. Distribute the seeds over the surface at a distance of two centimeters from each other. Cover the seed with soil, about 1 centimeter. Be sure to keep the container with the seeds warm. The soil should not dry out, so moisten it with warm, settled water.

Also, in order for pelargonium seedlings to germinate faster, you can cover it with film, but be sure to make holes in it for ventilation. As soon as the shoots appear, remove the film immediately. Seedlings should be kept in a well-lit place. The soil should be moderately moist, not allowed to dry out and not flooded. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

Caring for pelargonium seedlings

Growing pelargonium seedlings is a pleasure. This process is very interesting and exciting not only for an adult, but also for a child. Shoots will appear in about a week. It’s so nice to watch how velvet leaves emerge from each seed. Everything is fine, of course, but you need to transplant the pelargonium seedlings into separate pots. Therefore, we do the following procedures:

  • As soon as four leaves appear on the plant, it is time to transplant them into a pot. You will need a container with a diameter of about 8 centimeters.
  • The plant must be pruned. This means that each plant must be transplanted from common soil (container) into a pot.
  • Using a small spatula, remove each plant with a small lump of earth so as not to damage or disturb the roots.
  • Plant pelargonium in your pot.
  • The soil in the pot should not be rich in nutrients. Therefore, if you use a store-bought mixture, and it is mostly , it must be diluted with garden soil and compost.
  • After planting, you can now observe the growth rate of the plant. If you follow all the rules, then geranium grows by leaps and bounds.

Now all that remains is to wait for flowering. Of course, many people believe that a young plant blooms after a year, do not believe the rumors. You will have to wait about five months for flowers.

You may also encounter problems such as yellowing of leaves and the appearance of brown and yellow spots. This may be due to the heat. Therefore, many gardeners and flower growers plant geraniums in the garden. The result surprises many. Since the plant becomes even more beautiful and blooms constantly, yellow leaves No. This method can be used to save your favorite flower during the hot season.

With proper care, the plant does not get sick and is not damaged by pests. Therefore, let this amazing and unpretentious flower pleases you for many months.

Read here!

Video: sowing and caring for pelargonium

Growing pelargonium from seeds is not difficult if you know the basic rules. Geranium seeds can be bought in the store, but if you propagate the species that is already growing at home, then after the flowers have bloomed, they need to be left alone so that they form fruits. Before collecting pelargonium seeds, they are given the opportunity to fully ripen. Then we collect the ripened seeds and examine them. Large dark brown specimens are suitable for sowing; some of them may be matte or slightly different in shade, but there should be no spots.

The oblong brown seeds with depressions on the sides are covered with a very dense skin. So that it does not delay germination, planting material is specially prepared. The seeds are scraped with a knife or stroked several times on both sides with fine sandpaper, making the path easier for the future sprout. Then they are soaked for several hours warm water(some gardeners first soak the seeds for 20–30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate or Epin), then dry them.

Soil requirements

Growing pelargonium from seeds occurs in loose, nutritious soil with low acidity. Geranium grows wonderfully in breathable, moist soil that does not retain excess water. You can purchase it in a store or make it yourself to avoid excessive mineralization. It can consist of turf soil and peat with sand; a good mixture would be peat with perlite.

Before planting geranium (its seeds), the ground must be disinfected. To do this, just hold it in a preheated oven for 20 minutes or pour it over with a hot solution of potassium permanganate. Some advise using fungicides. It is advisable to plant the day after the procedure.

To grow geraniums at home with seeds, use small (no deeper than 3 cm) wide dishes with drainage holes. A layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom, and soil is placed on top. Before planting, it is moistened.

Seed sowing technology

Planting geraniums with prepared seeds can be done all year round, but it is best to do this from February to April - this way you can wait for flowering sooner. Geraniums should not be planted too often. Leave 2 to 4 cm between the seeds so that the roots do not intertwine. Seeds are laid out on the damp surface of the soil, pressed lightly with your fingers, and sprinkled with loose soil on top (its layer should be no more than 1 cm thick). Then the surface is moistened with a spray bottle and covered with a transparent lid, glass or plastic film to create a greenhouse effect.

Seeds planted in this way are placed in a warm room with an air temperature of +22…+24 °C. Lighting does not matter at this stage. Caring for crops involves ventilation and moistening; it is important to monitor the temperature level.

Different types of pelargonium require different times to germinate. Zonal geraniums can germinate in a week, but royal sprouts will have to wait at least 3 weeks. Immediately after the shoots appear, the film is removed and the dishes are exposed to light.

Seedling care

Growing geraniums from seeds at home requires quite traditional care: seedlings need to be kept in comfortable conditions, regularly watered and fed. For irrigation, use settled (soft and clean) water at room temperature. Water using a watering can with a long spout, moistening the soil, not the plants - geranium does not like spraying or any contact of leaves with water. This is done approximately 2 times a week, but a more accurate schedule determines the rate at which the top layer of soil dries out.

Starting from two weeks of age of seedlings, it is recommended to feed them mineral fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. You can sometimes water it with iodine solution. Fertilizing is carried out after 2-3 weeks simultaneously with watering.

It is important to monitor the looseness of the soil: it must be carefully loosened between waterings so that the roots receive required quantity air, and excess water did not accumulate.

Temperature and lighting

Geranium does not require special conditions; it is satisfied with air temperatures in a wide range from +20 to +30 °C; in winter it should not fall below +10...+15 °C. It is better to keep seedlings grown from seeds on a windowsill on the east or west side. She needs at least 16 hours of daylight, but straight Sun rays They can burn tender leaves, so the plants will have to be slightly shaded on the south side.

In spring, young plants are planted outside, but even there, in order for the geranium to bloom more luxuriantly, it is advisable to keep it in partial shade.

