How to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment: from folk remedies to advanced technologies. How do mosquitoes find us in the dark? Where could a huge mosquito hide in the room?

Mosquitoes are quite insidious and agile creatures, capable in some cases of breaking through all obstacles! Even if you have protective nets on your windows, and you use others, as practice shows, several mosquitoes still manage to sneak into the house and cause nightly tyranny with their buzzing and bites. In this article we will look at how to catch a mosquito in a room and kill it with improvised means.

Attracting with light

Mosquitoes, like many other insects, are attracted to light, so if you hear a buzzing noise at night, there is no point in operating in the dark. Turn on a flashlight or lamp, so a spot of light will appear in your room, which will help you quickly find a mosquito in the room, and you can swat it.

To successfully and correctly kill a mosquito, you need to know that they do not fly to sodium lamps or LED lights, as well as special yellow insect lamps. They are best used as protective night lighting.

Vacuum cleaner

How to kill mosquitoes at home if they are in a hard-to-reach place? Enough original method, which is nevertheless very effective. If you notice a mosquito in the room, it is much more convenient to try to kill it simply by sucking it into the vacuum cleaner. The main thing is to sharply point the vacuum cleaner hose at its victim so that the mosquito does not have time to fly away. By the way, this method will perfectly help destroy mosquitoes that have settled on the ceiling or at the top of the walls, where you cannot reach with your hand.

Be the bait!

How to kill a mosquito at night in the dark? If a mosquito makes its attack at night, when you have already gone to bed, and you do not feel strong enough to wage a full-fledged fight, you will have to take a risk. Roll over on your side and cover your entire body with a blanket so that only one half of your face remains unprotected. The main thing is to place your hand in a comfortable position so that at the right moment you can quickly take it out of cover and strike.

Then you just need to listen carefully for a while. The mosquito will fly around and its itching will tell you how far away it is. After flying a little above you, the mosquito will understand that it is not in danger and will land on the open half of your face, most likely on your cheek. Focus will help you feel its bite. Wait another second and strike sharply and confidently. Enough to kill the insect, but not enough to injure you.

Trap in a glass

If you do not want to destroy mosquitoes, but still do not intend to tolerate their company, try this, the most humane method. Mosquitoes most often sit on walls. Find the location of the mosquito. If you can't find the mosquito on the wall, lean one side of your face against the wall so you can see it in a different plane. This way you can better spot the bloodsucker.

Take the glass and slowly approach it. With a sharp wave of your hand, cover the mosquito with a glass and slide a piece of paper under it so that the trap can be moved. And then decide the fate of the prisoner at your own discretion, you can simply release him onto the street.

There are many ways to help you quickly catch a mosquito in an apartment, but most of them come down to simply swatting with improvised means; we tried to tell you more interesting and original options. Catching a mosquito at night is not difficult if you use your imagination.

Due to the fact that this year the summer was very hot and at the same time rainy, a lot of mosquitoes bred, as these are ideal conditions for them. Moreover, there are so many of them that it is almost impossible to be on the street either in the evening or during the day. However, these insects bother you not only on the street; if they get into the house, then you are guaranteed a fun night. In this article we will talk about the main methods of exterminating mosquitoes that have entered your home.

To catch a mosquito, you must first detect it, and this is almost impossible to do in the dark, of course, if you have night vision. Therefore, turn on the lantern or lamp in the room and wait for the bloodsucker to appear, after which you can inflict reprisals on him. However, keep in mind that these squeaking insects are not attracted to the light of LED flashlights, sodium lamps or yellow bug lamps. The latter option is designed to repel them, not attract them.

Sometimes a mosquito circles in the air for a very long time and is very difficult to catch. Or you may have suspended ceilings in your apartment, which can be damaged if you suddenly decide to smear a bloodsucker who sits on them. In this case, try using a powerful vacuum cleaner, which will easily suck in the annoying mosquito and kill it forever in its belly.

Lie on your back and leave one part of your body bare to attract mosquitoes. Wait until he sits down and slam him with your free hand. The problem is that while you wait for him, you can simply fall asleep, and wake up already bitten.

It is easiest to kill a mosquito on the wall, so wait until it sits and spread it softly. As practice shows, mosquitoes like to sit near the ceiling, so you may need a chair.

It is not always possible to kill a mosquito with your hand. Therefore, you can use available means for this: a rolled up newspaper, a rolled up towel, a slipper, a fly swatter.

Try turning on the light in another room

As you remember, mosquitoes fly towards the light. Therefore, if you really want to sleep, but you can’t kill the mosquito, then try turning on the light in the next room, where this harmful insect can fly away.

You can try a special trap to catch mosquitoes, which is quite simple to make. I haven’t tried it myself, so I can’t say anything about its effectiveness.

Folk remedies

There are several types of oils that mosquitoes really don't like. These include: tea tree oil, cloves, basil, anise, eucalyptus, cedar oil.

Also, mosquitoes are not happy with the smell of elderberry, chamomile, peppermint - these plants just need to be brought into the room. Elderberry and mint should be fresh, but dry chamomile will do. Moreover, peppermint can be grown at home in a pot.

This may be the simplest remedy, but at the same time, it may not be entirely safe.

Don't rely on ultrasonic repellers. As practice shows, they are ineffective in controlling mosquitoes.

Don't let mosquitoes into your home

And of course, you won’t have to fight these bloodsuckers if you block their path to your home. It is very advisable to hang special net curtains on the doors, and install Mosquito nets.

Mosquitoes are already so annoying that people are coming up with more and more new ways to get rid of them. Young and not so naturalistic experimenters advise rubbing yourself with herbs, manufacturers are releasing more and more electronic devices. There are so many methods, tips and products that we decided to untangle this Gordian knot and put everything on the shelves.

To properly get rid of mosquitoes, let's find out what they can and cannot do modern means, and what functions each of them performs. Here we have collected ALL the methods of getting rid of mosquitoes, invented by humanity over thousands of years: from bacteria that kill larvae to powerful modern propane traps. But first, let's be clear about what does NOT work against mosquitoes.

Is it possible to get rid of mosquitoes using electronic repellers and traps? Unfortunately, electronic repellers have no effect on mosquitoes at all, scientists have proven this 100% long ago. As for bug traps, these bug “electric chairs” do a good job of catching insects, but there are few mosquitoes among them. In the 90s, scientists conducted experiments, several studies, which showed that traps do a very poor job of catching female mosquitoes, which are blood-sucking mosquitoes. Scientists say most of the insects caught in the trap are beneficial insects, such as water bugs, which fish feed on. Therefore, we will not consider electronic “bug traps” as effective ways to get rid of mosquitoes.

