Groza Ostrovsky summary with quotes.  A.N. Ostrovsky. Storm. Act I - III

Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm" was written in 1859. The writer came up with the idea for the work in the middle of summer, and on October 9, 1859, the work was already completed. This is not a classicist play, but a realistic one. The conflict represents a clash of the “dark kingdom” with the need for a new life. The work caused a great resonance not only in the theatrical, but also in the literary environment. The prototype of the main character was theater actress Lyubov Kositskaya, who later played the role of Katerina.

The plot of the play represents an episode from the life of the Kabanov family, namely, the meeting and subsequent betrayal of his wife with a young man who came to the city. This event becomes fatal not only for Katerina herself, but also for the whole family. To know more about the conflict and storylines, you can read summary“Thunderstorm” by chapter, which is presented below.

Main characters

Katerina- a young girl, the wife of Tikhon Kabanov. Modest, pure, correct. She acutely feels the injustice of the world around her.

Boris- a young man, “decently educated,” came to visit his uncle, Savl Prokofievich Dikiy. In love with Katerina.

Kabanikha(Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova) – a rich merchant’s wife, widow. A powerful and despotic woman, she subjugates people to her will.

Tikhon Kabanov- son of Kabanikha and husband of Katerina. He acts as his mother pleases and has no opinion of his own.

Other characters

Varvara- daughter of Kabanikha. A headstrong girl who is not afraid of her mother.

Curly- Varvara's beloved.

Dikoy Savel Prokofievich- merchant, important person in the city. A rude and ill-mannered person.

Kuligin- a tradesman obsessed with the ideas of progress.

Lady- half crazy.

Feklusha- wanderer.

Glasha- maid of the Kabanovs.

Action 1

Kudryash and Kuligin talk about the beauty of nature, but their opinions are different. For Kudryash, landscapes are nothing, but Kuligin is delighted by them. From afar, the men see Boris and Dikiy, who is actively waving his arms. They begin to gossip about Savl Prokofievich. Dikoy approaches them. He is unhappy with the appearance of his nephew, Boris, in the city and does not want to talk to him. From Boris’s conversation with Savl Prokofievich, it becomes clear that besides Dikiy, Boris and his sister have no other relatives left.

In order to receive an inheritance after the death of his grandmother, Boris is forced to establish a good relationship with his uncle, but he does not want to give the money that Boris’s grandmother bequeathed to her grandson.

Boris, Kudryash and Kuligin discuss the difficult character of Dikiy. Boris admits that it is difficult for him to be in the city of Kalinovo, because he does not know the local customs. Kuligin believes that it is impossible to earn money here by honest work. But if Kuligin had money, the man would spend it for the benefit of humanity by collecting a perpeta mobile. Feklusha appears, praising the merchants and life in general, saying: “We live in the promised land...”.

Boris feels sorry for Kuligin; he understands that the inventor’s dreams of creating mechanisms useful to society will forever remain just dreams. Boris himself does not want to waste his youth in this outback: “driven, downtrodden, and even foolishly decided to fall in love...” with someone with whom he was unable to even talk. This girl turns out to be Katerina Kabanova.

On stage are Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Varvara.

Kabanov speaks to his mother. This dialogue is shown as a typical conversation in this family. Tikhon is tired of his mother’s moralizing, but he still fawns over her. Kabanikha asks his son to admit that his wife has become more important to him than his mother, as if Tikhon will soon stop respecting his mother altogether. Katerina, present at the same time, denies the words of Marfa Ignatievna. Kabanova begins to slander herself with redoubled force so that those around her will convince her otherwise. Kabanova calls herself an obstacle to married life, but there is no sincerity in her words. Within a moment, she takes control of the situation, accusing her son of being too soft: “Look at you! Will your wife be afraid of you after this?”

This phrase shows not only her imperious character, but also her attitude towards her daughter-in-law and family life in general.

Kabanov admits that he has no will of his own. Marfa Ignatievna leaves. Tikhon complains about life, blaming his oppressive mother for everything. Varvara, his sister, replies that Tikhon himself is responsible for his life. After these words, Kabanov goes to have a drink with Dikiy.

Katerina and Varvara have a heart-to-heart talk. “Sometimes it seems to me that I am a bird,” is how Katya characterizes herself. She completely withered in this society. This can be seen especially well against the background of her life before marriage. Katerina spent a lot of time with her mother, helped her, went for walks: “I lived, didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild.” Katerina feels death approaching; admits that she no longer loves her husband. Varvara is concerned about Katya’s condition, and in order to improve her mood, Varvara decides to arrange a meeting for Katerina with another person.

The Lady appears on the stage, she points to the Volga: “This is where beauty leads. Into the deep end." Her words will turn out to be prophetic, although no one in the city believes her predictions. Katerina was frightened by the words spoken by the old woman, but Varvara was skeptical about them, since the Lady sees death in everything.

Kabanov returns. While married women It was impossible to walk around alone, so Katya had to wait for him to go home.

Act 2

Varvara sees the reason for Katerina’s suffering in the fact that Katya’s heart “hasn’t gone away yet,” because the girl was married off early. Katerina feels sorry for Tikhon, but she has no other feelings for him. Varvara noticed this a long time ago, but asks to hide the truth, because lies are the basis of the existence of the Kabanov family. Katerina is not used to living dishonestly, so she says that she will leave Kabanov if she can no longer be with him.

Kabanov urgently needs to leave for two weeks. The carriage is already ready, things are collected, all that remains is to say goodbye to your family. Tikhon orders Katerina to obey her mother, repeating Kabanikha’s phrases: “tell her not to be rude to her mother-in-law... so that her mother-in-law respects her as her own mother,... so she doesn’t sit idly by,... so she doesn’t look at young guys!” This scene was humiliating for both Tikhon and his wife. Words about other men confuse Katya. She asks her husband to stay or take her with him. Kabanov refuses his wife and is embarrassed by his mother’s phrase about other men and Katerina. The girl senses impending disaster.

Tikhon, saying goodbye, bows at his mother’s feet, fulfilling her will. Kabanikha doesn’t like that Katerina said goodbye to her husband with a hug, because the man is the head of the family, and she has become an equal with him. The girl has to bow at Tikhon’s feet.

Marfa Ignatievna says that the current generation does not know the rules at all. Kabanikha is unhappy that Katerina does not cry after her husband leaves. It’s good when there are elders in the house: they can teach. She hopes not to live to see the time when all the old people die: “I don’t know where the light will stand…”

Katya is left alone. She likes the silence, but at the same time it scares her. Silence for Katerina becomes not rest, but boredom. Katya regrets that she doesn’t have children, because she could be a good mother. Katerina is thinking about flying and freedom again. The girl imagines how her life could turn out: “I will start some work as promised; I’ll go to the guest house, buy some canvas, and sew linen, and then give it to the poor. They will pray to God for me.” Varvara goes for a walk, saying that she has changed the lock on the gate in the garden. With the help of this little trick, Varvara wants to arrange a meeting with Boris for Katerina. Katerina blames Kabanikha for her misfortunes, but nevertheless does not want to succumb to the “sinful temptation” and secretly meet with Boris. She does not want to be led by her feelings and violate the sacred bonds of marriage.

Boris himself also does not want to go against the rules of morality, he is not sure that Katya has similar feelings for him, but still wants to see the girl again.

Act 3

Feklusha and Glasha talk about moral principles. They are glad that Kabanikha’s house is the last “paradise” on earth, because the rest of the city’s residents have a real “sodom”. They also talk about Moscow. From the point of view of provincial women, Moscow is too fussy a city. Everything and everyone there seems to be in a fog, which is why they walk around tired, and there is sadness in their faces.

A drunk Dikoy comes in. He asks Marfa Ignatievna to talk to him to ease his soul. He is unhappy that everyone is constantly asking him for money. Dikiy is especially annoyed by his nephew. At this time, Boris passes near the Kabanovs’ house, looking for his uncle. Boris regrets that, being so close to Katerina, he cannot see her. Kuligin invites Boris for a walk. Young people are talking about rich and poor. From Kuligin’s point of view, the rich close themselves in their homes so that others do not see their violence against relatives.

They see Varvara kissing Curly. She also informs Boris about the place and time of the upcoming meeting with Katya.

At night, in a ravine under the Kabanovs’ garden, Kudryash sings a song about a Cossack. Boris tells him about his feelings for a married girl, Ekaterina Kabanova. Varvara and Kudryash go to the bank of the Volga, leaving Boris to wait for Katya.

Katerina is frightened by what is happening, the girl drives Boris away, but he calms her down. Katerina is terribly nervous and admits that she doesn’t have her own will, because “now Boris’s will is over her.” In a fit of emotion she hugs young man: “If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?” The young people confess their love to each other.

The hour of parting is near, as Kabanikha may wake up soon. The lovers agree to meet the next day. Unexpectedly, Kabanov returns.

Act 4

(events take place 10 days after the third act)

City residents walk along the gallery overlooking the Volga. It is clear that a thunderstorm is approaching. On the walls of the destroyed gallery one can discern the outlines of a painting of fiery Gehenna and an image of the battle of Lithuania. Kuligin and Dikoy are talking in raised voices. Kuligin enthusiastically talks about a good cause for everyone and asks Savl Prokofievich to help him. Dikoy refuses quite rudely: “So know that you are a worm. If I want, I’ll have mercy, if I want, I’ll crush.” He does not understand the value of Kuligin’s invention, namely a lightning rod with which it will be possible to generate electricity.
Everyone leaves, the stage is empty. The sound of thunder is heard again.

Katerina increasingly has a presentiment that she will soon die. Kabanov, noticing his wife’s strange behavior, asks her to repent of all her sins, but Varvara quickly ends this conversation. Boris comes out of the crowd and greets Tikhon. Katerina turns even more pale. Kabanikha may suspect something, so Varvara signals Boris to leave.

Kuligin calls not to be afraid of the elements, because it is not she who kills, but grace. Nevertheless, residents continue to discuss the impending storm, which “will not go away in vain.” Katya tells her husband that a thunderstorm will kill her today. Neither Varvara nor Tikhon understand Katerina’s internal torment. Varvara advises to calm down and pray, and Tikhon suggests going home.

The Lady appears and turns to Katya with the words: “Where are you hiding, stupid? You can't escape God!'s better to be in the pool with beauty! Hurry up!” In a frenzy, Katerina confesses her sin to both her husband and mother-in-law. All those ten days when her husband was not at home, Katya secretly met with Boris.

Action 5

Kabanov and Kuligin discuss Katerina's confession. Tikhon again shifts part of the blame onto Kabanikha, who wants to bury Katya alive. Kabanov could forgive his wife, but he is afraid of his mother’s anger. The Kabanov family completely fell apart: even Varvara ran away with Kudryash.

Glasha reports Katerina missing. Everyone goes in search of the girl.

Katerina is alone on stage. She thinks that she has ruined both herself and Boris. Katya sees no reason to live on, asks for forgiveness and calls her lover. Boris came to the girl’s call, he was gentle and affectionate with her. But Boris needs to go to Siberia, and he cannot take Katya with him. The girl asks him to give alms to those in need and pray for her soul, convincing him that she is not planning anything bad. After saying goodbye to Boris, Katerina throws herself into the river.

People are shouting that some girl has thrown herself from the shore into the water. Kabanov realizes that it was his wife, so he wants to jump after her. Kabanikha stops her son. Kuligin brings Katerina's body. She is as beautiful as she was in life, only a small drop of blood appeared on her temple. “Here is your Katerina. Do whatever you want with her! Her body is here, take it; but the soul is now not yours: it is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!”

The play ends with Tikhon’s words: “Good for you, Katya! But for some reason I remained to live in the world and suffer!”


The work “The Thunderstorm” by A. N. Ostrovsky can be called one of the main plays among all creative path writer. Social and everyday themes were certainly close to the viewer of that time, just as they are close today. However, against the backdrop of all these details, what unfolds is not just a drama, but a real tragedy, ending with the death of the main character. The plot, at first glance, is simple, but the novel “The Thunderstorm” is not limited to Katerina’s feelings for Boris. In parallel, one can trace several storylines, and, accordingly, several conflicts that are realized at the level of minor characters. This feature of the play is fully consistent with the realistic principles of generalization.

From the retelling of “The Thunderstorm” one can easily draw a conclusion about the nature of the conflict and its content, however, for a more detailed understanding of the text, we recommend that you read full version works.

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Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings received: 18134.

Public garden on the high bank of the Volga, beyond the Volga rural view. There are two benches and several bushes on the stage.


Kuligin sits on a bench and looks across the river. Kudryash and Shapkin are walking. Kuligin (sings)."In the middle of a flat valley, on a smooth altitude..." " (Stops singing.) Miracles, truly it must be said, miracles! Curly! Here, my brother, for fifty years I have been looking across the Volga every day and I still can’t get enough of it. Curly. And what? Kuligin. The view is extraordinary! Beauty! The soul rejoices. Curly. Nice! Kuligin. Delight! And you are “something”! Either you look closely or you don’t understand what beauty is spilled out in nature. Curly. Well, there’s nothing to talk about with you! You are an antique, a chemist. Kuligin. Mechanic, self-taught mechanic. Curly. It's all the same. Silence. Kuligin (points to the side). Look, brother Kudryash, who is waving his arms like that? Curly. This? This is Dikoy scolding his nephew. K u l i g i n. Found a place! Curly. He belongs everywhere. He's afraid of someone! He got Boris Grigoryich as a sacrifice, so he rides it. Shapkin. Look for another scolder like ours, Savel Prokofich! There's no way he'll cut someone off. Curly. Shrill man! Shapkin. Kabanikha is also good. Curly. Well, that one, at least, is all under the guise of piety, but this one has broken free! Shapkin. There is no one to calm him down, so he fights! Curly. We don’t have many guys like me, otherwise we would have taught him not to be naughty. Shapkin. What would you do? Curly. They would have given a good beating. Shapkin. Like this? Curly. Four or five of us in an alley somewhere would talk to him face to face, and he would turn into silk. But I wouldn’t even say a word to anyone about our science, I’d just walk around and look around. Shapkin. No wonder he wanted to give you up as a soldier. Curly. I wanted it, but I didn’t give it, so it’s all the same, nothing. Not he will give me away: he senses with his nose that I will not sell my head cheaply. He's the one who's scary to you, but I know how to talk to him. Shapkin. Oh? Curly. What's here: oh! I am considered a rude person; Why is he holding me? Therefore, he needs me. Well, that means I’m not afraid of him, but let him be afraid of me. Shapkin. It's as if he doesn't scold you? Curly. How not to scold! He can't breathe without it. Yes, I don’t let it go either: he is the word, and I am ten; he will spit and go. No, I won’t be a slave to him. Kuligin. Should we take him as an example? It's better to endure it. Curly. Well, if you are smart, then teach him to be polite first, and then teach us too. It’s a pity that his daughters are teenagers, and none of them are older. Shapkin. So what? Curly. I would respect him. I'm too crazy about girls! Dikoy and Boris pass, Kuligin takes off his hat. Shapkin (Curly). Let's move to the side: he'll probably get attached again. They are leaving.


