Fruits. What fruits and types of fruits are there? What are fruits made of?

The term “fruit” appeared in 1705 and since then has meant edible or inedible fruits of trees and shrubs (previously, all plant fruits were called vegetables). The product is one of the main components of the human diet, since, depending on the variety, it contains many vitamins and microelements. According to rough estimates, there are just over 2000 fruits on the planet.


A small tree or large shrub with a wide-rounded crown. Its reddish-brown or brown-olive, shiny, bare shoots, often in places (but not entirely) covered with a grayish film, buds 2-3 side by side, are very elegant. Very decorative during flowering, decorated with numerous large white or pale pink flowers, with dark red reflexed sepals. The apricot is no less beautiful at the time of fruiting, decorated with velvety-pubescent, often blushing, sweet, rounded fruits with a longitudinal groove up to 3 cm in diameter. The tree loves light and tolerates drought well, lives up to 50 years or more.


Interest in avocados has been steadily growing in recent years, but still few people know that there are varieties whose fruits are more like bottle gourds: there are black, pimply, oval and huge spherical avocados. Moreover, some of these varieties differ from each other three times in a number of important indicators of chemical composition. However, with the help of properly selected varieties, people in different parts of the world take care of their skin condition, hair health, treat atherosclerosis, alleviate the symptoms of arthritis and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Cherry plum

Strongly thorny branched multi-stemmed trees, sometimes shrubs, with thin brownish-green shoots, 3-10 meters high. Cherry plum flowers are white or pink, solitary. Blooms in early May. The fruits of the cherry plum ripen in August-September. An excellent honey plant and rootstock for plums.

A pineapple

Everyone knows that sweet ripe pineapple is added to salads, yoghurts and pies. Fewer people know that pineapples can be fermented and made into cabbage soup. Even fewer have heard that pineapple leaves are used to produce a light and durable leather substitute, new types of fabric, and nanofiber, which has become an alternative to plastic. And very few people know that scientists today, using the enzyme bromelain contained in pineapple, are finding new ways to treat respiratory diseases, angina pectoris, ischemia, and are also actively exploring the potential of the enzyme in the fight against cancer cells.

Annona (guanabana)

The tree in natural conditions reaches 6m in height, in a room it is much lower. Unlike some other annonas, this is an evergreen tree. The leaves are oval or oblong, glossy, leathery, dark green, up to 15 cm long. They have a slightly spicy odor, especially noticeable when rubbed. The flowers are fragrant, large (up to 4.5 cm in diameter), consist of three yellow-green fleshy outer petals and three pale yellow inner ones, and can appear in different places - on the trunk, branches and small twigs. Flowers never fully open. Guanabana fruits are oval or heart-shaped, often irregular in shape, up to 30 cm in length, 15 cm in diameter and weighing up to 3 kg, dark green in color, becoming yellow-green when ripe.


There are many legends about the beneficial properties of orange, some of which, however, are not confirmed by anything. For example, some believe that orange breaks all records for vitamin C content, although in fact it does not stand out among other citrus fruits in this parameter. Others believe that orange fruits (or freshly squeezed juice) can effectively burn fat and help you shed extra pounds in your diet. This is also not entirely true.


Bananas have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-allergenic properties. With the help of banana components (dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and norepinephrine) they treat atherosclerosis, hypertension, increase the activity of the liver enzyme, relieve convulsions, and small doses of banana increase the quality and quantity of sperm. The main thing is not to abuse the banana diet, so as not to get the opposite effect, and also not to provoke problems with excess weight and varicose veins.


Bergamot is a hybrid species of artificially bred plant of the Citrus genus. The plant was obtained by crossing orange and citron. Bergamot peel contains valuable essential oils used in the cosmetics and perfume industries, as well as in medicine.


Grapefruit (English) grape And fruit- grapes and fruit) is a citrus yellow-orange fruit that grows in subtropical climatic latitudes. Grapefruit grows on an evergreen tree of the same name, reaching a height of 13-15 m. The ripe fruit is no more than 15 cm in diameter. In terms of external characteristics, grapefruit is most similar to an orange, but its pulp is more sour, and the internal white veins are bitter. Many scientists believe that grapefruit appeared in India as a result of natural hybridization of pomelo and orange.


This is a fruit plant with a multi-thousand-year history of cultivation, which almost all this time has been fighting for the right to be no worse than its close relative - the apple. And the pear is really no worse. Potassium, antioxidants, coarse dietary fiber, lower amounts of fruit acids, fiber-related “light” sugars and other beneficial substances make this fruit both tasty and healthy, and in some cases, medicinal. For example, the ability of pears to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and prevent strokes has been experimentally proven.


A small evergreen tree up to 3-4 m high, it belongs to the myrtle family and tolerates drought well. Blooms once or twice a year. It produces one main harvest - up to 100 kg per tree and 2-4 additional, much smaller harvests. Guava ripens ninety to one hundred and fifty days after flowering. The shape and size of the fruit are extremely variable. Guava looks like a lumpy green or yellow apple. Guava fruits are round and pear-shaped, with bright yellow, reddish or green thin skin. The weight of fruits of cultivated varieties is from 70 to 160 g, fruit length is from 4 to 6.5 cm, diameter is 4.8-7.2 cm. Due to the content of hexahydroxydiphenic acid ester and arabinose, unripe fruits have a very sour taste, which disappears in ripe fruits.


A plant of the mulberry family, a close relative of the breadfruit tree. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh. Jackfruit fruits are the largest edible fruits growing on trees: 20-90 cm long and up to 20 cm in diameter, they weigh up to 34 kg. Their thick skin is covered with numerous cone-shaped projections. Young fruits are green, when ripe they become green-yellow or brown-yellow and when tapped they make a hollow sound (unripe fruits are hollow). Inside, the fruit is divided into large lobes containing yellow, aromatic, sweet pulp consisting of juicy soft fibers. Each lobe contains one rather large oblong white seed, 2-3 cm long. The cut jackfruit fruit has a pleasant specific smell, slightly reminiscent of banana and pineapple.