So what do we have left? There are only a few methods approved by scientists: repellents, traps, means to get rid of mosquito larvae and insecticides for adult insects. Let's figure out what these products are, how and when to use them.

  • Repellents, as you understand, can only scare away. This includes DEET-based sprays, picardine, bracelets, and permethrin-impregnated clothing. (You can read about them in review of the 14 best repellents )
  • Traps. They catch adult individuals, but do not affect the population in any way; mosquitoes have multiplied and will continue to multiply when such devices operate. These include carbon dioxide traps (CO2 traps), heat traps, H2O traps and propane traps.
  • Mosquito killers, which kill not only adults, but also interrupt the breeding cycle. The first - powerful chemical insecticides - kill adult individuals, the second - special bacteria B.t.i. - fall asleep in reservoirs and they destroy the pupae.

In general, get ready, if you have hordes of mosquitoes, then you will have to use all the products together. For personal protection - repellents, on the site - traps, and to reduce the number - chemicals or bacteria that kill mosquitoes in the bud, which means interrupting the breeding cycle. And we will start with them. But first, let’s dispel myths about folk remedies.

Is it possible to get rid of mosquitoes using folk remedies?

Do garlic, vitamin B1 or brewer's yeast repel mosquitoes?

There are many myths floating around the Internet about natural repellents from mosquitoes. One of these misconceptions is that vitamin B1 (thiamine chloride), garlic, brewer's yeast, if eaten, repel mosquitoes. Manufacturers promise that just one tablet will protect you for 24 hours! Tempting, isn't it? But we're sorry to say, scientists at Northern California State University don't believe these "magic pills" are effective and say several studies don't support the notion that these products are effective repellents against mosquitoes, other blood-sucking insects and ticks.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage

Mosquito larvae can be killed using both biological and chemical means. Since mosquitoes lay larvae in water, and you have standing water on your property (pond, rainwater storage tanks), we will add special live bacteria there. You should start filling them early, from the beginning of April, and continue until the end of summer. Scientists from the University of New Jersey advise using bacteria containing Bacillus thuringiensis (B.T.I.) for destruction digestive system mosquito larvae.

Anti-mosquito bacteria in tablets and granules

These are three identical products, with the same active ingredient - Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis (BT.I.). This is a biological regulator of the mosquito population. The products differ only in shape: round tablets resembling donuts, granules and bags with crushed drug. The first two products are the best selling products for getting rid of insects on the American Amazon and are time-tested: 90% positive reviews (4.6 out of 5 stars) and more than ten years of experience in the anti-mosquito products market speak for themselves

Mosquito control products kill the larvae and prevent them from reappearing for 30 days. This method is 100% natural, organic and environmentally friendly. You can place the product in a pond, birdbath, flower pot, storm drain, rainwater collection pond, barrel under a drain, drainage, just a deep puddle - or in any body of standing water, even tree stumps and roof drains, etc. etc. But this is not enough for the B.T.I. bacteria to act the best way, you need to remember a few important conditions:

  • use such a biological regulator in the evening or closer to night - scientists believe that direct sunlight destroys bacteria;
  • The bacteria have a narrow spectrum of action and will only help in the fight against mosquito larvae, black flies and fungus gnats (sciarids).

Let's consider the effect of living bacteria on mosquitoes using the example Mosquito Bits. Manufacturers claim that all existing mosquito larvae will be killed within 24 hours before they grow into full-fledged mosquitoes, which means they will never hatch. In practice, destruction often occurs much faster: Here's one review of Mosquito Bits: “My son and I tested the product with a 20-liter bucket full of live mosquito larvae. We put in maybe half a teaspoon of granules and all the larvae were dead within three hours.”. By the way, the manufacturer does not indicate how often portions of granules need to be renewed, but scientists advise do this regularly, once every 7-12 days, following the dosage instructions of 1 tsp/2.3 sq.m. water surface.

Experience shows that the bacteria are truly safe for pets and wild animals, many users allow their dogs to drink water from ponds treated with bacteria, and the active ingredients do not affect the health of rabbits, squirrels and other animals living nearby.

Many users consider bacteria to be a 2-in-1 tool: it can be used both as an express means to kill larvae and for prevention. As a preventive measure, bacteria begin to be used on large sources of standing water even before the onset of mosquito season, namely in April. Mosquito Dunks & Bits Price: From $5.80

Best Chemical Growth Regulators to Kill Mosquito Larvae

An alternative to bacteria is Insect Growth Regulators (IGR) - Insect growth regulators. Among the safe IGRs that experts from the California Department of Public Health advise to use is methoprene. Scientists say that, like B.t.i., methoprene is safe for people, even if it gets into drinking water.

On the American Amazon you can find several products containing methoprene. One such product is Altosid Pro-G Mosquito Larvicide. This is not a concentrated IGR solution, like other similar products, but granules. As the manufacturer promises, they “prevent the appearance of mosquitoes, stopping their reproduction even before adult biting individuals emerge.” Packed for $34.24 – 1.2 kg of granules, which will cover up to 500 sq.m. Even if you use them sparingly, the effect is visible within 24 hours. Even users from the “mosquito kingdom” of Florida praise its effectiveness ( “just remember to spray it monthly and don’t forget about your gutters!”)

There is another powerful IGR based on pyriproxyfen (also known as Nilar), which is used in Africa to control mosquitoes that carry dengue fever and malaria. It's also sold on Amazon, but we don't think you'll need such a strong chemical. Although it has been approved by scientists for use in drinking water, it is more toxic. Pyriproxyfen is almost 40 times more potent than methoprene against some types of mosquitoes. This concentrated liquid must be diluted at the rate of 30 g per 4.5-5 liters. - in total 1.8 kg. enough for about 560 sq.m. Worth from $17.18

Remember: mosquito larvae can be found anywhere, they don’t necessarily need a pond or swimming pool to do so! “Any standing water, even a small puddle, can serve to maintain a population,” says Jack D'Angelis, an entomologist at Oregon State University. He advises “Make sure gutters are drained properly and flower pots and gutters are empty.”

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard: Killing Adult Mosquitoes with Insecticides

Now that we have “dealt with” the larvae, we begin to fight the adults. First, let's look at insecticides.

As a means to kill adult individuals, experts from California advise using: organophosphates (malathions) - pyrethrin, pyrethroids (deltamethrin, permethrin, sumithrin). Among the products that are for sale on the American Amazon, we have selected several insecticides with such active ingredients. Not only do they kill mosquitoes, but they also create a barrier around your property. The first product is suitable for manual treatment by spraying, and the second is used as an anti-mosquito smoker.

