Decorative panel made of wood - elegance of form (55 photos). Wooden panels to order Wooden decorative panels for the wall

Thai wood craftsmen create amazing products - teak panels. Carved panels are actually 3D paintings with many small parts. They depict the life of people, local plants and animals or deities. Some panels are created by masters over several years; it also happens that one master begins work on a product, and another one finishes it. The model of the finished carved panel is in the master’s head, and on the massif prepared for carving there is only a schematic sketch of the future masterpiece.

Teak itself wood material It is quite soft, and therefore easy to process, but over time it hardens, becomes stronger, and practically does not react to humidity and temperature. The craftsmen work with a hammer and the most ordinary chisels, but even such rough processing objects do not prevent the craftsmen from creating the finest carvings. Carved panels are always made from solid wood, as this directly affects the price of the product.

The faster industry develops, the more people try to get closer to nature. He surrounds himself with nature not literally, but by creating the illusion of being in the air, even if he is relaxing in the living room. This is the desire not only to live in a house that is built from natural raw materials, but also to come up with an appropriate interior design. Therefore, everyone strives to use hand-made wooden decor in their home in order to feel like a real owner.

The fashion for wood appeared a long time ago, but now not everyone can furnish their own home in the style of the TV series “Twin Peaks”. The room should not be oversaturated with wooden furniture, furs and animal heads. This already speaks of the bad taste of the owners. These blanks are available for forest areas, but for steppe areas, finishing a house in this style will cost a pretty penny. There is an option to dilute the usual surroundings with rare inclusions of wooden cuts, which result in absolutely any image. You can create such a design yourself, spending only on fastening materials.

Advantages of decorating the interior with wood cuts

Wood cuts surprise at the same time with their visual appeal and the complexity of creating them with technical point vision.

Now let’s see what advantages wood finishing has:

  • Durability. If the wood can be properly processed and is protected from moisture and various mechanical damage, then it will last quite a long time. If it's a whole wooden wall or floor, then you can save on annual repairs.
  • Thermal insulation. Firewood is a source of heat not only in a fire. The raw material has the ability to hold temperature, so for cold concrete apartment This best view insulation, albeit partial. In winter, such an insulated floor will warm any feet.
Decorative tree from branches
  • Uniqueness. You can, of course, hang wallpaper with images of wood cuts, or lay laminate flooring, but in such pictures a pattern is used - a simple repetition of one module. Natural finish saw cuts is a composition where each element is unique. The pattern on the saw cut and its shape are unique.

Creating a designer wall

For decoration, it is advisable to choose one side of the room. The design of all planes is a sign of bad taste, and the room will look overloaded. Any room needs to be given air, and it’s not about the windows. It should breathe space, and light empty planes give this effect. Only one “woody” edge of the room will become a kind of accent, which will become its mood. You can lay out the “wood puzzle” yourself, and now we’ll talk about how it’s done.

Everyone has a dead tree in their yard that needs to be removed. Now it's time to chop it down. We take a branch and cut it into bars of medium thickness. You can remove the bark from the resulting “pancakes” and then sand it. Thanks to this, you will not drive a thorn when touching the wall. The resulting wood layers should be processed special means from insects, and then we plant them on glue. It is advisable to varnish the resulting relief - varnished wood can last a long time.

On a note! Create a composition from branches of different sizes, starting from a massive trunk and ending with the thinnest branches. The composition breathes due to the voids formed between the cuts of different sizes.

Wall panel - a piece of nature in the interior

You can find a panel made from any components, but you haven’t seen a canvas made of wood, have you? Contrasts are welcome here, so feel free to even use hemp. The picture should not look like a pattern, but a full-fledged composition with a dominant and secondary elements. Make tonal gradations and place accents using tone. For the proposed product specifically, it is better to leave the bark - it will make it more attractive. The careless terrain will create the atmosphere of an endless forest and transport you into it.

It is advisable to sketch out a rough sketch, but if you like to improvise directly during the work, then go ahead. For a bright contrast, assemble the canvas frame from simple planks, this will give the picture lightness. The cuts are sanded on the side that is adjacent to the wall for better gluing. Leave the other side untouched - this will add naturalness to the overall picture. The wood cuts limited to a frame in the interior will look like a window overlooking the forest. The frame collects the composition into one whole and groups it.

Difficulties in laying out a modular floor

This type is quite complex, so it is better to be patient and get to work. Choose thick trunks to avoid the formation of large voids when laying out circles. Hardwood logs are selected to make the floor, because the floor is exposed to impact every day.

There are two reasons that will make you sweat:

  • Solution. If you put all the parts on glue, then the floor will not last long, even if you cover it all with varnish. Modules will begin to fall off due to constant pressure. You will have to use a solution, possibly cement-based.
  • Leveling the surface. If the thickness of each element does not play a big role in the design of the vertical plane, then for the floor this is the main condition. It is necessary to adjust all the modules to the overall thickness, and start grinding after installation. The procedure will take quite a long time, because achieving a smooth surface is not easy.

