Dua for increasing inheritance (rizqa) and resolving material problems. Dua after prayer

All nations have developed their own magical tools. Some of them are based on religious traditions. Let's discuss what a dua for fulfillment of desires is and how to use it. Can everyone read Does Islam help the Orthodox? Dua for the fulfillment of desires is based on the Muslim worldview, can representatives of another religion apply to it?

What is dua for fulfillment of desires?

In fact, this is the name of a special prayer that a believer addresses to Allah. Dua for fulfillment of desires is written in the Koran. It is called briefly Salavat. It is, of course, not forbidden for anyone to read it, like any prayer. But there are certain restrictions imposed by religion itself on the one who turns to the Holy Book of Muslims. According to tradition, Allah helps those who are completely devoted to him. There is much more obedience and respect in Islam than in any other religion. When a dua is read to fulfill desires, it is unacceptable to “dictate” your will to higher powers. Prayer in Islam is a humble request to the Almighty for mercy. This is different from other religions. From childhood, Muslims are brought up in a different worldview paradigm. Everything in the world happens according to the will of Allah, they believe. And his decisions should be accepted with gratitude and respect. Whatever a person wants, he will only get what the Almighty gives him. Therefore, dua is pronounced with a sense of predetermination of events. A believer cannot protest or insist (mentally) on the desired result. This is the philosophical difference between dua and Christian prayer.


Many people face one important problem when they want to cast a spell in a Muslim way. The fact is that the dua must be read in the language of writing, that is, in Arabic. Otherwise nothing will work. Believers master this language, learn to read correctly and understand the meaning of words. An ordinary person does not have such skills. What to do? You can, of course, read the prayer written in Cyrillic. It is as follows: “Inaa lil-lyahihi wa inaa ilyayahi raadjiiuun, allaahuumma indayakya ahtasibu musyybaatii fajuurni fiihe, wa abdiilnii biihee hairan minhe.” One thing is bad, you won’t understand anything. Therefore, it is also recommended to keep the translation in mind. It is as follows: “I truly praise the Lord of the worlds alone - Allah. I ask You, most merciful, to bring the effectiveness of Your forgiveness closer to me. Protect from sins, guide along the path of righteousness. Please, show me the mistakes so that I can avoid them with Your grace. Get rid of all sins, needs and worries. Let there be nothing in life that You do not consider right for me, Most Gracious Allah!” This is a very strong dua for the fulfillment of a wish.

All possibilities are in your soul

It is important to understand that you should only pray when you fully share the Muslim worldview. Tricks won't help here. Since they decided to ask for Allah’s help, therefore, they agree with any of his decisions regarding their fate and future events. But no one guarantees the result. Ask any Muslim about this. A believer may not even understand the question. In his view, not a single person has the right to resist the will of the Almighty. That is, you should ask your soul whether you agree with this formulation of the question? If yes, then read the following recommendations. They apply only to representatives of other religious groups.

How to use dua

To fulfill wishes in Islam, it is still customary to pray in Arabic. And there is also a rule: older members of the clan help the younger ones. In general, Muslims are great collectivists. Dua read by the community works faster and better. In any case, this is how they pray over the sick. And to remove the damage, older women from all over the area gather. At night they read suras over the sufferer. Therefore, it is recommended to find yourself a Muslim teacher. First, in the process of communication, become imbued with the philosophy of this religion. Secondly, this person will help you speak words correctly and tell you how and what to do. Description alone is not enough to achieve effect. In addition, the prayer should be written down. In Islam, Arabic words are given great importance. Surahs are depicted on souvenirs and written on expensive fabric. If you buy one and hang it at home, it will work as a talisman or talisman.

The most powerful dua for fulfillment of desires

No matter how much you give to a person, it is not enough for him. People are wondering how to pray so that their wishes come true. There are many surahs in the Koran. Read everything in order. Start with the first one. It is called “Prayer to the Almighty.” Then refer to the above dua. Next is necessarily suras 112 and 113. They protect from evil that comes from outside and is inside. However, it is not at all necessary to resort to such difficulties. If there is faith in the heart, blind and genuine, then one prayer is enough. Forget about the result, like a child does. Express your intention and wait for what will happen with sincere delight. Imams say that this is how all dreams come true. It's not about the number of surahs read, but about trust in the Almighty.


