Why do you dream of 500? Why see numbers in a dream? Success after long efforts

Such a dream means good luck, if only the bills were real, but there are several certain cases when such a dream is not interpreted. If the dreamer is in dire need of cash, then the vision that he has found a lot of money simply means compensation for the need for it, and not real changes in life. The dream book writes a lot about what it means to find a lot of money in a dream. This is why such a find is most often dreamed of. Pay attention to where they were to determine what exactly such a dream means.

A pleasant surprise in an ordinary place

Why dream of unexpectedly finding money in your clothes or purse? Pay attention to exactly what they were like in the dream - this means news and changes. A lot of small change means getting fired, losing your source of money and crying about it. Sometimes the dream book interprets such a dream as detection of theft large sum deferred for payment utilities or even for a rainy day.

Finding several small bills in your pocket or purse is a big surprise. If they were red, the news will be alarming and will start to worry you greatly. If you dreamed of money with a blue or lilac hue, the news will concern work or a man. Green papers of small denomination mean friendship or hope for the best. The main thing is that the bills, although small, are real. Finding money in a secluded place is much less than you put there - to chagrin and scandal in the house. Such a dream means troubles associated with an unusual situation in which there will be losses, and you will not know how best to make up for them.

Why dream of finding large bills in your clothes at home or in your purse - this means good news and a small holiday at home. Sometimes such a dream means that someone will unexpectedly thank you for a service you provided for free. Pay attention to their denomination and numbers.

5000 – means change, anxiety ( Orange color) or a quick fun, joyful event. Several of these bills mean the fulfillment of a wish or a big expense that will force you to spend all your saved reserves for a rainy day.

Why do you dream about seeing 1000 banknotes? You will be given time for rest and entertainment. Often such a dream foreshadows an invitation to a celebration, a meeting alone with a loved one or a pleasant time with a spouse, as well as a long-awaited fulfillment of a desire, albeit an insignificant one. Seeing several of these bills means a romantic meeting or a walk by the sea.

Incomprehensible signs or foreign currency foreshadow a change of plans and a big surprise, which will not be the most pleasant. However, seeing dollars or euros instead of rubles means unexpected success in business sphere and a generous reward for your efforts and disruptive character.

500 rubles means changes, small gifts or forced spending on small things. The dream book writes a lot about why such a find is dreamed of. This dream means changes at work and in activities, an unexpected turn in your personal life, unless they are formalized by marriage. However, finding them in your spouse’s jacket means a family quarrel due to his secrecy and lack of frankness.

Find it on the street

Finding money in a dream on the street just lying on the asphalt means unexpected and imminent news and money, earnings or theft. Coins of any denomination mean tears due to unexpected grief or loss of money, especially large ones. You won't know how to plug holes in your budget or how to make up the missing amount.

Red banknotes, even large ones, suggest the possibility of success, although it may be accompanied by fear and anxiety. Blue and lilac money suggest news related to men or love affairs, but green and turquoise hint at theft, which may not have anything to do with you personally, but will affect your friends and acquaintances.

Why do you dream of finding a large bill on the floor in the hallway? shopping center, in a bank or in a store? You will have a chance to change your life and make it better, if it is not torn and beautiful. If a girl has a dream that she has found some new and beautiful big money, the dream book writes that she will have the opportunity to meet a young man.

If the bill was 5000, it means that he will earn a lot and belong to a rich family, 1000 shows average income, and 100, 50 and 500 rubles and even a small worker who is barely able to make ends meet or a student whose parents turn out to be poor and not will be able to help him.

A guy has a similar dream that he will be able to find a job and a source of income, or meet a very wealthy person. Sometimes books on the interpretation of dreams write about why people dream about finding large sums of money. This may turn out to be a reverse dream, in which the dreamer may lose money in public place or they will be stolen from him.

Dizzying discoveries and prospects

Why might you have a dream in which you find a stack of bills or a lot of money in a secluded place? We can definitely say that this means great temptation and dizzying prospects. If upon entering the transport you find several large bills, then why is this dreaming? The dream book writes that soon you will have a chance to find a job or enter into an activity that will turn out to be very profitable and will bring a lot of income. You will be able to show your personal qualities and earn enough to support yourself.