Next, start covering the finished surface with varnish. It will protect it from pests and external influence. The floor is easier to clean, and it will last longer in a “protected” state. An unprotected surface can be attacked by pests or it will simply begin to rot due to excessive moisture.

Creating home comfort with homemade furniture

Furniture looks completely different depending on the type of raw materials available. Tables and chairs are made, since the silhouette of the cut itself already resembles a small table or chair.

There are two basic principles for creating furniture:

  • Modular - assembly of an element from small parts (modules). Actually, we are already familiar with this method. It allows you to create a product of absolutely any shape. Here it is also necessary to achieve a perfectly flat surface. Dishes will be placed on the table, and to prevent them from overturning, the surface of the table must be perfectly polished.
  • Solid - a solid element is taken as a basis. This option is much simpler than the previous one in technical terms, but it is more difficult to find a large diameter bar. Things are better with chairs, but if you want a table where the whole family can dine, you will have to tinker with finding a large-diameter cut. The price of a dimensional cut is quite high.

It doesn’t matter what principle you apply to creating a product, the main thing is to immediately assess your capabilities so as not to spoil the material. Any method is good, because wooden furniture is famous for its strength and durability.

Kitchen ideas based on semicircular cuts

This figure is an unusual decorative item and reliable assistant in the kitchen. The material can withstand high temperatures and does not heat up as much. From saw cuts you can create simple one-piece stands and modular ones, the material of which is easier to find. Everyone has seen such stands in a store and thought “No, you can’t do this yourself” - a wrong opinion. Why pay more if you do it yourself?

The kitchen will be complemented by fancy semi-circular shelves, which can be put together from solid cuts of wood, dividing them into two parts. The illusion is created that the “round block” is in the process of sinking into the wall. An interesting technique is if the shelf is round, this creates visual movement. The effect is achieved due to the dynamic relief on the bark. Cookbooks or personal collections of the housewife's recipes will harmoniously be placed on the shelves. And the product will withstand quite a lot of weight, even if its dimensions may not inspire confidence.

Remember! If this is a stand specifically for dishes, then it is better to make it one piece. Joining small parts involves gluing, and glue is not compatible with high temperatures. The stand will simply fall apart into several parts.

Wood detail as an accent in the interior

Small inclusions of “forest” in your usual surroundings will mentally bring you closer to nature. Saw cuts in the interior are used as decoration and perform certain functions.

We create fancy accents with our own hands:

  • Watch. Unusual use wooden cut It looks nice in any interior. Especially if it is an uneven circle with bark on the surface. The bark is fixed, because it can deteriorate over time. The more careless the wooden “pancake” looks, the more interesting the watch will be.
  • Flower vases. Give free rein to your imagination and use different kinds branches. An ornament made with your own hands from small branches looks expensive, and no one will guess that the vase cost you pennies. It will harmonize with the design and will resonate with items with similar decor.

Remember! There should be few things made from identical material in the room. They should resonate with each other, but not look like too much.

  • Frames for mirrors. When creating a product, it is important to adhere to rhythm or metricity, but chaos will be inappropriate. Alternate large cuts of wood with small ones, or make the entire frame from circles of approximate size. Any of the options will be correct.

Making a floor from saw cuts yourself is quite possible. Not to mention small interior items that can be made in a minute using wood, glue and your imagination. Surprise your friends with a tastefully decorated home and make your life more comfortable. This is an environmentally friendly product that will benefit your health. If the product is made of pine needles, then the light pine aroma can even help you treat a cold.

If you can handle the floor, then decorating an entire wall with wood will seem like a matter of five minutes. You will need to use your own taste and knowledge of composition, although most people trust their instincts.

Everything will work out, just “assemble” these products and secure them with glue, or simply cut out a solid object. Create an image in your head and try to bring it to life. You do not need special knowledge or skills; adhere to the basic rules for choosing materials and processing tools. After all, why spend a lot of money on a designer’s work if you can handle this task yourself without spending a penny.

Majority designer interiors united by one drawback - lack of warmth and home comfort. Of course, over time, the new interior will take on a lived-in look and little things pleasant for the owners will appear in it, but only homemade decor can become a real decoration.

In this article we will tell you how to make a panel on a wall made of wood, and we will describe two methods of making it, and you can already choose which option is closer and more pleasant to you.

Wall panels are a decorative element designed to create thematic and semantic accents in the interior. Sometimes even the smallest panel can say more about its owner than a carefully crafted design.

