Flower arrangement in boxes under the window. Flowers on the balcony: design, new ideas and photos. Pink and purple flowers in a box

New trends in the design of balconies and terraces appear every spring-summer season! I suggest you use these design ideas for landscaping your small indoor gardens with limited space.

Annuals are just the thing to decorate spaces like these. I offer you several options ready-made compositions to decorate your mini-gardens. Only flyers are used in these compositions.

By choosing a container with a length of 1 m and a width of 20 cm that matches the color (or several containers of shorter length), you will create a unique color for your balcony! All plants used in these ensembles are unpretentious and bloom throughout the summer season.

Composition with warm shades

So, in the first picture-scheme you see a composition of plants with flowers only warm shades- yellow, red and a little pink.

Order in the diagram: 1. pink verbena, 2. pelargonium “Skarlett” with orange-red flowers, 3. orange or yellow low-growing marigolds, 4. pelargonium zonalis pink-flowered, 5. calibrachoa “Deep Red” with bright red flowers, 6. kuphea 7. Nasturtium large 'Alaska' with green and white speckled leaves.

Flyers in orange and beige tones

In this composition of summer flowers in orange-beige tones with silver leaves you see:

Legend: 1. petunia with yellow flowers, 2. Cape daisy “Osteospermum” orange, 3. salmon petunia “Mirage” 2 pcs., 4. salmon pink pelargonium, 5. helychrysum or tsmin, 6. calibrachoa “Orange”.

Fragrance and romance

The next composition is very romantic and fragrant! Against the background of dark red daisies, the rest of the plants look even brighter.

The scheme for this composition is simple, concise and even symmetrical:

In the picture: 1. Cape daisy “Dark Purple” dark red, 2 copies, 2. pink verbena, 2 copies, 3. light pink verbena with white center, 2 copies, 4. chrysanthemum “Argyranthemum” pink variety“Crazy Daisy Pink”, 5. bacopa cordate, 2 copies, 6. ivy bud “Glechoma Hederacea”.

Sunny shades and lush greens

Another option for a composition of flowering plants for balconies and terraces. She's different sunny shades from pastel vanilla to bright orange combined with lush greenery! For this composition, take a box measuring 80 cm x 20 cm.

So, in the diagram for this composition you see:

Legend: 1. calamus, 2. annual light yellow chrysanthemum, 3. fragrant low-growing tobacco Nicki Mixed, 4. calibrachoa “Lemon”, 5. orange nemesia, 6. loosestrife.

Functional elegance and beauty

The following composition is not only elegant and beautiful, but also functional. Blooming climbing thunbergia tied with bamboo sticks or ordinary wooden slats, closes the balcony from the sun. A box of 100 cm x 20 cm was used for the composition.

Composition scheme:

In the diagram: 1. red hybrid carnation, 2 copies, 2. succession, 2 copies, 3. golden-yellow gatsaniya “Daybreak”, 2 copies, 4. winged thunbergia variety “Susi Gel mit Augen” yellow, 5. Nemesia red variety "Fire King".

Container mini kindergarten

For sunny balconies and terraces, a mini-garden grown in a container measuring 100 cm x 20 cm from plants with bright colors red-purple tones.

Scheme of this fiery pink and purple garden:

1. pink verbena, 2. pinnate bristle "Rubrum", 3. zonal pelargonium variety "Feuerriesse", 4. fragrant carmine-red tobacco, 5. black-red alternanthera.

Option for shady areas

AND last idea designing a small balcony garden is only suitable for balconies and terraces facing the northern shaded side, or located under the shade of trees.

Shade-tolerant flowering plants are used here - balsam, begonia in combination with plants with variegated leaf colors - coleus, ivy, periwinkle, heuchera.

The balcony, like any part of the apartment, needs design and attention. Turning this area into a warehouse is a bad idea, but making a garden or flower garden is a great idea! Flowers are an eco-friendly and joyful decoration for any space. Your imagination and a little knowledge will tell you how to decorate a balcony with flowers.

Choosing a location for a mini-garden

Balcony located on sunny side Perfect for all plants. Some will need a little shading, but this can be done by those flowers that need an abundance of sun. For everyone, it is necessary to optimize the watering regime - you need to water more often and more abundantly. As a result, you will get a beautiful landscape under the windows, shading and Fresh air, and the flowers have a lot of oxygen, sun and active growth.