Suspend Sc Insecticide

Powerful insecticide for indoor and outdoor use. Its active ingredient is deltamethrin from the group of perethroids. Produced by the global giant Bayer and considered a professional insecticide. This is a multifunctional product - it works against 50 types of pests. For various pests Different dosages are needed, read the label or the manufacturer’s website. In general, users are satisfied with the insecticide, but opinions about the insecticidal barrier against different pests vary. While “owners” of other insect pests note that the residual effect of the product lasts up to a month, those fighting mosquitoes say that the respite occurs only for a few days. Although a few days of quiet life is already good! Price from $41.40

Black Flag 190255 Fogging Insecticide 32-Ounce

For outdoor use only - for treating large areas! Active ingredient: 3-phenoxybenzyl is a strong insecticide - permethrin (from the group of pyrethroids). Kills mosquitoes and midges, creates a barrier lasting up to 6 hours. Be sure to use a protective mask and carry out processing only in calm weather! Price ~$14.93.

Be careful, scientists say that mosquitoes eventually become resistant to the pesticides that were used to poison them in the past. Most likely, you will never know what chemical your neighbors or previous owners of the house treated their areas with, so if some product does not work, do not immediately rush to say that it is ineffective, perhaps it is a matter of addiction.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the yard: fumigators and traps

We talked about insecticides, chose the best ones, now let's decide how to use them correctly. The most effective way to spray is to use foggers. Foggers (hot fog generators (fumigators)) can be called “weapons of mass destruction.” Creating toxic fog is a simple and effective method of mosquito control.

Burgess 1443 40-Ounce Outdoor Propane Insect Fogger- one of the best selling fogers on the American Amazon with a rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars. Why is it so popular? Obviously because of the price. Before writing a review, we made sure that you can save your money with it: it’s not exactly the best, but it’s a solid and cheap device. It is powerful enough to release mist up to 3m away. Price: $61.77

Mosquito traps

If you don't want to deal with steam generators and insecticides, try traps. Exist different kinds mosquito traps: propane, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). Previously, we devoted a full-scale review to all types of traps, and here we will briefly talk about all of them. So, there are 4 types of highly effective traps.

Heat traps heat the air above average temperature and thus attract mosquitoes. Their main advantage is their coverage area (up to 2 hectares), and the main disadvantage is the premium price and large size. This is a good choice for industrial enterprises and for farmers.

Water trap (H2O trap) Suitable for those who suffer from allergies, and it doesn’t cost too much. It is hypoallergenic, does not require any attractants and can function both at home and at work. Their efficiency, however, is lower than that of propane-based traps.

Carbon dioxide traps (CO2 traps)- something between compact home traps and giant propane ones. They emit carbon dioxide and thereby attract mosquitoes. Some models can even function without gas cylinders, how carbon dioxide is released from metal using photocatalysis.

Propane traps are the most effective and most expensive traps. They can deal with any mosquito, they kill thousands at once and therefore significantly reduce the mosquito population. They work 24/7. The idea behind propane traps is that they convert propane into carbon dioxide, heat and moisture. When mosquitoes fly, they are pulled into a trap (like a vacuum cleaner). Within 24 hours the insects will die from dehydration and all you have to do is empty the tray.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the house

So, we talked about how to kill larvae and get rid of adult mosquitoes on the street. The main thing is to secure the perimeter so that not a single creature can fly into your home! Now let's fight those who managed to get inside.

And here we will disappoint you. All scientists unanimously say that no single effective mosquito repellent product has yet been invented for use at home. And you and I will have to kill the bloodsuckers that fly into the room the old fashioned way: with a vacuum cleaner or newspapers.

Here they are, the five best ways to get rid of mosquitoes in your home, as recommended by entomologists.

Get rid of any standing water in your home. Scientists say that mosquitoes can lay eggs even in water in a saucer. flower pot! And a long-forgotten vase of water from under flowers can serve as a huge breeding ground for mosquitoes, not to mention in damp basements! Eliminate all such sources, and then begin to fight the remaining mosquitoes.

Use vacuum cleaner. We are sure that the idea of ​​picking up a vacuum cleaner and chasing bloodsuckers in the style of “Ghostbusters” has already occurred to you. Well, it's time to make some noise! Don't forget about the ceiling, walls and places behind the curtains - mosquitoes can hide there.

Electric fly swatter: just press a button.
This is a very popular product: in the top twenty bestsellers on the American Amazon there are as many as 9 fly swatters from different manufacturers. The Executioner Fly Swat Wasp Bug Mosquito Swatter Zapper. This $19.99 electric fly swatter is in the top three best electric fly swatters. It requires two AA batteries to use and looks like a tennis racket. The device is made of ultra-light plastic and weighs less than 340 grams. The idea is simple: any small insects found in the "working area" of this device will feel as if they were electric chair(if you click on the special button, of course). One blow kills a dozen mosquitoes. It's even interesting. However, you will have to use the racket many times in order to kill all the mosquitoes. On the other hand, this device does not use any attractants, aerosols or other chemical compounds. Its electric discharge is safe for humans.

Use mosquito nets to protect your home and children from mosquitoes

Mosquito nets have long been used only for windows. Progress has also been made in this area. This screen combines insect repellent Velcro and special magnets. This is a very popular product - the number one seller of window mosquito protection with over 5,000 reviews. Judging by the Amazon rating (4.5 out of 5 stars), customers love this device. They claim that this screen will take less than half an hour to install with a video tutorial and can be used all summer long. The negative reviews we found were that one customer's dog liked to chew on this screen, and another customer had this screen that would not go into place without additional installation. Price ~$29.95

The Jumbo Bed Mosquito Net, King Size, can protect the largest bed from mosquitoes. It costs ~$4.99 and looks pretty good. Obviously, you won't be able to hang a canopy like this over your bed if you live in an apartment, but if you live in a rural area or are traveling south, this device will do the job.

There are also mosquito nets for baby strollers. These nets cost from $4.66 and can completely protect your baby from mosquitoes and bad weather, without any extra effort. It sells well and is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars by customers.

Use fans. Scientists from the University of Georgia also recommend using fans to keep mosquitoes away - but be careful with this method, it's easy to get sick, even in the summer!

That's probably all that scientists approve of. Not much, right? Remember at the very beginning we talked about another method? It is very controversial because scientists do not believe in the effectiveness of the electric fly swatter. On the other hand, in the absence of another way to kill mosquitoes in the house, many buyers are satisfied and say that they help kill mosquitoes in the house, but also all flying insects in general.

Seven proven and successful ways to get rid of mosquitoes, approved by scientists

So, let's summarize our investigation and list all 7 methods that will definitely help you get rid of mosquitoes. We will start with the simplest ones and end with the “heavy artillery”, the means used by professionals.

