How to remake a table. Remaking old furniture with your own hands (65 photos): original ideas. The most successful examples of remaking old things

Remaking furniture with your own hands is a guarantee old furniture second life. Even when old, peeling furniture from Soviet times spoils the entire updated interior of the apartment, you should not rush to take it to the landfill. There are many ideas and ways to update old furnishings.

Remaking old furniture with your own hands (the photo illustrates the process) allows you to create stunning compositions that are difficult to recognize as old. The old furniture had important advantage– it used natural wood and was made “to last forever”, i.e. with a large margin of safety. Using your own or borrowed imagination, you can optimally use all the features of furniture sets and individual items.

You shouldn’t rush to throw away old furniture

Furniture produced in Soviet times was not particularly elegant in its time, but it served well for many years and is capable of serving for no less time. Its main disadvantages: lack of originality, i.e. standard color and appearance; almost complete absence of decorative elements.

A good example of remaking an old sideboard

In addition, signs of aging and mechanical damage should be added. As a result, fairly durable tables, cabinets, and chests of drawers turned into junk that in no way fit into the modern apartment.

Example of remodeling an old cabinet

At the same time, it should be recalled that currently such styles as country, Provencal, in which elements of antiquity, and even made of natural wood become the basis of the entire composition.

Photo of an updated kitchen in Provence style

Taking into account the above, a natural question arises about whether it is possible to remake the old Soviet furniture with your own hands, and so that it looks like new and is original. In other words, there is a need to preserve antiquity, but so that the neighbors do not have the same. It turns out that such a task is quite doable, and remodeling furniture with your own hands is accessible to many people.

An example of IKEA furniture conversion

In the not very wide range of Soviet furniture, walls were considered a special chic. And in our time, when remaking furniture with your own hands is started, the old Soviet wall is first of all taken for processing.

In general, it is worth thinking about restoring any objects made of natural wood - such furniture will never go out of fashion, but you need to use maximum imagination to improve the appearance. Remaking IKEA furniture with your own hands also promises great opportunities, because... The products of this Swedish company have always been successful, but they will have to be given a more modern touch.

Furniture will never go out of style

What principles can be used

The method of restoration depends on the degree of wear of the furniture. The easiest way to improve it is by painting it and hanging elegant fittings. It is the fittings that can be added to any product certain style and originality, and the range of its choice on the market is huge, plus the possibility of individual creativity should not be discounted.

Decoupage - decoration furniture surfaces using colorful napkins

Remaking furniture with your own hands (the photo clearly demonstrates the possibilities) is based on the following basic methods:

  1. Painting. Variety of color options for use acrylic paint makes it possible to provide any style. Even imitation gilding, silvering, bronze tint, etc. is available, which can give the furniture Rococo or Baroque features.
  2. Varnish coating. Modern varnishes have numerous shades and are able to bring out the wood texture very well.
  3. Decoupage is the decoration of furniture surfaces using multi-colored napkins (most often paper), on top of which a layer of varnish is applied. The possibilities of this method are enormous and allow you to express your personal attitude to decoration.
  4. Craquelure is a technique for artificially aging a paint or varnish layer. Currently, this method of interior decoration is very popular. In practice, imitation of a network of cracks is achieved by applying a special craquelure varnish.
  5. Gluing film (self-adhesive film) or wallpaper. It is considered very common and simple method. Rework kitchen furniture do it yourself quite often based on the use of self-adhesive film different color and design, but wood imitation is most in demand.
  6. Hanging fittings and decorative elements. This method is necessary for any furniture restoration technology.

Preparatory activities

Before starting work, first of all, you should understand that remaking Soviet furniture with your own hands makes sense only if it is made of natural wood.

Sanding machine for furniture renovation

Important! An attempt to restore objects made of chipboard is a waste of time, because... the durability of this material is not so high, and the service life is often already exhausted .

In order to apply any of the above methods of updating furniture, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures that are common to all cases.

Chisel necessary tool in working with wood

They include the following works:

  1. Removing outdated fittings and decor, cleaning surfaces from contamination. Next, you need to remove the old layer of varnish (paint). For this purpose, the surface is first treated with emery cloth or using a grinding machine, and then a dissolving liquid - an aqueous ammonia solution - is applied to it.
  2. If there are noticeable cracks, they are grouted using a special composition. After grouting, the treated area is carefully sanded.
  3. Surface primer. Regardless of the quality of the surface of old furniture, various dents and microscopic cracks form on it, which in the future can disrupt the integrity of the new coating. To eliminate any unevenness, it is recommended to use a primer. façade surface old furniture. After drying, the primer is carefully sanded.