You can make a panel from any available materials: paper, glass (see Glass panel on the wall: how to make it and hang it correctly) and even pieces of wallpaper. Much more important is the soul put into the product, and of course, the sense of style. In fact, there are no restrictions on the appearance of the panels, but we will tell you about two ways how you can make them yourself and not infringe on the family budget.

All the wooden wall panels presented below will not require any specific knowledge or skills from you, moreover, you will not even need a sophisticated set of tools. Everything you need will probably be found at home, and even if not, then in a hardware store the price will not be more than a hundred rubles. So, let's start in order.

A very original and stylish wood panel for the wall, which can be made in just a few hours.

To make it we need the following set of tools:

  • Hacksaw. It is advisable to use a hacksaw with a blade for metal work. She has more fine teeth and accordingly there will be no video jaggedness.
  • Miter box. A tool that allows you to cut workpieces at an angle of 45 degrees. We will need it to make a frame or baguette.
  • Gun for applying hot melt glue. By the way, you can do without it if you use simple PVA rather than thermal glue.
  • Brushes for varnish or paint. It is advisable to take more expensive brushes, since hairs do not come out of them when working, and you will not have to carefully select them later.

Well, that's basically all. Although we can also include a drill or a hammer drill in this list, we will need them not for making a panel, but for attaching it to the wall.

Now that we have figured out the tool, it’s time to prepare the materials we need, and here we have a complete flight of fancy:

  • Branches of different thicknesses. It is important that the branches be as diverse as possible. The originality and appearance of our panel will directly depend on this.
  • As a basis for our panel we will need a sheet of thick cardboard or chipboard. In fact, it doesn’t matter what the backing is made of, since it will be completely hidden under the decorative layer.
  • Wooden slats with decorative carvings or baguette. We will need them to make the frame. If you have any ideas of your own for making it, feel free to use it. Originality is very interesting.

Advice! If you are using a sheet of chipboard as a backing and PVA as an adhesive, use the side of the sheet that does not have a glossy finish. This way the glue will adhere much better, and the decorative elements will not move off the base.

So, first of all we need to make a frame. It doesn’t matter what size your wooden wall panel is. It all depends on personal preference.

A miter box will help you cut the corner evenly. We simply put a strip in it and use a hacksaw to cut it along the tool stops. Thanks to the miter box, the corners will be smooth and the diagonal of the frame will be accurate.

Now lay the frame face down and apply glue to the joints. It will take quite a long time to dry, and the parts will have to be constantly held in place, so it is more convenient to use hot-melt adhesive, which hardens in just a few minutes after application.

When the frame is dry, inside We attach the backing to it. This can be done using construction stapler or small nails.

The foundation is ready, and it's time to take on the most important thing. And first of all, we need to cut nickels from branches different sizes. There is no need to strictly observe the thickness of the heel; the more varied they are, the more natural the panel will look.

First of all, we place the largest nickels on the canvas. They should not stand close to each other; it is advisable to place them in different parts canvases. Now we take smaller nickels and arrange them just as chaotically. Lastly come the smallest cuts, which completely fill all the voids on our canvas.

Look at the work of your hands from the outside. All good? Then you can start gluing them. We carefully take each patch and apply glue to it, after which we return it to its place.

After all the elements are glued, all that remains is to wait for the glue to dry, and as an additional decoration, you can apply a layer of transparent varnish to the entire composition, which will highlight all the nuances of the wood and make the picture glossy and shiny. That's all, our panel is ready, all that remains is to hang it on the wall and enjoy the result, while we move on to the next, no less interesting option.

Ikebana panel

Ikebana – japanese art creating artistic compositions from various plants. Strictly speaking, our panel cannot be called ikebana, since it implies a three-dimensional composition, and wall panel, this is a two-dimensional composition. But this is not so important, the main thing is that we will use tree branches as materials, and such a work looks very original.

So, we need a frame or baguette. We have already described its production in previous section, there will be nothing new here.

Any material can be used as a base, and it can be painted to give a certain style. We will not give any advice on this matter, as well as on the placement of branches in the composition.

It all depends entirely on your imagination, but there are several general advice and recommendations that must be followed when making such a wooden panel for the wall:

  • Be sure to cover the branches with paint or varnish. This way they will last much longer, and most importantly, they will not lose their appearance.
  • If you are using bark-covered branches in your arrangement, be sure to clear a small area where the glue will be applied.. This is necessary in order to ensure reliable adhesion to the surface and so that our work simply does not crumble.
  • If you decide to paint the substrate, do not use nitro paint for this.. It will quickly lose its color and the panel will peel off. A good option There will be car paint in aerosol cans.
  • Shoe nails can be used as fasteners instead of glue.. They themselves are very small, and when hammered in, their caps will not be visible.

Important! Under no circumstances should you work with spray paint indoors and without funds personal protection. It is best to go outside for this work, but if this is not possible, then at least put on a respirator and open all the windows in the house for ventilation.