The same. Dikoy and Boris. Wild. What the hell are you doing here, why don't you come here? Parasite! Get lost! Boris. Holiday; what to do at home. Wild. You will find a job as you want. I told you once, I told you twice: “Don’t you dare come across me”; you're itching for everything! Not enough space for you? Wherever you go, here you are! Ugh, damn you! Why are you standing like a pillar? Are they telling you no? Boris. I’m listening, what else should I do! Wild (looking at Boris). Fail! I don’t even want to talk to you, the Jesuit 2. (Leaving.) I imposed myself! (Spits and leaves.) SCENE THREE Kuligin, Boris, Kudryash and Shapkin. Kuligin. What is your business, sir, with him? We will never understand. You want to live with him and endure abuse. Boris. What a hunt, Kuligin! Captivity. Kuligin. But what kind of bondage, sir, let me ask you? If you can, sir, then tell us. Boris. Why not say so? Did you know our grandmother, Anfisa Mikhailovna? Kuligin. Well, how could you not know! Curly. How could you not know! Boris. She didn’t like Father because he married a noble woman. It was on this occasion that the priest and mother lived in Moscow. My mother said that for three days she could not get along with her relatives, it seemed very strange to her. Kuligin. Still not wild! What can I say! You need to have a big habit, sir. Boris. Our parents raised us well in Moscow; they spared nothing for us. I was sent to the Commercial Academy, and my sister to a boarding school, but both suddenly died of cholera, my sister and I were left orphans. Then we hear that my grandmother died here and left a will so that my uncle would pay us the part that should be paid when we will come of age, only with a condition. Kulagin. With what, sir? Boris. If we are respectful to him. Kulagin. This means, sir, that you will never see your inheritance. Boris. No, that’s not enough, Kuligin! He will first break with us, abuse us in every possible way, as his heart desires, but he will still end up not giving anything or so, some little thing. And he will even begin to tell that he gave out of mercy, that even this would not have happened. should have been. Kudryash. Uzd is such an institution among our merchants. Again, even if you were respectful to him, who would forbid him to say that you are disrespectful? Boris. Well, yes. Even now he says sometimes: “I have my own children, why would I give other people’s money? Through It's me I must offend my own!" Kuligin. So, sir, your business is bad. Boris. If I were alone, it would be fine! I would give up everything and leave. Otherwise, I feel sorry for my sister. He was about to write her out, but my mother’s relatives didn’t let me in, they wrote that she is sick. What life would be like for her here - and it’s scary to imagine. Curly. Of course. They understand the appeal! Kuligin. How do you live with him, sir, in what position? B o r i s. Yes, neither on which one. “Live,” he says, “with me, do what they tell you, and pay whatever you pay.” That is, in a year he will pay as he pleases. Curly. He has such an establishment. With us, no one Don’t you dare utter a word about your salary, he’ll scold you for all he’s worth. “You,” he says, “why do you know what I have in mind? How can you know my soul? Or maybe I’ll be in such a mood that I’ll give you five thousand.” So you talk to him! Only he’s never been in such a mood in his entire life. Kuligin. What can I do, sir! You have to try to please somehow. Boris. That's the point, Kuligin, it's absolutely impossible. Even his own people can't please him; but where can I? Kudryash. Who can please him, if he has everything? life is based on swearing? And most of all because of money; not a single calculation is complete without swearing. Another is happy to give up his own, just to calm down. But the trouble is, someone will make him angry in the morning! He finds fault with everyone all day long. Boris Every morning my aunt begs everyone with tears: “Fathers, don’t make me angry! Darlings, don't make me angry!" Curly. There's nothing you can do to protect yourself! He ended up at the market, that's the end! He scolds all the men. Even if you ask at a loss, he still won't leave without scolding. And then he went off for the whole day. Shapkin. One word: warrior! Kudryash. What a warrior! Boris. But the trouble is, when he is offended by such a person whom he does not dare to scold; then the family members hold on! Kudryash. Fathers! What a laugh there was! Somehow he on On the Volga, the hussar cursed at the transport. He worked miracles! Boris. And what a homey feeling it was! After that, everyone hid in attics and closets for two weeks. Kuligin. What This? No way, have the people moved on from Vespers? Several faces pass at the back of the stage. Curly. Let's go, Shapkin, on a revelry!" Why stand here? They bow and leave. Boris. Eh, Kuligin, it’s painfully difficult for me here, without the habit. Everyone looks at me somehow wildly, as if I’m superfluous here, as if I’m in the way them. I don’t know the customs here. I understand that all this is our Russian, native, but still I won’t get used to it. Kuligin. And you will never get used to it, sir. Boris. Why? Kuligin. Cruel morals, sir, in our city, but - On a revelry - on a revelry (revelry), in a place where you can go for a walk - go on a spree, drink. stolid! In the philistinism, sir, you will see nothing but rudeness and naked poverty." . And we, sir, will never escape this crust! Because honest work will never earn us more than our daily bread. And whoever has money, sir, tries to enslave the poor so that his labors will be free more money make money Do you know what your uncle, Savel Prokofich, answered to the mayor? The peasants came to the mayor to complain that he would not disrespect any of them. The mayor began to tell him: “Listen,” says Savel Prokofich, count on the men well! Every day they come to me with complaints!" Your uncle patted the mayor on the shoulder and said: "Is it worth it, your honor, for us to talk about such trifles! I have a lot of people every year; You understand this: I won’t pay them a penny extra per person, I make thousands out of this, that’s how it is; I feel good!" That's how it is, sir! And among themselves, sir, how they live! They undermine each other's trade, and not so much out of self-interest as out of envy. They quarrel with each other; they bring drunks into their high mansions orders, such, sir, orders, that there is no sign of humanity on him, the human appearance is lost. And they, for a small favor on stamp sheets, scribble malicious slander against their neighbors. And, sir, a trial and a case will begin with them , and there is no end to the torment. They sue, they sue here and go to the province 3, and there they are waiting for them and splashing their hands with joy. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done; they are led, led, dragged, dragged, but They are also happy about this dragging, that’s all they need. “I’ll spend it,” he says, “and it won’t cost him a penny.” I wanted to portray all this in poetry... Boris. Can you write poetry? K u l i g n. In the old way, sir. I read a lot about Lomonosov, Derzhavin... Lomonosov was a sage, an explorer of nature... But he was also from ours, from a simple rank. Boris. You would have written it. It would be interesting. Kuligin. How is it possible, sir! They will eat you, swallow you alive. I already get enough, sir, for my chatter; I can’t, I like to spoil the conversation! Here's more about family life I wanted to tell you, sir; yes some other time. And there is also something to listen to. Feklusha and another woman enter. Feklusha. Blah-alepie, honey, blah-alepie! Wonderful beauty! What can I say! You live in the promised land! And the merchants are all pious people, adorned with many virtues! With generosity and many alms! I am so pleased, so, mother, up to my neck! For our failure to leave them even more bounties, and especially to the house of the Kabanovs. They leave. Boris. Kabanov? Kuligin. A hypocrite, sir! He favors the beggars, but completely eats up his family. Silence. If only I, sir, could find a mobile phone! Boris. What would you do? Kuligin. Of course, sir! After all, the British give a million ; I would use all the money for society, for support. Work must be given to the philistines. Otherwise, there are hands, but there is nothing to work for. Boris. Do you hope to find a perpetuum mobile? Kuligin. Absolutely, sir! If only now on Models can get some money. Goodbye, sir! (Leaves.)


Boris (one). It's a shame to disappoint him! What a good man! He dreams for himself and is happy. And I, apparently, will ruin my youth in this slum. I’m walking around completely devastated, and then there’s still this crazy thing creeping into my head! Well, what's the point! Should I really start tenderness? Driven, downtrodden, and then foolishly decided to fall in love. Who? A woman with whom you will never even be able to talk! (Silence.) K Still, she can’t be out of my head, no matter what you want. Here she is! She goes with her husband, and her mother-in-law with them! Well, Am I a fool? Look around the corner and go home. (Leaves.) From the opposite side Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Varvara enter. “The Promised Land is, according to biblical myth, a country where God, fulfilling his promise, brought the Jews from Egypt. In a figurative meaning: a country, region or place abounding in wealth.


Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Varvara. Kabanova. If you want to listen to your mother, then when you get there, do as I ordered you. Kabanov. How can I, Mama, disobey you! Kabanova. Elders are not very respected these days. Varvara (About myself). No respect for you, of course! Kabanov. I, it seems, mummy, don’t take a step out of your will. Kabanova. I would believe you, my friend, if I didn’t see with my own eyes and gasp with my own ears, what kind of respect has become for parents from children now! If only they remembered how many illnesses mothers suffer from their children. Kabanov. I, mamma... Kabanova. If the parent does something when it’s offensive, By your pride, he will say, so, I think, it could be postponed! What do you think? Kabanov. “But when, Mama, did I not tolerate you? Kabanov. Mother is old, stupid; well, you, young people, smart, should not exact from us fools. Kabanov (sighing, aside). Oh, my God. (Mother.) Dare we, Mama, to think! Kabanova. After all, out of love your parents are strict with you, out of love they scold you, everyone thinks to teach you good. Well, I don’t like it now. And the children will go around praising people that their mother is a grumbler, that their mother does not allow them to pass, that they are squeezing them out of the world. And God forbid, you can’t please your daughter-in-law with some word, and so the conversation started that the mother-in-law 2 was completely fed up. Kabanov. No, mama, who’s talking about you? Kabanova. I haven’t heard, my friend, I haven’t heard, I don’t want to lie. If only I had heard, I would have spoken to you, my dear, in a different way. (Sighs.) Oh, a grave sin! What a long time to sin! A conversation close to your heart will go well, and you will sin and get angry. No, my friend, say what you want about me. You can’t tell anyone to say it: if they don’t dare to your face, they will stand behind your back. Kabanov. Let your tongue dry... Kabanova. Come on, come on, don't be afraid! Sin! I have seen for a long time that your wife is dearer to you than your mother. Since I got married, I don’t see the same love from you. Kabanov. How do you see this, Mama? Kabanova. Yes in everything, my friend! What a mother doesn’t see with her eyes, she has a prophetic heart,” she can feel with her heart. Or maybe your wife is taking you away from me, I don’t know. Kabanov. No, mama! What are you talking about! Katerina. For me, Mama, it’s all the same as your own mother, as you are, and Tikhon loves you too. Kabanova. You, it seems, could have kept quiet if they don’t ask you. Don’t intercede, mother, I won’t offend you! After all, he’s my son too; Don't you forget that! Why did you jump out to yelp in front of your eyes! So that they can see how much you love your husband? So we know, we know, in your eyes you prove it to everyone. Varvara (About myself). I found a place for instructions to read. Katerina. You are in vain saying this about me, Mama. Whether in front of people or without people, I’m all alone, nothing I'm from I'm not proving myself. Kabanova. Yes, I didn’t even want to talk about you; and so, by the way, I had to. Katerina. By the way, why are you offending me? Kabanova. What an important bird! I'm really offended now. Katerina. Who enjoys tolerating falsehoods? Kabanova. I know, I know that you don’t like my words, but what can I do, I’m not a stranger to you, my heart aches for you. I have long seen that you want freedom. Well, wait, you can live in freedom when I’m gone. Then do what you want, there will be no elders over you. Or maybe you’ll remember me too. Kabanov. Yes, we pray to God for you, mama, day and night, that God may give you health and all prosperity and success in business. Kabanova. Well, that's enough, stop it, please. Maybe you loved your mother while you were single. Do you care about me: you have a young wife. Kabanov. One does not interfere with the other, sir: the wife is in itself, and I have respect for the parent in itself. Kabanova. So will you exchange your wife for your mother? I won't believe this for the life of me. Kabanov. Why should I change it, sir? I love both of them. Kabanova. Well, yes, that's it, spread it! I see that I am a hindrance to you. Kabanov. Think as you wish, everything is your will; Only I don’t know what kind of unfortunate person I was born into this world that I can’t please you with anything. Kabanova. Why are you pretending to be an orphan? Why are you being so naughty? Well, what kind of husband are you? Look at you! Will your wife be afraid of you after this? Kabanov. Why should she be afraid? It's enough for me that she loves me. Kabanova. Why be afraid? Why be afraid? Are you crazy, or what? He won’t be afraid of you, and he won’t be afraid of me either. What kind of order will there be in the house? After all, you, tea, live with her in law. Ali, do you think the law means nothing? Yes, if you hold such stupid thoughts in your head, you should at least not chatter in front of her, and in front of your sister, in front of the girl; She should also get married: this way she will listen to enough of your chatter, and then her husband will thank us for the science. You see what kind of mind you have, and you still want to live by your own will. Kabanov. Yes, Mama, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live by my own will! Kabanova. So, in your opinion, everything should be affectionate with your wife? How about shouting at her and threatening her? Kabanov. Yes, I, mamma... Kabanova (hot). At least get a lover! A? And this, perhaps, in your opinion, is nothing? A? Well, speak up! Kabanov. Yes, by God, mamma... Kabanova (completely coolly). Fool! (Sighs.) What can you say to a fool! Only one sin! Silence. I'm going home. Kabanov. And now we will only walk along the boulevard once or twice. Kabanova. Well, whatever you want, just make sure I don’t wait for you! You know, I don't like this. Kabanov. No, mama, God save me! Kabanova. That's the same! (Leaves.)


The same, without Kabanova. Kabanov. You see, I always get it from my mother for you! This is what my life is like! Katerina. What is my fault? Kabanov. I don’t know who is to blame, Varvara. How would you know? Kabanov. Then she kept pestering me: “Get married, get married, I would at least look at you as if you were married.” And now he eats, he doesn’t let anyone pass - it’s all for you. Varvara. So is it her fault? Her mother attacks her, and so do you. And you also say that you love your wife. I'm bored looking at you! (Turns away.) Kabanov. Interpret here! What should I do? Varvara. Know your business - be silent if you don’t know anything better. Why are you standing and shifting? I can see in your eyes what’s on your mind. Kabanov. So what? Varvara. It is known that. I would like to go see Savel Prokofich and have a drink with him. What's wrong, or what? Kabanov. You guessed it, brother. Katerina. You, Tisha, come quickly, otherwise mamma will scold you again. Varvara. You are faster, in fact, otherwise you know! Kabanov. How could you not know! Varvara. We also have little desire to accept abuse because of you. Kabanov. I'll be there in a jiffy. Wait! (Leaves.)


Katerina and Varvara. Katerina. So, Varya, do you feel sorry for me? Varvara (looking to the side). Of course it's a pity. Katerina. So you love me then? (Firmly kisses.) Varvara. Why shouldn’t I love you? 1 "Katerina. Well, thank you! You are so sweet, I love you to death. Silence. Do you know what came to my mind? Varvara. What? Katerina. Why don't people fly? Varvar A. I do not understand what you say. Katerina. I say, why don’t people fly like birds? You know, sometimes I feel like I'm a bird. When you stand on a mountain, you feel the urge to fly. That's how she would run up, raise her hands and fly. Something to try now? (Wants to run.) Varvara. What are you making up? Katerina (sighing). How playful I was! I've completely withered away from you. Varvara. Do you think I don't see? Katerina. Was that what I was like? I lived, didn’t worry about anything, like a bird in the wild. Mama doted on me, dressed me up like a doll, and didn’t force me to work; I used to do whatever I want. Do you know how I lived with girls? I'll tell you now. I used to get up early; If it’s summer, I’ll go to the spring, wash myself, bring some water with me and that’s it, I’ll water all the flowers in the house. I had many, many flowers. Then we’ll go to church with Mama, all the pilgrims, - our house was full of pilgrims; yes praying mantis. And we’ll come from church, sit down to do some work, more like gold velvet, and the wandering women will begin to tell: where they were, what they saw, different lives, or sing poetry 2. So until lunch time will pass. Then the old women will fall asleep, and I walk around the garden. Then to Vespers, and in the evening again stories and singing. It was so good! Varvara. But it’s the same with us. Katerina. Yes, everything here seems to be from under captivity. And I loved you to death go to church! Exactly, it used to be that I would enter heaven and not see anyone, and I don’t remember the time, and I don’t hear when the service is over. Just like it all happened in one second. Mama said that everyone used to look at me, what's happening to me. Do you know: on a sunny day such a light pillar comes down from the dome, and smoke moves in this pillar, like a cloud, and I see, it used to be as if angels were flying and singing in this pillar. And then, it happened, a girl , I’ll get up at night - we also had lamps burning everywhere - and somewhere in a corner I’ll pray until the morning. Or I’ll go into the garden early in the morning, the sun is still just rising, I’ll fall on my knees, I’ll pray and cry, and I don’t know myself, oh what I pray for and what I cry about; that's how they'll find me. And what I prayed for then, what I asked for, I don’t know; I didn’t need anything, I had enough of everything. And what dreams I had, Varenka, what dreams! Either the temples are golden, or the gardens are some kind of extraordinary, and everyone is singing invisible voices, and there is a smell of cypress, and the mountains and trees seem not to be the same as usual, but as if depicted in images. And it’s as if I’m flying, and I’m flying through the air. And now I sometimes dream, but rarely, and not even that. Varvara. So what? Katerina (after a pause). I'll die soon. Varvara. That's enough! Katerina. No, I know that I will die. Oh, girl, something bad is happening to me, some kind of miracle! This has never happened to me. There is something so unusual about me. I’m starting to live again, or... I don’t know. Varvara. What's the matter with you? Katerina (takes her hand). But here’s what, Varya: it’s some kind of sin! Such fear comes over me, such and such fear comes over me! It’s as if I’m standing over an abyss and someone is pushing me there, but I have nothing to hold on to. (He grabs his head with his hand.) Varvara. What happened to you? Are you healthy? Katerina. Healthy... It would be better if I were sick, otherwise it’s not good. Some kind of dream comes into my head. And I won’t leave her anywhere. If I start to think, I won’t be able to gather my thoughts; I’ll pray, but I won’t be able to pray. I babble words with my tongue, but in my mind it’s not at all like that: it’s as if the evil one is whispering in my ears, but everything about such things is bad. And then it seems to me that I will feel ashamed of myself. What happened with me? Before trouble, before any of this! At night, Varya, I can’t sleep, I keep imagining some kind of whisper: someone is talking to me so affectionately, like a dove cooing. Varvara, I don’t dream, as before, of paradise trees and mountains, but as if someone is hugging me so warmly and warmly and leading me somewhere, and I follow him, I go... Varvara. Well? Katerina. Why am I telling you: you are a girl. Varvara (looking around). Speak! I'm worse than you. Katerina. Well, what should I say? I'm ashamed. Varvara. Speak, there is no need! Katerina. It will become so stuffy for me, so stuffy at home, that I would run. And such a thought will come to me that, if it were up to me, I would now ride along the Volga, on a boat, singing, or on a good troika, hugging... Varvara. Not with my husband. Katerina. How do you know? Varvara. I wouldn't know. Katerina. Ah, Varya, sin is on my mind! How much I, poor thing, cried, what I didn’t do to myself! I can't escape this sin. Can't go anywhere. It's not good, it's terrible sin, Varenka, why do I love someone else? Varvara. Why should I judge you! I have my sins. Katerina. What should I do! My strength is not enough. Where should I go; Out of boredom I will do something about myself! Varvara. What you! What happened to you! Just wait, my brother will leave tomorrow, we’ll think about it; maybe it will be possible to see each other. Katerina. No, no, don't! What you! What you! God forbid! Varvara. What are you afraid of? Katerina. If I see him even once, I will run away from home, I will not go home for anything in the world. Varvara. But wait, we'll see there. Katerina. No, no, and don’t tell me, I don’t want to listen. Varvara. What a desire to dry out! Even if you die of melancholy, they will feel sorry for you! Well, just wait. So what a shame it is to torture yourself! The Lady enters with a stick and two footmen in triangular hats behind.


