How to make khaki. How to get colors: beige, orange, yellow

Artists say that if there are 3 primary colors available: yellow, red and blue, then you can not buy all other colors. By mixing several colors with each other, you can get the desired shade. But what to do when the main color is missing? How to get a yellow?

There are 2 ways to get the desired color: use the color wheel, but in order to get a large palette of colors, you still need to get the main color. If you had these 3 primary colors, then by mixing them you can get brown, violet, grass and orange. Everything is simple, but we have a slightly different task.

How to get yellow

It turns out that the required color cannot be obtained by mixing other shades. In order to make the desired shade of this color, you need to mix several shades that are close in tone. Let's say you need to get a bright, juicy yellow, more turning into orange - then you need to take the same pure yellow, add a few drops of red and brown, as well as white to it. By mixing several colors of paint, you can achieve the desired shade. First you need to introduce a little light shade. AT this case it's white, and then bit by bit dark. So you can get a juicy, rich yellow.

How to get bright yellow

How to get the required color so that it is bright, literally acidic? This color is called "lemon".

Your actions will be:

  • take some of the main color (i.e. yellow);
  • add some white to it, mix;
  • after the shade of the paints has changed, take a thin brush or wooden stick and put some green paint on the tool;
  • enter in small portions, stirring immediately;
  • if you add quite a bit, then you can quickly make the desired shade.

How to get yellow with gold

How to get yellow with a hint of gold:

  • for the main color you need classic yellow;
  • only one drop of red is added to the paint;
  • if there is no red, then brown - quite a bit;
  • thorough kneading will achieve the desired shade.

If immediately when mixing several colors, the shade turned out to be dirty, you need to continue the stirring process. You may have overdone it and will have to add White color for clarification.

How to get a juicy yellow color

A rich yellow color with bright highlights can be done in just a few minutes if:

  • take the standard yellow;
  • add some pure white to it;
  • if you need to darken the shade, half a drop of red is mixed in. Instead of red, you can take brown, but then the amount of paint should be even less.

Now you know how to get the right shade of yellow. But if you need to get the very base color, then you can not look for the answer to this question. Because it is impossible. The only thing that experienced artists recommend is to paint with watercolors and get the right shade, you can mix orange with green. But it will turn out not yellow, but more bright light green with yellow highlights. You can also experiment and mix green paint with blue or red with orange. Perhaps just such a variant of the shade was necessary for you to work. Therefore, if yellow paint is not enough for creativity, you will have to go to the store and buy a base color.


brown and green - olive;

brown and orange - terracotta;

blue and green - turquoise;

red, green and blue - black;

brown and yellow - ocher;

red and lilac - pink.

To get different shades of the colors above, you need to mix paints in various proportions:
If you add red, black and a little green to yellow, you get a mustard color.

If you add a little brown and black to yellow, you get the color of an avocado.

If you add a little red to yellow, you get gold.

If you add yellow to green, you get an olive color.

There are two ways to synthesize colors: additive and subtractive. The first of them is used if the color is synthesized by directing three multi-colored light sources onto the same screen, the brightness of which can be changed, and the second - when for synthesis colors layers of transparent dyes applied on top of each other are used.

You will need

  • Three dimmable light sources: red, green and blue;
  • Three felt-tip pens: blue-green, yellow and magenta;
  • White sheet of paper.


In order to synthesize color additively, you need three dimmable light sources: red, green, and blue. If you are going to synthesize only saturated colors, you can also use sources that can only be turned on and off without adjusting the brightness. But with adjustable sources, you can get many more different shades.

Point all three sources to the common screen. To avoid distortion colors, this screen should be white. With unregulated sources, you can get eight colors. When all three sources are turned off, the color will be black. If you turn on the red, green and blue sources separately, you get, respectively, red, green and blue colors. A red source combined with blue produces purple, red with green produces yellow, and green with blue produces blue-green. Finally, all three sources, when included together, will allow the synthesis of a color close to white. If the sources are adjustable, smoothly changing the brightness of each of them, you can get an almost infinite number of intermediate colors. This is how they synthesize colors in camcorders, televisions and monitors.

For subtractive color synthesis, take White list paper and three felt-tip pens: blue-green, yellow and magenta. With their help, you can also synthesize eight various colors. The area of ​​the paper that has nothing applied to it will remain white. Those areas that are colored individually with blue-green, yellow and magenta felt-tip pens will have the corresponding colors. An area filled with both blue-green and yellow felt-tip pens will turn out green, yellow and magenta - red, and cyan-green and magenta - blue. If you paint over a section of the sheet with all three felt-tip pens at the same time, you get a color close to black. This method of color synthesis is used in film photography, printing, and also in color inkjet printers.

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To understand how to mix paints, it is necessary to understand the features of their chemical composition and basic concepts of colors. Any paint is a mixture of pigment with a binder. The pigment is a powder of mineral substances, which, after combining with special "liquids", acquires the ability to cover the main color of the surface. Most often these are natural natural dyes.

