How to choose a name for a child. You can calculate the number of your child’s name online for free and find out its meaning in terms of numerology. By time of year and month of birth

Since ancient times, special attention has been paid to the choice of a boy’s name, because he is the successor of the family, a protector and, of course, a future father. We will help you choose the best and most suitable name for your child.

Even in ancient times, people knew and believed that the name influences fate, so they tried to name children after heroes, gods or simply strong creatures (Wolf, Oak, etc.). Over time, many proper names have appeared, but each name means something different, special. Therefore, before you name your newborn son, you should find out the origin, meaning and etymology of the name you want to call him.

Today there is a tendency to call sons by some original or foreign names.

First of all, you need to remember that every boy will sooner or later become a father, so you need to choose a name that will make a good middle name.

Therefore, you should not name the child Bill, George, Murray, etc. Have pity on your grandchildren, who will bear the patronymic names Djordevna, Djordjevich, Billovna, Billovich, etc. After all, their father’s origins will be judged by their patronymic.

It would be much more favorable to name the child with an Old Russian name, since they are rapidly returning to use.

Such names, on the one hand, are familiar to everyone, and, on the other hand, are quite original, so you can’t go wrong if you name your son: Matvey, Miron, Luke, Mark, Gleb, Ignatius, Svyatoslav, etc.

Also, if you want to name your son after his father, then you should think about it several times before, because:

  • A boy can grow up to be very irritable, nervous and moody.
  • He's losing his personality
  • This combination is not easy enough to pronounce: Nikolai Nikolaevich, Alexander Alexandrovich, Pavel Pavlovich, etc.

You should not name your son after one of the deceased relatives, especially if they did not die a natural death. This is highly discouraged.

Remember that children can be cruel, so you should not give your son a funny name, as he may be offended. Think about him first.

It is very important to know the etymology, origin and meaning of the name, since you must know what you call the boy and whether he will be the “protector” Alexey, “like God” Mikhail or “vigilant” Gregory.

Also, when thinking about what you can call a boy, choose those names for which full and short forms are possible (Vladislav - Vlad, Vasily - Vasya) and which can be used in a soft children's form (Glebushka, Leshka, Leshenka, Lenechka, etc. ). If a boy grows up rude and cruel, then it is better to call him something affectionate, in a diminutive form, as often as possible.

Thanks to a name, certain qualities can be developed in a child. For example, if you want your son to become strong and purposeful, then choose names with paired voiced consonants, especially in combination with “r”: Igor, Georgy, Dmitry, Bogdan...

In order for a boy to grow up calm and sensitive, the most suitable names for boys are those with many vowels or sonorant sounds: Alexey, Vitaly, Mikhail, Alexander, etc.

There are also names of boys that cannot be classified as either hard or soft, then the child will grow up balanced, and everything in him will be in moderation. These are names such as: Pavel, Roman, Arkady, Andrey and others.

First name combined with patronymic

It is important that the name chosen for your child is combined with his patronymic, because in adult life he will be addressed officially, so the question “how to name a boy by his patronymic” is quite relevant.

First of all, the name must correspond to the “nationality” of the patronymic. Therefore, if the father has a Slavic name, then you should not call your son too “foreign”, for example: John Vasilyevich.

Also, if the middle name is quite long, then a short name for the child will be most suitable: Lev Vasilyevich, Gleb Konstantinovich, etc. Names equal in size to the middle name will sound good: Vladislav Nikolaevich.

It is equally important that the middle name be sonorous, therefore, if the child’s middle name begins with a consonant, then choose a name that ends with a vowel and vice versa. Avoid junctions of consonants at the end of the name and at the beginning of the patronymic: Nazar Romanovich.