We have not touched upon whether there are any rules regarding the desires themselves. In fact, Muslims ask the Almighty for the same thing that representatives of other religions strive for. We all need prosperity, prosperity, happiness. It is advisable to ask for common things that are valuable to every person on earth. But it is better to realize specific material desires yourself. If you want a new gadget, earn money and buy it. Why turn to Allah with such trifles? How do you think?

1. Read the 56th sura “Falling” after the night prayer (isha).

2. Read verse 39 of Surah “The Cave”:

مَا شَاء اللَّهُ لَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ

Ma sha Allah la quwwata illya billya

« What Allah wanted: There is no power except with Allah».

3. Read Surah Dawn regularly

4. Whoever says “Ar-razzaq” (“All-Nurturing”) 308 times in the morning will receive more inheritance than he expects.

5. To gain financial independence, read Surah “Ta.Ha” in the last part of the night (before dawn).

6. According to Imam Baqir (A), to increase inheritance one must recite this dua:

Allahumma inni asaluka rizkan wasiAan teyiban min rizqiq

“O Allah, I ask You for an extensive, good provision from Your inheritance.”

7. Read this dua 1000 times at midnight to save you from poverty and increase your lot:

Subhanaka maaliki l-hayyu l-qayyum allazi la yamut

“Glorified are You, the King, the Living, the Ever-Existing One, Who will not die.”

8. To increase your inheritance, recite “Ya Ganiya” (emphasis on the letter “i”, meaning “O Rich One”) 1060 times between evening and night prayers.

Allahumma Rabba ssamawaati ssaba wa Rabba l-Arshi l-Azym ikdi Anna ddayna wa agnina mina l-faqr

“O Allah, O Lord of the seven heavens and Lord of the great Throne: pay our debts and deliver us from poverty!”

10. Read this dua 7 times with salawat after each obligatory prayer:

Rabbi inni limaa anzalta ileyya mina heirin fakiir

“O Allah, I need what You have sent me for good!”

11. Read this dua with salawat 114 times after night prayer (isha) for 7 days, starting from Friday:

Wa Aindahu mafaatihu l-geibi la yaAlamuhaa illa huwa wa yaAlamu maa fi l-barri wal bahri wa maa taskutu min varakatin illya yaAlamuhaa wa la habbatin fii zulumaati l-ardi wa la ratbin wa la yabisin illa fii kitabin mubiin ya hayu ya kayyum

“He has the keys to the hidden, and only He knows about them. He knows what is on land and in sea. Even a leaf falls only with His knowledge. There is not a grain in the darkness of the earth, neither fresh nor dry, that is not in clear Scripture! O Living One, O Ever-Existing One!”

12. In “Kanzul Maknun” it is reported from the Holy Prophet (S) that the following dua, if read after a prayer of 2 rak’ahs, increases the rizq:

Ya maajid ya waajid ya ahadu ya kariim atavajjahu ileyka bi muhammadin nabiyika nabiy rrahmati salla Allahu alayhi wa aali. Ya rasuulya llahi inni atavajjahu bika ila llahi rabbiqa wa rabbi wa rabbi kulli shay. Fa asaluka ya rabbi an tusalliyya Alya muhammadin wa ahli beitihi wa asaluka nafkatan kariimatan min nafkatika wa fathan yasiran wa rizkan vaasiAan alummu bihi shaAsi wa aqdi bihi dayi wa astaAiinu bihi Alya Ayaali

“Oh, Glorious One! O Abiding One! Oh, the only one! O Magnanimous One! I turn to You through Muhammad - Your prophet, the prophet of mercy, may Allah's greetings be upon him and his family! O Messenger of Allah, I turn through you to Allah, your Lord and my Lord, the Lord of all things! I ask You, O my Lord, that You bless Muhammad and the people of his House and grant me generous food, an easy victory and an extensive inheritance with which I will arrange my upset affairs, pay my debts and feed my family!

13. Read Surah “Falling” 3 times after each night prayer (isha) for 5 weeks continuously, starting from Saturday. Every day before reading this surah, recite the following dua:

Allahumma rzukni rizkan waasiAn halalan teyiban min geyri qaddin wa stajib daAwati min geyri raddin wa aAuzu bika min faziihati bi fakrin wa dayin wa dfaA Anni haazeini bi hakki l-imameini sibteini al-hasan wal hussein Aleihima ssalamu birahmatika ya arhama r Rakhimiin

“O Allah, grant us a vast, permissible, good inheritance without hard work (to obtain it), and answer my prayer without rejecting it! I resort to You from the humiliation of poverty and debt! So remove these two disasters from me in the name of two Imams - Hasan and Hussein, peace be upon them both, by Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful!

