Feast games for bonding acquaintance. Dating and bonding games for corporate and friendly parties

Children stand in a circle. (This promotes openness, attention of children to each other, gives a feeling of unity in the team. To strengthen this feeling, you can hold hands). The first child says his name, the second says the name of the first and his own, and so on. The first one calls everyone's names.

This game can be played with adults. This helps everyone who comes to make friends and feel like one team. Don’t be confused by the fact that some children still find it difficult to pronounce the first and patronymic of adults and remember all the names. Help them with this. The main goal of the game is to unite the team, overcome the barrier between children, and instill communication skills.

This game can be made more difficult over time. Ask to state your name and a few words about yourself on a given topic. Children repeat what they hear about each other, but not in the 3rd person, but in the 1st person.

Your name is Lena. You go to 1st grade and love to draw.

2. Game "Who called me."

Children become a group, one child leaves the group, moves away a few steps and turns his back to the group. The teacher chooses a child who must loudly call the departed one. The one who left returns and says who called him, in the 1st person:

You called me, Anton.

If the child guesses who called him, but does not remember the name, invite him to ask the caller about it.

Children's first reaction is usually to point. This needs to be fixed.

Such dialogues are important for children. They instill in them communication skills.

3. Game "Girls-Boys"

Boys sit on one bench, and girls on another. Boys call any girls' names. If these names are girls, then they stand up and tell a little about themselves. Then the girls call any names of the boys. This continues until the names of all the children have been announced.

4. Game "Chairs"

We place the chairs in a circle close to each other. The players stand on them. At the leader’s signal, all players must change places so that all names are arranged in alphabetical order. Players move on chairs without touching the floor.

5. Noisy game

At the leader’s signal, all players begin, shouting their names, to look for their namesakes in order to assemble into a team faster than others. The noisiest and fastest win.

6. Game "Crib-memory"

Each player receives a card with his name. Players are divided into 2 or 3 teams. The 1st group enters the game. All players in this group introduce themselves, giving their first and last names, and tell a little about themselves. After this, all cards with the names of the players of the 1st team are given to the opposing players. After consulting, they must correctly distribute the cards to the players of the 1st team and remember everyone’s last name. For each correct answer, the team receives a point. Then the 2nd team introduces itself.

7. Game "Who's Who"

Each player receives a piece of paper and a pencil. 5 minutes after the presenter’s signal, the players must get to know each other, finding out the name and who they want to become. The received data is recorded. The one who manages to learn and write down the most wins.

8. Relay

Before the competition, players are divided into 2 teams. Each player takes a step forward and clearly pronounces his first and last name.
Stage 1: team players take turns running up to their piece of whatman paper and writing their last name, returning back and shouting their name. Do this until all players have signed up.
Stage 2: teams must exchange sheets of whatman paper. Running up to a piece of whatman paper, you need to write his name next to the corresponding surname of the enemy. The team that made the fewest mistakes wins.

9. Game "Helpline"

Boys sit opposite girls in pairs. The girls whisper their name to the boy from their pair. After this, the boy sitting in the 1st row tells his neighbor the name of his partner. He speaks quietly so that the other boys don't hear. The 2nd boy tells the 3rd boy the name of the 1st girl and the one sitting opposite him. So until they reach the last boy: he calls the names of all the girls in turn. If the name is named correctly, then the girl stands up; if not, she remains sitting. Then the girls learn the boys' names, etc. The team that was more accurate wins.

10. Game "Postman"

Children are divided into 2 teams. The first players each run up to their chair, on which there are small envelopes (according to the number of participants). On back side the name of the recipient from another team is written. Having read the addressee’s name, the “postman” shouts it out loud, and the addressee raises his hand and shouts: “It’s ME!” Then he goes for the next letter. The fastest team wins. Organizers can write the meanings of the names on the back of the cards. These cards can be announced and given away at the end of the game.

11. Game "Math"

Children sit in a circle. The counselor gives the task: “Let’s start counting in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of three pronounces his name instead of the number.” This game can be used to develop memory and attention. Play and you will see that this is indeed the case.