The same and Barynya. Lady. What, beauties? What are you doing here? Are you expecting some good guys, gentlemen? Are you having fun? Funny? Does your beauty make you happy? This is where beauty leads. (Points to the Volga.) Here, here, in the deep end. Varvara smiles. Why are you laughing! Don't be happy! (Knocks with a stick.) You will all burn inextinguishably in fire. Everything in the resin will boil unquenchable. (Leaving.) Look, there's where beauty leads! (Leaves.)


Katerina and Varvara. Katerina. Oh, how she scared me! I’m trembling all over, as if she were prophesying something for me. Varvara. On your own head, old hag!" Katerina. What did she say, huh? What did she say? Varvara. It’s all nonsense. You really need to listen to what she’s saying. She prophesies like that to everyone. She’s sinned all her life from a young age. Ask- What will they tell about her? That's why she's afraid of dying. Whatever she's afraid of, she scares others. Even all the boys in the city are hiding from her, she threatens them with a stick and screams (mimicking):“You will all burn in fire!” Katerina (closing his eyes). Oh, oh, stop it! My heart sank. Varvara. There is something to be afraid of! Old fool... Katerina. I'm scared, I'm scared to death. She all appears in my eyes. Silence. Varvara (looking around). Why is this brother not coming, there’s no way, the storm is coming. Katerina (with fear). Storm! Let's run home! Hurry up! Varvara. Are you crazy or something? How will you show up home without your brother? Katerina. No, home, home! God bless him! Varvara. Why are you really afraid: the thunderstorm is still far away. Katerina. And if it’s far away, then perhaps we’ll wait a little; but really, it’s better to go. Let's go better! Varvara. But if something happens, you can’t hide at home. Katerina. Yes, it’s still better, everything is calmer: at home I go to the images and pray to God! Varvara. I didn't know you were so afraid of thunderstorms. I'm not afraid. Katerina. How, girl, not to be afraid! Everyone should be afraid. It’s not so scary that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you as you are, with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts. I’m not afraid to die, but when I think that suddenly I will appear before God as I am here with you, after this conversation, that’s what’s scary. What's on my mind! What a sin! It's scary to say! Oh! Thunder. Kabanov enters. Varvara. Here comes my brother. (To Kabanov.) Run quickly! Thunder. Katerina. Oh! Hurry, hurry!

    *ACT TWO*

A room in the Kabanovs' house.


Glasha (gathers her dress into knots) and Feklusha (enters). F e k l u sha. Dear girl, you are still at work! What are you doing sweetie? Glasha. I'm packing the owner for the trip. Feklusha. Al is going where is our light? Glasha. On his way. Feklusha. How long is it going, dear? Glasha. No, not for long. Feklusha. Well, good riddance to him! What, the mistress will howl, or not? Glasha. I don’t know how to tell you. Feklusha. When does she howl with you? Glasha. I can’t hear something. Feklusha. I really love, dear girl, to listen , if someone howls well. Silence. And you, girl, look after the wretched one, you wouldn’t be able to steal anything. Glasha. Who can figure you out, you’re all slandering each other. Why aren’t you living well? With us It seems to you, strange 2, that there is no life for you, but you are always quarreling and reproaching. You are not afraid of sin. Feklusha. It is impossible, mother, without sin: we live in the world. That's what I will tell you, dear girl: you, ordinary people, each one enemy 3 confuses, and to us, to strange people, to whom six, to whom twelve are assigned; So we need to overcome them all. It's hard, dear girl! Glasha. Why are there so many people coming to you? Feklusha. This, mother, is an enemy out of hatred for us, that we lead such a righteous life. And I, dear girl, am not absurd, I have no such sin. I have one sin for sure, I myself know that there is one. I love to eat sweets. Well then! Because of my weakness, the Lord sends. Glasha. And you, Feklusha, have you walked far? Feklusha. No, honey. Due to my weakness, I did not walk far; and to hear - I heard a lot. They say that there are such countries, dear girl, where there are no Orthodox kings, and the Saltans rule the earth. In one land the Turkish saltan Makhnut sits on the throne, and in another - the Persian saltan Makhnut; and they carry out judgment, dear girl, on all people, and no matter what they judge, everything is wrong. And they, my dear, cannot judge a single case righteously, such is the limit set for them. Our law is righteous, but theirs, dear, is unrighteous; that according to our law it turns out this way, but according to them everything is the opposite. And all their judges, in their countries, are also all unrighteous; So, dear girl, they write in their requests: “Judge me, unjust judge!” And then there is also the land where all the people are with dog heads *, Glasha. Why is this so with dogs? Feklusha. For infidelity. I'll go, dear girl, By I’ll wander around to the merchants: will there be anything for poverty? Goodbye for now! Glasha. Goodbye! Feklusha leaves. Here are some other lands! There are no miracles in the world! And we sit here, we don’t know anything. It's also good that good people yes: no, no, yes, and you will hear what is happening in this world; otherwise they would have died like fools. Katerina and Varvara enter.


(Glasha). Take the bundle to the wagon, the horses have arrived. (Katerina.) They gave you away in marriage, you didn’t have to go out with the girls: your heart hasn’t left yet. Glasha leaves. Katerina. And it never leaves. Varvara. Why? Katerina. This is how I was born, hot! I was still six years old, no more, so I did it! They offended me with something at home, and it was late in the evening, it was already dark; I ran out to the Volga, “People with dog heads and.-- According to folk legends, traitors to the homeland turned into creatures with dog heads. I got into the boat and pushed it away from the shore. The next morning they found it, about ten miles away! Varvara. Well, did the guys look at you? Katerina. How not to look! Varvara. What are you doing? Didn’t you really love anyone? Katerina. No, she just laughed. Varvara. But you, Katya, don’t love Tikhon. Katerina. No, how not to love! I feel sorry for him very much! Varvara. No, you don’t. If it’s a pity, then you don’t love. And there’s no reason, I must tell the truth. And it’s in vain that you’re hiding from me! I’ve noticed for a long time that you love another person. Katerina (with fear). Why did you notice? Varvara. How funny you say! Am I little? Here's your first sign: when you see him, your whole face will change. Katerina lowers her eyes. You never know... Katerina (looking down). Well, who? Varvara. But you yourself know what to call it? Katerina. No, name it. Call me by name! Varvara. Boris Grigoryich. Katerina. Well, yes, him, Varenka, his! Only you, Varenka, for God's sake... Varvara. Well, here's another! Just be careful not to let it slip somehow. Katerina. I don’t know how to deceive, I can’t hide anything. Varvara. Well, you can’t live without it; remember where you live! Our house rests on this. And I was not a liar, but I learned when it became necessary. I was walking yesterday, I saw him, I talked to him. Katerina (after a short silence, looking down). Well, so what? Varvara. I ordered you to bow. It’s a pity, he says there’s nowhere to see each other. Katerina (looking down even more). Where can we meet? And why... Varvara. So boring. Katerina. Don't tell me about him, do me a favor, don't tell me! I don't even want to know him! I will love my husband. Silence, my darling, I won’t exchange you for anyone! I didn’t even want to think, but you’re embarrassing me. Varvara. Don’t think about it, who is forcing you? Katerina. You don't feel sorry for me! You say: don’t think, but you remind me. Do I really want to think about him? But what can you do if you can’t get it out of your head? No matter what I think about, he still stands before my eyes. And I want to break myself, but I just can’t. Do you know, the enemy confused me again this night. After all, I had left home. Varvara. You are some kind of tricky one, God bless you! But in my opinion: do what you want, as long as it’s safe and covered. Katerina. I don't want it that way. And what good! I’d rather be patient as long as I can. Varvara. If you can’t bear it, what will you do? Katerina. What will I do? Varvara. Yes, what will you do? Katerina. Whatever I want, I’ll do. Varvara. Do it, try it, they will eat you here. Katerina. What to me! I will leave, and I was like that. Varvara. Where will you go? You are a man's wife. Katerina. Eh, Varya, you don’t know my character! Of course, God forbid this happens! And if I get really tired of it here, they won’t hold me back by any force. I’ll throw myself out the window, throw myself into the Volga. I don’t want to live here, I won’t, even if you cut me! Silence. Varvara. You know what, Katya! As soon as Tikhon leaves, Let's sleep in the garden, in the gazebo. Katerina. Well, why, Varya? Varvara. Does it really matter? Katerina. I'm afraid to spend the night in an unfamiliar place, Varvara. What to be afraid of! Glasha will be with us. Katerina. Everything is somehow timid! Yes, I guess. Varvara. I wouldn’t even call you, but my mother won’t let me in alone, but I need it. Katerina (looking at her). Why do you need it? Varvara (laughs). We'll do magic with you there. Katerina. You must be joking? Varvara. Known, just kidding; is it really possible? Silence. Katerina. Where is Tikhon? Varvara. What do you need it for? K a t e rina. No, I am. After all, he's coming soon. Varvara. They are sitting locked with their mother. Now she sharpens it like rusting iron. Katerina. For what? Varvara. No way, it teaches wisdom. It will be two weeks on the road, that's a big deal. Judge for yourself! Her heart is aching because he walks around of his own free will. Now she gives him orders, one more menacing than the other, and then makes him swear to the image of m^Wri that he will do everything exactly as ordered. Katerina. And in freedom, he seems to be tied up. Varvara. Yes, so connected! As soon as he leaves, he’ll start drinking. Now he listens, and he himself thinks about how he can escape as quickly as possible. Enter Kabanova and Kabanov.


The same, Kabanova and Kabanov. Kabanova. Well, you remember everything I told you. Look, remember! On cut your nose! Kabanov. I remember, mom. Kabanova. Well, now everything is ready. The horses have arrived. Just say goodbye to you, and to God. Kabanov. Yes, mama, it's time. Kabanova. Well! Kabanov. What do you want, sir? Kabanova. Why are you standing there, haven’t you forgotten the order? Tell your wife how to live without you. Katerina lowered her eyes. Kabanov. Yes, she knows it herself. Kabanova. Talk more! Well, well, give the order. So that I can hear what you order her! And then you’ll come and ask if you did everything right. Kabanov (standing up against Katerina). Listen to your mother, Katya! Kabanova. Tell your mother-in-law not to be rude, Kabanov. Do not be rude! Kabanova. So that the mother-in-law honors her as her own mother! Kabanov. Honor your mother, Katya, like your own mother. Kabanova. So that she doesn’t sit idly by like a lady. Kabanov. Do something without me! Kabanova. So that you don't stare at the windows! Kabanov. Yes, mamma, when will she... Kabanova. Oh well! Kabanov. Don't look out the windows! Kabanova. So that I don’t look at young guys without you. Kabanov. But what is this, Mama, by God! Kabanova (strictly). There's nothing to break! Must do what mother says. (With a smile.) It's getting better, just as ordered. Kabanov (confused). Don't look at the guys! Katerina looks at him sternly. Kabanova. Well, now talk among yourselves if you need to. Let's go, Varvara! They leave. SCENE FOUR Kabanov and Katerina (stands as if in a daze). Kabanov. Kate! Silence. Katya, aren't you angry with me? Katerina (after a short silence, shakes his head). No! Kabanov. What are you? Well, forgive me! Katerina (still in the same state, shaking his head). God be with you! (Hovering his face with his hand.) She offended me! Kabanov. If you take everything to heart, you will soon end up with consumption. Why listen to her? She needs to say something! Well, let her speak, and you turn a deaf ear, Well, goodbye, Katya! Katerina (throwing himself at her husband’s neck). Tisha, don't leave! For God's sake, don't leave! Darling, I beg you! Kabanov. You can't, Katya. If my mother sends me, how can I not go! Katerina. Well, take me with you, take me! Kabanov (freeing himself from her embrace). Yes, you can't. Katerina. Why, Tisha, is it not possible? Kabanov. What a fun place to go with you! You've really driven me too far here! I have no idea how to get out; and you still force yourself on me. Katerina. Have you really stopped loving me? Kabanov. Yes, you haven’t stopped loving, but with this kind of bondage you can run away from whatever beautiful wife you want! Just think: no matter what I am, I’m still a man; Living like this all your life, as you see, will run away from your wife. Yes, as I know now that there won’t be any thunderstorms over me for two weeks, there are no shackles on my legs, so what do I care about my wife? Katerina. How can I love you when you say such words? Kabanov. Words are like words! What other words can I say! Who knows you, what are you afraid of? After all, you are not alone, you are staying with your mother. Katerina. Don't tell me about her, don't tyrant my heart! Oh, my misfortune, my misfortune! (Cries.) Where can I, poor thing, go? Who should I grab hold of? My fathers, I am perishing! Kabanov. Come on! Katerina (walks up to her husband and cuddles up to him). Quiet, my dear, if only you would stay or take me with you, how I would love you, how I would love you, my dear! (Caresses him.) Kabanov. I can't figure you out, Katya! Either you won’t get a word from you, let alone affection, or you’ll just get in the way. Katerina. Silence, who are you leaving me with! There will be trouble without you! The fat is in the fire! Kabanov. Well, But it’s impossible, there’s nothing to do. Katerina. Well, that's it! Take some terrible oath from me... Kabanov. What oath? Katerina. Here's this: so that without you I dare not, under any circumstances, speak with anyone else, or see anyone, so that I do not dare think about anyone but you. Kabanov. What's this for? Katerina. Calm my soul, do such a favor for me! Kabanov. How can you vouch for yourself, you never know what can come to mind. Katerina (Falling on knees). So that I won’t see either my father or my mother! Should I die without repentance if I... Kabanov (picking her up). What you! What you! What a sin! I don't even want to listen! Kabanova's voice: "It's time, Tikhon!" Enter Kabanova, Varvara and Glasha.


