The best way to feed watermelons and melons. The technology of feeding melon and watermelon is one of the secrets of mastery. Mineral fertilizers for feeding melons

Watermelon and melon are berries that are loved not only by children, but also by adults. Today every gardener on his plot can grow them. At the same time, feeding watermelon and melon remains important. Today there are many fertilizer compositions available, and they can be purchased at finished form or do it yourself.

How to determine nutritional deficiencies

In order for a watermelon to please with high quality and taste, it is necessary that when it is grown in the soil there are the following elements:

In the video - feeding watermelons in open ground:

Mineral nutrition

When growing watermelons, it is necessary to add mineral compositions that contain the following elements:

  • Calcium;
  • Potassium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sulfur;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Nitrogen.

For getting high yield watermelons and melons should absorb these components in high concentrations. It is necessary to add mineral compounds to the soil for sowing. Depending on the growth phase, the melon crop needs nutritional components unevenly.

Very important Potassium plays a role in the nutrition of watermelons. If it is present in sufficient quantities, then the female flowers will bloom actively and stably, and the yield will also increase, and the plant itself will acquire stable immunity to diseases and pests. A sufficient amount of potassium in the soil will allow you to grow watermelon with an increased concentration of sugar and vitamin C. The crop requires magnesium and calcium from weeks 4 to 6, during the period of vegetative growth. But nitrogen will have to be added from 10 to 12 weeks. Here’s how seedlings are fertilized with nitrogen:

It is necessary to apply mineral compounds after rain or irrigation, and then the soil must be loosened.

All components of mineral nutrition for watermelons must be added to the soil when sowing planting material and planting plants in a greenhouse. Fertilizer is also applied directly under the roots.

The video shows the mineral nutrition of watermelons:

When growing watermelon and melon, it is necessary to add together organic matter and mineral compounds throughout the entire growing season, as well as solid and liquid fertilizers. But this information from the article will help you understand how it is used and how to apply it correctly.

Organic fertilizers

All organic fertilizers can be divided into two types: animal and plant. They contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and vitamins. All of them must be contributed in a certain quantity.

For watermelon and melon, humus is an excellent option. It is part of the soil that is formed in the process of rotting, decomposition of animal and plant debris. Chernozem also contains a high concentration of humus.

Among organic fertilizers for watermelon and melon you can use the following:

On video - organic fertilizers watermelons:

Fertilizer application scheme

It is worth adding organic matter in the fall when plowing the soil. It is best to use manure and peat manure compost for this. At the same time, it adds necessary mineral compounds. Here's how to do it compost heap, and how to properly use such a heap is indicated

For the full growth of watermelon and melon, it is worth using organic matter, and especially humus.

Growing watermelon in open ground or in a greenhouse requires only 3 feedings:

  1. The first time fertilizing is used 7 days after sowing the planting material or planting the seedlings.
  2. The second time you need to use fertilizers is 2 weeks after the first. Send 2 liters of solution containing fertilizers into the hole.
  3. Fertilize for the third time 12 days after the second.

You can also use diammofoska, ammonium nitrate, chicken manure, and humus infusion for fertilizing. All these components should be alternated. This is the only way to avoid excessive saturation of the soil with these substances.

The video shows how to apply fertilizer:

There are situations when melons require additional feeding. It is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the plant and its growth rate. But you shouldn’t fertilize more often than once every 7-12 days.

Like any other crop, watermelon needs fertilizer. Of course, preference should be given to organic compounds. But sometimes they do not contain enough useful components, so you will have to use mineral fertilizers. The main thing is not to overdo it with them. Otherwise, such care will have the opposite effect and it will be unrealistic to get a high yield.

To get tasty and high-quality watermelon fruits, you will need to make a lot of effort. At each stage of development, a crop needs a certain nutritional element, and if it is not added on time, not only the plant, but also the future harvest will suffer. Watermelon can be fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers, or it is better to combine them, which will ensure adequate nutrition for the plants.