Combination with surname

How to name a child so that his first name goes with his last name? Do not forget that in addition to the patronymic, the child also has a surname, so the chosen name should be in harmony with it. If the surname is undecidable, then you should not call your son a “unisex” name, since it will be difficult for a person to determine by ear who he is talking about. we're talking about, about a man or a woman (Sasha Velk, Zhenya Kozak), if you call the child affectionately. If the surname is inclined and by it you can understand who we are talking about, then call the child whatever you want, within reason, it will sound clear and beautiful: Zhenya Ryzhiy and Zhenya Ryzhaya - it’s absolutely clear where the boy is and where the girl is.

Depending on the time of year

I think you have noticed that people born at one time or another have some common qualities. And this is true, because somehow the time of year affects the character of the child. We will tell you how to name a boy born at one time or another of the year.

Boys born in winter are quite cold, purposeful, have iron willpower, perseverance, and strong character.

To balance the hard qualities of a winter baby, you should give him a beautiful soft name with sonorant and vowel sounds.

Spring boys can be too soft and fickle, but at the same time they are smart and sensual. Therefore, it would be preferable to call them by a solid name with consonants.

If your son was born in the summer, then give him a melodious, soft name, as such boys can be overly persistent and proud.

Autumn boys are the most balanced, logical, reasonable, and calm, so any name will suit them, but romantic playful names will sound especially beautiful.

Depending on date of birth

If you don’t know what to name your son and want to rely on fate, then you can name your boy in honor of the saint on whose day he was born.

You just need to open the church calendar and see on which saint’s day your child was born.

This will not only make choosing a name easier, but will also provide your baby with the protection of a saint for life.

We hope that we were able to make it easier for you to choose a name for your boy and suggest suitable ones. We wish you to choose the right name and give birth to a healthy baby!

Parents are guided different criteria when choosing a name for the baby. This can be either a consonance with the patronymic and surname, or a family tradition or a church calendar.


Modern parents most often, when choosing a name for their baby, pay attention to the consonance with the patronymic and surname.

According to the rules of consonance, if a patronymic begins with several consonants, then the name should not end with the same cluster of consonants. For example, Alexander Dmitrievich - this combination is difficult to pronounce due to the accumulation of consonants.

Also, you should not choose a name that ends with the same letter with which the patronymic begins, for example, Pyotr Rostislavovich.

Such problems usually do not arise with girls, since their names end with vowels. But this only applies to names Slavic origin. If you like an “overseas” name, you should pay attention to the consonance.

Also, don't forget to think through some things in advance. For example, affectionate forms of the name, how they will sound.

Try saying your entire last name, first name, and middle name to hear how they fit together.

For example, you may like the name Aurika, but “Khrushch Aurika Ivanovna” may not sound very compatible.

Often the child's first and patronymic names do not match in interethnic families. So, Maria Mikhailovna or Ivan Stevenovich may be born.

In addition, if you are choosing a name for a boy, think about the fact that someday he will become a dad, and his name will become a patronymic. It will be difficult for your grandson to choose a name that is consonant with his patronymic if you name your son, for example, Michael.


The main tradition when choosing a baby's name in Orthodox countries is compliance with the church calendar.

But some families have their own special traditions. For example, once in a family a man named Ivan named his son Andrei. He, in turn, named his son in honor of his father - Ivan. And so the tradition arose of naming a son after his father (in honor of the child’s grandfather). Thus, all the boys in the family are either Ivan Andreevichs or Andrei Ivanovichs.

There are also traditions of naming children after someone. But this is a controversial issue. For example, some believe that if you name a child in honor of a deceased relative, then the spirit of this relative will protect the baby. others believe that this is the opposite - not good, and the same fate awaits the baby dead person. But this all mostly concerns superstitions.

Traditions of choosing a name for a child may differ depending on the different countries, in different regions of the same country and even in different families. Therefore, whether to adhere to certain traditions is your choice.

Choosing a name according to the calendar

Saints are a church book in which the names of saints are recorded in accordance with the day on which it is customary to honor their memory.

Most often, there are several saints on one day. Therefore, when parents turn to church calendar To name the baby, they look at the date when the baby was born and choose the name of one of the saints who is revered on that day.