As you can see, the process is very simple, but it is difficult to describe it in words, so we invite you to watch the video in this article, which shows instructions and a master class on making wooden wall panels.

And in conclusion

In fact, this is only a small part of what can be made from wood. Wooden wall panels can be so diverse that your imagination is not limited at all. And most importantly, don’t hold back. The more extravagant your work is, the better, the more soul invested in it will be felt, and this is the most important thing for any work of art.

By the way, do not forget to involve your child in this process. This will not only give you the opportunity to spend time doing something together, but will also help your child better feel the process of the birth of a work of art, and who knows, maybe one day he will become a famous artist, and it was you who started his journey.

Wall panels are an opportunity to create an individual interior by decorating walls using available materials. If we talk about panels as a product, then it is always an original, handmade work, which has a fairly high cost. Decorating an apartment with such fakes is not always relevant, because the product is selected according to the existing interior and if renovations are done, the panel becomes unnecessary, and it’s a pity for the money spent. But it’s a completely different matter when the panel is made independently. This makes it possible to choose the theme, size, texture, material, color, but at the same time the cost of money is minimal.

How to do it?

In fact, there is nothing difficult about making a panel yourself; no special skills or knowledge are required. The first thing that is necessary is to choose the place where it will be placed, choose a thematic direction and prepare necessary materials, which are most often found in any housewife.

A few important points

  • If the room is not large sizes, you should not use large panels, they will not look harmonious and will make the room visually smaller.
  • When the room is large and a bare wall is being decorated, you can use a large panel or several small ones of the same theme.
  • If the room is colorful and has plenty decorative elements, panels should be chosen in soothing colors, with a minimal combination of colors.
  • When using several panels on one wall, they need to be perfectly combined with each other, support the same theme, or be perfectly harmonized in color.

Made from improvised materials

Materials that are suitable for making panels are, as a rule, what is at hand. You don’t need to purchase anything special, and the technique is reminiscent of the handmade forgeries that many people made in schools.

Of course, stores offer a variety of products where they are used:

  • glass;
  • ceramics;
  • metal;
  • photo printing is used.

But our panels, which we will learn to make today, have nothing in common with decorated tiles and photo wallpapers. Unless they have one goal - to make everything beautiful and unique.

You can use:

  • threads;
  • fabrics;
  • buttons;
  • ear cancer;
  • flowers;
  • leaves;
  • cereals;
  • coffee beans.

You can consider the features of thematic products.

Panel on the wall in the kitchen

This is perhaps the only place where the use of food for decoration purposes will be completely justified. Appropriate here:

  • cereals;
  • grains;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

But, by the way, coffee beans - universal material and can be used in any premises. They are easy to work with, and during operation they do not lose their appearance and colors.

With their help, you can lay out any pictures, for example, a cup of coffee, which already matches the theme. You can cut out photographs of beautiful fruits and vegetables, complementing them with cereals.

Coffee beans are a universal material

New Year's panel

IN in this case The brighter the better. Such a picture should speak of celebration, fun and in a great mood. Here it is permissible to combine any materials and surrender completely to your imagination. And if you are invited to visit, a hand-made panel will be an excellent gift.

Suitable use:

  • spruce branches;
  • cones;
  • rowan berries.

As a background, you can use a New Year's picture, for example, printed on a printer, and decorate it. Snow-white snow can replace crumbled polystyrene foam, cotton wool and even semolina.


If a girl is into dancing, you can make a painting of a ballerina. This kind of work on a fake will definitely interest your child, so you can make a joint fake.

Macrame panel

When making such products, you need knowledge of weaving techniques. If you have made macrame, you can create incredible beautiful decor. The advantage of the products is that everything will depend on desire and imagination. They can be:

  • large;
  • small;
  • round;
  • square.

You can decorate them:

  • beads;
  • stones;
  • ribbons.

Material selection

Knowing about the main points, you can consider in more detail how to make panels using this or that material.

Made of wood

Additionally, you need wire, thin tree branches, and glue. Can be used for frame wooden planks, if you want a square or rectangular picture. For an oval or round frame, you can also use thick wire, and for decoration, wrap it tightly with thread.

For the background you can use plywood, white cardboard, burlap, or leave it empty. In the latter version, all elements are attached to each other and secured to the frame.


So that the tree has glossy surface, it is varnished.

Design ideas:

  • You can place spots on the branches that are attached with glue. To prevent the bottom from looking empty, you can fill it with the same blanks.
  • A composition of patches laid out in the shape of a flower will look beautiful if it large product you can use cones or dried flowers.
  • It could be a laid out heart or a star.

In order not to spoil the impression, it is better not to use synthetic materials in composition.

From fabric

The fabric is easy to work with, and its variety allows you to create amazing pictures. With its help you can create:

  • abstract drawings;
  • sew animals;
  • nature;
  • create whole pictures.