  1. Mosquito nets usually easy to use and cheap. Use them as an ongoing preventative measure to protect windows and doorways, also cover beds (children’s too) and strollers as needed while walking.
  2. Homemade and natural repellents- your choice if you prefer everything natural and organic. Some plants and oils repel mosquitoes - find the ones that work best for you in our Best Anti-Mosquito Herbal Repellents review
  3. Ready-to-use repellents do more than just repel mosquitoes pungent odor, like plants, but also “mask” the carbon dioxide (CO2) we exhale and other human body odors that are attractive to mosquitoes. These also include concentrated liquid repellents that need to be sprayed over large areas. The most effective repellents are those based on DEET, Picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE), IR3535 and permethrin.
  4. Bacteria to destroy larvae. This is very important point in the fight against mosquitoes. Use these larval control products to interrupt the larval stage of mosquitoes in standing water. There are larvicides based on both live bacteria and chemical ingredients such as methoprene.
  5. Means for exterminating adults- These concentrated liquid insecticides are designed to kill adult mosquitoes. Dilute the product according to the instructions - and go ahead, spray the area!
  6. Mosquito traps are powerful devices that attract insects with light (UV traps), CO2, heat and moisture (H2O traps). Once trapped mosquitoes are trapped in a confined space, they die from dehydration. The traps are safe for people. The trap will protect you from several dozen mosquitoes at home, while outdoors Propane traps will kill thousands of mosquitoes.
  7. Foggers(steam generators) are devices that create a toxic mist of insecticides that kill mosquitoes.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in nature and in the forest

Do clothes with anti-mosquito treatment work?

Repellent-impregnated clothing is not some newfangled invention. Military uniforms treated with permethrin have long been tested on the military, saving American soldiers from malaria and other diseases caused by insects, some of which were fatal. The US Army has used permethrin for more than 20 years to impregnate uniforms. And only recently have they begun to use this technology for commercial purposes and produce clothing for civilians.

What to choose: clothes with anti-mosquito impregnation or spray?

You can buy ready-made clothes treated with permethrin or buy a spray, for example, from the American brand Sawyer and treat your clothes yourself. Factory impregnation of clothing against insects can withstand from 25 to 70 washes, but under no circumstances should it be dry cleaned. And you can’t iron it either, because, as scientists who conducted experiments say, ironing destroys the components of permethrin. The main advantage of the spray is its low price - $13 for a 350 ml bottle of spray, but the effect of one treatment lasts up to 40 days or 6 washes.

Theoretically, clothing can be treated with other repellents, for example those containing DEET, but they are less durable and do not retain the repellent effect after washing.

Are permethrin-treated clothing safe?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has certified the safety of clothing treated with permethrin. In 2009, they assessed the risks in various modes of use, including wearing the clothes by toddlers, or contaminated clothing, or, in the case of the military, long-term daily wear. And they concluded that clothing impregnated with permethrin in factory conditions is unlikely to pose any threat to the people wearing it, both in the short term and during long-term wear. They also claim that there is no risk for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Although, you can certainly weigh all the dangers and consequences yourself by critically approaching the issue. Yes, permethrin is a powerful pesticide. Therefore, it is hardly worth spraying all your clothes and children’s clothes in the city. But, if you or your child are traveling to a forest infested with ticks and mosquitoes, then the benefits of using permethrin outweigh all the risks.

We have prepared a table for you showing the active ingredients effective against mosquitoes, repellents, and where they are used.

Active Ingredient Product Photo Price
DEET Repel 100 Insect Repellent Spray- kills mosquitoes, ticks and other biting insects for up to 10 hours ~$6.96
Picaridin Sawyer Repellent with 20% Picaridin– spray provides up to 12 hours of protection against mosquitoes ~$6.90
Avon SKIN SO SOFT with 20% Picaridin– spray for gentle protection of the whole family ~$10.95
Permethrin Black Flag Fogging Insecticide- used for fumigation of large areas with steam generators ~$14.93
Permitrin-treated clothing from the company Zorrel - Insect Shield Tee Shirt ~$27.95
Sawyer Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent- special spray for spraying clothes ~$13.00
IR3535 Avon SKIN-SO-SOFT IR3535– moisturizing mosquito repellent lotion with sun protection ~$4.79
Pyrethroids Cutter Backyard Bug Control– insecticide for protecting large areas. Connects to a hose. ~$9.45
Eucalyptus oil Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect Repellent Spray– provides protection against mosquitoes for 6 hours ~$8.99
Citronella oil iCooker Mosquito Repellent Bracelets– natural repellent bracelet ~$19.99
Cutter Candle– repellent candles for natural protection from mosquitoes ~$14.77
Citronella Outdoor Sticks (set)– the smoke from lighting these sticks drives away mosquitoes ~$17
Geranium oil Invisaband All Natural Mosquito Repellent Bracelets– safe mosquito repellent bracelet, suitable even for children ~$19.80

Anti-mosquito insecticides: for larvae and adults

Type Product Active substance Price on American Amazon
Biological agents (bacteria) for larvae Fall asleep in standing water Mosquito Dunks B.T.I. ~$5.80
Mosquito Bits B.T.I. ~$16.76
Bonide Mosquito Beater Water Soluble Pouches B.T.I. ~$7
Chemicals for larvae (IGR) Pour granules/diluted concentrate into standing water Altosid Pro-G Mosquito Larvicide Methoprene (Precon) ~$34.24
I.G. Regulator, 4 oz by Martin pyriproxyfen (Nylar) ~$17.18

For adults Spray the area

Suspend Sc Insecticide deltamethrin ~$41.40
Black Flag 190255 Fogging Insecticide permethrin ~$14.93

Good afternoon, dear readers! Last summer we were visiting relatives. Their house is located next to a pond. The view from the window is of course gorgeous, but the buzzing in the evenings and nights is not very good. I don’t know how they escaped from the bloodsuckers before our arrival, because when our family was there, entire colonies were circling the house.

Our baby has an allergic reaction, so we couldn’t allow mosquito bites. She had to be smeared with a special cream the first nights, but this was not a solution. Began to read and search safe methods struggle. In one magazine they came across an article where various methods were written, and also that they can be scared away by certain smells.

That same evening, we decided to try the methods we had found, and as it turned out, many of them turned out to be really effective. In this article you will learn: how to get rid of mosquitoes in the house, the type of insects, how long they live and what danger they pose.

Proven pest control methods

Mosquitoes are like a natural disaster. With the onset of warm weather, all sorts of small insects begin to fly, buzz, crawl, squeak, jump, and, in a word, wander around and become annoying in the air and under your feet.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the house

They sometimes annoyingly prevent you from going for a walk or going on a picnic. They scurry around in front of your eyes all the time, trying to feast on your food, wanting to bite different parts of your body or, even worse, crawl under your skin.