Why dream of finding a lot of money on the steps of a train or plane, taking it and leaving? Soon you will have a chance to prove yourself, but you will refuse global changes, although you will receive a great reward for your work. Sometimes such a dream means an adventure or gambling, from further participation in which you can leave in time. Such a dream promises a girl a wealthy lover, whom she will skillfully use and receive beautiful and expensive gifts from him. But she will not accept his marriage proposal, because she is afraid of losing her freedom and the opportunity to do the same with others.

Why dream of finding several large bills and taking them for yourself? Perhaps you will soon be provided with a favor or you will be able to find yourself a temporary source of income, a one-time job. How many papers there are, so many days (months or years) you will feed from one source. Summer part-time work is possible for students, which will be interesting and give you the opportunity to earn enough money.

Finding a lot of money and trying to take it with you is good for the rich and bad for the poor. For the first, such a dream promises a very large profit from a deal or investment, for the second - empty hopes. However, if they fell out of someone’s pocket and you picked them up, it means that in reality you will be ahead of your opponent and will be able to get a position or a wealthy bride or groom.

If the bills turn out to be not real, expect deception in reality. Such a dream foreshadows vain worries and tears, as well as impenetrable poverty and a streak of failures in business.

Women's dreams

In the dreams of lovely ladies, the discovery of money foreshadows an important acquaintance and personal self-esteem of a girl and woman. Much depends on whether there were as many of them as you wanted or not. If a girl finds 5000 on the street or in the market, such a dream predicts her a successful chance in the lottery or meeting a wealthy groom who will change a lot in her personal life. Since the number 5 itself means changes in life, especially in the sexual area, it is possible that she will be able to lure into her network a very wealthy lover or simply a person who will become dear to her in his own right. Look what happened next with the bill. Changing it or buying something is a bad sign. It’s good if she gives it to her chosen one or just a handsome man, as this will show that he appreciates and loves her.

Finding smaller paper money on the floor in some establishment or just in a store is a sign of friendly support or an acquaintance with a middle-income groom. You may have an interesting relationship, but there will not be deep affection, since he does not have all the qualities that please you.

Small money, no matter whether coins or paper, means troubles, tears, quarrels and grief, the result is worse than expected. Dollars and euros – meeting a foreigner or just traveling abroad.

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Numbers that appear in dreams are the most difficult to interpret. This is due to the fact that their collective (archetypal) meaning is often weaker than the dreamer’s personal perception of the number.

Interpretation of dreams according to the dream book of numbers

Any household item (for example, a plate) both in the public consciousness and in the personal consciousness is associated with the same thing (in in this case, with food).

With dates, addresses and other “carriers” of numbers, not everything is so simple. For example, after Stalin’s death (March 5, 1953), many people identified the number 5 for themselves. Moreover, for some, Stalin’s death was an irreparable loss, for others it was a saving death that saved them (or their relatives) from the horrors of Stalin’s camps. Having seen the number 5, the former now expected trouble for themselves, the latter saw a happy omen.

If we turn to the archetypal meaning of the number 5, then we learn that it is a sign that brings change. It is difficult to consider it a mere coincidence that the fifth day was the day of death of a person who influenced the fate of the state and millions of people. But let's return to the dreamed numbers. For some, they will indicate the number of the house where a loved one lives. In another case, they may remind you of your age.

Positive and negative aspects of the meanings in the dream book of numbers

– this is the beginning of all beginnings. The sun is assigned to the unit. The unit emphasizes individuality. In a positive aspect, it symbolizes strength, activity, efficiency. Often dreams about new beginnings. In a negative aspect, it is a warning against selfishness, loneliness, and arrogance.

– the key word is “collaboration”. The corresponding planet is Moon. Moon people are emotional and adapt well to their surroundings. A deuce in a dream foretells you someone's help or indicates the need to look for it. Sometimes he warns against indecision and duality in business.

– the number three is very favorable for internal self-expression. It corresponds to the planet Jupiter. Being attuned to this planet makes it possible to realize your plans (especially in the field of art and creativity). It is also a sign of family attachments (mother, father, child). In a dream, he draws attention to family problems. Beware of impatience and uncriticality in business. Also avoid your own jealousy.

– if you dream of a four, get ready to work. This figure corresponds to the planet Uranus. She is characterized by thoroughness and patience. The work will require significant effort from you. This is work on the land, in the family or in the business world. One should only be afraid of the manifestation of someone’s cruelty, pressure, impenetrability.