Dragon Fruit (Pitahaya)

An extraordinary fruit. It is currently grown in southern Mexico, some countries in Central and South America, Vietnam, and also in Israel (in the Negev Desert). Depending on the species, the size of pitahaya fruits, the color of the pulp (white, pink, purple), the color of the skin (from yellow to orange, from red to purple) and the texture of the surface of the fruit (with small outgrowths, with thin colored scales) vary. The pulp of the dragon fruit is always filled with small black seeds, which are usually peeled out.


Durian has such a disgusting smell that you are unlikely to be allowed into a public place with it. However, if you overcome your disgust or simply close your nose and taste the juicy pulp, you will immediately understand where the concept of the king of fruits came from.


An evergreen, slow-growing tree 5 m high with drooping branches and a dense, highly branched, rounded crown or shrub. The leaves are soft, dark green, smooth on top and covered with whitish pubescence below. The leaves are sensitive to light and cluster together at night. The flowers are small pink or purple-red. Carambola fruits are fleshy, crispy and juicy, slightly spicy, with massive ribbed growths, ranging in size from a chicken egg to a large orange. Ripe carambola fruits are amber yellow or golden yellow in color. They are unusual in shape - they look like a ribbed airship.


The herbaceous vine Actinidia sinensis and its fruits are berries with green flesh and brown skin covered with small hairs. The history of the kiwi is quite unusual. The homeland of the vine called mihutao, which became the ancestor of kiwi, is China.


Clementine or Citrus clementina is a variety of tangero. This is a hybrid of orange and tangerine. It was created back in 1902 by Father Klemen, who was not only a priest, but also a wonderful breeder. The shape of the fruit is the same as that of a tangerine, but they are much sweeter.


whale. golden orange
A yellow-orange tropical fruit of the citrus family of evergreens. This fruit also has other names - kincan and fortunella. Externally, the kumquat looks like a very small oval orange. It reaches a maximum of 5 cm in length and 4 cm in width. The fruit is consumed completely with the peel. The taste of the fruit is very close to the sour tangerine, but the peel has a sweet-tart taste. The kumquat is native to the southern part of China.


Lime is a fruit of a plant of the citrus family native to India, genetically similar to lemon.
Lime is a small tree or bush with a height of 1.5 to 5.0 m. The crown is dense, the branches are covered with short spines. Inflorescences are axillary, with 1-7 flowers, remontant flowering. Lime fruits are small - 3.5-6 cm in diameter, ovoid, lime pulp is greenish, juicy, very sour. The peel is green, yellowish-green or yellow, and very thin when fully ripe.


Although lemon is popularly considered to be the record holder for the amount of vitamin C, in fact, in terms of ascorbic acid content, it does not stand out among other citrus fruits and even lags behind some of its “brothers.” But this does not make it a useless product. Traditional medicine includes lemon in recipes for “a thousand diseases”: from seborrhea and arthritis, to constipation and tuberculosis. And scientific research is aimed at using lemon potential in therapy to restore liver function, reduce “bad” cholesterol and blood pressure.


lat. Litchi chinensis– Chinese plum
A small sweet and sour fruit covered with a crusty skin. The fruit grows on evergreen tropical trees, the height of which reaches 10-30 meters. The homeland is China. The fruit has an oval or round shape with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm. The ripe fruit has a dense red skin with a large number of sharp tubercles. Only the pulp of the fruit is used for food, which has a jelly-like structure, and in color and taste resembles peeled white grapes. Inside the pulp there is an oval brown seed. The main lychee harvest occurs in May-June.

Longan (Lam Yai)

The fruit of an evergreen longan tree, common in China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia.
The juicy pulp of longan has a sweet, very aromatic, nephelium-like taste with a peculiar tint. The color of the tough, inedible outer shell of the fruit varies from mottled yellowish to reddish. Like the Chinese lychee, the longan fruit contains a hard, dark red or black seed.


The evergreen mango tree has a height of 10 - 45 m, the crown of the tree reaches a radius of 10 m.
New leaves grow yellowish-pink in color, but quickly turn dark green. The flowers are white to pink and, once opened, have a scent similar to that of lilies. Ripe mango fruit hangs on long stems and weighs up to 2 kg. Mango peel is thin, smooth, green, yellow or red depending on the degree of ripeness (a combination of all three colors is often found). Mango pulp can be soft or fibrous, and depending on the ripeness of the fruit, it surrounds a large, hard, flat seed.


Tall evergreen tree up to 25 m high with a pyramidal crown and black-brown bark. The leaves are oval-oblong, dark green above and yellow-green below, 9 - 25 cm long and 4.5 - 10 cm wide. Young leaves are pink. Flowers with fleshy green petals with red spots. The mangosteen fruit is round, with a diameter of 3.4 - 7.5 cm, covered on top with a thick (up to 1 cm) burgundy-purple inedible peel containing adhesive coloring latex, under which there are 4-8 segments of white edible pulp with seeds tightly adjacent to it . Mangosteen bears fruit late - the first fruits on trees are 9-20 years old.


There are many myths about tangerine. Many people have probably heard that you can’t eat more than 4 fruits a day? This is an exaggeration - there is no common table for everyone indicating the dangerous amount of this citrus. They also say that the green leaves on a tangerine are a sign of its special freshness, that the oranger the peel, the sweeter the fruit, that the naringin contained in the zest directly burns fats, and that citrus fruits in general and tangerines in particular are perhaps the best source of vitamin C. That’s all. This is also not entirely true. But tangerine has properties that have been in demand in folk medicine for a long time, which make it a promising product in the fight against some serious diseases.

passion fruit

An ancient tropical crop of the genus Passiflora, producing oval fruits of yellow or dark purple color (when ripe) growing on vines. Passion fruit is grown for its juice, which is often added to other fruit juices for flavor. Passion fruit is a yellow-orange or dark purple oval-shaped fruit measuring about 6-12 cm. Fruits with smooth, shiny skin are preferred, but are sweeter with rough, cracked skin.


tour. muşmula
This is a whole genus of plants, including almost 30 species. However, there are two main cultivated types of loquat: German and Japanese. The German medlar has been known to mankind for more than 1000 BC. In the territories of Ancient Babylon and Mesopotamia, it was freely traded, and it was transported on ships to the west to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It was from here that medlar came to European lands. Today, German medlar grows in the Balkans, Asia Minor, the Crimean Mountains, Transcaucasia, Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Greece and northern Iran. The tree is quite finicky and grows well only in dry, sunny places and slightly acidic soil.


