Making an elephant out of a mosquito. Russian language Olympics. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

PHRASEOLOGY(gr. phrasis - expression + logos - teaching) - the science of linguistic units that are complex in composition and have a stable character: upside down, get into trouble, the cat cried, carelessly. Phraseology is also called the entire set of these complex stable phraseological combinations.

Errors when using phraseological units.

· Replacement of a component of a phraseological combination ( move from empty to empty instead of pour from empty to empty; the lion's share instead of lion's share).

· Unjustified reduction or expansion of the composition of phraseological units ( new rules have come into effect instead of new rules came into force; leave a lot to be desired instead of leave a lot to be desired).

· Using an unsuccessful definition as part of a phraseological combination ( Unfortunately, at the evening dedicated to A.S. Pushkin was asked slanderous questions about Natalya Nikolaevna instead of asked tricky questions).

Contamination (mixing) of two turns ( along the coffin boards instead of to the grave of life and to the gravestone; put it to your throat instead of lean against the wall and approach the throat; play meaning instead of play a role and make a difference).

· Distortion of grammatical form components of the phraseological unit (tuck under the arm instead of tuck under the arm, grandmother in two said instead of grandmother in two said).

Violation of the grammatical connection of a phraseological unit with adjacent words ( He never broke anyone's hat instead of He never shook his hat to anyone; the speaker expressed regret about what happened instead of the speaker expressed regret over what happened).

· Use of phraseological units that do not correspond to the context (Among the listeners were students who could not knit in Russian. It follows: Among the listeners there were students who did not know Russian well. The audience gives me confidence that I can still do a lot as an actress. It follows: The audience gives me faith that I can still do a lot as an actress).

· Stylistic inappropriateness use of phraseological turns (the commander ordered to reel in the fishing rods instead of the commander ordered to leave).

Exercise 9. Find errors in the use of phraseological units.

1. Neither dawn nor light.

2. Beat the bullshit.

Your Answer:____________________

3. The puppy cried.

4.Lion's part.

Your Answer:__________________________

5.Hack on the shoulder

Your Answer:___________________________

Exercise 10

Read the sentences. Insert phraseological units necessary for their meaning. Use the hint.

The commander was……… He was in the grip of complete duality and confusion.

The investigator worked all day, in the end completely ……………….

The President of America, Theodore Roosevelt began………………. regarding mediation and peace between Japan and Russia.

We invite you to complete Olympiad assignments from previous years in various academic subjects.



Place stress on the words:

Gypsy, nettle, agreement, spark, kitchen, rubber, ringing, watermelon, sole, willow.

What phonetic feature unites words?

Move away, please, bend

Specify phrases:

1) green and orange; 2) wolf tail; 3) from under a stone;
4) flight of the cuckoo, 5) wise thought; 6) wake up early;
7) the cranes were crowing; 8) near the house.
4. Indicate in which lines of the chorus “Songs of the Crocodile Gena”
Does the spelling of words completely match the pronunciation?
And I play Unfortunately,
On the accordion Birthday
From passers-by Only once
In sight. In the year.

Write down the words corresponding to the diagrams (two examples each):

Prefix + root + suffix + suffix + ending;

Prefix + root + suffix;


Complete a spelling task.

Write down first the words with the same root, and then the forms of the same word.
Forest - and the azure sky looks clear
Like spring in the bright waters of the river.
The forest is green all around, l...cold and r...brown,
And in the forest there is a t...tire, and among the t...tire -
Only a goal...from a cuckoo. The Prophet is naked...sat!
Look...will I live to see a new...dream? (I. Bunin)
7. Indicate a sentence constructed according to the scheme: [ _______ _. _ . _ . _ .
1) This morning is cold.
2) The ravine is overgrown with flowers.
3) I got a call from school.

4) Snow covered the roads.

1. Place emphasis in words:
Clay, belt, plum, pamper, quarter, cement, sorrel, Ukrainians, kitchen,
more beautiful.
2. Indicate which of these words comes from the same root as the word table:
1) dining room; 2) carpenter; 3) feast; 4) capital; 5) agave; 6) tabletop;
7) throne.
3. Solve a spelling problem.

Indicate the categories of adjectives.

Balcony door; 2) windless day; 3) bear den;
4) an attentive student; 5) nimble squirrels; 6) golden hands;
7) drum roll; 8) stone heart
4. Explain the meaning of the highlighted words (excerpt from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”
A.S. Pushkin)
...The knights are coming in pairs,
And, shining with gray hair,
And he leads them to the city.
5. Choose adjectives for these nouns:
pain, shampoo, tulle, piano, wormwood, little house, Ivasi, path, parcel post, callus, cocoa,

Write out the words from the text that:

Bow down;


They don't bow or hide

It's fun to make your way along the narrow path between two walls of tall rye.

Ears of corn quietly hit you in the face, cornflowers cling to your legs, the horse runs at a lazy trot. Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens babble high above you. A mighty oak tree stands next to a beautiful linden tree.
7. Perform morphemic analysis of words:

Aspen, scratch, snowflake, sturgeon, path, basket, dewdrop, seaside.

1. Put emphasis on the words:
blinds, begin, adolescence, cakes, chute, nursery, accepted, spinning,

cedar, pseudonym.
2. Solve a spelling problem. Select "third wheel":
1) in the unknown, from afar, on hydrotherapy;
2) give in to laziness, give in to a finished look, give in to a friend;
3) work, go beyond the boundaries of what is permitted, the walls
4) bow your head in front of the teacher, there is nowhere to bow your head, bow your head
banners in front of the winner;

5) pr…pretend not to understand, pr…create in life, pr…create a loose door.
3. Perform word-formation analysis of these nouns.
Determine their gender.

Self-taught, beggar, braggart, couch potato. 4. Define the view syntactic connection
in phrases:
1) work together; 2) an interesting story; 3) write an essay;

4) speak frankly; 5) go to a sanatorium; 6) pine forest
5. Put these nouns into gender. n. plural:
wrist, shoulder strap, boot, keychain, partisan, banana, pan, towel, hectare,

6. Replace the words with phraseological units that are synonymous in meaning:
1) to mess around; 2) alone; 3) timid, inconspicuous; 4) simple, no fuss; 5)crowded;

6) be ashamed; 7) thirteen; 8) luxurious, rich; 9) be a hypocrite; 10) be silent. 7. In what sentences participial phrases
built incorrectly?

Write down the correct option.

The web floated in the air, saturated with the aroma of the passing summer.

Tangled needles rained down from the tree.

The smoke being pushed out of the hole in the roof spread out like a thick veil.

The midday air, heated by the sultry rays of the sun, became stuffy and heavy.

A boy of about ten years old was running along a path thickly overgrown with hyacinths.

The almond-scented hawthorn flowers miraculously blossomed on the same bush.

1. Place emphasis on words. Find the "third wheel".
1) Sheets, tablecloths, capacities;
2) rejector, watchmaker, insurer;
3) quince, wholesale, plum;
4) calligraphy, printing, fluorography

2. From these words, form active and passive present participles
time: perform, drive, depend, recognize, see

3. Carry out a word-formation analysis of these words:
1) pale pink; 2) fishing; 3) fifth grader; 4) fast growing;
5) stock up; 6) run away.

4. Indicate sentences in which there are errors in the use of numerals,
write down the correct option.

He stood firmly on the ground with both feet.

The school renovation was promised to be completed by September 1st.

Have you congratulated women on the Eighth of March?

Car production increased by three-fifths this year.

Three-quarters of the pages were removed.

5. Describe the composition of the proposals grammatical basis(two-part,
one-piece). Determine the type of one-part sentences.

Trees in the snow are so beautiful!

I wanted to say something comforting and reassuring to her.

His words are like a river of wisdom.

I want to understand and express something that is happening in me.

The editors provided, despite the lack of experience, a unique opportunity to run their own column.

Dark wilderness, dilapidated houses, rickety fences, dusty road.

6. Replace the following expressions with phraseological units:
1) get into an awkward position; 2) very far; 3) be angry, take offense at someone;
4) hesitate, hesitate; 5) appear suddenly; 6) sleep very soundly; 7) soulmate;
8) to be the main one in any matter; 9) completely destroy; 10) become despondent,
into despair.

7. Indicate what part of speech the highlighted words are:
1) Near the hut a crimson flame burns, surrounded by darkness.
2) The oar splashed sharply nearby; the girl raised her head.
3) A little snow fell the day before and it was freezing.
4) Yellow maple leaves are floating next to the boat.
5) Everything has changed around: the Thames flows instead of the Moscow River, and a foreign tribe is around...