How to Identify Nutrient Deficiencies

When growing watermelon, fertilizing is an important procedure. This crop can be fertilized with various compounds, which are easy to purchase either ready-made or to prepare with your own hands. In order for a berry to grow tasty and of high quality, when it is cultivated, the soil must contain certain elements, the deficiency of which can be determined by the condition of the plant:

  • Nitrogen. Since this element is involved in the process of photosynthesis, its deficiency manifests itself in the form of slow plant growth, the formation of thin and short shoots, small inflorescences, and leaves with a pale green color. In addition, yellowness of the veins appears on lower leaves, and then on the top ones.
  • Phosphorus. Despite the fact that this element is present in large quantities in chernozem, it is not found in the form in which plants need it, that is, they cannot absorb it. Melon crops require phosphorus throughout the entire growth period. If there is a deficiency of this element, the root system of the plants will be weak, the leaves will be small with a characteristic gray-green or bluish tint. The main leaves located near the shoot gradually turn yellow, and spots appear between the veins Brown. Then the upper leaves are affected. After drying, the leaf apparatus turns black. In addition to the fact that the growth of the plant slows down, the ovary also appears late, and new leaves are formed of small size.
  • Potassium. This element controls water balance. Its deficiency manifests itself in the form of plant wilting. If the plant lacks potassium during the fruiting period, the quality of the berries will be reduced. To compensate for the deficiency of this element in the soil, it is necessary to apply fertilizers containing potassium.
  • Calcium. Thanks to this element, vital activity is ensured cell membranes. The lack of the substance manifests itself in the form of barren flowers and the death of the ovaries. Fruits that lack calcium grow small and tasteless, and also have an underdeveloped end of the inflorescence.
  • Magnesium. The deficiency of this element manifests itself in regions with high humidity. A lack of substance is indicated by the yellowness of the leaves and brown spots between the veins.

Video: signs of lack of nutrients in plants

Mineral fertilizers for melons and melons

To achieve high yields of melons and melons, macroelements must be absorbed by plants in increased doses. Mineral fertilizers are applied to the ground during sowing. The introduction of one or another component depends on the phase of cultural development. One of important elements What provides watermelon nutrition is potassium. With a sufficient amount of this substance, flowering will be stable, productivity will increase, and plant resistance to pests and diseases will improve.

It is worth considering that mineral fertilizers are applied after the soil is moistened, i.e. after watering or rain, after which the soil must be loosened. If you add nutrients without prior moistening, then the effectiveness of their use approaches zero. To obtain a full harvest of melons and melons throughout the growing season, it is necessary to add both minerals and organic matter. Fertilizers can be in liquid or solid form. Let's take a closer look at what these or other nutritional elements are.


Quite common mineral fertilizers are urea (urea), ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate.


Urea is a popular nitrogen fertilizer that has a beneficial effect on plant development by accelerating the process of photosynthesis. However, excessive content of the substance in the soil contributes to the rapid development of green mass. As a result, the watermelon will grow leaves and shoots, and the number of flowers will be minimal. The harvest with large doses of urea will be characterized by an unusual color and deterioration in taste. The most popular mineral fertilizers among nitrogen fertilizers include urea.

Ammonium nitrate

A nitrogen-containing fertilizer such as ammonium nitrate consists of 34% nitrogen. It is not recommended to feed melons with this substance, since nitrates accumulate in the fruits, which negatively affect human health. However, if you look closely, increased doses of nitrates can be formed only when saltpeter is added in excess quantities. Based on this, we can say that adding saltpeter to watermelon in small quantities will not cause any harm to human health.

Ammonium sulfate differs from other nitrogen fertilizers in that it contains sulfur. The advantage of this fertilizer is its lower cost compared to urea and nitrate. In addition to melons, ammonium sulfate can be used for fruit bushes And vegetable crops. An important feature of this fertilizer is the fact that this substance is absolutely harmless to humans.
One of the nitrogen fertilizers that is used as mineral fertilizers is ammonium sulfate, which in addition to nitrogen also contains sulfur


One of necessary fertilizers for any plants, including melons, there are phosphate or more common for everyone - phosphate fertilizers (soluble phosphates). The most popular ones include ammophos and superphosphate.