12. Game "Name Your Name"

Everyone stands in a circle, holding their arms outstretched in front of them. The player who starts the game throws the ball through the center of the circle to one of the participants and says his name. After the throw, he lowers his hands. After the ball has passed everyone and everyone has dropped their hands, the game begins in the second round. Each participant throws the ball to the person he threw to the first time and says his name again.

The third round of this game is slightly modified. Again, everyone stands in a circle with their arms outstretched, but now the participant who threw the ball must say his name, the one who caught the ball does the same, etc.

After playing this game (it takes 10-15 minutes to play), it is quite possible to remember up to 20 names.

It's no secret that the first stage of creating a team is getting to know each other. The faster the guys get to know each other, the easier it will be for you to work with them. One of the most simple shapes dating is a game.



Dating games

In the first days it is important to interest and captivate children interesting activities. For this purpose, it is advisable to direct all efforts to get to know and unite children with each other. Teacher, try to be joyful, cheerful, a little “reckless”, try to “unwind” to the fullest extent of your capabilities, then the children will begin to imitate and copy you in everything, and isn’t this what you need for further participation in the program. It's no secret that the first stage of creating a team is getting to know each other. The faster the guys get to know each other, the easier it will be for you to work with them. One of the simplest forms of dating is a game.

Very important for the selected games is:

  1. criterion “number of participants”, because some games require a number of participants of at least 20 people, while others are not recommended to be played in groups of more than 14 participants;
  2. criterion “game time”, because There are games that can take a long time (15-20 minutes). In this case, the group begins to lose momentum, and additional efforts will be required to correct the situation;
  3. criterion "success". The group must successfully complete the game, because... for a newly created team it is important fast receipt positive results, and reverse process may lead participants to the idea of ​​joint failure and attempts to find someone to blame for their common failures.

Getting to know each other games are games that you can use to get to know kids and introduce them to each other. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups.

The first are those that make it possible to learn and remember names.

The second are games that help us get to know each other better. During them, we learn the interests, hobbies, abilities and some character traits of the participants.

  1. Let's get acquainted.

The group sits in a circle. Participants pass the ball around the circle, say their name and quality starting with the first letter of their name.

  1. Let's say hello.

Participants greet each other with palms, cheeks, noses, elbows, etc.

  1. Throwing a ball

All participants stand in a circle. One loudly calls the name of one of the participants and throws the ball to him. He catches the ball, calls the name of the other participant and throws the ball to him. After a while you need to increase the speed of the game.

  1. Snowball.

All participants in the game sit down or stand in a circle, so that all players can see each other. Participants take turns saying their name. Each subsequent player names the names of all previous players, adding his own to them. For example: the first participant says his name, the second - the name of the first and his, the third - the name of the first, the name of the second and his, and so on until the last player, who must name the names of everyone in the circle.

Tips for the organizers: When conducting all variations of the “Snowball”, be sure to change or rearrange the players each time, this helps to remember more

  1. Search for common

The group is divided into twos, and two people find a certain number common features, then twos are combined into fours for the same purpose.

The presenter, at his discretion, can stop the process at fours, eights, etc.

  1. "Applause in a circle."

Psychologist: Imagine how the artist feels after the concert, listening to thunderous applause. Perhaps he perceives them with all his soul and experiences a very pleasant excitement.

We have a great group and everyone deserves applause. I want to propose a game in which the applause starts out quietly and then gets louder and louder. You become part of a common circle. I come up to one of you, call his (her) name, greet with applause, then he chooses one of his classmates, and the two of us say the name and greet with applause. These three choose the next candidate for applause.

Each time, the one who was applauded has the right to choose the next one. So the game continues and the applause gets louder and louder. Tension also increases among those who have not yet been applauded, so the last player should be addressed with the following words: “And the most stormy applause goes to...”