14. As stated in “Kanzu al-maknun”, one should read verse 186 of Surah “The Cow” between the wudu and the obligatory prayer to increase the inheritance.

16. From Imam Sadiq (A): to increase the rizq, you need to keep the written Surah “Hijr” in your pocket or wallet.

Ya kavviyu ya ganiyu ya valyu ya malii

“Oh, Strong, oh, Rich, oh, Patron, oh, Bestower!”

18. Muhsin Kashani says that this (above) dua should be recited 1000 times between evening and night prayers.

Astaghfiru llah laziya la ilaha illya huwa rrahmaanu rrahiimu l-hayyul l-qayyumu badiiAu ssamawaati wal ard min jamiiAi jurmi wa zulmi wa israafi Alya nafsi wa atuubu ili

“I ask forgiveness from Allah, besides Whom there is no other god - the Gracious, the Merciful, the Living, the Ever-Existing, the Creator of heaven and earth - for all my crimes, oppressions and injustices against myself and I turn to Him!”

Dua for the fulfillment of desires is a Muslim prayer, which, according to tradition, helps a person’s dreams come true easily and quickly. Let's talk about the technique and nuances of this ancient religious technique.

Many people are concerned about the question: does Muslim prayer help those who are converted to another religion and do not profess it. Opinions differ on this matter. In fact, it all depends only on your beliefs and faith.

Some moments:

  1. If you do not consider yourself to be a member of any particular religion, but recognize the existence of some Higher Power, you can safely use dua to fulfill your desires. The most important thing is to feel God within yourself, to believe in him, and it doesn’t matter what image you put on him.
  2. If you are an Orthodox believer, it is better to use Christian prayers. There will never be a sincere belief in the power of Muslim dua in your soul. And if there is no faith, desires will not come true.
  3. And, of course, if you profess Islam, dua is what you need. This statement needs no comment.

What he believes in always works for a person. Therefore, if you are ready to completely leave doubts and rely on the magical power of Muslim prayer

Why don't wishes come true?

Reviews about the use of Muslim duas are very contradictory. Some people claim: prayers work in one hundred percent of cases. Others, on the contrary, complain that their cherished dreams never came true.

What may the fulfillment of a desire depend on, and why it may not come true:

  • You have no faith. You are not ready to completely rely on the will of higher powers and believe that they will definitely send you all the necessary opportunities to fulfill your desire. Namely, faith is the engine that activates prayer and makes it work.
  • You think that it is enough to read the words of the prayer several times, and then you can sit on the sofa and fold your hands. In fact, you need to put in at least the minimum amount of effort available to you to make your wish come true. For example, if you dream of going on a trip, use dua, and then explore last-minute travel sites and find out the cost of air tickets. Money for the trip will definitely appear, it will come to you, perhaps from the most unexpected source.
  • You don't have enough energy. The more energy a person has, the sooner his wishes come true. So be sure to keep an eye on this. First of all, you satisfy the basic needs of the physical body: good sleep, proper nutrition, sports activities. Secondly, fill yourself spiritually and creatively. Do what you love, spend time with people you like, practice meditation.
  • The feeling of gratitude is alien to you. And this upsets the balance in the Universe. Thank God, yourself, and those around you for everything you receive from them. Even if it's little things. Be grateful for shelter and food, for positive emotions and small pleasant things that happen to every person every day. Thus, the balance of energy will gradually be restored, and your desires will come true much faster.
  • Incorrect wording. Perhaps you are turning to higher powers incorrectly through prayer. Instead of health, ask “not to get sick”, instead of love - “stop being lonely”. The opposite effect works: you only get what you are afraid of. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of all your fears.

Check to see if there are any of the reasons listed that are present in your life. If there is a problem, fix it, and then start using dua to fulfill your desires.

How to read a prayer correctly?

You can use translations of Muslim prayers, but they will work most effectively if you read them in the original language, that is, in Arabic. The sounds of the dua may sound unusual, so take the time to learn the exact pronunciation.