Ammophos is light gray granules that contain 12% nitrogen and 52% phosphorus. Do not confuse ammophos with ammophos, since these are slightly different fertilizers. Ammophoska, in addition to nitrogen (12%) and phosphorus (15%), also contains potassium (15%) and sulfur (up to 14%).

Some gardeners are of the opinion that ammophos contains not enough nitrogen. However, it is worth considering that this composition is used primarily as a phosphorus feed. The application of fertilizer improves the development of the root system of plants, increases resistance to diseases and weather influences, improves productivity, makes the taste of fruits more delicate, and also has a positive effect on the safety of the harvested crop. Ammophos is especially relevant for arid regions where soils lack phosphorus.


Fertilizers such as superphosphate come in different types:

  • simple;
  • double;
  • granulated;
  • ammoniated.

Some compositions contain magnesium, molybdenum, boron and other elements. The amount of phosphorus in the fertilizer varies from 20 to 50%. The main advantage of superphosphate is that it is a water-soluble fertilizer. This allows the plant to quickly receive nutrition when using fertilizing in the form of an aqueous solution. Superphosphate is a water-soluble mineral fertilizer with a high phosphorus content (20–50%)


Since potassium plays an important role in the development of plants, its additional application will not be superfluous.

Potassium chloride

One of the most common potash fertilizers for melons and melons is potassium chloride. This substance increases the resistance of watermelon to adverse effects. environment and diseases, strengthens root system. Potassium chloride contains 65% potassium and chlorine, which is washed out of the soil by watering and precipitation over time. Potassium sulfate or potassium nitrate can be used as potassium feed for plants.

Organic watermelon nutrition

Organic fertilizers can be divided into substances of animal and plant origin. They contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. All these substances must be administered in appropriate doses.


Humus, grass infusion, vermicompost, and wood ash are most often used as plant fertilizers.


An excellent fertilizing option for melons is humus, which is part of the soil formed during the process of rotting plant and animal residues. The highest concentration of humus is found in chernozem soils. Rabbit droppings, horse and cow manure are used as such fertilizer.

Herbal infusion

A fairly simple and at the same time useful fertilizer is an infusion of herbs. Everyone in their own area fights weeds during the season by weeding. However, then it is not necessary to get rid of the herb by burning it - it can be used to prepare an infusion. Although such organic feeding will not replace humus, the complex use of fertilizers will allow you to obtain good harvest.

Video: universal fertilizer made from herbal infusion


It is worth mentioning vermicompost, because fertilizer prepared on the basis of this component is several times more nutritious than manure and rotted compost. Vermicompost is an organic fertilizer formed as a result of the processing of organic matter in the soil by California worms. After the processing process, organic excrement remains in the ground, suitable for absorption by plants. The advantage of vermicompost is the absence of pathogenic microflora and weed seeds. Fertilizer improves the taste of fruits and increases plant resistance to diseases.

Gardeners and gardeners widely use wood ash, which is a product from the combustion of wood, weeds, straw, and leaves. The ash contains components that ensure the normal development of plants. These include zinc, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, boron. With timely application of ash to the soil, plant resistance to pests increases, resistance to infections and the taste of the crop improves.
One of the available fertilizers is wood ash, which contains elements such as zinc, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, boron


Among organic fertilizers of animal origin, the most popular are manure, bird droppings, and mullein.


It can be said without exaggeration that manure is the most valuable and widespread organic fertilizer. Its composition may differ depending on the animal bedding used (sawdust, straw). It is generally accepted that the most best manure is one that uses straw bedding. Thanks to straw, the fertilizer receives a good structure, and during the decomposition of organic matter, useful elements are released. Depending on the degree of decomposition of manure, the quality of the fertilizer differs: the higher the degree of decomposition, the more high quality, since it is easier for plants to absorb nutrients.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that manure is not used fresh, but only when rotted. Otherwise, fertilizing with such fertilizer will negatively affect the immunity of plants, slow down their growth, and worsen their taste. In addition, fresh manure releases a considerable amount of heat at the beginning of its decomposition, which can simply destroy the plants. Plus, this fertilizer contains seeds weeds and eggs of pests, which, if released into the ground, will only cause harm.
Manure is a valuable organic fertilizer that is widely used to improve soil fertility

Bird droppings

Poultry droppings are no less popular, especially chicken droppings. The substance contains many useful elements, in particular magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The product is also characterized by rapid decomposition and active action. It must be taken into account that in pure form Manure should not be used, since the fertilizer is highly concentrated.