A fruit that is a smooth-skinned peach. Despite popular myth, nectarines are obtained through selection or simple mutation of peaches and are not a hybrid of peach and plum.
This classic example of a bud mutation occurred when peach trees self-pollinated. Peach trees sometimes produce nectarines, and nectarine trees sometimes produce peaches. Nectarines were first mentioned in 1616 in England.


A low, slender tree with a thin, branchless trunk 5-10 meters high, topped with an umbrella of palmately dissected leaves on long petioles. Papaya leaves are large, 50-70 centimeters in diameter. The flowers develop in the axils of the petioles, turning into large fruits, 10-30 cm in diameter and 15-45 cm in length. Ripe papaya fruits are soft and have a color ranging from amber to yellow.


Tree of the Rosaceae family, has a subgenus almond. It differs from almonds only in its fruits. The leaves are lanceolate with a serrated edge and almost sessile, appearing before the leaves develop, pink flowers. The fruit is a peach, spherical, with a groove on one side, usually velvety. The peach pit is wrinkled, furrowed and pitted.


English pomelo
Citrus fruits of the evergreen tree of the same name. The peel of the fruit is quite thick, and the segments are large, separated by hard white partitions that taste bitter. The color of ripe broom can vary from light green to yellow-pink. Usually only one side acquires a pink color, which was turned towards the sun during ripening. The fruit is a record holder among citrus fruits. Its diameter can be 30 cm, and its weight can reach 10 kg. The taste of pomelo is very close to grapefruit, but the pulp is not as juicy and when peeling, the internal membranes are more easily separated from the edible part.


It is also called Chinotto or Bigaradia - it is a woody evergreen plant belonging to the Rutaceae family, a species of the Citrus genus. It is considered a hybrid of pomelo and tangerine. Fresh bitter orange is considered inedible, and is valued mainly for its zest. The peel is quite easy to separate from the fruit; you just need to cut it into 4 parts. Orange zest is used to make desserts. It is also often added to ice cream. For this dessert you need to take orange zest and juice, cream and sugar. All this needs to be whipped with a mixer and sent for freezing.

Cleansing diet for 1-2 days

This is a very short-term diet for those who want to rid their body of toxins, especially after very heavy feasts and libations.
A cleanse diet is beneficial for everyone, whether we need to lose weight or not. The environment in the Western world is such that it pollutes our body with poisons, not only through the processed foods we consume, but also through polluted atmosphere and water. Most of the fruits and vegetables we eat are sprayed with pesticides, so even those who eat a healthy diet cannot protect themselves from contaminating their bodies with poisons. The only way to avoid consuming toxins and poisons in your diet is to buy naturally grown foods. A cleansing diet usually consists of you eating certain fruits and drinking plenty of mineral water. This is the best way to cleanse the body and remove swelling. Another method of cleansing the body is the juice flush, which involves drinking only freshly prepared juices from certain fruits or vegetables and abstaining from other foods. Proponents of this diet believe that the enzymes in some fruits even promote weight loss.

Typical menu for the day
Breakfast: An apple and after 30 minutes a glass of still mineral water.
Lunch: Two bananas and after 30-40 minutes several glasses of still mineral water.
Lunch: Fruit salad of fresh pineapple with strawberries or strawberries. A few glasses of still water.
During the day, drink another 750 ml of still water.

A cleansing diet gives your body a well-deserved break from toxins by performing a “spring cleaning” of the entire body.
A cleansing diet can spur the body to eliminate cellulite, which is caused by impaired lymph flow and stagnation of toxins in the body.

This diet is not designed for long-term use for the purpose of losing weight; it should only rid the body of harmful toxins. To maintain good health, you need to repeat this diet every few months.
The cleaning method is not suitable for people leading an active lifestyle, since they need maximum energy.
There is a possibility that you will experience headaches while following this diet. This is a sure sign that the body is getting rid of toxins. In the same way, a person suffers from headaches during a hangover.
While cleansing your body, you are unlikely to have the strength or desire to lead an active lifestyle, so it is best to stay at home and rest while your body cleanses itself.
ATTENTION! The diet cannot be followed for more than two days, since the body does not receive all the substances necessary for life.

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8 Exotic Fruits You Didn't Know About

8. Dacriodes edible
Dacryodes is an evergreen tree native to the tropical rainforests of Africa, northern Nigeria and southern Angola. The fruits, which range in color from deep blue to purple, are also known as African pears and are oblong in shape with pale green flesh inside. These fatty fruits were claimed to have the potential to end famine in Africa, as the fruit is made up of 48 percent essential fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins and triglycerides. It has been calculated that from one hectare planted with these trees, 7–8 tons of oil can be obtained, and all parts of the plant can be used.