- a sign of freedom of action. Therefore, it often foreshadows changes. It corresponds to the planet Mercury, which revolves very quickly around the sun. This number means instant action, clear relationships. The only precaution that the number five carries in a dream is that you do not waste your energy and do not become a victim of habit. Your success associated with the number five lies on unbeaten paths.

– the number six calls you to the simple and natural joys of life. This number corresponds to the planet Venus, which serves sensuality and harmony. This number refers you to your home circle. Six also contributes to pedagogical or medical activities. However, sometimes the appearance of a six calls you to independence and responsibility. (Don't become a "six" in the service of others.)

– this is a mystical number. It contains the spiritual secrets of life (seven notes, week, seven chakras, etc.) Corresponds to the planet Neptune, which patronizes the pursuit of philosophy and religious contemplation. If you dream about the number seven, get ready for solitude and spiritual reflection. But beware of melancholy, indifference, and addiction to alcohol.

– as the arithmetic value of a number increases, our difficulties increase. The number eight corresponds to the planet Saturn. The path under the influence of this planet is not easy. Success comes through knowledge, physical effort, and financial costs. Your efforts will pay off, but at the cost of loneliness and misunderstanding from other people.

– the appearance of this number in a dream signals: gather all your strength and courage to complete the work you have started. The planet Mars will help you with this. It will give you strength and energy. However, do not forget that only efforts aimed at the common good will bring you rewards.

– two numbers together, 1 and 0, mean the relationship between male (1) and female (0). The unit (stick) is a phallic symbol. Zero (circle) means feminine nature. Ten represents the harmony of the couple.

– this number is called the number of inspiration. When it defines your life, creative decisions and highs happen as if by magic. This is not comparable to the contemplation of a seven or the energy of a one. You will know that inspiration has come to you only by the feeling that will accompany two units in a dream. If you see the number eleven but don't feel particularly excited, don't be upset. This means that at the moment you are not spiritually ready to accept it. So you should go back to the partnership number two, which you get by adding up your units.

– This is the number of integrity (12 months, 12 signs of the Zodiac, a dozen (objects). If you dream about this number, it means that some stage of life has ended for you. You have to move to the next stage of the development cycle. Even if this completion is not final, summarized the number (12 = 1+2 = 3) will give you the opportunity to express yourself.

An example of dream interpretation according to the dream book of numbers

For example, six months before her 70th birthday, my mother dreamed that she was buying a size 70 dress. It hung on her like a robe, and in her dream she was very angry with the seller for forcing her to take this huge dress. After listening to her dream, I reminded my mother about the upcoming anniversary. She admitted that she really can't believe she's already turning 70.

So, when you see a number in a dream and remember it, think about it. What date, age, address, etc. may be associated with it. Once you've checked your personal associations, turn to your collective ones. They will help you understand the global meaning of the dreamed number.

Number meaning:

Behind every number there is some secret hidden. The fateful rhythms of life attracted astrologers and alchemists. The correspondence between numbers and planets was determined. And society has been familiar with the influence of planets on humans since ancient times. Therefore, let's commit short excursion in numerology, the science of the magical meanings of numbers. Pay attention to the positive and negative aspects of each number's meaning.

The meaning of multi-digit numbers in the dream book

With this number we will finish the description of archetypal meanings. But the number series does not end with the number 12. Sometimes you dream of amazing, unrelated multi-digit numbers. One of my colleague, a writer, dreamed about the date of her death - 2014. To understand what this date means, you need to “collapse” it to one digit using the following algorithm:

2014? 2+0+1+4 = 7

As we noted, seven is a mystical number. Solitude and spiritual reflection are associated with it. I reassured my colleague. Most likely, a period of thinking about a new book and detachment from current troubles is beginning in her life. However, death is also associated with eternal peace...

Sleep is a phenomenon that remains unsolved to this day. The ancient sages believed that in dreams a person has access to communication with spirits, God and the forces of nature. From a scientific point of view, sleep is the analysis of information received by the brain during the day, hidden emotions and desires of a person. Why do we have dreams? The answer to the question is hidden in dream books written by esotericists, psychologists, magicians, sorcerers and ordinary people. Dream books contain interpretations of symbols from dreams: things, animals, actions, people, situations. No matter how absurd the dream may be, it can carry warning information. Interpretation of dreams according to the dream book helps to understand why this or that object is seen in a dream, what a meeting with a certain person means. Dreams play an important role in people's lives. Through dreams, our subconscious tells us what to do. difficult situation, how a colleague (relative, spouse, lover) treats us. The human unconscious, through dreams, heals mental trauma and helps to survive crisis moments in life.