Careless use chicken manure may cause plant burns due to the presence of uric acid. Manure is usually used in the form of liquid nutrient solutions, diluted with water, added dry in the fall, and dug up in the spring. It can also be applied in the spring, but only in the form of well-ripened compost. Compost is biological and organic substances that have decomposed under the influence of microorganisms.

Video: feeding from chicken manure


Mullein is a fertilizer loved by many gardeners, used as a fertilizer and is an infusion of cow manure. The product is environmentally friendly. It contains large amounts of nitrogen, calcium, potassium and phosphorus, as well as a number of other useful elements. Mullein is a fermented mass, on the surface of which there are always small bubbles.
Mullein infusion is widely used for fertilizing various garden and vegetable crops.

Which is better: mineral fertilizers or organic matter?

Gardeners have different opinions regarding the use of fertilizers: some prefer only organic matter, others believe that without mineral fertilizers you cannot get a good harvest. What is the actual situation like? It’s worth taking a closer look at this point to understand which fertilizers are more preferable and why.

To begin with, it should be noted that organics are characterized by a longer action compared to mineral fertilizers. This is due to the slow decomposition of organic matter in the soil, which helps improve its structure, and humus accumulates. However, it is worth considering that frequent use of organic fertilizers will contribute to the accumulation of nitrates in plants. This is due to the nitrogen content in such fertilizers.

The advantages of mineral fertilizers include ease of use. Today you can purchase the necessary compounds for specific plants, but even such fertilizers are unable to solve the issue of soil fertility. In addition, some substances acidify the soil, so the use of minerals on acidic soils without liming will be useless. This is due to the fact that most vegetable and fruit crops prefer neutral, slightly acidic and slightly alkaline soils. Concerning acidic soils, then plants cannot absorb nutrients on them. So, to grow watermelon you need neutral soil, i.e. pH=7.

Organic fertilizers can be successfully used without chemical elements. If you use mineral fertilizers, sooner or later you will have to add compost to improve the soil structure. However, using only organic matter, it is unlikely to achieve high yields, which is due to the lack and incorrect balance of nutrients. Although organic fertilizers contain nitrogen, there is not enough of it in the required time frame. Therefore, fertilizing with minerals in the correct proportions has a positive effect on the growth, development and fruiting of crops. This suggests that organic matter and minerals complement each other and it is necessary to use both types of fertilizers.

Video: mineral or organic fertilizers

Feeding watermelon with folk remedies

Among all the variety of fertilizers, folk remedies are no less popular for fertilizing. These include yeast and ammonia.


For yeast feeding, regular baker's yeast is used. A nutrient solution based on this component performs the following functions:

  • increases soil fertility;
  • stimulates plant growth.

Fertility is improved due to the content of beneficial microorganisms in the yeast, and the root system develops several times faster with such fertilizing. As a result, a more powerful plant develops, which at the same time receives large quantity nutrients.
For watermelons, you can prepare a nutritious solution from ordinary yeast, which contains beneficial microorganisms

Ammonia or ammonia (ammonia) can sometimes help in the process of growing watermelons. Since the substance contains nitrogen compounds, when processed, plants receive the necessary substances for both shoots and leaves. However, the use of ammonia should be used only as a last resort, i.e. when the plant cannot be saved by other means.
Ammonia (ammonia) is often used to fertilize garden crops, since the substance contains nitrogenous compounds

Any plants on garden plot can be fed by root and foliar methods. Root feeding is the main way of introducing nutrients into the soil near the root system of a plant, which ensures its normal growth and development. The root method can be used to add both minerals and organic matter in liquid or solid form.