Picking and pinching

Growing pelargonium from seeds requires mandatory picking after the appearance of 2-3 true leaves. This is necessary for full development root system. Each plant is carefully removed from the common container and transplanted into separate pots or tall cups with a diameter of 10 cm.

The basic requirements for the soil are the same: looseness, nutritional value, weak acidity.

A drainage layer must be installed at the bottom. Then the plants are cared for like adults. You need to replant when the pot becomes too crowded. It is better to transplant from the beginning of spring, when growth is activated.

To create a beautiful ornamental plant, it is usually recommended to pinch it after every 5–8 leaves (depending on the type and variety). This needs to be done clean hands or tools, it is advisable to treat the cut area with activated (charcoal). Pelargonium should be lush, but air- and light-permeable.


It is very easy to propagate pelargonium from seeds. However, before you start working, it is worth studying its features. Having learned about such important things as temperature, humidity and care rules, you can start growing a plant without fear of losing grown seedlings.

Pelargonium is one of the most common indoor plants. Its flowers can be semi-double, double or single. The plant is grown not only for its beauty, but also for its presence beneficial properties. It quickly relieves severe headaches, resists poisons, and a decoction of flowers is recommended for people with stomach problems. The leaves of these plants can quickly stop bleeding, remove purulent accumulations and heal cuts. The leaves are often used for a decoction taken by hypertensive patients. This remedy helps cure disorders nervous system. In addition, pelargonium bushes filter the air well.

Pelargonium seedlings

All of the listed properties push connoisseurs of beauty and usefulness to sow this plant. As a rule, people who grow flowers for the first time begin the event by choosing and purchasing seed material. At the same time, great attention should be paid to it appearance and the variety you wish to propagate. In most cases, plant seeds go on sale already peeled and ready for sowing. However, if you have previously bred plants at home and use them for further propagation collected seeds, then before planting they should be carefully treated with sandpaper. This way you will remove the hard skin that would interfere with the germination of the seedlings.

In addition to preparing the seed, it is worth studying several important factors. These include:

  • seed planting period;
  • suitable soil for this;
  • conditions in which seedlings will germinate;
  • features of care;
  • seedling germination time;
  • picking seedlings.

Each of these factors is important in its own way. Without following at least one rule, you risk losing your plants.

Video: A new way to plant pelargonium

Most experts in the field of floriculture argue that there is no definitely best period for sowing a plant. However, in practice, saplings planted from seeds in November-April germinate best. It is during these five months that you should start planting flowers. For sowing you will need to prepare the necessary equipment. You will need sod, peat and sand in a 2:1:1 ratio, sand and peat in a 1:1 ratio, or perlite and peat in the same ratio. There are plenty of soil combinations, however, you must choose the most suitable option for you. In any case, to grow flowers, you will need to adhere to everyone.

Pelargonium seeds

Immediately before sowing, planting material must be prepared. To do this, the seeds are soaked in Zircone at room temperature for 2 hours. It is recommended to sow the seeds at a distance of 4 cm. After this, sprinkle the seeds with a small amount of soil and moisten them with water that has settled in the room. It is very important that the layer of soil above the seeds is not thicker than 5 mm. Make sure that during the germination of seedlings the soil is abundantly moistened with warm water. After planting, cover the soil with seeds with transparent film or glass.

To ensure that the seedlings hatch quickly, maintain the temperature at 18–22 °C. The container with seedlings should be in a well-lit room, out of direct sunlight.

If you follow all these rules, the germination period of seedlings will take no more than 40 days, and the first seedlings will hatch within two weeks after planting. As soon as the first 2-3 leaves appear on the plants, it is worth transplanting them into larger vessels. 3 months after this, the first flowers can be seen on the bushes.

Planting and propagating pelargonium seeds requires proper care from the first days. Indoor varieties This plant is easy to care for, but there are several nuances that are worth remembering. First, the plants must be provided with sunlight. The bushes are not afraid of direct sunlight, but you should not allow the seedlings to remain under the influence of ultraviolet radiation for a long time. This can cause the leaves to die.

Flower seedlings

Secondly, you don’t need to water the grown seedlings very often. However, keep your plants well hydrated. It is best to do this whenever you notice dry soil around the bush. In winter, water your flowers less often. Thirdly, to grow pelargonium, maintain optimal temperature conditions. In summer, the ideal temperature is 22 °C, and in winter - at least 15 °C.

To ensure the plant blooms for as long as possible, make sure there is good drainage in the container. With it, water will not stagnate at the bottom, and the pelargonium roots will not begin to rot. Expanded clay is suitable as drainage and should be placed at the bottom of the vessel. To ensure the health of the root and above-ground systems of the plant, it must be fed. This can be done no more than 3 times a month. Any store-bought bait is suitable for bait. organic fertilizer. Do not forget to cut off faded inflorescences. This way you will increase the flowering period of plants.

Finding out that you are not caring for your plants correctly is quite simple. There are a number of symptoms for this. If you notice that the edges of the leaves are turning red, then you need to raise the temperature in the room. If the leaves turn yellow, you will need to water more frequently. If the leaves have darkened, most likely you have watered the bush too often. It will need to be removed immediately. Another sign of waterlogging is the appearance of gray mold on the leaves. Also if you notice that lower leaves fall from plants, which means they don’t have enough light.

One of the mandatory stages of growing a plant yourself is picking seedlings. It must be replanted once it has at least 2 fully formed leaves. It is best to immediately plant the plants in separate containers. To do this, you need to carefully take one of the bushes and carefully divide its roots into 2-3 independent seedlings. The most important thing is not to “miss” the moment suitable for transplantation, otherwise it will be very difficult to untangle the roots later. For picking, select containers with a diameter of at least 12 cm.

Picking plants

Video: How to wash pelargonium