7th grade

Exercise 1.
Find the “fourth extra” among these words and explain your choice.

Priceless, soil, mental, solemn.

Task 2.
On what basis did the helicopter get its name?

Task 3.
Find distorted phraseological units and correct errors. Explain what these phraseological units mean.
Making an elephant out of a mosquito, washing dirty linen in public, two pairs of felt boots, getting lost in three aspen trees, eating a cat, the cat crying, a mosquito won’t hurt your nose.

Task 4.
Fifth-grader Sasha tells his classmates about his younger brother: “He’s small – he can’t even pronounce the letter R yet!” “Even though you’re in school, you don’t know anything about letters either,” they remark. Why did classmates react to Sasha’s story this way?

Task 5.
During a Russian language lesson, a teacher asked students to explain the meaning of words. Did they do it right? If there are errors in the interpretation, correct them.
A huckster is a man who does not work, but looks after young ladies.
The clerk is the one who issues orders.
Lapotnik is a bear whose paws hurt.

Task 6.
Find among these words the “fourth extra” (from a grammatical point of view) and explain your choice.
Pants, canopy, stretcher, ivashi.

Task 7.
Insert, where necessary, the missing letters into the following words: peer..nik, peer..nik. What word comes from the word verst? Which dictionary will you turn to for help answering the last question?

Task 8.
In L. Carroll’s book “Alice in Wonderland,” the heroine says, “Won’t I fly right through the whole earth? This will be funny! I get out, and people are upside down! What are their names there?.. Antipathies, it seems?” What did Alice mean when she used the words antipathy? What would you call the people living on the opposite side of the earth? What is the name of the dictionary that would help her name them?

Task 9.
Schoolchildren living and studying in Russia can say that they know the Russian alphabet from A to Z. What could students say about knowing their alphabet? Ancient Greece? A Ancient Rus'?

Task 10.
What term refers not only to one of the branches of linguistics, but also to the branch of biology that studies animal forms and flora? What does this branch of linguistics study?

Task 11.
Here is a sentence in an incomprehensible language, which, however, is constructed according to the laws of the Russian language. The words used in it also have Russian prefixes, suffixes, and endings. Do a syntactic analysis of the sentence, morphemic and morphological analysis of all words.

Add the necessary punctuation marks.

Kusodka dived and tried to unpack the soap.
Task 12.

Soon the Turks released me and, together with other prisoners, sent me back to Petersburg. But I decided to leave Russia... and returned to my homeland. The winter that year was very cold. Even the sun was chilling...his cheeks were frostbitten and he...had a runny nose. And when the sun gets colder (n, nn) ​​instead of warmth, cold comes from it. You can imagine how much I trembled in my carriage.


1. In modern Russian, orthoepic norms are often violated in words:

Mustard plaster, bakery, antique, of course, on purpose, library, boring, cheap scrambled eggs.

Indicate in which words, according to orthoepic norms, the combination of letters -CHN- is pronounced as:

A) [chn];

B) [shn];

C) there are two possible pronunciation options [chn - shn].

2. Recently, the city library received 78,498 new books. How many new books can library readers get acquainted with?

Choose the correct answer.

A) from seventy-eight thousand four hundred ninety-eight;

B) with seventy-eight thousand four hundred and ninety-eight;

C) with seventy-eight thousand four hundred and ninety-eight;

D) from seventy-eight thousand four hundred ninety-eight;

D) with seventy-eight thousand four hundred ninety-eight.

3. Place emphasis in words:

Iconography, make it easier, make it easier, more beautiful, cakes, scanty, gas pipeline, turn on.

4. Which of the following words contain double consonants?

Artill...ery, gal...erey, dramatic...atic, human...anism, quantity, caval...eriya, play...a, intellect...ect, trembling...and.

II. History of the Russian language

1. What is the history of the word stick, and does this word have anything to do with the verb palit’ in the meaning “to burn, to scorch with fire”? 2. Explain what the expression prodigal son means? What is its origin? When it is used in modern language

? Give examples. 3. Match to outdated words

modern synonyms:

Right hand, Victoria, cheeks, polites, sail, shuytsa 4. Only one of these words is derived from Slavic word

eye, meaning "eye". Which? Give reasons for your answer.

Window, outskirts, look around, ocean, ophthalmologist.

III. Language of the work of art

1. Here is an excerpt from B.L. Pasternak’s poem “Winter Night”.

What figurative and expressive language devices are used in this passage? Determine what their role is.

Chalk, chalk all over the earth

To all limits.

The candle was burning on the table,

The candle was burning.

Like a swarm of midges in summer

Flies into the flames

Flakes flew from the yard

To the window frame.

Chalk, chalk all over the earth

A snowstorm sculpted on the glass

2. Here are fragments of different texts. Read them carefully, compare and determine which one artistic technique lies at the basis of their construction.

1) It was not frost that chilled the zealous heart

My heart felt sad and sad.

(Folk song)

2) The red sun set

All the way to the ground;

I can't see my dear

Until the very winter.


1. From the given couplet by B.L. Pasternak, write down all the phrases.

And the more random, the more true

Poems are composed out loud.

A) Do a syntactic analysis of the written phrases.

B) Identify the parts of speech in this couplet.

2. Turkish words and phrases are given, as well as their translations into Russian:

Ada - island, adalar - islands, iki tas - two cups, adam - man,

Otuz adam – twenty people, taslar – cups.

How do you say in Turkish: twenty islands? People?

3. Determine which sounds are pronounced in place of the highlighted combinations of letters in these words:

Kindle, loosen, heartburn, out of a fur coat, without a closet, with a wife, with noise.

4. Explain the meaning of the following phraseological units:

The Unsleeping Eye

Noble Nest

5. Why can the pronouns his, her, be in the same synonymous row with the pronoun his?

6. Copy and place punctuation marks in the poem by A.N. Apukhtin "To the Motherland".

Conduct a punctuation analysis. Give reasons for your answer.

Far from you, oh holy homeland

Already whole year I lived in the edges of a foreign country

And often I was sad when I remembered you

Peace and happiness past with you

And here in the land of winter there are swamps of deep snow

Where I lived just as alone and sadly

I retained the remnants of high feelings in my soul

I kept all my old love for you

Write out cognate words and forms of the same word from the poem

7.What etymological dictionaries of the Russian language do you know? How is a dictionary entry constructed in etymological dictionaries?

8. What is toponymy? Give an interpretation of the term and give examples.

V. Creative task

Write a miniature essay in a journalistic style in the genre of newspaper notes on the topic: “Book.”

1. Write down words and word forms in which the stress is on the last syllable.

Scoop, asymmetry, taps, seal, subscribe, bibliographer, tradesman, decoction.

2. B Latin There is a word valeo - “I become strong, healthy.”

What modern Russian words are related in origin to it?
3. Form the genitive plural forms from these nouns: bottom, shoe, Georgian, sheet, saucer, epaulettes, boyar, knee, log. Please indicate options (if any). Place emphasis.

Score – 9 points
4. Complete the missing words in the proverbs about teaching and language.

In verbosity, not without...

Score – 2 points
5. Write out only numerals from this list.

Eightieth, seven, third, two, two, two, double, both, pair, nickel, fifth, five, fifty, three, three.

What modern Russian words are related in origin to it?
6. Indicate the Russian equivalent to foreign words: debate, intuition, isolate, metamorphosis, prize, total, social, prevail.

Score – 8 points
7. What part of speech does the word “sad” belong to in the examples given?

1) The mother looked sadly at the children. 2) The wait was sad. 3) I'm sad.

Score – 3 points
8. Write down the numbers of one-part sentences. Determine the type of each one-part sentence.

1) In the villages they bake bread well. (I. Bunin). 2) Darling, let’s sit next to each other and look into each other’s eyes. (S. Yesenin). 3) Fireweed is a very warm flower. (K. Paustovsky). 4) Two steamships washed up on the rocks.

What modern Russian words are related in origin to it?
(K. Paustovsky). 5) What happened to you? 6) I will never dream of another land... (K. Skvortsov). 7) I wouldn’t want to be in your place.

9. What technique is used in the poem? What language is it based on?

So I asked the mischievous one

Kota Vasya I:

- What does this word mean:


The cat was very kind -

Explained clearly:

Broke all the dishes

And asked:

- It's clear?

Score – 2 points

Score – 1 point

11. You know that the most ordinary words, used in a figurative meaning, acquire great expressive power from a master of artistic expression. In an excerpt from the story by M.M. Prishvin, find words with a figurative meaning, determine their role in the text. What other language means does the author use? For what purpose?