For preparatory work You should prepare the following tool in advance: Grinder, chisel, screwdriver, hammer, spatula, paint brush.

Hammer necessary for restoring old furniture

Features of wall modification

The old Soviet wall does not fit in at all modern interior due to its overly typical appearance, not to mention its aging, scratches, etc. This furniture set was made in a modest style with rather discreet colors, without decoration. All this does not allow us to fit it into any single designer style.

An example of remaking an old Soviet wall

The most common way to remake an old Soviet (and not only Soviet) wall is to cover the facade with film (wallpaper) of bright colors, as well as install original fittings and decorative elements. As an example, we can cite one of the options used: on the doors there is a self-adhesive film in the color of “cream” with a matte surface; on glass elements - matte translucent film; The edging is done with a chrome-look film.

This do-it-yourself alteration of old furniture is carried out in the following order:

  1. Carrying out standard preparatory work.
  2. The prepared surface is treated with dishwashing detergent, which is then washed off with a weak vinegar solution and dried.
  3. The film is cut so that it has a 5-8 mm margin.
  4. The surface of the wall is sprayed with water from a spray bottle, because It is much easier to apply the film on the wet side, with the possibility of slight shifting.
  5. The self-adhesive film is carefully applied, smoothing out air bubbles.
  6. Ironing is carried out on top of the film with a slightly heated iron through the fabric.
  7. Imitation chrome edging strips are glued on.
  8. Fittings and decorative elements of the chosen design style are installed.

Similarly, you can cover the facade of the wall not with film, but with non-woven wallpaper. PVA is used as glue.

How can you repurpose other items?

Do-it-yourself furniture remodeling can successfully affect other items as well.

Old chest of drawers can be turned into an elegant modern piece of furniture

For some reason, an old chest of drawers most often ends up in a landfill, but in vain. It can be turned into an elegant modern piece of furniture after the following events:

  1. Carrying out preparatory work.
  2. Fastening polyurethane moldings, in this case there is no need to strive for large elements - their width is not recommended more than 3-4 cm (it is important to very accurately align them in the corners so that there are no gaps).
  3. Primer application: one of the composition options is an aqueous solution of PVA (50%).
  4. Painting using acrylic paint. The color of coffee with milk looks very impressive.
  5. Decoration can be done with wallpaper with a silk-screen printing element.
  6. The final coating is provided by varnish.

How can you transform old bedside table? One option is door decoupage. In this case, after the preparatory work, the outer side of the door is first painted with acrylic paint. Then a paper sheet with beautiful design or ornament. The plot and color scheme completely depend on the taste of the owner. If there is also a drawer, then a drawing in the same style is glued to its front side. Varnish is applied on top of the paper. acrylic base semi-gloss type. Important element– beautiful and original pens.

You can paste paper with a pattern in one sheet onto the surface of the tabletop or assemble an abstract pattern from paper pieces

It's possible to use the old one coffee table turn it into an elegant thing. After preparation, the table must be painted, and light colors look modern. The next step is decoupage of the tabletop. You can paste a single sheet of patterned paper onto the surface or assemble an abstract pattern from paper pieces. PVA glue is used. After gluing, it is advisable to go over the tabletop with a roller to remove defects. The surface of the table should be as smooth as possible. The final coating is formed by two layers of varnish.

Sometimes old furniture literally captivates with the quality of the wood from which it is made, as well as its unusual appearance.

Bring out such vintage items The interior is simply not worth throwing in the trash. But also to furnish with their help modern home- also not best idea. But there is a way out of the situation. You need to update old furniture with your own hands by breathing into it new life. There is no doubt that after a little restoration the furniture will be transformed!

1. Patchwork style

Updating old chairs.

Bright chairs will become a real highlight of the interior. To transform soft seat, you need to cover it with a cover sewn from multi-colored scraps. And the solid legs and back are decorated using the decoupage technique. On the primed surface you need to apply decoupage napkins or magazine clippings soaked in a mixture of PVA and water. After drying, cover them with a layer acrylic varnish.

2. Travel Club

Decor of old furniture with geographical maps.

Surely in every house there are old geographic Maps left over from school days. They can completely cover furniture using the decoupage technique described above. If such a solution seems too radical, then it is better to combine decoupage with painting individual areas. In order for the paint to lay evenly, you need to clean the furniture from the old finish.