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“For the test, prepare:
4 eggs
1 cup flour
1 cup of sugar
a pinch of soda
For the cream, prepare:
sour cream (fat, I had store-bought 25%) – 500 gr.
powdered sugar – 100 -150 gr.
a little cinnamon
fruits (to your taste, I used orange, banana, kiwi)
Decorate with chocolate or frosting if desired.
Making Pancho cake. We are preparing a biscuit. Beat the eggs well, add sugar and beat again, add flour and cocoa and beat again. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs or flour. Pour the dough into the mold and place in a preheated oven. Do not open the oven for 30 minutes. Then look and check for readiness with a toothpick. Then let it cool. In the meantime, let's get to the cream. Beat sour cream with powder and cinnamon. The cream is ready!
When the biscuit has cooled, divide the cake into 2 parts. One part of the biscuit should be thinner than the other. Cut most of it into cubes of arbitrary size. Place 1 cake layer (which is thinner) on a dish, grease with cream, lay out fruit (I laid out orange slices and filled the void between the oranges with banana). Cover the fruits with a second layer, which consists of biscuit cubes, grease them with cream again, again fruits (I have kiwi), more biscuit cubes and grease them with cream. Decorate with grated chocolate."

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The most beneficial foods for our body
Human beings are made up of 40% water, 19% protein, 15% fat, 5% minerals and 1% carbohydrates. All these substances are necessary for the flawless functioning of the human body.
It is also known that the human body has about 100 thousand kilometers of blood vessels, and the human eye is capable of distinguishing up to 250 colors and 10 million shades. The human finger can detect amplitude fluctuations of two ten-thousandths of a millimeter, and the human ear can distinguish between 3 and 4 thousand sounds of different pitches.
Scientists are constantly working on how to preserve these abilities of the human body and what foods are most important for our health.

Vegetables and fruits containing pectin are healthy foods for the liver. These are apples, pumpkin, quince and seaweed. Other “protectors” of the liver are beets, cabbage, corn, green tea and rose hips.

For many years, heart disease has been one of the key problems of humanity. To strengthen the heart, experts recommend eating fruits and berries, red fish, oats, soy, beans, avocados, spinach, cod liver, nuts and pomegranate juice.

For the skin, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, mangoes, asparagus, peaches, pomegranates, pumpkin and cucumbers are recommended. Great benefits from vegetable oil and green tea. These products contain many vitamins, amino acids and microelements that are necessary to maintain healthy skin.

For normal kidney function, it is recommended to consume foods containing vitamin A, that is, red peppers, spinach, carrots, onions, dill and parsley. In addition, pumpkin, melon, watermelon, plums and some varieties of apples are very beneficial for the kidneys.

The healthiest foods for the stomach are vegetables, fruits and grains. Nutritionists also recommend freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

Healthy hair requires elements of iron, zinc and silicon, which are found in mussels, veal, and various grains. Silicon can also be obtained from fruits, unpeeled vegetables and mushrooms.

For normal brain function, experts recommend eating more salmon, cocoa, coffee, blueberries and green tea. Seafood, pistachios, fruits and vegetables, bread, chocolate and oatmeal are great.

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Super fat burning diet! The diet is low-carbohydrate and has many options, as it provides a wide choice from a range of products, albeit in limited combinations.
The diet reduces the content of starchy carbohydrates and sugars, which helps normalize insulin in the blood, improves metabolism, and helps the process of weight loss.

Required conditions:

List 1. Proteins.
- 2 eggs in any form;

- 60 grams of low-fat cheese.
- 30 grams of any nuts.

List 2. Fruits and vegetables.

List 3. Carbohydrates.

- ¼ bagel.

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The diet is low-carbohydrate and has many options, as it provides a wide choice from a range of products, albeit in limited combinations.
The diet reduces the content of starchy carbohydrates and sugars, which helps normalize insulin in the blood, improves metabolism, and helps the process of weight loss.
The duration of the diet is 7 days, during which it is possible to lose up to 5 kilograms of weight, depending on the initial weight and individual characteristics.

Required conditions:

1. Lots of liquid - up to 3 liters per day;
2. It is recommended to have breakfast no later than 2 hours after getting up;
3. Food should be taken 4 times a day: 6-9 o’clock in the morning – breakfast, 11-14 o’clock in the afternoon – lunch, 15-16 o’clock – afternoon snack, 17-20 o’clock – dinner.

The daily menu can be varied from the proposed combinations:

1. Breakfast consists of 1 serving of proteins (list 1) and a serving of fruits or vegetables (list 2)
2. Lunch consists of a serving of proteins (list 1), a serving of vegetables or fruits (list 2) and a serving of carbohydrates (list 3)
3. Afternoon snack - consists of a serving of proteins (list 1), a serving of vegetables or fruits (list 2) and a serving of carbohydrates (list 3).
4. Dinner - a portion of proteins and a portion of vegetables or fruits.

List 1. Proteins.
- 2 eggs in any form;
- 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
- 120 ml of low-fat milk, or 120 ml of low-fat yogurt + half a serving of any other protein product from this list.
- 110 grams of lean ham or any lean, unfried meat.
- 170 grams of cod or other low-fat fish and seafood.
- 60 grams of low-fat cheese.
- 30 grams of any nuts.

List 2. Fruits and vegetables.

200 grams of any fruit (grapefruit, orange, tangerine, pear, dried apricots, lemon slice, strawberry, cherry or cherry, cut into pieces, or 2 whole fruits, or 2 small pieces of melon.
- Vegetable salad from any vegetables except potatoes and beans, or several whole fresh vegetables.
- 300 grams of any steamed vegetables, except peas, potatoes and corn.-
- 150 grams of corn or green peas.
- 60 grams of any dried fruits.

List 3. Carbohydrates.
- A piece of bread, preferably bran, whole grain, rye.
- ¼ bagel.
- 3-4 tablespoons of boiled rice, buckwheat or pasta, pasta with the addition of tomato sauce.
- 3-4 tablespoons of mashed potatoes; peas, beans, lentils or corn, or two small boiled potatoes.
- 1 small boiled corn.