It is not only the dream book that allows you to correctly interpret a dream, but also concentration on the sensations experienced during sleep. To get an accurate interpretation, just remember important elements: own emotions, feelings, intonations of the voice of people speaking in a dream. Surrounding a person in a dream, the situation can also be a key to the interpretation of the vision. You can record every dream on paper by keeping a personal “dream diary”. This will simplify the analysis of subsequent dreams and help more accurately interpret dreamed images. The brightness and saturation of the colors of a dream is a direct indicator of whether it is prophetic or not. Black and white pictures with a calm emotional background they say that the dream does not carry any warning information. Dreams do not just appear at the moment when the human consciousness turns off and becomes unreceptive. It is during this period of time that logical thinking ceases to interfere with the assimilation of information received from the outside. Fateful signs, incomprehensible logical thinking and received by the subconscious during the day, result in sleep. Thanks to the interpretation of dreams, a person understands what his own unconscious “I” is warning him about. Free dream book Miller or Sigmund Freud will interpret the dream from a psychological point of view. Dream books of esotericists and clairvoyants will predict the future due to interpretation, and folk and modern dream books will correctly interpret visions involving objects, animals, and seasons. Online interpretation of dreams from dream books allows you to understand what you dreamed the day before. By searching, you can quickly find the information you are interested in. Here are the interpretations of dreams according to the most popular modern and ancient dream books. On our website you can get accurate and complete free interpretation dreams Interest in the interpretation of dreams will disappear only when the secrets of the human subconscious are fully revealed. But just until then, people will use the interpretation of dreams from dream books in order to lift the veil of the unknown.

Such a dream simply could not help but leave good impression to the dreamer. Yes, indeed, money dreams give everyone a favorable mood at least for one day. But I would like to know what money means in dreams. In general, the dream book interprets a dream in which they give money as auspicious sign, but don't relax.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the identity of the sponsor, the size of the “donation”, and in general the circumstances that are associated with the issuance of money. You should also remember whether the funds were given to you free of charge or not. Any detail is necessary, since it is with the help of unnoticeable details that the subconscious comes into contact with the dreamer.

Interpretation of dreams based on individual plots - details of a dream in which they give money

So, we invite the reader to tune in, imagine this picture and remember the main circumstances of his dreams. Somnologists argue that the contribution to any interpretation depends in most cases on the person who saw the dreams. So, based on the picture kindly provided by your subconscious, find an interpretation specifically for your dream:

  • The money was given to you free of charge. Yes, in modern world You rarely see such a picture, but in a dream this often happens. The dream books agreed - the dream predicts favorable events in the near future, an increase in financial status, improved relationships with colleagues and the recovery of someone close.
  • Why do they lend money? A dream with such a plot needs to be interpreted carefully, but basically such a dream symbolizes a moral choice; you have to choose between easy money (promotion) and your own feelings and conscience. As a rule, the event after such a dream in the life of some people is a turning point.
  • In a dream, you receive cash exclusively in banknotes from Khabarovsk (5,000 rubles each) - you are about to receive a lucrative, enticing offer in real life. It would be stupid to encourage people to refuse, but it should be remembered that you should not blindly agree to any seemingly advantageous offer after this dream.
  • You received cash in bills of 100, 500, 1000 rubles. If an offer of monetary enrichment comes from a stranger, then the vision predicts receiving a sum of money in real life. Dreams in which you receive treasury notes with a face value of less than 5,000 from an acquaintance or friend predict a quarrel between you.
  • You have witnessed the unimaginable - paper banknotes began to literally fall from the sky. But such a dream symbolizes nothing more than a journey. It is, of course, worth clarifying that this is either a business trip, if there was an incredible amount of money, or possible detention due to ignorance of the laws, if the money magically ended up in your pocket.
  • Funds have been withdrawn from the card. The money that an ATM gives you in a dream, by mistake or “of your own free will,” is a harbinger of great success in real life. In the future, you will be lucky enough to conclude a profitable deal, complete profitable project or other in a legal way receive the treasured funds.
  • We received some change. Yes, it’s not a great dream compared to those described above, and the meaning according to most dream books is depressing - fuss over small everyday issues or depression over trifles awaits.
  • Receive counterfeit money in a dream. The subconscious, sending a dream with a similar plot, warns the dreamer - you should not work hard if you are not sure of the feasibility of the project, and do something that you do not like. Statistics show that such dreams simply predict wasted effort, disappointment and deception.
  • They offered you banknotes, but an honest soul did not want to take it. Dreams in which the participant listens to his conscience and does not accept money symbolize missed opportunities in the past; in some cases, they predict missed opportunities in the future, which happens quite rarely.
  • The money was donated by distant relatives. The subconscious tells you that your family hopes for you, believes in your strength and will always support you, no matter what. Perhaps you are worried about some kind of conflict with a family member, but the dream books assure readers who had such a vision - you have already been forgiven, do not despair.
  • The gift came from living (or now deceased) parents. The dream symbolizes a blessing that will follow you into real life.
  • Dead people give you money. Now deceased people provide you with a sum in a dream; if this happened in the world of your dreams, then you should rejoice - in the near future you will have the opportunity to improve your material condition.
  • There is a dream with a specific plot, in which you are unable to see the banknote, the situation is in the way, the light does not fall correctly. Such a dream predicts disappointment, troubles, misfortunes and even disasters.