How to decorate a balcony with flowers on the north side or located in a draft? In this case, home perennials placed closer to the wall of the house, flowering annuals are planted in pots and placed on the median line, climbing flowers will feel good on the parapet of the fence.

Pay attention so that the flower garden does not blend in with the color of the walls and is pleasing to the eye.. Against a red background brick wall white, green, yellow plants, but flowers with red leaves or flowers will become invisible. Correct the position of the background, fashion trend is a painted brick wall.

If changing color is not part of your plans, use plants with shading properties. color scheme. Good decision wall planters will serve. They can be hung, fixed directly to the wall, and by planting climbing plants in them, you will get a miniature vertical garden in front of the windows. It will look like the image below.

Annual plants:

Household perennial plants that live on the windowsills of our houses are loved, but they cannot always form a complete composition for a balcony garden. Sometimes it is even harmful to take them outside the apartment; a change in the microclimate can adversely affect its vital functions. The best option To organize a green area on a balcony or loggia, unpretentious annual plants appear. When choosing plants for planting, consider their need for sunlight. The loggia often receives less light, so for this room it is better to choose plants with a low sun requirement. You can reliably find out what a balcony with mature plants will look like by looking at the illustration on a bag of seeds.

The best option for organizing a green area on a balcony or loggia are unpretentious annual plants!

For shaded spaces:

  1. Begonia: has all the decorative qualities and is easy to care for. A large range of colors and a variety of varieties will make an open or closed space balcony Eden. Climbing plants will help add luxury to begonia compositions.

  1. Sweet peas: used for both hanging and border decoration. Annual plants peas have many shades of colors, look decorative and require little care.

  1. Anemones: unpretentious plants with amazing diversity. You will be surprised by the splendor of flowering and ease of care.

For solar:

  1. Petunia: the ideal resident limited space. The inflorescences are varied in shape, color and type. Climbing varieties are beautiful in hanging planters and complex compositions, the surface ones cover the pot with a beautiful head of flowers. You can decorate your balcony with your own hands only with the help of different varieties of petunias. By planting several varieties in one pot, you will get an explosion of color, brightness and emotion.

  1. Geranium: a long-time resident of our latitudes. Excellent propagation by cuttings. Lives in summer period outside, winters in pots on the windowsill. Has a pronounced decorative effect leaves, flowers, shapes. Blooms almost all year round.

  1. Pansies: The friendly appearance of these flowers will delight the whole season with a variety of colors and shapes.

  1. Nasturtium: takes root in any pot and blooms gratefully until the cold weather. There are regular and climbing varieties. It will enhance any unsightly corner or wall.

Boxes, flowerpots, pots for the balcony garden

Flower containers can be divided into:

  1. Traditional clay pots. The best option for flowers - root system breathes, excess moisture is absorbed into the walls, natural environment.

  1. Clay glazed pots with decoration. A very beautiful container, but the brightness of the colors and glossy shine suppress the beauty of the flowers.

  1. Cast concrete bowls. Suitable for large tuberous plants, which is not relevant for our latitudes. But they are suitable for planting compositions of several plants.

  1. Hanging flowerpots. Made from various materials from plastic to metal. Excellent for planting flowers and acting as a decorative component of balconies.

  1. Special flowerpots with fastening on the fence. There are several options from industrial to DIY. Small and large balconies are decorated with hanging flowerpots industrial production and made with your own hands

  1. Flower boxes for arrangements are made independently from scrap materials, or purchased in stores. Their materials are ceramics, plastic, wood. Often found decorative options in the form of wicker baskets, houses, animals.

You can decorate the external space of the apartment, balcony, loggia and window sills without any special financial costs. In most cases, inexpensive plastic pots are used for seasonal flowers; they do not have a bottom drain. It’s easy to make a hole for water drainage: heat it big nail on fire and attach to the bottom. Choose a plastic planter with a view to repeated use, so the side should be such that you can attach a hook for hanging. Decorating with fresh flowers in pots of loggias or external window sills is also convenient with the help of hanging flowerpots with abundant flowering plants.

You can decorate the external space of the apartment, balcony, loggia and window sills without any special financial costs!

Additional decoration of pots will help you decorate your balcony with your own hands natural materials: sisal, moss, bamboo sticks, flexible tree branches. Boxes different sizes Suitable for creating flower arrangements.

Stands, hanging holders, flower tables

To arrange all the flowers and compositions on the balcony, additional funds are needed.