“Has anyone seen how ice dies in a meadow in the rays of the sun? Yesterday it was still a rich stream; visible from the trash left in the meadow. The night was warm, and during the night he managed to carry away almost all of his water and connect it to the big water. The last remains were caught by frost in the morning and turned into lace in the meadow. Soon the sun tore all these laces, and each piece of ice dies separately, falling to the ground in golden drops.”

Score – 20 points
GRADE 10 1. Russian norms

literary language

1. Correct grammatical errors in the examples given.

B) A memorial monument is installed on the square.

D) An unpleasant incident happened to him.

2. It just so happened that, unfortunately, the letter е is constantly replaced in books and newspapers by the letter е. It’s no wonder you completely forget where Ё is written, where E is written.

Indicate in which words only E is written and pronounced:

Custody, scam, shuttle, newborn.

3. Kofiy, kofiy, kohey, kokhvay. These are the names of the drink you know.

Read the sentences given in the task and determine why this word “dropped out” from the list of common, inanimate, neuter nouns:

- “Whoever drinks black coffee forges a forge against God.”

- “They seated Ani at the oak table, gave him tea and kohvai.”

- “There will be tea and coffee…”

- “Is your coffee ready?” (" The Cherry Orchard»)

Determine the gender of this word in modern Russian. Give examples.

4. In which words does the stress fall on the last syllable?

Blinds, gas pipeline, fortune teller, call, oil pipeline, catalogue.

Artill...ery, gal...erey, dramatic...atic, human...anism, quantity, caval...eriya, play...a, intellect...ect, trembling...and.

1. We are accustomed to calling the name of Bulgarian sour milk, Turkic in origin, yogurt. This spelling of the word is inaccurate. How should this word be written correctly?

Reference material:

English – yog(h)urt; French – yoghurt, yaghurt; German - Jog(h)urt.

Slavic languages: Czech – jogurt; Slovak – jogurt.

2..Compare the use of the words year and godina in the given sentences. Do these cognate words differ significantly in their sphere of use? What is

further fate

of these words? Give examples.

A) “Her year has come, when will the child be born” (Ostromir Gospel)

B) “The time will come that the Son of Man will be glorified” (Ostromir Gospel).

3. In our language there are many “paired words”: watchman-guard, Milky - milk, tree - tree. In the roots of these words, full-vowel and half-vowel combinations of letters alternate. Write what you know about this phonetic phenomenon in Russian. This phonetic phenomenon underlies the name of the Smorodina River, familiar to you from fairy tales and epics. Do you think such a river really existed? What could its name mean? Give reasons for your answer.

III. Language

works of art

1. Read the poem by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Youth” (1830) and conduct a linguistic analysis of the poem (speech studies, language).

The fisherman spread the net along the shore of the icy sea;

The boy helped his father. Boy, leave the fisherman!

Other things await you, other worries:

Are these words the same root? Prove your point.

Which interpretation of the word “flow” do you consider more historically correct and why: a) “Move measuredly, calmly, follow, pass, leave, continue”;

B) “Move quickly, run”?

IV. Modern Russian language

1. Outstanding philologist of the twentieth century V.V. Vinogradov in his fundamental work “Russian Language. The grammatical doctrine of the word" (1947) called the pronoun a special part of speech in the modern Russian language. And the great Russian poet of the 19th century A.S. Pushkin in the poem “You and You” masterfully used the forms of personal pronouns you and you.

Why do you think the scientist characterized pronouns this way? What semantic features of personal pronouns did A.S. use? Pushkin in his poem?

You and you

Empty you are heartfelt you

She, having mentioned, replaced

And all the happy dreams

It aroused the soul of the lover.

I stand before her thoughtfully,

There is no strength to take your eyes off her;

And I tell her: how sweet you are!

And I think: how I love you!

(A.S. Pushkin)

2. Classify languages ​​into four language families:

Indo-European family:

Ural (Finno-Ugric) family:

Turkic family:

Caucasian family:

Tatar, Spanish, German, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Russian, Greek, Azerbaijani, Georgian, Finnish, Turkish, Iranian, Estonian

3. Given are Polish words in the accepted spelling and words in somewhat simplified Russian transcription - their Russian equivalents:

Rybak - [fisherman] fisherman morzyla - [mozhyla] morila

Rzeka - [zheka] river czart - [chart] damn

Tarli - [tarli] rubbed orzech - [ozhekh] nut

In which of the following Polish words is the letter combination read differently than in the others?

A) rzepa B) gorzeli C) burza D) grzech E) marzla

4. Find a pair in which the words have the same endings:

A) Dining room - flock

B) The tailor is a hero

B) Fisherman - worker

D) Lecture hall - fox

5. Do the sentences differ in composition? Give reasons for your answer.

A) A delightful overnight stay on the road.

B) Overnight en route due to bad weather.

6. Tell us about hard unpaired consonant sounds in the Russian language.

7. In modern Russian the word “to soar” is known, that is, “to move, to rush in the heights.”

To have your head in the clouds (also translated: to indulge in fruitless dreams, to forget about reality).

To soar in the world of dreams (translated).

But, as you can see, all meanings of this word are figurative. What is the direct meaning of the word “to soar”?

8. Give an interpretation of the linguistic term paronym. Give examples.

V. Creative work

Write a miniature essay in artistic style in the genre of a story on the topic “Book”.

Grade 11

Exercise 1.
What is the difference between dash and hyphen?

Task 2.
Combine the following words into groups, taking into account their possible lexical ambiguity. Indicate the specifics of each group.
Alexandria, Hungarian, bagpipe, Kabardian, Chinese, Kubanka, Moldavian, ottoman, Serbian, Scottish, Antonovka, Bestuzhevka, Michurinka, Stakhanovka, Timofey, sweatshirt.

Task 3.
On the basis of what linguistic technique are tongue twisters created? How does it work? Give examples of tongue twisters.

Task 4.
Are you familiar with the word danokiliy? Show me how you would decline it if it were an adjective?

Task 5.
In G.R. Derzhavin’s ode “God” there is the following line: I am, of course, ... and You.
What verb form is in the blank? Motivate your choice.

Task 6.
What are the names of words and expressions similar to those highlighted in the following fragment from Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”? Why did they get this name? Can you give examples of such words and expressions found in modern Russian speech?

The betrayals have become tiresome;
Friends and friendship are tired,
Because he couldn't always
Beef-steaks and Strasbourg pie
Pouring a bottle of champagne
And pour out sharp words,
When I had a headache...

Task 7.
The same preposition C can sound differently in the flow of speech. How exactly? Give examples of forms used with this preposition and write them down in transcription.

Task 8.
Try to translate the Latin expression Repetitioestmaterstudiorum, based on your knowledge of the Russian language. What Russian words will help you do this?
What Latin expressions do you know? Translate them using the interpretation of the corresponding Russian words.

Task 9.
Do you agree that in the series of words pork, beef, lamb, horse meat, the word beef is “superfluous”? Give reasons for your answer.

Task 10.
Are the phraseological units given in pairs synonymous?
Give reasons for your answer.
From day to day - from day to day; from minute to minute - minute to minute.
Task 11.
Compose sentences with the infinitive fly in which it would perform various syntactic roles. Indicate this role graphically (underlining).

Task 12.
Place emphasis on the following words.
Augustovsky, kitchen, iconography, flint, moloch, Christian, vulgarization, sorrel, aches, provision.

Task 13.
Place punctuation marks in the following sentence.
Restore the word formation path of the highlighted word.
The regimental commander, at that very moment when he heard shooting and a scream from behind, realized that something terrible had happened to his regiment and the thought that he was an exemplary officer who had served for many years could be guilty before his superiors of indiscretion or dishonesty so struck him that at that very moment he forgot even the rebellious a cavalry colonel and his general importance, he grabbed the pommel of the saddle and spurred his horse and galloped towards the regiment under a hail of bullets that rained down but happily passed him by. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Phraseologisms are often distorted for many reasons. This may be due to the fact that words fall out of use and historical facts are forgotten. If you know the meaning and its origin, it will be quite difficult to change its meaning.
Errors in the use of phraseological units most often arise from a lack of understanding of their meaning. In order to avoid semantic absurdities, you need to know the basic characteristics of phraseological units.

How to use phraseological units correctly

Firstly, it has a constant composition, i.e., the words in it do not change.
Secondly, its structure cannot be different.
Thirdly, it must remain unchanged grammatical form(you can’t say “keep your mouth shut”, but you can “keep your mouth shut”).
Fourthly, strict word order is important.