It is believed that the saint whose name is chosen for the baby becomes the child's guardian angel. That is why name day - the day when the memory of the saint in whose honor the baby is named - is also called Angel Day.

The child is given a name in accordance with the Saints at baptism. If the parents do not like any of the names that the priest suggests in accordance with the baby’s date of birth, they choose a name from the list of those provided for the next day according to the calendar.

If the baby was named with some exotic name, then at baptism the priest selects a more or less consonant name from the church book.

Also, the baby can be named after the saint who is most revered in this particular family, regardless of the date of birth. Thus, parents choose a patron for their child.

What to name a child in August 2017

Male names, name meanings:

Alexander ("defender"), Anton ("entering into battle", "opposing"), Arkady ("shepherd"), Athanasius ("immortal"), Boris ("fighting for glory"), Valentin ("to be healthy") , Vasily (“royal, royal”), Herman (“close”, “native”), George (“landowner”), Gleb (“favorite of the gods”), Dmitry (“dedicated to Demeter”), Denis (“belonging to Dionysus” ), David (“beloved”, “beloved”, “favorite”), Ermolai (“hermolaos”), Emelyan (“affectionate”), Evdokim (“honorable”, “in good renown”), Elizar (“God helped” ), Ilya (“my God is Jehovah Savva (“sagittarius”), Hippolytus (“unharnesser of horses”), Ivan (“given by God”), Kuzma (“energetic”), Clement (“merciful”), Cornelius (“Archer "), Constantine ("constant"), Leonidas ("like a lion"), Lawrence ("crowned with laurels"), Moses ("drawn or rescued from the water"), Maximilian ("greatest"), Michael ("like God" ), Miron (“fragrant resin”), Makar (“blessed, happy”), Nikanor (“seeing victory”), Nikolai (“victor of nations”), Pavel (“small”, “insignificant”), Prokhor (“manager in chorus"), Peter (“stone”), Polycarp (“fertile”), Roman (“Roman”), Stepan (“crown”), Sergei (“guard”), Seraphim (“fiery angel”), Semyon (“ listening", "heard by God"), Tikhon ("lucky"), Trofim ("breadwinner"), Fyodor ("God's gift"), Julian ("curly")

Female names, name meanings:

Anna (“grace”), Anfisa (“blooming”), Anastasia (“resurrection”), Arina (“peace”), Alina (“noble”), Elena (“bright”), Evdokia (“Benevolence”), Iraida (“hero’s daughter”), Karina (“impeccable”), Christina (“follower of Christ”), Maria (“stubborn”), Nonna (“ninth”), Olympias (“daughter of Olympus”), Praskovya (“Saturday’s Eve, Friday"), Seraphima ("fiery"), Ulyana ("curly", "fluffy")

The fate of a person is closely connected with his name. When deciding what to name your baby, you need to take into account many nuances. Disputes about how to choose a name for an unborn child begin long before his birth and sometimes develop into real battles. In addition to parents, grandparents, friends, relatives and just strangers put forward their versions. However, the last word should remain with the mother: at the moment when it is time to name the baby, she still has an unusually strong emotional and energetic connection with the baby. And she often intuitively already knows his name.

Choosing a name is a responsible matter, because the fate of a little person will be closely connected with this combination of sounds. This is the word that he will most often hear addressed to him, and, of course, the name leaves an imprint on the person’s personality. To approach the issue with maximum knowledge, we offer you several recommendations on how to choose the right name for your child.
First of all, let’s decide what names should not be given to babies under any circumstances. The first place on the list of undesirables is occupied by the names of the father and mother, that is, yours. Not only is confusion inevitable in this case, but such a repetition may not have the most favorable effect on the child’s future. By calling your child by your name, you are limiting him. personal capabilities, “imposing” your fate.

There is no need to name children in memory of deceased friends and relatives, especially if they died tragically. You don’t want such a fate for your child. In general, you should not give your child a name in honor of someone: this is a person, not a square or street.