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Diet will help you get rid of cellulite. A proper healthy diet is of great importance in preventing and getting rid of cellulite. You should choose a diet so as to remove excess fat and toxins from the body, without forcing the body to digest too many harmful foods, such as refined carbohydrates and various processed foods. The anti-cellulite diet should include: * Vegetables. They cleanse the body well, contain few calories, and do not contain fat. It is recommended to eat eggplant, cabbage, beans, onions, spinach, dill, tomatoes, soy sprouts, chicory. It is better to eat vegetables raw. * Berries and fruits, due to their high potassium content, cleanse the body well. Red berries are very useful - strawberries, raspberries, wild berries, as well as kiwi, apples, pineapples, grapefruits, lemons, plums, etc. * Eat wholemeal bread. Bread made from barley, rye, millet, and buckwheat is healthy. * For cellulite, it is very useful to eat legumes - lentils, beans, peas. * Fish. Cook the fish steamed or boiled. Fish contains fatty acids that regulate metabolism in the body. * Mineral water. Drink at least 2 liters per day. In the morning, drink a glass of mineral water before meals, and drink in small portions throughout the day. * Don't follow strict diets. Meals should consist of 2/3 vegetables and fruits. Eat fruits separately from the rest of your food. Do not eat after 6 pm; at night you can eat an orange to remove toxins. * EXCLUDE buns, salted, smoked foods, reduce animal fats and sugar. You can try following the following diet for cellulite: The diet lasts 2 weeks. Oranges will help get rid of the “orange peel.” The first week: 1 kg of oranges, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1.5 liters of mineral water without gaps during the day. Second week: to this add rice or buckwheat porridge in water without salt and sugar, a plate a day.

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Eat a variety of foods in your diet. The daily menu should contain products from different food groups (fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, grains and legumes, meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, eggs, nuts, fats, oils, herbs).
- You need to eat regularly, eat small portions, at least four times a day. Don't take long breaks between meals. The daily menu should consist of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
- Try to eat at the same time every day, this has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. But it is better to avoid snacking between main meals.
- Try to limit your salt intake. Use iodized salt instead of regular salt. Let your dishes be better under-salted than over-salted. It is believed that sea salt is more useful than table salt, because it retains many useful minerals in its composition. In addition, sea salt is saltier, therefore, with less salt, the taste of dishes will not change, and the body will suffer less harm.
- It is also better to limit sugar consumption. In some cases, sugar can be replaced with honey. A few spoons of honey a day will provide the body with vitamins and minerals, help prevent colds and boost immunity. But do not put honey in hot tea, as when heated, honey loses some of its beneficial qualities.
- During the day, try to drink more clean water. Water is simply necessary for our body, because 2/3 of it consists of water. Water has a beneficial effect on the skin, moisturizes it from the inside, nourishes it with energy, and prevents dryness. In addition, water helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body and is necessary for normal digestion. It is considered optimal to drink about 2 liters of pure still water per day. Just don’t drink a lot of water at night, otherwise you risk waking up with swelling.
- Healthy eating includes fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Raw vegetables contain a lot of fiber and vitamins, which are so necessary for our body. Raw vegetables and fruits increase the rate of metabolic processes in the body. But attention, if you have contraindications for health reasons (problems with the gastrointestinal tract), fresh vegetables and fruits may be contraindicated for you. Therefore, it is better to consult your doctor.
- Healthy eating includes fresh food. Make sure the food is always fresh. It's better to cook food in small portions than to cook a huge pot for the whole week. There will be no health benefits from this. When food is stored for a long time, the processes of rotting and fermentation begin. When purchasing products, be sure to check if the expiration date has expired.

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A healthy person is the most precious work of nature

Do you like fruits? If yes, then here are 10 reasons to love them even more. If not, then here are 10 reasons to think about the benefits of fruits and include them in your daily diet.

So, 10 reasons to eat more fruit:

2. Improve memory
Fruits are literally “fuel” for the brain - they have a positive effect on it and help you remember information better and faster.

3. They have healing properties
There are many examples of how people were cured with the help of fruits even from such serious diseases as cancer.

4. Accessible to everyone
Many people think that eating enough fruit is not a very budget-friendly activity. But look at how much money you spend on other products. Perhaps you should change your choice in favor of higher quality and healthier food?

7. Cheer up
Research shows that regular consumption of fruits can even cure depression. The next time you're feeling low, try eating a banana instead of the usual (for some) chocolate bar - the results won't take long to arrive!

8. 100% ethical food
Fruit is a food with a clear conscience. No one gets hurt - they just hang there and wait for someone to eat them.

9. 100% natural food
The incomparable advantage of fruits is the fact that they themselves are a complete food. In order to enjoy their taste, various additives such as salt, sugar, sauces and seasonings are not required.

10. Best start to the day
By starting your day with a portion of fresh fruit, you get the perfect boost in the form of energy, vitamins, fiber and fluid, without taking away excess energy from your body for digestion.

(source Nutrition ✔ Raw food diet

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Slimness without dieting

Break up all the recipe diets: stop experimenting on your own body and sacrificing yourself on the altar of slimness.
Discreet charging
Got a free minute? Do something good for your figure: do some exercises, dance or jump rope. Well, if you are not able to fight laziness on your own, try to deceive it. Get a pet. When he wants to go for a walk, you can’t argue with him. Whether you like it or not, you have to go outside. A simple walk with the dog for 15 minutes - and 60 calories are gone!
Eat little and often
Without filling your belly to capacity, you will protect yourself from extra pounds. In addition, an eating regimen called grazing will help maintain normal energy levels throughout the day.
Reduce fat in your diet
On average, a woman should eat no more than 75g of fat per day. Therefore, try to reduce the amount of fatty foods in your diet. But first, calculate how much fat you consume per day on average, if not more than normal, then you shouldn’t cut it.
Don't forget to have a snack
Some people think that the feeling of hunger that appears during the day must be “endured.” You shouldn't do this! The body will immediately go into energy saving mode and begin to accumulate fat. Conclusion: if you are hungry, eat some fruit, but only 2 hours before meals or 1 hour after.
Don't forget about water
You need to drink water! But not during meals, since in this case it dilutes the gastric juice and slows down the process of digesting food. It is ideal to drink a glass of water about half an hour before meals and an hour after.
Listen to your body!
If you don’t learn to listen to your inner voice and evaluate your feelings, you are unlikely to understand what and when you need to eat to feel great and lose weight.
To understand which product is right for you, eat everything separately. For example, bake an apple, eat it and pay attention to how you feel.
Eat more variety
Your daily diet should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But there is no product that contains all the substances the body needs. This means that you need to make sure that the food is not monotonous. Cook legumes today, grilled fish tomorrow, steamed vegetables the day after tomorrow, then declare a day of cereals or exotic fruits.
Evaluate the taste of food
After eating one dish, take a short break and only then proceed to the next one. Follow the principle - it is better to eat less, but of better quality.