Often, due to the substitution of one word for another, with the same root, the composition of a phraseological unit changes. But you can’t be “caught by surprise.” You can only be “captured” and nothing else. The phenomenon when one word is replaced by a word of the same root that is not a synonym is called “paronymic substitution.”

Often, individual parts of phraseological units cannot be used independently. For example, the words “upside down” can only be combined with the word “up.” And the word “screwed up” only goes with the word “get into trouble.” Words can change their direct meaning within a phraseological unit. So the expression “blood with” does not directly refer to either blood or milk. It means a healthy person.

It is important to remember that nothing can be inserted inside a phraseological unit. You can say “register Izhitsa”, but you cannot say “prescribe me Izhitsa”.
Words in a phraseological unit have at least two stresses. For example, listen: “once and for all.” By the way, the presence of at least two accents is distinctive feature phraseology.

Even synonyms cannot replace words existing in a phraseological unit. Of course, phraseological units are often grammatical or lexical archaisms. But even if the meaning of a word is unclear to us, and the sound is unusual, we cannot replace it with any other. If we turn to the original meaning of the phraseological unit “to kick the bucket,” then it is difficult to grasp the modern meaning of the expression. “Baklushi” were called blanks for making wooden objects: spoons, cups. To do this, the log had to be split into pieces.

It is also impossible, for example, to say “like a pupil.” You can only “as the apple of your eye.” Although the meaning of the last expression may not be clear to modern man. But you can’t change it even if you want to.

Erroneous replacement of part of the components of one phraseological unit with words of another can occur due to the meanings of these phraseological units or because the mixed expressions contain the same component or a component with the same root.

So, for example, in oral and writing very often they mistakenly use “play” (or “represent”) meaning”, “have a role” instead of the correct “have a meaning” and “play a role”: You need to know that the meanings of the words of a phraseological unit can be similar, but not the same. You can only have “meaning” and “play” a role, but not vice versa. This phenomenon is called "contamination".

Often phraseological units belong to only one language. Semantic analogues can be found in different nations. But a complete coincidence is almost impossible.

    Assignments from Russian language olympiads, grade 7, with answers.

    Exercise 1.

    Find the “fourth extra” among these words and explain your choice.

    Priceless, soil, mental, solemn.

    There are two possible answers.

    Priceless – no suffix -enn.
    Priceless – formed in a prefix-suffix way.

    Task 2.

    On what basis did the helicopter get its name?

    Based on the ability to fly (take off) vertically.

    Task 3.

    Find distorted phraseological units and correct errors. Explain what these phraseological units mean..

    Making an elephant out of a mosquito, washing dirty linen in public, two pairs of felt boots, getting lost in three aspen trees, eating a cat, the cat crying, a mosquito won’t hurt your nose.

    To make a fool of something - to greatly exaggerate something, to attach great importance to something insignificant.

    Two pairs of boots - similar to each other (usually in their qualities, properties, position, etc.); are worth each other, one is no better than the other.

    Getting lost in three pines means not being able to figure out something simple, not being able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

    Eaten a dog - has great experience, skill, thorough knowledge of something.

    Task 4.

    Fifth-grader Sasha tells his classmates about his younger brother: “He’s small—he can’t even pronounce the letter R yet!” “Even though you’re in school, you don’t know anything about letters either,” they remark. Why did classmates react to Sasha’s story this way?

    Classmates noted that Sasha does not know the differences between letters - graphic signs that are intended to represent sounds in writing, and sounds - acoustic units of speech.

    Task 5.

    During a Russian language lesson, a teacher asked students to explain the meaning of words. Did they do it right? If there are errors in the interpretation, correct them.

    A huckster is a man who does not work, but looks after young ladies.

    The clerk is the one who issues orders.

    Lapotnik is a bear whose paws hurt.

    A profit dealer is someone who resells for the sake of profit - profit; reseller.

    Clerk - one who is engaged in trade by proxy of the store owner, carries out his instructions of a trading nature; an employee of the landowner who managed the landowner's household and carried out various economic assignments.

    Lapotnik - one who makes and sells bast shoes; the one who walks in bast shoes is a peasant.

    Task 6.

    Find among these words the “fourth extra” (from a grammatical point of view) and explain your choice.

    Pants, canopy, stretcher, ivashi.

    Ivasi– indeclinable noun.

    Task 7.

    Fill in the missing letters where necessary in the following words: peer..nickname, peer..nickname. What word comes from the word verst? Which dictionary will you turn to for help answering the last question?

    Peer, peer.(0,5+0,5=1)


    Etymological dictionary. (1)

    Task 8.

    In L. Carroll’s book “Alice in Wonderland,” the heroine says, “Won’t I fly right through the whole earth? This will be funny! I get out, and people are upside down! What are their names there?.. Antipathies, it seems?” What did Alice mean when she used the word antipathies? What would you call the people living on the opposite side of the earth? What is the name of the dictionary that would help her name them?

    Judging by the word used antipathies with Greek prefix anti(anti), denoting opposition or hostility to something, Alice could have meant, for example, anti-people, anti-English.

    The antonym dictionary records groupings of words with opposite meanings.

    Task 9.

    Schoolchildren living and studying in Russia can say that they know the Russian alphabet from A to Z. What could the students of Ancient Greece say about knowing their alphabet? What about Ancient Rus'?

    In Ancient Greece - from alpha to omega. In Ancient Rus' - from aza to izhitsa.

    Task 10.

    What term refers not only to one of the branches of linguistics, but also to the branch of biology that studies the forms of the animal and plant world? What does this branch of linguistics study?

    Morphology (from the Greek morhh? - form and logos - word, doctrine) studies systems of word forms and the mechanisms of their construction.

    Task 11.

    Here is a sentence in an incomprehensible language, which, however, is constructed according to the laws of the Russian language. The words used in it also have Russian prefixes, suffixes, and endings. Do a syntactic analysis of the sentence, morphemic and morphological analysis of all words. Add the necessary punctuation marks.

    Add the necessary punctuation marks.

    subject obst. let's say. o b s t o i t e l t o

    Kusodka dived, trying to unpack the soap.

    Kusod - to – (a)- noun female in singular form, nominative case. (2+1,5=3,5)

    dive - o - adverb. (0.5+1=1.5)

    po - dzik – a – l – (a)– verb 1 conjugation in the form of the indicative mood, past tense, feminine, singular. (3+2.5=5.5)

    myzyan-a – I – s – imperfective participle.(1+2=3)

    from - pak - a - t– verb 1 conjugation in the infinitive form. (1.5+2=3.5)

    soap - (y) - feminine noun in singular form, accusative case. (2+1=3).

    Task 12.

    In the story below, on behalf of the famous Baron Munchausen, fill in the missing punctuation marks, open the brackets, and insert the missing letters. Retell its contents as accurately as possible in one sentence in the third person.

    Soon the Turks released me and, together with other prisoners, sent me back to Petersburg. But I decided to leave Russia... and returned to my homeland. The winter that year was very cold. Even the sun was chilling...his cheeks were frostbitten and he...had a runny nose. And when the sun gets colder (n, nn) ​​instead of warmth, cold comes from it. You can imagine how much I trembled in my carriage.

    Soon the Turks released me and, together with other people, nn y sent And back to P e Terburg. But I decided to leave Russia And and by ka til home. The winter that year was very cold. Even the sun ro cold, frostbitten And lo cheeks, and he has With was done to us O rk. And when the sun shines O cold n oh, instead of warmth it gives off coldness. Can you imagine how much I O tremors in his A rete.

    Possible retelling. Soon after the Turks, having released Munchausen to freedom, together with other prisoners sent him to St. Petersburg, in a very cold winter, when even the sun caught a cold, his cheeks were frostbitten and instead of warmth there was cold from him, the baron in his carriage, completely chilled, drove off to my homeland.

    Assignments for Russian language olympiads, grade 7:

II (municipal) stage

Total task completion time – 3 hours

Exercise 1.

Find the “fourth extra” among these words and explain your choice.

Priceless, soil, mental, solemn.

Number of points.

2 points if both options are indicated.


There are two possible answers.

Priceless – no suffix - enn. Priceless – formed in a prefix-suffix way.

Task 2.

On what basis did the helicopter get its name?

Number of points.


Based on the ability to fly (take off) vertically.

Task 3.

Find distorted phraseological units and correct errors. Explain what these phraseological units mean..

Making an elephant out of a mosquito, washing dirty linen in public, two pairs of felt boots, getting lost in three aspen trees, eating a cat, the cat crying, a mosquito won’t hurt your nose.