But if you can avoid the persistence of many insects by limiting yourself to long walks, including overnight stays in nature, or by depriving yourself of the joy of relaxing on a picnic, then you cannot hide from ants and mosquitoes even at home. They will be found everywhere.

The main task of mosquitoes is to bite appetizing parts of the body and feast on blood. At times it may even seem that this is their purpose in life.

Previously, there was an opinion that mosquitoes - small bloodsuckers live only in rural areas, near bodies of water. Nowadays they fit perfectly into the overall picture of the metropolis and feel great as its legitimate inhabitants. Their absence can be rejoiced only in the cold season, that is, in winter. For the rest of the period they fly in the air in search of the next victim.

Getting rid of mosquitoes in your home is not easy. If you remember the old reliable method, then when you hear an annoying buzzing, you can hide under the blanket. But you don’t want to spend the whole night under the covers, and if it’s also a hot summer, then even more so.

mosquito net

A reliable, practical and popular method of preventing mosquitoes is purchasing a special mosquito net for windows. Those windows in the house that are often opened and left for ventilation (in the summer, often all night) are equipped with a similar mesh.

It becomes a barrier and no intrusive insects will fly into the house. Gauze is also hung over children's cribs to protect the baby from mosquito bites. In addition, it is non-toxic and generally harmless.


One more modern method various fumigators remain in the fight. They operate from the network alternating current and are equipped with a special plate that distributes harmful “vibes” that repel small bloodsuckers. This electric fumigator is quite practical to use.

It is designed for reusable use, you only need to change the plate from time to time.

A fumigator is a fairly quick and effective way to get rid of harmful creatures:

  • The device works on the principle of evaporation by heating components that kill insects.
  • An electrical fumigator is powered by mains or batteries, and a pyrotechnic fumigator is powered by ignition.
  • an electrofumigator with a bottle inserted into the middle with a liquid harmful to bloodsuckers - an aquafumigator.
  • a plate of dry fumigators is capable of “killing” mosquitoes in a room of up to twenty square meters.
  • one plate is enough for almost twelve hours of uninterrupted operation with open windows. Then it should be replaced. Advice: The chemically active substances used in fumigators are harmless to humans, but before use it is worth checking individual tolerance.
  • a bottle of aquafumigator is designed for 45 nights (8-10 hours of uninterrupted operation).
  • a plate soaked in insecticide or liquid begins its killing effect on insects within half an hour.

Repellent odors

The main and accessible method of fighting mosquitoes is various repellent odors. But here it is worth knowing that some odors kill these insects, while others, on the contrary, are their favorite habitat and even a balm for prolonging life.

The smell of sweat and dampness are the main components of the optimal habitat for bloodsuckers. Mosquitoes don't like the smell of tomato stems. Therefore, in order to scare away uninvited guests from your house, you need to plant several tomato plants on the windowsill. Then you will isolate yourself from unwanted guests, and after a while you will reap the harvest.

But caring for tomatoes requires some time and certain means. Therefore, it is worth finding another, more optimal way for you, to combat mosquitoes.

Little bloodsuckers cannot stand the smell of certain plants of a different kind. For example, the smell of lilac, lavender, bird cherry, mint or walnut leaves. Then you can plant the above bushes, trees, flowers or herbs under your windows.

But not everyone has this opportunity. And if you live, for example, in an apartment on the seventh floor, then even if you sow a whole mint plantation, mosquitoes will still be at your abode with their favorable attention.

Here you can do it differently - bring home a bouquet of lilacs or bird cherry, as well as dried mint and put it on the windowsill.

You can also place a few drops of lavender oil near your bed. In addition, mosquitoes do not like the smell of eucalyptus, which can also be dropped in the bedroom. The smells of various spices are also “unpalatable” for mosquitoes. They do not like basil and cloves. They can also be laid out on the windowsill.

But it is worth noting that not all people perceive these odors. And the mosquitoes themselves have become accustomed to many aromas, and if before they did not perceive many things, now they have cleverly adapted and these smells do not stop them. Therefore, this means of combating buzzing insects cannot be considered effective.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the house: sprays, ointments, creams

You should also not forget about various sprays, ointments and creams. Although these products are more suitable for outdoor activities, they are not suitable for everyday use. And the time of their active action lasts only a few hours. It is unlikely that you will want to get up several times a night to reapply the cream.

All of the methods listed above will not perform their direct functions 100%. Because in modern conditions, even mosquitoes have learned to adapt to many factors.

After all, all living things that inhabit our planet have an instinct for self-preservation and learn to survive even in the worst conditions. There is a constant battle between who and who, good luck to you in the fight against mosquitoes!
Source: ""

What are mosquitoes and how to fight them

There is probably no person who has not encountered mosquitoes in his home. But it’s one thing if there is only one insect and it just flew into the window on a summer evening, and quite another when there are so many mosquitoes that they literally interfere with your life, annoying with squeaks and bites that itch for a long time and simply drive you crazy.

But these seemingly harmless mosquitoes are carriers of various infections, and, you see, having such “friends” close to you is at least unpleasant. But how to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment without harming yourself and your pets?

Mosquitoes are annoying blood-sucking insects, having a well-developed sense of smell, flying to the smell of human blood (as well as sweat, carbon dioxide).

In addition, mosquitoes react to the heat emitted by the human body and to his movements; they often sense the “victim” even several meters away. It has been scientifically proven that only female mosquitoes bite humans, while males are more humane - they feed on the nectar of flowers, as well as plant juices.

Mosquitoes are evening, even nocturnal, animals. They love warmth and moisture, so they usually choose damp, warm or wet places for living and breeding. In cities, these are dark, damp basements of multi-story buildings, bathrooms, balconies, garages, places under suspended ceilings.

In villages and hamlets there are barns and cellars. During the day, mosquitoes are much less active than in the evenings. When it gets cold (for mosquitoes this is 0 degrees), they fall into a kind of hibernation - torpor.

Most often, mosquitoes fly into apartments and houses in spring and autumn, when the street seems not warm and comfortable enough for them. However, sometimes mosquitoes appear in winter, when they must freeze completely, because they simply cannot tolerate temperatures below 0 degrees.

Where do they come from in winter? In the cold season, mosquitoes fly out of basements, which often contain water leaks from the water supply or sewer pipes. Puddles that never dry out appear in basements; heating pipes provide warmth to insects, so they can easily survive the winter.

They get into people's apartments through ventilation openings, stairs, and elevators.

Besides all of us known species mosquitoes that suck human blood night and day, there are also insects that prefer the blood of horses or birds, frogs or lizards, even fish or dragonflies (although, as a rule, dragonflies feed on mosquitoes). There are even mosquitoes that don't bite anyone at all.