We will highlight names that are not there as a separate item: memorable dates, names of cartoon characters or characters computer games. Young parents are sometimes careless about this issue, without thinking at all about what it will be like for a child with that name. How do you like it girl's name Police? How do you tell a boy named Tonsillitis to live? But since you are reading this article, it means that the question of how to choose a name for a child worries you seriously and this kind of extreme irresponsibility is not your case. When deciding which name to choose for your child, you should not forget about the euphony of the combination of first name and patronymic.

For example, there is no need for the name to be uploaded, and the middle name to begin with the same sound: Anna Alekseevna, Pyotr Romanovich - difficult to pronounce combinations. Also not good are combinations of first name and patronymic that end and begin with the same syllable: Mikhail Ilyich, Rimma Matveevna.

The first name and patronymic must have a different number of syllables. A short name must be combined with a long middle name and vice versa. For example, Oleg Konstantinovich or Margarita Markovna sounds good, but Vladislav Konstantinovich is already difficult to pronounce. If the number of syllables in the patronymic is average, then it is better to choose a name that is average in length: Evgeniy Alekseevich.

To choose a child’s name based on his patronymic, you need Special attention pay attention to the origin of both. If dad has an exotic name, then better name choose a child from the same national category. Svetlana Ibragimovna will sound as ridiculous as Madlena Ivanovna. From an esoteric point of view, the patronymic gives the child the influence and protection of the so-called national egregor. So you need to choose an appropriate name for the baby.

In addition, try to ensure that your baby’s first name and patronymic do not duplicate a similar combination famous people. Especially those whose fate is tragic and ambiguous. By naming your son Leonid Ilyich, you are doing him a disservice: others will perceive him precisely through the prism of this historical character. What's wrong with naming your son Alexander Sergeevich or Mikhail Yuryevich? Leaving aside the death of poets at a very young age, we only note that your child deserves to be a unique person, and not a copy of someone. This applies equally to the surname. No matter how much you love the classics, it is better to resist the temptation to name your newborn Vladimir Dubrovsky or Anna Karenina.

The combination of first and last name is also important. If the surname sounds the same for both sexes: Shumko, Kogol, you cannot give children the names Zhenya, Valya, Shura. Children have a very hard time when a girl is mistaken for a boy or vice versa. There is no need to select rare names for a not too euphonious surname. Marianna Kozlova sounds somehow strange.

Astrologers say that names for newborns should be chosen depending on the month of birth. The “correct” name is a guarantee that everything will work out for the baby the best way, and all the inherent talents will be realized.

So, how to choose a name for a child based on the month of birth.

Boys: Ilya, Daniil, Peter, Evgeniy, Vasily, Ignat, Grigory, Vladimir, Victor.
Girls: Lyudmila, Natalya, Lilia, Zoya, Anastasia, Irina, Lyubov, Asya.

Boys: Georgy, Timofey, Alexander, Maxim, Ivan, Vitaly or Mark.
Girls: Margarita, Vera, Veronica, Irina, Alisa, Svetlana, Anna, Zhanna, Milena, Emma.

Boys: Grigory, Pavel, Philip, Peter, Bogdan, Daniil, Taras, Fedor, Sergey.
Girls: Sofia, Ruslana, Antonina, Marina, Ekaterina, Vladislava and Elena.

Boys: Kirill, Konstantin, Alexey, Mikhail, Yakov, Mark, Vladimir and Yuri.
Girls: Maria, Daria, Lydia, Alexandra, Valentina and Karina.

Boys: Anatoly, Kirill, Alexander, Ivan, Valentin, Stanislav, Evgeniy.
Girls: Yulia, Faina, Angela, Svetlana, Angelina, Taisa, Alla and Maya.

Boys: Roman, Valery, Igor, Ignat, Dmitry, Konstantin, Vasily.
Girls: Maria, Zinaida, Raisa, Tamara, Tatyana, Alina, Elena, Olga.