Pay attention to the hanging flower holders. They are comfortable, decorate the walls, show all the beauty hanging plants. To understand what they look like, remember a standard birch tree with two stands under flower pots– this is the most prosaic, but still relevant option for hanging flowers on the wall. Multi-level shelves or shelves with one plane are suitable. Boxes made of wood and plastic are popular. It all depends on the amount of space on the wall or floor and the flowers that will live there.

Hanging flower holders are the most prosaic, but still relevant, option for hanging flowers on the wall!

Some pots can stand on the floor - important for tall plants near the wall. If the balcony is open, low growing plants can stand on the floor closer with a lattice fence, for compactness they can be placed in drawers. If the outer side of the fence is sewn up, then the plants require placement in other available ways.

Numerous options for flower stands provide a lot of possibilities for balcony design. From miniature single pot stands to multi-tiered tables to suit your needs. Tables and shelves can be replaced with painted boxes of different heights. They are presented to choose from in any construction or specialized florist store or from photos from catalogs of online portals. Lightweight, inconspicuous metal structures are suitable for flowers that grow throughout the season; literally a month after planting the begonia, the stand will not be visible, but the beauty of the flower can be admired without interference. If the balcony is small, use more external window sill and fencing.

If the balcony is small, use more external window sill and fencing.

You can hang flowers in separate pots or decorate the outer perimeter of the fence with them. Self-made pendants for compositions will be much more attractive - exclusivity is always in trend. Flowers in boxes made of wood or plywood will complement the composition. Before you start landscaping your property, take a closer look at photos and videos - materials on the topic so that your mini-garden becomes beautiful.

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A balcony beautifully decorated with flowers in our cities is still, unfortunately, the exception and not the rule. You can refer to the climatic features of most regions of the country. Or argue that the culture of flower decoration on balconies is unusual for us and that it is more common for us to grow on balconies green onions and other garden greens. That in the Soviet era, every citizen had to participate in the construction of a “garden city”, and not engage in petty-bourgeois cultivation of flowers on his personal balcony, and even for unknown purposes. And we turned this page in the history of the country just a quarter of a century ago. But how nice it is to lift your head and admire from the street the floral oases on the balconies of standard buildings! And rejoice that up there, someone not only decorated the balcony for themselves, but also gives this beauty to everyone around them.

Where to begin?

As in any business, floriculture has its own professional secrets. What flowers to choose for the flower garden? What composition should I create for the winter garden? What colors should you choose to decorate a south-facing balcony?

Start with landscaping the “balcony area”. It could be redecorating, which will be limited only to painting the railings and replacing the flooring. It will not be possible to paint the walls, so we advise you to choose flowers in shades that will not blend in with the color of the walls.

Then we advise you to decide how much area on the balcony you will allocate for flowers. Do you give everything to a flower garden or leave part of the area for household needs or a recreation area? Boxes secured with outside balcony fencing, we don’t take into account - they don’t take up space. Do you want to grow flowers just for yourself or will you try to decorate your balcony so that all passers-by can admire your successes?

Very important! Cannot exceed permissible load on balcony slab. You need to be especially careful when decorating flower beds on old balconies. Therefore, do not chase the number of pots and boxes with flowers, especially since, arranging them in large number, you will not be able to create a beautiful flower arrangement.

When you answer these questions for yourself, it will be the turn of geometry. Not a subject from the program high school, and the geometry of the arrangement of flower boxes, containers, pots and flowerpots. When decorating a balcony with flowers, we advise you to follow the well-known rules:

  • On large balconies you can safely combine all types of landscaping: horizontal, vertical and ceiling. Compositions that include large single flowers (lilies, camellias, peonies) look great. The lawn will decorate your flower garden, flooring from pebbles, decorative fountain or a pond, alpine slide, evergreen shrubs or special varieties fruit trees. In a word, create! On large balcony It is advisable to use all its elements: walls, fencing, floor.

  • On small balconies, horizontal landscaping is usually used. To do this, lightweight plastic containers are hung from outside balcony railing, heavier pots and boxes are placed along the walls and railings. Marigolds and Chinese carnations are excellent for this type of flower bed. Height low-growing varieties Marigolds are about 20 cm long; they stop blooming only with the arrival of frost. Chinese carnation feels good in flower beds on balconies. Chinese carnation usually grows up to 30 cm in height and blooms all summer. This requires pruning at the end of July. Frequent feeding is not required. Does not tolerate excess water in containers. Often horizontal gardening is combined with ceiling gardening, in which flowerpots are suspended from the ceiling of the balcony. Don't forget to provide easy access to flowers for watering and caring for them.