Liquid organic matter can be prepared from slurry, mullein, bird droppings, or wood ash. Such substances are applied during the period of active plant growth, i.e. in May - early June. In addition, liquid organic matter is used for slow growth and noticeable weakening of plants. Solid organic fertilizers, such as manure from farm animals, poultry and rabbit droppings, are placed in upper layer soil in autumn.

If preference is given to mineral fertilizers, then highly soluble substances should be used for root feeding. These include nitrophoska, urea, ammophos and others. Insoluble mineral fertilizers (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus) are applied to the soil in the fall. By spring, the earth will be fully saturated with these beneficial substances and plants will be able to absorb them normally.
Root feeding is the main way to add nutrients to the soil near the root system of a plant.

Foliar feeding of watermelon, which is also called foliar feeding (leaf feeding), is the application of nutrients through the leaves, rather than through the root system. The peculiarity and advantage of this method of fertilizing is that nutrients enter the plants faster compared to the root method. However, with the foliar method it is impossible to provide plants with a large amount of nutrition. Foliar feeding is most often used to apply microfertilizers in small quantities, i.e. it is additional to root feeding.

To distribute the nutrient solution over the stems and foliage of plants, spraying is used. It is best to perform this procedure in the morning or evening. IN daytime can be sprayed only in cloudy weather, which will allow the composition to linger on the leaves for a longer time. Regardless of the fertilizers used, organic or mineral, you need to be careful about the concentration of the solution. Too concentrated formulations, especially with nitrogen fertilizers, can burn the leaves. In spring spraying, i.e. when the foliage is young, weaker solutions should be used than when treating coarse foliage. Urea is most widely used for spraying: it can be used in higher concentrations compared to other nitrogen substances.
Foliar feeding is applied by spraying the stem and leaves of plants, which allows short time deliver beneficial elements to the plant

Fertilizer application scheme for watermelon

As the watermelon develops, feed the plant several times. Depending on the phase of crop development, certain fertilizers are applied. When sowing seeds, it is necessary to use a fertilized soil mixture consisting of soil and humus in a ratio of 1:3, as well as potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, 1 tbsp each. l.

Fertilizers for watermelon seedlings

When growing watermelon seedlings, it must be provided with nutrition so that the plants do not lack any element. During growth, seedlings need to be fed 1-2 times. One of the most suitable fertilizers for these purposes is bird droppings. To prepare a nutrient solution, the droppings are mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10, after which the plants are watered. In addition to droppings, you can also use mullein, the fertilizer from which is prepared in a similar way. If preference is given to mineral fertilizers, then it is best to use urea. Dilute the substance in accordance with the instructions. The listed fertilizers contain a large amount of nitrogen, which is necessary for plants to initial stage growth.

As for fertilizing directly, the seedlings are fertilized for the first time when two true leaves form, the second time - 2 weeks before planting in open ground or a greenhouse. Wood ash has a good effect on the development of seedlings. It can be applied in different ways: pour it under the root a small amount of or dilute 1 tbsp. ash in 10 liters of water and water the plants with a nutrient solution.
The first time watermelon seedlings are fed when two true leaves form, the second time - 2 weeks before planting. permanent place

Top dressing after planting in the ground

2 weeks after planting the seedlings in a permanent place, they are fed with ammonium nitrate. To prepare a solution, dilute 20 g of the drug in 10 liters of water and use 2 liters per plant. Instead of mineral fertilizers, you can also use organic ones: dilute mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:20) with water, add 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of calcium chloride to a bucket of the composition.

You can also provide plants with the necessary nutrition with an infusion based on green grass. The essence of preparing fertilizer is to fill a large container green grass followed by adding water and infusing for two weeks or more: the mixture should ferment. You can add wood ash or chicken droppings to the composition, thereby increasing the nutritional value of the solution. After fermentation, the resulting solution is diluted 1:10 with water and poured 1 liter per bush.

Resorting to folk remedies, after transplanting, watermelons can be fed with yeast. The use of this type of fertilizer allows plants to tolerate picking almost painlessly. Raw yeast is best suited for preparing fertilizers, but gardeners often use dry yeast. To prepare a nutrient solution from yeast, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Dissolve 100 g of the substance in 3 liters of water with the addition of a small amount of sugar (1 tsp).
  2. Leave the solution for 7 days, after which it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  3. 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each bush.