  1. The text of the prayer reads as follows: “Inaa lil-lyayahi wa inaa ilyayahi raadjiiuun, allaahuumma indayakya ahtasibu musyybaatii fajuurni fiihe, wa abdilnii biihee hairan minhe.” Learn it properly. You can read from paper, but then the efficiency will be less.
  2. Remember the translation of the prayer so that you don’t just mechanically repeat its words, but also feel and understand the whole meaning of the Muslim dua: “I sincerely praise the God of all worlds - Allah. Please help me, forgive me, protect me and guide me along the right path. Deliver me from mistakes so that nothing will hinder me on the path to righteousness.” This is not a literal translation, but the very essence of prayer that you should feel, it should resonate in your heart.
  3. You need to pray daily, twice a day. In the morning, just waking up, and in the evening, when you already feel like you’re about to fall asleep.

Watch the video about Muslim duas to understand the topic even better:

Conclusions and important points

Important points to know:

  1. If you are not a Muslim, using dua makes sense. But the prayers of the religion that you profess will be much more effective. If you consider yourself an atheist, use positive affirmations.
  2. Before you start practicing daily prayers, set a goal. Formulate your desire, mentally say what you want to achieve. The more specific the wording. the sooner your dream will come true.
  3. Pray regularly. One or two repetitions of the dua will not have much effect. But regular prayers, accumulating their strength, become a powerful source of energy that will be used to achieve your goals.
  4. Rely not only on prayers, but also take action. You don’t need to rely only on magic; all the greatest power lies within you. The more actively you make efforts to fulfill your desires, the sooner the power of dua will send all the necessary opportunities into your life.

This is all you need to know about dua for fulfillment of desires. Try it, make your dreams come true and share your feedback in the comments.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

The theme of death is one of the key ones in any religion. And this is not surprising, because it is precisely the thoughts about the inevitable departure to the Eternal World that largely determine the behavior of believers in earthly life.

In Islam, great attention is paid to ensuring that a person receives a better fate after death. Relatives, friends and relatives of the deceased, as a rule, pray to the Almighty to place the soul of the deceased in the Garden of Eden and forgive his sins. Various duas serve this purpose, the texts of which are given below. Finding yourself next to the dying As a person, at the moment when the deceased’s eyes are closed, it is advisable to turn to Allah with the following prayer:

"Allahummyaghfir (state the name of the deceased) uarfyag dyarajatahu fil-madiyinya uahlufhu fii a’kybikhi fil-gabiriinya uagfirilyanya wa lyahu ya rabbyal alyamiin. Wafsi lyahu fiih kabrikhi ua nauuir lyahu fiih"

Translation of meaning:“Oh Allah! sorry (name of the deceased), raise his rank among those led on the right path, become his successor for those who remain after him, forgive us and him, O Lord of the worlds! And make his grave spacious for him and illuminate it for him!”

Many Muslims know the phrase that should be said, upon hearing the news of someone's death:

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Innya lillahi, vya innya ilyayhi rajigun

Verily, we belong to Allah and to Him we return!

Directly after burial It is advisable to turn to the Almighty with the following words:

“Allahumma-gfir lahullahumma sabbithu”

Translation of meaning:“Oh Allah, forgive him! O Allah, strengthen him!” In the biography of the Grace of the Worlds, Muhammad (s.g.w.) it is mentioned that usually at the end of the burial, the Prophet (s.g.w.) stood for several minutes at the grave, and then addressed those gathered: “Pray (to your Creator) for forgiveness for your brother (sister) and ask Allah to strengthen (him or her), for, verily, now he (she) is being asked questions” (Abu Dawud and al-Bayhaqi). Further, remembering those who have gone to another world brothers and sisters, Muslims resort to special duas - they can be read both in their native language and in Arabic. Here are some examples of such prayers:

“Allahummyagfir-lyahu warhyamhu uagafihi uaqfu a'nhu wa akrim nuzullyahu wa wassi' mudhyalahu waagsilhu bil-mya-i wassylji uabyaradi wa nyakkyhi minyal-hataaya kamya nyakkaytyal-syaubyal-abyada minyad-dyanyasi wa Abdilhu Dyaran Khairan min Dyarihi wa Ahlal Khairan min Akhlikhi uazyaujyan khairan min zyaujikhi wa-adzhilkhul-jyannyatya ua agyinzhu min a'zyabil-kabri wa a'zyabin-nyar"