In order to get one or another shade, you need to know the laws of mixing colors. Although the human eye distinguishes hundreds of tones, in fact, only three main colors can be distinguished, thanks to which the rest are obtained. Red, blue and yellow are the base colors and cannot be mixed. But combined in different proportions and quantities, they are able to create any desired shade.

For example, from a combination of blue and yellow, green, blue and red are obtained, mixing, they give a dark blue tint, and by combining equal parts of all three colors you can get black. By experimenting with the amount of a particular color, you can endlessly get new shades. It should not be forgotten that random mixing of different dyes leads to the formation of dirty, unattractive colors.

  1. Do not mix more than three different colors, since in this case a “dirty” shade is obtained.
  2. Some paints may enter into chemical reaction with each other, and this causes a change in their saturation, lightness or hue.
  3. Part of watercolors, such as cobalt blue or cadmium red, in contact with large quantity water loses its ability to uniformly cover the surface.
  4. Gouache paints often lighten when dry. Also, they should not be taken from the can with a brush: wet pile captures paint of different densities, and subsequently unwanted stripes form on the paper.
  5. It must be remembered that each color has an infinite number of shades, from cold to warm. Mixing one shade with another gives a completely new one.
  6. Whitewash, as a rule, softens the colors, makes them more delicate and blurry, while black paint, on the contrary, muffles and makes the color heavier.

You can clearly see how to mix paints by looking at color circle, in which three main simple colors, additional ones depart from them. This table clearly demonstrates the possibilities and consequences of mixing colors.

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  • mixing paints

It is not customary among professional artists to use pure color from a can of paint, unless you are a representative of impressionism. To create a real work of painting, you need to use all the diversity and richness color a.

You will need

  • - watercolor, gouache, oil;
  • - brushes for drawing;
  • - palette (paper or plastic);
  • - A jar of clean water.


Brown color belongs to the group of components color ov, that is, it is not clean color ohm. The standard method for obtaining brown color a is a mix of red and green color s in equal proportions. However, this is only one of the options for obtaining brown.

Get brown color on the palette you can, if you mix orange and gray. In this case, you will get a light brown, dirty color. However, it is worth adding a little red to it, as you will see a noble color ground cinnamon.

An interesting shade of brown gives a mixture of yellow color and with purple.

If you are painting old yellowed foliage, you can take red color and add some black to it. Vary the shades of vegetation by adding a little red, burgundy or, conversely, yellow. These noble color and save your work from the possible "dirt" of brown.

The famous shade of brown is color ocher. If your paint set does not have this, just mix yellow with green (desaturated) and add pure brown until you get a mustard shade. Ocher should be dirty yellow, dull.

Chamois - light brown color skin or cream. Mix peach, white and brown for this delicate shade. You can add a little yellow to the palette.

Mix ocher with yellow for a gentle sandy color.


Rinse and dry your brushes after each painting session.


  • how to mix brown paint

all sorts of colors, shades, saturation and brightness of colors - all this affects the perception of any object by a person, whether it be a picture, a plant, clothes or an interior. The amazing variety of colors of the world around us is based on just three basic (pure) colors x, everything else is shades obtained by mixing them. To obtain harmonious combination colors, you need to know how to mix colors.

Everyone knows that by combining 3 primary colors (red, yellow and blue), you can achieve any other color. This theory was developed by Leonardo da Vinci in antiquity. The conclusion from the theory can be drawn such that it is impossible to obtain primary colors by mixing others. But what to do and, for example, how to get red? To resolve the issue, let's approach it from a practical point of view and consider how red is made in a printing house, how artists get it, and what needs to be done for this.

The red color in the printing house is made by mixing other primary colors. The CMYK color model is used here. All the difference in the colors of the model used is made by mixing the desired base colors:

  • blue - cyan
  • Magenta (violet) - magenta
  • yellow
  • black

As in other color models, you need to take at least 2 colors, and in our case, red on printed products is made by a combination of 2 process colors: purple (magenta) and yellow. This method is also used to make color engravings. If you get these paints, you can make not only red, but also achieve its shades by adjusting the ratio of yellow and purple (violet). The range of red colors will be from pale purple to rich orange-red.

Mixing yellow and purple makes red

Info: In addition to printing, the CMYK model underlies most printers. It is also used in professional painting of cars, decoration of interiors and facades of buildings, in fabric production.

natural red

In addition to artificially obtaining color, it can easily be made from natural materials. So bedstraw flowers allow you to color objects in bright red. To prepare such a paint, the flowers are dried and boiled with alum for half an hour. Safflower and St. John's wort flowers are also suitable for making red dye by boiling water until thick. Cherry paint, similar in color, is made from orange lichen. You need to finely chop the lichen and mix with baking soda(it is better to use a solution), wait 3-4 minutes and you can use it.

In nature, red color can be found quite often. Therefore, its various shades are sometimes named after their natural hosts: fruits, minerals and berries. Among them you can find such names as: raspberry, pomegranate, cherry, coral, blue, wine, burgundy. All such colors form the red range.

Red shades in painting are made on the basis of pigments of warm and cold shades. Ruby or purple quinacridone should be classified as cold, light cadmium, orange sienna (natural and burnt) as warm.