Video: feeding watermelon with herbal infusion after planting in the ground

Feeding before flowering

During the budding phase, watermelons also need to be fed. As food, you can use 4 g of calcium chloride and ammonium nitrate, as well as 6 g of superphosphate per plant. Fertilizers can be applied in dry form by watering before and after the fertilizing procedure.

Feeding during fruit set

During the ovary period, it is best to use complex fertilizers for melons to feed watermelons. If there are none, then feed the plants 2 times every 15 days. Used as a nutrient boric acid, which will give the fruits sweetness. To prepare a solution, 5 g of acid is diluted in 5 liters of water and foliar feeding is carried out. To perform potassium-magnesium fertilizing, you need to dissolve 2 tablets of Asparkam in 0.5 liters of water. The solution is also applied by foliar application.

When setting fruit, fertilizing can be done with the following fertilizer: superphosphate (10 g), potassium salt (35 g), ammonium sulfate (24 g), which are dissolved in 10 liters of water and watered at the roots of the plants, 2 liters per bush. Although superphosphate dissolves in water, it must first be filled with boiling water. Potassium in such feeding accelerates ripening, and phosphorus is responsible for the size of the fruit. However, it must be taken into account that an excess of phosphorus will lead to the formation of small fruits.
Proper and competent feeding of watermelons promotes uniform flowering and good fruit set

To provide watermelon throughout the growing season essential microelements, the plant is fed at intervals of 10–15 days with foliar fertilizers. You can, for example, use Uniflor-micro (2 tsp per 10 liters of water) or other preparations: Master, Terraflex, Kristallon, Novofert, Nutriflex. The substances are used in accordance with the instructions, which indicate the required dose and phases of application. If the plant has stopped growing, has small or yellowed leaves, a fragile stem, and no flowering, then it’s time to use an ammonia tincture. To prepare a nutrient solution, dilute 3 tbsp. l. substances per 10 liters of water. Then mix well and water the watermelon bushes, avoiding getting it on the leaves.

You need to understand that there is no universal scheme for feeding melons and any other crops. Much depends on the composition of the soil, the region of cultivation, and the condition of the plants, which must be constantly monitored and the necessary substances added in a timely manner. The main thing is not to overdo it. If mainly organic matter was added to the soil, it is necessary to introduce less nitrogen and more phosphorus fertilizers. If the soil, on the contrary, lacks humus, more nitrogen is required.

Video: feeding melons and melons with organic fertilizers

Despite the apparent difficulty, getting sweet and large fruits everyone can eat watermelon in their own way personal plot. To do this, you will need to follow the rules of agricultural technology and, paying attention to the condition of the plants, carry out the necessary fertilizing in a timely manner. After all proper nutrition at the right period of plant development is the key to a high-quality harvest.

In order for watermelons and melons to grow well and produce the desired harvest, it is necessary to provide them proper care. Care measures include regular feeding.

Watermelons and melons are grown in the southern regions of our country in industrial scale. However, these vegetables grow well in the climate of central Russia. To grow watermelons and melons in the northern regions, you should choose varieties that are adapted to these climatic conditions. Melons and watermelons are melon crops. The principle of feeding these vegetables is very similar to the principle.

These crops love a lot of organic matter in the soil. Therefore, fertilizing needs to be taken especially seriously. To grow, watermelons and melons, like all other plants, require the following substances - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. These needs must be met by feeding plants. There are two types of fertilizers - mineral and organic. Mineral ones, as a rule, are sold in stores for summer residents, and organic ones can be made with your own hands right on your site (compost, manure, humus).

Feeding scheme for watermelons and melons

Melons and watermelons are fed 5-7 times per season. It should be remembered that seedlings need to be planted in pre-fertilized soil; this does not count as fertilizing.

First feeding. The first feeding is done while growing seedlings on the windowsill. Feed immediately when the seedlings grow 2-3 leaves. A urea solution is best suited as a top dressing. It contains a lot of nitrogen, which is so necessary for plants during this growth period. To prepare the fertilizer, you need to take a tablespoon and mix it in 10 liters of water. Now you can water the seedlings.