Forget about empty calories
so that it lasts longer, so that it tastes better, so that it does not lose its shape.
Adopt this principle - eat only those products whose composition you know.
For example, you know what fruits, vegetables, cheese, chicken breast, and homemade pastries are made of. So, eat. But it is unknown what ready-made pancakes, dumplings, sauces, cookies, sweets, cakes, yoghurts with fillings consist of. So, don't eat.

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A calorie is a unit of measurement for the amount of energy. With one calorie you can heat one ml of water by one degree C. 1000 calories is equal to 1 kilocalorie. About a hundred years ago, a method was invented to determine the energy value of individual food products, which consisted of burning food in a special calorimeter, where the amount of heat released was measured. Nowadays, the calorie content of any product can be viewed in a special table.

Why does the body need energy?

The body needs energy to support the functioning of internal organs, metabolism and to carry out the normal amount of work that a person has to do during the day. Most energy is released during the breakdown of carbohydrates. Proteins are a reserve source of energy: they go into the fire when there are no carbohydrates, and with proper nutrition they are a source of amino acids. With a balanced diet, proteins should make up about 20% of the daily diet, fats - 30%, carbohydrates - 50%.

What are fruits made of?

All fruits are divided into stone fruits, pome fruits and citrus fruits. The nutritional value of fruits is due to the significant content of carbohydrates, organic acids, tannins and coloring substances, essential oils , a variety of vitamins and minerals. The content of individual nutrients varies not only in different fruits, but also in different fruits of the same variety grown under different conditions.

The most common carbohydrates found in fruits are sucrose, glucose and fructose. , giving fruits a sweet taste (fructose predominates in pome fruits, glucose and sucrose predominate in stone fruits, and sucrose in citrus fruits). There is very little protein in fruits (0.4-0.9%).

Fruits are also rich in vitamins (C, carotene, flavonoids - they have antiviral, antiallergic, antitumor and other beneficial properties), minerals (for example, bananas and apricots have a lot of potassium), microelements (iodine, fluorine, copper, zinc, manganese) that take part in metabolic processes.

The most calories are in bananas (90 kcal per 100 g), grapes (70), prunes (227), dried fruits (270-300). Grapefruit (35), apples (45), oranges (38), and apricots (49) contain the least calories.

Is it possible to get enough of fruits alone?

Typically, the higher the caloric content of a product, the sooner you can get enough of it. However, it has been found that proteins are the most satiating, followed by carbohydrates, and fats are the least satiating. So, meat or fish satiates better than vegetables and fruits, but the latter satiate better than any oil.

And one more thing: the higher the calorie content of one gram of a product, the less satiating it is. The famous chocolate, which has a very high calorie content, will fill you up less than an equal volume of fruit in terms of calories. But fruits have the ability to stimulate appetite, so it is quite problematic to “sit” on fruits alone.

How many calories does a person need per day?

The energy needs of people depend on energy costs: the more active a person leads, the more energy they require. With average physical activity, an adult requires approximately 2500 kilocalories per day.

Energy is required by the body to maintain the functioning of all organs and tissues, that is, for basic metabolism. For women, these needs are equal to 0.9 kcal per kg of weight per hour, for men - 1 kcal. But the more excess weight, the fewer calories per kg of weight are required to maintain metabolism. For example, if a woman weighs 70 kg, then the following is spent on basal metabolism: 0.9 · 70 · 24 (hours) = 1512 kcal. But if a woman has 15 extra kg (when calculating her ideal body weight), then they can be removed from the calculation and then it will be: 0.9 · 55 · 24 (hours) = 1212 kcal.

But that’s not all, because a person also needs energy to ensure his work activity during the day. If a person is engaged in heavy physical labor, then the same amount of energy is required to provide it; for moderately heavy work - 2/3, and for light work - from 1/3 to 1/6. If a woman works as an accountant, then she needs: 1212 + (1212:3) = 1516 kcal per day. By eating this amount of calories per day and leading a normal lifestyle, a woman will definitely lose weight.

We cover energy costs with fruits

So, our woman with an existing weight of 70 kg and a desired weight of 55 kg, wants to switch to a fruit diet, that is, eat only fruits during the day. To cover energy costs she will need: 4.5 kg of apricots (oranges) or 4 kg of apples or almost 2 kg of bananas Bananas: health benefits and harms

Which fruit is the healthiest? We have highlighted the healthiest fruits especially for SHLZ readers. We have also highlighted fruits that are beneficial for women, including those who are pregnant or losing weight.

We have also collected interesting facts about these fruits. Want to see blue bananas? Then you have come to the right address 😉

Friends, below you can find the healthiest fruits. Which fruit is the healthiest?? The answer to this question is not so simple. It should be taken into account that the distribution of places in our ranking is relative. After all, a person may need something specific (for example, getting rid of a disease or some kind of vitamin), and, accordingly, the fruit that ranks not first in the ranking of overall usefulness, but, for example, the tenth, will be the most useful for him. . Therefore, it is best to carefully read how each fruit helps the body and what diseases it treats.

So, what are the benefits of fruits? First of all, the benefit of fruit lies in the fact that it is real. When counting vitamins and fiber, micro- and macroelements in these gifts of nature, scientists often forget about the most important thing - enzymes.