3. Delicate relief

Updating old furniture with wallpaper.

Wallpaper with convex patterns for painting is an excellent material for updating furniture, the purchase of which will not burden even the most modest budget. Check the distant drawers: perhaps the remnants of wallpaper after renovation are waiting for their finest hour. Paste sections of wallpaper onto the prepared and cleaned surface of the furniture. If white seems too dull, paint the wallpaper and coat it with varnish for protection.

4. The most interesting thing is inside

Remaking old furniture with your own hands.

The effect of surprise when looking at furniture whose back wall is decorated with bright patterns is guaranteed. If the level of your own artistic skills allows, then back wall can be painted. To do this, you will have to first disassemble the furniture. There is a simpler solution: just cover it with bright wallpaper. To make the renovation complete, paint the furniture itself in a harmonizing color.

5. Fashionable ombre effect

Decor of old furniture using ombre technique.

Smooth color transitions are a coloristic technique that has not lost its relevance over the past few years. So why not repeat it on furniture? Use 4-5 shades of the same color, painting furniture vertically. It is not at all necessary to buy the number of paint cans corresponding to the ombre colors. You can purchase basic and white colors. The intensity of the base color is adjusted by adding different amounts of white to it.

6. Musical furniture

Furniture decor with old notes.

Long-read newspapers or old music notebooks can be used to decorate vintage furniture. Paint some of the furniture in the chosen color, leaving empty areas where the paper will be pasted. Construction tape will help you maintain the paint boundaries. Then stick paper soaked in tea or coffee and dried on the furniture. Soaking is necessary to give notes or newspapers brown tint, creating the effect of aging. After the glue has dried, coat the paper with varnish.

7. Spectacular color duet

Furniture decor using stencil designs.

In order for the selected design to look neat, it is better to apply it using a stencil. It can be cut out of thick cardboard or thin plastic. Color the selected item in light color. After the paint has dried, apply the design using a stencil. To make the updated furniture look impressive, we recommend choosing contrasting paint colors.

8. Maximum color

Updating furniture by painting.

The easiest way to freshen up vintage furniture is to simply repaint it. But first you need to clean the surface from any remnants of varnish and paint applied many years ago. This can be done using a sander or sandpaper. In some cases, it is enough to simply pry the layers of paint with a knife, and they will easily come off. Then the wood needs to be coated with a primer, and after it dries, painted in bright color.

9. Instead of a photo album

Updating old furniture retro photo.

Vintage photos most often gather dust in drawers until they fade and become frayed. But there is more rational way their use, which will allow them to see the white light, and you - to constantly enjoy sophisticated retro aesthetics. Use the photo to cover old furniture. If you don’t feel comfortable using pictures in this quality, then make duplicates of them by scanning and printing them on a color printer. The decoupage technique will help to attach “doubles” of retro photos to furniture. To preserve the images, do not forget to varnish them.

10. Simple but cute drawing

Drawing on furniture in the spirit of primitivism.

Even in the absence of developed skills in the field visual arts It will be possible to decorate old furniture in a similar way. Choose a simple design in two or three colors and transfer it to the surface of the furniture, pre-painted in the chosen primary color.

11. In the spirit of impressionism

Contrasting decor of old furniture.

A bunch of bright colors, even those that don’t match each other - that’s all that’s needed to transform furniture into a piece of abstract art. Clean the furniture from old varnish and paint, prime it. Then start covering it with small strokes of different colors. For convenience, apply the first color first, then the second, and so on. To evaluate color compatibility, we recommend that you first create a sketch on a piece of thick cardboard.

12. Impressive contrasts

Painting furniture in contrasting colors.

Furniture painted in two contrasting colors looks unforgettable. In order not to accidentally cross the boundaries of good taste, we recommend choosing one neutral color (gray, black, white, beige, and the second - bright (pink, light green, orange, azure). With this combination of tones, the furniture will be spectacular, but not too provocative.

13. Abstract landscape

Spectacular pattern on furniture.

It's hard to believe, but you don't need to be an artist to draw an interesting landscape. The main thing is to choose the right colors and apply them in the form of uneven stripes on the surface of the selected furniture. In such an abstract drawing, anyone can easily recognize a mountain landscape.

14. Luxurious ceramics

Furniture decor with mosaics and tiles.

