How to make green paint from gray paint. How to get red

How to get blue by mixing paint colors? Unfortunately, this is not a feasible task, however, you can get shades of it. Photo.

Therefore, to create all shades of blue you will need blue paint. No mixing of other colors will give a blue tint, so the presence of this paint in the set is a must!

How to get a classic blue color when mixing paint?

Even in a set of 12 shades, you may not have the classic blue paint, the so-called royal shade. For example, in acrylic paints The main blue color is ultramarine: a very bright and dark shade with a slight purple undertone. For a lighter color of blue color it should be mixed with white: 3 parts blue and 1 part white. The more white, the lighter the tone, up to a sky blue hue.

And to get a moderately saturated tone, dark saturated paint should be mixed with turquoise.

How to get blue-green color by mixing paints?

To obtain it, you need to take 1 part blue and 1 part yellow paint and mix them thoroughly, the resulting paint will be a dark blue-green shade. To obtain a lighter blue-green shade, it should be mixed with white paint, but the resulting color will not only be lighter, but also paler, since it will be composed of 3 colors.

How to get Prussian blue color by mixing paints?

This shade of blue can be obtained by mixing bright green paint with a light green tint (1 part) and a basic blue color (1 part), the result is a deep and rich shade that can also be called underwater blue. With the addition of white, the purity of the shade does not change.

How to get blue-violet color by mixing paints?

Can be obtained by mixing basic blue paint (2 parts) and red color (1 part). As a result, the color will be dark and moderately saturated. Lighter shades are obtained by adding white.

How to get Royal Blue color by mixing paint?

Bright is at the junction of blue and lilac color. You can get this attractive shade by mixing a base blue color (1 part) with a mangenta pink color (1 part). Lighter tones are obtained by mixing the resulting shade with white.

How to get gray-blue color by mixing colors?

The complementary color for blue is orange, and when these color spectrums are mixed, the result should be gray. If you mix orange and blue paints, you get a formidable mass of indefinite color. However, if you replace orange with brown and mix it with the main blue in the proportion of 2 parts blue and 1 brown, you get a dark, complex color. With the addition of white, the color takes on a more pronounced gray-blue tint.

How to get by mixing colors?

If saturated dark color The main color palette is not dark enough or too bright for you, then you can mute and darken it using black: 3 parts blue + 1 black.

How to get red and its shades by mixing paints? Photo of paint + theory in pictures: what color will you get by adding different colors.

What colors should you mix to make red?

Red is one of the primary colors, and even in the most minimal sets this tone will be present. However, the inks that are used for mass printing are not red. Instead, they use it, from which red color is obtained when mixed 1:1 with yellow.
So, if you take “carmine” paint, which is similar to this, and mix it with yellow in a 2:1 ratio, we will get a medium red tint. (proportion 2:1, because the shade of the paint for drawing is redder than the magenta in printing inks)

Judging by the tones, then from which we got the red color is a pink tint, but if we take the classic pink color and mix it with yellow, we get orange.

This is all because pink and magenta - different colors: If pink is the result of diluting red with white (with or without adding a blue tint to create a purple undertone), then magenta is a light shade of purple - the color we see when both red and violet hit the retina. Since paints are nothing more than substances that reflect one or another wavelength of the spectrum, neutralizing the part that reflects violet ( yellow is complementary to violet, which means that when mixed they produce a gray (dirty) color) we get a substance that reflects red. The intensity of the resulting color will still be lower than red paint due to impurities gray, which was obtained by neutralizing the violet spectrum.

How to get shades of red?

How to get the yellow color of red (scarlet)?

You can get a scarlet shade of red by mixing yellow and red. For this you will need 2 parts red and 1 yellow. If there is a lot of yellow, it will turn out orange.

How to get a soft red shade?

If you mix pink and red, the intensity of the red will decrease, and it will acquire a certain softness and complexity: A lighter shade can be obtained by mixing red with white, but in this case the color will be more pure and unambiguous.

How to get a red-orange hue?