Enzymes (enzymes) are what are found in every fruit that has not been subjected to heat treatment (heat treatment destroys enzymes). Enzymes take part in almost all functions of the body, guarding our health. If we think of the body as a battery, then enzymes are our recharge, recharging every cell of the body.

Well, everyone has heard about the beneficial properties of fruits due to the vitamins, fiber, pectins, organic acids, micro- and macroelements they contain. Therefore, we will not repeat ourselves. So, let's check out the healthiest fruits.


“Whoever eats an apple a day never sees a doctor” - there is such a proverb, and it is undoubtedly worth listening to.

Apples increase immunity, fill the body with quick energy, and improve digestion. The benefit of apples lies in the fact that their regular consumption promotes longevity and rejuvenation of the body. Apples reduce the risk of heart attacks and prevent the development of diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. And they even reduce cholesterol levels in the blood: studies have proven that apples are much better than other fruits in this regard. This fruit is also rich in fiber and promotes quick satiety. At the same time, apples are low in calories, so they are used in many diets for weight loss.

Attention! Do not peel the apple peel: it contains many useful substances.

Did you know that banana is a herb? It turns out that bananas don't grow on palm trees. Banana is a herb that grows up to 15 meters in height. Truly a wonderful world of nature!

Well, banana fruits are called berries. These berries come in green, yellow, orange, pink, red and even blue. There are also black and striped bananas. The largest banana is the Kluay (or Rhino) variety, reaching 35 centimeters in length. And the smallest bananas are from 2.5 to 5 centimeters in length (but they are considered the sweetest).

Bananas have long been called the fruit of vigor and positivity. If you need to quickly restore energy or cheer up, then eat bananas.

Firstly, this fruit is very filling, as it contains enough calories (70-100 kcal per 100 grams). Interesting fact: an unripe banana (which will turn yellow, but is still greenish) has more calories (about 110 kcal per 100 grams). Even athletes eat bananas to gain muscle mass.

Secondly, bananas contain tryptophan, a protein that is processed by the body into serotonin (the hormone of joy and happiness). If you eat bananas regularly, then depression will be forced to leave you.

What else are bananas good for? This fruit helps with gastritis and peptic ulcers, even during exacerbation. Eliminates heartburn. Regularly eating bananas lowers blood pressure and prevents cardiovascular diseases (including hypertension). Also, according to former smokers, bananas help overcome the effect of nicotine deficiency, making it easier to quit smoking.

The American state of California has a rather strange law prohibiting the consumption of oranges while bathing. This is considered a breach of public order.

Well, okay, let's leave the Americans alone and figure out what this orange fruit is good for. Orange cleanses the blood, tones and gives the body energy. Has a rejuvenating effect. Orange is good for women because it contains folic acid, which is the main vitamin for women. Including oranges in your diet promotes normal pregnancy. Orange is also useful for men, as it increases potency and promotes the transmission of healthy genes to offspring. This fruit effectively strengthens our immunity, protecting against viral and inflammatory diseases. And even for weight loss, this fruit is indispensable, because it has a diuretic property and helps speed up metabolism, activating metabolic processes in the body.


There are more than 10 thousand varieties of grapes. This is significantly larger than any other crop. Interesting fact: in ancient times, grape pickers were not allowed to work without a signed will. The fact is that grapes were usually planted next to trees so that they would climb along them. Over time, the trees died and served only as dried support for the bushes. So it was quite dangerous to climb for grapes, but that didn’t stop anyone.

Grapes are loved by many for their rejuvenating properties. With regular consumption of grapes, you can forget about heart problems, high blood pressure and insomnia. Grapes cleanse the blood and help cope with bronchitis. Separately, it is worth noting that wine berries contain as many as twenty antioxidants that repel the attacks of free radicals. In other words, grapes prevent cancer. Drinking the juice of this berry improves immunity and tones the body. However, it is the grape skin that is the most beneficial part for human health.

The Chinese consider the pear a symbol of immortality. Another interesting fact: even before Columbus brought tobacco to Europe, Europeans were getting high on pear leaves. So the absurd habit of inhaling toxic smoke (and any smoke is poisonous, as it contains combustion products) has existed for quite some time, although it was not widespread on such a scale as it is now.

Pear improves the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Helps maintain proper blood sugar levels and promotes good digestion. Pears are very useful for women, including during pregnancy, as they contain a lot of folic acid. Also, many varieties of pears are rich in iodine.

The first apricots were discovered in China. About four thousand years ago, these fruits were discovered on the slopes of the Chinese mountains. Apricots are a very healthy fruit. Even on the moon, Apollo astronauts ate dried apricots, as they contain up to 40% sugars and a large amount of energy.

Contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Apricot is good for vision, as well as for maintaining youthful skin - and all this is thanks to the beta-carotene it contains. Apricots help improve the functioning of the heart and brain, as well as the overall cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. By the way, this fruit is very useful for women, as it has a combination of those vitamins and substances that promote rapid growth of nails and hair. Regular consumption of apricots prevents cancer and helps cope with anemia. And in the cold season, apricot can be replaced with dried apricots, which also have all the properties described above.

The sour taste of this fruit is familiar to each of us. One day, ill-wishers took advantage of this and wanted to disrupt a brass band concert. To do this, they seated children in the first row of the audience, who chewed lemons for show. The musicians were unable to suppress the increased salivation and, therefore, were unable to play their trumpets, and the concert did not take place.

Another interesting story: the famous navigator J. Cook was awarded the gold medal of the Royal Society not for his geographical discoveries, but for the fact that he came up with the idea of ​​​​protecting sailors from scurvy with lemons. Because of this, in the 17th century, British sailors were often called "lemons".

Lemon is the #1 fruit for strengthening the immune system and fighting colds. It is also an excellent fat burner that simultaneously reduces appetite. Lemon contains a large amount of vitamins, but primarily it is praised for its high content of ascorbic acid or vitamin C (up to 150 mg per 100 grams). Regular consumption of lemons helps eliminate free radicals from the body and prevent aging.