The same ones, Kabanova, Varvara and Glasha." Kabanova. Well, Tikhon, it’s time. Go with God! (Sits down.) Sit down everyone! Everyone sits down. Silence. Well, goodbye! (He gets up and everyone gets up.) Kabanov (approaching mother). Goodbye, mummy! Kabanova (gesturing to the ground). To your feet, to your feet! Kabanov bows at his feet, then kisses his mother. Say goodbye to your wife! Kabanov. Goodbye Katya! Katerina throws herself on his neck. Kabanova. Why are you hanging around your neck, shameless thing! You are not saying goodbye to your lover! He is your husband - the head! Don't you know the order? Bow at your feet! Katerina bows at her feet. Kabanov. Goodbye sister! (Kisses Varvara.) Goodbye, Glasha! (Kisses Glasha.) Goodbye, mummy! (Bows.) Kabanova. Goodbye! Long farewells mean extra tears. Kabanov leaves, followed by Katerina, Varvara and Glasha.


Kabanova (one). What does youth mean? It's funny even to look at them! If they weren’t their own, I’d laugh to my heart’s content: they don’t know anything, there’s no order. They don’t know how to say goodbye. It’s good that those who have elders in the house are the ones who hold the house together as long as they are alive. But also, stupid people, they want to do their own thing; but when they are released, they are confused to the obedience and laughter of good people. Of course, no one will regret it, but everyone laughs the most. But you can’t help but laugh: they’ll invite guests, they don’t know how to seat you, and, look, they’ll forget one of your relatives. Laughter, and that's all! This is how the old days come out. I don’t even want to go to another house. And when you get up, you’ll spit, but get out quickly. What will happen, how the old people will die, how the light will remain, I don’t know. Well, at least it’s good that I won’t see anything. Katerina and Varvara enter.


Kabanova, Katerina and Varvara. Kabanova. You boasted that you love your husband very much; I see your love now. Other good wife After seeing her husband off, she howls for an hour and a half and lies on the porch; but you, apparently, have nothing. Katerina. There's no point! Yes, and I can’t. Why make people laugh! Kabanova. The trick is not great. If I loved it, I would have learned it. If you don’t know how to do it properly, you should at least make this example; still more decent; and then, apparently, only in words. Well, I’m going to pray to God, don’t bother me. Varvara. I'll leave the yard. Kabanova (affectionately). What do I care? Go! Walk until your time comes. You'll still have enough to eat! They're leaving Kabanova and Varvara.


Katerina (alone, thoughtfully). Well, now silence will reign in your house. Oh, what boredom! If only I could reach someone's! Eco woe! I don’t have children: I would still sit with them and amuse them. I really like talking to children - they are angels. (Silence.) If only I had died as a little girl, it would have been better. I would look from heaven to earth and rejoice at everything. Otherwise she would fly invisibly wherever she wanted. She would fly out into the field and fly from cornflower to cornflower in the wind, like a butterfly. (Thinks.) But here’s what I’ll do: I’ll start some work as promised; I’ll go to the guest house,” I’ll buy some canvas, and I’ll sew linen, and then I’ll give it to the poor. They’ll pray to God for me. So we’ll sit down to sew with Varvara and won’t see how time passes; and then Tisha will arrive. Varvara enters.


Katerina and Varvara. Varvara (covers his head with a scarf in front of the mirror). I'll go for a walk now; and Glasha will make our beds in the garden, mamma allowed. In the garden, behind the raspberries, there is a gate, "Gostiny Dvor" - a specially built room, located in rows, where guests (as in the old days they called visiting - initially foreign - merchants) traded. her Mama locks it and hides the key. I took it away and put another one on her so she wouldn’t notice. Now, you might need it. (Gives the key.) If I see you, I’ll tell you to come to the gate. Katerina (pushing away the key in fear). For what! For what! Not no need, no need! Varvara. You don't need it, I will need it; take it, he won't bite you. Katerina. What are you up to, sinner! Is this possible? Have you thought! What you! What you! Varvara. Well, I don’t like to talk a lot, and I don’t have time. It's time for me to go for a walk. (Leaves.)


Katerina (alone, holding the key in her hands). Why is she doing this? What is she coming up with? Oh, crazy, really crazy! This is death! Here she is! Throw it away, throw it far away, throw it into the river so that it will never be found. He burns his hands like coal. (Thinking.) This is how our sister dies. Someone has fun in captivity! You never know what comes to mind. An opportunity arose, and another one was glad: so she rushed headlong. How can this be possible without thinking, without judging! How long does it take to get into trouble? And there you cry all your life, suffer; bondage will seem even more bitter. (Silence.) And bondage is bitter, oh, how bitter! Who doesn't cry from her! And most of all, we women. Here I am now! I live, I suffer, I don’t see any light for myself. Yes, and I won’t see it, you know! What's next is worse. And now this sin is still on me. (Thinks.) If only it weren’t for my mother-in-law!.. She crushed me... she made me sick of the house; the walls are even disgusting, (Looks thoughtfully at the key.) Leave him? Of course you have to quit. And how did it fall into my hands? To temptation, to my destruction. (Listens.) Ah, someone is coming. So my heart sank. (Hides the key in his pocket.) No!.. No one! Why was I so scared! And she hid the key... Well, you know, it should be there! Apparently, fate itself wants it! But what a sin is it if I look at it once, even from afar! Yes, even if I talk, it won’t matter! But what about my husband!.. But he himself didn’t want to. Yes, maybe such a case will never happen again in my entire life. Then cry to yourself: there was a case, but I didn’t know how to use it. What am I saying, am I deceiving myself? I could even die to see him. Who am I pretending to be!.. Throw in the key! No, not for anything in the world! He’s mine now... Whatever happens, I’ll see Boris! Oh, if only the night could come sooner!..



Street. The gate of the Kabanovs' house, there is a bench in front of the gate.


Kabanova and Feklusha (sitting on the bench). F e k l u sha. The last times, Mother Marfa Ignatievna, the last, by all accounts the last. You also have paradise and silence in your city, but in other cities it’s just sodomy,” mother: noise, running around, incessant driving! People are just scurrying around, one here, another there. Kabanova. We have nowhere to rush, dear, We live slowly. Feklusha. No, mother, it’s because there’s silence in your city, because many people, just like you, decorate themselves with virtues like flowers: that’s why everything is done coolly and orderly. After all, this rushing around, Mother, what does that mean? After all, this is vanity! Just like in Moscow: people are running back and forth, no one knows why. That’s what vanity is. Vain people, Mother Marfa Ignatievna, that’s how they run. It seems to him that he's running about something; he's in a hurry, he's poor, he doesn't recognize people; he imagines that someone is beckoning him, but he comes to the place, but it's empty, there's nothing, just a dream. And he goes in sadness. And the other imagines that he's catching up someone familiar. From the outside, a fresh person now sees that there is no one; but to someone else, it all seems from the bustle that he is catching up. Vanity, because it seems like a fog. Here, on such a beautiful evening, rarely does anyone even come out to sit outside the gate; but in Moscow there are now festivals and games, and there is a roar and a groan in the streets. Why, Mother Marfa Ignatievna, they started harnessing the fiery serpent 2: everything, you see, for the sake of speed. Kabanova. I heard you, honey. Feklusha. And I, mother, saw it with my own eyes; wi- Of course, others don’t see anything because of the vanity, so it appears to them like a machine, they call it a machine, but I saw how it “With the House” - according to biblical myth, a city destroyed by God for the sins of its inhabitants; in a figurative sense sodom - debauchery, disorder, turmoil. “The fiery serpent is a winged mythical monster that spewed flames during flight. Feklusha calls a railway train a fiery serpent. paws like this (spreads fingers) does. Well, that’s what people in a good life hear moaning too. Kabanova. You can call it anything, perhaps even call it a machine; People are stupid, they will believe everything. And even if you shower me with gold, I won’t go. Feklusha. What extremes, mother! God forbid from such a misfortune! And here’s another thing, Mother Marfa Ignatievna, I had a vision in Moscow. I’m walking early in the morning, I’m still a little light-headed, and I see someone standing on a tall, tall building, on the roof, with a black face.” You know who it is. And he does it with his hands, as if he’s pouring out something, but nothing’s pouring out. Then I realized that it was he who was scattering the tares, and that the people were in the bustle during the day and would invisibly pick them up. That’s why they run around like that, that’s why their women are all so thin, they can’t stretch their bodies, and it’s as if they’ve lost something or are looking for something: there’s sadness in their faces, even pity. Kabanova. Anything is possible, my dear! In our times, why be surprised! Feklusha. Hard times, Mother Marfa Ignatievna, hard. The time has already begun to decline. Kabanova. How so, dear, in derogation? Feklusha. Of course, it’s not us, where can we notice in the bustle! But smart people notice that our time is getting shorter. It used to be that summer and winter drag on and on, you can’t wait for it to end; and now you won’t even see them fly by. The days and hours still seem to remain the same, but time, for our sins, is becoming shorter and shorter. That's what smart people say. Kabanova. And it will be worse than this, my dear. Feklusha. We just wouldn’t live to see this, Kabanova. Maybe we'll live. Dikoy enters.


The same for Dikoy. Kabanova. Why are you, godfather, wandering around so late? Wild. And who will stop me! Kabanova. Who will ban! Who needs! "Someone is standing with a black face. - Fekdusha takes the chimney sweep for an "unclean" devil. 2 Tares - weed, growing in the grain: according to religious legends, the devil sowed the tares, that is, he scattered various temptations, sins, crimes, etc. among people. Wild. Well, that means there’s nothing to talk about. What I, under the command of, what, who? Why are you still here! What the hell kind of merman is there!.. Kabanova. Well, don't let your throat out too much! Find me cheaper! And I am dear to you! Go your way where you were going. Let's go home, Feklusha. (Rises.) Wild. Wait, godfather, wait! Do not be angry. You still have time to be at home: your home is not far off. Here he is! Kabanova. If you are at work, don’t yell, but speak plainly. Wild. There’s nothing to do, and I’m drunk, that’s what. Kabanova. Well, will you now order me to praise you for this? Wild. Neither praise nor scold. And that means I'm drunk. Well, that's the end of it. Until I wake up, this matter cannot be corrected. Kabanova. So go, sleep! Wild. Where am I going to go? Kabanova. Home. And then where! D i k o i. What if I don’t want to go home? Kabanova. Why is this, let me ask you? Wild. But because there is a war going on there. Kabanova. Who's going to fight there? After all, you are the only warrior there. Wild. So what if I'm a warrior? So what of this? Kabanova. What? Nothing. And the honor isn’t great, because you’ve been fighting with women all your life. That's what. Wildly and. Well, that means they must obey me. Otherwise, I’ll probably submit! Kabanova. I’m really amazed at you: you have so many people in your house, but they can’t please you alone. Wildly and. Here you go! Kabanova. Well, what do you need from me? Wild. Here's what: talk to me so that my heart will go away. You're the only one in the whole city who knows how to make me talk. Kabanova. Go, Feklushka, tell me to prepare something to eat. Feklusha leaves. Let's go to chambers! Wild. No, I won’t go to my chambers, I’m worse in my chambers. Kabanova. What made you angry? Wild. Ever since this morning. Kabanova. They must have asked for money. Wild. As if they had agreed, the damned ones; first one or the other pesters all day long. Kabanova. It must be necessary, if they pester you. Wild. I understand this; What are you going to tell me to do with myself when my heart is like this! After all, I already know what I have to give, but I can’t do everything with goodness. You are my friend, and I have to give it to you, but if you come and ask me, I will scold you. I will give, give, and curse. Therefore, as soon as you mention money to me, everything inside me will be ignited; It kindles everything inside, and that’s all; Well, in those days I would never curse a person for anything. Kabanova. There are no elders over you, so you are showing off. Wild. No, godfather, keep quiet! Listen! These are the stories that happened to me. I was once fasting about a great fast, but now it’s not easy and I slip a little man in: I came for money, I was carrying firewood. And it brought him to sin at such a time! I did sin: I scolded him, I scolded him so much that I couldn’t ask for anything better, I almost killed him. This is what my heart is like! After he asked for forgiveness, he bowed at his feet, that’s right. Truly I tell you, I bowed at the man’s feet. This is what my heart brings me to: here in the yard, in the mud, I bowed to him; I bowed to him in front of everyone. Kabanova. Why are you deliberately bringing yourself into your heart? This, godfather, is not good. Wild. How on purpose? Kabanova. I saw it, I know. If you see that they want to ask you for something, you will take one of your own on purpose and attack someone in order to get angry; because you know that no one will come to you angry. That's it, godfather! Wild. Well, what is it? Who doesn’t feel sorry for their own good! Glasha enters. Glasha. Marfa Ignatievna, a snack has been set, please! Kabanova. Well, godfather, come in. Eat what God sent you. Wild. Perhaps. Kabanova. Welcome! (He lets the Wild One go ahead and follows him.) Glasha stands with folded arms gate Glasha. No way. Boris Grigoryich is coming. Isn't it for your uncle? Does Al walk like that? He must be walking around like that. Boris enters.


Glasha, Boris, then Kuligin. B o r i s. Isn't it your uncle? Glasha. We have. Do you need him, or what? Boris. They sent from home to find out where he was. And if you have it, let it sit: who needs it? At home, we are glad that he left. Glasha. If only our owner had been in charge of it, she would have stopped it soon. Why am I, fool, standing with you! Goodbye. (Leaves.) Boris. Oh, my God! Just take a look at her! You can’t enter the house: uninvited people don’t come here. This is life! We live in the same city, almost nearby, and you see each other once a week, and then in church or on the road, that’s all! Here, whether she got married, or whether she was buried, it doesn’t matter. Silence. I wish I wouldn’t see her at all: it would be easier! Otherwise you see it in fits and starts, and even in front of people; a hundred eyes are looking at you. It just breaks my heart. Yes, and you can’t cope with yourself. You go for a walk, and you always find yourself here at the gate. And why do I come here? You can never see her, and, perhaps, whatever conversation comes out, you will lead her into trouble. Well, I ended up in the town! Kuliga goes to meet him. K u l i g i n. What, sir? Would you like to go for a walk? Boris. Yes, I’m taking a walk, the weather is very good today. K u l i g i n. It’s very good, sir, to go for a walk now. Silence, excellent air, the smell of flowers from the meadows from across the Volga, the sky is clear... An abyss has opened up, the stars are full, The stars have no number, the abyss has no bottom." Let's go, sir, to the boulevard, there's not a soul there. Boris. Let's go ! Kuligin. That's what a little town we have, sir! They made a boulevard, but they don't walk. They walk only on holidays, and then they pretend to be walking, but they themselves go there to show off their outfits. You'll only meet a drunk clerk 2, going home from the tavern trudges along. The poor, sir, have no time to walk, they have work day and night. And they sleep only three hours a day. And what do the rich do? Well, so that they don’t seem to go for a walk, or breathe fresh air? So pet. Everyone's gates, sir, have been locked for a long time, and the dogs have been let loose... Do you think they are doing business or praying to God? No, sir. And they are not locked from thieves, but so that people do not see how they eat their own family Yes, the family is tyrannized. And what tears are flowing behind these locks, invisible and inaudible! What can I tell you, sir! You can judge by yourself. And what, sir, behind these locks is dark debauchery and drunkenness! PI everything is sewn and covered - no one sees or knows anything, only God sees! You, he says, look, I’m among people and on the street, but you don’t care about my family; for this, he says, I have locks, and constipations, and angry dogs. The family says it’s a secret, secret matter! We know these secrets! Because of these secrets, sir, only he is having fun, while the rest are howling like a wolf. And what's the secret? Who doesn't know him! Rob orphans, relatives, nephews, beat up his family so that they don’t dare make a squeak about anything he does there. That's the whole secret. Well, God bless them! Do you know, sir, who is hanging out with us? Young boys and girls. So these people steal from sleep for an hour or two, and then walk in pairs. Yes, here's a couple! Kudryash and Varvara appear. They kiss. Boris. They kiss. K u l i g i n. We don’t need this. Kudryash leaves, and Varvara approaches her gate and beckons Boris. He comes up.


