Where is my man when I meet him. Where and how to find your soulmate? Numerology online. Our inner dragons

    I've been single for a year now, after a bad breakup I finally feel ready for a relationship. I wanted to know when? Thank you for the advice to be more open to dating, I’ll definitely listen to it. By the way, I scored 29 points, and my phone number ends in 29, funny)

    How many tests have I already passed, everyone promises that it will happen, just leave the house. And the years go by and nothing happens, just some strangers appear and disappear from my life ((

    Interesting test! The result says that I will meet my love very soon 💏 I really hope so! I want to experience that extraordinary feeling that legends are about))

    I hope to meet my betrothed soon! The test just predicts for me quick love! I already know which one I want Wedding Dress, all that remains is to find a groom))

    Oh, we can talk endlessly about the topic of love! The test predicts love for me at 22 years old. Just a little time left to wait! But I think I already know his name))

    Why is it so not soon (((I’m not ready to wait another 3 whole years, I really want a serious relationship already! Maybe I should take the test again 😁let’s speed up the meeting)))

    Scored 30 points. This means that very soon I will meet my love, I just need to be a little open. Indeed, sometimes I am withdrawn and approach new acquaintances with caution. Perhaps we need to be bolder.

    So I scored 30 points, but on the contrary, I am always open to new acquaintances. I just had a bad breakup in the past. I kind of want a new relationship, but at the same time I’m afraid.

    Thank you for such a wonderful test, I passed it very quickly, but so much useful tips received. I will try to be open to new acquaintances and meetings. I feel like I’ll meet my soulmate very soon💖️

    Test 🔥 fire. I was glad to participate and receive necessary advice. Yes, I really really want to meet my love as quickly as possible. So tired of being alone.

    Scored 50 points. It is difficult to meet love with a sad expression on your face. But what if all my attempts always end in even greater disappointment?!! I'm already tired of looking for my love, why isn't she looking for me? While I'm taking a break, I'll take better care of myself.

    And I scored 20 points and this means that very soon I will meet my loved one. I can’t wait anymore, I really want a big wedding and little kids😄 my other half, I’m waiting for you!

    It was interesting to know the results. Yes, I'm really ready for serious relationship. I will try to be more open to new acquaintances. It’s hard to trust people in our world; there are a lot of irresponsible guys.

    Very interesting test! I think I'm ready for a serious relationship. I want to start a family and give birth to children)) I hope all this will come true soon!

    I really want to meet my your soul mate!! But not everyone is so lucky in life! I hope I'll be happy)) the test says everything will be soon)

    But I'm in no hurry. Still, it is very responsible. Even after 3 years, the main thing is for life. I know that happiness will definitely await me☺✨

    My love is walking somewhere nearby. Actually, I think I’ve already found him, he just doesn’t know about it yet)) the test said that everything will be done soon 🤞

    I’m still very young for marriage) but I’m ready to meet love) I still have time to meet for a couple of years) the test said that in 2 years I will be happy)

    You really can’t find love with a sad face) I need to change urgently, otherwise my family calls me a letter ((and I don’t want to be left alone at all!

Fortune telling about when you will be able to meet your love is suitable not only for young girls. It can be used with equal success by divorced ladies who want to find out the approximate time of a new acquaintance. It is not recommended to guess again after divination. A repeat session is usually carried out no earlier than after one moon month. Otherwise, objects or cards used for fortune telling may tell lies.

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    Fortune telling on cards

    Tarot cards not only help you find out when you will meet your chosen one. They also give advice on whether the fortuneteller should enter into this relationship, and what the features of the new love affair will be. Deck playing cards gives information about the month of the meeting and the seriousness of the man’s intentions.

    Tarot spread "New Union"

    Fortune telling allows you to find out whether a lonely person will find a soul mate in the next 6-12 months. The deck will also tell you what to do so that a joyful meeting occurs as soon as possible and the union is successful.

    A significator is pre-selected - a card indicating the questioner. It can be selected either from the deck on which the layout is made, or from another set of cards. When the significator is chosen, the cards are shuffled. When shuffling, a time period is guessed about which the deck is asked about. Then five cards are selected and laid out in a row.