Boys: Ignat, Arkady, Nikita, Maxim, Anatoly, Eduard, Georgy.
Girls: Alla, Sophia, Marianna, Elizaveta, Lyudmila, Alexandra, Alisa.

Boys: Julian, Gleb, Nikolay, Zakhar, Boris, Alexey, Andrey, Vladislav.
Girls: Tamara, Tatyana, Anfisa, Maria, Victoria, Natalya, Galina

Boys: Roman, Denis, Pavel, Anton, Valentin, Sergey, Gleb, Klim, Ivan.
Girls: Nadezhda, Lyubov, Raisa, Anna, Alesya, Vesta, Angelina, Svetlana, Marina.

Boys: Alexander, Grigory, Kirill, German, Sergey, Oleg, Mark, Vladimir.
Girls: Zoya, Zinaida, Marina, Elena, Sofia, Alla.

Boys: Valery, Valentin, Bogdan, Artem, Victor, Philip, Maxim
Girls: Anastasia, Natalya, Evgenia, Elizaveta, Claudia, Vera

Boys: Mikhail, Sergey, Andrey, Vadim, Igor, Timofey, Semyon
Girls: Polina, Irina, Svetlana, Yana, Victoria, Olga.

If you already think that choosing a name for a child is too difficult a task, and the responsibility is too great, do not worry too much. In the end, although the name influences fate, the little person will build it himself.

Our ancestors did not have such a problem as choosing a name for a newborn. Today, in some families, this is reaching the point of scandal, since dad wants to name his son Jordan, mom wants to name him Apollo, and grandparents dream of Vanechka. But in former times, everything was decided by the Orthodox church book, which was called “Saints”. Parents came to church, and the priest offered a choice of several names of Christian saints, whose memory was honored on the baby’s birthday. And if now parents want to make a choice in this particular way - how to choose a name for a child according to the calendar?

How to choose the right name according to the calendar?

Birthday, Angel's Day, name day... Many people confuse these concepts and congratulate them on their birthday. In fact, a birthday is the day on which a person was born, and a name day is the day of remembrance of the saint after whom he was named. The second name for name day is the day of the Angel or the day of the namesake. Previously, these days coincided for almost everyone, but now they practically do not. Despite this, some people began to celebrate Angel Day on the same basis as their birthday.

The Saints contain about 1,700 different names. Most of them are for men, and they have largely fallen out of use. This is not surprising, because many names for modern people seem funny, for example, Popius, Mnasen, Kurduva or Yazdundokta.

If you decide to name your newborn according to the calendar, remember the following:

  1. It is best to choose the name for the baby of the saint who is honored on his birthday. For example, your child was born on February 1st. You are truly lucky, since according to the calendar, the newborn can be called by the following names: Arseny, Gregory, Henry, Louise, Euphrasia, Mark, Makar, Meletius, Savva, Theodosius, Feodor or Januarius.
  2. If you have a boy, and on this day there are no names for a male representative, then the modern church usually advises looking at a few days ahead. You can do the same if you don’t like the proposed name (or names) at all.
  3. The baptismal name is given once in a lifetime and does not change again (with the exception of the name changing upon tonsure as a monk and when changing faith).
  4. Recently, some parents give their children double names: one is secular, and the other is church. Some people do this on purpose, while others do it by accident - they simply don’t give the baby a chance at birth. Orthodox name, and in church parents learn that a child cannot be baptized under the name, for example, Stella or Camilla. In this case, the priest invites parents to choose an Orthodox name for the baby - close or consonant with the “passport name”.
  5. If the saint in whose honor you named your baby is venerated several times a year, then the Angel’s day is the next name day after the day birth.

From antiquity to the present day

The Orthodox book "Saints of Saints" is nothing more than full list all the names of the saints whom he honors Orthodox Church. The second name of this book is “The Book of Months”, since it describes the whole year, day by day, month by month.