  • On small balconies, the emphasis is on vertical flower beds. Containers are placed against the wall, ropes are stretched to the ceiling, a “ladder” is mounted from slats, or mesh trellises are installed. Climbing along them, climbing plants will quickly turn your balcony into a paradise. Take kobeya, sweet peas, and beans for planting in a vertical flower garden. Of the climbing plants, girlish grapes look great.

To plant flowers, use all possibilities: boxes, pots, flowerpots. Containers are selected so that the flowers have enough space and soil.

Lightweight but durable plastic boxes are best used for placement on the outside of the balcony railing. It is recommended not to plant flowers in one long box - when watering, the weight of the structure will increase and the fastening may not be able to cope. In such cases, several relatively small boxes up to one meter long are used.

It is believed that plants “live” more comfortably in clay boxes, flowers can “breathe” in them, and moisture is retained longer. But such boxes have significant weight, and it is better to use them for floor placement.

Advice. Before using new clay boxes, place them in water for about two hours. This old way displacing air bubbles from the clay, which is done to give the box greater strength.

Buy only boxes with small holes in the bottom. This way, excess moisture will not accumulate in them.

The best option is to use boxes with pallets. “Excess” water will leave the box, accumulate on the tray and create a greenhouse effect in the sun. And it won't leak down. It’s unpleasant, after all, instead of words of admiration, to hear from passers-by, on whom water is dripping from your boxes, something offensive: “They hung it here!”

Great for flower gardens. They must be attached to the ceiling or from the inside of the balcony. Pots secured from the outside may be damaged by gusts of wind.

Feel free to buy durable boxes and pots in the most inexpressive colors. They must have the main quality - strength. You can decorate them with your own hands in any style you like.

It is very important to choose the right soil for flowers. The soil can be purchased at the store or made yourself. To do this, coarse sand, turf layer of earth and humus (peat) are used in equal proportions. A layer made of an elastic dishwashing napkin or a piece of rug is placed in the flower box, which can accumulate water and then gradually release it into the ground. Then we pour a layer of sand - this is a layer of peat, and on top of that we pour turf soil, from which the weeds have been removed.

The soil level should be a couple of centimeters below the edge of the box. If you poured too much soil, the water will wash it away when watering.

Important! Every year before planting flowers you need to remove upper layer and replace it with a fresh one. Fertilizers are applied only after replacing the top layer of soil. Try to use fertilizers long acting. Check with seed sellers for the order of applying fertilizer.

Choosing flowers

The most important part of preparing to create a flower garden. Immediately pay attention to the height of the plants - it is indicated on the packages. Otherwise, tall and powerful plants will “strangle” the weaker ones. There's nothing to be done, it's a struggle for survival.

Do not try to put many seeds in one box in the soil. When they grow up they will grow up, but frail and weak. In a meter box it is optimal to plant up to 10 flowers in two rows. True, you need to consider what kind of flowers you are planting. You can combine and plant one row of flowing ones, and choose taller plants for the second.

Considering the height of the flowers, we must not forget about the color combination. Excessive diversity of the flower garden will not decorate your balcony. Check out these possible combinations:

Pick up color combinations, which you like, without losing sight of the difference in the flowering time of plants. With time and experience, you will learn how to make flower arrangements that change throughout the season, such as tulips with crocuses and daffodils,

which are replaced by begonias.

After planting flowers in boxes and pots, do not rush to send them to the balcony in direct sunlight. Sunbathing Most flowers are not very fond of being accepted, in addition, you need to give them time to get stronger first. And for this purpose, let them stand in the shade for a while. And you should water the flowers early in the morning or after sunset, when the heat subsides.

Flowers for a balcony facing the sunny side

For a flower garden on a sunny balcony, sun-loving daisies are perfect,


They love the sun: purslane, morning glory, mignonette, heliotrope (the name speaks for itself!), sweet peas, and decorative beans.

Plant viola (Pansy) in early May

and daisies, and your flower garden on the balcony will delight you with early flowering.

Agapanthus africa

and Indian canna, planted in large beautiful pots, will decorate your flower garden on a sunny balcony.