Boris, Kulngin and Varvara. Kuligin. I, sir, will go to the boulevard. Why bother you? I'll wait there. Boris. Okay, I'll be right there. Kuligin leaves. Varvara (covering himself with a scarf). Do you know the ravine behind the Boar Garden? Boris. I know. Varvara. Come back there later. Boris. For what? Varvara. How stupid you are! Come and see why. Well, go quickly, they are waiting for you. Boris leaves. Not I found out! Let him think now. And I really know that Katerina won’t be able to resist, she’ll jump out. (He goes out the gate.)


Night. A ravine covered with bushes; upstairs -- Kabanovs' garden fence and gate; at the top there is a path.


Curly (enters with guitar). There is no one. Why is she there! Well, Let's sit and wait. (Sits on a stone.) Let's sing a song out of boredom. (Sings.) Like a Don Cossack, the Cossack led his horse to water, Good fellow, he’s already standing at the gate. He stands at the gate, he himself is thinking, Dumu is thinking about how he will destroy his wife. Like a wife, a wife prayed to her husband, and quickly bowed her feet to him: “Are you, father, you, dear dear friend! Don’t hit me, don’t destroy me in the evening! Kill me, destroy me from midnight! let my little children, Little children, all my close neighbors fall asleep." Boris enters.


Kudryash and Boris. Curly (stops singing). Look! Humble, humble, and also went on a rampage. Boris. Curly, is that you? Curly. I, Boris Grigoryich! Boris. Why are you here? Curly. Me? Therefore, I need it, Boris Grigoryich, if I’m here. I wouldn't go unless necessary. Where is God taking you? Boris (looks around the area). Here's what, Kudryash: I would need to stay here, but I don't think you care, you can go to another place. Curly. No, Boris Grigoryich, I see, this is your first time here, but I already have a familiar place here and the path has been trodden by me. I love you, sir, and am ready for any service for you; and don’t meet me on this path at night, so that, God forbid, some sin does not happen. An agreement is better than money. Boris. What's wrong with you, Vanya? Curly. Why: Vanya! I know that I am Vanya. A you go your own way, that's all. Get one for yourself, and go for walks with her, and no one will care about you. Don't touch strangers! We don’t do that, otherwise the guys will break their legs. I’m for mine... Yes, I don’t even know what I’ll do! I'll cut your throat. Boris. You are in vain to be angry; It’s not even on my mind to take it away from you. I wouldn't have come here if I hadn't been told to. Curly. Who ordered it? Boris. I couldn't make it out, it was dark. Some girl stopped me on the street and told me to come here, behind the Kabanovs’ garden, where the path is. Curly. Who would this be? Boris. Listen, Curly. Can I have a heart-to-heart talk with you, won’t you babble? Curly. Speak up, don't be afraid! All I have is one that has died. Boris. I don't know anything here neither your orders, neither customs; but the thing is this... Kudryash. Did you fall in love with someone? Boris. Yes, Curly. Curly. Well, that's okay. We are free about this. The girls go out as they please, father and mother don’t care. Only women are locked up. Boris. That's my grief. Curly. So did you really fall in love with a married woman? Boris. Married, Kudryash. Curly. Eh, Boris Grigoryich, stop annoying me! Boris. It's easy to say - quit! It may not matter to you; you will leave one and find another. But I can’t do this! If I fell in love... Curly. After all, this means you want to ruin her completely, Boris Grigoryich! Boris. Save, Lord! Save me, Lord! No, Curly as possible. Do I want to destroy her? I just want to see her somewhere, I don’t need anything else. Curly. How, sir, can you vouch for yourself! But what a people here! You know it yourself. They will eat it and hammer it into the coffin. Bori s. Oh, don't say that, Curly, please don't scare me! Curly. Does she love you? Boris. Don't know. K u d r i sh. Have you ever seen each other? Boris. I only visited them once with my uncle. And then I see in the church, we meet on the boulevard. Oh, Curly, how she prays, if only you would look! What an angelic smile she has on her face, and her face seems to glow. Curly. So this is young Kabanova, or what? Boris. She, Curly. Curly. Yes! So that's it! Well, we have the honor to congratulate you! Boris. With what? Curly. Yes, of course! It means things are going well for you, since you were told to come here. Boris. Was that really what she ordered? Curly. And then who? Boris. No, you're kidding! This can't be true. (He grabs his head.) Curly. What's wrong with you? B o r i s. I'll go crazy with joy. Curly. Bota! There is something to go crazy about! Just watch - don’t cause trouble for yourself, and don’t get her into trouble either! Let’s face it, even though her husband is a fool, her mother-in-law is painfully fierce. Varvara comes out of the gate.


Same with Varvara, then Katerina. Varvara (sings at the gate). Beyond the river, beyond the fast one, my Vanya is walking, There my Vanya is walking... Kudryash (continues). Purchases goods. (Whistles.) Varvara (goes down the path and, covering his face with a scarf, approaches Boris). You, guy, wait. You'll wait for something. (Curly.) Let's go to the Volga. Curly. What took you so long? Still waiting for you! You know what I don't like! Varvara hugs him with one hand and leaves. Boris. It’s like I’m seeing a dream! This night, songs, dates! They walk around hugging each other. This is so new to me, so good, so fun! So I'm waiting for something! I don’t know what I’m waiting for, and I can’t imagine it; only the heart beats and every vein trembles. Now I can’t even think of what to say to her, it’s breathtaking, my knees are weak! That's when my stupid heart suddenly boils, nothing can calm it down. Here he comes. Katerina quietly walks down the path, covered with a large white scarf, her eyes cast down to the ground. Is it you, Katerina Petrovna? Silence. I don’t even know how I can thank you. Silence. If only you knew, Katerina Petrovna, how much I love you! (Wants to take her hand.) Katerina (with fear, but without raising his eyes). Don't touch, don't touch me! Ahah! Boris. Do not be angry! Katerina. Get away from me! Go away, you damned man! Do you know: I can’t atone for this sin, I can never atone for it! After all, it will fall like a stone on your soul, like a stone. Boris. Don't drive me away! Katerina. Why did you come? Why have you come, my destroyer? After all, I’m married, and my husband and I will live until the grave! Boris. You yourself told me to come... Katerina. Yes, understand me, you are my enemy: after all, to the grave! Boris. It would be better for me not to see you! Katerina (with excitement). After all, what am I cooking for myself? Where do I belong, you know? Boris. Calm down! (Takes her hand.) Sit down! Katerina. Why do you want my death? Boris. How can I want your death when I love you more than anything in the world, more than myself! Katerina. No, No! You ruined me! Boris. Am I some kind of villain? Katerina (shaking his head). Ruined, ruined, ruined! Boris. God save me! I'd rather die myself! Katerina. Well, how come you didn’t ruin me, if I, leaving home, come to you at night. Boris. It was your will. Katerina. I have no will. If only I had my own will, Not I would go to you. (Raises his eyes and looks at Boris.) A little silence. Your will is now over me, don't you see! (Throws herself at his neck.) Boris (hugs Katerina). My life! Katerina. You know? Now I suddenly wanted to die! Boris. Why die when we can live so well? Katerina. No, I can't live! I already know that I can’t live. Boris. Please don’t say such words, don’t sadden me... Katerina. Yes, you feel good, you are a free Cossack, and I!.. Boris. No one will know about our love. Surely I won’t regret you! Katerina. Eh! Why feel sorry for me, it’s no one’s fault—she went for it herself. Don't be sorry, ruin me 1 Let everyone know, let everyone see what I do! (Hugs Boris.) If I was not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment? They say that it is even easier when you suffer for some sin here on earth. Boris. Well, what to think about it, fortunately we are good now! Katerina. And then! I’ll have time to think and cry in my spare time. Boris. And I was scared; I thought you were going to send me away. Katerina (smiling). Drive away! Where else! Is it with our hearts? If you hadn’t come, it seems that I would have come to you myself. Boris. I didn't even know that you loved me. Katerina. I've loved you for a long time. It’s like it’s a sin that you came to us. As soon as I saw you, I didn’t feel like myself. From the very first time, it seems, if you had beckoned me, I would have followed you; If you went to the ends of the world, I would still follow you and wouldn’t look back. Boris. How long has your husband been gone? Katerina. For two weeks. Boris. Oh, so we'll take a walk! There's plenty of time. Katerina. Let's take a walk. And there... (thinks) As soon as they lock it up, that’s death! If they don’t lock you up, I’ll find a chance to see you! Kudryash and Varvara enter.


The same ones, Kudryash and Varvara. Varvara. Well, did you manage? Katerina hides her face on Boris's chest. Boris. We worked it out. Varvara. Let's go for a walk, and we'll wait. When necessary, Vanya will shout. Boris and Katerina leave. Kudryash and Varvara sit on a stone. Curly. And you came up with an important thing, in garden gate climb. It is very capable for our brother. Varvara. All I. Curly. I'll take you on this. Will the mother not be enough? Varvara. Eh! Where should she go? It won't even hit her in the face. Curly. Well, what a sin? Varvara. Her first sleep is sound; In the morning, he wakes up like this. Curly. But who knows! Suddenly the difficult one will lift her up. Varvara. Well then! We have a gate that is locked from the yard from the inside, from the garden; knocks, knocks, and just like that it goes. And in the morning we will say that we slept soundly and did not hear. Yes, and Glasha guards; At any moment, she'll give a voice. You can't do it without danger! How is it possible! Just look, you'll get into trouble. Kudryash plays a few chords on the guitar. Varvara rests on the shoulder of Curly, who, not paying attention, plays quietly. Varvara (yawning). How can I find out what time it is? Curly. First. Varvara. How do you know? Curly. The watchman hit the board. Varvara (yawning). It's time. Give me a shout. Tomorrow we will leave early, so we can walk more. Curly (whistles and sings loudly). Everyone goes home, everyone goes home, But I don’t want to go home. Boris (behind the scenes). I hear you! Varvara (rises). Well, goodbye. (Yawns, then kisses him coldly, as if he had long since celebrated.) Tomorrow, look, come early! (Looks in the direction where Boris and Katerina went.) We'll say goodbye to you, we won't part forever, we'll see each other tomorrow. (Yawns and stretches.) Katerina runs in, followed by Boris.


Kudryash, Varvara, Boris and Katerina. Katerina (Varvara). Well, let's go, let's go! (They go up the path. Katerina turns around.) Goodbye. Boris. Till tomorrow! Katerina. Yes, see you tommorow! Tell me what you see in your dream! (Approaches the gate.) Boris. Definitely. Curly (sings with guitar). Walk, young, for the time being, Until the evening until dawn! Ay cherished, for the time being, Until the evening until dawn. Varvara (at the gate). And I, young, for the time being, Until the morning until dawn, Oh, they cherished, for the time being, Until the morning until dawn! They leave. Curly. As the little dawn got busy, I went home... etc.

    *ACT FOUR*

In the foreground is a narrow gallery with the vaults of an ancient building that is beginning to collapse; here and there there is grass and bushes behind the arches - the shore and a view of the Volga.


Several walkers of both sexes pass behind the arches. 1st. Is it raining, as if a thunderstorm is brewing? 2nd. Look, it will come together. 1st. It’s also good that there is somewhere to hide. Everyone enters under the vaults. I? e n s h i n a. Why are there so many people walking on the boulevard? It's a holiday, everyone has gone out. The merchants' women are so dressed up. 1 - i. They'll hide somewhere. 2nd. Look how many people are crowding here now! 1st (examining the walls). But here, my brother, someday it was planned. And now it still means in some places. 2nd. Well yes, of course! Of course, it was planned. Now, look, everything has been left empty,” fallen apart, overgrown. After the fire, they never repaired it. And you don’t even remember the fire, this one will be forty years old. 1st. Whatever it is, my brother, is here was it drawn? It’s quite difficult to understand. 2nd. This is fiery Gehenna 2. 1 - and. Yes, my brother! 2 - and. And people of all ranks go there. 1st. Yes, yes, I understand now. 2 -th. And every rank. 1st. And the araps? 2nd. And the araps. 1st. And this, my brother, what is it? 2nd. And this is the Lithuanian ruin 3. The battle - do you see? How Ours fought with Lithuania. 1st. What is this - Lithuania? 2 - i. So it is Lithuania. 1 - i. And they say, my brother, it fell on us from the sky. 2nd. I can't tell you. From the sky, from the sky. Woman. Explain again! Everyone knows what comes from heaven; and where there was some kind of battle with her, mounds were poured there for memory. 1-i. What about you, my brother! It's so accurate! Dikoy enters, followed by Kuligin without a hat. Everyone bows and assumes a respectful position.


The same ones, Dikoy and Kuligin. Wild. Look, everything is soaked. (Kuligin.) Leave me alone! Leave me alone! (With heart.) Foolish man! Kuligin. Savel Prokofich, after all, this, your lordship, is a benefit for all ordinary people in general. Wild. Go away! What a benefit! Who needs this benefit? Kuligin. Yes, even for you, your lordship, Savel Prokofich. If only, sir, on the boulevard, in a clean place, and put it up. And what is the consumption? The consumption is empty: a stone column (shows with gestures the size of each item), a copper plate, so round, and a hairpin, here’s a straight hairpin (shows with a gesture) the simplest one. I’ll put it all together and cut out the numbers myself. Now you, your lordship, when you deign to go for a walk, or others who are walking, will now come up and see what time it is. And this place is beautiful, and the view, and everything, but it’s as if it’s empty. We, too, Your Excellency, have travelers who go there to look at our views, after all, it’s a decoration - it’s more pleasing to the eye. Wild. Why are you bothering me with all this nonsense! Maybe I don’t even want to talk to you. You should have first found out whether I am in the mood to listen to you, a fool, or not. What am I to you - even, or something! Look, what an important matter you found! So he starts talking straight to the snout. Kuligin. If I had minded my own business, then it would have been my fault. Otherwise I am for the common good, yours. degree. Well, what does ten rubles mean to society? You won't need more, sir. Wild. Or maybe you want to steal; who knows you. Kuligin. If I want to put my labors away for nothing, what can I steal, your lordship? Yes, everyone knows me here, no one will say anything bad about me. Wild. Well, let them know, but I don’t want to know you. Kuligin. Why, sir Savel Prokofich, would you like to offend an honest man? Wild. I'll give you a report or something! I don’t give an account to anyone more important than you. I want to think about you this way, and I think so. For others, you are an honest person, but I think that you are a robber, that’s all. Did you want to hear this from me? So listen! I say I’m a robber, and that’s the end of it! So, are you going to sue me or something? So you know that you are a worm. If I want, I will have mercy, if I want, I will crush. Kuligin. God be with you, Savel Prokofich! I, sir, am a small person; it won’t take long to offend me. And I’ll tell you this, your lordship: “And virtue is respected in rags!” “Wild. Don’t you dare be rude to me! Do you hear / Kuligin. I don’t do anything rude to you, sir; but I’m telling you because, Maybe you'll think about doing something for the city someday. You, your lordship, have a lot of strength; if only you had the will to do a good deed. If only we could take it now: we have frequent thunderstorms, and we won't have thunder diversions 2 .wild (proudly). Everything is vanity! Kuligin. But what’s the fuss when the experiments took place? Wild. What kind of lightning taps do you have there? K league p. Steel. Wild (with anger). Well, what else? K u l i g i n. Steel poles. Wild (getting more and more angry). I heard that poles, you kind of asp; and what else? Set up: poles! Well, what else? K u l i g i n. Nothing more. Wild. What do you think a thunderstorm is, huh? Well, speak. Kuligin. Electricity. Wild (stomping his foot). What other beauty there is! Well, how come you’re not a robber! A thunderstorm is sent to us as punishment, so that we can feel it, but you want to defend yourself, God forgive me, with poles and some kind of rods. What are you, a Tatar, or what? Are you Tatar? Oh, speak up! Tatar? Kuligin. Savel Prokofich, your lordship, Derzhavin said: I decay with my body in dust, I command thunder with my mind 3. Wild. And for these words, send you to the mayor, so he will give you a hard time! Hey, honorable ones, listen to what he says! Kuligin. There is nothing to do, we must submit! But when I have a million, then I’ll talk. (Waving his hand, he leaves.) Wild. Well, are you going to steal from someone? Hold it! Such a fake little man! What kind of person should be with these people? I really don't know. (Addressing the people.) Yes, you damned ones will lead anyone into sin! I didn’t want to get angry today, but he, as if on purpose, made me angry. May he fail! (Angrily.) Has it stopped raining? 1st. It seems he has stopped. Wild. Seems! And you, fool, go and have a look. And then - it seems! 1st (coming out from under the arches). Stopped! Dikoy leaves, and everyone follows him. The stage is empty for some time. Under Varvara quickly enters the vaults and, hiding, looks out.