    The Arcana are interpreted as follows:

    1. 1. What does the questioner expect from a future relationship?
    2. 2. Will she meet her betrothed at the appointed time?
    3. 3. If she meets a new person, will this union bring joy? If not, isn't it preferable to stay alone during this period?
    4. 4. If the meeting happens, what good can it bring to this relationship? If it doesn't happen, what should you do to meet a new person?
    5. 5. What impact will this relationship have on the life of the fortuneteller.
    6. 6. Final advice from the deck.

    On the Lenormand deck

    The deck is shuffled and a specific time limit is requested. For example, “Will I meet my love in the next three months?” Then, one at a time, the cards are laid out face down in accordance with the diagram:

    The Lenormand layout is interpreted as follows (S - significator):

    1. 1. Answers whether a meeting with your lover will happen in the near future.
    2. 2. Describes what circumstances will accompany a fateful acquaintance.
    3. 3. Will tell you how the new connection will develop.
    4. 4. Tells about the man’s attitude towards the fortuneteller.
    5. 5. About his psycho-emotional state.
    6. 6. About the peculiarities of his intellect.
    7. 7. About the financial capabilities of the new man.
    8. 8. About inner, spiritual potential.
    9. 9. About his dreams and aspirations.
    10. 10. About the peculiarities of the new fan’s family environment.
    11. 11. About what the new partner expects from a love relationship.
    12. 12. Indicates the past experience of the fortuneteller in love.
    13. 13. Will give advice on how a fortuneteller should build her strategy of behavior.
    14. 14. General advice from the deck about whether it is worth entering into a new relationship, or whether it is safer to remain alone during the specified period of time.

    On playing cards

    For fortune telling, take a deck of playing cards. It is important that it be new, unplayed. The prediction is made a year in advance.

    A blank card is placed in the center of the table, symbolizing the questioner. Most best option for fortune telling for love - the queen of hearts. The deck is shuffled and 12 cards are laid out face down around the form. Then they can be put aside and begin interpretation:

    • Jacks indicate minor intrigues, young guys without serious intentions. Such cards speak of people who are only interested in flirting.
    • Kings- wealthy and fulfilled men who will pay attention to the witch. It is not yet possible to judge their intentions with certainty.
    • Aces indicate serious contenders for a hand and a heart who will want to connect their lives with the sorceress. If several aces fall out, the fortuneteller faces a serious choice that will predetermine her future life.
    • Ace of Hearts indicates a person who is ready to do anything for the fortuneteller’s happiness. He will become her faithful and reliable husband.

    If such cards do not appear in the layout, do not fall into despair. The cards predict the future depending on the current situation, which may change in the future. A similar session can be repeated (but not earlier than 4 weeks).

    Fortune telling by runes

    To get a prediction, you should mix the runes and take out one at random. They are interpreted as follows:

    • Y (Yer)- in the near future there will be a pleasant acquaintance, which in the future will lead to a happy marriage.
    • X (Kano)- the fortuneteller will meet a new man, but in order to “help” him fall in love, she will need to make a lot of effort;
    • Z (Algiz)- a romantic acquaintance will occur, but the compatibility of the fortuneteller with this person will be low.
    • V (Vunyo)- a love affair is possible provided that the fortuneteller overcomes her shortcomings and begins to adhere to a more optimistic view of the world.
    • L (Laguz)- in the next few months the fortuneteller will meet a new acquaintance, but the connection will be fleeting.
    • S (Soulu)- within six months, the fortuneteller will meet a man with whom they will subsequently diverge.
    • H (Hagall)- acquaintance will happen in the next few weeks, but whether the relationship will last depends on the lovers.

    If you come across a rune that is not on the list, there will be no romantic encounters yet. Using this method, you can tell fortunes not only for your new love, but also for your intended person. In this case, the fallen rune will indicate the characteristics of the relationship with him or the time most favorable for starting communication.

    By date of birth

    You can determine the time of meeting your future chosen one using numerology. First you need to determine the number of the event. It is calculated as follows:

    1. 1. The number of birth is calculated. To do this, add up all the numbers of the date of birth and bring them to prime number. For example, the fortuneteller was born on August 15, 1990, i.e. 1+5+0+8+1+9+9+0=33, 3+3=6.
    2. 2. The number of the day on which fortune telling is performed is calculated in the same way. For example, they say fortune on January 23, 2020. 2+3+0+1+2+0+2+0=10. 1+0=1.
    3. 3. The resulting numbers are added and, if necessary, brought to a prime number. In the example under consideration last operation not needed: 6+1= 7.