Translation of meaning:“O Allah, forgive him and have mercy on him, and deliver him, and show him mercy. And give him a good welcome, and make his place of entry(meaning grave - approx. website )spacious, and wash it with water, snow and hail(i.e., a metaphorical request is expressed to provide the deceased with all types of favors and grant him forgiveness for all his sins and omissions - approx. website ), and cleanse him from sins just as You cleanse a white robe from dirt, and give him in return a house better than his house, and a family better than his family, and a wife better than his wife, and bring him into paradise, and protect him from the torment of the grave and from the torment of fire!(This text of the dua is given in the hadith transmitted by Muslim)

“Allahummya-gfir lihiyyanya ua myyitinya ua shakhidinya uaga-i-binya ua sagyyirinya ua kyabiirinya ua zyakyarina uya unsyanya. Allahummya myan ahyaytyahu minnya fya-ahyihi a'lal-isliam wa myan tauyaffyaytyahu minnya fya-ahyihi a'lal-name. Allahummya la tahrimnya ajrahu wa la tudylyanya bya'dyah"

Translation of meaning:“Oh Allah, forgive our living and dead, present and absent, young and old, men and women! O Allah, make sure that those of us to whom You give life live according to (the rules of) Islam, and those of us whom You give rest, rest in faith! O Allah, do not deprive us of our reward for him(that is, rewards for patience during trials - approx. website ) and do not lead us astray after him (i.e. after his death)!”(Found in the collections of hadiths of Ibn Majah and Ahmad).

“Allahumma innya (name of the deceased) fii zimmyatikya hyabli jyavyarika faqyhi min fitnyatil-kabri ua a’zaabin-nnyari ua anta ahlul-vyafya-i vyal-hyakk. Fyagfirlyahu värkhyamhyu innyakya antyal-g'afurur-rahiim"

Translation of meaning:"O Allah, verily (name of the deceased) is under Your protection and protection, save him from the temptation of the grave and the torment of fire. After all, You keep promises and show justice! Forgive him and have mercy on him, verily You are the Forgiving, the Merciful!”(This dua is given in the hadiths from Ibn Majah and Abu Dawood).

“Allahummya a’bdukya vyabnyu amyatikya ikhtyajya ila rahmyatikya ua antya g’aniyun a’n a’zyabihi in kyanya muhsinn fazid fii hyasyanatihi wa in kyanya musi-an fyatajyauzz a’nkhu”

Translation of meaning:“Oh Allah! Your servant and the son of Your servant needed Your mercy, but You do not need his torment! If he did good deeds, then add them to him, and if he did bad, then do not punish him!”(Text of the dua according to the hadith transmitted by al-Hakim).

There is also a separate dua, which is resorted to in the situation of ascension of the deceased prayers for a deceased child:

“Allahumma-ja’lhu lanya fyaratan wa salafiyan wa ajran”

Translation:“Oh Allah, make him ahead of us (in paradise) and become our predecessor and reward for us!”

Dua at the cemetery

It is known that Muslims regularly visit the graves of their loved ones and ancestors. It is also part of the tradition of holding the main Islamic holidays - Eid al-Adha (Kurban Bayram) and Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr).

Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r.a.) said that the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) often went to the Al-Baki graveyard and said the following text Dua when entering a cemetery:

"Assalyamu alaikum! Darra kaumin muqminina, wa atakum ma tuaduna, gadan muajjalyuna, wa innya, inshAllah, bikum lahikun. Allahum-agfirli ahli Bakiil-Gharkad" (hadith from Muslim)

Translation of meaning: "Peace to you! O you who dwell in the monastery of the faithful, the promised has come, and tomorrow it will be our turn, and, truly, if it is the will of the Lord, we will come to you. O Almighty! Forgive the sins of those buried on Baki."

In addition, while staying in places of mass graves of people, you can say the following words:

“Assalamu alaikum, yaa ahlil-kubur. Yagfirullahu la nahua lakum. An-tum salafuna, wa nah-nu bil-asaar" (Tirmidhi)

Translation of meaning: “Peace be upon you who are underground (in the graves). May the Almighty forgive both you and us. You passed on to another world first, and we will be next.”

But how useful will good deeds performed in their favor - prayer and alms - be for dead people? This question occupies the minds of Islamic scholars, among whom there are those who question the possibility of helping the dead by living people.