Naming a child according to the calendar is an ancient tradition of many nations. The Slavs were no exception to this. People believed that when a baby receives the name of a saint who is revered on the day of his birth or baptism, he will have a happy and long life. At the same time, it was not advisable to name a child after the great martyr - then he would be destined for a hard life, full of hardships and suffering.

If several saints were commemorated on a child’s birthday, then the parents could choose a name from several suggested by the priest. If there was only one name, then, alas, the parents had no choice. People did not dare to contradict the church. Later, if no saint was commemorated on the new person’s birthday, or they really didn’t like the name, then parents began to “increase” the list of names: they could consider the names of saints whose memory is celebrated on the eighth or fortieth day after the birth of the child. The fact is that our ancestors believed that a newborn should be given a name no earlier than the eighth day, and the sacrament of Baptism had to be carried out precisely on the fortieth day.

“Mesyatseslov” was used until the 1917 revolution. With coming Soviet power, when churches began to be massively destroyed and religion began to be banned, the tradition of naming children according to the calendar was abandoned. Nowadays, parents have become much more likely to turn to Orthodox calendar to choose a name for the child. Many believe that it will make the baby happy, and the saint after whom it was named will become an intercessor and guardian angel for the child. And some parents just follow modern fashion, because today an old or unusual name is “the last word.” So in kindergartens and schools we meet children with the names Luka and Akulina, Spiridon and Evdokia, Hilarion and Pelagia.

Calendar of names according to the calendar for each month

Name day in January

Names in February

Names in March

Names in April

Names in May

Names in June

Do children's names determine their destiny?

When choosing a name for a newborn, modern parents often act on the principle of “like it - don’t like it, suits it - doesn’t suit it.” But it was not always so. Once upon a time, people believed that by naming a child, they thereby influenced his character and even predetermined him future fate. This statement can be believed or doubted. However, it is difficult to argue with the fact that the interpretation of the meanings of names with which the Internet is now replete is based on the centuries-old experience of previous generations. After all, each name carries a certain meaning, endowing its owner with special qualities.

From birth, a child hears his name more often than other words. What a baby will become in the future can be influenced not only by his entire name, but also by each individual letter of the name. These provisions are set out in a special theory of sounds, which assumes that a person’s name is a combination of sounds pronounced at different pitches, thereby activating individual parts of the brain. For example, children whose name contains the letter “A” will grow up lively and energetic, “I” – calm and balanced, “E” – overly curious, “B” – sociable and sociable, “C” – revere material wealth.

In addition, all names have a certain sound coloring - more or less soft. Therefore, children with solid-sounding names (Anatoly, Dmitry, Ekaterina, Zhanna) usually have such character traits as perseverance, stubbornness, and focus. Owners of soft-sounding names (Natalia, Irina, Svetlana, Ilya, Vasily, etc.) are characterized by complaisance and amenability. Children with neutral names in this sense (Andrey, Arkady, Vitaly, Pavel, Anastasia, Olga, Anna, Lyubov, etc.) are restrained and prudent.

Interesting customs and signs are associated with the process of choosing a name for a child. For example, in Asian countries, a child at birth received two names, one of which was false - in order to confuse evil spirits. In Rus', it was believed that if only girls are born in a family, then as soon as the last one is given the name of the mother, the next one will be a boy.

Modern parents are not so superstitious, and if they really want to, they can easily call their children theirs. proper names, or give them the names of grandfathers and grandmothers. However, previously it was considered undesirable to name a son after his father, or a daughter after his mother. This was explained by the fact that each name has its own guardian angel. And if there are two people in the house with the same names, his task will become difficult to complete. In addition, such children were often capricious, restless, and irritable. Psychologists explain this fact this way: a boy named after his father feels competition with him throughout his life, and therefore constantly tries to assert himself. In girls, this process is not so pronounced, and most often similar problems arise in them already in adolescence.