Number of points.

Error correction – 1 point.

Interpretation of phraseological units - 1 point.

Total maximum – 8 points.


Make from flies elephant - to greatly exaggerate something, to attach great importance to something insignificant.

Two boot pair - similar to each other (usually in their qualities, properties, position, etc.); are worth each other, one is no better than the other.

Get lost in three pine trees- not being able to understand something simple, not being able to find a way out of the simplest difficulty.

Dog ate - has extensive experience, skill, thorough knowledge of something.

Task 4.

Fifth-grader Sasha tells his classmates about his younger brother: “He’s small—he can’t even pronounce the letter R yet!” “Even though you’re in school, you don’t know anything about letters either,” they remark. Why did classmates react to Sasha’s story this way?

Number of points.

Up to 2 points.


Classmates noted that Sasha does not know the differences between letters - graphic signs that are intended to represent sounds in writing, and sounds - acoustic units of speech.

Task 5.

dive - o - adverb. (0.5+1=1.5)

po - dzik – a – l – (a)– verb 1 conjugation in the form of the indicative mood, past tense, feminine, singular. (3+2.5=5.5)

Task 12.

In the story below, on behalf of the famous Baron Munchausen, fill in the missing punctuation marks, open the brackets, and insert the missing letters. Retell its contents as accurately as possible in one sentence in the third person.

Soon the Turks released me and, together with other prisoners, sent me back to Petersburg. But I decided to leave Russia... and returned to my homeland. The winter that year was very cold. Even the sun was chilling...his cheeks were frostbitten and he...had a runny nose. And when the sun gets colder (n, nn) ​​but instead of warmth it gives off cold. You can imagine how much I trembled in my carriage.


Soon the Turks released me and, together with other people, nn y sent And back to P e Terburg. But I decided to leave Russia And and by ka til home. The winter that year was very cold. Even the sun ro cold, frostbitten And lo cheeks, and he has With was done to us O rk. And when the sun shines O cold n oh, instead of warmth it gives off coldness. Can you imagine how much I O tremors in his A rete.

Possible retelling. Soon after the Turks, having released Munchausen to freedom, together with other prisoners sent him to St. Petersburg, in a very cold winter, when even the sun caught a cold, his cheeks were frostbitten and instead of warmth there was cold from him, the baron in his carriage, completely chilled, drove off to my homeland.

Number of points.

Spelling – 0.1 point. Only 1.2 points.

Punctogram – 0.1 point. Only 0.4 points.

Retelling – up to 10 points depending on completeness. 0.1 points are deducted for each spelling, punctuation and grammatical error.

Total maximum 11.6 points.

Task 13.

Explain the reasons for spelling errors in words yellow, vchira, sapok, noch.


For an explanation of the erroneous spelling of one word, from 0.5 to 1.5 points, depending on the completeness and accuracy of the answer.

Maximum 6 points.

Errors are explained by the reflection in writing of the sound features of words (0.5) (current spelling rules are not taken into account) and the features of system connections of individual sounds (0.5), namely:

1. [zho] lity - [zh] has no pair in terms of softness (always hard) (0.5), and the letter е indicates the softness of the preceding consonant (0.5), therefore, for the writer here, the letter o, corresponding to hard consonant;

2. vchira - [e], denoted by the letter e, in an unstressed position is pronounced as a sound close to [i] (0.5);

3. sapok - [g], denoted by the letter g, is stunned at the end of the word and pronounced as [k](0.5);

4. noch - [h "] has no pair for hardness (always soft) (0.5), therefore the letter ь, indicating the softness of the preceding consonant, here, from the point of view of the writer, is “redundant”.

Task 14.

Read the work.

What do you think is the main idea of ​​the poem? What do you think about the role dialect words in our life? Write a miniature essay.

What style and type of speech does the text you created belong to?

Native words

Native words familiar from childhood

Going out of use:

In the fields of Poland there are black grouse,

Letatina - game,

Mocking - rumor,

The counter is like a chest of drawers.

Not allowed in dictionaries

From rural vocabulary:


Fypiks - bullfinches;

Vorkuns are outlawed.

Words disappear like pesteri

Like spindles and spindles.

By cart

Incomplete bag of grain

Yesterday the miller's wife called

Under the palate - a shelf under the ceiling,

Cranberry - crane-fly.

Our mother taught us these words,

They have been cute since childhood.

And I don't want to give anything away

From an entrusted inheritance.

But how to defend it?

Don't get lost

And are there such means?


Maximum number - 14 points:

1 point - formulation of the idea of ​​the poem,

0.5 points - determination of speech style,

0.5 points - determination of the type of speech.

12 points - for a miniature essay:

2 points - presence of example arguments,

1 point - actual accuracy of the essay-reasoning,

5 points - literacy,

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

II (municipal) round

Exercise 1.

What's happened [ carcass]? Give the spelling of the word being interpreted.

Number of points.

Spelling of each word - 0.5 points.

Determining the meaning of each noun - 1 point; determination of value options a) and b) - 0.5 points each.

Maximum 3 points.


[carcass] - carcass as a masculine noun, it denotes a short musical greeting in honor of a person or event, usually performed on wind musical instruments.

[carcass] - mascara as a feminine noun, it means a) black or colored water-based paint used for painting or drawing, and b) in cosmetics.

Task 2.

Choose phraseological units that can express the meaning of “a lot.”

Number of points.

One phraseological unit – 1 point.


The chickens don’t peck, it’s so dark, there’s a carriage and a small cart, it’s a dime a dozen, you can row it with a shovel, it’s above your head, there’s nowhere for an apple to fall, etc.

Task 3.

What are toponyms? Are there words in Russian that are related to this linguistic term? Name them if you know them. Give examples of toponyms.

Number of points.

The answer to the question is 1 point.

Related word – 1 point.

Example – 0.5 points


1. Toponyms are geographical names. (1)

2. Topography, topology (from the Greek topos - place). (Up to 3 points - depending on the completeness of the answer and the number of examples).

3. Kyiv, Neva, Alps, etc. (1 example – 0.5 points)

Task 4.

Find outdated forms in the proverb. Please indicate the corresponding modern forms. Reveal the meaning of this proverb.

Without drinking, without feeding, you won’t make an enemy.

Number of points.

Up to 5 points.


(Not) drunk– (not) drinking (1) ; (not) suckled– (not) feeding (1); enemy– enemy (1).

An enemy appears in a person if he “waters and feeds” him with quarrels, insults, disagreements, that is, voluntarily or unwittingly makes efforts to “cultivate” him (Up to 2).

Task 5.

Read an excerpt from a fairy tale by the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry . Which word in it can be replaced by a number? What part of speech is it? What words outside this passage could refer to another part of speech? What part of speech are they in this text?

Adults love numbers very much. When you tell them that you have a new friend, they will never ask about the most important thing. They will never say: “What’s his voice like?” What games does he like to play? Does he catch butterflies?” They ask: “Is he already twelve years old?” How many brothers does he have? How much does he weigh? How much does his father earn?’ And after that they imagine that they recognize the person. <…>These are the kind of people these adults are. You shouldn't be angry with them.

Number of points.

12 - 1 point. Numeral name – 1 point. Each word is worth 0.5 points. Just 1 point. Indication of part of speech – 0.5 points. Just 1 point.



2. Numeral noun

3. Adults, the most important thing is nouns in the text; adjectives.

In case of indication of words costs(impersonal // personal verb), What(conjunction // pronoun), And(conjunction // particle), after(preposition // adverb) each answer is worth three points.

Task 6.

Explain the meaning of “childish” words. From what word and how are they formed?

Kopatka, little man, swears, menacing (finger), shopper, tighten (belt).

Number of points.

The meaning of the word is 0.5 points.

Generative word – 0.5 points.

Word-forming morphemes – up to 1 point.

Total maximum 12 points.


Kopatka - spatula; from dig using a suffix -tk-.

Ludenysh is a child; from People using a suffix -yenish-.

Horns - butts; from horns using the suffix - a - and postfix – xia. Menacing (finger) – index finger, the one that is threatened; from threaten using a suffix - Teln-

Buyer – buyer; from buy using a suffix - ec-.

Tighten (belt) - tighten; from tight or tight using a suffix - And - and consoles behind-.

Task 7.

Find the correct “neighbors” in word combinations using only the proposed material.

Increase health, improve wages, strengthen quality, strengthen conditions, increase defense.

Number of points.

One phrase – 1 point.


Improve health, increase wages, improve quality, improve conditions, strengthen defense.

Task 8.