Flowers for a shaded balcony

For a flower garden on a shaded balcony, choose fuchsia,




For flower beds on balconies located on upper floors, and where the wind is stronger, make a choice in favor of begonia, ageratum, low-growing marigolds, and sedum.

On small balconies mainly with vertical gardening we plant petunias,


ampere varieties of lobelia,

Tumbergia winged.

Plant an evergreen boxwood, and add ragwort (cineraria) or violets to it in the spring. Believe me, your composition will be original and very beautiful.

If you enjoy this experience, on next year try making a more complex composition:

Success will undoubtedly inspire you, and you will want to immediately develop it. This is when the stage of the “wise gardener” begins, who knows a sense of proportion and can restrain his impulses. First of all, for the benefit of the flowers and the entire flower garden. You have a small, but still a corner of wildlife on your balcony. And in nature, everything is arranged very intelligently, even though we often do not understand this and consider the existing rules according to which the strongest survive to be cruel. Therefore, be guided by a sense of proportion and do not rush to plant flowers on the entire balcony at once. And don’t be afraid of failures, they are inevitable in such a complex business as growing flowers. Failures will be forgotten, and the reward in the form of constant communication with flowers, your joy from this communication and the joy of your loved ones will always be with you. And it may well be that an absent-minded passer-by will accidentally raise his head, stop dead in his tracks, seeing your balcony, and say: “What a beauty!”

Today, more and more often, balconies are turning from a cluttered warehouse into a beautifully decorated space.

For example, winter Garden, balconies with flowering plants - this design option can increasingly be seen in high-rise buildings.

The flower garden is used to transform balconies.

Let's talk about landscaping balconies? What plants will decorate open balcony? How to decorate a balcony with flowers?

When starting landscaping, the first thing you need to do is clear the balcony space as much as possible, throwing out all the trash, removing canned food and food supplies for the winter, such as potatoes, onions and carrots.

The balcony can be either closed or open. So, in winter, nothing will grow on an unglazed balcony other than heaps of snow. If the balcony is glazed, then the air temperature is about five degrees Celsius, and therefore flowers such as chlorophytum and geranium will grow on such a balcony.

If the air temperature drops below five degrees Celsius, then you should pay attention to frost-resistant plants such as palm trees.

If your balcony is glazed, additionally insulated, and the air temperature does not drop below five degrees Celsius, then you can consider plants such as cyclamens for the balcony.

In the fall, you can buy heathers - shrubs with a lot of flowers that look beautiful even after drying.

If you are thinking about what flowers to plant on a balcony that is insulated and well heated, then it is important to remember that the main thing is to create a favorable climate for the flowers. So, flowers love humidity, excellent lighting, and do not tolerate drafts or temperature changes.

When setting up a real winter garden on your balcony, it is important to think about protecting the plants from direct sunlight.

Some flowers are still grown on a sunny balcony, because there are special types, perfectly tolerate open sun with proper care.

For an open sunny balcony it is better to choose:

Petunia, which pleases with the variety of colors and different varieties. It is better to give preference to small-flowered forms, because large leaves react poorly to the heat and the flowers lose their attractiveness.

The stems of petunias are very sticky, therefore, when growing these flowers on the balcony in boxes, you need to separate them from each other without loss after the wind. There is such a variety of petunias as “typhoon”, which is characterized by riotous flowering.

Geranium can be zonal, ivy-leaved. The second type will suffer on a windy balcony, but at the same time, both types tolerate the heat well.

Perfect purslane blooming flowers on the balcony where there is a lot of sun. The plant is ground-blooded, but looks great in a pot. How else can you decorate your balcony?

It is difficult to imagine a more “tenacious” plant. Purslane blooms from about mid-July until the end of September.

Purslane loves direct rays of the sun, so much so that in sunny weather it opens flowers, and after sunset the flower closes.

Phlox Drummond is a light-loving plant that tolerates drought well. When growing flowers on the balcony, it is important to monitor the looseness of the soil so that the roots do not rot.

Morning glory is a plant that pleases with new flowers every day. A flower blooms during the day, closes in the evening, but in the morning a completely different blossoming flower will delight the eye.

These flowers on the balcony grow with support, because in order to grow upward, you cannot do without it. Such flowers are used as a green screen, which protects the room from the sun.

The flower grows quickly, but in the fall the stems die, and therefore a new green screen has to be grown for the new season.