  1. Who - change

All players sit in a circle on chairs (there are no free chairs). The leader stands in the center of the circle, he pronounces a certain characteristic, the players who attribute it to themselves must change places. If the leader is the first to occupy an empty chair, then the player left without a chair becomes the leader. Example characteristics: who loves to dance; who plays the guitar; who loves ice cream; who can swim, etc.

  1. Rain

Extend your palm to the beginning summer rain. 1 drop falls (the leader hits the outstretched palm with one finger).

2 drops fall (2 fingers).

3 drops fall (3 fingers).

It's starting to rain! (He hits palm against palm.)

Heavy rain! Shower! (The sound increases.)

Thunder! Hail! (The clatter of feet is added to the noise of palms.)

The rain is subsiding.

4 drops, 3, 2, 1.


The sun has appeared again!

Host: Guys, do you want to listen to the sound of rain? We do everything like I do. (The presenter speaks and shows, and everyone repeats the movements after him)

And suddenly one drop fell from the sky (we hit the palm of our left hand with the finger of our right hand)

Then 2 drops fell from the sky (2 times)

Then 5 drops fell from the sky (we hit it with our finger, imitating a downpour)

And he went strong, strong, as if out of a bucket.

It pours for a day, it pours for two...

And then... the rain begins to subside.

4 drops began to fall from the sky

Then 3 drops fell from the sky

2 drops

Then one drop began to fall from the sky

But one drop stubbornly falls. Do you hear?

The rain has stopped. The sun has come out, a rainbow is smiling at everyone and good mood. The hall became quiet.

  1. Fruits

Description. The whole group sits in a circle. The counselor asks everyone to pay for “apples,” “bananas,” “tangerines,” and “oranges.”

After this is done, the counselor says “swap places for all the bananas” - and all the bananas must get up and find a new place.

While everyone is changing places, the counselor can take someone’s place, and this person becomes the new driver who asks all the “apples”, “tangerines”, etc. to change places.

If the presenter says “fruit salad,” then everyone changes places.

  1. Shoe pile

A good opportunity to meet new people in the group. To play, each player takes off one shoe and throws it into one large pile. After that, each player takes any shoe from the pile and finds the one who owns the shoe. A very good game for a large group.

10. Volume control

A very simple way to quickly calm down auditorium and establish silence, when everyone talks to each other and no longer responds to ordinary requests. You stand on stage facing the audience and announce that your outstretched arms are a kind of volume control in the hall. Horizontal position (arms to the sides) - silence, vertical (one up, the other down - maximum). For half a minute, twist your hands, raising and lowering the volume of the hall, making sure to give you the opportunity to scream a lot “with the permission” of the counselor. Then you suddenly put your hands in a horizontal position, and as a result there is complete silence in the hall.

  1. Who was born in May...

A fun game that helps you get to know each other better. The group sits in a circle. The presenter calls personal quality or describes a situation and asks the participants to whom the statement is true to perform a certain action. They get up from the chair, perform the action and sit back down. The pace of the game must increase. Select statements so that they apply to many participants. When proposing questions and naming actions, it is necessary to take into account the age and temperament of the participants. Possible options sayings:

  1. who Blue eyes– wink three times;
  2. the one who ate a delicious breakfast in the morning should pat himself on the stomach;
  3. whoever loves dogs should bark three times;
  4. who loves ice cream will look under his chair;
  5. those who love summer, let them jump.
  1. Eaglet circle

The whole group, together with the counselors, stands in a circle, intertwining their hands

The palm you place on the shoulder of the person on your right means that you have a friend to lean on. The palm in which you hug the person on the left by the waist means that you are ready to support your friend. In general, the Eagle Circle symbolizes friendship. For example, it looks like this:

  1. Hold hands. Feel their warmth. Do you feel how good it is when you have a friend’s hand in your hand?
  2. Grab your elbows. The feeling of an elbow, the feeling that you can feel a friend’s elbow next to you.
  3. And now right hand put a friend on your shoulder - it means you have someone to lean on, and with your left hand hug your neighbor's belt - it means you are ready to support him...

After this, the presenter invites everyone to sit down, then raise their legs, and then... your imagination.