The remains of mosaics and tiles are an excellent material for furniture decoration. For cutting, use a manual tile cutter or special tongs. You can simply break the tile or mosaic with a hammer, but in this case the pattern will be more chaotic. To glue ceramics to wood, use acrylic or silicone construction adhesive. After drying, fill the joints between the ceramic fragments with tile grout and remove the excess a little later.

15. Forces of fittings

The furniture is being transformed with new fittings.

Sometimes even such a simple technique as changing accessories can radically transform appearance old furniture. And if you first paint it in a discreet color, the result will be truly impressive.

In any home, the closet takes up a lot of space. important place. It is a pity that over time it loses its original appearance: the appearance of cracks and faded paint make it unattractive, it goes out of fashion and looks out of date. We have to think about his future fate.

There are at least two ways out of this situation:

  • buying new furniture;
  • updating an old closet.

With your own hands you can give your wardrobe a new life, turn it into a unique object, while saving significant money.

How to restore?

Any antique cabinet requires a little restoration, which will significantly improve its appearance.

You can restore the wardrobe yourself if you use the advice of experts:

  • A metal brush is used to treat decayed wood, after which the dead tissue is removed.
  • The fine dust formed in this case is washed off under running water.
  • Sometimes in wooden elements There are holes left in the cabinet from nails, some unevenness and cracks. All this must be cleaned with a spatula. It is necessary to apply several thin layers putties to match the wood. Each layer must dry before applying the next.
  • Then dry on fresh air all layers within 1-2 days. Do not dry wood in the sun.
  • Sometimes found in furniture metal parts, which have become covered with rust over time, such places should be treated with a special solution.
  • The restored surface can then be painted or decorated at your discretion.
  • A self-adhesive film that imitates wood, stone, or metal is perfect.

How to paint?

A cabinet that has gone out of fashion, but is still quite strong and will last for many years, can simply be repainted. In this simple way it is created new design cabinets, chests of drawers and any other old furniture. In this case, we are talking not only about giving freshness to dull surfaces, but also about completely replacing color scheme, which will add originality to the product. Painting is the most common option for updating an old item. Despite its simplicity, it is necessary to approach this process correctly. For a long-lasting result, you must first prepare the furniture walls.

Below is a step-by-step master class.

It will help you to carry out high-quality and competent painting at home:

  • it is important to first clean the surfaces of paint residues: one layer will easily remove the sanding disc; special brushes can handle several layers as an attachment;
  • all walls, doors and other parts must be sanded manually or using a tool;
  • leveling occurs by applying a primer or putty to hide defects that have arisen during many years of use;
  • you need to wait until the leveling layer has completely dried, and after that you can start painting;

  • To apply a layer of paint on all sides, take a brush, roller or sponge; however, it is faster to use a spray gun or spray gun. With this method, the paint is applied under pressure, so the doors, shelves and walls inside the cabinet are well painted;
  • As a rule, several layers of paint are applied. This ensures rich color and good surface preservation. It is better to paint the cabinet with acrylic, alkyd enamel or other high-quality paint;
  • the paint must be allowed to dry completely, after which a layer of varnish can be applied. It makes the cabinet look glossy and shiny. If you prefer a matte surface, you can skip varnishing. However, the use of this coating has a protective function, prevents abrasion and gives the tone greater depth. You can use not only glossy, but also matte and silky finishes.


If you decide to leave and decorate with your own hands old wardrobe, it can be decorated different ways. There are many techniques that are used for decoration.

Decorative plaster

It's pretty difficult option decoration. First, the product is coated old paint, must be processed sandpaper. It is necessary to apply the stencil decorative plaster volumetric elements on cabinet fronts. The stencil itself must be removed before the plaster dries. Then the uneven parts are smoothed using a spatula. Ready decorative elements varnished or painted, gilding or antique patina is possible.

Photo printing

A sliding wardrobe or just an old wardrobe can be greatly updated with photographs or photo wallpaper. Any photographs are enlarged using large format printing in a printing house. The surface is decorated with a panel or a collage of photographs, most often these are sliding wardrobes with smooth doors. However, such printing service is expensive, so it is more often used a budget option- photo wallpapers that are sold in any repair store. Choose a wide variety of themes - nature, beautiful cities, animals and much more. If you use starch-based glue, you can later change the boring pattern.

Stained glass film

You can decorate an outdated piece of furniture yourself without having any special skills. Very simple on glass door The stained glass film, which is fashionable this season, is glued to the cabinet. This will add presentability to old furniture. Besides decorative function, the film protects the glass from impact and scratches. Removing the film is very simple, and this decorative technique looks very impressive, because the imitation is as close as possible to real stained glass.