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities and dream books - a dream in which they give money, according to Miller, Vanga, Felomen and Freud

  1. The Bulgarian seer Vanga speaks very categorically about the meaning of this dream - evil, betrayal and loss. Yes, receiving money in a dream by any means (except for an honest salary) is a sign of a conspiracy, illness or betrayal being prepared against you; you should be on your guard.
  2. Interpretation of dreams according to Miller. Miller speaks very well of the dream, saying that happy changes await the person who saw it.
  3. Sigmund Freud. Freud, as always, looks at the very root of the problem, the psychologist gives the reason why in a dream you receive money from someone - in real life you lack connections (usually sexual) with the opposite sex.
  4. Monetary enrichment according to Felomen's dream book. Felomena's dream book predicts a happy coincidence of circumstances in real life, be it winning the lottery or meeting with the right person V in the right place at the right time.
  5. Interpretation of dreams according to Tsvetkov. The somnologist claims that you will have to fall and get up, lose heart and fly forward again towards your goal, and ultimately you will have the stunning success that you have been waiting for. This is what Tsvetkov dreams of about money.
  6. According to Juno's dream book. According to Juno’s dream book, this situation symbolizes a person’s current standard of living. A huge amount of cash means a person’s wealth and contentment real life, symbolizes tough tests on life path. If a person receives a rather small amount, it means that not everything is going well in life, but in the near future there will be an opportunity to improve his financial condition. But there are definitely no problems if the dreamer simply loses money in his dream.

Dreams happen every night - and if someone says that they rarely have dreams, in reality they are simply not remembered, or they are rarely remembered.

But one way or another, some dreams are not only remembered - they are not easy to forget, they are so vivid and unusual. It is unlikely that a dream will be forgotten in which certain figures and figures clearly and clearly appeared.

It is not simple significant dream– this is a very important and unique vision that happens extremely rarely and not to everyone! So the dreamer is simply obliged to explain what the numbers mean in dreams, because such valuable clues should not be overlooked.

Numerology is the most ancient and wise science. Numbers and numbers have had mystical meaning since ancient times and influence fate. If you remember the numbers exactly, this is a great sign, and you can safely count on fate’s favor in the near future.

For the rest, it is worth remembering not only the numbers themselves and their combinations, but also the entire plot that was present in the dream - what they were, where they ended up, where they came from, and so on. It all has important, and changes the entire interpretation of the dream. Examples of “digital” dreams could be the following:

  • I saw a certain date in a dream.
  • Seeing a specific number in dreams.
  • Many different chaotic figures and numbers.
  • I dreamed about even numbers.
  • Odd numbers in a dream.
  • Write them yourself.
  • Counting, doing some kind of calculations in a dream.
  • Erase them - from the board, from the paper.
  • Find numbers in the middle of the text, in the book.
  • Seeing someone write or calculate equations.
  • I dreamed of numbers: one, five or eight.