Varvara and then Boris. Varvara. It seems he is! Boris walks towards the back of the stage. Ssssssss Boris looks around. Come on here. (Beckons with his hand.) Boris enters. What should Katerina and I do? Please tell me! Boris. And what? Varvara. It’s a problem, and that’s all. My husband has arrived, do you know that? And they didn’t wait for him, but he arrived. Boris. No, I didn't know.; Varvara. She just didn't feel like herself! Boris. Apparently, I’ve only lived for ten days, so far! He was absent. Now you won't see her! Varvara. Oh, what are you! Yes, listen! She is trembling all over, as if she were suffering from a fever; so pale, rushing around the house, as if looking for something. Eyes like those of a madwoman! Just this morning the poster started crying. My fathers! what should I do with it? Boris. Yes, maybe she will get over it! Varvara. Well, hardly. She doesn’t dare raise her eyes to her husband. Mama began to notice this, she walks around and looks sideways at her, like a snake; and that makes her even worse. It's just painful to look at her! Yes, and I'm afraid. Boris. What are you afraid of? V a r v a r a. You do not know her! She's kind of weird here. Everything will happen from her! He will do such things that... Boris. Oh my god! What should we do? You should have a good talk with her. Is it really impossible to persuade her? Varvara. I tried it. And he doesn't listen to anything. It's better not to come near. Boris. Well, what do you think she can do? Varvara. Here's what: he'll knock at his husband's feet and tell him everything. That's what I'm afraid of. Boris (with fear). Could it be? Varvara. Everything can come from her. Boris. Where is she now? Varvara. Now my husband and I went to the boulevard, and my mother went with them. Go ahead too if you want. No, it’s better not to go, otherwise she’ll probably be completely confused. A clap of thunder in the distance. No way, thunderstorm? (Looks out.) And it's raining. And so the people fell. Hide there somewhere, and I’ll stand there in plain sight, so they don’t think anything of it. Several persons of different ranks and gender enter.


Different faces and then Kabanova, Kabanov, Katerina and Kuligin. 1st. The butterfly must be very afraid that it is in such a hurry to hide. Woman. No matter how you hide! If it’s destined for someone, you won’t go anywhere. Katerina (running in). Oh, Varvara! (He grabs her hand and holds her tightly.) Varvara. That's enough! Katerina. My death! Varvara. Come to your senses! Get your thoughts together! Katerina. No! I can not. I can't do anything. My heart really hurts. Kabanova (entering). That's it, you have to live in such a way that you are always ready for anything; For fear this wouldn't happen. Kabanov. But what, Mama, her sins can be special: they are all the same as the rest of us, and this is what she is naturally afraid of. Kabanova. How do you know? Someone else's soul in the dark. Kabanov (jokingly). Is there really anything without me, but with me, it seems, there was nothing. Kabanova. Maybe without you. Kabanov (jokingly). Katya, repent, brother, it’s better if you’ve sinned. After all, you can’t hide from me: no, you’re being naughty! I know everything! Katerina (looks into Kabanov’s eyes). My darling! Varvara. Well, why are you pestering! Can't you see that it's hard for her without you? Boris leaves the crowd and bows to Kabanov. Katerina (screams). Oh! Kabanov. Why are you scared? Did you think it was a stranger? This is a friend! Is uncle healthy? Boris. God bless! Katerina (Varvara). What else does he need from me?.. Or is it not enough for him that I am suffering so much. (Bowing towards Varvara, she sobs.) Varvara (loudly so the mother can hear). We are off our feet, we don’t know what to do with her; and then strangers are still creeping in! (He makes a sign to Boris, who goes to the very exit.) Kuligin (goes out to the middle, addressing the crowd). Well, what are you afraid of, pray tell! Now every grass, every flower is rejoicing, but we are hiding, afraid, as if some kind of misfortune is coming! The thunderstorm will kill! This is not a thunderstorm, but grace! Yes, grace! It's all stormy! The northern lights will light up, you should admire and marvel at the wisdom: “the dawn rises from the midnight lands,” but you are horrified and think: this means war or pestilence. Whether a comet is coming, I wouldn’t take my eyes off it! Beauty! The stars are really take a closer look, they're all the same, but this is a new thing; well, I should have looked and admired it! And you're afraid to even look at the sky, it makes you tremble! You've made a scare out of everything for yourself. Eh, people! I'm not afraid "Let's go, sir! Boris. Let's go! It's worse here! They're leaving.


The same without Boris and Kuligin. Kabanova. Look what races he created 2. There is something to listen to, nothing to say! Now the times have come, some teachers have appeared. If an old man thinks like this, what can one demand from young people! “The dawn rises from the midnight lands...” - from M. V. Lomonosov’s ode “Evening Reflection.” 2 Breeding races is empty talk. Racea is a long instruction, teaching. Woman. Well, the sky has covered everything. Exactly with the cap, it covered it. 1st. Eco, my brother, it’s like a cloud is curling around like a ball, wondering what living things are tossing and turning in it. And so it crawls towards us, and crawls, like something alive! 2nd. Remember my words that this storm will not pass in vain! I tell you correctly; That's why I know. Either he will kill someone, or the house will burn down, you will see: because, look, what an unusual color \ Katerina (listening). What they're saying? They say he will kill someone. Kabanov. It is known that they make such a fuss, in vain, whatever comes to mind. Kabanova. Don't judge your older self! They know more than you. Old people have signs for everything. an old man he won’t say a word to the wind. Katerina (to my husband). Tisha, I know the corV will kill. Varvara (Katerina is quiet). At least keep quiet. K a b a n.o v a. How do you know? Katerina. It will kill me. Then pray for me. The Lady enters with the footmen. Katerina hides screaming.


The same and Baryny. Lady. Why are you hiding? There's no need to hide! Apparently you’re afraid: you don’t want to die! I want to live! How could you not want to! - see how beautiful she is. Ha ha ha! Beauty! And you pray to God to take away the beauty! Beauty is our destruction! You will destroy yourself, you will seduce people, then rejoice in your beauty. You will lead many, many people into sin! Helipads go out to fights, stabbing each other with swords. Funny! Old, pious people forget about death and are seduced by beauty! And who will answer? You will have to answer for everything. It's better to be in the pool with beauty! Yes, hurry, hurry! Katerina is hiding. Where are you hiding, stupid? You can't escape God! You will all burn in unquenchable fire! (Leaves.) Katerina. Oh! I'm dying! V a-r v a r a. Why are you really suffering? Stand to the side and pray: it will be easier. Katerina (walks to the wall and kneels, then quickly jumps up). Oh! Hell! Hell! Gehenna of fire! Kabanov, Kabanova and Varvara surround her. My whole heart burst! I can't stand it anymore! Mother! Tikhon! I am a sinner before God and before you! Wasn’t it me who swore to you that I wouldn’t look at anyone without you! Do you remember, do you remember? Do you know what I, dissolute, did without you? On the very first night I left home... Kabanov (confused, in tears, tugs at her sleeve). Not must, don't, don't say! What you! Mother is here! Kabanova (strictly). Well, well, speak up now that you’ve already started.^ Katerina. And yet I walked for ten nights... (Sobbing.) Kabanov wants to hug her. Kabanova. Drop her! With whom? Varvara. She's lying, she doesn't know what she's saying. Kabanova. Shut up! That's it! Well, with whom? Katerina. With Boris Grigoryich. Thunderclap. Oh! (Falls unconscious into her husband’s arms.) Kabanova. What, son! Where will the will lead? She spoke I, so you didn't want to listen. That's what I've been waiting for!

    *ACT FIVE*

Decoration for the first act. Twilight.


Kuligin (sitting on a bench), Kabanov (walking along the boulevard). Kuligin (sings). The skies were covered with night darkness. All the people have already closed their eyes for peace..." etc. (Seeing Kabanov.) Hello sir! How far are you? Kabanov. Home. Have you heard, brother, what we are doing? The whole family, brother, is in disarray. K u l i g i n. I heard, I heard, sir. Kabanov. I went to Moscow, you know? On the way, my mother read, gave me instructions, but as soon as I left, I went on a spree. I’m very glad that I broke free. And he drank all the way, and in Moscow he drank everything, so it’s a lot, what the heck! So that whole year take a walk. I never even thought about the house. Even if I remembered, it wouldn’t even occur to me what was going on. Heard? K u l i g i n. I heard, sir. Kabanov. I'm an unhappy man now, brother! So I’m dying for nothing, not for a penny! K v l i g i n. Your mother is very cool. Kabanov. Well, yes. She is the reason for everything. And why am I dying, please tell me? I went to see Diky, well, we had a drink; I thought it would be easier, no, worse, Kuligin! What has my wife done against me? It can’t be worse... Kuligin. A wise thing, sir. It's wise to judge you. Kabanov. No, wait! What's worse than that? Killing her for this is not enough. So my mother says: she must be buried alive in the ground so that she can be executed! A. I love her, I’m sorry to lay a finger on her. I beat him a little, and even then my mother ordered me to. I feel sorry for looking at her, understand that, Kuligin. Mama eats her, and she, like some kind of shadow, walks around unresponsive. It just cries and melts like wax. So I'm dying looking at her. Kuligin. Somehow, sir, we can get things done smoothly! You would forgive her, and never remember her. You yourself, tea, are also not without sin! Kabanov. What can I say! Kuligin. Yes, so as not to reproach even under a drunken hand. She would be a good wife for you, sir; look - better than anyone. Kabanov. Yes, understand, Kuligin: I would be fine, but mummy... how can you talk to her!.. Kuligin. It's time for you, sir, to live by your own mind. Kabanov. Should I burst apart or something? No, they say, it’s his own mind. And that means live as someone else’s. I’ll take the last one I have and drink it; Then let my mother babysit me like I’m a fool. Kuligin. Eh, sir! Things to do, things to do! Well, what about Boris Grigoryich, sir? Kabanov. And he, the scoundrel, is sent to Tyakhta, to the Chinese. His uncle sends him to some merchant he knows in the office. He is there for three years. Kulagin. Well, what is he, sir? Kabanov. He’s rushing about too , crying. My uncle and I attacked him just now, we scolded him, scolded him, - he’s silent. He’s like he’s become wild. With me, he says, do whatever you want, just don’t torture her! And he also has pity for her. K l and gin. He's a good man, sir. Kabanov. He's fully prepared, and the horses are ready. He's so sad, it's a disaster! I can already see that he wants to say goodbye. Well, you never know! It'll be enough for him. He's an enemy, after all. me, Kuligin! You need to tell him to pieces so that he knows... K u l i g i n. We must forgive our enemies, sir! Kabanov. Go and talk to your mother, what will she say to you about this. So, brother Kuligin, our whole family is now torn apart. Not just relatives, but definitely enemies to each other. Varvara’s mother sharpened and sharpened, but she couldn’t stand it, and she was like that - she just took it and left. Kuligin. Where did you go? Kabanov. Who knows? They say she ran away with Kudryash and Vanka, and they won’t find him anywhere either. This, Kuligin, I must say straight out, is from my mother; so she began to tyrannize her and lock her up. “Don’t lock it,” he says, “it will be worse!” That's how it happened. What should I do now, tell me? Will you teach me how to live now? I’m sick of the house, I’m ashamed of the people, I’m going to get down to business - my hands are falling off. Now I’m going home: am I going for joy, or what? Glasha enters. Glasha. Tikhon Ivanovich, father! Kabanov. What else? Glasha. We are not well at home, father! Kabanov. God! So it’s one to one! Tell me, what is it? Glasha. Yes, your hostess... Kabanov. Well? She died, or what? Glasha. No, father; she went somewhere, we won’t find her anywhere. The seekers were knocked off their feet. Kabanov. Kuligin, brother, we must run and look for her. Brother, do you know what I'm afraid of? As if she wouldn’t commit suicide out of sadness! He’s so sad, he’s so sad that oh! Looking at her, my heart breaks. What were you watching? How long has she been gone? Glasha. Not long ago, father! It’s our sin, we overlooked it. And even then, you can’t be on your guard at every hour. Kabanov. Well, why are you standing there, run? Glasha leaves. And we will go, Kuligin! They leave. The stage is empty for some time. Katerina comes out from the opposite side and walks quietly across the stage.


Katerina (one)". No, not anywhere! What is he doing now, poor thing? I just have to say goodbye to him, and then... and then at least die. Why did I get him into trouble? After all, that wouldn’t make it any easier for me! It would have been better to die. me alone! Otherwise she ruined herself, she ruined him, dishonor to herself - eternal submission to him! 2 Yes! Dishonor to herself - eternal submission to him. (Silence.) Should I remember what he said? How did he feel sorry for me? What words did he say? (Takes his head.) I don’t remember, I forgot everything. Nights, nights are hard for me! Everyone will go to bed, and I will go; nothing for everyone, but for me it’s like going to the grave. It's so scary in the dark! There will be some noise, and they will sing as if they are burying someone; only so quietly, barely audible, far, far away from me... You’ll be so glad for the light! But I don’t want to get up: again the same people, the same conversations, the same torment. Why are they looking at me like that? Why don't they kill people nowadays? Why did they do this? Before, they say, they killed. They would have taken it and thrown me into the Volga; I would be glad. “If you execute you,” they say, “then your sin will be removed, but you live and suffer from your sin.” I'm really exhausted! How much longer will I suffer? Why should I live now? Well, for what? I don’t need anything, nothing is nice to me, and God’s light is not nice! But death does not come. You call for her, but she doesn’t come. Whatever I see, whatever I hear, only here (points to heart) hurt. If only I had lived with him, perhaps I would have seen such joy... Well, it doesn’t matter, I’ve already ruined my soul. How I miss him! Oh, how I miss him! If I don’t see you, at least hear me from afar! Violent winds, bear my sadness and melancholy to him! Fathers, I'm bored, bored! (Approaches the shore and loudly, at the top of his voice.) My joy, my life, my soul, I love you! Respond! (Cries.) Boris enters.