    The final result obtained allows us to judge the time of the meeting:

    1. 1. Romantic acquaintance is just around the corner; your chosen one will meet in the next 6 months.
    2. 2. The fortuneteller will meet the man of her dreams within a year after the session.
    3. 3. Personal life will settle down only after the fortuneteller is psychologically ready for this.
    4. 4. Very soon new love will burst into life.
    5. 5. It all depends on the behavior of the fortuneteller; she should be more sociable and open.
    6. 6. If there is any event coming up in the near future, you should be on your guard: this is where the long-awaited meeting will take place.
    7. 7. A lot of time will pass before acquaintance takes place - at least 1 year.
    8. 8. The time of the meeting depends on the desire of the fortuneteller to make new acquaintances.
    9. 9. The love affair will begin in the next few months.

    Find out about the New Year's Eve meeting

    This simple method allows you to find out your fate New Year. On the morning of January 1, you should go out into the street and count how many buttons the first passerby you come across has. To stop him for a while, you can come up with an unobtrusive excuse. For example, ask what time it is.

    An alternative version of this fortune telling is to count the number of birds on the tree. To do this, you don’t have to leave the house, but just look out the window.

    By the number of buttons or birds you can judge whether a date will happen in the coming year:

    • if the quantity is zero - not yet;
    • if odd - yes;
    • if it's even, no.

    Before carrying out fortune telling, you can mentally ask the question about how many months or years later the meeting will take place. In this case, the number of buttons or birds will be the answer.

    Fortune telling with additional items

    The following fortune telling uses additional attributes in the form of stones and cones. These objects, as in other methods, take on the role of a conductor of information from the subtle plane. Therefore, the main element of successful divination is focusing on the issue of interest. This will allow you to charge objects with the necessary energy and get the correct answer about when the fateful meeting will take place.

    Ritual with stones

    The sacrament helps you find out when you will meet your loved one. To carry it out you will need the help of a friend. Important point: for fortune telling to be reliable, it should not be devoted to the intricacies of divination.


    1. 1. Take several round ones sea ​​stones. They should be different sizes(big and small).
    2. 2. All stones are placed in a bag.
    3. 3. A friend is asked to get 12 pieces at random.
    4. 4. After this, the attributes of fortune telling are counted.

    Small pebbles are days, large pebbles are months. For example, if a friend took 7 large stones and 12 small ones from a bag, a meeting with her future lover will occur in 7 months and 12 days.

    Sacrament with cones

    For the ceremony, five cones are taken. The following inscriptions are cut out or written with a marker:

    • six months;
    • 2 years;
    • soon;
    • not soon.

    Then all the cones are put into a canvas bag and they say: “I want to know the truth, when to look for my love.”

    After this, the cones are thrown up. The timing of the meeting is judged by their location. The one that fell closest to the fortuneteller indicates this period.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the problem is in you, all failures are just a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad force.

    But who will help in difficult life situation when it seems like your whole life is going downhill and passing you by. It’s hard to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 thousand for renting an apartment. Imagine my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight in better side. I couldn’t even imagine that it was possible to earn so much money that some trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered my personal...

Where and how to find your soulmate? Many of us are convinced that somewhere there is that special person who will make our lives perfect like no other. But how can you increase your chances of meeting your true love in this huge, fast-paced world?

There is an old legend that once upon a time in one country there lived a rich and handsome king, he had a lovely bride. They loved each other very much and were already planning to get married. But an evil sorceress fell in love with him. She decided that she must definitely marry him. She took on the guise of a lovely girl and “accidentally” met him when he was taking a walk through the forest. But the king did not pay attention to her. Next time she faked the meeting again, but now she decided to pretend the most beautiful bird to get into his bedroom. The king took it with him, but gave it to his uncle. For the third time she reincarnated into an unprecedented animal. However, this attempt was not crowned with success. The evil sorceress got angry and cast a spell on him: she took half of his heart from him and his beloved, and also took the bride to a distant kingdom so that they could not meet. Gradually, the king grew old and lost his beauty, as he was constantly sad and suffering, remembering his beloved. When the good sorceress saw what her evil colleague had done to the king, she decided to help him and gave him a ball that led him to the bride, and their hearts merged into one, the king recovered and regained his former beautiful appearance. The evil sorceress, seeing this, turned into stone out of hatred. And the guy and girl got married and lived happily ever after.