The mosquitoes we are familiar with belong to the Culicidae (blood-sucking) family; they can be of any color depending on the places in which they live. Such insects are most often found closer to people because this is their “food”. There are mosquitoes with long legs, their family is Tipulidae.

They usually “hang” in the air motionless for some time, in their houses favorite place- under suspended ceiling, they are warm there.

Because of their unpleasant appearance, such insects are often confused with malarial ones, but this is completely in vain, because they are harmless. These large mosquitoes feed on plant roots, nectar or dew. They don't bite people. There are mosquitoes that carry the largest amount of infection, but these mosquitoes are not ours, they are not found in Russia.

Their habitat is the tropics or subtropics - Asia, Africa. Midges that live near running water are also a type of mosquito; they bite painfully. We are also familiar with ringing mosquitoes (in the language of fishermen - bloodworms), they are harmless and safe, they do not bite people.

What are the dangers and how long do they live after a bite?

The main dangers that arise after a mosquito bite are the possibility of contracting an infection or discovering an allergic reaction. It is important to remember that mosquitoes bite not one person, but several, so they can easily transfer the disease from one infected person to several healthy ones (this route of infection even has its own scientific name - it is a transmissible route).

Mosquitoes transmit malaria (fever, chills, enlarged liver, anemia), lymphatic filariasis (blocked blood vessels, swollen limbs), tularemia (severe intoxication, fever, affected lymph nodes), West Nile fever and yellow fever (fever, bleeding in gastrointestinal tract, kidney and liver damage).

As soon as the female mosquito senses a person, she begins to hunt for him with the goal of biting.

Directly during the bite itself, a kind of exchange occurs - the person gives blood to the mosquito, and the insect simultaneously injects its saliva into the victim’s body, which contains a substance that prevents blood clotting (it remains liquid and “flows” into the mosquito).

It is this that causes unpleasant pain in a person at the site of the lesion, redness, itching, and other symptoms accompanying a mosquito bite. In some cases, this substance can also cause an allergic reaction of varying severity in people.

How long does a mosquito live after it bites a person? In principle, there is no connection between mosquito bites and their lifespan.

These are not bees that die, leaving a sting in a person. Female mosquitoes live from 42 to 115 days (depending on ambient temperature), and males live half as long. If in apartment building there are mosquitoes - treating one apartment will not solve anything, the insects will disappear only for a while, and then they may come from the neighbors.

To get rid of mosquitoes and not hear this nasty sound anymore, you need to treat the basements of the house - this is much more effective than treating a separate apartment. It is necessary to treat the place where mosquitoes breed and live.

The question of professional pest control arises at a time when mosquitoes are already multiplying too quickly, and conventional mosquito repellents no longer help.

How does disinsection occur? Specialists treat possible areas where annoying insects accumulate (plumbing communications and walls, ceilings and basements) special compounds.

Thanks to this procedure, mosquitoes that have already appeared die, and the appearance of new ones is prevented, since chemicals intolerant to insects are also applied to areas with high humidity, thereby almost completely eliminating the possibility of the generation of new individuals, that is, affecting the centers of spread of harmful creatures.

So, the advantages of pest control: mosquitoes disappear for a long time. Professional pest control is effective, but has some disadvantages. For example, chemicals, used by specialists for pest control, can cause an allergic reaction in hypersensitive people.

It should also be taken into account that the room being treated will have to be left for some time, and then ventilated for a long time and carried out general cleaning.

These disadvantages are the main reason why people refuse professional pest control. You can get rid of mosquitoes for a long time, or until the next “mosquito season,” but you cannot dry out the basement or cellar forever or carry out professional pest control so that mosquitoes do not breed there at all.

You won’t be able to fight basement mosquitoes on your own - without drainage and without disinfestation. All methods are effective and efficient, but mosquitoes are living creatures, and they can disappear, and then “out of nowhere” fly again, and basements and cellars are theirs. permanent place actions".

Folk and improvised methods of struggle

There are both traditional methods of getting rid of mosquitoes (mainly using odors) and more modern ones. We will look at them all in order. One of the simplest, most commonly used and effective ways- use mosquito nets.

They need to be used to tighten the window openings, loggia windows or balconies; the ventilation holes should also be closed - gauze will do.

For additional effect, you can hang balcony door thick curtains. Be careful: when tightening the openings, try to ensure that the mosquitoes are outside and not inside. Otherwise, you will have to get rid of them even after installing mosquito nets.

The following method will help remove mosquitoes and lift your spirits. To do this, you should hang New Year's rain or tinsel around the house; they cast bright reflections on the walls and floor that repel insects. Traditional methods of fighting mosquitoes are based on the use of odors that are repugnant to insects. As observations show, they are disgusted by the aromas of elderberry or geranium, cloves or eucalyptus, bird cherry or chamomile, as well as basil.

You can place bunches of dried herbs in the bedroom and other rooms, above the door and windows. This method works for several days, then you need to remove the old bunches of herbs and put new ones in their place.

You can also use aromatic oils against mosquitoes - both in pure form (citronella, rosemary and thyme, litzea, eucalyptus, basil), and in mixture with each other (mint + cloves + lavender, basil + juniper + geranium + tea tree or lavender + tea tree + cloves).

How to use them? A few drops of the selected aroma oil or their mixture should be diluted in 1 tbsp. spoon of base oil (usually jojoba, grape seed oil, almond or regular sunflower), soak 5-8 dry wipes with this mixture and spread around the apartment or house. You can use the same mixture in an aroma lamp.

If you don’t have this device, then it is recommended to use improvised means, namely, drop oil into a bowl of salt.

Such methods based on aromas work effectively and, with correct use aromatic oils (important! 1 drop of oil per 5 square meters), they are safe for people. For the next method you will need camphor. This is a white (sometimes transparent) powder of plant origin, sold in pharmacies.

For humans, camphor is harmless, but for mosquitoes it first causes loss of the ability to bite, and then death. There is also camphor oil, which will also help us in the fight against unpleasant insects. How to use? The easiest way is to moisten cotton wool with it and leave it on the windowsill or dilute a few drops in a glass of water and heat it in a small saucepan. Camphor oil can be replaced with valerian.

The next method is suitable for smokers. Insects are well repelled by the smell of tobacco smoke; you can place an ashtray with remaining cigarette butts near the windows or on the balcony.

Mosquitoes really don’t like the smell of tomatoes, and if you have tomatoes growing on your windowsill, mosquitoes are unlikely to want to fly to you. The smell of growing tomatoes does not cause harm to humans. Garlic is also an excellent mosquito repellent. The only condition is to use it correctly. You can use the following method:

  1. Peel 12 cloves of garlic.
  2. Cut them in half.
  3. Pour 2 glasses of water and boil.
  4. Spray throughout the apartment, room or house.