A vibrant red-orange hue can be achieved by mixing orange with red. The same effect can be achieved by mixing red and yellow, but it will take more paint to achieve the same effect.

Get white color red

There are quite a few light shades of red, since with lightening the red turns into a warm pink shade.

How to get burgundy color?

Red itself is quite a dark shade and if it is mixed with any darker shade, the resulting color will be burgundy.

Mix red and purple

If you take 3 parts red and 1 purple, you will get a dark red color. As violet increases, the color darkens to red-violet, but will never be purple as it is sufficient bright color, and all shades obtained by mixing colors are duller than the originals.

Get red blue color

If you mix blue and red 1:1, you get a dark, dull color purple. With a small addition of blue to red, the shade will be similar to that when mixed with purple: burgundy.

Get green to red

When mixing green and red in proportions 1:3, the resulting burgundy shade will be warmer than in previous versions, since green contains yellow. As the proportion of green increases, the red color will turn brown.

Get red-brown color

By mixing red with brown, you can gradually darken the red from dark red to red-brown (or maroon). More dark shades can be obtained using black color.

The theory of obtaining red shades

Different paint manufacturers produce different shades in one set (of 12 or 6 colors). In addition, paints are of different quality: the brighter and purer, the more shades you can create from them. By mixing 2 colors we get a shade duller than the originals, and if we mix the two resulting shades, the third color will be even more faded.
Speaking about the theoretical creation of shades, we take a graphic model without taking into account the quality and brightness of colors. Knowing it, you will be able to navigate any palette and create the shade of red you need.

Since childhood, everyone knows how to get certain shades by mixing different colored paints. But few people know how to get White color and is this possible in principle? This question may arise for novice artists and designers who are interested in the possibility of obtaining the desired colors.

On the market paint and varnish materials There is a wide range of different colors and shades available. It is not always possible to choose the color that best suits your needs. specific task. Combination comes to the rescue various colors to obtain the desired tone or shade.

Visible spectrum colors

There are 4 primary colors, the combination of which can lead to the creation of almost the entire palette:

  • red;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • white.

These are the primary colors of the optical spectrum, included in the range of visible light radiation. Separately, it is worth noting the yellow color, which is also the base color for most color shades.

On video: how to mix colors correctly.

When studying the light spectrum with a magnifying glass, on a computer or TV screen, you can see that a white pixel seems to consist of different shades. Thanks to this effect, many people began to think that when mixing basic colors, the result is white in any case. It does not matter what dye is used for such mixing.

Combining and mixing colors of the visible spectrum

A fairly well-known optical experiment consists of quickly spinning a circle, sectorally divided into 7 colors in the order of their arrangement in the rainbow. A rotating disk colored in this way is visually perceived as white. The multi-colored circle is transformed into a monochromatic white one. This effect is used when overlaying the main components of the spectrum on a television screen or monitor: red, blue and green.

For getting white tone a combination of multi-colored light is used. The result in the form of white color is obtained due to additive mixing, that is, due to the “addition” of the shades used. Obtaining new colors when mixing paints is carried out under the influence of the opposite principle, subtractive mixing, when colors suppress each other.

Therefore, when printing digitally or inkjet printer It is impossible to obtain a truly white background. By default, it is assumed that the media, for example, paper or cardboard, has the desired tone and the dye is simply not applied to the corresponding area of ​​the sheet of paper. To print directly in white, special toners with the appropriate dye are used.

Mixing coloring compounds

A combination of red, blue and green paints will give a shade closer to the contrasting black or dirty brown. The primary colors will simply absorb each other. Even obtaining beige tones that are as close as possible to the desired one is only possible by mixing white paint with other shades.

This applies to any composition, be it Oil paint, watercolor or acrylic. Mix different shades to get white paint is impossible, and existing reviews about combining primary colors are based precisely on the superposition of light radiation, and not coloring compositions. To understand how to make the desired color scheme, what colors to mix to get this or that shade, you should carefully study the corresponding tables of the paint manufacturer. It depends on the specific composition of the individual manufacturer what paints need to be mixed to get the desired tone.