New fittings

There are no trifles in the decorating process. Every designer knows that 40% of the success of any interior is details and accessories. IN in this case You can transform your closet beyond recognition by changing all the fittings on it. New pens are important.

It’s a pity if you have to throw away old but high-quality furniture, especially wooden ones. But such products can be updated and used for more than one year. To choose the right decoration method, it is important to take into account the material and degree of wear of the old cabinet.

Natural wood

Earlier wooden furniture they did it very well. Before updating, remove dust with a dry cloth. Then check the fasteners and if they are broken, they need to be repaired or replaced. It would be nice to treat the inside of the cabinet with an antibacterial agent; a more budget-friendly option is simple vinegar. It will destroy the unpleasant odor.

Then the choice of decoration method is made.

  • Toning. First, all surfaces are leveled using wood putty, matched to the color of the cabinet. After the layer has dried, uneven areas are sanded with sandpaper. Processed and smooth planes processed with a special structuring tinting for wood. Choose a decorative tinting color darker than the original shade of the cabinet. This treatment will completely transform the appearance of the product.
  • Aging. Furniture made from natural wood can be “aged”. The antiqued effect of the cabinet surface is achieved as follows: light wood tone is painted in any dark shade depending on the color palette rooms. Then, after the paint has completely dried, you need to rub several fragments with a candle, after which light paint is applied, for example, beige, white, cream. When the second painted layer is rubbed with sandpaper, abrasions will be visible through some light areas. which are darker. When to decorate dark closet, make craquelures. To do this, apply craquelure varnish to the surface. After it dries, small cracks form, which are highlighted using dry pigment or oil paint desired shade.



  • Painting. This option involves pre-painting with furniture paint of a light shade. After drying, the cabinet fronts are painted with acrylic paints. If you do not have drawing and painting skills, you can paint the cabinet using a stencil.


If the cabinet is in good condition, it will be possible to use the same decoration options that are used in the decoration. wooden products excluding tint. A cabinet in poor condition requires replacing the doors.

  • Dark polish. In our country, the iconic model of such a cabinet was extremely common. The decor of this product is very difficult to modernize, since the synthetic dark varnish, previously used for polishing furniture, is almost impossible to remove. Besides this, others decorative materials they don't stick to it. Here you need to make a strong-willed decision and replace all the doors if they are in poor condition. A well-preserved cabinet can be repurposed in one of two ways:

  • Tupovka– toning using a sponge. For application, use golden or copper metallic paint, which even applies to such polishing. The application technique differs in that in certain places the paint layer is filled up and down with a sponge. Then the perimeter of the doors is decorated with glued PVC stucco. In the central part of each door there is a rosette made of stucco, similar to the design of the perimeter.
  • Stencil ornament. To apply such an ornament, gold or copper paint is also used, but in an aerosol bottle. First, a stencil in the form of an ornament is glued to the cabinet door. After that, a base for paint is made using a stencil using an aerosol matte varnish, which acts as a primer. After 5 minutes, apply a tinted aerosol. After waiting five minutes, you can remove the stencil.

stencil ornament


Sometimes an original idea to update old things leads to the emergence of a new one. A large number of diverse and unexpected techniques are recommended by designers. Among them:

  • Lace decor. In itself, lace or lace fabric is unique and does not raise any doubts about its aesthetic value. It is no coincidence that there are always a lot of applications for it in the field of decoration, including furniture. It is not difficult to make an exclusive furniture design with your own hands using it. You will need lace and paint. Apply to the facade in in the right place lace fabric and brush it with paint. Then the lace is removed, and a beautiful lace pattern remains on the facade.

  • Decoupage. Perhaps the most amazing effect is provided by the decoupage technique. The cabinet is decorated with napkins that have a suitable pattern on their surface; they can always be found in any hardware store. The design is cut out, peeled off and then pasted on. special glue for decoupage. The surface with pasted drawings must be coated with furniture varnish. As a rule, it is applied in two layers. This decor looks especially good against a light background. The cabinet, which was originally dark, must first be painted before decorating.

Many people have old furniture stored at home or somewhere in the country. And most often these are not expensive antiques from tsarist times, but the most ordinary cabinets, chests of drawers, tables and chairs. At first glance, it may seem that most of these things should be thrown away long ago, but take a closer look - often these are high-quality products made of solid wood or maybe even forged metal, which will last for many more years if they are beautifully restored. In this article we will talk about ways to decorate tables - kitchen, dining, coffee, work - of different sizes and shapes.