This is just a legend, but even today all people are in search of their soulmate, some find it right away, and some find it through long years and distances. Numerology will help you find out under what circumstances and where I will meet my soulmate.

First of all, you need to know the birth date of the person who is looking for a soul mate and the day of the week on which he was born. For example, the date of birth is February 11, 1994, it was Friday (5), we count - 1+1+2+1+9+9+4+5=32=5. His number is 5.

Online calculation: Where and how to look for your soulmate?

Date of Birth:

Your significant other is walking very close by. Only you don’t want to notice her, because you have known each other for a long time and no longer see in him a person whom you can love more than a friend and acquaintance. Think about who is always there when you feel bad, who responds when you are bored, and who you trust even more than yourself. Yes, you are not ready for such a relationship yet, but time will tell - very soon you will not even be able to breathe without his kisses and hugs.

Very soon you will have a work trip abroad. It is with this that the meeting with your soulmate will be connected. This can happen both on the way, in transport, and in a hotel. I would like to note that you will not really like this person, you are so similar in character that your first acquaintance will be like goats meeting on the same bridge, who will in no case give way to each other. But then your feelings will flare up like a fire, into which firewood of disputes and contradictions is constantly thrown. Your couple will never live in peace and harmony, but, nevertheless, you will be happy with each other.

You are a romantic by nature, but the story of meeting your soulmate, alas, will not be as romantic as you imagined. Everything will be banal and simple - you will see each other at friends’ houses, start communicating, understand that, in principle, you have a lot in common, and decide to move to a new level of communication - meeting and living together. Everything is fast and boring. If you decide to introduce romance, then it should come only from you.

You could write a book about meeting your soulmate. You will meet in the hospital - he is a doctor, you are a patient, or on an airplane - the conductor and the passenger, your romance will be stormy and bright - flowers in baskets, beautiful declarations of love, heroic deeds, parachute flights, romantic trips and much more that cannot be described in words, but only with emotions.

Your friend will introduce you to your soulmate. He is an old acquaintance of hers, who, by the way, has been interested in you for a long time. It’s also interesting that you also saw him more than once, although you didn’t know that he was the person about whom you were periodically told various news. Your dates will be full of romance and unforgettable events. As they say, there will be something to remember, but you can’t tell the children everything.

Your meeting will take place at a special event - a wedding, anniversary or birthday. You will immediately understand that this person is yours. True, your relationship will develop according to a slow scenario, you will even have time to start a small romance during this period. short term. By the way, your significant other will never know about this. He is too jealous to tease him with such stories.

It's terrible to break up couples, but your significant other will have a different relationship while dating you. However, you will be able to win him back, although the battle will be serious - he is a tasty morsel for his former passion. Be prepared for unpleasant surprises on her part even after he becomes yours. She will not give you a quiet life.

You will first meet virtually - work, chat or social network, and only then will you find out that you are practically neighbors, you will only be separated by a district or two. Most likely, you could have even met before, but, apparently, it was not fate to meet then. Initially, you will be interested in communication, common views on certain events, which will prompt you to meet, which will quickly turn into a romantic date.

Your significant other will be your boss, so at first your relationship will be purely professional and very scandalous, since the boss is serious and demanding, and you take your responsibilities rather superficially. However, one event will bring you closer, you will understand that you have a lot in common. This turn of events, by the way, will be the reason career growth your boss and your imminent maternity leave.

Despite its apparent simplicity, fortune telling is ultimately a ritual that predicts fate. Online version of any fortune telling
Of course, this is a less serious procedure than, say, real fortune telling with Tarot cards, but if you want to get the most
For an accurate result, we suggest you follow a number of simple rules before starting the fortune telling process:

1. Before starting fortune telling, be sure to focus on your question, think about what exactly you want to know.

2. During fortune telling, it is important to be in a calm environment, so that no one disturbs you.

3. For greater concentration, count to 10 and take 2-3 deep exhalations and inhalations.

4. It is very useful to think ahead about the time after which you want the fortune-telling to come true.

5. You should not repeat the same fortune-telling more than twice - the cards will lie. Try another fortune telling and change it a little
or clarify the question!

6. Even a negative answer from fortune telling should be perceived as positive. Remember that what is not done is all for the better!

7. And remember: You and only you decide what your future will be like! You have received a forecast, but how to act depends
only from you.

Good luck with your fortune telling!