Second feeding. The second feeding is done after the seedlings are planted in open ground. Feed after 5-6 true leaves appear. At this time, plants also need large amounts of nitrogen. You can feed with urea in the same way as during the first feeding. You can use a solution of cow dung. To prepare such a solution, you need to take a container and fill it halfway with manure, then fill it with water. In 2-3 days the feeding will be ready. To water the plants, you need to take 0.5 liters of the resulting liquid and mix it in 10 liters of water.

Subsequent feedings. Subsequent feeding is done with solutions of mullein, chicken manure, vermicompost, etc. Alternate such feedings every 7-14 days.

With this approach, watermelons and melons will grow well and produce a good harvest.

Foliar and yeast feeding of watermelons and melons

Watermelons and melons respond very well to foliar and yeast feeding. Foliar feeding They are prepared in the same way as regular ones, only they are sprayed onto the leaves of plants. Nutrients are very well absorbed through the leaves.

For information on preparing yeast nutrition, watch this video:

Growing watermelons and melons is a difficult but fascinating process. Planting and growing southern exotics in unconventional conditions is a real miracle, subject only to the passionate and caring hands of gardeners. Know biological features melons, be able to choose the right variety for planting, sow seeds, plant seedlings in a greenhouse and master the subsequent careful care of plants, resulting in delicious watermelon and melon fruit - all this is successfully done by Russian summer residents.

To obtain a high yield of watermelons and melons, it is necessary to fertilize the plants at least twice during the summer with slurry, bird droppings, etc.

The correct technology for feeding melons and melons in a greenhouse is one of the secrets of mastering their cultivation. Fertilizing is the introduction of missing nutrients at a certain period of plant development. To carry it out competently and grow a tasty fruit from seeds, you need to know the main features and growth conditions of melons.

Growth conditions.

Watermelon and melon - annual plants with male and female flowers on the same plant. Female flowers with an ovary form branched stems, which in the greenhouse rise along the trellis, clinging with tendrils.

Melon crops are capricious; light and warmth are an indispensable condition for them. To grow plants in middle lane Russia, they are sowed using seedlings, which need to be planted in a greenhouse, maintaining high temperature air (25-30 degrees during the day, 17 degrees at night) and its optimal humidity(60-70%). The soil in the greenhouse should be fertile, drainage, with a root layer depth of 30 cm.

Protecting crops and seedlings from spring frosts, pinching plants in time when forming a bush and feeding them properly - this is the “secret” care necessary for watermelon and melon.

Mineral nutrition.

The nutritional elements of melons and watermelons included in the soil in the greenhouse are potassium, calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus. To ensure high productivity, watermelon and melon must consume these elements in large quantities, which is facilitated by timely mineral and organic fertilizers applied to the soil for sowing. Depending on the growth phase, melons consume nutrients unevenly.

Potassium is of greatest importance in plant nutrition: if there is enough of it in the soil, female flowers They bloom actively and stably, productivity increases, melon and watermelon become resistant to diseases, the fruit contains a lot of sugars and ascorbic acid and ripens faster. Plant consumption of magnesium and calcium increases from 4 to 6 weeks (vegetative growth), nitrogen - from 10 to 12 weeks of planting seedlings (fruit formation). Feeding is necessary and effective during these periods.

Fertilizing is done after rain or after watering, and after this the soil is loosened.

Nutrition elements for watermelons and melons are delivered locally to the ground when seeds are sown and seedlings are planted in a greenhouse, or directly under the roots of growing melons.

The technology for growing melon and watermelon in a greenhouse (sowing, planting seedlings, forming a bush) involves the combined use of fertilizers: mineral and organic, solid and liquid.

Organic fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers are of animal and plant origin. All of them contain nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, trace elements and vitamins in an accessible form for plants.

For melon and watermelon, humus will be the most the best option Fertilizers are part of the soil formed due to the rotting and decomposition of animal and plant residues. Chernozem contains the most humus.