RGB and CMYK color models

Interaction with other colors

Many people wonder if it is possible to make red from other colors, for example, pink. Our answer is no! If you replace purple with pink and mix with yellow, then you will not see red, there will only be its likeness.

Burgundy from red is obtained by mixing with black. Depending on the types of paints, the ratio can be up to 2:1 (you need 2 parts red and 1 black). By changing the concentration, you can make different shades of burgundy.

Another question, what happens if you mix red and yellow? Answer: get orange.

The most popular question is: “what do we get when we mix red and blue paints?”. To clarify, let's look at the RGB (red, green, blue) color model, where it is clearly seen that using blue in combination with red, we get purple.


The base colors for red are yellow and magenta (violet). To do desired color when mixing, it is not necessary to take artificial paints, you can use natural ones. Red is the base color in the RGB model and must be mixed with green and blue to make other colors.

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Beige is considered a classic color for interior design. At the same time, it is extremely versatile, as it can be combined with other colors and used in the most different styles interior design. Next, we will look at how to get this color, and in which cases beige wall paint will be most relevant.

General information

I must say that beige has many shades. If you successfully choose additional colors for it, you can get very attractive and unusual design solutions. Moreover, in beige colors absolutely any room can look good, whether it be a bedroom, a living room or a kitchen.

However, you should not get carried away with them and create an interior completely beige, as in the end it will look rather boring and uncomfortable. All the advantages of this tone are revealed precisely with reasonable use and combination with other colors, bright and contrasting. Therefore, you can limit yourself to just finishing the walls.

As for style, beige is the “favorite” shade of all traditional trends. However, it looks no less great in cutting-edge styles. All this thanks to the ability to look completely different, depending on the lighting, architecture and additional tones that are applied with it.

Paint selection

Before considering how to get beige color paints for walls, let's get acquainted with what kind of interior paint coatings can be used for the intended purposes. Nowadays, there are a lot of options, and all of them are much more perfect than those oil paints, which were widely used in apartments and houses several decades ago.

So, the following types of compositions are most popular when painting walls:

  • Water-dispersion;
  • Alkyd;
  • Polyurethane.

To do right choice, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with their features in more detail.


Water-dispersion paints and varnishes there are different types, however, they are united by the fact that they are made on the basis of a dispersion of water and polymers. Due to this, such compositions are environmentally friendly and completely odorless. Therefore, they are currently the most popular.

As a rule, water-dispersion paintwork is absolutely white, and the necessary tone is achieved by using color. Thus, you do not have to puzzle over which paints to mix to get a beige color. It is enough just to decide on the proportion of a suitable color scheme to achieve the desired tone.

Depending on the type of composition, water-dispersion coatings may have different characteristics:

  • Acrylic - have moisture resistance and tolerate temperature extremes well. On the surface, the material forms an attractive matte finish. Compared with other types of water-dispersion dyes, the price of given material the most accessible.
  • - has even better water resistance, less demanding on the quality of the base than acrylic compounds, has a dirt-repellent effect, as well as high elasticity. When dried, it can form both matte and glossy surface.
  • - have all the advantages of acrylic and silicone coatings, therefore they are distinguished by the best performance and high durability. In addition, they are even able to hide cracks up to 2 mm wide on the surface. The only drawback of the material is its high cost.

In the photo - color for beige paint


This type of dye is also very popular due to the following advantages:

  • High strength coating;
  • Good resistance to environmental influences;
  • moisture resistance;
  • Good decorative qualities - when dried, it forms an attractive bright glossy surface. Moreover, it is convenient to work with this material with your own hands, since, when applied, it does not leave streaks and other flaws.

Unlike water-dispersion, they initially have certain color. Therefore, you must either immediately purchase a beige coating, or read below how to get a beige color from paints and perform this procedure yourself.

The disadvantages of the material include only toxic bad smell, which is released during the application and drying of the composition. In addition, one must be prepared for the fact that the first time after painting, the smell may periodically resume.

Advice! Before purchasing a coloring composition, you need to make sure that its scope extends to wall decoration.


Polyurethane paints and varnishes also have excellent performance, which are distinguished, first of all, by good adhesion and coating strength. Like alkyd formulations, they come in a variety of tones, including a beige finish.

Among other advantages of polyurethane paintwork, one can single out high resistance to mechanical stress and good wear resistance.

Getting beige

Now let's look at how to make a beige color from paints. The need for this procedure may arise if, for example, you could not find a composition of a suitable color.

The instruction is extremely simple:

  • AT white paint you should add quite a bit of brown and stir it well.
  • Then you can mix a little orange paint or yellow and red, after which the composition must also be mixed well.
  • If necessary, the tone can be corrected by adding one or another color. In addition, you can give the dye any desired shade. For example, if you add more red, you can get a peach color.

That, in fact, is the whole secret of getting a beige color.

Note! Need to mix coloring compositions from one manufacturer and one brand, so that they are compatible with each other.


Beige color, as we found out, is relevant for walls in any interior. And, if the paint of this color was not at hand, then it is easy to make it yourself by mixing the above colors.

At the same time, to obtain a particular shade, you can experiment with their proportions. For more information on this topic, see the video in this article.