How to introduce children in a children's group so that interest in each other and goodwill arises? Introduce them not for the sake of show, like “stand in line and say your names,” but so that they remember, rejoice and, at least a little, unite? Of course, with the help of dating games.

We have selected 10 of the most interesting and effective games that help you learn something about each other, stop being shy and start making friends. Almost all of these games can be played not only in a new team, but also in an existing one, to which a new child has simply joined.

The best about your neighbor


This very famous game allows you to quickly introduce a large group of new people to each other. It’s easier for older people, but it’s also suitable for younger ones. The guys stand in a circle and take turns saying their name, adding to it what they like starting with the same letter, for example, “Julia, skirt”, “Pasha, parachute”, “Dima, disco”, “Peter, dumplings” and etc. The next child repeats the name and hobby of the first and only then introduces himself, the third needs to repeat two names, and each next child needs to repeat more and more. So the last person in the circle must name the names and hobbies of all participants from memory.

This game not only introduces you, but also develops memory and attention in a great way! (Hobbies can be replaced with something else, for example, gestures or character traits).

At the end of the game, you can arrange a guessing game and ask the guys: “Who is a parachutist?”, “Who likes to have fun at the disco?”, “Who likes dumplings?”, so that in response they remember whose hobbies relate to which of the guys.

3 words about yourself

This game is suitable if you have very little time to get to know each other. Each participant is asked to say their name and then describe themselves in three words. For example: “Nastya: poet, funny, kind.” This is only at first glance simple game By the way, it develops analytical, structural and associative thinking.

Find your place

This game is good younger schoolchildren who find it difficult to sit still. It allows you to learn a lot about each other and discover similarities between yourself and others. It also trains attentiveness and speed of thinking, and also helps to permanently consolidate the skill of identifying the right and left sides.

A line is drawn on the floor that divides the room into two parts. The presenter lists various signs, for example: “Let those whose names begin with a vowel stand on the right” or “Let those who like to draw stand on the left.” Participants must quickly, without colliding, run to the side of the room that is announced if the named sign suits them or stay on the other side if it does not suit them. If the guys collide, the leader chooses a new leader, and the game continues.

Apple of Friendship

Very simple and beautiful game, which is suitable even for the smallest children. The players sit in a circle on the floor or on cushions. The presenter holds a large apple in his hand and introduces himself: “My name is Masha, I love bananas,” and rolls the apple to someone in the circle. The one to whom the apple rolled takes it and also introduces himself: “My name is Senya, I like to ride a bike.” The apple rolls to the next one. The game continues until all players have introduced themselves. The apple can then be washed, cut into slices according to the number of participants and eaten as a symbol of friendship!


A funny and mental game. The leader calls out the letters of the alphabet one by one. The child whose name begins with the letter spoken must stand up and introduce themselves using words that begin only with the letter of the alphabet that their name begins with. For example: “Borya: hero, runs very fast.”

General portrait

This Cool game to acquaintance in interaction. Participants are divided into two teams, and over a certain period of time, each team creates a story about itself based on real data. It turns out, for example, like this: “We are 143 years old. At home we have 7 dogs, 9 cats and 1 ferret. Our three mothers’ names are Galina, last year we got a grade of 37 in algebra, yesterday we ate 10 servings of soup, 18 sausages and 21 candies, but, fortunately, we didn’t burst…” When the time to complete the task runs out, each team reads out their story.


Chairs are placed in a line according to the number of players. The players stand on them. At the leader’s signal, all players must change places according to a certain sign, without touching the floor. For example: alphabetically, by birthday, by shoe size, by hair color from dark to light, etc. This game is good for teenagers. It allows them to overcome shyness and feel more confident. This game also brings out leadership qualities very well.

Are you preparing a holiday where you will introduce people with different interests, who, moreover, have not met before? The party games in this section will give you special party ideas. Introducing guests at a party is actually easy!

Everyone comes to the holiday not only to congratulate, but also with their own secret intentions and expectations. And with which ones we will now find out. The presenter selects from the total mass of guests people who have a certain color in their clothes. The presenter announces the color and what it means. Definitely someone who especially stands out in certain color, give a souvenir accompanied by a comic rhyme.

