Wooden or plastic windows - comparison. Modern windows - what to choose: wood or PVC Which is better to install wooden or plastic double-glazed windows?

With the development of new technologies and the emergence of new materials, a lot of myths arise around them.

Which windows are better - plastic or wooden?

It was once believed that plastic was “horribly harmful,” but today it is widely used in Food Industry and in the production of goods for children. Proponents of natural materials prefer wooden windows, but agree that forests must be cut down to produce them.

Those who choose plastic windows, they say that they care about preserving trees, but at the same time, during the production of plastic, various substances are released, the impact of which on our planet is still not clear.

The debate about what is better as window profiles: plastic or wood risks developing into a rhetorical question about the chicken and the egg. Is there any competition between these materials at all? Let's find out!

Plastic double-glazed windows - advantages and disadvantages

These windows are universal in cost. Everyone can choose a profile according to their taste and the capabilities of their wallet. In addition, metal-plastic windows give several points ahead compared to wooden ones in everything related to construction and design.

Architects have received incredibly wide opportunities for designing ever new forms of windows only thanks to the advent of plastic profiles.

Plastic takes on any shape and size, can be of all colors of the rainbow and can successfully imitate the most different breeds wood, including valuable ones.

If you are concerned about issues related to the environmental friendliness of this material, then the new PVC plastic is an absolutely inert substance, it does not react, does not emit harmful fumes, and even resists open fire.

Plastic double-glazed windows or wooden ones?

Yes, plastic can hardly be called a “living, warm” material, but this is already in the realm of subjective tactile sensations and perception. In addition, today there is technology that allows plastic profiles to be given not only color and texture natural wood, but also its texture, that is, you can feel all the slightest roughness and patterns of wood to the touch.

In addition to the above advantages, windows with plastic profiles are durable, not affected by weather conditions, sealed at seams and joints, and provide excellent heat and sound insulation to the room. Due to its high density, polyvinyl chloride is resistant to mechanical damage and is difficult to scratch or chip.

Plastic windows are easy to care for (maintain)

Plastic windows are very easy to care for; the profile perfectly withstands the effects of almost any household chemicals and is not afraid of abrasive cleaning agents.

Advantages of metal-plastic windows:

  • Affordable price;

  • Durability;
  • Good sound insulation;
  • Long service life.

Disadvantages of metal-plastic windows:

  • Impossibility of even partial repairs;

  • Complete sealing makes the air in the room stuffy;
  • When heated strongly, plastic can release harmful substances (in minimal quantities).

Wooden windows - advantages and disadvantages

First of all, wood is an environmentally friendly material without any “buts”. And this greatly influences the pricing of everything related to products made from it, including double-glazed windows. In addition, wood is prestigious, natural in the world artificial materials rules the roost.

But this is not the only reason why the price of wooden windows today has increased significantly compared to ordinary woodwork, which was in any home a couple of decades ago. The fact is that due to the maximum compliance with the quality characteristics offered plastic double glazed windows, technological process production of wooden analogues had to be almost completely modernized. Technical regulations requires significant expenditures of both financial and labor hours.

The wood itself also affects the price of the product. If we talk about increasing cost, then we can build the following chain: pine, larch, ash, spruce, beech, oak, Siberian cedar.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • Possibility of repair.

Disadvantages of wooden windows:

  • High price;
  • Poor weather resistance;

  • Relatively short service life.

PVC or wood - which is better, comparison

Thus, both plastic and wood have their own merits in the eyes of their customers, and it is pointless to argue about which material is better. A clear answer to the question: “Which windows are better to choose - wooden or plastic?” can't be given. The main selection criteria are price ranges and secondary properties of each type of window.

Plastic or wood – which is cheaper?

Separately, I would like to discuss the cost of plastic and wooden windows - this issue has always been a stumbling block for future owners (buyers). At the moment the situation is this - if we consider the fairly high-quality segment of PVC and wooden windows, then PVC windows are of course cheaper. Wooden windows at the moment they are an indicator of status and wealth because their high-quality performance can be many times more expensive than PVC.

Probably, each of us, when building a house, or when replacing dilapidated frames in an apartment, was faced with the problem of choosing windows - plastic or wooden? Warped and cracked, difficult to close, dusty between the cloudy openings of rattling glass, these construction elements dating back to Soviet times have become the subject of numerous ridicule and are an eyesore for caring family owners.

Why plastic windows?

In many ways, it was the stereotype formed from the past that contributed to the boom in construction know-how - plastic windows. More precisely, metal-plastic, because the frame is reinforced with metal from the inside for rigidity. Production of products began back in the 1960s in Europe. At first there were imported ones from Germany and Poland. Then production was established in our country.