Arguments of those who are in favor

First, it is necessary to provide arguments that will allow us to answer the question posed above in the affirmative: 1. The Holy Quran contains a verse that describes how new generations of Muslims will ask for forgiveness for their deceased predecessors:

“And those who came after them say: “Our Lord! Forgive us and our brothers who believed before us! Do not plant in our hearts hatred and envy towards those who believed. Our Lord! Truly You are the Compassionate, the Merciful "" (59:10)

This verse is an example of how Muslims should turn to the Almighty for previous generations of Muslims who have already left this world. If this action did not have any special benefit for the dead, then, obviously, the revelation of such a verse would not make sense. 2. Very often you can find a hadith that talks about deeds that benefit a person after death. “When a person dies, the list of his good deeds closes.” [that is, it can no longer be replenished], however, three actions will bring him reward in the grave. This is an alms given for the benefit of others who continue to benefit from it, the production of knowledge and a well-bred child who will pray for his parent after his death” (Muslim). 3. (funeral prayer) is, in essence, a request to the Creator for forgiveness of the sins of the deceased. In addition, the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.w.), upon completing all the necessary procedures for preparing the deceased for burial, spoke the following words to the companions: “Make dua for the salvation of the soul of our brother, his manifestation of perseverance and firmness, because right now he is being tested in grave" (Abu Dawud). Another hadith, which is cited in the collection of Imam Muslim, says that people who come to the funeral prayer will actually intercede for the deceased. If there are at least a hundred such people, then Allah will accept their intercession on his behalf. 4. In the hadith transmitted by Aisha (r.a.), it is reported that one day a man turned to the Final Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.w.) and asked: “My mother died. Despite this, I feel that if she were alive, she would give alms to those in need. Can I now commit this act instead of her?” Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) answered this question in the affirmative (cited by Bukhari and Muslim). 5. Another argument in favor of the need to pray for the salvation of the souls of the dead is the norm from Islamic law, which allows for pilgrimage (Hajj) for the deceased. 6. In one of the hadiths of the Grace of the Worlds of Muhammad (s.g.w.) the following situation is given. They brought him a sheep, which he slaughtered himself. After this, the Prophet (s.g.w.) said: “For the pleasure of the Almighty. Allah is great! I performed this action for myself personally and for all those members of my community who were unable to perform the sacrifice” (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi).

Arguments of opponents of prayer for the dead

Many other arguments can be given in favor of the need to perform good deeds on behalf of the deceased. However, representatives in the Middle Ages strongly opposed this. Let us give some of their arguments: 1) The Mu'tazilites, who preached in their works the need to rely solely on reason when studying the Holy Qur'an, cite the following verse:

“Every person is a hostage to what he has acquired” (74:38)

They argue that a person cannot count on success at the expense of other people. However, the Mu'tazilites overlook the fact that the verse deals only with sinful acts. The verse does not apply to good deeds. 2) Another verse of the Holy Quran was a frequent tool in the hands of the Mu'tazilites:

“A person will receive only what he strived for” (53:39)

From this it follows that a servant of Allah cannot rely on the deeds committed by other people. However, this argument of the Mu'tazilites can be answered from several positions at once. Let's start with the fact that the above verse is. Its legal component is replaced by a verse from Surah “Mountain”:

“We will reunite the believers with their descendants who followed them in faith, and we will not diminish their deeds in the least” (52:21)

Islamic theologians interpret this text of the Holy Scripture in the sense that on the Day of Judgment, righteous children of parents will be able to weigh down their scales, in which good deeds will be found. The same thing is said in the above hadith about three things that will bring God's reward to a person after death. Further, it is worth noting that the verse cited by the Mu'tazilites refers to infidels and those who hypocritically hid behind Islam. In some rivayat it is stated that the person mentioned in the verse is Abu Jahl, who brought a lot of harm to the first Muslims and left this world in disbelief. Thus, the Mu'tazili view on the issue at hand is rejected by the vast majority of Muslim scholars.

Original post by cassandra196

بســــــــــــــم الله الرحمان الرحيم
اللهُم يا صانع كل مصنوع و ياجابركل كسيرويامؤنس كل فقيروياصاحب كل غريب وياشافي كل مريض وياحاضركل خلائق ويارازق كل مرزوق وياخالق كل مخلوق ويا حافظ كل محفوظ ويافاتح كل مفتوح وياغالب كل مغلوب ويامالك كل مملوك وياشاهدكل مشهودوياكاشف كل كرب اجعل لى من امرى فرجا ومخرجااقذف قلبى لاارجو احدا سواك برحمتك ياارحم الرحمين