Fabric is a material that is easy to work with

  • Absolutely any fabric is suitable for work; the more different fabrics there are, the wider the choice when implementing ideas.
  • You will need threads, frames, cardboard, elements.
  • As in the previous version, you can make the frame yourself. The panels will look great without the use of frames.
  • You can choose any basis on which the picture will be created: thick cardboard, fiberboard or chipboard, plastic and other available materials. It needs to be covered with material and secured on the reverse side with glue or a stapler.


Don't throw away small pieces of fabric and shreds; they will be useful for future work.


1 It could be nature, flowers, trees. To make a tree or flower look alive, you should use the following technique. The trunk or stem is drawn on the fabric and cut out, glued to the canvas. The leaves are also cut out, but only one side is glued to the canvas. For a flower, you can first create a composition using a needle and thread, secure it, and then glue it.

2 Nowadays, many interiors use panels using one material, without any additional elements. The idea is as follows, for example, you have a living room where two or three primary colors are used in the interior: beige, orange, red. You need to choose a material with a pattern, where red flowers are painted on a delicate background. Or take a fabric with a red background with small beige flowers on it.

Ideally choose three different options fabrics. Next, take a base, a square or rectangular sheet of plywood and cover it with fabric. The sizes of plywood can be different, the main thing is that in the end they look harmonious.

3 Pictures look great, for this you need to choose a drawing as an example. Then cut out the parts and glue them onto the base. This is a bit of a time consuming process and it is better to start with simple drawings.


To add volume, you can place cotton wool under the fabric elements.

From photographs

The use of photographs to decorate apartments has been used for a long time and, probably, every family uses such a technique. And although it won’t be possible to surprise you with the material, the design method will definitely work.

  • Absolutely all photographs are suitable for this method.
  • Black and white photos look beautiful.
  • Additionally, you can use photos of nature and beautiful landscapes.

Design ideas:

Framework. Depending on what kind of panel is expected in the final result, you need to choose a frame. It can be made of cardboard, where only the front part of the frame is cut out of thick cardboard and glued to the photo; on thick cardboard, it can also be glued to the back, as a base. If the photo will be glued directly to the base, but a frame is not needed. You can use the fabric for the front of the photo as a frame.

A family tree looks very beautiful in the interior; it brings comfort and creates a special atmosphere. Making it is quite simple, you will need a base, you can work with cardboard, the main thing is to find the dimensions. It can be painted or wrapped in fabric. Then a tree trunk and branches are cut out of the same cardboard. Covered with paint, if something doesn't work out, problem areas easy to close. Then photos are attached.

On the same basis, you can place photos in a chaotic order, and empty seats decorate additional elements. To delimit the photo, you can use colored tape or thick thread.

Another original version, take a large frame and stretch the threads horizontally. Then use clothespins to attach the photo to them.


Photos of different sizes look beautiful, but geometry and accuracy should not be observed.

From paper

Paper is another convenient and available material, which is easy to work with.

Paper is another convenient and affordable material that is easy to work with

Design ideas:

Butterfly panels are widely used. For this purpose it is taken colored paper, and butterflies are cut out according to approximately one sketch. You can use one color or several, just in one color palette, for example, from soft pink to burgundy. Then butterflies are glued onto the base (cardboard, plywood) or directly onto the wall. It can be in the shape of a heart, with the lightest color at the bottom and ascending to the top. This could be a flying composition. Only the body needs to be glued; the wings should lag behind the surface.

You can create a composition of flowers. Here it is better to use soft paper; cardboard will be difficult to handle. We take a square sheet of paper, it needs to be folded like an accordion. Next, the accordion is folded in half and these edges are secured with glue or a stapler, the free ones are stretched and also fastened. To make the edges of the flower appear curly, cut the folded paper with an accordion at both ends.

It can be beautifully decorated with small beads, stones or beads.


If you have a panel of butterflies, you can place them additionally around the room!

From plaster

They can be called luxurious and elegant. Stucco molding from gypsum has always been valued, and now it is possible to make panels using gypsum yourself. Plaster can be purchased at any store, as well as forms for future compositions. But if you put in a little effort and time, you can do it without forms.

  • Masters who do this professionally use special devices. For homemade You can use any available means, pencil, spatula. That is, those objects that will be convenient for drawing.
  • You should start with the simplest forms to become familiar with the material.
  • Difficult works of art It’s unlikely to work, but once you master the basics, you can produce beautiful drawings.

Design ideas:

  • You can work with plaster directly on the wall, but then you need to have a perfectly flat surface.
  • Apply a little plaster so that it does not have time to dry. You can decorate flowers and patterns. If you draw well, you can create complex compositions.
  • The material itself is not bright, so you can decorate it with a bright frame and paints. In the latter case, you should not overdo it so that the material does not resemble plasticine.