In addition, if you remember numbers and figures well, do not be lazy to look through the numerology reference book, determine the meaning of each individual number, as well as their combinations - this will reveal a lot to you. Well, the dream book will tell you the meaning of dreams and make it clear what awaits you in the near future in reality.

Two by two is four…

Very often, interpreters recommend remembering the dream numbers, if possible, and say that this is a hint either important date, on the number of something, or on how much time is left until the most important turning point in fate.

But here you need intuition - it’s not so easy to understand, for example, whether to wait for an important crucial moment in three days, three weeks or three months. Fate will prompt, hint and give signs - don’t miss them!

In addition, there are a lot of meanings of “digital” dreams, in addition to this. And what a dream means is still worth figuring out.

1. A specific date in dreams is a rare occurrence, and there is no doubt that it is important and significant. Remember it, something important will certainly happen on this day, something that will radically change your life!

Of course, it depends on your attitude whether this will be a positive change or not. Expect the best and you will attract happiness, no doubt about it.

2. Very often, a specific number - single-digit or double-digit - is precisely a hint of exactly how much time the dreamer has left until the most important event of your life. The dream book won’t tell you days, weeks or months, you can only guess.

But listen to your own heart and intuition, and you will understand how soon to expect change. Open up to them, drive fear and anxiety out of your soul - wait with joy, with anticipation big holiday– and this is exactly how the changes will be, fabulous and happy. Everything depends on you!

3. As the dream book indicates, numbers dreamed of in large numbers, chaotically or in a row are a direct indication of the dreamer’s excessive fatigue. Obviously, you are overloading your intellect with mental work, thinking too much and not giving yourself a break.

This can soon lead to stress and even illness - be sure to take a rest, turn off the mental process, relax! Good vacation It will only make you more productive, and if you don’t rest, you can simply “break down.”

4. The numbers “one”, “five” or “eight” in a dream, as the interpreter says, indicate important, valuable and rare ideas. It is very important not to miss them, not to ignore them, but to notice, remember and certainly begin to implement them.

Such a dream is a valuable indication that an idea, which may at first seem insignificant and not special, will in fact be vitally important, and can lead to huge, unprecedented success. Your task is not to miss it!

5. Such a dream, in which the numbers turned out to be entirely even, is very good. He, without a doubt, promises good luck in all matters. You can not be afraid of anything, boldly move towards your high goal - neither enemies nor difficulties are afraid of you. Fortune is with you!

6. On the contrary, odd numbers promise difficulties, but do not be afraid. Any obstacles in business are useful experience, without them, not a single person becomes stronger and more professional, wiser and more experienced in life. So perceive any difficulties as a useful test - you will overcome them, and you will no longer be afraid.

7. Such a dream, in which you wrote numbers, no matter where or with what, is an indication of your own discipline and even pedantry.

There may, however, be two options here - either the dream book indicates that you lack these qualities to achieve success, or, on the contrary, it recommends being lighter and more relaxed. You yourself, knowing yourself, can understand what such a dream hints at.

8. Counting, calculating numbers or equations in a dream means that in reality you will soon have to carefully consider an important decision. Be careful - this decision can change your whole life in the future, although it may not seem to you now that it is so significant. Therefore, you should think about it very seriously, take your time, and weigh everything.

9. It’s curious what such a dream means: erasing numbers from the board, or wiping them off paper, in general, destroying them. This is an interesting meaning - the dreamer will soon have to eliminate the consequences of some rash or incorrect actions. But this will ultimately lead to joy and a good state of affairs, so you should not neglect this activity.

10. If you saw certain numbers among the text in a dream, for example, while reading a book, this clearly means that you are about to receive a big, unexpected surprise from fate. That's not all - the interpreter says that in order for this surprise to turn out to be not only pleasant, but even change your whole life for the better, you will have to make mental efforts, show talent and abilities - nothing will happen by itself.

11. If you dreamed that someone else was writing numbers, calculating something, this indicates that your friend or loved one awaits big success, and you will become a witness.

You should be able to rejoice in the success of others, especially the happiness of loved ones, and envy should not be present in your heart. Be happy for someone else, and then good luck will come to you too!

When trying to decipher a “digital” dream, you should not rush. If you can’t remember every number exactly, don’t worry - remember the details of the dream, they will also tell you a lot.

And be attentive to the advice that the dream book gives - perhaps they will help you become happier and more successful in reality! Author: Vasilina Serova