Katerina and Boris. Boris (without seeing Katerina). My God! It's her voice! Where is she? (Looks around.) Katerina (runs up to him and falls on his neck). I finally saw you! (Cries on his chest.) Silence. Boris. Well, we cried together, God brought us. Katerina. Have you forgotten me? Boris. How to forget that you! Katerina. Oh, no, not that, not that! Are you angry at me? Boris. Why should I be angry? Katerina. Well, forgive me! I didn’t want to do you harm; Yes, I was not free in myself. I couldn’t remember what I said, what I did. Boris. That's enough! what you! Katerina. Well, how are you? How are you now? Boris. I'm going. Katerina. Where are you going? Boris. Far away, Katya, to Siberia. Katerina. Take me with you from here! Boris. I can't, Katya. I’m not going of my own free will: my uncle sends me, and the horses are ready; I just asked my uncle for a minute, I wanted to at least say goodbye to the place where we met. Katerina. Go with God! Don't worry about me. At first it will only be boring for you, poor thing, and then you will forget. Boris. What is there to talk about me! I am a free bird. How are you? What about mother-in-law? Katerina. Tormenting me, locking me up. She tells everyone and her husband: “Don’t trust her, she’s cunning.” Everyone follows me around all day and laughs right in my eyes. Everyone reproaches you at every word. Boris. What about your husband? Katerina. He is sometimes affectionate, sometimes angry, and drinks everything. Yes, he was hateful to me, hateful, his caress is worse to me than beatings. Boris. Is it hard for you, Katya? Katerina. It’s so hard, so hard that it’s easier to die! Boris. Who knew that we should suffer so much for our love with you! It would be better for me to run then! Katerina. Unfortunately, I saw you. I saw little joy, “but grief, what grief! And there’s so much more ahead! Well, why think about what will happen! Now I’ve seen you, they won’t take that away from me; and I don’t have anything else necessary. But I just needed to wither you. Now it has become much easier for me; it’s like a mountain has been lifted from my shoulders. And I kept thinking that you were angry with me, cursing me... Boris. What are you, what are you! Katerina. No, that's not what I'm saying; that's not what I wanted to say! I missed you, that's what, well, I saw you... Boris. If only they wouldn't find us here! Katerina. Wait, wait! Something I wanted to tell you... I forgot! Something needed to be said! Everything is confused in my head, I don’t remember anything. Boris. It’s time for me, Katya! Katerina. Wait, wait! Boris. Well, what can you say- what did you want? Katerina. I’ll tell you now. (Thinking.) Yes! You will go on your way, don’t let a single beggar pass by, give it to everyone and order them to pray for my sinful soul. Boris. Oh, if only these people knew what it’s like for me to say goodbye to you! My God! May God grant that someday they may feel as sweet as I do now. Goodbye Katya! (Hugs and wants to leave.) You are the villains! Monsters! Oh, if only there was strength! Katerina. Wait, wait! Let me look at you in last time. (Looks into his eyes.) Well, it will be from me! Now God bless you, go. Go, go quickly! Boris (walks away a few steps and stops). Katya, something is wrong! Are you up to something? I'm exhausted, dear one, thinking about you. Katerina. Nothing, nothing. Go with God! Boris wants to approach her. Not necessary, not necessary, enough! Boris (sobbing). Well, God be with you! There is only one thing we need to ask God for: that she die as soon as possible, so that she does not suffer for a long time! Goodbye! (Bows.) Katerina. Goodbye! Boris leaves. Katerina follows him with her eyes and stands there thinking for a while.


Katerina (one). Where to now? Should I go home? No, it doesn’t matter to me whether I go home or go to the grave. Yes, to home, to the grave!.. to the grave! It’s better in a grave... There’s a grave under a tree... how nice!.. The sun warms it, wets it with rain... in the spring the grass will grow on it, so soft... birds will fly to the tree, they will sing, they will bring out children, flowers will bloom: yellow, red, blue... all sorts (thinks) all sorts of things... So quiet, so good! I feel better! And I don’t even want to think about life. Live again? No, no, don't... not good! And people are disgusting to me, and the house is disgusting to me, and the walls are disgusting! I won't go there! No, no, I won’t go... You come to them, they walk, they say, but what do I need this for? Oh, It's getting dark! And they're singing somewhere again! What are they singing? You can’t understand... I wish I could die now... What are they singing? It’s all the same that death will come, that death itself... but you can’t live! Sin! Won't they pray? Whoever loves will pray... Fold their hands crosswise... in a coffin? Yes, that's right... I remembered. And they’ll catch me and force me back home... Oh, hurry, hurry! (Approaches the shore. Loudly.) My friend! My joy! Goodbye! (Leaves.) Enter Kabanova, Kabanov, Kuligin and a worker with a lantern.


Kabanov, Kabanova and Kuligin. Kuligin. They say they saw it here. Kabanov. Yes, it is true? Kuligin. They speak directly to her. Kabanov. Well, thank God, at least we saw something alive. Kabanova. And you got scared and burst into tears! Something to talk about. Not Don't worry: we'll be stuck with her for a long time. Kabanov. Who knew that she would come here! The place is so crowded. Who would even think of hiding here? Kabanova. See what she does! What a potion! How she wants to maintain her character! WITH different sides people gather with lanterns. One of the people. What, did you find? Kabanova. Something that is not. It's just gone wrong. Several voices. What a parable!" What an opportunity! And where could it go? One of the people. Yes, there will be! Another. How not to be found! The third. Look, she will come. Voices behind the stage: “Hey, boat!” Kuligin (from the shore). Who's screaming? What's there? Voice: “The woman threw herself into the water!” Kuligin and several people run away after him.


The same, without Kuligin. Kabanov. Fathers, it’s her! (Wants to run.) Kabanova holds his hand. Mama, let me in, my death! I’ll get her out, otherwise I’ll do it myself... What do I need without her! Kabanova. I won’t let you in, don’t even think about it! To ruin myself because of her, is she worth it! It’s not enough that she’s caused us a lot of trouble, what else is she up to! Kabanov. Let me in! Kabanova. There is no one without you. I'll curse you if you go! Kabanov (falling to his knees). At least I should take a look on her! Kabanova. They pull it out and you’ll have a look. Kabanov (stands up to the people). What, my dears, is there anything you can see? 1st. It's dark below, you can't see anything. Noise behind the stage. 2nd. It's like they're shouting something, but you can't understand anything. 1st. Yes, this is Kuligina’s voice. 2nd. They're walking along the shore with a lantern. 1st. They're coming here. There they are carrying her too. Several people are returning. One of the returnees. Well done Kuligin! It’s close here, in a whirlpool, near the shore with a fire, and you can see it far into the water; he saw the dress and pulled it out. Kabanov. Alive? Another. Where is she already alive? She threw herself high: there was a cliff here, yes, she must have hit the anchor and hurt herself, poor thing! And sure enough, guys, it looks like it’s alive! There is only a small wound on the temple, and only one drop of blood. Kabanov starts to run; Kulagin and the people are carrying Katerina towards him.

“The Thunderstorm”, act 2 – summary

Varvara, noticing Katerina's secret passion, promises to arrange a date for her with Boris when Tikhon leaves for a few days on a trip on merchant business. Katerina initially rejects this plan with horror. Before Tikhon leaves, she tearsly throws herself on his neck and asks him to take her with him. Tikhon refuses: he is going not so much on business as to get drunk without his mother’s supervision, and his wife will only interfere with this. Then Katerina gives her surprised husband a “terrible oath”: “under no circumstances should she speak or see anyone stranger” in his absence.

Kabanikha forces Tikhon to read a stern and humiliating lecture to Katerina before leaving: “Don’t stare out the windows without me, don’t look at the guys!” She reproaches Katerina for not immediately rushing to “howl” for her departed husband.

Katerina stands in despair from her mother-in-law’s undeserved nagging. Varvara comes and gives her the key stolen from her mother to the far gate of the garden, where they will spend the night together these days, away from Kabanikha. Through this gate, Varvara is going to arrange a date for Katerina with Boris. Katerina initially wants to throw the key, saying that it “burns her hands like coal” (see her monologue). But painfully remembering the cruelty of her mother-in-law and the coldness of her husband who did not want to take her with him, she still puts the key in her pocket...

“Thunderstorm”, act 3 – summary

Varvara, having seized a moment while strolling along the boulevard, secretly calls Boris Grigorievich and invites him to come tonight to the ravine behind the Kabanovs’ garden. At the appointed time, Boris appears there.

Varvara comes out of the far gate of the garden, going for a walk on the Volga with her lover, her boyfriend Kudryash. Then Katerina appears, trembling with excitement. Boris rushes to her and says that he loves her more life. Unable to contain her passion, Katerina throws herself on his neck...

The dates of both couples are repeated on the following nights.

“Thunderstorm”, act 4 – summary

The holiday is coming soon. Residents of Kalinov go for a walk on the boulevard. Suddenly a strong thunderstorm begins to gather. In a covered gallery on the banks of the Volga, Varvara and Boris meet, as if sheltering from the rain. Varvara talks about the trouble at their home: Tikhon returned from a trip for several days ahead of schedule, and Katerina, seeing her husband, fell into terrible excitement. All last days She walks around the house not herself, starting to cry every now and then. Tikhon marvels strange behavior wife, and Kabanikha looks at her with suspicion. Varvara is afraid that Katerina will fall at her husband’s feet and tell about her betrayal.

Kabanikha, Tikhon, Katerina and other people are just approaching the gallery to hide from the rain. People gossip that thunderstorms are God's punishment and lightning often kills sinners. Mechanic Kuligin tries in vain to explain to his superstitious fellow countrymen that thunderstorms are natural natural causes and Lomonosov also wrote about this.

Exhausted by mental anguish, Katerina, seeing Boris among the people, suddenly says to her husband: “Tisha, I know who the thunderstorm will kill. Me. Then pray for me.” As luck would have it, a local crazy lady appears. Having a stormy youth behind her, she now wanders around the city with two lackeys and prophesies severe punishments from the Almighty to all beauties who “lead men into sin.” “The pool is better with your beauty! - the lady suddenly shouts to Katerina. “You will burn in unquenchable fire!”

Unable to withstand the terrible shock, Katerina kneels before her husband and mother-in-law and repents that “I walked with Boris Grigorievich for ten nights...”

“Thunderstorm”, act 5 – summary

The case with Katerina is making a lot of noise in Kalinov. The boar's wife "eats" her daughter-in-law at home and even advises "burying her alive in the ground." Katerina listens to these reproaches in silent anguish, walking like an unrequited shadow. Tikhon indulges in drunkenness. Boris's uncle Savel Dikoy is going to send him to Tyakhta, on the Chinese border. The compassionate Kuligin advises Tikhon to forgive Katerina. Tikhon himself is not against this, but his evil, stern mother resists forgiveness.

Suddenly news spreads that Katerina has disappeared from home. Relatives go to look for her. Ostrovsky paints a poignant picture of Katerina wandering down the street, half-oblivious, pronouncing a monologue about how she doesn’t want to live. She is consumed by a passionate desire to see Boris at least one last time - and she suddenly sees him.

Katerina rushes to Boris. He says that he is being sent to Siberia. “Take me with you too!” - Katerina begs, but the weak-willed Boris refuses, citing his uncle’s will. “Well, go with God! - says Katerina. - Don't worry about me. Okay, at least I said goodbye to you. Let me look at you one last time!”

"Storm"- a play in five acts by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky.
Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" read in abbreviation should only be done if you do not have enough time to read the entire drama. "Thunderstorm" in abbreviation will not be able to convey all the small details from the life of the heroes, will not immerse you in the atmosphere of that time.

“Thunderstorm” a summary by chapter or action is presented below

"Thunderstorm" summary by chapter

"Thunderstorm" characters

    • Savel Prokofich Dikoy, merchant, significant person in the city. The man is evil and stingy.
    • Boris, his nephew, a young man, decently educated. In itself, not bad, but weak in character and will.
  • Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha), rich merchant's wife, widow. A powerful, cruel, very limited woman.
  • Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov, noble son. He is completely subservient to his mother and is afraid of her.
  • Katerina, main character, wife of Tikhon Kabanov. Smart, beautiful in body and soul. She has a lively, life-loving soul, but Kabanikha’s cruelty, Tikhon’s lack of will and Boris’s cowardice push her towards suicide.
  • Varvara, sister of Tikhon. An indifferent and cold girl, she acts only for selfish purposes.
  • Kuligin, a peasant, a self-taught watchmaker, searching for a perpetuum mobile.
  • Vanya Kudryash, a young man, Wild's clerk.
  • Shapkin, tradesman.
  • Feklusha, wanderer.
  • Glasha, a girl in Kabanikha’s house.
  • Lady with two footmen, an old woman of seventy years old, half crazy.
  • City residents of both sexes (m/f), as well as guests from the city of Novovolzhye (m/f)

The unenviable fate of young girls who married not out of love, but out of duty, is reflected in the image of Katerina from Ostrovsky’s play. At that time in Russia, society did not accept divorce, and unfortunate women, forced to obey the norm, quietly suffered from a bitter fate.

Act one

Public garden on the banks of the Volga.

Sitting on a bench, tradesman Kuligin admires the Volga. Kudryash and Shapkin, who are walking, hear the merchant Dikoy scolding his nephew and discuss this. Kudryash sympathizes with Boris Grigorievich, believes that Dikiy needs to be properly frightened so that he does not mock people.

Shapkin recalls that Dikoy wanted to give Kudryash as a soldier. Kudryash assures that Dikoy is afraid of him; Kudryash regrets that the merchant does not have a daughter, otherwise he would have fun with her.

Boris obediently listens to Dikiy’s scolding and leaves.

Grandmother disliked Boris's father because he married a noble woman. Gregory's wife also quarreled with her mother-in-law all the time. The young family had to move to Moscow. When Boris grew up, he entered the Commercial Academy, and his sister entered a boarding school. Their parents died of cholera. If the children are respectful to their uncle, he will pay them the inheritance left by their grandmother. Kuligin believes that Boris and his sister will not receive any inheritance. Dikoy scolds everyone at home, but they cannot answer him. Boris tries to do everything he is ordered, but then still does not receive money. If Diky is contradicted by someone to whom he cannot answer, then he takes his anger out on his family.

The wanderer Feklusha blesses the Kabanovs' house and the entire Russian land. The boar gave the stranger a gift. She always gives to the poor, and does not care about her relatives at all.

Kuligin dreams of finding money for modeling and creating perpetual motion machine.

Boris envies Kuligin's dreaminess and carefree nature. Boris has to ruin his life, he is in a hopeless situation, and has also fallen in love.

Tikhon tries to dissuade his mother that his wife is dearer to him than her. When Katerina enters the conversation, Kabanikha says that Tikhon must keep his wife at bay. Tikhon does not agree with his mother; it is enough for him that his wife loves him. Kabanikha says that if he does not have strict power over his wife, Katerina will take a lover.

Tikhon always gets it from his mother because of Katerina, he asks his wife to be more restrained. Tikhon goes to Dikiy’s for a drink before his mother returns.

Katerina tells Varvara how she lived with her parents and regrets that people cannot fly like birds. Katerina smells trouble; admits to Varvara that she loves someone else, not her husband. Varvara, accustomed to lies, promises Katerina to somehow facilitate her dates with her chosen one, but fear of sin makes the “husband’s wife” resist.

A half-crazed lady, who appeared accompanied by two lackeys, shouts that beauty leads to the abyss and threatens fiery hell.

Katerina is very frightened by the lady’s words. Varvara calms her down. When a thunderstorm begins, Katerina and Varvara run away.

Act two

A room in the Kabanovs' house.

Glasha tells Feklusha that everyone is constantly quarreling, but should live in peace. Feklusha replies that there are no ideal people, she herself is a sinner: she loves to eat. The Wanderer talks about other countries, the people who live and rule in them. All these stories are extremely far from the truth and resemble a confused fairy tale. Trusting Glasha believes that if it were not for the wanderers, people would not know anything about other countries, but they enlighten them. Feklusha is the image of a superstitious woman who lives by the most wild and backward ideas about the world. However, everyone believes her - even if she talks about people with “dog heads”.

Katerina tells Varvara that she cannot stand it when they offend her and tries to immediately disappear somewhere. She admits that she loves Boris, who is also not indifferent to her. Varvara regrets that they have nowhere to see each other. Katerina does not want to betray Tikhon. Varvara objects to her that if no one finds out, then you can do whatever you want. Katerina tells Varvara that she is not afraid of death and can commit suicide. Varvara announces that she wants to sleep in the gazebo, on fresh air, and calls Katerina with him.

Tikhon and Kabanikha join Katerina and Varvara. Tikhon leaves and, following his mother’s instructions, tells his wife how she should live without him.

Left alone with her husband, Katerina asks him to stay. But he cannot help but go, since his mother sent him. He also refuses to take her with him, because he wants to take a break from the horror of home life. Katerina falls to her knees in front of her husband and asks her to take an oath of fidelity.

When saying goodbye to her husband, Katerina has to bow at his feet according to Kabanikha’s instructions.

Left alone, Kabanikha regrets that there is no former respect for old people, that young people don’t know how to do anything, but want to live independently.

Katerina believes that chasing after her husband who has left and howling on the porch only makes people laugh. Kabanikha scolds her for not doing this.

Katerina is worried about Tikhon’s departure and regrets that they still don’t have children. She says that it would be better if she died as a child.

Varvara went to sleep in the garden, took the key to the gate, gave Kabanikha another, and gave this key to Katerina. At first she refused, then she accepted.

Katerina hesitates. Then she decides to see Boris, and then she won’t care. She keeps the key.

Act three

The street at the gate of the Kabanovs' house.