The desire of the parents to please the grandparents by naming the newborn in their honor, according to signs, can be justified if the fates of the older relatives turned out successfully - then everything should be fine in the child’s life. According to legend, it is not recommended to give the name of a relative who has passed away tragically, like the name of a recently deceased baby, to a child, so as not to bring trouble upon him.

How to choose a name for your unborn child

Choosing a name for a baby depends on many factors - fashion in names and family traditions, national and religious roots of the family.

1. Do not exaggerate with originality.

The desire to distinguish oneself by naming a child is common to many of us. That is why future parents scour name directories and the Internet in search of a special, less common, sometimes even exotic name for their baby. Some “get into the soul” unusual names heroes of your favorite TV series. And it’s good if the name you like matches the style of the baby’s middle name and last name. Otherwise, it will be the child who will have to live with such “exotics.” . On the other hand, a rare name is an opportunity to stand out from the crowd. It is believed that people with rare names more chances for success in life.

2. Last name, first name, patronymic should be easy to pronounce.

Someday the child will grow up and will probably be called by his patronymic name. Therefore, this phrase should be easy to pronounce. Difficulties may arise if the name ends with a consonant, and the middle name also has one or more consonants at the beginning.

When naming a boy, parents should not forget that he will one day become a father - they should not also “punish” their future grandchildren with an unpronounceable middle name.

During our school years, many of us were given nicknames by our classmates using abbreviations of names as a source of ideas. And if the capital letters of the last name, first name, and patronymic form the catchy abbreviation B.M.V, then it’s not even offensive, but if something unpleasant turns out, then ridicule in the child’s future is guaranteed.

3. The more forms of endearment, the better.

IN early age when the baby is not yet able to pronounce his name correctly, the presence of its diminutive forms is very important. In addition, with their help, parents express their love and affection for the baby. And some adults, showing originality, can come up with a special pet name, which no one else has.

4. An international family has its own rules

If parents decide to name their child a name with a clear affiliation with a certain nationality, it is important to consider which country the baby will have to live in, in which language environment grow. Here you should also not forget about the optimal combination of the child’s first name with the child’s last name and patronymic. Perhaps so-called international names that have interpretations in different languages ​​will come to the rescue of parents. different languages.

Methods for choosing baby names

How to choose a name? When naming the baby, parents can use one of the following methods.

  1. According to the seasons. According to this theory, a person's character depends on the time of year when he was born. So, in the winter months, talented, strong-willed and purposeful children are born. They are most suitable soft names. Spring children, indecisive, touchy, easily vulnerable, vulnerable, just like summer children, impressionable, emotional, easily influenced, are suitable for firm-sounding names. For autumn children, serious, balanced, reasonable, any names are suitable.
  2. According to the calendar. If parents want the child’s birthday to coincide with his name day (Angel’s Day), then you can name the baby one of the names of the saints whose memory is honored on this day according to the church calendar. You can also choose the name of a saint, whose memory is honored on the eighth day from the child’s birth - that’s when children were named in the old days, or on the fortieth day - previously on this day the child was baptized in church.
  3. According to numerology. According to this science, each name is a specific number that has a special interpretation. The principle of calculating the number of a name and its meaning can be found at the link
  4. Zodiac sign. Astrologers suggest parents choose a name for their child in accordance with his zodiac sign, arguing that a correctly chosen name will protect the baby from adversity in the future. And for each of the signs they provide a list of the most suitable male and female names, such as, for example, here
  5. Method comparative tables perfect option for those parents who already have lists of names they like. They exchange lists and cross out those options that they don’t like. Then a ranking table of names is compiled.
  6. “Consulting” with the future baby. When naming the names they like, the future mother and father listen to the reaction of the future baby. They stop at the name on which the baby made himself known - he moved, knocked.

If the child is born any day now, and you still haven’t found a name for him, don’t despair. Perhaps, looking at it for the first time, you will immediately understand what to call it.

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