However, many of the presented options are equally suitable for other interior items. Perhaps these examples will inspire you to turn nondescript, shabby furniture into a real work of art, because it’s so nice to contemplate the beauty made by yourself!

12 ways to give new life to an old table

1. Painting

The best way to update a worn-out table is to paint it, but first you need to prepare the surface. A paint remover will help remove the previous finish from the product.

If on metal legs or the fittings have rust, they should be soaked generously with vinegar, Coca-Cola or special means, and after 15-20 minutes wipe with a hard scraper.

The wood is sanded with sandpaper, dust is removed, then impregnated with an antiseptic and a primer is applied. All chips, cracks and irregularities are rubbed over with acrylic wood putty.

For painting, you can use alkyd enamel, acrylic or epoxy paints, varnishes, and aerosol compositions for metal. You will also need painting tools - brush, roller, sponge, sprayer.

To give the table a more impressive look, you can paint it not entirely, but only individual parts. For this you will need masking tape or stencils.

2. Artistic painting

If a monochromatic coating seems too boring, try decorating old table patterns. Drawings can be applied with a brush and acrylic paints - manually, through a stencil or according to outlines made using tracing paper.

Table with artistic painting will perfectly complement the interior in ethnic or rustic style, and children will like images of animals, fairy-tale and cartoon characters.

3. Decoupage

For this decor you will need a brush, paper napkins with a pattern, PVA glue and transparent furniture varnish.

The pictures are carefully torn off or cut out with scissors, the bottom layers of paper are removed, then the resulting thin appliqués are placed in the designated place and coated with glue on top, trying to avoid folds and tears.

If any element cannot be attached the first time, it must be immediately wiped with a sponge dampened warm water, and try again with a similar fragment.

The dried decoupage is coated with transparent furniture varnish in several layers, otherwise paper decor will wear off quickly.

4. Craquelure

Craquelure is a cracking varnish that is used to deliberately give a product a look that imitates the texture of antique paintings. It can be one-step (the composition is applied in one layer and cracks as it dries) and two-step (two mixtures are used - one based on epoxy resins, the second on water based, they interact and a characteristic texture is obtained). The color of the veins is determined by the bottom layer of acrylic paint, as well as the shade of the grout. Most often, powdered golden pigment or pastel is used for this purpose.

Two-step craquelure is usually used to complement decoupage or hand painting to achieve the effect of an aged painting. One-step is more suitable for products without patterns.

5. Tiles

It happens that after repair there is a small supply left ceramic tiles. It can be used to decorate an old table - just tile it wooden base. The installation technology in this case is practically no different from finishing walls or floors.

The ceramic surface is ideal for a table in the kitchen, terrace, veranda, gazebo or even outside.

To give the table an attractive look, in addition to plain tiles, you should use patterned borders, decorative panels(possibly even with some plots) or a stylish patchwork.

6. Mosaic

Paintings from small fragments decorate many galleries, temples and palaces. They will look just as elegant in the home, for example, on the surface of coffee tables.

Mosaic elements can be ceramic (even broken tiles), glass or acrylic.

From available materials, small round cuts of wood, cut CDs, and colored pebbles are suitable. You just need to come up with an interesting pattern and attach the pieces to the table using glue or liquid nails.

7. Self-adhesive film

The simplest and nice option decor of an old table that does not require fiddling with paints - gluing film.

This available material can imitate any coating - from rare wood to marble, it can have any designs, patterns and textures.

Self-adhesive film is sold in rolls, and it is easy and pleasant to use.

8. Decorative tape

Stationery and creative supply stores have recently introduced wide choose decorative self-adhesive tapes. To decorate an old table multi-colored tape, you will need no more than 30-40 minutes and a new bright thing will appear in your interior.

If you want to change the finish, the adhesive strips can be removed just as quickly, and if there is any glue left somewhere, acetone will easily dissolve it.

9. Epoxy resin

Epoxy resin is a liquid substance that hardens quickly on outdoors, turning into hard transparent plastic.

Cracks in wood filled in this way look very unusual, and if luminescent powder is added to the liquid phase, they will glow brightly in the dark.

also in epoxy resin You can place dried flowers, leaves, shells, coins, and thanks to the transparency of the substance, you get the effect of ice or amber.