For example:

  • Red - everyone who came in red clothes came to find their soulmate (You look for your soulmate, and you will receive a gift... a heart)
  • Blue - for drinking (if your girlfriend is drinking, then you will need... a mug)
  • Green - dance (you dance great, here’s your prize, it’s not an ordinary one... a disc or better yet a vinyl record)
  • Yellow - take part in all competitions and win all the prizes (have time to collect all the prizes. Here's the first one, own it... any souvenir)
  • White is an opportunity to start life from scratch (we have a bride in white, everything else is out of place...a gift for the bride)
  • Black - make romantic acquaintances and flirt. (Romantic dating is creative. As a gift...a condom)

P.S. You can compose poems yourself, according to gifts.

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Required: gifts-souvenirs

The game is intended for strangers. It helps you quickly remember each other's names even in big company.

The players sit in a circle. Each person, clockwise, must give himself some definition that best characterizes him, and the word must begin with the same letter as his name. For example, Peter says that he is “punctual”, Mary is “wise”, etc.
The task of the other participants is to guess the name of each player. If someone’s name is not guessed on the first try, these participants in a circle define themselves by the second letter of their name, etc.

If desired, the game can be continued to guess the names of the participants.

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This game is interesting both in an unfamiliar company and among friends.

At the beginning of the game, each participant tries to remember all the players as accurately as possible: hairstyle, shoes, clothes. The leading player is determined by lot. He is blindfolded. Also, by drawing lots or by general agreement, the team elects one more player.
The blindfolded presenter must guess who is standing in front of him, taking into account the fact that the second player can become secret: let down his hair, take off his shoes and put on a coat, etc.
If the presenter guesses correctly, the participant who has been “declassified” takes his place.

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The game is quite interesting both for familiar people and for unfamiliar company. It lifts your spirits and gives you the opportunity to fool around.

The players stand in a group, one of the participants moves away a few steps and turns his back to the group. By silent voting in the group, a person is elected who must call the leader. The rules of the game allow for deliberate changes in voice, which only makes playing more fun. The presenter's task is to guess who called him, also calling him by name. Next, the next player calls the leader, etc.
Each participant in the game must take the place of the leader. The winner is the one who correctly named all the players who called him or the largest number of them.

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Each participant is given a small sheet of paper with a number, which he pins onto his clothing with a pin. Next, regardless of the serial number, each player says his name and tells something about himself. The rest of the participants listen to him carefully and remember everything he says. When each participant introduces himself, the number cards are removed, placed together and shuffled.

Then the participants take turns taking out one card with a number. Now the task of each player is to tell in the first person everything about the person who previously owned the number on the card.

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Required: paper, pen, pins

Each player is given a sheet of paper with a pen. Within a minute, each participant draws on a sheet of paper any animal/fictional character/insect that, in his opinion, he is most like.

Then the drawings are collected and mixed. One of the participants shows the players one drawing each and asks them to guess the author.
The participant who correctly identifies the largest number of artists from their self-portraits wins.

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Required: paper, pens

Cards with the names of any celebrities whose name is similar to the name of the participant are attached to the backs of the players. (the players do not know “their” names). To find out “their” name, participants ask other players yes/no questions, for example:
"Am I alive?"
"Am I acting in a movie?"
"Was I known for my beauty?" etc.

When the player discovers his "identity", he sits down on a chair. Participants who did not guess “their” name or who guessed it incorrectly perform some kind of phantom task.

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Required: paper, pen, pins

All participants sit in a circle on chairs. The presenter stands in the center and says: “He can’t sit…”. And he names some sign that can unite several players, for example: “He who has pockets cannot sit.” All participants who have pockets on their clothes get up from their seats and move to another chair. The presenter's task is to take a seat on the chair! If there is only one such person, then he changes places with the leader.

The game helps to learn a lot about each other if the questions are not related appearance players.