To create, you can use any available means - pencil, spatula


In the first stages, you can simply get acquainted with the material to know how it behaves in work.

From threads

Using ordinary threads and nails, you can make a panel that will make you admire it. Such crafts belong to the art of string art and are popular all over the world. And on sale they are highly expensive.

  • It is better to use wood or plywood as a base.
  • In addition to multi-colored threads, you will need nails or pins; nails with beautiful heads will look beautiful.
  • A sketch of the future panel (drawing) is applied to paper. Next, it is applied to the base and secured. Nails are hammered along the contour of the pattern; the less they are hammered, the more voluminous the pattern will be.
  • Then the paper is torn off.
  • A thread is wound around the nails horizontally and vertically.


  • Flowers and stars. These can be three large flowers or several small ones. Flowers will look beautiful when used different color threads
  • It could be a big heart, a cat, a dog or a bear. Even the simplest drawing will look original and unusual.
  • You can make a drawing from several elements, but it will require patience and time.


When using thick threads, the consumption will be lower and the work will be done faster.

From beads, buttons

Such panels can be safely called bright and original jewelry. Beads are used in many fakes; thanks to the multi-colored palette and durable material, you can create incredible compositions.

  • To create such fakes, you can use beads separately, combine them with buttons or with other materials.
  • You can use fabric, polystyrene foam, wood, cardboard as a base.
  • The material is attached with glue.
  • Before creating a bead pattern, you need to draw an outline with a pencil and fill it in small areas. First, glue is applied with a brush, then covered with beads.

Ideas :

  • It is better to start artistic fakes with simple drawings, for example, flowers, trees, animal themes. Try making a butterfly; to do this, draw an outline and highlight areas where different colors will be used.
  • If the picture is large, you can use buttons, so the picture will be filled out faster, but will be no less beautiful.
  • When you have artistic talent, you can draw a picture and highlight some of its elements with beads.


It is better to hang a beaded panel on an empty wall so that it serves as a bright accent in the room.

From plaster, putty

This work is similar to gypsum, but if gypsum is used in small areas, then plaster is most often used as a material for large panels. This is not to say that this look is easy for beginners in this business, but with a little training, everything will definitely work out.

This way the panel is made directly on the wall; it is better to practice on some smooth surface.

Work technology:

  • The drawing is applied to a piece of paper, the following work is performed based on this sketch;
  • Then the drawing is transferred to the plaster;
  • According to the drawing, the form is applied layer by layer;
  • To smooth the sheet without damaging the shape, you need to cover this area with film and carefully adjust and smooth it;
  • To give the surface texture, you can use a brush with hard bristles;
  • When the pattern has formed, you need it to dry completely;
  • Further using sandpaper aligns zones;
  • You can paint the canvas.

The process is labor-intensive and requires patience, but the result is worth it.

From the traffic jam

The only difficulty in creating such a panel is finding a sufficient number of corks. If there are houses wine corks, then creating an original panel is not difficult. This material is easy to process, lightweight and comfortable.

  • They can serve as a background if cut into circles.
  • Attached with glue.
  • Combines well with natural materials.

Design ideas:

  • Corks are available in both delicate beige tones and rich brown. If you cut different corks, you can use them to lay out a design.
  • The cut circles can be painted with letters to form a phrase.
  • You can cut out figures from them, which are then attached to the base.

From disks

With the advent of flash drives, disks have faded into the background. Probably every family has these computer accessories. It’s very good that they have been preserved, because there are many ideas on how to make unique, luxurious panels from them.

Design ideas:

For families with children, it would be important to make “Smeshariki”, cartoon characters. To do this, cut out parts from colored paper or fabric (nose, eyes). Then they are glued to the disk using glue. The characters are applied to a base, which can be made of cardboard or thick fabric.

  • The discs are easily cut into different parts, which makes it possible to decorate panels with their help. In the light they shimmer and shine.
  • Another option is to cover the disc with paint; you can choose any background that will suit the interior. When the paint is dry, apply the pattern using a pencil. Next, along the contour of the drawing, a layer of paint is removed using a knife.
  • You can use a floppy disk as the basis of a panel. To do this, it can be decorated with paint or wrapped with thread.

From shells

If a family likes to relax on the seaside, shells are a must-have souvenir. Children love to collect them and replenish household supplies. But very rarely there is a use for them, so from year to year they lie and wait for their time. Now is the time when they can serve as the main element of a beautiful panel.

  • Before using the shells, they need to be washed and dried well.
  • To apply them to the base you will need glue.
  • Before work, for convenience, it is better to sort them by size.
  • To diversify the design, you can additionally use sand, pebbles, and beads.
  • You can add color using paints.
  • To make the surface of the shell glossy and shiny, it can be coated with colorless nail polish.