If you are thinking about what flowers to plant on the balcony to bloom, you should choose begonia and pretty daisies. To ensure flowers bloom until the end of autumn, you can plant asters and petunia.

When choosing colors for your balcony, you should take into account both the illumination of the balcony and the number of floors.

If the balcony is closed, that is, glazed, then it is clear that the floor does not play any role, but if it is open, then you need to remember that the higher the floor, the stronger the drafts on the balcony.

You can see in numerous photos of flowers on the balcony that low-growing plants such as daisies, begonias, and marigolds are planted on the upper floors.

Photo of flowers on a baklon

It is very simple to turn your balcony into a blooming and fragrant oasis. For this you can use and. In summer you can grow flowers and herbs on the loggia. You should know which species are most suitable for planting on the balcony before planting them in plastic balcony boxes. It is also important to pay attention to the rules for growing flowers and other ornamental plants on the loggia.

How to use balcony flower boxes correctly

Not only creative people who prefer to surround themselves with beauty seek to buy balcony boxes for growing flowers and ornamental plants. They are often purchased for very practical purposes. For example, in order to hide the defects of an unpresentable-looking loggia, at least in the summer. And greenery is often planted in balcony boxes by those who do not have a summer house or land plot under the garden.

In order for your ideas for organizing a beautiful green corner on the loggia to come true without problems or obstacles, you should remember a few simple rules:

  • If you plan to use the mounts for balcony boxes or planting an impromptu flower garden on an uninsulated loggia, then planting in containers should be done in the spring, when the climate is suitable. After all, some flowers and ornamental plants are afraid of frost.
  • Brackets for balcony boxes are strong and reliable structures, but they are best used in combination with plastic containers. After all, the soil and the flowers themselves significantly weigh down the structure. This means that a heavy box made of metal or ceramics may collapse.
  • Can be planted in balcony boxes different plants, for example, several types of flowers at once. But it is important to follow the rules of the neighborhood. Some cultures do not tolerate other colors nearby and do not combine well with each other. For example, dahlias, in principle, do not like neighbors. And lilies of the valley do not take root well in the same container and soil with violets, lilies of the valley and pansies. In a balcony flower box, proximity can be useful. For example, petunias and marigolds, nasturtium and fuchsias complement each other well both from an aesthetic point of view and in terms of growth and survival.
  • In order to enjoy the beautiful view of an impromptu flower bed on your balcony, be sure to pay attention to the fact that to create an ideal microclimate you need to use. This way you will reduce the risk of drying out or rotting the root system of flower crops and achieve excellent germination of the seed.

Particular attention should be paid to the soil in which you plant seeds or seedlings. It should be light and moisture-permeable. It is advisable not to take soil from your dacha and garden. It can be infected with bacteria and various diseases that are unpleasant for plants. For a balcony box, it is better to buy flowers ready for planting.

Choosing plants and flowers for balcony boxes

Creating a flower garden in a balcony box is a flight of fantasy and creativity in pure form. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular varieties of flower crops that are ideal for growing on a loggia.

The annual plant is ideal both for growing on a windowsill and for placing in a balcony box holder behind a railing. A plant with medium-sized flowers ranging from yellow to fiery orange. Large leaves and slightly curly stems allow nasturtium to be used in cascading compositions. But you can only plant these flowers. And they will look incredibly beautiful and noble. It is worth noting that nasturtium is unpretentious in care. Large seeds germinate relatively quickly. This plant can be planted in both sunny and shadow side. Suffer from excess or deficiency sun rays There will be no nasturtium in the balcony box.

The abundance of colors and shapes of petunias are the main reasons for the popular love of gardeners. This plant, in addition to everything, is unpretentious in care. But it is better to plant it in a plastic balcony box as seedlings. Petunia seeds should be sown in late February - mid-March. Then, already in June you will have a blooming flowerbed of multi-colored and incredibly beautiful inflorescences on your balcony. Additional lighting This plant is not required, it can grow in both shade and sun. Before sowing petunia in plastic balcony boxes, pay attention to the size of the seeds. Small grains should not be covered with soil. They should be sown on the surface. In order to sow evenly, you can use such a simple household item as a toothpick. With its help, you can easily move a small seed into a plastic container. In order to mark the place where the seed lies, almost invisible on the soil, you can stick another toothpick next to it. Petunia in a balcony box looks elegant and rich. With its help you can create beautiful flower arrangements.