Plastic quickly conquered the window market in Russia, standing out primarily for its insulation characteristics, tightness, durability, and aesthetics. And also the absence of constantly jamming vents and latches, since it is equipped convenient system opening in two (three) directions.

Competently and culturally structured service marketing also played a major role in activating demand for plastic windows. Manufacturers and suppliers of PVC windows immediately established service and maintenance, offering the buyer turnkey installation of products.

PVC – polyvinyl chloride – the main composition of the material.

It is enough to pay the purchase price - and there are no problems: delivery, replacement of old structures, installation, even cleaning and removal of construction waste.

Wooden windows could not boast of such attention to themselves.

Firstly, they were not included in the assortment at woodworking enterprises, so there were no significant changes in production technologies established back in Soviet times.

Secondly, manufacturing in the 90s was in the artisanal segment of the economy, and therefore there was a high percentage of defects. Moreover, it was difficult to legally punish such a manufacturer for dishonest work.

Thirdly, an inexperienced buyer had to both choose wooden frames and look for an installation specialist - again, from the above-mentioned “traditional craftsmen”.

And most importantly, the ease of use of PVC windows and their cleaning, compared to wooden ones, was undeniable.

Why wooden?

Few people know, but plastic windows in Europe have long lost ground to wooden windows. For example, today wood accounts for 60% of the European market. It is not without reason that in the EU countries a huge amount of appropriate tools and lines for the production of wooden windows are produced.

Therefore, in the 90s, manufacturers of plastic windows, in order not to lose sales, began to develop the markets of post-Soviet countries, offering tempting prices and service, the quality of which we mentioned above.

Gradually, thanks to thoughtful marketing and advertising, a stereotype was created for residents of the “scoop” that PVC windows are a symbol of wealth and prestige. At the same time, in Germany, Austria, France or Switzerland, on the contrary, wooden Euro-windows are a symbol of prosperity and respectability, being aesthetically attractive and environmentally friendly.

But also more expensive, because the manufacturing technology cannot be compared with the Soviet “ancestors”.

Previously, in the USSR, solid wood was used to make windows. wooden beam made of pine, which was economically profitable, but caused deformation window frames influenced by humidity and temperature.

In Europe, a wooden blank made of three or four-layer laminated veneer lumber is used. For production, pine (the inside of the timber), oak, ash, and Siberian larch are selected, but there are also production technologies from mahogany - meranti.

For example, light red meranti has characteristics similar to oak, slightly inferior in hardness.

Products made from beech and chestnut are classified as elite and expensive. There are almost none of them on the market, not so much because of the high cost, but because of the complexity of preparing the source material and processing. For example, the manufacture of an oak window is preceded by three years of drying of the blanks under certain conditions.

Manufacturers - especially small ones - replace the natural drying of wood with an electric dryer. This leads to the fact that the profiles may become covered with black spots.

Note that a compromise in terms of “price-quality” is windows made of expensive wood on the outside and a layer of pine on the inside.

The workpieces are processed and impregnated chemical compounds, improving moisture resistance, protecting against rotting, but at the same time not preventing the wood from “breathing”.

It is worth noting the diversity paint coatings for wooden windows. It is better to give preference to German, Finnish and Dutch paints, which preserve the properties of wood, improve the appearance of products, and emphasize the structure of wood (if “varnished”). Wide color and texture palette.

Differences between wooden and plastic windows: pros and cons

There are conflicting reviews both heard and on the Internet. But it is worth noting that most of them are initiated by interested parties, and therefore are subjective, speculative, and pursue the goal of “drowning” a competitor or promoting their product.

To objectively evaluate wooden and plastic windows, it is more correct to compare the advantages and disadvantages that have appeared during many years of operation. From the point of view of how these products have proven themselves in practice, common reviews and opinions are analyzed. So let's get started.

1. PVC windows are easy to use

Because of this quality, they have gained popularity in our country. But let us remember that plastic windows appeared in our country against the backdrop of a pitiful state in the production of similar wood products. Modern wooden ones have an elegant appearance, and the profile is in no way inferior to plastic ones in terms of convenience. In addition, it is provided partial renovation wooden windows, the color can be easily refreshed or changed.

2. Plastic windows have excellent tightness

But, unfortunately, they are even too sealed, and poor ventilation leads to the formation of mold and moisture condensation. This is one of the main disadvantages of metal-plastic products. To avoid this problem, you must either buy windows with a built-in ventilation system, or purchase separately supply valve. Wooden ones are almost free of this drawback, because, as they say, they “breathe”. According to average data, a standard wooden frame passes through its pores about 2.5 cubic meters per day. air. Thus, wooden products help maintain optimal air consistency, since wood stabilizes the humidity regime better than other materials.