One day, a scientist was walking home and accidentally overheard a conversation between two schoolchildren. One said: “Look, Ushakov is coming!” Another was surprised: “What are you doing? Ushakov is a dictionary.” Is the second student right in naming the dictionary by a person’s last name? What dictionary are we talking about?

Number of points.

Up to 4 points.


The second student, calling the dictionary Ushakov, used a metonymic transfer of the name from the author to his work. Wed. Do you have Pushkin? = Do you have Pushkin’s book? (Up to 2 points) He meant the edited “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” - the first Soviet explanatory dictionary, the first volume of which was published in 1935, and the last in 1940. (Up to 2 points)

Task 9.

Do you agree that among the following words there is a word consisting of 5 morphemes? Justify your answer by indicating the morphemic composition of each word.
Plantain, crazy, shout out, think about it, change your mind.

Number of points.

Composition of 1 word – 0.5 points.

Total maximum 2.5 points.


By – road – nickname – zero ending– 4 morphemes.

Without – mind – n – th– 4 morphemes.

Shout up– 4 morphemes.

Po - dum - a - ete– 4 morphemes.

Pere - dum - a - l - zero ending- 5 morphemes.

Task 10.

Which word has three soft consonants?
Hurry, autumn, stove makers, mason.

Number of points.



Task 11.

Choose iconic Russian synonyms for borrowed words. Fill in the missing letters.

...goism,, k...l...(s, ss)al,, injection, a(k, kk)ord.

Number of points.

Spelling - 0.2 points. Only 1.6 points.

Synonym – 0.5 points. Only 3 points.

Total maximum 4.6 points.


Selfishness is selfishness, dependent is parasite, colossal is huge, unique is exceptional, injection is prick, chord is consonance.

Task 12.

Will the syntactic composition of the sentence change? Deaf, dense forest when changing word order? Explain your answer.

Number of points.

Up to 4 points depending on the completeness of the characteristics of each proposal option.


The syntactic structure of the sentence will change: sentence

Deaf, dense forest - a one-part noun, complicated by homogeneous agreed definitions - will turn into a sentence The forest is deaf and dense– two-part, complicated by homogeneous compound nominal predicates.

Task 13.

Is punctuation necessary in a sentence with the following grammatical features: simple, common, complicated by inversion and homogeneous additions, connected by a conjunction or? Answer the question by making a sentence that matches this characteristic. Represent these signs graphically (underlining).

Number of points.

Up to 5 points.

Answer. additional appeal add.

Possible proposal: Natasha, give my book to Olya or Ira.

Task 14.

Insert the missing letters where necessary, open the brackets.

In the foggy distance of the sandy shore, the lights of the old guest glowed dimly. Along the a(l, ll)ey stretched a ha(l, ll)ery with a marble staircase and peri(l, ll)s made of meta(l, ll)a(l, ll)yuminium. While visiting (n, nn) ​​on the beautiful (n, nn) ​​floor, decorated with (n, nn) ​​intricate ornaments, there stood an artfully (s, ss) but made table with (s, ss) artful flowers in glass ( n, nn)th vase. Burnt matches lay on the stand of a silver(n, nn) ​​candlestick next to the broken(n, nn) ​​chairs. But... nothing stopped us from starting the investigation...

(10 points: 0.5 points for each correct answer)

1. In the foggy distance of the sandy shore, the lights of an ancient hotel glowed dimly. A gallery with a marble staircase and aluminum metal railings stretched along the alley. In the living room, on the painted floor, decorated with intricate patterns, there was an elaborate table with artificial flowers in a glass vase. Burnt matches lay on the stand of a silver candlestick next to the broken chairs. Nothing stood in the way of starting the investigation...

Task 15.

Place emphasis on the words below.

Includes, plum, dispensary, enviable, catalog, more beautiful, pine, petition. (4 points: 0.5 points for each correct answer)

Includes, plum, dispensary, enviable, catalog, prettier, bows, petition. (4 points: 0.5 points for each correct answer)

Task 16.

Correct the speech and grammatical errors in the following sentences.

· Good leader must set an example in everything to his subordinates.

· The guys broke their heads and rushed to run to the village.

· We know both women and the group of Armenians.

· The memorable souvenirs produced by the company are elegant and beautiful.

· A good leader must set an example for his subordinates in everything.

· The guys rushed headlong to the village.

· We know both women and the group of Armenians.

· The souvenirs produced by the company are elegant and beautiful.

Task 17.

Which of the following words contain double consonants?

Artillery, gallery, dramatic, humanism, quantity, cavalry, play, intelligence, trembling. ..And.

Artillery, gallery, dramatic, humanism, quantity, cavalry, play, intelligence, yeast.

Task 18.

Read an excerpt from the article by Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin “The Ocean of Native Speech.” Answer the question: What artistic trope underlies the construction of this text?

Any conversation about language is useful.

Language is an inexhaustible storehouse of material, a storehouse of words-bricks... Houses, barns, palaces, warehouses, provincial cities and brilliant capitals are built from identical bricks. Architectural structures built from indifferent material turn out to be different in character, style, beauty, spirituality, sound, and emotional coloring.

Language is an ocean. Can be scooped and poured into vessels of various shapes. The same water takes the form of a cube, a bottle, an ancient Greek amphora, a crystal ball and a dirty puddle.

The vocabulary of the language is chlorophyll grains, plant cells, which, depending on the programming, are combined into an iron oak, a rotten aspen, a lush rose, a modest forget-me-not, a soft ant-grass, or a camel thorn.

There are many languages ​​within one language, or, to put it mildly, many different language areas, different styles.

Vladimir Soloukhin compares language with various phenomena of the surrounding reality. Which of the following comparisons is closest to you? What would you compare the Russian language to? Write a miniature essay on this topic.

(12 points)


Soloukhin is built on the basis of an artistic metaphor.

Maximum number - 13 points:

1 point - for the correct answer to a question in the text,

12 points - for an essay - miniature:

2 points - presence of a reasonable answer to the question posed,

2 points - presence of examples - arguments,

1 point - semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation,

1 point - accuracy and expressiveness of speech,

5 points - literacy,

1 point (incentive) - for creativity to reveal the topic.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

II (municipal) round

The total time for completing tasks is 3 hours.

Exercise 1.

What words in Russian can be called double words? Give examples of such words. What term(s) are they called?

Answer. Doubles are people who have complete external resemblance to each other or are very similar to each other in appearance. Therefore, words that are externally – graphically and/or phonetically – similar to each other can also be called doubles. (1 point). Terminologically they are defined as words- homonyms(1 point). Distinguish lexical homonyms – words that sound the same, but do not have common elements of meaning; homoforms– words that have the same only individual forms ( saw - saw); homophones- words that are pronounced the same but differ in spelling ( meadow - onion); homographs– words that are spelled the same, but differ in pronunciation (stress) ( castle - castle); grammatical homonyms– externally identical forms of the same word ( young - young)

Number of points.

The answer to the question is 1 point.

Terminological definition – 1 point; indication of the terminological definition of the homonymy option – 0.5 points.

Example – 0.5 points.

Task 2.

Which of the following words can be grouped together as related words? Comment your answer.

Couples, domes, coupon, cupid, compartment, couplet, bath, coupon, font, purchase, dock.

Number of points.

Each group – 1 point. Only 3 points.

Commentary from each group – up to 3 points depending on completeness and correctness. Total 9 points.

Total maximum 12 points.


Related groups form words a) bathhouse, font, b) kupy, bathing and c) coupon, buy.

a) Word bathhouse, denoting a building near the water or on the water for bathing or undressing the bather, and the word font, denoting a large vessel into which a child is immersed during the baptismal ceremony, are cognate with the verb bathe) - immerse in water for washing, refreshing, etc.

b) Words kupa (kupa)- a group of densely growing deciduous trees or bushes and together– together with someone, something go back to the Common Slavic *kupa and the Indo-European base *keu-p-, which unites them with corresponding words from related Slavic and other languages ​​with the meanings “together”, “heap, pile”, “accumulate, concentrate” "

V) Coupon – a cutting coupon for securities to receive interest on them or a cutting coupon for a dress, blouse, usually designed for a specific cut, and dock – cut off, chop off or eliminate any undesirable phenomenon.

Task 3.

Which action in the following excerpt from the novel “Eugene Onegin” is named by the highlighted verb? What words would you call him today?

The theater is already full; the boxes shine;

The stalls and the chairs, everything is boiling;

It's impatient in paradise splashing,

And, having risen, the curtain flies.

Number of points.

Up to 3 points.