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Participants are divided into two teams, located opposite each other. A blanket is stretched between the teams. One by one from each team sits closer to the blanket. As soon as the blanket is lowered, you must have time to say the name of the person sitting opposite you. Whoever names it faster takes the player to his team. The winner is the team that “draws” more players to itself, that is, the team that knows more names.



Everyone rolls a dice in a circle (preferably a huge one), and when a 6 comes up, he runs to the table, puts on a hat and scarf, takes a fork and knife, cuts the chocolate and eats the chocolate from the fork until someone rolls the next 6. The next person who rolls a 6 confiscates the scarf and hat, puts it on, and begins to eat the chocolate bar until the next person rolls a 6, and so on.


Write a list and distribute it to each group member. This list must contain correct information. To do this, the favorite must know his own guys very well. The list can be long or short at your discretion. While the music is playing (two songs), everyone must approach other players and get their signature under the statement that speaks about him. Each person can put only one signature. The one with the most signatures when the music stops wins.

Here's what might be written on the list:

Find someone who:

Doesn't like to eat cookies

Came now wearing pink socks

I went to Japan on vacation

Can ride horses

I am the one who...

If trust has already been established in your group, then you can play this game to get to know each other as closely as possible. Each group member is given such a sheet. He must check 10 points that correspond to him. Later, the sheets are collected and read aloud, and everyone guesses who filled out this form. Here is the questionnaire:

I'm embarrassed when people compliment me

I'm afraid to express my worldview

I sing in the shower

I seriously pepper my own soup.

I listen to music at full volume

I like to dance when no one is watching

I cry during melodramas

I stop to smell the beautiful flowers

I like to sleep during the day

I'm afraid to donate blood from my finger

Sneaked out of the dentist's office

Talking in my sleep

I hate flying on a plane

I criticize others a lot

I watch TV series

I'm afraid of the dark

Snitched as a child

I go to bed early

I write poems

Talking to animals

Tear out pages from the diary

Spying on others during prayer

I like to sleep for a long time

I'm not afraid to ask a stranger

I like to travel alone

I'm saving money

I'm extremely afraid of getting fat

I despise all girls

Lying about my own age

I sew my own buttons

I close my eyes to scary movies

I'm writing off

I take extreme care of my own skin.

I often make myself a list of “things that need to be done.”

I don't have close friends

Sleeping with a toy

Would I prefer cremation to burial?

Never went to the doctor

I say it straight when someone else's breath smells

Stayed for 2nd year

First I eat the cake, then the first dish

I can't listen to my interlocutor

Extremely touchy

Fell asleep in church

I don't use deodorant

I carry candy with me all the time

I even wear dirty socks

I can't accept criticism


This game will also help you get to know each other better. We need 5-8 people. Prepare forms equal to the number of players.

The forms should contain approximately the following questions:

The most remote place I was able to visit is ……………

As a child, I was forbidden to do ………………, but I did it anyway.

My hobbies - ………………….

When I was little, I dreamed of becoming …………………….

I have one bad habit - …………………………

Leaflets with these questions are distributed to each player, and everyone must fill them out, answering truthfully to all questions, except for the first one. That is, one answer will be incorrect, false. Once everyone has filled out their forms, players take turns reading their answers out loud. The other players' task is to guess which of the player's answers is false. Have them write their choice on the opposite side of their forms. Find out the number of the false answer, and award a point to everyone who guessed the false answer.

The one who scores the most points wins. You can change the rules. Instead of 1 wrong answer out of 5, write four wrong answers and one correct answer.


The audience is divided into 3 teams. Any team thinks of a word. The captain of team 1 speaks to the captains of teams 2 and 3. They race to demonstrate this word in pantomime to their teams. Later, the captain of team 2 speaks to the captains of teams 1 and 3, after which the captain of team 3 speaks to captains 1 and 3.


The first person names his name, the next person names the name of the previous one and his own, the 3rd person names the names of the first two and his own, and so on.