3. PVC windows have high thermal insulation

The question is controversial. Air chambers metal-plastic windows significantly reduce heat transfer. But the main merit in this is not so much the profiles as the double-glazed windows. And modern wooden frames are also equipped with high-quality one- or two-chamber packages (glasses connected along the contour, between which an air-filled space is formed). In addition, the wooden frame itself, due to its natural porous structure, has lower thermal conductivity than PVC, which is especially important in conditions of Siberian cold or Asian heat. The same quality of wood prevents, unlike plastic, the appearance of condensation on the doors.

4. Plastic is highly sound insulating

The statement is also controversial. As in the previous paragraph, everything depends on the quality of the double-glazed window and the number of glasses in it: the more, the more noise is delayed. But wood, due to its texture, is excellent soundproofing material, not inferior, or even superior, to plastic profiles.

5. Plastics are easy to care for and wash, even with the use of abrasives

It's right. Wooden products are more demanding when it comes to the use of detergent compositions, and especially do not tolerate abrasive ones. Without proper care, they age quite quickly and become unusable. But on the other hand, unlike metal-plastic structures, wooden structures do not have electrostatic properties - they do not attract dust - so they do not need to be washed as often as plastic ones. This is especially important in industrial or arid steppe areas.

6. PVC windows can withstand high humidity without problems

This is true. Even more: plastic is a hydrophobic substance (repels water). Unlike wooden competitors, plastic windows very well tolerate even prolonged contact with moisture or influence atmospheric precipitation. Modern technologies they are not yet able to completely protect wood from destructive moisture, which is the main cause of rot and mold.

7. Metal-plastic windows tolerate temperature changes well and are frost-resistant

The statement is quite controversial. Frost resistance - this function is assigned exclusively to double-glazed windows. But very low or high temperatures (-40 – +40) are perceived differently by wooden and plastic structures. Wood is a natural material, hardened under the mentioned temperature conditions, so it is physically more resistant. Due to its natural origin, wood, unlike all other materials, also has the lowest coefficient of expansion, which makes it ideal for use, for example, in very cold conditions. That is why wooden windows are especially popular in the northern countries - Finland and Sweden. PVC windows, especially considering the presence of metal parts in their designs, are quite vulnerable in this regard: a large temperature difference over time leads to a loss of insulating properties and, in general, structural strength.

8. PVC windows are less susceptible to deformation and are more durable

A very controversial statement. It is too early to draw conclusions about the durability of metal-plastic windows, since this product has been in use for at most 20-30 years. In fact, each of us has often seen old houses in which the wooden frames have not been changed for a hundred and more years. Even if their paint is peeling, the doors may not fit well, but with proper repairs they can last for many more years. And these are windows made in those times when they did not even think about advanced technologies and materials currently in use. The only enemy of wooden windows is moisture, which leads to their deformation and infection with fungus and mold. But with proper care, this danger can be avoided. Plastic windows are also susceptible to other misfortunes. The main one is the high coefficient of expansion with temperature changes, which gradually leads to loosening and loss of strength. And not only in the plastic itself, but also in the places where it meets the window opening.

The fact is that wooden frames are made from homogeneous materials (identical in physical properties), which have a similar expansion coefficient and equally perceive external influences. PVC windows have different materials in their design (especially metal reinforcement inside), and therefore they tolerate significant temperature changes worse than wooden ones.
There are no plastic ones without a metal base: polyvinyl chloride itself is a very fragile material, so without proper reinforcement the profile can be deformed. Another significant problem with metal-plastic windows is rubber seals. Even high-quality ones lose their properties over time, harden, and begin to crumble, especially under the influence of low and high temperatures, detergents, exhaust gases from the street, etc. They are inexpensive, but replacing the entire profile is a troublesome task.

9. Plastic is dangerous for the environment

The polyvinyl chloride from which window profiles are made is extremely dangerous for humans. No less dangerous are various additives (plasticizers, dyes), which small quantities released into the air (especially when heated). It is this fact that is often cited as the main argument in favor of wooden windows. But not everything is so scary. Firstly, most toxic and poisonous substances enter the atmosphere not from finished window, and in the production process of PVC raw materials.

Secondly, if you take into account the amount of plastic in the window and the volume of the room in which it is located, then the “harmfulness” from the released substances is reduced to virtually zero.