" Bismillahir-rahmanir Rahim. Allahuma ya sani u kulli masnu ya jabiru kulli kyasirin ya muchnisu kulli faqyrin ya sahibu kulli garibin ya shafi kulli maridin ya hadyru kulli hallikin ya razyku kulli marzykin ya haliku kulli makhlyukin ya hafizu kulli maftukhin ya fatihu kulli maftukhin ya galibou kulli maglubin ya malik kulli mamlukin ya shakhidu kulli mashkhudin ya kashifu kulli karbin Ijal-li minanri, farajan wa mahrajan ikzif kalbi Laarju ahadan siuak. Birahmatika ya arhamar-rahimin "

O Allah, creator of all creatures, O Comforter of all the poor, O Companion of all wanderers, O Healer of all the sick, O Giver of blessings to the needy, O Revealer of all that is revealed, O Conqueror of all that is conquered, O witness of everything visible, O Deliverer from all suffering! O Allah, Grant me a successful outcome in every matter, cleanse my heart! I do not rely on anyone but You and trust in Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!
This prayer has 30 virtues:
1. If someone finds himself among enemies and is afraid of their harm, then he must, in a state of ablution, sincerely read this prayer 7 times, and Allah will protect him, insha Allah.
2. If someone finds himself in poverty and in distress, then he must perform 2 rakats in the evening, in each rakah after “Fatiha”, read Surah “Ikhlas”. After prayer, read this prayer and say: “O Allah, for the sake of respect for "Tajnama" save me from poverty!" and then ask for what you want and run your palms over your face. InshaAllah, Allah will soon grant your request.
3.Whoever is defeated by sikhr (corruption) must recite this prayer on the water 7 times, then pour this water over him and drink some of it. InshaAllah, get rid of sikhr.
4. If someone is so overfed that heart pain appears, you need to write this prayer with saffron on a white plate, rinse with water, drink it, wash your face and eyes.
5. If someone is sick for a long time and nothing helps him, he must read this prayer 70 times and blow on rainwater and give the sick person a drink, insha Allah, he will soon get relief.
6. If someone finds himself in great misfortune and suffering, one must sincerely read this prayer 1000 times in a state of ablution, insha Allah, Allah will give help.
7. Anyone who wants to get a positive solution to their problems from their boss should read this prayer 7 times near him and, inshaAllah, he will achieve what he wants.
8. Anyone who suffers from hearing loss should read this prayer in the ear 3 times, insha Allah, he will get rid of the disease.
9.Whoever reads a prayer 48 times on Friday morning, everyone will be friends with that person.
10. If a person gets into trouble due to injustice, then after each morning prayer he should read this prayer 40 times and blow on himself. InshaAllah, he will get rid of trouble.
11. If a person is lazy and likes to sleep for a long time, then he needs to read this prayer on Friday, after Juma prayer, 25 times.
12.Whoever does not have children should read this prayer on wax 70 times on Friday night, then put it in water and drink it, insha Allah, there will be children.
13. Anyone who wants to become rich must read this prayer 15 times every day.
14.Whoever wants to make friends with his enemies, let him read this prayer 70 times.
15. Anyone who wants to have a successful business (trade) should read this prayer once before leaving home and carry it with him.
16.For successful dunya and Akhyryt, you need to read 3 times daily and ask Allah.
17. If you write on a plate and give it to a sick person to drink, he will recover, insha Allah.
18.For enemies to stop slandering, you need to read it 11 times.
19.To return safely from a trip, you need to read this prayer 10 times.
20.If you read the dua 10 times during the sowing season, Allah will protect you from all harm.
21.Whoever wants to receive the Shafaat of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, should read this prayer 100 times daily.
22. If there is no love and friendship between a husband and wife, let them write this prayer in saffron on white paper and put it in bed. Their relationship will improve, insha Allah, and no sihr will take them.
23. For Allah to open the gates of happiness for a person, one must read this prayer 15 times and ask Allah.
24. If this prayer is attached to a child, he will be protected from fear and harm from the jinn.
25. During a difficult birth, you need to read this prayer 11 times and blow from the back on the woman in labor, Insha Allah, she will give birth soon and easily.
26. If a girl carries this prayer with her, everyone will like her.
27. If you read this prayer 5 times and blow on an animal, it will save them from illness.
28.To gain useful knowledge after morning prayer, you need to read this prayer 70 times.
29.Whoever has a large debt, with the intention of paying off the debt, should read this prayer 30 times, Insha Allah, Allah will give help.
30. Anyone bitten by a snake or scorpion should read this prayer and blow into the ear. Soon the patient will receive relief, Insha Allah.
