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To prevent growing watermelon from becoming a waste of time, it is necessary not only to properly care for the plant, but also to carefully prepare its seeds for planting (as in open ground, and for seedlings for the greenhouse). In particular, it is extremely important to properly germinate watermelon seeds, which will help not only to activate the process of their growth, but also to increase their germination. Below is a detailed description of how to germinate watermelon seeds before planting in the ground or as seedlings in a greenhouse.

Preparing watermelon seeds before planting in the ground for seedlings

Experienced gardeners know that proper cultivation watermelon involves, first of all, quality training seed material. The main thing in this matter is the correctness and consistency of actions. So, before sowing seeds in the ground or for growing seedlings (in a greenhouse), it is necessary to do certain actions with the planting material that will help minimize the possibility of low seedlings:

  1. Choosing the right watermelon variety. Choosing a variety suitable for cultivation in your garden plot must be approached very carefully. If you do not have much experience in growing melons, it is better to choose hybrid varieties, which are known to have more quality characteristics Compared to the main watermelon varieties: they are distinguished by early ripening, resistance to the effects of many diseases and unfavorable climatic conditions.
  2. Seed calibration. At first glance, this procedure does not seem so important. But in fact, the germination of seeds and the development of young seedlings will largely depend on it. The fact is that larger seeds “inhibit” smaller ones and the latter, accordingly, develop rather slowly. If you divide the seeds into several groups (depending on size) and plant them in separate groups, the seedlings will be generous and friendly.
  3. Scarification of seeds. An optional procedure for preparing the material, which is still worth carrying out if growing watermelon seeds planned in fairly harsh conditions. The essence of the operation is to damage the outer seed coat, which will contribute to their faster germination.
  4. Warming up the seeds. But this procedure cannot be skipped when preparing watermelon seeds for planting. Warming is a kind of growth catalyst for them, activating all biochemical processes. The seeds are placed in a deep container and poured warm water(about 50 degrees). After half an hour, the water can be drained.
  5. Seed disinfection. And finally, final stage preparation – disinfection of material for sowing. For these purposes, potassium permanganate is most often used (the solution should be weak). The seeds are soaked in a pink solution for 15-20 minutes, after which they are thoroughly washed with water.

Advice. Some gardeners believe that disinfecting watermelon seeds is not such an important procedure. In fact, the seed should be treated: this will help minimize the possibility of infection of young seedlings or damage by pests (this does not apply to those seeds that were treated during the production process).

Germination of watermelon seeds: subtleties, features

After completing all the preparatory procedures, you can proceed directly to germinating watermelon seeds. It is advisable to keep the seeds, pre-treated and washed with water, for about 10-12 hours in a nutrient solution in order to saturate them with the microelements necessary for active growth.

Advice. After soaking the seed material in a growth stimulator, under no circumstances should it be washed: it is enough to dry it under natural conditions (in the sun).

Immediately before soaking watermelon seeds, soak them for 10 minutes hot water to slightly soften the dense upper layer peels. Make a small bag of gauze folded several times and place the seeds there, trying to maintain some distance between them. Place the gauze with the seeds in a shallow container. Be sure to wet the bag with water (but do not fill it). Place the container with the seeds in a warm, sunny room. Do not forget to periodically check the gauze by touch and, if necessary, moisten it with water.

You can cover the container with a transparent film: this will help optimize the environment in which the seeds are located and retain moisture for a longer period of time.

Watermelon seeds germinate quite slowly, and you will be able to detect the first sprouts that have hatched above the gauze only after a week.

Experienced gardeners note that the rate of germination of watermelon seeds can be affected by temperature regime the room in which this process is carried out. You can, for example, install a system that will gradually increase the temperature under the seed container. But whether this is necessary is up to you to decide.

These are all the subtleties that are worth remembering when preparing watermelon seeds for planting, in particular when germinating them. Good luck!

Growing watermelon from seeds: video

In the southern regions, watermelons are planted with seeds directly into the ground, and in middle lane This crop is grown through seedlings. In order for seedlings to appear faster, the seeds of watermelons and other melons need to be soaked and processed.

How to soak watermelon seeds?

Some people sow dry seeds in moist soil in seedling containers, but to speed up the germination process it is necessary to process and warm them. Experts advise warming up the seeds in warm rooms or near heating devices for 5-6 days, and the air temperature should be about 25-30°C. Using this technique, the germination of seeds and the energy of their germination are increased, the number of female flowers on plants increases, and the vines grow quickly and develop well.

You can speed up the germination of watermelon seeds by pre-soaking them in warm water. Seeds are poured into a canvas bag and then placed in warm water (heated to a maximum of 60°C) for 5 minutes. The heated seeds are removed and then left in a warm room. IN room conditions Watermelon seeds are kept for 2 days until sprouts appear. The sprouted (germinated) seeds are sown in heated soil, previously moistened.

In order for watermelon seedlings to be strong and resist diseases, even at the seed germination stage, they can be soaked in solutions of microelements (boron, manganese, molybdenum). You need to make a solution of 0.05% concentration. You can “feed” watermelon seeds with this solution for a maximum of 16 hours. Also, in order to avoid infection by fungal diseases during mass sowing, the seeds must be treated with TMTD (5 grams of the substance are consumed per kilogram of seeds).

Hatched watermelon seeds are sown in separate containers to a depth of 1.5 cm, then the soil is watered moderately. Seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse or on a ridge when 4-7 true leaves appear on it.