Among animal fertilizers for melons and melons, manure (mullein, bird droppings) occupies a leading place. You just need to use manure in a rotted form, otherwise it will weaken the plant’s resistance to disease, delay the growing season, and make the fruit less tasty.

A concentrated solution of humus and manure must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1/5, and must be applied with plenty of watering so that the watermelon or melon fruit does not accumulate nitrates harmful to the body.

Herbal infusion in feeding melons and watermelons alternates with solutions of humus and manure. It contains microorganisms; when watered, it deoxidizes the soil and destroys its harmful microflora. To prepare an herbal infusion, you can use any herbs.

A small amount of wood ash is added to alternating infusions; it makes the fruit of watermelon and melon sweet.

Mineral fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers contain various mineral salts - nutrients for plants. They are divided into simple (unilateral) and complex (multilateral). Simple fertilizers consist of any one nutrient element: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. Complex ones contain several basic nutrients.

Of simple mineral fertilizers, superphosphate (40-50 g), ammonium nitrate (10-15 g) and potassium chloride (25-30 g) are added with each root feeding of melon and watermelon. They are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Complex fertilizers are also used.

Feeding scheme.

** In mid-April, after treating the seeds with potassium permanganate, they are sown in pots with soil mixture the following composition: 1 part earth, 3 parts humus, 3 tbsp. spoons of phosphorus mineral fertilizer, 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium mineral fertilizer, 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrogen mineral fertilizer.
** Seedlings of melons and watermelons grow in 31-35 days, care is as follows: water warm water and carry out two feedings with complex mineral fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out when the seedlings have formed 2-3 true leaves, the second - 5-7 days after the first.
** In mid-May, when 4-5 true leaves have formed, it is time to plant the seedlings in the greenhouse. In the greenhouse, organic fertilizers (compost or humus) are added to the formed holes, and seedlings must be planted in them at a shallow depth.
** After 7-10 days, each hole with seedlings should be carefully watered with two liters of warm water with nitrogen fertilizers (20 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water).
** At intervals of 1-2 weeks, carry out two feedings, alternating infusions of humus, mullein, chicken droppings, herbal infusion, adding wood ash.

The feeding scheme is averaged. Carefully monitor the growth state of your plants, determining when they have enough nutrition and when not, because it is also important not to overdo it with fertilizing.

We wish your watermelons and melons to grow tasty and healthy!


Cultivation of melons and melons has been practiced in the southern arid regions of the country since centuries. Although watermelons and melons will soon grow successfully in central Russia, they remain exotic for this area. And the ability to do for them suitable conditions is considered an indicator of the highest skill of gardeners and gardeners.

Root and leaf feeding of watermelons in greenhouses and open ground with green fertilizer from nettles

Depending on the varieties of watermelons and melons, as well as on climatic conditions, these crops need from 70 to 130 days to ripen. For good seed germination, the air temperature must rise to at least 15-17 degrees. During active plant growth, the temperature should be kept at 25-30 degrees. In order to comply with these important conditions for growing watermelons and melons, it is necessary to use the seedling method of planting and provide the plants with protection from frost, and also know how to care for the plants and how to feed the melons and watermelons.


When growing these crops in a greenhouse, it is necessary to attract insects because both watermelons and melons are pollinated plants. To do this, it is necessary to spray the plants with sugar syrup. If the weather is cloudy for a long time, you will have to pollinate the plants manually.

To water these crops, the water must be heated to a warm state. Although watermelons and melons tolerate drought well, they need to be watered generously if you want a rich and tasty harvest. One plant will require from 3 to 7 liters of water. This watering should be done approximately once a week. With all this, it is very important not to wet the root collar. This is especially important for melon. This can be achieved if, during planting, each plant is stirred into a small tubercle, around each you need to dig a groove, which will be used for watering. Please note that watering a melon requires 2 times more water than watering a watermelon. With all this, the amount of water for each individual bush is determined depending on the size of the fruit on it: the larger the fruit, the more moisture it requires. Optimal time for watering crops - the middle of the day. Try to water them so that no water gets on the leaves. These plants do not like irrigation.

How to feed watermelons and melons. Preparation of R-K fertilizer