Feklusha tells Kabanikha about Moscow: it’s noisy, everyone is in a hurry, running somewhere. Peace is dear to Kabanova, she says she will never go there.

Dikoy comes up to the house and scolds Kabanikha. Then he apologizes, complaining about his hot temper. He says that the reason for this is the workers’ request to pay wages, which he cannot voluntarily give due to his character.

Boris came to pick up Dikiy. He complains that he cannot talk to Katerina. Kuligin complains that there is no one to talk to, no one walks along the new boulevard: the poor have no time, the rich are hiding behind closed gates.

Kudryash and Varvara kiss. Varvara makes an appointment with Boris in a ravine behind the garden, intending to bring him together with Katerina.

Night, ravine behind the Kabanovs’ garden.

Kudryash plays the guitar and sings a song about a free Cossack.

Boris doesn't like the meeting place, he quarrels with Kudryash. Kudryash realizes that Boris loves Katerina; talks about the stupidity of her husband and the anger of her mother-in-law.

Varvara and Kudryash go for a walk, leaving Katerina alone with Boris. Katerina first drives Boris away, says that it is a sin, and accuses him of ruining her. Then she confesses her love to him.

Kudryash and Varvara see that the lovers have agreed on everything. Kudryash praises Varvara for her idea with the key to the gate. Having agreed on a new date, everyone goes their separate ways.

Act four

A narrow gallery with paintings on the walls Last Judgment.

People walking are hiding from the rain in the gallery, discussing the paintings.

Kuligin and Dikoy run into the gallery. Kuligin asks Dikiy for money for a sundial. Dikoy refuses. Kuligin convinces him that the city needs lightning rods. Dikoy shouts that lightning rods will not save the city and people from God’s punishment, which is a thunderstorm. Kuligin leaves without achieving anything. The rain is stopping.

Varya tells Boris that after her husband’s arrival, Katerina became not herself, like crazy. Varvara fears that in this state Katerina might confess everything to Tikhon. The thunderstorm resumed.

On stage are Katerina, Kabanikha, Tikhon and Kuligin.

Katerina considers the thunderstorm to be God's punishment for her sins. Noticing Boris, she loses her composure. Kuligin explains to the people that a thunderstorm is not God’s punishment, that there is nothing to be afraid of, that rain nourishes the earth and plants, and people themselves invented everything and are now afraid. Boris takes Kuligin away, saying that it is worse among people than in the rain.

People say that this thunderstorm is not without reason, it will kill someone. Katerina asks to pray for her, because she believes that they should kill her, since she is a sinner.

The half-crazy lady tells Katerina to pray to God and not be afraid of God’s punishment. Katerina confesses to her family that she has committed sin. Kabanikha says that she warned everyone, foresaw everything.

Act five

Public garden on the banks of the Volga.

Tikhon tells Kuligin about his trip to Moscow, that he drank a lot there, but never remembered his home. Reports about his wife's infidelity. He says that it’s not enough to kill Katerina, but he took pity on her, only beat her a little on mother’s orders. Tikhon agrees with Kuligin that Katerina must be forgiven, but mother ordered to remember and punish her wife all the time. Tikhon is pleased that Dikoy is sending Boris to Siberia on business. Kuligin says that Boris must also be forgiven. After this incident, Kabanikha began to lock Varvara with a key. Then Varvara ran away with Kudryash. Glasha reports that Katerina has disappeared somewhere.

Katerina came to say goodbye to Boris. She scolds herself for bringing trouble to Boris, saying that it would be better if she was executed.

Boris arrives. Katerina asks to take her to Siberia. She says she can no longer live with her husband. Boris is afraid that someone will see them. He says that it is hard for him to part with his beloved, and promises to give to the poor so that they will pray for her. Boris does not have the strength with which to fight for their happiness.

Katerina does not want to go home - both the house and the people are disgusting to her. He decides not to return, approaches the shore, says goodbye to Boris.

Kabanikha, Tikhon and Kuligin arrive. Kuligin says that Katerina was last seen here. Kabanikha insists that Tikhon punish Katerina for treason. Kuligin runs to the screams of people near the shore.

Tikhon wants to run after Kuligin, but Kabanikha, threatening with a curse, does not let him in. People bring dead Katerina: she threw herself from the shore and crashed.

Kuligin says that Katerina is now dead, and they can do whatever they want with her. Katerina's soul is on trial, and the judges there are more merciful than the people. Tikhon blames his mother for his wife's death. He regrets that he remained alive, now he will only have to suffer.

Ostrovsky made his heroine of the play “The Thunderstorm” a woman of high morals, spiritual, but so airy and dreamy that she was simply unable to survive in the environment prepared for her by fate. "Storm!" This fatal name is fraught with several meanings. It seems that everything is to blame for the thunderstorm that frightened the already guilty Katerina. She was very pious, but life with an indifferent husband and a tyrant mother-in-law forced her to rebel against the rules. She paid for this. But one might wonder if her fate would have ended this way if there had not been this thunderstorm. Considering Katerina’s natural inability to lie, the betrayal would still have been revealed. And if she had not given herself over to love, she would simply have gone crazy.

The husband, crushed by his mother’s authority, treated Katerina indifferently. She was anxiously looking for love. She initially felt that this would lead her to death, but could not resist her feelings - she had lived in captivity for too long. She was ready to run after Boris to Siberia. Not from great love, but from these hateful walls, where she could not breathe freely. But the lover turns out to be as weak in spirit as her unloved husband.

The result is tragic. Disappointed in life and in men, childless and unhappy Katerina is no longer kept on earth. Her last thoughts are about saving her soul.

The unenviable fate of young girls who married not out of love, but out of duty, is reflected in the image of Katerina from Ostrovsky’s play. At that time in Russia, society did not accept divorce, and unfortunate women, forced to obey the norm, quietly suffered from a bitter fate.

It is not for nothing that the author describes in detail through Katerina’s memories her childhood - happy and carefree. In her married life, the exact opposite of the happiness she dreamed of awaited her. The author compares it with a ray of immaculate, pure light in the dark kingdom of despotism, lack of will and vices. Knowing that for a Christian, suicide is the most serious mortal sin, she still gave up, throwing herself off the Volga cliff.

Action 1

The action takes place in a public garden near the banks of the Volga. Sitting on a bench, Kuligin enjoys the beauty of the river. Kudryash and Shapkin are walking slowly. Dikiy's scolding can be heard from afar; he scolds his nephew. Those present begin to discuss the family. Kudryash acts as a defender of the destitute Boris, believing that he suffers, like other people who have submitted to fate, from a despot-uncle. Shapkin responds to this that it was not in vain that Dikoy wanted to send Kudryash to serve. To which Kudryash says that Dikoy is afraid of him and knows that his head cannot be taken cheaply. Kudryash complains that Dikiy has no marriageable daughters.

Then Boris and his uncle approach those present. Dikoy continues to scold his nephew. Then Dikoy leaves, and Boris explains the family situation. He and his sister were left orphans while they were still training. Parents died of cholera. The orphans lived in Moscow until their grandmother died in the city of Kalinov (where the action takes place). She bequeathed an inheritance to her grandchildren, but they will be able to receive it after coming of age from their uncle (Wild), on the condition that they will honor him.

Kuligin reasons that Boris and his sister are unlikely to receive an inheritance, because Dikoy can consider any word as disrespectful. Boris completely obeys his uncle, works for him without salary, but is of little use. The nephew, like the whole family, is afraid of the Wild One. He shouts at everyone, but no one can answer him. It happened once that Dikiy was cursed by a hussar when they collided at a crossing. He could not answer the serviceman, which is why he became very angry and then took his anger out on his family for a long time.

Boris continues to complain about his difficult life. Feklusha approaches with a lady who praises the Kabanovs’ house. They say that supposedly nice and pious people live there. They leave, and now Kuligin expresses his opinion about Kabanikha. He says that she completely ate her family. Then Kuligin says that it would be nice to invent a perpetual motion machine. He is a young developer who doesn't have money to make models. Everyone leaves, and Boris is left alone. He thinks about Kuligin and calls him a good man. Then, remembering his fate, he sadly says that he will have to spend his entire youth in this wilderness.

Kabanikha appears with her family: Katerina, Varvara and Tikhon. Kabanikha nags her son that his wife has become dearer to him than his mother. Tikhon argues with her, Katerina intervenes in the conversation, but Kabanikha does not allow her to say a word. Then he again attacks his son that he cannot keep his wife strict, hinting that he is so close to a lover.

Kabanikha leaves, and Tikhon accuses Katerina of motherly reproaches. Upset, he goes to Dikiy for a drink. Katerina stays with Varvara and remembers how freely she lived with her parents. She was not particularly forced to do chores, she only carried water, watered flowers, and prayed in church. She saw beautiful vivid dreams. What now? She is overcome by the feeling that she is standing on the edge of an abyss. She has a presentiment of trouble, and her thoughts are sinful.

Varvara promises that once Tikhon leaves, she will come up with something. Suddenly a crazy lady appears, accompanied by two lackeys, she loudly shouts that beauty can lead to the abyss, and scares the girls of fiery hell. Katerina is scared, and Varvara tries to calm her down. A thunderstorm begins and the women run away.

Act 2

Kabanov's house. In the room, Feklusha and Glasha are having a conversation about human sins. Feklusha argues that it is impossible to live without sin. At this time, Katerina tells Varvara the story of her childhood resentment. Someone offended her and she ran to the river, got into a boat, and then she was found ten miles away. Then she admits that she is in love with Boris. Varvara convinces her that he also likes her, but they have nowhere to meet. But then Katerina gets scared of herself and assures that she won’t exchange her Tikhon, and says that when she gets completely fed up with life in this house, she will either throw herself out the window or drown herself in the river. Varvara again calms her down and says that as soon as Tikhon leaves, she will think of something.

Kabanikha and her son come in. Tikhon is getting ready to set off, and his mother continues her instructions so that he instructs his wife on how she should live while her husband is away. Tikhon repeats her words. Kabanikha and Varvara leave, and, left alone with her husband, Katerina asks him not to leave her or to take her with him. Tikhon resists and says that he wants to be alone. Then she throws herself on her knees in front of him and asks him to take an oath from her, but he does not listen to her and picks her up from the floor.

The women see Tikhon off. Kabanikha forces Katerina to say goodbye to her husband as expected, bowing at her feet. Katerina ignores her. Left alone, Kabanikha is indignant that old people are no longer revered. Katerina enters, and the mother-in-law again begins to reproach her daughter-in-law for not saying goodbye to her husband as expected. To which Katerina says that she doesn’t want to make people laugh, and doesn’t know how.

Alone, Katerina regrets that she does not have children. Then she regrets that she did not die as a child. Then she would certainly become a butterfly. Then she prepares herself to wait for her husband’s return. Varvara comes in and persuades Katerina to ask to take a nap in the garden. There the gate is locked, Kabanikha has the key, but Varvara replaced it and gives it to Katerina. She doesn't want to take the key, but then she does. Katerina is confused - she is afraid, but she also really wants to see Boris. He puts the key in his pocket.

Act 3

Scene 1

On the street near the Kabanovs’ house stands Kabanikha and Feklusha, who reflects that life has become hectic. City noise, everyone is running somewhere, but in Moscow everyone is in a hurry. Kabanikha agrees that you need to live a measured life, and says that she would never go to Moscow.

Dikoy appears, having taken quite a bit of it to his chest, and starts a squabble with Kabanova. Then Dikoy cooled down and began to apologize, blaming the reason for his condition on the workers, who from the very morning began to demand wages from him. The wild one leaves.

Boris sits upset because he has not seen Katerina for a long time. Kuligin arrives and, admiring the beauty of nature, reflects that the poor have no time to walk and enjoy this beauty, but the rich sit behind fences, their house is guarded by dogs so that no one sees how they rob orphans and relatives. Varvara appears in the company of Kudryash. They kiss. Kudryash and Kuligin leave. Varvara is busy with a meeting between Boris and Katerina, appointing a place in the ravine.

Scene 2

Night. Behind the Kabanovs' garden in the ravine, Kudryash sings a song, playing the guitar. Boris arrives and they start arguing over a place for a date. Kudryash does not give in, and Boris admits that he is in love with a married woman. Curly, of course, guessed who she was.

Varvara appears and goes for a walk with Kudryash. Boris is left alone with Katerina. Katerina accuses Boris of ruined honor. She is afraid to move on with her life. Boris reassures her, inviting her not to think about the future, but to enjoy the togetherness. Katerina confesses her love for Boris.

Kudryash arrives with Varvara and asks how the lovers are doing. They talk about their confessions. Kudryash suggests continuing to use this gate for meetings. Boris and Katerina agree on their next date.

Act 4

A dilapidated gallery with paintings of the Last Judgment on the walls. It's raining, people are hiding in the gallery.

Kuligin talks to Dikiy, asking him to donate money for the installation sundial in the center of the boulevard, and at the same time persuades him to install lightning rods. Dikoy refuses, shouts at Kuligin, superstitiously believing that a thunderstorm is God’s punishment for sins, he calls the developer an atheist. Kuligin leaves him and says that they will return to the conversation when he has a million in his pocket. The storm is ending.

Tikhon returns home. Katerina becomes not herself. Varvara reports to Boris about her condition. The storm is coming again.

Kuligin, Kabanikha, Tikhon and a frightened Katerina come out. She is afraid and it shows. She perceives the thunderstorm as God's punishment. She notices Boris and gets even more scared. People's words reach her that thunderstorms happen for a reason. Katerina is already sure that lightning should kill her and asks her to pray for her soul.

Kuligin tells people that a thunderstorm is not punishment, but grace for every living blade of grass. The crazy lady and her two lackeys appear again. Turning to Katerina, she shouts at her not to hide. There is no need to be afraid of God's punishment, but you need to pray that God will take away her beauty. Katerina already sees fiery hell, and she tells everyone about her affair on the side.

Action 5

It was dusk in the public garden on the banks of the Volga. Kuligin sits alone on a bench. Tikhon comes up to him and talks about his trip to Moscow, where he drank all the time, but didn’t even remember about home, complains that his wife cheated on him. She says that she needs to be buried alive in the ground, as her mother advises. But he feels sorry for her. Kuligin persuades him to forgive his wife. Tikhon is pleased that Dikoy sent Boris to Siberia for three whole years. His sister Varvara ran away from home with Kudryash. Glasha said that Katerina was nowhere to be found.

Katerina is alone and really wants to see Boris to say goodbye. She complains about her unhappy fate and about human judgment, which is worse than execution. Boris comes and says that his uncle sent him to Siberia. Katerina is ready to follow him and asks him to take her with him. She says that her drunkard husband disgusts her. Boris looks around all the time, afraid that they will be seen. In parting, Katerina asks to give alms to the beggars so that they pray for her. Boris leaves.

Katerina goes to the shore. At this time, Kuligin talks with Kabanikha, accusing her of instructing her son against her daughter-in-law. Here you can hear screams that a woman has thrown herself into the water. Kuligin and Tikhon rush to help, but Kabanikha stops her son, threatening to curse him. He will stay. Katerina fell to her death, people bring her body.

Ostrovsky made his heroine of the play “The Thunderstorm” a woman of high morals, spiritual, but so airy and dreamy that she was simply unable to survive in the environment prepared for her by fate. "Storm!" This fatal name is fraught with several meanings. It seems that everything is to blame for the thunderstorm that frightened the already guilty Katerina. She was very pious, but life with an indifferent husband and a tyrant mother-in-law forced her to rebel against the rules. She paid for this. But one might wonder if her fate would have ended this way if there had not been this thunderstorm. Considering Katerina’s natural inability to lie, the betrayal would still have been revealed. And if she had not given herself over to love, she would simply have gone crazy.

The husband, crushed by his mother’s authority, treated Katerina indifferently. She was anxiously looking for love. She initially felt that this would lead her to death, but could not resist her feelings - she had lived in captivity for too long. She was ready to run after Boris to Siberia. Not from great love, but from these hateful walls, where she could not breathe freely. But the lover turns out to be as weak in spirit as her unloved husband.

The result is tragic. Disappointed in life and in men, childless and unhappy Katerina is no longer kept on earth. Her last thoughts are about saving her soul.