  • It could be a flower made of shells or a chaotic arrangement. Much depends on where the panel will be placed. You need to maintain a marine theme or create an overall picture.
  • Such elements will look beautiful on burlap, and simple branches tied with thread can serve as a frame.
  • You can take a marine theme as a background and decorate it with shells.
  • To create volume, shells are attached to the sidewall.

As you can see, any thing can be used. Here are some more examples of how to beautifully decorate a wall.

Decoupage panels

This option can be considered an update of old things. In this case, any canvas is taken as the basis. An old painting, wooden planks, iron or glass elements. The base is decorated using paints, beads, threads and other materials.

Most often, products do not require a frame. They are hung by a rope or simply on a hook. It is better to use natural materials for decoration. This can be several paintings that are connected to each other.

You can use one intended for photos or paintings as a frame. You can do it yourself if you have thin planks. For the background, the fabric with which the base is covered is most often used. Since the doll has a certain weight, the base must be reliable - wood or plywood.

As additional materials can be used:

  • ribbons;
  • bows;
  • beads;
  • buttons.

If you have time and desire, you can make dolls that resemble family members and create a family panel.


Now you can buy any Wall Clock. They have different shapes and sizes, color and texture. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to find a unique model; making it yourself is much easier. Such panels are convenient because you can choose all the parameters yourself. The only thing to consider is general rules for all products.

The topic can be completely different:

  • time of the year;
  • nature;
  • romance;
  • flowers;
  • abstraction;
  • patterns.

All that is required for the job is the selection of appropriate materials and a base. The base can be foam, wood or plywood. First of all, it needs to be prepared. You can decorate with paint or covered fabric. If you plan to use multi-colored elements, then the base should be chosen in a single color.

It is not necessary that the clock be located in the center. On the contrary, if they are located on the edge, this will significantly expand the possibilities and you can create a beautiful composition. Here you can use all the techniques presented above. If the watch has a voluminous glass and it looks rough in the overall picture, it should be removed.

As a rule, watches have their own background if they have already been purchased and the background does not match general interior, this problem is easy to solve. The watch can be easily disassembled, the main thing is not to damage the mechanism. The removed base can be painted or decorated with beads. You can use pieces of floppy disk that shimmer beautifully in the light.

With pockets

Such a panel will not only bring beauty, but also benefit. It is suitable for the kitchen, bathroom, children's room. Its main advantage is pockets in which you can put any accessories. You can make them in different sizes and shapes, and use as many pockets as you see fit.

This panel consists of a base to which pockets are sewn. A plank is attached to the top; it is better to use a wooden one. Depending on what accessories will be stored in the pockets, the base is selected. The heavier they are, the stronger the base should be. Plywood is perfect; it does not deform and will hold the shape of the panel perfectly.

Regarding fabric, there are no special frames, but it is also better to use thick fabric. Pockets can be of different sizes and placed randomly. You can use pieces of different fabrics, even if they differ in density.

Such panels are made from the pockets of old jeans and trousers, which looks very original. This product will perfectly complement the interior of the corridor.

You can decorate:

  • ribbons;
  • bows;
  • buttons;
  • stones.

If colored material is used, then its design is quite sufficient.

You should never give up, because the first successful job will bring positive emotions and pride in the work done.

Topic disclosure

Reliability of information

  • Availability
  • Saving money
  • Unique design
  • Time for crafts
  • Sometimes hard to find materials
  • Often, after an unsuccessful first time, work is suspended

Wanting to make their home not only stylish, but also cozy, everyone probably thinks about what decorative details should be added to it so that everything looks harmonious. A wall panel is one of these options. This is a picturesque piece of decorative art that will help fill your home. bright accents using a wide variety of materials. With our review we will demonstrate different ideas panels on the wall, as well as features of their stylistic design.

Mirror panel on the wall

Modern designers quite often use mirror surfaces. Moreover, sometimes these are the most unexpected decisions. A mirror panel on the wall is made not only from natural mirror, which is quite difficult to process. Now there are a lot of substitutes, for example, mirror wallpaper, film, wall tiles, “pseudo-mirrors” made of polycarbonate. They are in no way inferior in their effectiveness, but they make it possible to design a mirror panel on the wall (see photo below) of the most extraordinary shape.

Wood panel on the wall

For centuries, wood has been a raw material for the manufacture of many household items and decorations. This is a readily available material, yet easy to process and durable. A decorative wood panel on the wall can be made using any part of it. Photos show us original works made from dry branches, design big wall“nickels” of a trunk sawn across, as well as the presence, as a wall decoration, of practically an entire array. Wood panels on the wall must be processed so that various bugs do not appear, and dampness and temperature changes do not affect the material.