We use modern means

The most modern mosquito repellents, which are constantly being improved, are fumigators (with a dry plate or with a liquid - aquafumigators). The fumigator plates (and liquids in aquafumigators) are impregnated with chemically active substances that mosquitoes cannot tolerate; they are constantly heated in the device.

They should be used according to the instructions. As a rule, 1 plate is designed for 20 square meters. meters of area. Therefore, if you have a small room, it is recommended to cut the plate in half.

It is important not to exceed the maximum permissible operating time of the fumigator specified by the manufacturer.

You can also use mosquito coils - they are set on fire, and the smoke with chemicals harmful to mosquitoes, spread by them, repels vampire insects. This remedy is quite effective in the fight against bloodsuckers, however, such spirals are not entirely safe for humans.

When used in closed, unventilated areas, the chemicals released by the coils can cause poisoning. Therefore, according to the instructions, they are prohibited from being used in a house or apartment.

However, they can be a good help if you need to get rid of mosquitoes in the basement.

There are ultrasonic mosquito repellers; they emit sound waves, at the vibration frequency of which male mosquitoes squeak in case of danger, so the females turn on “trust” and they are afraid to approach the place where the ultrasqueak is coming from.

There are also mosquito repellent candles; their operating principle is based on the dissemination of a smell that mosquitoes do not like, for example, the aroma of citronella. However, according to the instructions, they, like spirals, cannot be used in enclosed spaces, but for romantic evening under the moon they will fit perfectly.

Such candles burn and repel mosquitoes for 4 to 30 hours.

Top 5 anti-mosquito devices (according to consumer reviews):

  • Fumigators.
  • Aroma oils.
  • Camphor.
  • Ultrasonic repeller.
  • Geranium and tomato seedlings.

The most by safe means mosquito repellents that do not affect pets and children are ultrasonic repellers. As for essential oils, many are confident that their use is safe, but this is not the case. For example, essential oils can have a stimulating effect on pets - remember how cats behave under the influence of valerian oil.

Essential oils of geranium or cloves can have a negative effect on the child's body.

If children spend a long time in a room with a strong smell of such oils, they may experience weakness, dizziness, and sometimes nausea. In addition, allergic reactions are possible. Most The best way prevent the appearance of insects - prevent mosquitoes from breeding.

To do this, before the start of the “mosquito season”, it is recommended to treat cellars and basements with special products. If you live in a private house, or mosquitoes bother you at your dacha, you can plant those plants and shrubs in your yard that mosquitoes are not happy with. If mosquitoes plague you in your apartment, let geranium bloom on the windows (you can also grow garlic or rosemary).

Mosquitoes and their invasion are, of course, a nuisance, but not a big problem, because you can get rid of them.

Follow the instructions in our article, choose the means and methods that are right for you, and that nasty mosquito squeak will never interfere with your good rest again.
Source: ""

Quick elimination of bloodsuckers - what can help

The factor that attracts mosquitoes to residential areas is the smell of sweat, to which they are very sensitive and fly towards it in the direction of the “food” source.


The means that exist today that allow you to get rid of mosquitoes at home and outdoors are divided into two groups:

  1. Individual;
  2. Collective.

With the help of the former, a specific person can protect himself from bloodsuckers. They are presented in the form of creams, sprays, and aerosols that are applied to the skin and block the natural odors of the human body. Collective action drugs can help rid people in confined spaces of mosquitoes.

The most popular are plates and fumigators.

The principle of operation of such products is the release of insecticide into the atmosphere; The downside is that these chemicals can cause allergies. There are ultrasonic devices that repel insects with sounds of a certain frequency. The easiest way to get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment is with the help of an electric fumigator, but simple mechanical barriers - mosquito nets - are also very effective in such opposition.

Natural remedies

Regarding the excellent sense of smell of mosquitoes, we can say that it can also be used against them themselves. The fact is that the smells of certain plants are pure poison for them.

  • Use of plants.
  • First of all, when analyzing the question of how to get rid of mosquitoes using natural means, you need to pay attention to tomatoes. By acquiring several pots of tomato plants and placing them on the windowsill, you can be sure that the smell of tomato tops will deprive pests of the slightest desire to enter the room.

    Also effective against flying wheatgrass bloodsuckers. The roots of this plant need to be finely chopped and poured with a liter of water and boiled several times.

    The result is a rich decoction, which, wiping the skin before bed, will provide excellent protection against insects throughout the night. Flowers and leaves of bird cherry, walnut, and elderberry also have an “anti-mosquito” effect. To combat pests, you need to place branches of these plants or plates with their crushed leaves around the house.

  • Aroma oils.
  • Fighting mosquitoes using natural means is also possible with the help of cedar oil, the popularity of which is due to the fact that its aroma has a detrimental effect, in addition to mosquitoes, also on flies and cockroaches. The smells of thyme, valerian, mint and eucalyptus also have a similar repellent effect.

    By soaking a piece of cotton wool in one of these oils and placing the “fragrance” on the windowsill, you will significantly increase the protection of your home from mosquitoes.

    Drugs from the pharmacy. For quite a long time, the destruction of mosquitoes in homes was carried out using camphor alcohol, which was poured onto a hot frying pan. The room was fumigated with the emitted vapors. Pharmacies sell pyrethrum, which repels flying pests, and is used in the manufacture of anti-mosquito liquids and tablets.

    If you have reasons and a desire to make a composition with a similar effect yourself, here is the recipe: infuse 10 grams of pyrethrum powder in 75 ml of ethyl alcohol for a week, and then, after straining the liquid well, add 15 g of green soap and 25 ml of glycerin to it.

    Dilute the resulting mixture with water, then spray it around the house using a spray bottle.

    You can also moisten a napkin in this liquid and simply place it near your bed. Carbolic acid can also help in the fight against mosquitoes, the solution of which should be rubbed on exposed skin, and a towel soaked in it should be left near the bed.

Source: ""

Herbal remedies that help fight insects

Of course, the most effective way To avoid a bite is to quickly slam the insect, but this is not always possible. And even in a dream, it is very difficult to determine the landing site of a mosquito.

Let's consider folk methods that will help avoid attacks from these malicious bloodsuckers by preventing their concentration in a single room. While most of us turn to chemical insecticides to kill these bloodsuckers, there are completely natural methods that are not only safe for humans, but also quite effective against mosquitoes in the home.

Neem oil

This substance does not destroy, but repels insects, acting as a very effective repellent. Official studies say that mixing neem oil with coconut oil in a 1:1 ratio is an excellent way to keep bloodsuckers at bay.