Fortune telling “When will I meet my love” is common: girls not only want to believe that sooner or later they will meet their betrothed, but also want to know when the acquaintance will take place. With the help of simple and effective rituals it is easy to find the answer to the question.

In the article:

Fortune telling “When will I meet my love”

Exist different ways that will help you learn about love. For example, for love you can, . Using various magical attributes, you can determine when a girl will walk down the aisle, how many children will be in the marriage, etc.

To find out when a person will meet his love, you can use a simple method with a deck of playing cards. It is important that you have not previously played cards or guessed. With their help you can make a prediction for the year.

It is necessary to place a card in the center that will symbolize the fortuneteller (queen of hearts). The deck is carefully shuffled and 12 more are laid face down around the central card (one for each month, the first is considered to be the one when fortune telling occurs). The deck is put aside and fortune telling begins. Turn the cards face up and check the interpretation:

  • Valty- petty romances, admirers, suitors. Men will not have serious intentions, for the most part it is just flirting.
  • Kings- wealthy adult men who will be interested in a girl. It is impossible to say for sure whether their intentions will be serious or whether the relationship will be successful.
  • Aces(clubs, spade, tambourine) - candidates for a hand and a heart, men with whom you should connect your life. If there are several of them, there will be plenty to choose from.
  • Ace of Hearts - real love. A man will appear who is ready to do anything for the happiness of his chosen one. The man will become a husband.

If there are no jacks, kings and aces in the layout, you should not be upset. It is likely that the situation will change, so the situation is repeated in a month (a break of at least four weeks). Fortune telling will help determine in which month a romantic relationship will begin.

Ritual to meet your loved one

To find out when the long-awaited meeting with your lover will take place, you can use a simple ritual: you will need several round smooth sea pebbles of different sizes (large and small). The ritual is performed not independently, but with a friend. Important: the assistant is not taught the intricacies of fortune-telling for the sake of the correct result.

They put the pebbles in a bag and ask a friend to take out 12 stones. When the attributes are selected, lay them out in front of you and count them. Large pebbles are months, smaller ones are days. For example, if a friend takes out 8 large pebbles and 4 small ones, the girl will meet love in eight months and 4 days.

An effective ritual with cones

The ritual will help you find out how soon the girl will meet her betrothed. To carry out fortune telling, you need to arm yourself with five ordinary cones. On each you need to cut out the following inscription:

  • in six months;
  • in a year;
  • after 2 years;
  • soon;
  • not soon.

The attributes are thrown into a small bag made of coarse fabric and pronounced:

I want to know the truth when to look for my destiny.

They take cones out of the bag and toss them. They look at which one fell closest: the message will be the answer to the question.

How to determine where I will meet my love

There are various simple rituals that will help determine where a girl will meet her betrothed. Certain magical attributes are used to perform rituals. They cannot be replaced with other things.

Ritual with knife and sand

To carry out fortune telling, you need sand (river or sea), a candle and a knife with a black handle. Early in the morning, pour prepared sand onto a sheet of white paper, light a candle and pass a knife over the flame several times, saying:

Spirits, reveal your secrets to me, answer where I am destined to meet my beloved?

Using a knife, mix the sand: when the candle burns properly, pour wax onto the sand. After waiting until the wax dries a little, they interpret what they saw:

  • straight lines - meeting in the work sphere;
  • wavy - in an informal setting;
  • large circles - already familiar, will soon intersect again;
  • small circles - acquaintances in absentia or there are mutual friends through whom acquaintance is possible;
  • figures of animals or plants - meeting in nature;
  • silhouette of a person - acquaintance through a third party (relative, friend, employee, etc.).

Ritual with a mirror

There is another simple ritual that will allow you to determine where the girl will meet her betrothed. Information about the future is already stored in a person’s subconscious - you just need to get it out by asking a guardian angel (or another spirit) to show a dream in which the answer to the question will be.

Another option is fortune telling. You will need a mirror and wax candle. Exactly at midnight, they place both magical attributes in front of themselves, light a candle and say:

I want to see everything that is hidden from me. Show me where I will meet my betrothed!

They begin to peer into the mirror through the candle flame. If higher power ready to answer the question, after a while an image of the place where the girl will meet her future husband will appear.

When the ritual is completed, they thank the higher powers for the help provided, extinguish the candle, and cover the mirror with a white cloth and put it in dark place for three days.