Bright plants in red and yellow floral colors are well known to everyone. It is advisable to grow them on the balcony if the windows face the north and east. Marigolds do not like strong sun. On the south and west side, their leaves will burn. But if you own an apartment with a loggia on the sunny side, but still want to decorate it with marigolds, don’t despair. You can grow them in a balcony box on the windowsill. You just have to periodically remove it from the sun to the floor.

Fuchsia is small in size ornamental shrub. It is distinguished not only by the unusual shape of its flowers, which are easily comparable to the ancient architecture of China, but also by its abundant and unusually bright flowering. This plant will delight your eyes from late spring until the first frost. It is better to plant fuchsia in a balcony box white. Because it is important that its root system does not overheat. The plant is thermophilic, but does not tolerate the scorching sun. This, of course, should be taken into account when choosing a place to grow fuchsia. Please also note that the soil for planting these crops should be drained.

Morning glory comes in different varieties, but experienced gardeners recommend planting the ivy-shaped type of this plant on the balcony. A special advantage is that it is unpretentious. Morning glory is planted in a balcony flower box, which can be bought relatively inexpensively, in the middle - end of May. The decorative ivy-shaped flower grows quickly. In order to keep its stems intact, you should use a metal lattice, a special frame or regular twine. Sprouts will curl beautifully along them. Morning glory can be used to decorate an unpresentable-looking loggia. It can be used to create multi-tiered flower arrangements.

Roses in a balcony box (photo shown above), it is better to plant dwarf varieties. Ground cover species of these ornamental plants are also suitable for this. It is important to note that cutting roses is a rather labor-intensive process. Not every gardener will immediately be able to grow beautiful and noble plants. Therefore it is better. They can be planted in pots at home in mid-winter. And with the onset of warmth, transplant it into a plastic balcony box.

Balcony flower boxes with fastenings are ideal for growing begonias. Unpretentious plants They are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty and variety of colors and types. Sometimes the varieties of these plants are so different from each other that even an experienced gardener finds it extremely difficult to determine that it is a begonia in front of him. A successful and incredibly beautiful and noble combination will be flower composition from begonias and ivy, which can also be grown in a balcony box. Begonia care is simple. The main thing is that watering the plant is moderate and the lighting is bright. That is why it is better to grow them on the sunny side.

Lobelia is gentle and incredible beautiful flower. It is often compared to the wild forget-me-not because of its color and small size inflorescences. Lobelias can be planted in flowerpots or balcony flower boxes with fastenings. This plant looks extremely beautiful both in compositions, for example with petunias or fuchsias, and in solo performance. A lush cap of small flowers almost completely hides the leaves and blooms throughout the summer. Lobelia is sown in the same way as petunia on the surface of the soil. Since the seeds take a long time to germinate, this should be done in late February - early March. It is recommended to plant plants in balcony flower boxes with a tray at the end of May.

People often call this flower pansies. Unusual flowers look noble and original, thanks to the graceful shape of the inflorescence and non-standard shade options. A balcony box, making it yourself is time-consuming and irrational; for growing violas, it must have a tray. After all capricious plants It’s very easy to overwater, due to which they will simply die. Pansies are often planted in open ground. In this case, the seeds are sown before winter. To grow viola in a balcony box, this should be done in February - mid-March. By the way, the plants can bloom again next year if you leave them in a cool place over the winter.

Growing greens in a balcony box

Most often, balcony boxes in St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities are used exclusively for growing flowers. But some natural gardeners do not use them with the goal of transforming the loggia. They also grow plants that are useful, from the point of view of gardeners. A 100 cm balcony box, as well as plastic containers of other sizes, are used for growing greens. By the way, their special advantage in this matter is that they can be used to grow healthy and vitamin-rich plants on the windowsill all year round.

Not only the usual parsley, dill and green onions can be grown in plastic balcony boxes. They are also suitable for rarer greens, such as cilantro and basil. Root vegetables and vegetable crops You can also collect directly from the windowsill. At the same time, they will not lose at all in taste and benefits. Small varieties of tomatoes, radishes, chili peppers and even cucumbers can be grown in plastic containers. You can also plant them in useful herbs. In such conditions, you can stock up on lemon balm, thyme and chamomile.

With the help of balcony boxes, you can not only turn your loggia into a fragrant green corner and admire the beautiful and harmonious view of flowers throughout the summer. Grow greens, vegetables and healthy herbs right on the windowsill and enjoy the taste and benefits of organic products.