Thirdly, although the structure of the material contains harmful substances, this does not mean that they must necessarily enter our body (unless, of course, we burn or inhale combustion products). In addition, we are already surrounded by a huge number of products containing plastic: linoleum, toys, vinyl wallpapers, various packaging, etc.

Yes, there is virtually not a single thing around that does not contain some kind of poison. Another argument popular among opponents of plastic windows is that, unlike wooden ones, when polyvinyl chloride ignites, very toxic and poisonous substances are released. In this case, there is only one piece of advice: do not burn plastic windows in your apartment! Just a joke, but... But if, God forbid, it comes to a situation where the windows in the room are already on fire, then these fumes are unlikely to be significant in the overall picture of the tragedy. As is the environmentally friendly burning of wooden windows.

A person values ​​his health more than anything in the world, so concepts such as the harm or safety of a product have become one of the main tools in the struggle for consumers between competitors. Not surprisingly, this is the area most susceptible to subjectivity and bias. Sometimes a product that is hazardous to health is advertised as almost healing, and vice versa: a neutral product is presented as an environmental disaster.

10. Wooden windows look attractive

Wood products have always been valued for their beautiful texture, aesthetic and attractive appearance. But there is no arguing about tastes. For example, metal-plastic structures are more suitable for a modern concrete-glass-aluminum building than wooden ones. In addition, PVC windows are now very diverse both in shape and color (about 50). Wooden ones are somewhat limited in the arbitrariness of their designs (the radius of the arch is limited).

Consumers think about which windows are better - plastic or wooden - when designing housing construction or planning renovations. Windows are installed with the expectation that they will last for years. Therefore, it is not surprising that all material characteristics are subject to careful analysis. The decision largely depends on the cost of a plastic window or a wooden one with similar characteristics.

Environmental friendliness

Regarding such characteristics as environmental friendliness, it is worth noting that many people confuse it with naturalness. In fact, the environmental friendliness of PVC compared to wooden frames will not make much difference. Window blocks made of polyvinyl chloride are recommended by sanitary organizations for use in children's institutions and hospitals, while wooden frames coated with special protective substances and varnish may be more harmful than metal-plastic structures.

(Only for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region), send a request to calculate the cost:

Appearance and Design

The appearance of frames made of wood compared to plastic differs in attractiveness in accordance with one’s own preferences. Plastic frame You can, if desired, laminate with any film desired color; even imitation is possible natural materials. Wood, which is considered attractive in itself, can be coated with impregnations of any color or varnished to improve its appearance. If you want to receive a product in good quality, window unit It is necessary to choose not from low-grade raw materials.

Windows made of any material fit well into different design compositions, therefore, you need to decide which windows to choose - wooden or plastic - depending on your own desires.


Plastic profiles, unlike wooden ones, have a peculiarity: in the cold season they form condensation, which oozes indoors. The passage of large amounts of moisture adversely affects the atmosphere inside the home. Even the expression “weeping windows” appeared.

Depending on the material, the reliability of the frame may vary, but the differences here are insignificant. The surface of PVC can expand in extreme heat - windows made without reinforcement often become deformed. Wooden products do not dry out or become unstuck, but may darken under the influence of sun rays, and scratches on the surface are difficult to hide. The tree may suffer from negative environmental influences.

We can conclude that PVC options are more reliable than wooden ones, but only if they are of high quality. When manufactured from cheap raw materials, the performance properties will not be up to par.

Thermal and sound insulation

When considering thermal insulation and windows, most often we are talking about the quality of the fittings and the thickness of the glass unit. For PVC products, the thermal insulation capabilities are determined by the width and number of chambers. To evaluate the thermal insulation properties, the thermal conductivity coefficient is used. The lower it is, the less heat is released outside. It is important that there is no air in the glass unit - tightness modern designs provides high soundproofing and thermal insulation characteristics.

When considering which is better - wooden or plastic windows, we must take into account that the thermal conductivity coefficient of wood is determined depending on the type of wood. It is the same for oak and pine, slightly less for larch. PVC profiles have higher indicators, but they try to select the number of chambers in accordance with the climate zone. Under equal conditions, wood will retain heat better. Therefore, you can purchase inexpensive wooden windows or order PVC construction required thickness.

Service life

To find out the service life double glazed windows apply different ways, even to the point of creating a comment and receiving responses on social networks and forums. Experts give different estimates - in total, the service life of plastic structures is given as 20-30 or 45-50 years. They may vary depending on the material of manufacture and operating conditions. There are special windows that are cheaper or more expensive, designed for use in the Russian climate.