Glass panel on the wall

They will help fill the interior with wonderful highlights and bright accent points. various elements glass decor. If you have a photo frame lying around at home, it will allow you to create a glass panel for the wall. You can draw a picture on outside surface, then open it with varnish, or stick a design on the reverse side, placing it in a frame. It’s very good to arrange it this way work surface kitchens. By the way, this treatment of an apron in glass is called “skinali”. Frequent drawings on them are vegetables, fruits, landscapes, photographs of megacities.

Light panel on the wall

An LED garland will help you create a spectacular light panel on the wall. The main materials of the canvas can be cardboard or canvas. Apply any design you like (special stencils are available for sale). Carefully, with the help stationery knife, cut out. Then the canvas is attached to the frame, and a garland is placed on the back, which is also covered with plywood or thick cardboard, bringing the power cord out. A light panel on the wall will serve as an original night light in the evening, and during the day - an equally beautiful art decor.

3d wall panel

A new trend these days is three-dimensional images, which are often present when decorating: 3D wallpaper, tiles, curtains. Their price, of course, is an order of magnitude higher than the materials we are used to. More budget option will independent registration 3d panel on the wall. In the photo below you can see examples of this design: a voluminous clock, floating butterflies and a landscape painting made with plaster. “Soft” 3D panels on the wall and voluminous paper applications look beautiful.

Mosaic panel on the wall

The first mentions of the creation of mosaic paintings have been known since ancient times. Now this art is no less relevant. If you are interested in it, try, first, to create a small mosaic panel on the wall yourself, and then you can proceed to more complex work, decorating the interior with large luxurious drawings. The work is quite painstaking. The mosaic panel on the wall is laid on a degreased, cleaned surface using a binder primer. It is impossible to make small mosaic elements yourself - they are sold in special sets that contain everything you need. On your part, a painstaking, correct sequence of work is required.

New Year's wall panel made from scrap materials

When decorating the interior of an apartment for the New Year, in addition to a lush Christmas tree, it is worth decorating the empty walls. At the same time, the simplest household items are taken, creating three-dimensional compositions. A New Year's panel on the wall is often made from scrap materials blue tones, and to emphasize the “winteriness” of the holiday, they use artificial snow, cotton wool or foam balls.

Children's wall panel made of paper

To prevent your child’s room from looking uncomfortable and deserted, you can decorate children's panel on a paper wall. Involve your child in this work - together you will create the most interesting compositions. Perhaps these will be applications depicting various cute animals and fairy-tale creatures. It is not necessary to use stencils; come up with characters yourself. A branchy paper tree with voluminous flowers and foliage will perfectly complement the room, as the photo shows.

How to make a panel on the wall, following the style of the interior

When an apartment is decorated with strict adherence a certain style, the decor must certainly match it. To create a stylish wall panel yourself, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the main criteria inherent in a particular direction.

Wall panel in classic style

The classic direction involves a touch of luxury in any element of the interior. At the same time, there is aristocratic restraint. For example, a mirror panel on the wall. Modern technologies allow you to create a variety of effects on mirrors, including artificial “age-old” abrasions, which will give the canvas a particularly valuable look. The frames of paintings and compositions can be well decorated from figured baguettes with relief designs.

Wall panel in Provence style

The originality, grace, and comfort of ancient French country life can be complemented by a wall panel in the Provence style. Dishes will be a good material. Look at the photo where a luxurious composition was created using painted plates. The colors of landscapes, as if faded in the sun, combined with the lightness of the French character, plant motifs, and rough wood elements are appropriate here.

Wooden wall panel in eco style

Decorating a room in an eco-friendly manner involves using natural natural materials. Of course, wood takes first place here. A wooden wall panel in eco style can be “woven” from branches, preserving their original appearance, using varnish compounds or painted to match the color of the interior. One of the options shows a vertical panel on the wall in the form of a branched tree, obtained by sawing solid wood.

Art panel on the wall

The modern art deco direction is sophistication, flexibility of lines, alternation of contrasting colors, geometric figures, multifaceted lighting. Art panels on the wall can be decorated with glass, mirror surfaces, elegant compositions with additional lighting, as well as abstract paintings.

Options for wall panels in modern directions

Modernity dictates its own rules. Popular trends of minimalism and high-tech offer us to almost completely abandon decoration, but in an apartment, we still want to somehow diversify the empty space. Modern panels on the wall have a laconic appearance, but, nevertheless, are not devoid of originality. Just look at the “hi-tech” chessboard, decorating an office or an extraordinary minimalist mirror composition.

Panel on the wall of a loft interior

The stylish loft stands out sharply from other trends - it is simply impossible not to recognize it. Brick walls, bare concrete interior require additional details decor that will give a “lived-in” look. To decorate a panel on a loft wall, large meter-long canvases (often wooden) with various images are often used: social posters, symbols, works of contemporary artists, black and white photographs. The picture shows good design panel on the wall from a wooden pallet.