However, not everyone wants to tinker with watermelon seedlings, preferring to sow this crop immediately in heated soil or in a greenhouse. This should be done when there are definitely no frosts, since watermelon seedlings die even with mild frosts. When sowing without seedlings, watermelon seeds must be soaked, unless they have already been treated with fungicide solutions. The soaking technology is slightly different: first, the seeds are immersed in water heated to 60°C for 4 minutes, after which they are immediately immersed in a solution of Cytovit and Zircon (1 ampoule of each substance is dissolved in 2 liters of water). Watermelon seeds should swell, after which they can be sown in holes, laying out several pieces. When the sprouts grow a little, 1-2 strong plants are left, and the rest are cut off with scissors or a knife. Watermelons, the seeds of which have been treated with microelements and heating, grow much faster and produce a full harvest. All these procedures need to be done a couple of days before sowing seedlings or in the ground (greenhouse).

How to quickly germinate watermelon seeds

Watermelon seeds are full of biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals, which are especially valuable for human body. Whether it is healthy to eat such seeds is a controversial issue; on the one hand, they are a storehouse of useful elements, and on the other hand, they are harmful. However, it is clear that watermelons themselves are quite safe product with moderate consumption and no contraindications. The melon culture gives us very tasty fruits, watermelon pulp can easily quench your thirst, and you can make various desserts from the berries.

IN agriculture There are several options for growing watermelon. Attention is paid to seed germination, since seedlings from sprouted seeds grow faster, and the speed of obtaining seedlings plays a role decisive role in obtaining a harvest of watermelons in open ground.

Why is germination necessary?

It is clear that germinating watermelon seeds is a necessary measure, especially if melons are grown in the northern regions, where there is little heat and sun, so that the watermelons ripen well and acquire all their varietal qualities.

Due to bad weather late landing, prolonged germination of seeds in the ground may result in small fruits with a pale flesh color, unexpressed taste, lack of sweetness and juiciness.

Using the soaking method, you can get early shoots, because the dense seed shell always slows down the germination process. Consider a watermelon seed; the outside is covered with a hard shell, and it will take a lot of time for the sprout to break through such a “shell.” In the spring, with the arrival of warmth and the complete disappearance of frosts at night, time flies quickly; it is important for every gardener to sow seeds on time, especially if we're talking about about watermelons.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you have time to wait for watermelon seeds to sprout on their own in the soil?
  • Does the climate allow fruits to fully ripen when sowing unsprouted seeds directly?
  • Do you want to plant seeds in place of those that did not germinate and wait again?
  • Are you so confident in the seeds you are planting that you are ready to neglect germination?
  • Do you agree to be content with low seedlings?

You know the answers to these questions very well, and if you find that sowing watermelon seeds needs to be done only after germination, the following information is for you.

How to quickly germinate watermelons

In order to save the seed from the long process of pecking through the shell flaps, it is worth carrying out some manipulations with the seed material. To understand what watermelon seeds actually are, try opening one of them manually; we are sure that peeling watermelon seeds will not bring great fun, since the seeds are very dense on the outside. But the problem can be easily solved by adopting simple steps how to germinate watermelon seeds.

Watermelon Seed Sizing

After choosing a variety and purchasing seeds no earlier than the due date, you can begin calibration aimed at identifying seeds different sizes. The process is selection planting material by visible signs, separating small and large. There is no need to throw away small seeds; they can also be planted, but separately. It is not recommended to plant these groups together; large seeds may break through the shell earlier and begin to develop the sprout more actively, which will oppress those that are less strong.

Warming watermelon seeds

Melon crops are very responsive to heating the seeds; planting watermelon is no exception to this rule. Warm water or heating on a sunny windowsill is used. Once warmed up on the windowsill, the seeds are placed in one layer and left for 5-7 days. Warming up in water occurs much faster when the seed is kept at a temperature of +50 o C for 3-4 hours. So that the water does not have to be changed every now and then due to cooling, soaking in a thermos is recommended. It is important to ensure that the water temperature does not exceed +55 o C.

Impact high temperatures ensures the launch of all biochemical processes in seeds, an impulse for development, and activation of growth. Thus, germination is accelerated, and this is exactly what is needed when growing pumpkin crops.

Watermelon: seed germination

If you use this method, you can get a harvest of sweet fruits of your favorite variety 15-20 days earlier.

There is nothing unusual in how to germinate watermelon; the seeds of many crops are germinated in a similar way. To ensure that the seedling appears as early as possible, use a moist environment, for example, a cloth moistened with water. Seeds are placed between the layers of fabric, in such conditions, maintaining humidity, after a few days a sprout appears, which is immediately moved into the ground, but care is not stopped.

You can start growing watermelon (any variety) after soaking it in water or in a special solution. The solution promotes rapid disinfection of seeds and swelling of the skin. The use of potassium permanganate has shown high efficiency when disinfecting seeds, so you can use its solution by soaking watermelon seeds in it for literally 20 minutes.

However, not all seed can be soaked before planting. Manufacturers who process seeds themselves relieve gardeners from this action; it is worth remembering that treated seeds do not require an additional disinfectant. They also do not require fertilizing; the growth stimulator is already contained in their shell.

You can germinate a watermelon seed only in a humid environment, but even this does not always help the sprout to hatch quickly. To speed up germination, there is a method, the results of which many gardeners are satisfied with. It is convenient for those gardeners who plant a few seeds, since it requires cutting the nose of each seed. The edge of the grain itself is cut off quite a bit, and then planting in the ground or regular germination between layers of damp fabric is carried out. Of course, in industrial scale This is difficult to implement, and therefore the method is not used by farmers.

A week later, the seed pecks. It is worth noting that this requires warmth (from 20 to 30 degrees). Moisture constantly evaporates, so you can cover the container with the seeds with film exactly until the sprouts appear, and then remove the film.