Remember your appearance

The game is useful for a group where everyone is not very familiar. 6-16 people play. A pair of players is selected. Having previously examined each other's appearance, they stand back to back. All the others begin to ask each of them in turn questions about their partner’s appearance. Eg:

How many buttons does your partner have on his jacket?

What color are the laces on your neighbor's shoes?

The pair that gives the most correct answers wins.

What do we know about Vasya?

2-5 teams of 3-10 people each play. One person is called from each team. Let's call him Vasya. The presenter reads the questions, and the teams must answer them as accurately as possible. The answers are written on pieces of paper and handed over to the presenter (the team submits their own answer, Vasya gives his own answer, and the presenter associates). Questions could be:

Vasya's date of birth

What is the name of Vasya's mother?

Who best friend Vasya?

In which school did Vasya study?

What did Vasya eat for breakfast now? and so on.

Each team answers questions about its own player. For the correct answer, the team is given points. The team that scores the most points wins.

Who is this?

After a couple of youth meetings, you can check how the guys got to know each other. Give everyone a piece of paper and ask everyone to write 4 things about themselves that few people know. Eg:

I have a dog and a parrot.

I love to play chess.

I really want to buy a computer.

I'm going to become an agronomist.

Ask them to sign these slips and turn them in. After which you distribute clean sheets of paper to everyone, numbered according to the number of people in the group. And you read out in order what everyone wrote. And you ask: “Who is this?” Everyone must write their guess. At the end you say the correct names. The one with the most correct answers wins.

Hidden Angel

This game for us requires that all players be together for at least one day. The game is good for getting to know each other better. Requires 5 - 50 people. The names of all participants are written on separate small pieces of paper, then they are rolled up and mixed. Each player draws out one piece of paper for himself with someone’s name on it. Each player becomes a "hidden angel" to the person whose name they drew. Hidden therefore, that no one knows whose angel he is, the angel’s ward himself should not know either, it is kept secret. “Angel” always shows his own ward some attention. Eg:

Sends notes with Bible verses,

Small gifts (candy, cookies, etc.)

He writes him poems and comments, suggestions and the like.

The “angel” himself also receives signs of attention, since in turn he is also someone’s ward. At the end of the game, everyone reveals their cards and shares their impressions.

Variety of names

The leader names several names, and everyone who bears the named name comes out to the leader and forms into groups corresponding to their name. As a result, several groups emerge (For example: Sasha, Ani, Elena, Irina). But because the presenter does not know all the names of those people who are in the hall, he allows the formed groups to name the names themselves (one by one), thus, there are more newly formed groups, the process of forming these groups is accompanied by applause. When all the participants are involved in the game given to us, the leader gives each group to say their name in chorus.

Participants in the game who have a unique name, in other words left without a group, receive prizes for the uniqueness of their own name.


For this game we need a huge crowd of people, for example, 30-50 people or more. The condition of the game is to find a person who gave birth to you on the same day, or with a difference of a certain number of days, talk to him and ask him about everything. The pair with the smaller difference wins. They can come out in front of everyone and tell everything they know about their own “twin.” In this way, you can bring strangers or barely familiar people together.

I never…

This game will help people get to know each other better. 7-15 people participate. To play the game you need chips according to the number of participants. Chips can be large beans, matches, or other small similar objects.

Didn't keep cats in the house

Haven't been abroad

Didn't wear boots

Let's say the player said, "I've never eaten pineapples." All players who ate pineapples must give him one chip. Then the turn goes to another player, and he names something that he has never done. The task of each player is to name something that he has never done, but everyone or most of those present have done. The game ends after a certain number of laps. The one who collects the most chips wins.

flaming match

While the match is burning, a person must tell as much about himself as possible. At the same time, he keeps the match lit in own hand. One message - one point. (For example: My name is... I live...) The one who gets the most points wins. It will be much easier for you if you ask to count the messages of a couple of people.

Need a piece of paper

This game will help all your guests get to know each other. Guests sitting at the table pass the roll around in a circle toilet paper. Each guest tears off as many scraps as he wishes, the more the better. When each guest has a stack of scraps, the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell as many facts about himself as he has torn scraps.