Verb splash expresses the meaning of a phraseological unit splash your hands- swinging both hands, strike one palm against the other; clap your hands as a sign of approval or greeting. (Up to 2 points).

Applaud, applaud.(1 point).

Task 4.

What words will you get if you read flax, meadow, hatch, viola backwards? Write these words down. Which one will be the “fourth wheel”?

Number of points.

One word – 0.5 points.

Total maximum 2 points.


1. Hum, smack, aphid.

2. Fourth wheel - no.

Task 5.

There is a holiday in the Orthodox calendar called Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Explain what the word in this title means Dormition. Are there words related to it in modern Russian? Name them.


Dormition– death, demise (church).

Tomb, deceased. Sleep only in a stable phrase sleep in eternal (last, grave) sleep.

Number of points.

The meaning of the word is 1 point.

Related word – 1 point.

Task 6.

Russian, Belarusian and Turkmen, chasing away, for example, geese, will say "shoo", Azerbaijani – "quiche", Lithuanian - « stiš", Pole - “sio”. Each of these words has a sound [ш] or [ш̓]. Suggest why different languages the signal word contains the same or similar sound.


It can be assumed that this is due to the fact that for many animals, hissing is a threat signal. This is how they scare the enemy.

Number of points.

Up to 3 points.

Task 7.

In Pushkin’s story “The Captain’s Daughter” we read: “Peter Andreich was wounded under the right shoulder, in the chest, right under the bone, one and a half inches deep.” How deep was Grinev's wound?

Number of points.

Up to 2 points.


1 vershok – 4.45 cm. Depth of the wound – 6.67(8) cm

Task 8.

Two events are given. You can expect a big flood in spring And Winter was snowy. There is a cause-and-effect relationship between them. How can these relationships be expressed? Write it down possible options and give each a syntactic characteristic, indicating the means of expressing these relations.


In the spring you can expect a big flood because the winter was snowy. Complex sentence with subordinate clause of reason. Union because. * The winter was snowy, so we can expect a big flood in the spring. Complex sentence with subordinate clause. Union So. The winter was snowy - in the spring you can expect a big flood. Non-union proposal. The order of parts and dashes. In spring you can expect a big flood: the winter was snowy. Non-union proposal. The order of parts and the colon. The winter was snowy, so in the spring we can expect a big flood. Non-union proposal. Adverb That's why.

6. Due to the snowy winter, large floods can be expected in the spring.

Simple sentence. Causal preposition because of.

7. The winter was snowy, which means we can expect a big flood in the spring. Complex non-union proposal. Introductory word Means.**


Possible options with subordinate reasons with conjunctions since, because, after all, and because of, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, according to that reason that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that or with the union What And demonstrative pronoun that (that, that, that) with a causal preposition in the main part. The order of the main and subordinate clauses can also vary. If all options are presented, each is assessed separately.

**Note. Possible option with introductory therefore, it became.

Number of points.

Suggestion option – 0.5 points.

Syntactic characteristics – 0.2 points.

Means of expression – 0.3 points.

Task 9.

Insert the missing letters into the words and indicate which spelling principle the spelling of these words is subject to.

V...gon, b...klazhan, br...shura, s...minar, p...rapet, ur...gan, b...kalavr, for...ts.


1. Carriage, eggplant, brochure, seminar, parapet, hurricane, bachelor, hare.

2. Traditional principle of spelling.

Number of points.

One inserted letter – 0.5 points. Total 4 points.

Spelling principle – 1 point.

Total maximum 5 points.

Task 10.

Choose an antonym for each of these phraseological units.

Hang your nose, more than enough, like a cat and a dog, with folded arms.


Hang your nose - perk up.

More than enough - the cat cried.

Like a cat and a dog - in perfect harmony.

Arms folded - sleeves rolled up.

Number of points.

One phraseological unit – 1 point.

Maximum 4 points.

Task 11.

Do you agree that the following words contain seven suffixes in total? Justify your answer by indicating the morphemic composition of these words.
Switch, good nature, reddish, poetess, antique.


7 suffixes.

You – key – a – tel – zero ending – 2 suffixes.

Dobr - o - shower - y - e - 1 suffix.

Red - ovat - y - 1 suffix.

Poet - essay - a - 1 suffix.

Star - in - n - y - 2 suffixes.

Number of points.

Morphemic composition of a word – 0.5 points.

Total maximum 2.5 points.

Task 12.

Than grammatically mole differs from flies?


Noun mole refers to the 3rd declension, noun fly– to 1 // differ in the case paradigm (1 point). In addition, the singular form mole used in the sense of collectiveness // plurality // indefinite-quantitative. Wed. The coat is moth-eaten. Grain moths have destroyed cereal reserves.(Up to 2 points).

Number of points.

Maximum 3 points.

Task 13.

Match the morphemes that form the basis of words writer And shoemaker, with the components of the meaning of these words. Which component of meaning is not reflected in the morphemic composition of the word?


Suffix –tel-- a person (person) who commits; suffix -A - action; root -piss-- using a pen//ink//pencil. Wed: writer - a person who writes (using a pen) works of art.

Suffix –nick -- person (person) acting = sewing and repairing, root boot//g - high top shoes. Wed: a person who sews and repairs boots And other shoes .

Number of points.

The value of each morpheme is 0.5 points.

Meaning without morpheme - 1 point.

Total maximum 4.5 points.

Exercise 14.

Determine which famous Russian proverb is conveyed using scientific style.

Information stored on any surface using a traditional writing instrument cannot be destroyed or deformed in any way by using a metal chopping tool with a blade and butt attached to the handle.


What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe.

Tasks 15-19 are completed according to the following text.

My house

My home is wherever there is a vault of heaven,

Wherever the sounds of songs are heard,

All, V how there is a spark of life that lives in him,

But for a poet it is not too small.

Exercise 1.

Restore the terms that name individual branches of linguistics. What does each of them study?

...logy, ...graphy, ...ika.

Number of points.

Restoration of one term – 0.5 points.

Indication of the subject of the discipline - 1 point.


Morphology (from Greek.morhhē – form andlogos – word, doctrine) studies systems of word forms and the mechanisms of their construction.

Phraseology: phraseological composition of the language.

Lexicology: vocabulary, vocabulary of the language.

Dialectology: territorial varieties of language, dialects, dialects.

Etymology: the origin of words.

Lexicography: practice and theory of compiling dictionaries.

Spelling: a system of rules that ensures uniform spelling.

Semantics: content conveyed by linguistic units

Phonetics: the sound side of language.

Grammar: a system of morphological categories and forms, syntactic structures, methods of word formation.

Onomastics: proper names.

Toponymy: geographical names.

Stylistics: style - in all linguistic meanings of this term (functional, individual manner, etc.)

Task 11.

Andrey was interested in the legends and myths of Ancient Greece. But one day, while answering in class, he got something wrong out of excitement. Try to find the mistake in his answer.
The Greek gods were powerful, majestic and immortal. They looked at the human world with superiority and calmness from the top of the mountain where they lived. This is where the expression came from Greek calm , which means calmness is the same as that of the Greek gods.

Number of points.


Olympic calm - undisturbed calm.

Task 12.

Place punctuation marks in an excerpt from the novel “Eugene Onegin.”

The dawn rises in the cold darkness At the morning dawn a shepherd

In the fields, the noise of work has fallen silent; the cows are no longer being driven out of the barn.

A wolf comes out onto the road They are not called by his horn

The road horse smells him, the singing maiden in the hut

The cautious traveler snores and the friend of winter nights spins

Rushes up the mountain at full speed. A splinter cracks in front of her.


The dawn rises in the cold darkness;* At the dawn of the shepherd

In the fields, the noise of work has fallen silent;* He no longer drives the cows out of the barn,

With his hungry wolf And at midday in a circle

A wolf comes out onto the road;* His horn does not call them;*

Smelling him, the road horse In the hut, singing, the maiden

Snores -* and the cautious traveler Spins, and, friend of winter nights,

She rushes up the mountain at full speed;* A splinter cracks in front of her.

Number of points.

Each punctuation mark is worth 0.3 points. *Sign option - 0.2 points.

Total maximum 3.6 points.

Task 13.

Put emphasis on the following words.

Pamper, gas pipeline, blinds, rust, regular, cough, prettier, otherwise, nap, block.

Number of points.

Emphasis – 0.5 points.

Total maximum 5 points.


Balov A yeah, gas pipeline O d, blinds And, zarzh A forever A tai, k A wander around, beautiful And vee, in A what, I'm dozing O ta, quart A l.

Task 14

Analyze the morphemic structure of words from modern and historical points of view: away, mediocrity, liveliness, infection.