The drug gives the skin a special smell that prevents insects from flying within 5 meters.

The product has the following properties:

  1. Antibacterial,
  2. Antifungal,
  3. Antiviral,
  4. Antiprotozoal.

In order for the drug to have a longer lasting effect, a mixture of coconut and neem oils in equal parts, after thorough mixing, should be rubbed on the exposed parts of your body before going to bed. This will protect against bites for at least eight hours.

Eucalyptus and lemon oil

The product is recommended by the Center for Disease Control as an effective insect repellent in closed environments.

A mixture of lemon and eucalyptus oil is extremely effective in repelling mosquitoes in a natural way.

The beneficial effect of the drugs is based on the content of the active component cineol, which has both antiseptic and insect repellent properties when applied to skin. To use this mixture for external treatment of open areas of the skin, you need to mix lemon and eucalyptus oil in equal proportions.

Camphor and tulsi

This readily available ingredient may be the answer to the question of how to repel not only mosquitoes, but also other flying and crawling insects in your living space. Derived from a tree extract, this compound has been reported to be the longest lasting repellent of any natural product against flying bloodsuckers.

However, this substance has one significant drawback - a rather specific smell, which may not be very good for the home. Some people cannot tolerate camphor at all, and its residual aroma lingers on things for a long time.

It is not recommended to sleep where a container with camphor is open; a poisonous effect is possible in the form of:

  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • dizziness.

This substance is useful for use on the veranda and other open spaces where people spend time in the evenings and want to get rid of annoying insects.

According to some studies, tulsi (a close relative of our basil) is extremely useful in killing mosquito larvae, which helps to significantly reduce the concentration of adult mosquitoes in the area surrounding the house.

In addition, in accordance with the teachings of Ayurveda, the usual planting of a tulsi bush near a window will ensure the complete absence of these insects while still approaching. The plant has properties that will not only help get rid of mosquitoes inside the house, but also prevent them from flying into the living space.

Garlic and peppermint

This product acts as effective remedy natural protection not only to repel, but also to destroy mosquitoes. No wonder, apparently, that garlic has been considered since ancient times good remedy against bloodsuckers of various kinds.

The plant also has a specific smell, which can be disgusting for many, but the product’s effect against mosquitoes, as well as against viruses, is definitely beneficial.

To use the plant, you can chop a few cloves of garlic and leave them in a bowl on the windowsill in front of an open window, and use the liquid tincture to spray around the apartment. With this approach, no other mosquito repellents will be needed for at least 12 hours.

The owners will not be bothered by mosquitoes or viruses. If the aroma of mint relaxes and does not cause negative reactions from the body, then this drug is for you. According to a study published in the journal Bioresources Technology, peppermint oil and extract were found to be as effective as any other natural indoor mosquito repellent and completely safe for humans to use as an ultrasonic mosquito repeller.

You can buy ready-made mint oil at the pharmacy or use the leaves of the plant, picked with your own hands.

To enhance the repellent effect, you can use a vaporizer to help the aroma fill the room faster, eliminating mosquitoes throughout the apartment. By the way, many oral hygiene products contain mint extract.

Therefore, by dissolving a little mint toothpaste in water and spraying the room, you can achieve a four-hour effect. If there is an opportunity to plant several bushes of this plant outside the window, there is no better option for a long-term effect.

Tea tree oil and lavender

If you want to use this drug as a repellent, you can either rub a little into exposed skin or add a few drops to the evaporator.

Thus, the aroma of tea tree oil will permeate the air and disperse insects at a distance of several tens of meters from the house. This plant not only has a divine smell, but also the best option to keep pesky mosquitoes at bay.

In addition, the lavender scent has a very beneficial effect against clothes and food moths. To fight mosquitoes at night, you can rub a few drops of lavender oil onto exposed skin or drop it onto a vaporizer.

In addition to a good repellent effect, a sound sleep in a fragrant room will be ensured.

We have proposed folk, quite effective and safe (in the absence of individual intolerance in the form of allergies) natural remedies against mosquitoes. Our readers can only choose the one that will be most convenient for them. Have a good fight with mosquitoes!

How to kill mosquitoes at home, at night, when you are almost falling asleep and don’t want to disturb your household? The situation is very unpleasant, because the mosquito has disturbed your sleep, bitten you painfully, and even the site of the bite itches. And if there are small children in the house, then night bites can be a serious problem, because the child cannot sleep, cries, and in the morning all exposed parts of the body are swollen and red. This is in best case scenario, if the child does not have allergies. We hope you find our tips on how to properly kill a mosquito helpful.

How to get rid of an annoying mosquito?

Those who did not manage to fall asleep in the evening before the buzzing bloodsucker appeared will agree that mosquitoes have now become much smarter. Previously, it was enough to turn on the light sharply and slam him while he was drinking blood. Now, in the light, the insect quickly disappears, rushes chaotically around the room, and it becomes impossible to quickly catch a mosquito.

Today's mosquitoes enter the room in the dark and fly to the source of increased temperature, not only through the windows, but also with the help of ventilation. Some “victims” claim that these creatures even “climb” to the ninth floor in the elevator!

There are such ways to find a mosquito in a dark room:

  • attract him with light;
  • remove with a vacuum cleaner;
  • attract with a flashlight;
  • become bait for him;
  • kill on the wall;
  • catch in a glass.

Each of the options is worthy of attention.

Into the light

When it's dark outside, mosquitoes love to fly into the light, so you can suddenly turn on the lamp, see and kill the mosquito at night before it has time to react. You should use a regular lamp, not an LED or sodium lamp. Act with lightning speed, if there are 1-2 of them in the room, then you can handle them quite well.

Vacuum cleaner

A vacuum cleaner is also useful in such cases. It’s one thing that you won’t be able to quickly get it out of the pantry at night. But, if you are not yet sleeping, then simply turn on the vacuum cleaner and pull the insect inside, in this way you can easily quickly catch a mosquito on the ceiling, high on the wall or behind a closet.


A flashlight near your bed will also come in handy in the summer. To do this, you need to leave some part of the body open and point a flashlight at it. One hand must be free to strike. We sharply turn on the flashlight, point it at the part of the body that serves as bait, when the bloodsucker sits down, we kill it with a sharp movement. Perhaps this method of catching a mosquito at night is more effective than with the light on.


You can also become the bait yourself. Release one hand to clap, wait until the mosquito lands on you, and swat.


For the proboscis

Some craftsmen claim that if you sharply stretch the skin in the place where a mosquito is gnawing, it will be “caught by the nose”, will not be able to escape and will burst from the pressure of drinking the blood. This method Requires great dexterity and experience.

We hope that our tips on how to catch a mosquito in a room will be useful to you.