For wooden products, the durability also depends largely on the quality of the raw materials chosen for production. For example, larch will last about half a century, and oak structures - about 80 years. Wooden blanks subjected to processing special compounds to enhance durability.

Price issue

The price set on the market for wooden window structures with double-glazed windows is an order of magnitude more expensive than for plastic. The cheapest domestic production cost twice as much as PVC. The cost also depends on the type of wood of the frame - for products made from valuable species tree it increases several times. Given the high cost of fittings, the thickness of the glass unit, designed for harsh weather, the price also increases regardless of the frame material.


  • prices are indicated without installation, on average installation costs from 1600 - 2000 rubles per meter
  • prices are current as of 05/23/2019, for a more accurate calculation please contact these companies
  • the cost is conditional since each company has its own conditions and order components

each company has its own conditions: in some places there is free installation, and in others the price is indicated with window sills and slopes, this table simply shows the order of prices, You can't compare it where it's cheaper!

Window 600 mm by 1350 mm

firm Pine Larch
22 428 24 000
Fabrikaokon 23 800 27 914
18 900
Decon 23 400 24 863
Woodelux 24 900 25 812

Window 1350 mm by 1500 mm

firm Pine Larch
29 571 36 000
Window Factory 46 886 54 446
29 000
Decon 30 114 36 457
Woodelux 29 016 37 486

The cost is given based on feedback from clients who made calculations in these companies and is not final.


It is not so easy to accurately answer the question of which windows will be better for the housing in which they are going to be installed. Considering the features of plastic windows or wooden structures, you can identify the pros and cons that matter to the consumer. The decision is best made by the whole family. Having decided what material I collected large quantity votes, hire workers and purchase products.

Modern window designs made of wood and PVC may have similar characteristics of tightness, energy efficiency, and sound protection. Those who are planning to purchase new windows are advised to carefully familiarize themselves with the advantages and disadvantages of the products that are offered on the market. For example, for summer country house It is hardly advisable to buy three-chamber double-glazed windows with enhanced heat and sound protection characteristics. On the contrary, lightweight wooden frames are not suitable for creating a warm climate and aesthetics in apartments.

When choosing, you can also rely on reviews from people who have already installed frames made of one material or another. But the final decision should be made based on your own preferences. This way the choice becomes conscious, and after several years the owners will not regret their decision.

What kind of windows are there?

What is it made of?

  • Let's figure out what plastic windows are made of: polymer and chemical elements the entire periodic table in one bottle.

  • What are wooden windows made of? A wooden window block is several dozen thin environmentally friendly strips of wood, cleared of resin pockets and knots, glued with special moisture-resistant glue, impregnated with drying oil, varnish, primer, which in turn also contain a lot of chemical elements.

Technical side

But to do it right choice our school and college years will help us and a little logical thinking. In the production of plastic windows, polymers of a high safety group closer to class A are used (the profile class depends on the price and honesty of the contractor). Also, all the profiles that make up plastic structures have special chambers and outlets for micro-ventilation and moisture removal, a network of seals and an equally large network of silicone beads from a gun.

“Budget” wooden windows often do not have chambers for moisture removal, do not have a channel system for micro-ventilation, but have the ability to absorb moisture, become damp and swell if they are not manufactured correctly by the manufacturer.

Video: the pros and cons of plastic windows

Video: features and advantages of wooden windows

What about reliability?

Not quite familiar to our mentality that survived the Soviet times, plastic windows, of course, cannot replace ordinary wooden ones with vents, but they are able to protect the home from noise, dust and dampness.

Wooden profiles with double glazing provided high quality workmanship can also protect, but, alas, they will have to be serviced every year, no matter what the manufacturers say - wood, even in Africa, wood and under any covering can either rot or accumulate moisture and crack. And this is a fact known to everyone.

But still, as practice shows, for example, in Europe, almost all houses have plastic windows, and only a few wooden windows are installed there. And why? They are cheaper, maintenance consists only of wiping the profile with a rag, adjusting the fittings from time to time, and replacing the seals after a certain number of years.

In a good situation, wood will last a long time, but not as long as plastic. Polymers lose their properties after more than 300 years, but what about wood? Air, moisture, sun and wind - and after 20 years the window is in dust (remember the old frames from your grandmothers). Two bags will also not save the tree from moisture and erosion.

But with a competent approach from the manufacturer, with high-quality priming of the timber in several layers, no less weak painting and impregnation with fire retardants, and so on, the tree can also last a long time, but the price will then be equal to double the cost of a plastic window.

Video: is purchasing wooden windows worth it?