Historical division

at a distance

far away; console O- the same as in words around, around, on the side

without a gift

no-yes; root Yes same as in verb give; -ry- suff. with the meaning of a person, cf.: bell ringer, fisherman, clerk


zhi-v-ost: zhi-t > zhi-v > zhi-v-oh > zhi-v-ost; compare: sharp, sober, callous


infection; Wed infect, infect

1 point for each stem word correctly divided into morphemes.

Task 15

Participants must demonstrate knowledge of the syntactic system of the Russian language and the ability to analyze syntactic phenomena of increased complexity.

What meaning (negative or affirmative) does the sentence contain? And why not? If it does not express negation, then why is it written NOT , but not NI ? Give similar examples.

The question contains a general affirmative meaning, but this does not prevent the use of the negative particle NOT in it. Some interrogative and exclamatory sentences, despite the presence of a negative particle in them, may not have a negative meaning: the meaning of these sentences largely depends on those pronouns, adverbs, particles that accompany the question or exclamation. Such words in a certain context include the words WHO, WHAT, WHAT, HOW, WHY, etc. For example : Who would not recognize the old Tanya, poor Tanya now in the princess (A. Pushkin).

1) The question contains a general affirmative meaning, but this does not prevent the use of the negative particle NOT in it - 1 point.

2) Some interrogative and exclamatory sentences, despite the presence of a negative particle in them, may not have a negative meaning: the meaning of these sentences largely depends on those pronouns, adverbs, particles that accompany the question or exclamation. Such words in a certain context include the words WHO, WHAT, WHAT, HOW, WHY, etc. – 1 point.

3) Examples – 1 point.

Total: 3 points.

Task 16

Participants must demonstrate knowledge of modern spelling norms and be able to justify it from a historical point of view.

Give linguistic commentary on the following examples:

· 1a. Many works have been written on the history of the Russian language.

· 1b. Our correspondent met with.

· 2a. The certificates were written by clerk Vanyatka Gruzin.

· 2b. The bridge was built by engineer Gruzin.

· 3a. Today, 258 copies of the Bible translation published by Francis Skorina are known.

· 3b. He began to lay out the cards on the table in front of Skaryn.

The difference is due to the fact that Russians proper nouns, denoting surnames, endings of both substantive and adjective declension are possible. The choice depends on the origin of the noun (examples 3: Russian 3b and foreign language 3a, in this example they differ in the place of stress); from the morphemic structure (examples 1: the suffix –in is highlighted in 1a from Phil and is not highlighted in 1b); from the contrast between surname (2b) and nickname (2a).

For each correct answer - 1 point. Maximum – 6 points.

Task 17

Participants must demonstrate knowledge of speech norms of the Russian language and an understanding of their conditionality by the language system.

What mistake is made in the sentence:

We see Suvorov on a fast horse with his head naked, showing the soldiers the way with a cocked hat.

The word order in the sentence is incorrect.

For a correct answer - 5 points: 2 points - for indicating a violation of word order; 2 points – for a specific explanation of the violation of word order; 1 point – for the corrected version of the proposal.

Task 18.

What parts of speech belong to and what syntactic function do the highlighted words in the following sentences perform?

1)Vaughn from the room! 2)Go away over there from the room!

3) Away out of sight! 4)Go away away out of sight!

5) They got new servants and the old ones away.

1), 3) – in the meaning of an order, a demand to leave the word over there And away are imperative interjections and are not members of a sentence;

2), 4) – in the meaning “outside”, “towards some place” of the word over there And away belong to the category of adverbial adverbs and act as circumstances;

5) – in the absence of a verb, an adverbial adverb away acts as a predicate.

1 point for each position, total – 3 points.

Task 19.

Explain the principles by which the next seven words were chosen and arranged.

CONCERT[it. concerto]<…>

CONCERTANT- artist giving a concert<…>

CONCERTINA[it. concertino] – 1) music. tool<…>

CONCERTA MAINIST[German Konzertmeister]<…>

CONCESSIONAIRE- the person who received concession<…>

CONCESSION[lat. concessio permission, assignment]<…>

COOPERATION[lat. cooperatio cooperation]<…>

What is the name of the dictionary from which they were taken? What are these dictionaries used for?

Explain on what principles the next seven words were chosen and arranged?

The selected words are of foreign origin, that is, borrowed [mostly words that entered the Russian language from European languages]; the arrangement of these words corresponds alphabetical in order.

What are the names of the dictionaries from which they were taken?

Dictionary of foreign (foreign) words.

What are these dictionaries used for?

The dictionary describes only words of foreign origin, noting difficulties in pronunciation, stress, inflection, combinations, clarifying the interpretation of the word in its basic meanings, if there are several meanings.

It contains brief information about the word of the source language [details are given in the etymological dictionary].

1. Fixing the fact that words are of foreign origin, that is, borrowed [mostly these are words that entered the Russian language from European languages] ( before 2 points )

2. Recording that the arrangement of these words corresponds alphabetical in order ( 1 point ).

3. The dictionary describes only words of foreign origin, noting difficulties in pronunciation, stress, inflection, combination, clarifying the interpretation of the word in its basic meanings, if there are several meanings ( 1 point ).

4. It contains brief information about the word of the source language [details are given in the etymological dictionary] ( 1 point ).

For a detailed description of any "Dictionary" foreign words", the name of the compiler, etc. - extra point.

Task 20.

Write a mini-essay (no more than 1 page) on the topic:

“And there are words that will shine forever...” (Sun. Christmas)

Explain the topic using one word as an example.


For an essay-miniature of everything 10 points:

2 points - completeness of the topic,

1 point - semantic integrity and logical presentation of thoughts,

1 point - actual accuracy of the essay,

5 points - literacy,

1 point (incentive) - for a creative approach to the disclosure of the topic.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

II (municipal) stage

The total time for completing tasks is 4 hours.

Exercise 1.

What is the difference between dash and hyphen?

Number of points.

Indication of each of the differences, including functional ones - 0.5 points.

I. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l – 5.5 points.

II. a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j – 5 points.

Maximum 11.5 points.


I. A dash is a long line (a), acting as a dividing (separating) (b) or highlighting (separating sign) (c) punctuation (d) sign. It is used in incomplete sentence(e), between the subject and the predicate in the absence of a connective (f), in some cases of isolation of common applications (g), in sentences with a generalizing word in a number homogeneous members(h), between parts of a non-union sentence (i), when conveying direct speech (k) and in some other cases (l).

II. A hyphen is a short dash (a), indicating the connection of parts of a word (b) or their semi-fused spelling (c). This is a spelling sign (g). It is used when writing complex words (d) / when attaching a single application to the word being defined (e), when transferring part of a word from one line to another (g), when writing words in abbreviations, for example, mr - mister(h), to convey emotionally charged speech in writing, for example, Oh-oh-very good!(And).

Task 2.

Combine the following words into groups, taking into account their possible lexical ambiguity. Indicate the specifics of each group.

Alexandria, Hungarian, bagpipe, Kabardian, Chinese, Kubanka, Moldavian, ottoman, Serbian, Scottish, Antonovka, Bestuzhevka, Michurinka, Stakhanovka, Timofey, sweatshirt.

Number of points.

Assigning each word to the corresponding group is 0.5 points.

Total 11 points.

Indication of the specifics of the group – 1 point. Total 8 points.

Maximum 19 points.


Names of female persons: Alexandrian, Bestuzhevka, Serbian, Stakhanovka, sweatshirt, tartan. Names of plants and plant crops: Antonovka, Kubanka, Michurinka, Timofeevka. Dance names: Hungarian, Moldavian, Kabardian, Serbian. Fabric names: Alexandrian, Chinese, Scottish. Clothing names: Hungarian, sweatshirt, kubanka. Outside the group // furniture name: ottoman. Outside the group // name musical instrument: bagpipes. Outside the group // slowness in work, deliberately delaying it, preventing the successful completion of the task: bagpipes.

Task 3.

On the basis of what linguistic technique are tongue twisters created? How does it work? Give examples of tongue twisters.

Number of points.

Indication of language technique – 3 points. Description of its action – 3 points.

3. An example of a tongue twister – 0.5 points.


Tongue twisters are based on sound (paronymic) repetition. During fluent pronunciation, the sound shells of neighboring words interact - the pronunciation of the subsequent word or its part (syllable, syllables) coincides with the pronunciation of the previous word.

Task 4.

Are you familiar with the word Danokilium? Show me how you would decline it if it were an adjective?

Number of points.

Each declination option is worth up to 2 points.