Attention! Lemon is contraindicated for peptic ulcers and increased acidity of gastric juice.

This sweet orange berry has an unusual taste. Persimmon belongs to the trees of the genus Diospyros, which translated from ancient Greek means “fruit of the gods.” China is considered the birthplace of persimmon.

Persimmon perfectly satisfies hunger without damaging the figure (therefore, it can be included in the menu for those who want to lose weight). Helps improve the functioning of the digestive tract and urinary system. Persimmons have a rich chemical composition, surpassing apples in the amount of vitamins. In addition to a large number of vitamins, it contains many amino acids and antioxidants, which have an amazing effect on the entire human body. Persimmon cleanses the body well, removing all waste and toxins. Persimmon is also useful for vision and skin due to its high beta-corotene content.


This is a tasty, juicy and aromatic fruit that contains many benefits. The peach tree is often called the tree of life. Contrary to popular belief, the birthplace of peaches is not Persia, but China.

Peach is considered a very valuable product in the human diet. This fruit is especially useful for women, as it helps preserve natural beauty. Peach makes the skin smooth and elastic, and for this reason it is often used in cosmetology. This fruit is also a natural aphrodosiac. Despite its sweetness, peach contains few calories (only 30-35 kcal per 100 grams), and therefore it can be eaten by those who are losing weight. Eating this fruit is good for the digestive system, muscles, bones and heart. This fruit also has a positive effect on the condition of hair, making it strong and voluminous. In Hungary, peaches are called the “fruit of calm”, as they help get rid of bad mood and anxiety.

China is considered the birthplace of kiwi. There it is called the “monkey peach” because of the shaggy skin that covers this fruit. The name "kiwi" was only given to it in the 1950s, when New Zealanders began exporting the fruit from China to the United States. It could have been called that because of the similarity of the shape of the fruit with the body of the New Zealand kiwi bird, which, by the way, is the symbol of this country.

New Zealanders also did not want to pay huge tariffs when exporting the fruit formerly known as the “Chinese gooseberry”, and therefore a change of “brand” was simply necessary to do business.

Kiwi is a real vitamin bomb. Kiwi contains more ascorbic acid (vitamin C) than citrus fruits like orange and lemon. Due to its low calorie content, kiwi is recommended to be consumed for weight loss, since, firstly, it cleanses the body of toxins well, and secondly, it strengthens the immune system. Kiwi effectively burns fat and thins the blood, rids blood vessels of blood clots and cholesterol plaques. Helps with diseases of the cardiovascular system, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system (relieves constipation and heartburn).

Interesting fact: the skin of kiwi is edible, so instead of peeling the fruit, you can wash it thoroughly and eat it whole. But this, of course, is not for everybody.

The king of all fruits is what the crowned pomegranate is called in the East. And this fruit is called a pomegranate for a reason: when an overripe fruit explodes, the berries and grains scattering in all directions resemble the action of a real combat grenade.

Pomegranate is one of the most valuable fruits; it is used to improve immunity, prevent and treat various diseases. Regular consumption of pomegranate removes toxins and radiation from the body and slows down the development of cancer cells. Pomegranate is also useful for colds: it helps reduce high fever and relieves cough. Pomegranate is also useful for heart diseases, in particular, high blood pressure. Regular consumption of this fruit prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis, anemia and diabetes. Pomegranate activates the digestive system. This fruit is also very useful for pregnant women due to its high iron content, and this, as mentioned above, prevents anemia.


Each fruit is good in its own way and is part of a healthy diet. What fruits do you consider healthy? Please write your answers in the comments. Stay with us, eat fruits and be healthy!

- (from the Latin word "fructus" - fruit). A variety of fruits are known under the name “fruits”, differing in their place of growth, botanical characteristics and internal structure, commercial and nutritional qualities. These include:… … Concise Encyclopedia of Housekeeping

Fruits- Fruit is a symbol of femininity, fertility or decline. Seeing fruits ripening among the leaves in a dream, you can safely count on prosperity and a prosperous old age. Green fruits mean that your labors will be in vain.... ... Large universal dream book

Pomona gifts, fruits Dictionary of Russian synonyms. fruits; gifts of Pomona (traditional poet.) Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011… Synonym dictionary

Juicy fruits growing on trees, used. for food. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

I. The Bible mentions fruit trees and shrubs: apple tree (see Apple, apple tree), date palm (see Date), see Fig tree, see Olive, oil, spruce, almond (see Almond tree), see Pomegranates , mulberry (see Sycamore, sycamore tree) ... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia

FRUITS- See also Fruits. The meaning of the dream depends on the type of fruit, but in general the dream is favorable. Imagine ripe, juicy fruits. You pick them straight from the tree and put them in baskets... Big family dream book

- (from Latin fructus fruit) juicy edible fruits of cultivated and wild plants. They are divided into F. pome fruits (apple, pear, quince), stone fruits (apricot, plum, cherry, peach, etc.), citrus fruits (orange, lemon, tangerine, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Mn. Edible fruits of a tree or shrub. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

FRUITS- (from Latin fructus fruit), juicy fruits of cultivated and wild plants, eaten fresh and processed. F. include the fruits of fruit crops, melons and watermelons, cranberries, blueberries, cloudberries and other wild berries. Produced... ... Agricultural Encyclopedic Dictionary

Fruits- Dr. The East is the homeland of the majority of F. Breeding F. was considered a royal occupation. Origin various varieties of F. can be clearly seen in the language. Early Indo-Europeans were only familiar with growing apples. They learned all other types of F. as... ... Ancient world. encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Fruits, Kalmykova Vera. Fruits and vegetables, like flowers, have cultural meanings, and the book identifies those meanings. The fruits appeal to three human senses at once - vision, smell and taste. And the taste, in its own way...